Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Wallpaper for Tablets ( * * Wallpaper for Tablets is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Wallpaper for Tablets. If not, see <>. * * Portions copyright */ package com.ridgelineapps.wallpaper; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; public class Utils { public static final Random rand = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); public static final int ALPHA_LIGHTEN = 100; public static final int COLOR_LIGHTEN = 100; public static final String[] COMMON_COLOR_KEYS = new String[] { "Black", "DarkGray", "LightGray", "OffWhite", "White", "Blue", }; public static final int[][] COMMON_COLORS = new int[][] { new int[] { 0, 0, 0 }, new int[] { 60, 60, 60 }, new int[] { 150, 150, 150 }, new int[] { 172, 165, 136 }, new int[] { 255, 255, 255 }, new int[] { 40, 40, 120 }, }; public static int[] getCommonColorRgb(String key) { for (int i = 0; i < COMMON_COLOR_KEYS.length; i++) { if (COMMON_COLOR_KEYS[i].equals(key)) { return COMMON_COLORS[i]; } } return COMMON_COLORS[0]; } public static String getPage(String url) { try { HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in)); StringBuilder source = new StringBuilder(); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { source.append(line); } in.close(); return source.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } public static String findValue(String page, String prefix, String suffix) { int start = page.indexOf(prefix); if (start != -1) { start += prefix.length(); int end = page.indexOf(suffix, start); if (end != -1) { return page.substring(start, end); } } return null; } public static int findValueIndexAfterText(String page, String text) { int start = page.indexOf(text); if (start != -1) { start += text.length(); return start; } return -1; } public static String randValue(String page, String prefix, String suffix) { int start = page.indexOf(prefix); ArrayList<String> choices = new ArrayList<String>(); while (start != -1) { start += prefix.length(); int end = page.indexOf(suffix, start); if (end != -1) { String s = page.substring(start, end); choices.add(s); start = end; start = page.indexOf(prefix, start); } else { start = -1; } } if (choices.size() == 0) { return null; } return choices.get((int) (Math.random() * choices.size())); } public static String findImgAfter(String page, int at) { String prefix = "<img src=\""; String suffix = "\""; int start = page.indexOf(prefix, at); if (start != -1) { start += prefix.length(); int end = page.indexOf(suffix, start); if (end != -1) { return page.substring(start, end); } } return null; } public static Bitmap downloadBitmap(String url) { try { HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(); HttpGet request = new HttpGet(url); HttpResponse response = client.execute(request); InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent(); BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = true; // options.inDither = true; options.inPreferredConfig = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; //TODO: use scale like we do loading from file Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(in, null, options); in.close(); return bitmap; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } // final AndroidHttpClient client = AndroidHttpClient.newInstance("Android"); // final HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(url); // try { // HttpResponse response = client.execute(getRequest); // final int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); // if (statusCode != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { // return null; // } // final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); // if (entity != null) { // InputStream inputStream = null; // try { // inputStream = entity.getContent(); // final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream); // return bitmap; // } finally { // if (inputStream != null) { // inputStream.close(); // } // entity.consumeContent(); // } // } // } catch (Exception e) { // getRequest.abort(); // e.printStackTrace(); // } finally { // if (client != null) { // client.close(); // } // } // return null; } public static Paint copy(Paint paint) { int c = paint.getColor(); return Utils.createPaint(Color.alpha(c),,,; } public static Bitmap computeBitmapSizeFromURI(Context context, Uri imageURI) throws FileNotFoundException { BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inJustDecodeBounds = true; // BitmapFactory.decodeStream(new FileInputStream(imageURI), null, options); // BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(imageURI), null, options); return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(imageURI), null, options); } public static Bitmap loadBitmap(Context context, Uri imageURI, int width, int height, boolean fill, boolean rotateIfNecessary) throws FileNotFoundException { BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inJustDecodeBounds = true; InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(imageURI); Bitmap bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, o); try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: put all in logs e.printStackTrace(); } int imageWidth = o.outWidth; int imageHeight = o.outHeight; int longSide = Math.max(width, height); int imageLongSide = Math.max(o.outWidth, o.outHeight); int shortSide = Math.min(width, height); int imageShortSide = o.outHeight; int scale = 1; // Option 1 // if (o.outHeight > longSide || o.outWidth > longSide) { // scale = (int) Math.pow(2, (int) Math.round(Math.log(longSide / (double) Math.max(o.outHeight, o.outWidth)) / Math.log(0.5))); // } // Option 2 while (true) { if (rotateIfNecessary) { if (imageLongSide / 2 < longSide) { break; } if (imageShortSide / 2 < shortSide) { break; } } else { if (imageWidth / 2 < width) { break; } if (imageHeight / 2 < height) { break; } } imageLongSide /= 2; imageShortSide /= 2; imageWidth /= 2; imageHeight /= 2; scale *= 2; } // Decode with inSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o2.inSampleSize = scale; o2.inPreferQualityOverSpeed = true; o2.inPurgeable = true; o2.inInputShareable = false; int retries = 0; boolean success = false; while (!success && retries < 3) { try { // TODO: don't load stream twice? is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(imageURI); // if(bmp != null) { // bmp.recycle(); // } // System.out.println("s:" + scale + " o:" + o.outWidth + ", " + o.outHeight + " **************************** decoding:" + imageURI); bmp = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is, null, o2); success = true; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { e.printStackTrace(); scale *= 2; o2.inSampleSize = scale; retries++; } finally { try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: put all in logs e.printStackTrace(); } } } return bmp; } public static Paint createPaint(int alpha, int r, int g, int b) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setARGB(alpha, r, g, b); return paint; } public static Paint createPaint(int r, int g, int b) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setAntiAlias(true); paint.setARGB(255, r, g, b); return paint; } public static Paint createPaint(Paint p, int colorChange, int alphaChange) { int a = Color.alpha(p.getColor()) + alphaChange; int r = + colorChange; int g = + colorChange; int b = + colorChange; if (a < 0) a = 0; if (a > 255) a = 255; if (r < 0) r = 0; if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g < 0) g = 0; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b < 0) b = 0; if (b > 255) b = 255; return createPaint(a, r, g, b); } // public static Paint createPaint(int alpha, int r, int g, int b, boolean antiAlias) { // Paint paint = new Paint(); // paint.setAntiAlias(antiAlias); // paint.setARGB(alpha, r, g, b); // return paint; // } // // public static Paint createPaint(int r, int g, int b, boolean antiAlias) { // Paint paint = new Paint(); // paint.setAntiAlias(antiAlias); // paint.setARGB(255, r, g, b); // return paint; // } public static Paint getDebugPaint() { return Utils.createPaint(Rand.rangeI(100, 200), Rand.rangeI(100, 200), Rand.rangeI(100, 200)); } }