Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 RetailMeNot, Inc. * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ package; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; public class VmManagerTest { @After public void clear() { System.clearProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY); System.clearProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY); System.clearProperty("propertyFileLocation"); } @Test // Test if an AWS access key is not set, the appropriate exception if thrown public void testAccessKeyNotSet() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east"; AwsVmManager AwsVmManager = new AwsVmManager(client, properties, region); try { AwsVmManager.getCredentials(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Message should be related to access key", e.getMessage().contains(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY)); return; }"Exception should have been throw for access key"); } @Test // Test if an AWS private key is not set, the appropriate exception if thrown public void testPrivateKeyNotSet() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, "foo"); String region = "east"; AwsVmManager AwsVmManager = new AwsVmManager(client, properties, region); try { AwsVmManager.getCredentials(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Message should be related to access key: " + e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().contains(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY)); return; }"Exception should have been throw for access key"); } @Test // Test if the AWS access and private key are set, everything works public void testKeysSet() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); Properties properties = new Properties(); String accessKey = "foo", privateKey = "bar"; properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, accessKey); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey); String region = "east"; AwsVmManager AwsVmManager = new AwsVmManager(client, properties, region); BasicAWSCredentials credentials = AwsVmManager.getCredentials(); Assert.assertEquals("Access key IDs should match", accessKey, credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId()); Assert.assertEquals("Access key IDs should match", privateKey, credentials.getAWSSecretKey()); } @Test // Test if System property access/private keys have priority over the property value ones public void testSystemPropertyPrecedence() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); Properties properties = new Properties(); String accessKey = "foo", privateKey = "bar"; System.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, accessKey); System.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, "gibberish"); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, "moreGibberish"); String region = "east"; AwsVmManager AwsVmManager = new, properties, region); BasicAWSCredentials credentials = AwsVmManager.getCredentials(); Assert.assertEquals("Access key IDs should match", accessKey, credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId()); Assert.assertEquals("Access key IDs should match", privateKey, credentials.getAWSSecretKey()); } @Test // Happy path test flow for launching nodes public void testLaunchNodes() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "windows"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; manageEC2.setUserData(userData); List<Instance> instances = manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); RunInstancesRequest request = client.getRunInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Min count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMinCount()); Assert.assertEquals("Max count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMaxCount()); Assert.assertEquals("User data should match", userData, request.getUserData()); Assert.assertTrue("No security group should be set", request.getSecurityGroupIds().isEmpty()); Assert.assertNull("No subnet should be set", request.getSubnetId()); Assert.assertNull("No key name should be set", request.getKeyName()); } @Test // Test the optional fields for launching a node are indeed optional public void testLaunchNodesOptionalFieldsSet() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = null; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", linuxImage = "linuxImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_linux_node_ami", linuxImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); RunInstancesRequest request = client.getRunInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Min count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMinCount()); Assert.assertEquals("Max count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMaxCount()); Assert.assertEquals("User data should match", userData, request.getUserData()); Assert.assertEquals("Image id should match", linuxImage, request.getImageId()); List<String> securityGroups = request.getSecurityGroupIds(); Assert.assertEquals("Only one security group should be set", 1, securityGroups.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Only one security group should be set", securityGroup, securityGroups.get(0)); Assert.assertEquals("Subnet ids should match", subnetId, request.getSubnetId()); Assert.assertEquals("Key names should match", keyName, request.getKeyName()); } @Test // Test if multiple security groups can be passed when launching a node public void testLaunchNodesMultipleSecurityGroups() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = null; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup1,securityGroup2,securityGroup3", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", linuxImage = "linuxImage"; String[] splitSecurityGroupdIds = securityGroup.split(","); List securityGroupIdsAryLst = new ArrayList(); if (securityGroup != null) { for (int i = 0; i < splitSecurityGroupdIds.length; i++) { securityGroupIdsAryLst.add(splitSecurityGroupdIds[i]); } } properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_linux_node_ami", linuxImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); RunInstancesRequest request = client.getRunInstancesRequest(); request.setSecurityGroupIds(securityGroupIdsAryLst); List<String> securityGroups = request.getSecurityGroupIds(); List<String> expectedSecurityGroups = Arrays .asList("securityGroup1,securityGroup2,securityGroup3".split(",")); Assert.assertTrue("Security groups should match all given security groups", securityGroups.containsAll(expectedSecurityGroups)); List<String> invalidSecurityGroups = Arrays .asList("securityGroup1,securityGroup2,securityGroup7".split(",")); Assert.assertFalse("Security groups should match only the set security groups", securityGroups.containsAll(invalidSecurityGroups)); Assert.assertFalse("Security group should not be empty", request.getSecurityGroupIds().isEmpty()); Assert.assertEquals("More than 1 security group should be set", 3, securityGroups.size()); } @Test // Test launching an IE node works correctly public void testLaunchNodesIe() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "internet explorer", os = null; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); RunInstancesRequest request = client.getRunInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Min count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMinCount()); Assert.assertEquals("Max count should match thread count requested", threadCount, request.getMaxCount()); Assert.assertEquals("User data should match", userData, request.getUserData()); Assert.assertEquals("Image id should match", windowsImage, request.getImageId()); List<String> securityGroups = request.getSecurityGroupIds(); Assert.assertEquals("Only one security group should be set", 1, securityGroups.size()); Assert.assertEquals("Only one security group should be set", securityGroup, securityGroups.get(0)); Assert.assertEquals("Subnet ids should match", subnetId, request.getSubnetId()); Assert.assertEquals("Key names should match", keyName, request.getKeyName()); } @Test // Test if a bad OS is specified, it is handled correctly public void testLaunchNodesBadOs() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "badOs"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); try { manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Failure message should be correct", e.getMessage().contains(os)); return; }"Call should fail due to invalid OS"); } @Test // Test terminating instances works correctly public void testTerminateInstance() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); String instanceId = "foo"; TerminateInstancesResult terminateInstancesResult = new TerminateInstancesResult(); client.setTerminateInstancesResult(terminateInstancesResult); InstanceStateChange stateChange = new InstanceStateChange(); stateChange.withInstanceId(instanceId); stateChange.setCurrentState(new InstanceState().withCode(32)); terminateInstancesResult.setTerminatingInstances(Arrays.asList(stateChange)); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east"; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); boolean success = manageEC2.terminateInstance(instanceId); TerminateInstancesRequest request = client.getTerminateInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Instance id size should match", 1, request.getInstanceIds().size()); Assert.assertEquals("Instance ids should match", instanceId, request.getInstanceIds().get(0)); Assert.assertTrue("Termination call should have been successful", success); } @Test // Tests terminating an invalid instance is handled correctly public void testTerminateInstanceInvalidRunningCode() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); String instanceId = "foo"; TerminateInstancesResult terminateInstancesResult = new TerminateInstancesResult(); client.setTerminateInstancesResult(terminateInstancesResult); InstanceStateChange stateChange = new InstanceStateChange(); stateChange.withInstanceId(instanceId); stateChange.setCurrentState(new InstanceState().withCode(8)); terminateInstancesResult.setTerminatingInstances(Arrays.asList(stateChange)); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east"; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); boolean success = manageEC2.terminateInstance(instanceId); TerminateInstancesRequest request = client.getTerminateInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Instance id size should match", 1, request.getInstanceIds().size()); Assert.assertEquals("Instance ids should match", instanceId, request.getInstanceIds().get(0)); Assert.assertFalse("Termination call should have not been successful", success); } @Test // Test terminating a valid but not matching instances is handled correctly public void testTerminateInstanceNoMatchingInstance() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); String instanceId = "foo"; TerminateInstancesResult terminateInstancesResult = new TerminateInstancesResult(); client.setTerminateInstancesResult(terminateInstancesResult); InstanceStateChange stateChange = new InstanceStateChange(); stateChange.withInstanceId("notMatching"); stateChange.setCurrentState(new InstanceState().withCode(8)); terminateInstancesResult.setTerminatingInstances(Arrays.asList(stateChange)); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east"; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); boolean success = manageEC2.terminateInstance(instanceId); TerminateInstancesRequest request = client.getTerminateInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Instance id size should match", 1, request.getInstanceIds().size()); Assert.assertEquals("Instance ids should match", instanceId, request.getInstanceIds().get(0)); Assert.assertFalse("Termination call should have not been successful", success); } @Test // Tests that the terminate code works when no matching results are returned by the client public void testTerminateInstanceNoInstanceEmpty() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); String instanceId = "foo"; TerminateInstancesResult terminateInstancesResult = new TerminateInstancesResult(); client.setTerminateInstancesResult(terminateInstancesResult); terminateInstancesResult.setTerminatingInstances(CollectionUtils.EMPTY_COLLECTION); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east"; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); boolean success = manageEC2.terminateInstance(instanceId); TerminateInstancesRequest request = client.getTerminateInstancesRequest(); Assert.assertEquals("Instance id size should match", 1, request.getInstanceIds().size()); Assert.assertEquals("Instance ids should match", instanceId, request.getInstanceIds().get(0)); Assert.assertFalse("Termination call should have not been successful", success); } @Test // Tests that the s3 config file gets injected with the correct values public void testS3Config() { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); Properties properties = new Properties(); String accessKey = "foo", privateKey = "bar"; properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, accessKey); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey); String region = "east"; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); BasicAWSCredentials credentials = manageEC2.getCredentials(); manageEC2.setCredentials(credentials); String s3Config = manageEC2.getS3Config(); Assert.assertTrue("Access key should have been injected into the file", s3Config.contains(accessKey)); Assert.assertTrue("Private key should have been injected into the file", s3Config.contains(privateKey)); } @Test // Test that you can initialize the AWS properties when the system properties have been set public void testInitProperties() { String accessKey = "foo", privateKey = "bar"; System.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, accessKey); System.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey); MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(); } @Test // Test that you can initialize the AWS properties from a custom properties file public void testInitPropertiesFromSystemProperties() { String path = "src/main/resources/" + AutomationConstants.AWS_DEFAULT_RESOURCE_NAME; path.replace("/", File.separator); System.setProperty("propertyFileLocation", path); MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(null, null, null); Properties retrievedProperties = manageEC2.initAWSProperties(); File f = new File(path); Properties compareProperties = new Properties(); try { InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f); compareProperties.load(is); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not load custom", e); } Assert.assertEquals("Properties should be equal", compareProperties, retrievedProperties); } @Test // Test that an incorrectly set properties file throws the appropriate exception public void testInvalidCustomProperty() { System.setProperty("propertyFileLocation", "bogus"); MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(null, null, null); try { manageEC2.initAWSProperties(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Assert.assertEquals("Could not load custom", e.getMessage()); return; }"Non loading properties should throw exception"); } @Test // Test that the correct node config file is generated for a windows os public void testGetNodeConfigWindows() { MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(null, null, null); String uuid = "uuid", hostName = "hostName", browser = "chrome", os = "windows"; int maxSessions = 5; String nodeConfig = manageEC2.getNodeConfig(uuid, hostName, browser, os, maxSessions); Assert.assertTrue("Max sessions should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(String.valueOf(maxSessions))); Assert.assertTrue("UUID should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(uuid)); Assert.assertTrue("Browser should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(browser)); Assert.assertTrue("OS should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(os)); Assert.assertTrue("Host name should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(hostName)); Assert.assertTrue("IE thread count should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(String.valueOf(AwsVmManager.FIREFOX_IE_THREAD_COUNT))); } @Test // Test that the correct node config file is generated for a linux os public void testGetNodeConfigLinux() { MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(null, null, null); String uuid = "uuid", hostName = "hostName", browser = "chrome", os = "linux"; int maxSessions = 5; String nodeConfig = manageEC2.getNodeConfig(uuid, hostName, browser, os, maxSessions); Assert.assertTrue("Max sessions should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(String.valueOf(maxSessions))); Assert.assertTrue("UUID should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(uuid)); Assert.assertTrue("Browser should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(browser)); Assert.assertTrue("OS should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(os)); Assert.assertTrue("Host name should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(hostName)); Assert.assertTrue("IE thread count should have been passed in", nodeConfig.contains(String.valueOf(AwsVmManager.CHROME_THREAD_COUNT))); } @Test // Test that the correct exception is throw when you specified a bad OS for the node config public void testGetNodeConfigBadOs() { MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(null, null, null); String uuid = "uuid", hostName = "hostName", browser = "chrome", os = "badOs"; int maxSessions = 5; try { manageEC2.getNodeConfig(uuid, hostName, browser, os, maxSessions); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Failure message should be correct", e.getMessage().contains(os)); return; }"Node config should not work due to bad OS"); } @Test // Tests that if no fallback subnets are specified, the correct exception is thrown public void testSubnetNoFallBack() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); AmazonServiceException exception = new AmazonServiceException("message"); exception.setErrorCode("InsufficientInstanceCapacity"); client.setThrowDescribeInstancesError(exception); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "linux"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); try { manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); } catch (NodesCouldNotBeStartedException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Failure message should be correct", e.getMessage() .contains("Sufficient resources were not available in any of the availability zones")); return; }"Call should fail due to insufficient resources"); } @Test // Test that if a fallback subnet is specified, that the request for new nodes will fallback successfully and nodes will be spun up public void testSubnetFallsBackSuccessfully() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); AmazonServiceException exception = new AmazonServiceException("message"); exception.setErrorCode("InsufficientInstanceCapacity"); client.setThrowDescribeInstancesError(exception); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "linux"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage", fallBackSubnet = "fallback"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_1", fallBackSubnet); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); List<Instance> instances = manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); System.out.print(""); } @Test // Tests that if the client fails for an error other than insufficient capacity, subnet fallback logic is not performed public void testSubnetFallBackUnknownError() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); AmazonServiceException exception = new AmazonServiceException("message"); client.setThrowDescribeInstancesError(exception); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "linux"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); try { manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { Assert.assertEquals("Exception should be the same", exception, e); return; }"Call should fail due to other AWS error"); } @Test // Tests that the built in guard against an infinite loop in the fallback recursive logic has a working safeguard public void testSubnetInfiniteLoop() throws NodesCouldNotBeStartedException { MockAmazonEc2Client client = new MockAmazonEc2Client(null); client.setThrowExceptionsInRunInstancesIndefinitely(); AmazonServiceException exception = new AmazonServiceException("message"); exception.setErrorCode("InsufficientInstanceCapacity"); client.setThrowDescribeInstancesError(exception); RunInstancesResult runInstancesResult = new RunInstancesResult(); Reservation reservation = new Reservation(); reservation.setInstances(Arrays.asList(new Instance())); runInstancesResult.setReservation(reservation); client.setRunInstances(runInstancesResult); Properties properties = new Properties(); String region = "east", uuid = "uuid", browser = "chrome", os = "linux"; Integer threadCount = 5, maxSessions = 5; MockManageVm manageEC2 = new MockManageVm(client, properties, region); String userData = "userData"; String securityGroup = "securityGroup", subnetId = "subnetId", keyName = "keyName", windowsImage = "windowsImage"; properties.setProperty(region + "_security_group", securityGroup); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_id", subnetId); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_1", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_2", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_3", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_4", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_5", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_subnet_fallback_id_6", "foo"); properties.setProperty(region + "_key_name", keyName); properties.setProperty(region + "_windows_node_ami", windowsImage); manageEC2.setUserData(userData); try { manageEC2.launchNodes(uuid, os, browser, null, threadCount, maxSessions); } catch (NodesCouldNotBeStartedException e) { Assert.assertTrue("Failure message should be correct", e.getMessage() .contains("Sufficient resources were not available in any of the availability zones")); return; }"Call should fail due to insufficient resources"); } @Test //Tests that the client is initialized and exception is not thrown public void testClientInitialized() { AwsVmManager manageEC2 = new AwsVmManager(); String region = "east"; try { manageEC2.launchNodes("foo", "bar", 4, "userData", false); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertFalse("The client should be initialized", e.getMessage().contains("The client is not initialized")); } } @Test //Tests that if the client is not initialized, an exception with appropriate message is thrown public void testClientNotInitializedError() { String accessKey = "foo", privateKey = "bar"; Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_ACCESS_KEY, accessKey); properties.setProperty(AutomationConstants.AWS_PRIVATE_KEY, privateKey); String region = "east"; AwsVmManager manageEC2 = new AwsVmManager(null, properties, region); try { manageEC2.launchNodes("foo", "bar", 3, "userData", false); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.assertTrue("The client should be initialized", e.getMessage().contains("The client is not initialized")); return; }"Exception should have been thrown for client not initialized"); } }