Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to csti consulting * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * Copyright (c) 2006-Aug 24, 2010 Consultation CS-TI inc. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package com.salesmanager.core.module.impl.integration.shipping; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.axis.types.NonNegativeInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.salesmanager.core.constants.Constants; import com.salesmanager.core.constants.ShippingConstants; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.customer.Customer; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.merchant.MerchantConfiguration; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.merchant.MerchantStore; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.reference.CoreModuleService; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.reference.Country; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.reference.Zone; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.shipping.PackageDetail; import com.salesmanager.core.entity.shipping.ShippingOption; import com.salesmanager.core.service.ServiceFactory; import com.salesmanager.core.service.cache.RefCache; import com.salesmanager.core.service.common.model.IntegrationKeys; import com.salesmanager.core.service.common.model.IntegrationProperties; import com.salesmanager.core.service.merchant.ConfigurationResponse; import com.salesmanager.core.service.shipping.ShippingService; import com.salesmanager.core.util.CountryUtil; import com.salesmanager.core.util.CurrencyUtil; import com.salesmanager.core.util.DateUtil; import com.salesmanager.core.util.LanguageUtil; import com.salesmanager.core.util.LogMerchantUtil; public class FedexRequestQuotesImpl { private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FedexRequestQuotesImpl.class); private ServiceType getServiceType(String serviceTypeId) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(serviceTypeId)) { log.warn("ServiceType is blank or null, will return standard overnight"); return ServiceType.STANDARD_OVERNIGHT; } ServiceType sType = null; if (serviceTypeId.equals("STANDARD_OVERNIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.STANDARD_OVERNIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_1_DAY_FREIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_2_DAY_FREIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_3_DAY_FREIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_2_DAY")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_2_DAY; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_EXPRESS_SAVER; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FEDEX_GROUND")) { sType = ServiceType.FEDEX_GROUND; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("FIRST_OVERNIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.FIRST_OVERNIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY")) { sType = ServiceType.GROUND_HOME_DELIVERY; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY")) { sType = ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY_FREIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("INTERNATIONAL_FIRST")) { sType = ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_FIRST; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY")) { sType = ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY_FREIGHT; } else if (serviceTypeId.equals("PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT")) { sType = ServiceType.PRIORITY_OVERNIGHT; } else { sType = ServiceType.STANDARD_OVERNIGHT; } return sType; } /** * Needs to be updated for any changes made to & * * * @param optionId * @return */ private PackagingType getPackagingType(String optionId) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(optionId)) { log.warn("PackageOption is blank or null, will return YourPackaging"); return PackagingType.YOUR_PACKAGING; } PackagingType pType = null; if (optionId.equals("1")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_TUBE; } else if (optionId.equals("2")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_10KG_BOX; } else if (optionId.equals("3")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_25KG_BOX; } else if (optionId.equals("4")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_BOX; } else if (optionId.equals("5")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_PAK; } else if (optionId.equals("6")) { pType = PackagingType.FEDEX_ENVELOPE; } else if (optionId.equals("7")) { pType = PackagingType.YOUR_PACKAGING; } else { pType = PackagingType.YOUR_PACKAGING; } return pType; } public Collection<ShippingOption> getQuote(String carrier, String deliveryType, String module, Collection<PackageDetail> packages, BigDecimal orderTotal, ConfigurationResponse vo, MerchantStore store, Customer customer, Locale locale) throws Exception { // Build a RateRequest request object boolean getAllRatesFlag = true; // set to true to get the rates for // different service types RateRequest request = new RateRequest(); request.setClientDetail(createClientDetail(module, vo)); request.setWebAuthenticationDetail(createWebAuthenticationDetail(module, vo)); Collection returnColl = null; int icountry = store.getCountry(); String country = CountryUtil.getCountryIsoCodeById(icountry); IntegrationProperties props = (IntegrationProperties) vo.getConfiguration(module + "-properties"); ShippingService sservice = (ShippingService) ServiceFactory.getService(ServiceFactory.ShippingService); CoreModuleService cms = sservice.getRealTimeQuoteShippingService(country, module); /** Details on whit RT quote information to display **/ MerchantConfiguration rtdetails = vo .getMerchantConfiguration(ShippingConstants.MODULE_SHIPPING_DISPLAY_REALTIME_QUOTES); int displayQuoteDeliveryTime = ShippingConstants.NO_DISPLAY_RT_QUOTE_TIME; if (rtdetails != null) { if (!StringUtils.isBlank(rtdetails.getConfigurationValue1())) {// display // or // not // quotes try { displayQuoteDeliveryTime = Integer.parseInt(rtdetails.getConfigurationValue1()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Display quote is not an integer value [" + rtdetails.getConfigurationValue1() + "]"); } } } /**/ if (cms == null) { // throw new // Exception("Central integration services not configured for " + // PaymentConstants.PAYMENT_PSIGATENAME + " and country id " + // origincountryid); log.error("CoreModuleService not configured for " + carrier + " and country id " + icountry); return null; } String host = cms.getCoreModuleServiceProdDomain(); String protocol = cms.getCoreModuleServiceProdProtocol(); String port = cms.getCoreModuleServiceProdPort(); String url = cms.getCoreModuleServiceProdEnv(); if (props.getProperties1().equals(String.valueOf(ShippingConstants.TEST_ENVIRONMENT))) { host = cms.getCoreModuleServiceDevDomain(); protocol = cms.getCoreModuleServiceDevProtocol(); port = cms.getCoreModuleServiceDevPort(); url = cms.getCoreModuleServiceDevEnv(); } // TransactionDetail transactionDetail = new TransactionDetail(); transactionDetail.setCustomerTransactionId("Shopizer salesmanager"); // The // client // will // get // the // same // value // back // in // the // response request.setTransactionDetail(transactionDetail); // VersionId versionId = new VersionId("crs", 5, 0, 0); request.setVersion(versionId); // RequestedShipment requestedShipment = new RequestedShipment(); requestedShipment.setShipTimestamp(Calendar.getInstance()); requestedShipment.setDropoffType(DropoffType.REGULAR_PICKUP); MerchantConfiguration packageServices = vo .getMerchantConfiguration(module + "-" + ShippingConstants.MODULE_SHIPPING_RT_PKG_DOM_INT); String packageOption = packageServices.getConfigurationValue(); PackagingType pType = getPackagingType(packageOption); if (deliveryType != null) { // requestedShipment.setServiceType(sType); ServiceType sType = getServiceType(deliveryType); } // if (! getAllRatesFlag) { // requestedShipment.setServiceType(ServiceType.INTERNATIONAL_PRIORITY); // requestedShipment.setServiceType(sType); requestedShipment.setPackagingType(pType); // } // Map countriesMap = (Map) RefCache .getAllcountriesmap(LanguageUtil.getLanguageNumberCode(locale.getLanguage())); Country c = (Country) countriesMap.get(store.getCountry()); Map zonesMap = (Map) RefCache.getAllZonesmap(LanguageUtil.getLanguageNumberCode(locale.getLanguage())); // Zone z = CountryUtil.getZoneCodeByName(store.getZone(), // LanguageUtil.getLanguageNumberCode(locale.getCountry())); Zone zone = (Zone) zonesMap.get(Integer.parseInt(store.getZone())); String zoneName = null; if (zone == null) { zoneName = "N/A"; } else { zoneName = zone.getZoneCode(); } /* * String originZone = zoneName; if(originZone.endsWith("QC")) { * originZone = "PQ"; } */ // origin Party shipper = new Party(); Address shipperAddress = new Address(); // Origin information shipperAddress.setStreetLines(new String[] { store.getStoreaddress() }); shipperAddress.setCity(store.getStorecity()); shipperAddress.setStateOrProvinceCode(zoneName); shipperAddress .setPostalCode(com.salesmanager.core.util.ShippingUtil.trimPostalCode(store.getStorepostalcode())); shipperAddress.setCountryCode(c.getCountryIsoCode2()); shipper.setAddress(shipperAddress); requestedShipment.setShipper(shipper); Zone customerZone = (Zone) zonesMap.get(customer.getCustomerZoneId()); Country customerCountry = (Country) countriesMap.get(customer.getCustomerCountryId()); String customerZoneName = null; if (zone == null) { customerZoneName = "N/A"; } else { customerZoneName = customerZone.getZoneCode(); } /* * String destZone = customerZoneName; if(destZone.endsWith("QC")) { * destZone = "PQ"; } */ // destination Party recipient = new Party(); Address recipientAddress = new Address(); // Destination information recipientAddress.setStreetLines(new String[] { customer.getCustomerStreetAddress() }); recipientAddress.setCity(customer.getCustomerCity()); recipientAddress.setStateOrProvinceCode(customerZoneName); recipientAddress.setPostalCode( com.salesmanager.core.util.ShippingUtil.trimPostalCode(customer.getCustomerPostalCode())); recipientAddress.setCountryCode(customerCountry.getCountryIsoCode2()); recipient.setAddress(recipientAddress); requestedShipment.setRecipient(recipient); // Payment shippingChargesPayment = new Payment(); shippingChargesPayment.setPaymentType(PaymentType.SENDER); requestedShipment.setShippingChargesPayment(shippingChargesPayment); // build packages RequestedPackage[] rpArray = new RequestedPackage[packages.size()]; Iterator packagesIterator = packages.iterator(); int i = 0; while (packagesIterator.hasNext()) { PackageDetail detail = (PackageDetail); RequestedPackage rp = new RequestedPackage(); Weight w = null; if (store.getWeightunitcode().equals(Constants.LB_WEIGHT_UNIT)) { w = new Weight(WeightUnits.LB, new BigDecimal(detail.getShippingWeight())); } else { w = new Weight(WeightUnits.KG, new BigDecimal(detail.getShippingWeight())); } Dimensions d = null; BigDecimal h = new BigDecimal(detail.getShippingHeight()); h.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP); int ih = h.intValue(); BigDecimal sw = new BigDecimal(detail.getShippingWeight()); sw.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP); int isw = sw.intValue(); BigDecimal sw2 = new BigDecimal(detail.getShippingWidth()); sw2.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_UP); int isw2 = sw2.intValue(); if (store.getSeizeunitcode().equals(Constants.INCH_SIZE_UNIT)) { d = new Dimensions(new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(ih)), new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(isw)), new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(isw2)), LinearUnits.IN); } else { d = new Dimensions(new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(ih)), new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(isw)), new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(isw2)), LinearUnits.CM); } rp.setWeight(w); // insurance // rp.setInsuredValue(new Money(store.getCurrency(), new // BigDecimal("100.00"))); // rp.setDimensions(d); PackageSpecialServicesRequested pssr = new PackageSpecialServicesRequested(); rp.setSpecialServicesRequested(pssr); rpArray[i] = rp; i++; } requestedShipment.setRequestedPackages(rpArray); requestedShipment.setPackageCount(new NonNegativeInteger(String.valueOf(packages.size()))); requestedShipment.setRateRequestTypes(new RateRequestType[] { RateRequestType.ACCOUNT }); requestedShipment.setPackageDetail(RequestedPackageDetailType.INDIVIDUAL_PACKAGES); request.setRequestedShipment(requestedShipment); // try { // Initialize the service RateServiceLocator service; RatePortType p; // service = new RateServiceLocator(); // updateEndPoint(service); String endPointUrl = protocol + "://" + host + ":" + port + url; service.setRateServicePortEndpointAddress(endPointUrl); p = service.getRateServicePort(); // This is the call to the web service passing in a RateRequest and // returning a RateReply RateReply reply = p.getRates(request); // Service call if (isResponseOk(reply.getHighestSeverity())) { returnColl = writeServiceOutput(displayQuoteDeliveryTime, reply, module, carrier, locale, store.getCurrency()); } printNotifications(store, reply.getNotifications()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); log.error(e); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error(ex); } return returnColl; } public Collection<ShippingOption> writeServiceOutput(int displayType, RateReply reply, String module, String carrier, Locale locale, String currency) throws Exception { // get all shipping type labels Map svs = com.salesmanager.core.util.ShippingUtil.buildServiceMap(module, locale); List options = new ArrayList(); RateReplyDetail[] rrds = reply.getRateReplyDetails(); if (rrds == null) { return options; } for (int i = 0; i < rrds.length; i++) { RateReplyDetail rrd = rrds[i]; ShippingOption option = new ShippingOption(); ServiceType sType = rrd.getServiceType(); String serviceType = (String) svs.get(sType.getValue()); StringBuffer description = new StringBuffer(); description.append(serviceType); Calendar deliveryDate = rrd.getDeliveryTimestamp(); if (displayType == ShippingConstants.DISPLAY_RT_QUOTE_TIME) { if (deliveryDate != null) { description.append(" (").append(DateUtil.formatDate(deliveryDate.getTime())).append(")"); } } option.setDescription(description.toString()); option.setOptionId(String.valueOf(i + 1)); option.setOptionCode(sType.getValue()); RatedShipmentDetail[] rsds = rrd.getRatedShipmentDetails(); boolean found = false; for (int j = 0; j < rsds.length && !found; j++) { // print("RatedShipmentDetail " + j, ""); RatedShipmentDetail rsd = rsds[j]; ShipmentRateDetail srd = rsd.getShipmentRateDetail(); // print(" Rate type", srd.getRateType());//payor_account, // rated_account // printWeight(" Total Billing weight", // srd.getTotalBillingWeight()); // printMoney(" Total surcharges", srd.getTotalSurcharges()); // printMoney(" Total net charge", srd.getTotalNetCharge()); ReturnedRateType rrt = srd.getRateType(); if (rrt.getValue().equals("PAYOR_ACCOUNT")) { Money m = srd.getTotalNetCharge(); String amount = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(m.getAmount(), currency); option.setCurrency(currency); option.setOptionPrice(m.getAmount()); options.add(option); found = true; } else if (j + 1 == rsds.length) { Money m = srd.getTotalNetCharge(); String amount = CurrencyUtil.displayFormatedAmountWithCurrency(m.getAmount(), currency); option.setCurrency(currency); option.setOptionPrice(m.getAmount()); options.add(option); } /* * RatedPackageDetail[] rpds = rsd.getRatedPackages(); if (rpds * != null && rpds.length > 0) { print(" RatedPackageDetails", * ""); for (int k = 0; k < rpds.length; k++) { * print(" RatedPackageDetail " + i, ""); RatedPackageDetail * rpd = rpds[k]; PackageRateDetail prd = * rpd.getPackageRateDetail(); //if (prd != null) { // * printWeight(" Billing weight", prd.getBillingWeight()); // * printMoney(" Base charge", prd.getBaseCharge()); // * Surcharge[] surcharges = prd.getSurcharges(); //if * (surcharges != null && surcharges.length > 0) { // for (int m * = 0; m < surcharges.length; m++) { // Surcharge surcharge = * surcharges[m]; // printMoney(" " + * surcharge.getDescription() + " surcharge", * surcharge.getAmount()); // } //} //} } } */ } } return options; } private ClientDetail createClientDetail(String carrier, ConfigurationResponse vo) throws Exception { ClientDetail clientDetail = new ClientDetail(); IntegrationKeys keys = (IntegrationKeys) vo.getConfiguration(carrier + "-keys"); String accountNumber = keys.getUserid(); String meterNumber = keys.getKey2(); // // See if the accountNumber and meterNumber properties are set, // if set use those values, otherwise default them to "XXX" // if (accountNumber == null) { throw new Exception("FedexQuotesImpl, missing accountNumber"); } if (meterNumber == null) { throw new Exception("FedexQuotesImpl, missing meterNumber"); } clientDetail.setAccountNumber(accountNumber); clientDetail.setMeterNumber(meterNumber); return clientDetail; } private WebAuthenticationDetail createWebAuthenticationDetail(String carrier, ConfigurationResponse vo) throws Exception { IntegrationKeys keys = (IntegrationKeys) vo.getConfiguration(carrier + "-keys"); WebAuthenticationCredential wac = new WebAuthenticationCredential(); String key = keys.getKey1(); String password = keys.getPassword(); // // See if the key and password properties are set, // if set use those values, otherwise default them to "XXX" // if (key == null) { throw new Exception("FedexQuotesImpl, missing key"); } if (password == null) { throw new Exception("FedexQuotesImpl, missing password"); } wac.setKey(key); wac.setPassword(password); return new WebAuthenticationDetail(wac); } private void printNotifications(MerchantStore store, Notification[] notifications) { if (notifications == null || notifications.length == 0) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < notifications.length; i++) { Notification n = notifications[i]; NotificationSeverityType notificationSeverityType = n.getSeverity(); // if(notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.WARNING)|| // notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.NOTE) ) // { LogMerchantUtil.log(store.getMerchantId(), "Notification from Fedex Code=[" + n.getCode() + "] message[" + n.getMessage() + "]"); if (notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.ERROR) || notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.FAILURE)) { log.error("FEDEX Severity: " + (notificationSeverityType == null ? "null" : notificationSeverityType.getValue())); log.error("FEDEX Code: " + n.getCode()); log.error("FEDEX Message: " + n.getMessage()); log.error("FEDEX Source: " + n.getSource()); } // } } } private boolean isResponseOk(NotificationSeverityType notificationSeverityType) { if (notificationSeverityType == null) { return false; } if (notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.WARNING) || notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.NOTE) || notificationSeverityType.equals(NotificationSeverityType.SUCCESS)) { return true; } return false; } }