Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 Annie Hui @ RStar Technology Solutions * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.text.Editable; import android.text.Html; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.TextWatcher; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.Spinner; import android.widget.TableLayout; import android.widget.TableRow; import android.widget.TextView; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class FormulaFragment extends Fragment { private static final String TAG = FormulaFragment.class.getSimpleName() + "_class"; private static final boolean debug = AppSettings.defaultDebug; public static final String title = "Reference Function Calculator"; public static final String EXTRA_typeCode = FormulaFragment.class.getSimpleName() + ".typeCode"; private static final String defaultTypeCode = ThermoCouple.codeB; private static final String ThermocoupleTypes[] = ThermoCouple.type; private static final int inputType_T = 1; private static final int inputType_E = 2; private String mTypeCode; private ThermoCouple mThermoCouple; private int inputType = inputType_T; private double mInput = Double.NaN; private Fn fn; private FnInv fnInv; private Fn.Result fnResult; private FnInv.Result fnInvResult; private String EequalLabel; private String TequalLabel; private int tablePolynomial_Id = 0; private int tableExponential_Id = 0; private LinearLayout mPolynomialView; // The anchor for the polynomial. private LinearLayout mExponentialView; private TextView mInputLabelView; private EditText mInputView; private TextView mMessageView; private Button mButtonFindE; private Button mButtonFindT; private TextView mResultView; private TextView mPolynomialLabelView; private TextView mExponentLabelView; private TextView mExponentConcludeView; private TextView mErrorRangeView; private InputTextWatcher mInputTextWatcher; private final OnButtonClickListener mOnButtonClickListeners[] = new OnButtonClickListener[2]; private Spinner mSpinner = null; private ArrayAdapter<String> mAdapter = null; private SpinnerOnItemSelectedListener mSpinnerListener; public static FormulaFragment newInstance(String typeCode) { Bundle args = new Bundle(); if (typeCode == null || typeCode.equals("") || typeCode.equals(ThermoCouple.all)) typeCode = defaultTypeCode; args.putString(EXTRA_typeCode, typeCode); FormulaFragment fragment = new FormulaFragment(); fragment.setArguments(args); return fragment; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Savelog.d(TAG, debug, "onCreate()"); mTypeCode = getArguments().getString(EXTRA_typeCode, defaultTypeCode); mThermoCouple = new ThermoCouple(getActivity()); fn = mThermoCouple.getFn(mTypeCode); fnInv = mThermoCouple.getFnInv(mTypeCode); computeDetails(); EequalLabel = getString(R.string.label_Eequals); TequalLabel = getString(R.string.label_Tequals); // Make sure to retain the fragment so that data retrieval is // not restarted at every rotation setRetainInstance(true); setHasOptionsMenu(true); } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup parent, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_formula, parent, false); getActivity().setTitle(title); // Allow reuse if (mAdapter == null) mAdapter = new ArrayAdapter(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), R.layout.spinner_item, ThermocoupleTypes); // Allow reuse if (mSpinnerListener == null) mSpinnerListener = new SpinnerOnItemSelectedListener(this); mSpinner = (Spinner) v.findViewById(; mSpinner.setAdapter(mAdapter); mSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(mSpinnerListener); selectSpinnerItem(); mPolynomialView = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(; mExponentialView = (LinearLayout) v.findViewById(; mInputLabelView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mInputView = (EditText) v.findViewById(; if (Double.isNaN(mInput)) { mInputView.setText(""); Savelog.d(TAG, debug, "Input is empty"); } else { mInputView.setText("" + mInput); Savelog.d(TAG, debug, "Input is " + mInput); } mPolynomialLabelView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mMessageView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mResultView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mExponentLabelView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mExponentConcludeView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mErrorRangeView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; mButtonFindE = (Button) v.findViewById(; mButtonFindT = (Button) v.findViewById(; // May reuse listeners if (mOnButtonClickListeners[0] == null) mOnButtonClickListeners[0] = new OnButtonClickListener(this, inputType_T); if (mOnButtonClickListeners[1] == null) mOnButtonClickListeners[1] = new OnButtonClickListener(this, inputType_E); mButtonFindE.setOnClickListener(mOnButtonClickListeners[0]); mButtonFindT.setOnClickListener(mOnButtonClickListeners[1]); displayTexts(); displayPolynomial(inflater); displayExponential(inflater); // May reuse listener if (mInputTextWatcher == null) mInputTextWatcher = new InputTextWatcher(this); mInputView.addTextChangedListener(mInputTextWatcher); TextView textView = (TextView) v.findViewById(; textView.setText(getString(R.string.info_referenceFunctions) + mThermoCouple.getUnitT()); return v; } private void selectSpinnerItem() { for (int index = 0; index < ThermocoupleTypes.length; index++) { if (ThermocoupleTypes[index].equals(mTypeCode)) { if (mSpinner != null) { mSpinner.setSelection(index); } return; } } } private void computeDetails() { if (inputType == inputType_T) { try { fnResult = fn.computeDetails(mInput); } catch (Exception e) { fnResult = null; } } else if (inputType == inputType_E) { try { fnInvResult = fnInv.computeDetails(mInput); } catch (Exception e) { fnInvResult = null; } } } @Override public void onDestroyView() { mPolynomialView = null; mExponentialView = null; mInputLabelView = null; if (mInputView != null) { mInputView.removeTextChangedListener(mInputTextWatcher); mInputView = null; } mPolynomialLabelView = null; mMessageView = null; mResultView = null; mExponentLabelView = null; mExponentConcludeView = null; mErrorRangeView = null; if (mButtonFindE != null) { mButtonFindE.setOnClickListener(null); mButtonFindE = null; } if (mButtonFindT != null) { mButtonFindT.setOnClickListener(null); mButtonFindT = null; } if (mSpinner != null) { mSpinner.setAdapter(null); mSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(null); mSpinner = null; } super.onDestroyView(); } @Override public void onDestroy() { mThermoCouple = null; fn = null; fnInv = null; fnResult = null; fnInvResult = null; // Since these listeners are reusable when orientation changes, // clean them up only on destroy. for (int index = 0; index < mOnButtonClickListeners.length; index++) { if (mOnButtonClickListeners[index] != null) mOnButtonClickListeners[index].cleanup(); mOnButtonClickListeners[index] = null; } if (mInputTextWatcher != null) { mInputTextWatcher.cleanup(); mInputTextWatcher = null; } if (mSpinnerListener != null) { mSpinnerListener.cleanup(); mSpinnerListener = null; } mAdapter = null; super.onDestroy(); } private void displayTexts() { String inputLabel = ""; String polynomialLabel = ""; String resultText = ""; String messageText = ""; String errorRangeText = ""; if (inputType == inputType_T && fn != null) { inputLabel = TequalLabel; if (fnResult != null) { String data = String.format("%.3f", fnResult.E); messageText = "Result:"; resultText = "At " + TequalLabel + " " + fnResult.Tinput + " " + fn.getUnitT() + ", " + EequalLabel + " " + data + " " + fn.getUnitEMF(); polynomialLabel = getString(R.string.label_polynomialFn, fn.getTmin(), fn.getTmax()); } else { messageText = getString(R.string.label_inputT_range, fn.getTmin(), fn.getTmax()) + fn.getUnitT(); } } else if (inputType == inputType_E && fnInv != null) { inputLabel = EequalLabel; if (fnInvResult != null) { String data = String.format("%.3f", fnInvResult.T); messageText = "Result:"; resultText = "At " + EequalLabel + " " + fnInvResult.Einput + " " + fnInv.getUnitEMF() + ", " + TequalLabel + " " + data + " " + fnInv.getUnitT(); polynomialLabel = getString(R.string.label_polynomialFnInv, fnInv.getEmin(), fnInv.getEmax()); errorRangeText = "Error Range: [" + fnInvResult.polynomial.getErrorRange()[0] + ", " + fnInvResult.polynomial.getErrorRange()[1] + "]"; } else { messageText = getString(R.string.label_inputE_range, fnInv.getEmin(), fnInv.getEmax()) + fnInv.getUnitEMF(); } } if (mInputLabelView != null) mInputLabelView.setText(inputLabel); if (mPolynomialLabelView != null) mPolynomialLabelView.setText(polynomialLabel); if (mResultView != null) mResultView.setText(resultText); if (mMessageView != null) mMessageView.setText(messageText); if (mInputView != null) { mInputView.setSelection(mInputView.getText().length()); } if (mErrorRangeView != null && !errorRangeText.equals("")) { mErrorRangeView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mErrorRangeView.setText(errorRangeText); } else { mErrorRangeView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } private void displayPolynomial(LayoutInflater inflater) { if (inflater == null) { inflater = (LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); } // Remove any existing table LinearLayout parent = mPolynomialView; if (tablePolynomial_Id != 0) { View view = parent.findViewById(tablePolynomial_Id); if (view != null) parent.removeView(view); } int order = -1; if (inputType == inputType_T) { if (fnResult == null) return; order = fnResult.polynomial.getOrder(); } else if (inputType == inputType_E) { if (fnInvResult == null) return; order = fnInvResult.polynomial.getOrder(); } Savelog.d(TAG, debug, "order=" + order); if (order == -1) { return; } int tableSize = 0; tablePolynomial_Id = 0; TableLayout tableLayout = null; if (order >= 0) { View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.table_polynomial, parent, true); tableLayout = (TableLayout) view.findViewById(; tableSize = PolynomialTable.MaxOrder; tablePolynomial_Id =; } // Each row is a term in the polynomial for (int row = 0; row <= order; row++) { int cell_id; int column; int term = row; TextView cell; double coefficient = 0.0; if (inputType == inputType_T) { coefficient = fnResult.polynomial.getCoefficent(term); } else if (inputType == inputType_E) { coefficient = fnInvResult.polynomial.getCoefficent(term); } if (row == order) { column = 0; cell_id = PolynomialTable.cell_ids[row][column]; cell = (TextView) tableLayout.findViewById(cell_id); cell.setText("+"); } column = 1; cell_id = PolynomialTable.cell_ids[row][column]; cell = (TextView) tableLayout.findViewById(cell_id); cell.setText("" + coefficient); column = 2; cell_id = PolynomialTable.cell_ids[row][column]; cell = (TextView) tableLayout.findViewById(cell_id); cell.setText(Html.fromHtml("(" + mInput + ")<sup>" + term + "</sup>")); } for (int row = order + 1; row <= tableSize; row++) { int row_id = PolynomialTable.row_ids[row]; TableRow tableRow = (TableRow) tableLayout.findViewById(row_id); tableLayout.removeView(tableRow); } // The result row shows the value computed by the polynomial { CharSequence sumPolyLabel = ""; String sumPoly = ""; if (inputType == inputType_T) { sumPoly = String.format("%.3f", fnResult.Epoly); sumPolyLabel = EequalLabel; // If there is an exponential term, use a different label if (fnResult.exponential != null) sumPolyLabel = getText(R.string.label_EPequals); } else if (inputType == inputType_E) { sumPoly = String.format("%.3f", fnInvResult.T); sumPolyLabel = TequalLabel; } int result_id; TextView resultCell; result_id = PolynomialTable.result_ids[1]; // column 1 resultCell = (TextView) tableLayout.findViewById(result_id); resultCell.setText(sumPolyLabel); result_id = PolynomialTable.result_ids[2]; // column 2 resultCell = (TextView) tableLayout.findViewById(result_id); resultCell.setText(sumPoly); } } private void displayExponential(LayoutInflater inflater) { if (inputType == inputType_T && fnResult != null && fnResult.exponential != null) { // Also display exponential String exponentialLabel = "For T>0, add correction term:"; Savelog.d(TAG, debug, "Exponential term=" + exponentialLabel); if (mExponentLabelView != null) { mExponentLabelView.setText(exponentialLabel); mExponentLabelView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } String data = String.format("%.3f", fnResult.E); CharSequence exponentConclude = TextUtils.concat(getText(R.string.label_E_typeK), " = ", data); if (mExponentConcludeView != null) { mExponentConcludeView.setText(exponentConclude); mExponentConcludeView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } else { if (mExponentLabelView != null) mExponentLabelView.setVisibility(View.GONE); if (mExponentConcludeView != null) mExponentConcludeView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } LinearLayout parent = mExponentialView; // Remove any existing table TableLayout tableLayoutE; if (tableExponential_Id != 0) { tableLayoutE = (TableLayout) parent.findViewById(tableExponential_Id); parent.removeView(tableLayoutE); tableExponential_Id = 0; } // Handle exponential term if exists if (inputType == inputType_T && fnResult != null && fnResult.exponential != null) { if (inflater == null) { inflater = (LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); } tableExponential_Id =; View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.table_exponent, parent, true); tableLayoutE = (TableLayout) view.findViewById(tableExponential_Id); int cell_id; TextView cell; for (int row = 0; row <= 2; row++) { int term = row; cell_id = ExponentialTable.cell_ids[row][1]; cell = (TextView) tableLayoutE.findViewById(cell_id); cell.setText("" + fnResult.exponential.getTerm(term)); } // T cell_id = ExponentialTable.cell_ids[3][1]; cell = (TextView) tableLayoutE.findViewById(cell_id); cell.setText("" + fnResult.Tinput); // correction cell_id = ExponentialTable.result_ids[1]; cell = (TextView) tableLayoutE.findViewById(cell_id); String correction = String.format("%.3f", fnResult.correction); cell.setText("" + correction); } } private static class InputTextWatcher implements TextWatcher { // This class of objects does not outlive its host, so no need to use weak references FormulaFragment hostFragment; public InputTextWatcher(FormulaFragment hostFragment) { super(); this.hostFragment = hostFragment; } @Override public void afterTextChanged(Editable arg0) { } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence arg0, int arg1, int arg2, int arg3) { } @Override public void onTextChanged(CharSequence c, int start, int before, int count) { try { String data = c.toString().trim(); hostFragment.mInput = Double.valueOf(data); } catch (Exception e) { hostFragment.mInput = Double.NaN; } hostFragment.computeDetails(); hostFragment.displayTexts(); hostFragment.displayPolynomial(null); hostFragment.displayExponential(null); } public void cleanup() { hostFragment = null; } } private static class OnButtonClickListener implements View.OnClickListener { // This class of objects does not outlive its host, so no need to use weak references FormulaFragment hostFragment; int buttonType; public OnButtonClickListener(FormulaFragment hostFragment, int buttonType) { super(); this.hostFragment = hostFragment; this.buttonType = buttonType; } @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (hostFragment.inputType != buttonType) { int newInputType = buttonType; hostFragment.inputType = newInputType; // reset input if (hostFragment.mInputView != null) hostFragment.mInputView.setText(""); // expect to trigger a series of updates } } public void cleanup() { hostFragment = null; } } private static class SpinnerOnItemSelectedListener implements AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener { FormulaFragment hostFragment; public SpinnerOnItemSelectedListener(FormulaFragment hostFragment) { this.hostFragment = hostFragment; } @Override public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView, View view, int pos, long l) { if (!hostFragment.mTypeCode.equals(hostFragment.ThermocoupleTypes[pos])) { hostFragment.mTypeCode = hostFragment.ThermocoupleTypes[pos]; // Update the functions. hostFragment.fn = hostFragment.mThermoCouple.getFn(hostFragment.mTypeCode); hostFragment.fnInv = hostFragment.mThermoCouple.getFnInv(hostFragment.mTypeCode); // reset input if (hostFragment.mInputView != null) hostFragment.mInputView.setText(""); // expect to trigger a series of updates } } @Override public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView<?> adapterView) { } public void cleanup() { hostFragment = null; } } }