Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Red Sqirl, Ltd. All rights reserved. * Red Sqirl, Clarendon House, 34 Clarendon St., Dublin 2. Ireland * * This file is part of Red Sqirl * * User agrees that use of this software is governed by: * (1) the applicable user limitations and specified terms and conditions of * the license agreement which has been entered into with Red Sqirl; and * (2) the proprietary and restricted rights notices included in this software. * * WARNING: THE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF Red Sqirl IS PROTECTED BY IRISH AND * INTERNATIONAL LAW. UNAUTHORISED REPRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION OR ANY PORTION * OF IT, MAY RESULT IN CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. * * If you have received this software in error please contact Red Sqirl at * */ package com.redsqirl.workflow.server.connect; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import; import org.apache.commons.compress.compressors.bzip2.BZip2CompressorInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.util.LineReader; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.idiro.check.FileChecker; import com.idiro.hadoop.NameNodeVar; import com.idiro.hadoop.checker.HdfsFileChecker; import; import com.idiro.utils.RandomString; import com.jcraft.jsch.Channel; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelExec; import com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp; import com.redsqirl.utils.FieldList; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.WorkflowPrefManager; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.connect.interfaces.DataStore; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.connect.interfaces.HdfsDataStore; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.connect.interfaces.SSHDataStore; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.enumeration.FieldType; import com.redsqirl.workflow.utils.LanguageManagerWF; /** * Interface for browsing HDFS. * * @author etienne * */ public class HDFSInterface extends Storage implements HdfsDataStore { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1954809243931738945L; /** * Preferences */ private Preferences prefs = Preferences.userNodeForPackage(this.getClass()); /** * The logger. */ protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DataStore.class); public static final String key_permission = "permission", /** Owner key */ key_owner = "owner", /** Group Key */ key_group = "group", /** Size Key */ key_size = "size", /** Recursive Key */ key_recursive = "recursive"; protected static Map<String, DataStore.ParamProperty> paramProp = new LinkedHashMap<String, DataStore.ParamProperty>(); /** * Constructor * * @throws RemoteException */ public HDFSInterface() throws RemoteException { super(); history.add("/user/" + System.getProperty("")); if (paramProp.isEmpty()) { paramProp.put(key_type, new DSParamProperty("Type of the file: \"directory\" or \"file\"", true, true, false)); paramProp.put(key_owner, new DSParamProperty("Owner of the file", true, false, false)); paramProp.put(key_group, new DSParamProperty("Group of the file", true, false, false)); paramProp.put(key_permission, new DSParamProperty("Permission associated to the file", false, false, false)); paramProp.put(key_size, new DSParamProperty("Size of the file", true, true, false)); paramProp.put(key_recursive, new DSParamProperty("Apply change reccursively", false, true, false, FieldType.BOOLEAN)); } open(); } @Override public String open() throws RemoteException { return null; } @Override public String close() throws RemoteException { return null; } /** * Create a path on HDFS with properties * * @param path * @param properties * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String create(String path, Map<String, String> properties) throws RemoteException { String error = null; HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(path); if (fCh.isInitialized() && !fCh.exists()) { if (properties.get(key_type) == null || properties.get(key_type).equalsIgnoreCase("directory") || properties.get(key_type).equalsIgnoreCase("file")) { try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); boolean ok; if (properties.get(key_type) == null || properties.get(key_type).equalsIgnoreCase("directory")) { ok = fs.mkdirs(new Path(path)); } else { ok = fs.createNewFile(new Path(path)); } // fs.close(); if (ok) { changeProperties(path, properties); } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.createdirfail", new Object[] { path }); } } catch (IOException e) { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.cannotcreate", new Object[] { path }); logger.error(error); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.typenotexists", new Object[] { properties.get(key_type) }); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.pathexists", new Object[] { path }); } // fCh.close(); if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Delete Path from HDFS * * @param path * @return Error Message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String delete(String path) throws RemoteException { String error = null; boolean ok; HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(path); if (fCh.isFile() || fCh.isDirectory()) { try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); ok = fs.delete(new Path(path), true); // fs.close(); if (!ok) { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.deletefail", new Object[] { path }); } } catch (IOException e) { ok = false; error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.cannotdelete", new Object[] { path }); logger.error(error); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.notdir", new Object[] { path }); } // fCh.close(); if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Move a path to another location * * @param old_path * @param new_path * @return Error Message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String move(String old_path, String new_path) throws RemoteException { String error = null; try { Path oldP = new Path(old_path), newP = new Path(new_path); HdfsFileChecker hCh = new HdfsFileChecker(newP); if (!hCh.exists()) { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); fs.rename(oldP, newP); // fs.close(); } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.ouputexists"); } // hCh.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.errormove", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Create a copy of a path * * @param in_path * @param out_path * @return Error Message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String copy(String in_path, String out_path) throws RemoteException { String error = null; try { Path oldP = new Path(in_path), newP = new Path(out_path); HdfsFileChecker hChN = new HdfsFileChecker(newP); HdfsFileChecker hChO = new HdfsFileChecker(oldP); if (!hChN.exists() && hChO.exists()) { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); FileUtil.copy(fs, oldP, fs, newP, false, NameNodeVar.getConf()); } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.ouputexists"); } // hChN.close(); // hChO.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.errormove", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Copy from local fs to HDFS * * @param local_path * @param hdfs_path * @return Error message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String copyFromLocal(String local_path, String hdfs_path) throws RemoteException { String error = null; Path localP = new Path(local_path), hdfsP = new Path(hdfs_path); File failFile = new File(localP.getParent().toString(), "." + localP.getName() + ".crc"); try { FileChecker hChO = new FileChecker(new File(local_path)); if (hChO.exists()) { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); if (failFile.exists()) { failFile.delete(); } fs.copyFromLocalFile(false, localP, hdfsP); } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.ouputexists"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.errormove", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }); } if (error != null) { if (failFile.exists()) { failFile.delete(); } logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Copy from HDFS to local * * @param hdfs_path * @param local_path * @return Error message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String copyToLocal(String hdfs_path, String local_path) throws RemoteException { return copyToLocal(hdfs_path, local_path, false); } public String copyToLocal(String hdfs_path, String local_path, boolean writtableByAll) throws RemoteException { String error = null; Path localP = new Path(local_path), hdfsP = new Path(hdfs_path); File failFile = new File(localP.getParent().toString(), "." + localP.getName() + ".crc"); try { FileChecker hChN = new FileChecker(new File(local_path)); HdfsFileChecker hChO = new HdfsFileChecker(hdfsP); if (!hChN.exists() && hChO.exists()) { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); if (failFile.exists()) { failFile.delete(); } fs.copyToLocalFile(false, hdfsP, localP); if (writtableByAll) { new File(local_path).setWritable(true, false); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.ouputexists"); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.errormove", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }); } if (error != null) { logger.warn(error); if (failFile.exists()) { failFile.delete(); } } return error; } /** * Read rows from the path provide * * @param path * @param delimiter * @param maxToRead * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public List<String> select(String path, String delimiter, int maxToRead) throws RemoteException { Path p = new Path(path); List<String> ans = null; HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(p); try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); if (fCh.isDirectory()) { FileStatus[] fsA = fs.listStatus(p); int listSize = Math.min(maxToRead, fsA.length); ans = new ArrayList<String>(listSize); for (int i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) { ans.add(fsA[i].getPath().toString()); } } else if (fCh.isFile()) { InputStream inS =; InputStream in = null; InputStream compressedReader = null; if (path.endsWith(".bz2") || path.endsWith(".bz")) { compressedReader = new BZip2CompressorInputStream(inS); in = compressedReader; } else if (path.endsWith(".gz")) { compressedReader = new GZIPInputStream(inS); in = compressedReader; } else { in = inS; } LineReader reader = new LineReader(in); ans = new ArrayList<String>(maxToRead); Text line = new Text(); int lineNb = 0; while (reader.readLine(line) != 0 && lineNb < maxToRead) { ans.add(line.toString()); ++lineNb; } if (compressedReader != null) { compressedReader.close(); } inS.close(); } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot select the file or directory: " + p); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } // fCh.close(); return ans; } /** * Read a Sequence File * * @param path * @param delimiter * @param maxToRead * @param fields * @return List of read rows from the path * @throws RemoteException */ public List<String> selectSeq(String path, String delimiter, int maxToRead, FieldList fields) throws RemoteException { Path p = new Path(path); List<String> ans = null; HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(p); try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); if (fCh.isDirectory()) { FileStatus[] fsA = fs.listStatus(p); int listSize = Math.min(maxToRead, fsA.length); ans = new ArrayList<String>(listSize); for (int i = 0; i < listSize; ++i) { ans.add(fsA[i].getPath().toString()); } } else if (fCh.isFile()) { FSDataInputStream in =; LineReader reader = new LineReader(in); ans = new ArrayList<String>(maxToRead); Text line = new Text(); reader.readLine(line); int lineNb = 0; maxToRead *= fields.getSize(); int i = 0; String toWrite = ""; logger.debug("delim : " + delimiter); while (reader.readLine(line) != 0 && lineNb < maxToRead) { reader.readLine(line); logger.debug("line : " + line); ++lineNb; FieldType type = fields.getFieldType(fields.getFieldNames().get(i)); if (type == FieldType.BOOLEAN) { toWrite += BytesWritable.Comparator.readInt(line.getBytes(), 0); } else if (type == FieldType.INT) { toWrite += BytesWritable.Comparator.readInt(line.getBytes(), 0); } else if (type == FieldType.FLOAT) { toWrite += BytesWritable.Comparator.readFloat(line.getBytes(), 0); } else if (type == FieldType.DOUBLE) { toWrite += BytesWritable.Comparator.readDouble(line.getBytes(), 0); } else if (type == FieldType.LONG) { toWrite += BytesWritable.Comparator.readLong(line.getBytes(), 0); } else if (type == FieldType.STRING) { toWrite += line.getBytes().toString(); } if ((i + 1) % fields.getSize() == 0) { ans.add(toWrite); toWrite = ""; } else { toWrite += '\001'; } ++i; if (i >= fields.getSize()) { i = 0; } } } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot select the file or directory: " + p); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } // fCh.close(); return ans; } /** * Get the properties of a path * * @param path * @return Map of properties * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public Map<String, String> getProperties(String path) throws RemoteException { logger.debug("getProperties"); Map<String, String> prop = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { logger.debug(0); logger.debug("sys_namenode PathHDFS: " + NameNodeVar.get()); FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(new Path(path)); prop = getProperties(path, stat); logger.debug(1); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error in filesystem"); logger.error(e, e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Not expected exception: " + e); logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } logger.debug("Properties of " + path + ": " + prop.toString()); return prop; } protected Map<String, String> getProperties(String path, FileStatus stat) throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> prop = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { if (stat == null) { logger.debug("File status not available for " + path); return null; } else { if (stat.isDir()) { prop.put(key_type, "directory"); prop.put(key_children, "true"); } else { prop.put(key_type, "file"); prop.put(key_children, "false"); double res = stat.getBlockSize(); boolean end = res < 1024; int pow = 0; while (!end) { res /= 1024; ++pow; end = res < 1024; } DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat(); df.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); String size = df.format(res); if (pow == 1) { size += "K"; } else if (pow == 2) { size += "M"; } else if (pow == 3) { size += "G"; } else if (pow == 4) { size += "T"; } else if (pow == 5) { size += "P"; } else if (pow == 6) { size += "E"; } else if (pow == 7) { size += "Z"; } else if (pow == 8) { size += "Y"; } prop.put(key_size, size); } } prop.put(key_owner, stat.getOwner()); prop.put(key_group, stat.getGroup()); prop.put(key_permission, stat.getPermission().toString()); // fs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Not expected exception: " + e); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } logger.debug("Properties of " + path + ": " + prop.toString()); return prop; } @Override public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getChildrenProperties(String pathStr) throws RemoteException { Map<String, Map<String, String>> ans = null; if (cach.get(getBrowserName()) != null) { ans = cach.get(getBrowserName()).get(pathStr); } if (ans == null) { ans = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); Path pathHdfs = new Path(pathStr); HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(pathHdfs); try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); if (fCh.isDirectory()) { FileStatus[] fsA = fs.listStatus(pathHdfs); for (int i = 0; i < fsA.length; ++i) { String path = pathStr + "/" + fsA[i].getPath().getName(); ans.put(path, getProperties(path, fsA[i])); } } else { ans = null; } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot open the directory: " + pathStr); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } if (ans != null) { cach.get(getBrowserName()).put(pathStr, ans); } } // fCh.close(); return ans; } /** * Change a property * * @param path * @param key * @param newValue * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String changeProperty(String path, String key, String newValue) throws RemoteException { Path p = new Path(path); String error = null; logger.debug(path); logger.debug(key); logger.debug(newValue); if (key.equals(key_permission)) { error = changePermission(p, newValue, false); } else if (key.equals(key_owner)) { error = changeOwnership(p, newValue, null, false); } else if (key.equals(key_group)) { error = changeOwnership(p, System.getProperty(""), newValue, false); } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.keyunsupported", new Object[] { key }); } return error; } /** * Change the properties of a path * * @param path * @param newProperties * @return Error Message * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public String changeProperties(String path, Map<String, String> newProperties) throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> prop = new HashMap<String, String>(newProperties); String error = null; Path p = new Path(path); boolean recursive = false; if (prop.containsKey(key_recursive)) { if (prop.get(key_recursive) != null) { recursive = prop.get(key_recursive).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } else { recursive = false; } prop.remove(key_recursive); } if (prop.containsKey(key_permission)) { error = changePermission(p, prop.get(key_permission), recursive); prop.remove(key_permission); } if (error == null) { if (prop.containsKey(key_group) || prop.containsKey(key_owner)) { String owner = prop.get(key_owner); if (owner == null) { owner = System.getProperty(""); } error = changeOwnership(p, owner, prop.get(key_group), recursive); prop.remove(key_group); prop.remove(key_owner); } } if (error == null && !prop.isEmpty()) { logger.debug(prop); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.permissionerror"); } if (error != null) { logger.error(error); } return error; } /** * Change Ownership of a Path * * @param path * @param owner * @param group * @param recursive * @return Error Message */ protected String changeOwnership(Path path, String owner, String group, boolean recursive) { String error = null; try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(path); if (stat.getOwner().equals(System.getProperty(""))) { if (recursive) { FileStatus[] fsA = fs.listStatus(path); for (int i = 0; i < fsA.length && error == null; ++i) { error = changeOwnership(fs, fsA[i].getPath(), owner, group, recursive); } } if (error == null) { fs.setOwner(path, owner, group); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.ownererror", new Object[] { path.toString() }); } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot operate on the file or directory: " + path.toString()); logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.fileaccess", new Object[] { path }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Change Ownership of a Path * * @param fs * @param path * @param owner * @param group * @param recursive * @return Error Message */ protected String changeOwnership(FileSystem fs, Path path, String owner, String group, boolean recursive) { String error = null; try { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(path); if (stat.getOwner().equals(System.getProperty(""))) { if (recursive) { FileStatus[] fsA = fs.listStatus(path); for (int i = 0; i < fsA.length && error == null; ++i) { error = changeOwnership(fs, fsA[i].getPath(), owner, group, recursive); } } if (error == null) { fs.setOwner(path, owner, group); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.ownererror", new Object[] { path.toString() }); } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot operate on the file or directory: " + path.toString()); logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.fileaccess", new Object[] { path }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Change the permissions of a path * * @param fs * @param path * @param permission * @param recursive * @return Error Message */ protected String changePermission(FileSystem fs, Path path, String permission, boolean recursive) { String error = null; try { FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(path); if (stat.getOwner().equals(System.getProperty(""))) { if (recursive) { FileStatus[] child = fs.listStatus(path); for (int i = 0; i < child.length && error == null; ++i) { error = changePermission(fs, child[i].getPath(), permission, recursive); } } if (error == null) { logger.debug("1 ----- path " + path.getName() + " new perms " + permission); fs.setPermission(path, new FsPermission(permission)); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.ownererror", new Object[] { path.toString() }); } } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot operate on the file or directory: " + path.toString()); logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.fileaccess", new Object[] { path }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Change the permission of a path * * @param path * @param permission * @param recursive * @return Error Message */ protected String changePermission(Path path, String permission, boolean recursive) { String error = null; try { logger.debug("1 " + path.getName()); FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); FileStatus stat = fs.getFileStatus(path); if (stat.getOwner().equals(System.getProperty(""))) { FileStatus[] child = fs.listStatus(path); if (recursive) { logger.debug("children : " + child.length); for (int i = 0; i < child.length && error == null; ++i) { error = changePermission(fs, child[i].getPath(), permission, recursive); } } if (error == null) { logger.debug("set permissions : " + path.toString() + " , " + new FsPermission(permission).toString()); fs.setPermission(path, new FsPermission(permission)); logger.debug(getProperties(path.getName())); } } else { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.ownererror", new Object[] { path.toString() }); } // fs.close(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Cannot operate on the file or directory: " + path.toString()); logger.error(e.getMessage()); error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.changeprop.fileaccess", new Object[] { path }); } if (error != null) { logger.debug(error); } return error; } /** * Get the Parameter Properties * * @return Map of Parameter Properties * @throws RemoteException */ @Override public Map<String, ParamProperty> getParamProperties() throws RemoteException { return paramProp; } /** * * @param path * @return The Parent name */ public String getRelation(String path) { String[] relation = path.substring(1).split("/"); return relation[relation.length - 1]; } /** * */ @Override public String canCreate() throws RemoteException { return LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.create_help"); } @Override public String canDelete() throws RemoteException { return LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.delete_help"); } @Override public String canMove() throws RemoteException { return LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.move_help"); } /** * Check if */ @Override public String canCopy() throws RemoteException { return LanguageManagerWF.getText("HdfsInterface.copy_help"); } /** * Copy file from remote file system to HDFS * * @param rfile * @param lfile * @param remoteServer * @return Error Message */ @Override public String copyFromRemote(String rfile, String lfile, String remoteServer) { String error = null; try {"Copy " + remoteServer + ":" + rfile + " to " + lfile); SSHDataStore remoteDS = SSHInterfaceArray.getInstance().getStore(remoteServer); Channel channel = remoteDS.getSession().openChannel("sftp"); channel.connect(); error = copyInHDFS(channel, rfile, lfile, remoteDS); channel.disconnect(); } catch (Exception e) { error = LanguageManagerWF.getText("unexpectedexception", new Object[] { e.getMessage() }); logger.error(error, e); } return error; } private String copyInHDFS(Channel channel, String rfile, String lfile, SSHDataStore remoteServer) throws Exception { String error = null; FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); Map<String, String> p = remoteServer.getProperties(rfile); if (p.get(SSHInterface.key_type).equals("file")) { String nameRdm = RandomString.getRandomName(20); String tmpFileStr = System.getProperty("") + "/" + nameRdm; if (channel.isClosed()) { channel.connect(); }"Copy " + rfile + " to " + tmpFileStr); ((ChannelSftp) channel).get(rfile, tmpFileStr);"Copy local " + tmpFileStr + " to HDFS " + lfile); fs.copyFromLocalFile(new Path(tmpFileStr), new Path(lfile)); new File(tmpFileStr).delete(); } else { if (!fs.exists(new Path(lfile))) { if (!fs.mkdirs(new Path(lfile))) { // create the directory error = lfile + ": Cannot create such directory"; } } else if (!fs.isDirectory(new Path(lfile))) { //already exists as a file error = lfile + ": Not a directory"; } if (error == null) {"Create the directory " + lfile); Map<String, Map<String, String>> files = remoteServer.getChildrenProperties(rfile); logger.debug(files); for (String path : files.keySet()) { Map<String, String> props = files.get(path); logger.debug(props.get("type") + " " + path); String fileName = path.replaceFirst(rfile, ""); //String fileName = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/")); logger.debug("fileName " + fileName); error = copyInHDFS(channel, rfile + fileName, lfile + fileName, remoteServer); if (error != null) { break; } } } } return error; } /** * Copy file from hdfs to new file on remote server * * @param lfile * @param rfile * @param remoteServer * @return Error Message */ @Override public String copyToRemote(String lfile, String rfile, String remoteServer) { String error = null; try { SSHDataStore remoteDS = SSHInterfaceArray.getInstance().getStore(remoteServer); Channel channel = remoteDS.getSession().openChannel("exec"); copyInRemote(channel, lfile, rfile); channel.disconnect(); return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return error; } private String copyInRemote(Channel channel, String lfile, String rfile) { String error = null; try { FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); Path src = new Path(lfile); if (fs.getFileStatus(src).isDir()) { FileStatus contents[] = fs.listStatus(src); //Make directory in remote channel = channel.getSession().openChannel("exec"); ((ChannelExec) channel).setCommand("mkdir -p " + rfile); channel.connect(); channel.disconnect(); for (int i = 0; i < contents.length && error == null; i++) { String filename = contents[i].getPath().getName(); error = copyInRemote(channel, lfile + "/" + filename, rfile + "/" + filename); } } else { error = copyFileInRemote(channel, lfile, rfile); } } catch (Exception e) { error = "Unexpected error when copying file accross: " + e.getMessage(); logger.error(error, e); } return error; } private String copyFileInRemote(Channel channel, String lfile, String rfile) { FSDataInputStream fisd = null; String error = null; boolean ptimestamp = true; try { String nameRdm = RandomString.getRandomName(20); String tmpFileStr = System.getProperty("") + "/" + nameRdm; FileSystem fs = NameNodeVar.getFS(); fs.copyToLocalFile(new Path(lfile), new Path(tmpFileStr)); channel = channel.getSession().openChannel("sftp"); channel.connect(); ChannelSftp sftpChannel = (ChannelSftp) channel; sftpChannel.put(tmpFileStr, rfile); sftpChannel.exit(); new File(tmpFileStr).delete(); } catch (Exception e) { error = "Unexpected error when copying file accross: " + e.getMessage(); logger.error(error, e); } return error; } @Override public String getBrowserName() throws RemoteException { return "Hadoop Distributed File System"; } @Override public List<String> displaySelect(String path, int maxToRead) throws RemoteException { return select(path, ",", maxToRead); } @Override public boolean exists(String path) throws RemoteException { if (path.isEmpty()) { return false; } HdfsFileChecker fCh = new HdfsFileChecker(path); return fCh.exists(); } }