Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2016 Red Sqirl, Ltd. All rights reserved. * Red Sqirl, Clarendon House, 34 Clarendon St., Dublin 2. Ireland * * This file is part of Red Sqirl * * User agrees that use of this software is governed by: * (1) the applicable user limitations and specified terms and conditions of * the license agreement which has been entered into with Red Sqirl; and * (2) the proprietary and restricted rights notices included in this software. * * WARNING: THE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION OF Red Sqirl IS PROTECTED BY IRISH AND * INTERNATIONAL LAW. UNAUTHORISED REPRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION OR ANY PORTION * OF IT, MAY RESULT IN CIVIL AND/OR CRIMINAL PENALTIES. * * If you have received this software in error please contact Red Sqirl at * */ package com.redsqirl; import; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.idiro.utils.LocalFileSystem; import com.idiro.utils.RandomString; import com.redsqirl.auth.UserInfoBean; import com.redsqirl.dynamictable.Scheduling; import com.redsqirl.useful.MessageUseful; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.WorkflowPrefManager; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.connect.interfaces.DataFlowInterface; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.enumeration.PathType; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.enumeration.SavingState; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.CoordinatorTimeConstraint; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DFELinkOutput; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DFELinkProperty; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DFEOutput; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DataFlow; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DataFlowCoordinator; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.DataFlowElement; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.JobManager; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.SubDataFlow; import com.redsqirl.workflow.server.interfaces.SuperElement; import com.redsqirl.workflow.utils.ModelManager; import com.redsqirl.workflow.utils.PackageManager; import com.redsqirl.workflow.utils.RedSqirlModel; public class CanvasBean extends BaseBean implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 5636655614092802625L; private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CanvasBean.class); protected long updateDf = 0; private List<SelectItem> linkPossibilities = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); private String selectedLink; private int nbLinkPossibilities = 0; private String nameWorkflow; private DataFlow df; private String paramOutId; private String paramInId; private String paramNameLink; private String nameOutput; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> idMap; private Map<String, Map<String, String>> idMapClone = new LinkedHashMap<String, Map<String, String>>(); private UserInfoBean userInfoBean; private String path; private String workflowElementUrl; private String workflowUrl; private Map<String, DataFlow> workflowMap; private String errorTableState = new String(); private List<String> emptyList = new LinkedList<String>(); private String cloneWFId; private String idsToPaste; private WFCopyBuffer wfCopyBuffer; private ReplaceModal rpModal = new ReplaceModal(); private String commentWf = ""; private String idLastElementInserted; private String workflowType; private Map<String, String> mapWorkflowType; private List<String[]> inputNamesList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); private List<String[]> outputNamesList = new ArrayList<String[]>(); private String inputNameSubWorkflow; private String inputNameModel; private List<String> componentIds; private String inputAreaSubWorkflow; private String idGroup; private boolean progressBarEnabled; private boolean runningElementsToggle; private boolean doneElementsToggle; private String voronoiNames; private DataFlowCoordinator dataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted; private String firstTime; /** * Running workflow progress bar */ private long valueProgressBar; private long totalProgressBar; private List<String> runningElements; private List<String> doneElements; private ModelManager modelMan; private String userName; private Date runningStartDate; private Date runningEndDate; private List<Scheduling> listScheduling; private Scheduling selectedScheduling; private Date reRunSchedulingStartDate; private Date reRunSchedulingEndDate; private boolean showSuspendScheduling; private boolean showResumeScheduling; private String coordinatorsSelectedA; private String coordinatorsSelectedB; private List<SelectItem> coordinatorsList; private boolean schedule; private String checkPastDate; private TimeZone oozieTimeZone; private TimeZone oozieTimeZoneStr; /** * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public CanvasBean() { try { setOozieTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone( WorkflowPrefManager.getProperty(WorkflowPrefManager.sys_oozie_processing_timezone))); } catch (Exception e) { setOozieTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); } } /** * Init the canvas at the begining of a session */ public void init() { logger.debug("init canvas"); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); userInfoBean = (UserInfoBean) context.getApplication().evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{userInfoBean}", UserInfoBean.class); workflowMap = new HashMap<String, DataFlow>(); setNameWorkflow("canvas-1"); mapWorkflowType = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); setWorkflowType("W"); mapWorkflowType.put(getNameWorkflow(), getWorkflowType()); setIdMap(new HashMap<String, Map<String, String>>()); getIdMap().put(getNameWorkflow(), new HashMap<String, String>()); DataFlowInterface dfi; try { dfi = getworkFlowInterface(); if (dfi.getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()) == null) { dfi.addWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); }"add new Workflow " + getNameWorkflow()); setDf(dfi.getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow())); getDf().getAllWANameWithClassName(); workflowMap.put(getNameWorkflow(), getDf()); calcWorkflowUrl(); modelMan = new ModelManager(); userName = getUserInfoBean().getUserName(); } catch (RemoteException e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } /** * addElement * * Method for add Element on canvas. set the new idElement on the element * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void addElement() {"addElement"); //"addElement"); //"numWorkflows: " + getWorkflowMap().size()); //"numIdMap: " + getIdMap().size()); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String nameElement = params.get("paramNameElement"); String paramGroupID = params.get("paramGroupID"); String paramIdElement = params.get("paramIdElement"); String isUndoRedo = params.get("isUndoRedo"); //"nameElement " + nameElement); //"paramGroupID " + paramGroupID); //"paramidElement " + paramIdElement); String msg = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); if (df == null) { msg = "The workflow '" + nameWorkflow + "' has not been initialised!"; } else if (nameElement != null && paramGroupID != null) { if (paramIdElement != null && !paramIdElement.isEmpty() && !paramIdElement.equalsIgnoreCase("undefined")) { idLastElementInserted = paramIdElement; } if (isUndoRedo != null && isUndoRedo.equals("true")) { idLastElementInserted = df.addElement(nameElement, idLastElementInserted);"addElement A"); } else { idLastElementInserted = df.addElement(nameElement);"addElement B"); } /*if (paramIdElement != null && !paramIdElement.isEmpty() && !paramIdElement.equalsIgnoreCase("undefined")) { if (df.changeElementId(idLastElementInserted, paramIdElement) == null) { idLastElementInserted = paramIdElement; } }*/ if (idLastElementInserted != null) { getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).put(paramGroupID, idLastElementInserted); if (nameElement.startsWith(">")) { df.getElement(idLastElementInserted).regeneratePaths(false, false); } } else { msg = "NULL POINTER"; } } setDataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted( getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()).getCoordinator(idLastElementInserted)); List<DataFlowCoordinator> l = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()).getCoordinators(); int i = 0; for (DataFlowCoordinator dtFlowCoordinator : l) {"addElement Coordinator index:" + i + " value " + dtFlowCoordinator.getName()); i++; }"addElement " + idLastElementInserted); } catch (Exception e) {, e); msg = e.getMessage(); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "ADDELEMENT"); } /** * removeElement * * Method to remove Element on canvas. * * @return * @author Marcos.Freitas */ public void removeElement() {"removeElement"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String paramGroupID = params.get("paramGroupID"); String msg = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); df.removeElement(getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(paramGroupID)); getIdMap().remove(paramGroupID); } catch (Exception e) {, e); msg = e.getMessage(); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "REMOVEELEMENT"); } /** * updatePosition * * Method for update the position of an Element * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void updatePosition(String paramGroupID, String posX, String posY) {"updatePosition"); updatePosition(getNameWorkflow(), paramGroupID, posX, posY); } /** * Update Position * * @param workflowName * @param paramGroupID * @param posX * @param posY */ public void updatePosition(String workflowName, String paramGroupID, String posX, String posY) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("updatePosition internal"); logger.debug("canvas Name: " + getIdMap().keySet()); logger.debug("getIdMap1 :" + getIdMap()); logger.debug("getIdMap2 :" + getIdMap().get(workflowName)); logger.debug("getIdMap3 :" + paramGroupID); logger.debug("posX " + posX + " posY " + posY); } if (getIdMap().get(workflowName) != null) { String componentId = getIdMap().get(workflowName).get(paramGroupID); if (componentId != null) { try { DataFlow df = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(workflowName); if (df != null) { if (df.getElement(componentId) != null) { df.getElement(componentId).setPosition(Double.valueOf(posX).intValue(), Double.valueOf(posY).intValue()); } } } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn("updatePosition error " + e, e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("updatePosition error " + e, e); } } } } public String[] getResultAfterAddingLink() {"addLink"); String[] ans = new String[3]; String idElementA = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(getParamOutId()); String idElementB = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(getParamInId()); String nameElementA = ""; String nameElementB = ""; if (getSelectedLink().split(" -> ").length > 0) { nameElementA = getSelectedLink().split(" -> ")[0]; nameElementB = getSelectedLink().split(" -> ")[1]; } String msg = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); /*//save voronoi history polygon JSONArray jsonVoronoiNamesOld = new JSONArray(); Map<String, String> mId = getReverseIdMap(); if (df != null && df.getElement() != null) { for (DataFlowElement e : df.getElement()) { jsonVoronoiNamesOld.put(new Object[] { mId.get(e.getComponentId()) , e.getCoordinatorName()}); logger.warn("mid element " + mId.get(e.getComponentId())); logger.warn("mid coordinator " + e.getComponentId()); } } setVoronoiNames(jsonVoronoiNamesOld.toString()); */ DataFlowElement dfeObjA = df.getElement(idElementA); DataFlowElement dfeObjB = df.getElement(idElementB); df.addLink(nameElementA, dfeObjA.getComponentId(), nameElementB, dfeObjB.getComponentId()); //voronoi polygon JSONArray jsonVoronoiNames = new JSONArray(); Map<String, String> mId = getReverseIdMap(); if (df != null && df.getElement() != null) { for (DataFlowElement e : df.getElement()) { jsonVoronoiNames.put(new Object[] { mId.get(e.getComponentId()), e.getCoordinatorName() }); logger.warn("mid element " + mId.get(e.getComponentId())); logger.warn("mid coordinator " + e.getComponentId()); } } ans = new String[] { getParamNameLink(), nameElementA, nameElementB, jsonVoronoiNames.toString() }; setNameOutput(nameElementA); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn(e, e); msg = e.getMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); msg = e.getMessage(); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "ADDLINK"); return ans; } public String[] getVoronoi() { String error = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); /*if(getVoronoiNames() != null && !getVoronoiNames().isEmpty()){ String aux = getVoronoiNames(); setVoronoiNames(null); return new String[] { aux }; }*/ //voronoi polygon JSONArray jsonVoronoiNames = new JSONArray(); Map<String, String> mId = getReverseIdMap(); if (df != null && df.getElement() != null) { for (DataFlowElement e : df.getElement()) { jsonVoronoiNames.put(new Object[] { mId.get(e.getComponentId()), e.getCoordinatorName() }); logger.warn("mid element " + mId.get(e.getComponentId())); logger.warn("mid coordinator " + e.getCoordinatorName()); } } return new String[] { jsonVoronoiNames.toString() }; } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.error(e, e); error = getMessageResources("msg_error_oops"); } displayErrorMessage(error, "GETVORONOI"); return new String[] {}; } public void openModalMergeCoordinator() throws RemoteException {"openModalMergeCoordinator"); DataFlow df = getDf(); setCoordinatorsList(new ArrayList<SelectItem>()); if (df != null) { List<DataFlowCoordinator> l = df.getCoordinators(); for (DataFlowCoordinator dataFlowCoordinator : l) { getCoordinatorsList() .add(new SelectItem(dataFlowCoordinator.getName(), dataFlowCoordinator.getName())); } } } public void applyMergeCoordinator() throws RemoteException {"applyMergeCoordinator"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String coordinatorsSelectedA = params.get("coordinatorsSelectedA"); String coordinatorsSelectedB = params.get("coordinatorsSelectedB"); String error = null; //check if selected the same coordinator if (coordinatorsSelectedA.equals(coordinatorsSelectedB)) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_merge_equal"); } else if (df != null) { error = df.checkCoordinatorMergeConflict(coordinatorsSelectedA, coordinatorsSelectedB); if (error == null) { df.mergeCoordinators(coordinatorsSelectedA, coordinatorsSelectedB); } } displayErrorMessage(error, "APPLYMERGECOORDINATOR"); } public void splitCoordinator() throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String selectedIcons = params.get("selectedIcons"); String error = null; String coordinatorName = null; List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] groupIds = selectedIcons.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String componentId = idMap.get(nameWorkflow).get(groupId); DataFlowElement el = df.getElement(componentId); //check if is same coordinator if (coordinatorName != null && !coordinatorName.equals(el.getCoordinatorName())) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_split_differents"); break; } else { coordinatorName = el.getCoordinatorName(); componentIds.add(componentId); } } //check if is selected all elements from one coordinator if (error == null && df.getCoordinator(coordinatorName).getElements().size() == componentIds.size()) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_split_all_elements"); } if (error == null) { if (df != null) { error = df.splitCoordinator(coordinatorName, componentIds); } } displayErrorMessage(error, "SPLITCOORDINATOR"); } public String getLinkLabel(String nameElementA, DataFlowElement dfeObjA, DataFlowElement dfeObjB) {"getLinkLabel"); // generate the label to put in the arrow String label = ""; try { //"getLinkLabel " + nameElementA + " " + dfeObjA.getComponentId() + " " + dfeObjB.getComponentId()); String nameElementB = null; Iterator<String> it = dfeObjB.getInputComponent().keySet().iterator(); boolean found = false; while (it.hasNext() && !found) { nameElementB =; found = dfeObjB.getInputComponent().get(nameElementB).contains(dfeObjA); } //"addLink " + " " + nameElementA + " " + nameElementB); if (dfeObjA.getDFEOutput().entrySet().size() > 1 || dfeObjB.getInput().entrySet().size() > 1) { if (dfeObjA.getDFEOutput().entrySet().size() > 1) { label += nameElementA; } label += " -> "; if (dfeObjB.getInput().entrySet().size() > 1) { label += nameElementB; } } if (label.equals(" -> ")) { label = ""; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } return label; } public void updateLinkPossibilities() {"updateLinkPossibilities"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String idElementA = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(params.get("paramOutId")); String idElementB = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(params.get("paramInId")); //"idElementA " + idElementA); //"idElementB " + idElementB); try { linkPossibilities = new ArrayList<SelectItem>(); nbLinkPossibilities = 0; DataFlow df = getDf(); DataFlowElement dfeObjA = df.getElement(idElementA); DataFlowElement dfeObjB = df.getElement(idElementB); for (Map.Entry<String, DFELinkProperty> entryInput : dfeObjB.getInput().entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, DFEOutput> entryOutput : dfeObjA.getDFEOutput().entrySet()) { String entryInputKey = entryInput.getKey(); String entryoutputKey = entryOutput.getKey(); //"entryInput '" + entryInputKey + "'"); //"entryOutput '" + entryoutputKey + "'"); if (df.check(entryoutputKey, dfeObjA.getComponentId(), entryInputKey, dfeObjB.getComponentId())) { linkPossibilities.add(new SelectItem(entryoutputKey + " -> " + entryInputKey)); } } } if (!linkPossibilities.isEmpty()) { setSelectedLink(linkPossibilities.get(0).getValue().toString()); nbLinkPossibilities = linkPossibilities.size(); } } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn(e, e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } /** * removeLink * * Method for remove Link for two elements * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void removeLink() {"Remove link"); try { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String idElementA = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(params.get("paramOutId")); String idElementB = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(params.get("paramInId")); String nameElementA = params.get("paramOutName"); String nameElementB = params.get("paramInName");"RemoveLink " + params.get("paramOutId") + " " + params.get("paramInId") + " " + params.get("paramOutName") + " " + params.get("paramInName")); getDf().removeLink(nameElementA, idElementA, nameElementB, idElementB); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn(e, e); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } displayErrorMessage(null, "REMOVELINK"); } public void loadBackup() { String path = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("path"); logger.warn("loadBackup " + path); setPath(path); load(); } /** * load * * Method to create a new workflow and make it the default * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void load() { load(getPath(), generateWorkflowName(getPath()), true); } private void load(String path, String newWfName, boolean setWorkflow) { logger.warn("load " + path); String error = loadDataFlow(path, newWfName, path.endsWith(".rs"), setWorkflow, false); displayErrorMessage(error, "LOADWORKFLOW"); } /** * loadWorkFlow * * Method to create a new workflow and make it the default * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void loadWorkFlow() { String error = loadDataFlow(getPath(), generateWorkflowName(path), true, true, false); displayErrorMessage(error, "LOADWORKFLOW"); } /** * loadSubWorkflow * * Method to create a new sub workflow and make it the default * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void loadSubWorkflow() { String error = loadDataFlow(getPath(), generateWorkflowName(path), false, true, false); displayErrorMessage(error, "LOADSUBWORKFLOW"); } private String loadDataFlow(String path, String newWfName, boolean workflow, boolean setWorkflow, boolean copy) { logger.warn("loadWorkFlow " + path); logger.warn("newWfName " + newWfName); logger.warn("workflow " + workflow); logger.warn("setWorkflow " + setWorkflow); DataFlowInterface dfi; String error = null; try { dfi = getworkFlowInterface(); DataFlow df = null; if (error == null) { if (getWorkflowMap().containsKey(newWfName)) { error = "A workflow called " + newWfName + " already exist. Please close this workflow if you want to proceed."; } else if (dfi.getWorkflow(newWfName) != null) { logger.warn("A workflow named " + newWfName + " already exist on the backend, closing it quietly..."); dfi.removeWorkflow(newWfName); } } if (copy) { dfi.copyDF(path, newWfName); df = dfi.getWorkflow(newWfName); } else { if (error == null) { if (workflow) { error = dfi.addWorkflow(newWfName); } else { error = dfi.addSubWorkflow(newWfName); } } if (error == null) { df = dfi.getWorkflow(newWfName); logger.warn("read " + path); error =; df.setName(newWfName); } } if (error == null) { logger.warn("set current worflow to " + newWfName); if (setWorkflow) { setNameWorkflow(newWfName); setDf(df); df.setName(newWfName); if (workflow) { setWorkflowType("W"); } else { setWorkflowType("S"); } } logger.warn("Load element ids for front-end " + newWfName); workflowMap.put(newWfName, df); getIdMap().put(newWfName, new HashMap<String, String>()); logger.warn("Nb elements: " + df.getElement().size()); Iterator<String> itCompIds = df.getComponentIds().iterator(); while (itCompIds.hasNext()) { String cur =; getIdMap().get(newWfName).put(cur, cur); } logger.warn("Nb element loaded: " + getIdMap().get(newWfName).size()); if (workflow) { mapWorkflowType.put(newWfName, "W"); } else { mapWorkflowType.put(newWfName, "S"); } logger.warn("Load workflow type " + mapWorkflowType.get(newWfName)); } } catch (Exception e) { error = "Error loading workflow: " + e.getMessage(); logger.warn(error, e); } return error; } public void copyRunningWorkflow() { String newWfName = getNameWorkflow() + "-copy"; loadDataFlow(getNameWorkflow(), newWfName, true, true, true); } /** * Push the object position on the backend */ protected void updateCanvasStatus() {"updateCanvasStatus"); String canvasStatus = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("canvasStatus");; try { JSONObject canvas = new JSONObject(canvasStatus); if (canvas.get("modified").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { getDf().setChanged(); } JSONObject positionsArray = new JSONObject(canvas.get("positions").toString()); Iterator it = positionsArray.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { String groupId = (String); Object objc = positionsArray.get(groupId); JSONArray elementArray = new JSONArray(objc.toString()); if (!groupId.equalsIgnoreCase("legend")) { updatePosition(groupId, elementArray.get(0).toString(), elementArray.get(1).toString()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error updating canvasStatus", e); } } /** * Push the object position on the backend for all workflows */ public void updateAllCanvasesStatus() {"updateAllPosition"); String allCanvasStatus = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("allCanvasesStatus");; //; if (allCanvasStatus != null && !allCanvasStatus.isEmpty() && !allCanvasStatus.equalsIgnoreCase("undefined")) { try { JSONObject canvasStatus = new JSONObject(allCanvasStatus); Iterator itWorkflow = canvasStatus.keys(); while (itWorkflow.hasNext()) { String workflowId = (String); JSONObject canvas = new JSONObject(canvasStatus.get(workflowId).toString()); workflowId = canvas.get("name").toString(); if (canvas.get("modified").toString().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { getWorkflowMap().get(workflowId).setChanged(); } JSONObject positionsArray = new JSONObject(canvas.get("positions").toString()); Iterator it = positionsArray.keys(); while (it.hasNext()) { String groupId = (String); Object objc = positionsArray.get(groupId); JSONArray elementArray = new JSONArray(objc.toString());"Update: " + workflowId + " " + groupId + " " + elementArray.get(0).toString() + " " + elementArray.get(1).toString()); if (!groupId.equalsIgnoreCase("legend")) { updatePosition(workflowId, groupId, elementArray.get(0).toString(), elementArray.get(1).toString()); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error updating positions", e); } } } public void loadBackup(String path) { logger.warn("loadBackup " + path); setPath(path); load(); } public String[][] getBuildLoadMapCanvasToOpen() throws Exception {"getBuildLoadMapCanvasToOpen"); try { closeWorkflow("canvas-1"); List<String[]> lastBackedUp = getworkFlowInterface().getLastBackedUp(); String[][] result = new String[lastBackedUp.size()][]; Iterator<String[]> it = lastBackedUp.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { String[] cur =; load(cur[1], cur[0], false); result[i] = getPositions(getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(cur[0]), cur[0], "undefined"); ++i; } return result; } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn(e, e); } return null; } public void backupAll() {"backupAll"); updateAllCanvasesStatus(); try { getworkFlowInterface().backupAll(); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn("Error backing up all workflows", e); } } public void backupAndCloseAll() {"backupAndCloseAll"); updateAllCanvasesStatus(); try { getworkFlowInterface().backupAll(); closeAll(); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn("Error backing up all workflows", e); } } public void checkName() {"checkName: " + getPath()); String msg = null; String regex = "[a-zA-Z]([^/ ]*)"; String name[] = getPath().split("/"); if (name != null && !checkString(regex, name[name.length - 1])) { msg = getMessageResources("msg_error_save"); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "SAVECHECKNAME"); } /** * save * * Method to save the workflow * * @return * @author Igor.Souza * @throws JSONException */ public void save() {"save"); String msg = null; // Set path path = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("pathFile"); String selecteds = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("selecteds"); logger.warn("save " + selecteds); FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = (ServletContext) fCtx.getExternalContext().getContext(); sc.setAttribute("selecteds", selecteds); workflowType = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("workflowType"); logger.warn("workflow Type " + workflowType); String name = generateWorkflowName(path); if (workflowType != null && workflowType.equals("S")) { if (path != null) { path = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")) + "/" + name; } } /*if (!path.endsWith(".rs") || !path.endsWith(".srs")) { if (workflowType != null && workflowType.equals("S")) { path += ".srs"; } else { path += ".rs"; } }*/ if (workflowType != null && workflowType.equals("S")) { if (!path.endsWith(".srs")) { path += ".srs"; } } else { if (!path.endsWith(".rs")) { path += ".rs"; } } // Update the object positions updateCanvasStatus(); { String nameWorkflowSwp = generateWorkflowName(path); try { msg = getworkFlowInterface().renameWorkflow(nameWorkflow, nameWorkflowSwp); } catch (RemoteException e) { msg = "Error when renaming workflow"; logger.error("Error when renaming workflow: " + e); usageRecordLog().addError("ERROR SAVE", e.getMessage()); } if (msg == null && !nameWorkflowSwp.equals(nameWorkflow)) { workflowMap.put(nameWorkflowSwp, workflowMap.get(nameWorkflow)); workflowMap.remove(nameWorkflow); // idMap.put(nameWorkflowSwp, idMap.get(nameWorkflow)); idMap.put(nameWorkflowSwp, new HashMap<String, String>()); idMap.remove(nameWorkflow); getMapWorkflowType().put(nameWorkflowSwp, getMapWorkflowType().get(nameWorkflow)); getMapWorkflowType().remove(nameWorkflow); nameWorkflow = nameWorkflowSwp; } } try { if (msg == null) { logger.warn("save workflow " + nameWorkflow + " in " + path); DataFlow df = getWorkflowMap().get(nameWorkflow); setDf(df); msg =; } if (msg == null) { df.setPath(path); Iterator<String> itCompIds = df.getComponentIds().iterator(); idMap.get(nameWorkflow).clear(); while (itCompIds.hasNext()) { String cur =; idMap.get(nameWorkflow).put(cur, cur); } logger.warn("save msg :" + msg); } } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Error saving workflow"; logger.warn(msg, e); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "SAVE"); } /** * closeWorkflow * * Method to close a workflow * * @return * @author Igor.Souza * @throws RemoteException */ public void closeWorkflow() {"closeWorkflow"); String workflow = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("workflow"); closeWorkflow(workflow); } protected void closeWorkflow(String workflowName) { logger.warn("closeWorkflow:" + workflowName); String msg = null; try { DataFlow dfCur = workflowMap.get(workflowName); if (dfCur != null) { logger.warn("remove " + workflowName); dfCur.close(); getworkFlowInterface().removeWorkflow(workflowName); workflowMap.remove(workflowName); idMap.remove(workflowName); if (getDf() != null && dfCur.getName() != null && dfCur.getName().equals(getDf().getName())) { setDf(null); } } } catch (Exception e) { msg = "Fail closing " + workflowName; logger.error(msg, e); } displayErrorMessage(msg, "CLOSEWORKFLOW"); } public void copy() throws RemoteException {"copy"); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select");"Select:" + select); List<String> elements = null; if (select == null || select.isEmpty() || select.equals("undefined")) { elements = getDf().getComponentIds(); } else { elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { elements.add(idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId)); } } if (wfCopyBuffer != null) { getworkFlowInterface().eraseClone(wfCopyBuffer.getDfCloneId()); wfCopyBuffer = null; } wfCopyBuffer = new WFCopyBuffer(getworkFlowInterface(), getNameWorkflow(), elements); displayErrorMessage(null, "COPY"); } public void paste() throws RemoteException {"paste"); String error = null; if (wfCopyBuffer != null && getDf() != null) { error = getworkFlowInterface().copy(wfCopyBuffer.getDfCloneId(), wfCopyBuffer.getElementsToCopy(), getNameWorkflow()); if (error == null) { Iterator<String> elIt = getDf().getComponentIds().iterator(); Map<String, String> idMapWf = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()); StringBuffer ans = new StringBuffer(); while (elIt.hasNext()) { String elCur =; if (!idMapWf.containsValue(elCur)) { idMapWf.put(elCur, elCur); ans = ans.append("," + elCur); } } if (ans.length() > 0) { setIdsToPaste(ans.substring(1));; } } } displayErrorMessage(error, "PASTE"); } public void replaceAll() throws RemoteException {"replaceAll"); List<String> elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String error = null; String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); String string = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("oldStr"); String replaceString = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("newStr"); boolean replaceActionNames = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("changeLabel").equalsIgnoreCase("true"); boolean regex = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("regex") .equalsIgnoreCase("true");"Replace all" + string + " by " + replaceString + " in " + select); if (string == null || string.isEmpty() || string.equals("undefined")) { error = "String missing"; } if (replaceString == null || replaceString.equals("undefined")) { replaceString = ""; } if (select == null || select.isEmpty() || select.equals("undefined")) { error = "No selection..."; } else { String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String el = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); elements.add(el); } if (error == null) { getDf().replaceInAllElements(elements, string, replaceString, regex); Iterator<String> it = elements.iterator(); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String cur = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); getDf().getElement(cur).cleanThisAndAllElementAfter(); if (replaceActionNames) { String newId = cur.replaceAll(Pattern.quote(string), replaceString); if (getDf().changeElementId(cur, newId) == null) { idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).put(groupId, newId); } } } error = getDf().check(); } } displayErrorMessage(error, "REPLACEALL"); } public void runScheduleWorkflow() throws Exception {"runScheduleWorkflow"); getDf().setName(getNameWorkflow());"getNameWorkflow:" + getNameWorkflow()); updateCanvasStatus(); String error = getDf().run(runningStartDate, runningEndDate); setCheckPastDate(getCheckJobId());"Run error:" + error); if (error == null) { final String savedFile = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("savedFile"); if (getDf().isSaved() && savedFile != null && !savedFile.isEmpty() && !savedFile.equals("null") && !savedFile.equals("undefined")) {"Save the workflow in " + savedFile);; new Thread() { public void run() { try { getDf().save(savedFile); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } }.start(); } else { new Thread() { public void run() { try { df.backup(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } }.start(); } calcWorkflowUrl(); } displayErrorMessage(error, "RUNSCHEDULEWORKFLOW"); } public void runWorkflow() throws Exception {"runWorkflow"); setProgressBarEnabled(true); setValueProgressBar(Long.valueOf(0)); setDoneElementsToggle(false); setRunningElementsToggle(false); getDf().setName(getNameWorkflow());"getNameWorkflow:" + getNameWorkflow()); updateCanvasStatus(); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select");"Select:" + select); String error = null; if (select == null || select.isEmpty() || select.equals("undefined")) {"Run a complete workflow"); error = getDf().run();"Run error:" + error); } else { List<String> elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { elements.add(idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId)); }"Run workflow for: " + elements); if (elements.contains(null)) { error = "Dev - Error front-end, list contains null values."; } else { error = getDf().run(elements);"Run elements error:" + error); } } if (error == null) { final String savedFile = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("savedFile"); if (getDf().isSaved() && savedFile != null && !savedFile.isEmpty() && !savedFile.equals("null") && !savedFile.equals("undefined")) {"Save the workflow in " + savedFile);; new Thread() { public void run() { try { getDf().save(savedFile); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } }.start(); } else { new Thread() { public void run() { try { df.backup(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } }.start(); } calcWorkflowUrl(); } displayErrorMessage(error, "RUNWORKFLOW"); } public String[] getCheckIfScheduleBeforeRun() throws RemoteException { String positions = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("positions"); String savedFile = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("savedFile"); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); return new String[] { positions, savedFile, select, getCheckIfSchedule() }; } public String getCheckJobId() throws RemoteException { String checkJobId = "true"; if (df != null && df.getOozieJobId() != null) { logger.warn("checkJobId " + df.getOozieJobId()); if (df.getOozieJobId().endsWith("W")) { checkJobId = "false"; } } logger.warn("checkJobId " + checkJobId); return checkJobId; } public String getCheckIfSchedule() throws RemoteException { DataFlow df = getDf(); if (df != null && df.isSchedule()) { setSchedule(true); return "true"; } else { setSchedule(false); return "false"; } } public void calcWorkflowUrl() {"calcWorkflowUrl"); String url = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); if (df != null) { if (df.getOozieJobId() != null) { try { JobManager jm = getOozie(); jm.getUrl(); url = jm.getConsoleUrl(df.getOozieJobId()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error " + e.getMessage()); } } else { url = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error get df: " + e.getMessage()); } if (url == null) { try { url = getOozie().getUrl(); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.error("error getting Oozie url : " + e.getMessage()); } } setWorkflowUrl(url); } public boolean isRunning() throws RemoteException {"isRunning"); DataFlow df = getDf(); boolean running = false; if (df != null) { running = df.isrunning(); + " running: " + running); } return running; } public String[] getRunningAndUpdate() throws RemoteException { DataFlow df = getDf(); String name = ""; boolean running = false; boolean scheduled = false; if (df != null) { name = df.getName(); running = df.isrunning(); scheduled = df.isSchedule(); //logger.warn(df.getName()+" running: "+running); if (running && !scheduled) { try { setTotalProgressBar(getOozie().getNbElement(getDf())); runningElements = getOozie().getElementsRunning(getDf()); doneElements = getOozie().getElementsDone(getDf()); setValueProgressBar( (long) ((0.1 * runningElements.size() + doneElements.size()) * 100 / totalProgressBar)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } } } else { logger.debug("isRunning"); } return new String[] { Boolean.toString(running), name }; } public String[] getRunningAndUpdateScheduling() throws RemoteException, JSONException { DataFlow df = getDf(); String name = ""; boolean running = false; boolean scheduled = false; if (df != null) { name = df.getName(); running = df.isrunning(); scheduled = df.isSchedule(); if (running && scheduled) { String json = getOozie().getBundleJobInfo(getDf().getOozieJobId());; try { JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(json); //if(listScheduling == null){ listScheduling = new ArrayList<Scheduling>(); //} List<String> status = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Iterator<?> iterator = jsonObj.keys(); iterator.hasNext();) { String nameObj = (String);; JSONObject obj = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get(nameObj); boolean exist = false; Scheduling scheduling = null; for (Scheduling sc : listScheduling) { try { if (sc.getJobId() != null && sc.getJobId().equals(obj.getString("job-id"))) { exist = true; scheduling = sc; scheduling.setNameScheduling(nameObj); scheduling.setJobId(obj.getString("job-id")); scheduling.setLastActionScheduling(obj.getString("last-action")); scheduling.setNextActionScheduling(obj.getString("next-action")); scheduling.setActionsScheduling(obj.getString("actions")); scheduling.setOkScheduling(obj.getString("ok")); List<String[]> listJobsScheduling = new ArrayList<String[]>(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(obj.getString("jobs")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); String[] aux = new String[] { "false", jObj.get("action-number").toString(), jObj.get("nominal-time").toString(), jObj.get("status").toString(), jObj.get("w-id").toString() }; listJobsScheduling.add(aux); } scheduling.setListJobsScheduling(listJobsScheduling); scheduling.setSkippedScheduling(obj.getString("skipped")); scheduling.setErrorsScheduling(obj.getString("errors")); scheduling.setRunningScheduling(obj.getString("running")); scheduling.setStatusScheduling(obj.getString("status")); break; } } catch (Exception e) { //logger.warn(e,e); } } if (!exist) { scheduling = new Scheduling(); scheduling.setNameScheduling(nameObj); try { scheduling.setJobId(obj.getString("job-id")); scheduling.setLastActionScheduling(obj.getString("last-action")); scheduling.setNextActionScheduling(obj.getString("next-action")); scheduling.setActionsScheduling(obj.getString("actions")); scheduling.setOkScheduling(obj.getString("ok")); List<String[]> listJobsScheduling = new ArrayList<String[]>(); JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(obj.getString("jobs")); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(jsonArray.get(i).toString()); String[] aux = new String[] { "false", jObj.get("action-number").toString(), jObj.get("nominal-time").toString(), jObj.get("status").toString(), jObj.get("w-id").toString() }; listJobsScheduling.add(aux); } scheduling.setListJobsScheduling(listJobsScheduling); scheduling.setSkippedScheduling(obj.getString("skipped")); scheduling.setErrorsScheduling(obj.getString("errors")); scheduling.setRunningScheduling(obj.getString("running")); scheduling.setStatusScheduling(obj.getString("status")); if (!status.contains(obj.getString("status"))) { status.add(obj.getString("status")); } } catch (Exception e) { //logger.warn(e,e); scheduling = null; } if (scheduling != null) { listScheduling.add(scheduling); } } exist = false; if (scheduling != null) { if (!status.contains(obj.getString("status"))) { status.add(obj.getString("status")); } } } if (!status.contains("SUSPENDED")) { setShowSuspendScheduling(true); setShowResumeScheduling(false); } else { setShowResumeScheduling(true); if (status.contains("RUNNING")) { setShowSuspendScheduling(true); } else { setShowSuspendScheduling(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { String j = json.replaceAll("[{}\":]", "").trim(); listScheduling = new ArrayList<Scheduling>(); if (j.contains(",")) { String ans[] = j.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < ans.length; i++) { Scheduling scheduling = new Scheduling(); scheduling.setNameScheduling(ans[i]); listScheduling.add(scheduling); } } else { Scheduling scheduling = new Scheduling(); scheduling.setNameScheduling(j); listScheduling.add(scheduling); } } } } else { logger.debug("isRunningScheduling"); } return new String[] { Boolean.toString(running), name }; } public void setSelectedScheduling() throws RemoteException, JSONException { String selectedScheduling = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("selectedScheduling"); for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.getNameScheduling().equals(selectedScheduling)) { setSelectedScheduling(scheduling); break; } } } public void suspendScheduling() throws Exception {"suspendScheduling"); if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.isSelected()) { if (!scheduling.getStatusScheduling().equalsIgnoreCase("SUSPENDED")) { getOozie().suspend(scheduling.getJobId()); } } } } } } public void resumeScheduling() throws Exception {"resumeScheduling"); if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.isSelected()) { if (scheduling.getStatusScheduling().equalsIgnoreCase("SUSPENDED")) { getOozie().resume(scheduling.getJobId()); } } } } } } public void suspendCoordWfScheduling() throws Exception {"suspendCoordWfScheduling"); String selectedScheduling = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("selectedScheduling"); if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.getNameScheduling().equals(selectedScheduling)) { for (String[] value : scheduling.getListJobsScheduling()) { if (value[3].equalsIgnoreCase("RUNNING")) { getOozie().suspend(value[4]); break; } } } } } } } public void resumeCoordWfScheduling() throws Exception {"resumeCoordWfScheduling"); String selectedScheduling = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("selectedScheduling"); if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.getNameScheduling().equals(selectedScheduling)) { for (String[] value : scheduling.getListJobsScheduling()) { if (value[3].equalsIgnoreCase("SUSPENDED")) { getOozie().resume(value[4]); break; } } } } } } } public void killCoordWfScheduling() throws Exception {"killCoordWfScheduling"); String selectedScheduling = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("selectedScheduling"); if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { for (Scheduling scheduling : listScheduling) { if (scheduling.getNameScheduling().equals(selectedScheduling)) { for (String[] value : scheduling.getListJobsScheduling()) { if (value[3].equalsIgnoreCase("RUNNING")) {"Kill " + value[4]); getOozie().kill(value[4]); break; } } } } } } } public void openSchedulModal() throws RemoteException { setOozieTimeZone(TimeZone .getTimeZone(WorkflowPrefManager.getProperty(WorkflowPrefManager.sys_oozie_processing_timezone)));; } public void killWaitingSelectedScheduling() throws RemoteException {"killWaitingSelectedScheduling"); String error = null; if (df != null) { if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) { boolean sel = true; boolean status = true; for (String[] value : getSelectedScheduling().getListJobsScheduling()) { if (value[0] == "true") { sel = false; if (value[3].equals("WAITING") || value[3].equals("RUNNING")) { status = false; try { getSelectedScheduling().getJobId() + " - " + "action" + " - " + value[1]); getOozie().kill(getSelectedScheduling().getJobId(), "action", value[1]); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } } } } if (status) { error = "You can kill actions just in waiting or running status"; } if (sel) { error = "No actions selected"; } } else { error = "Job is not running."; } } displayErrorMessage(error, "KILLWAITINGSELECTEDSCHEDULING"); } public void reRunSelectedScheduling() throws RemoteException { String error = null;"reRunSelectedScheduling"); if (df != null) {"df not null"); if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) {"df running"); String actions = ""; for (String[] value : getSelectedScheduling().getListJobsScheduling()) { if (value[0] == "true") {[0]); if (!actions.isEmpty()) { actions += ","; } actions += value[1]; } } if (actions.isEmpty()) { error = "No actions selected"; } else {"rerun job for " + actions); try { getOozie().reRunCoord(getSelectedScheduling().getJobId(), "action", actions, true, true); } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); } } } else { error = "Job is not running."; } } displayErrorMessage(error, "RERUN_COORDINATOR"); } public void reRunAllScheduling() throws RemoteException { String error = null;"reRunAllScheduling"); Date startDate = getReRunSchedulingStartDate(); Date endDate = getReRunSchedulingEndDate(); if (df != null) {"df not null"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm'Z'"); dateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone( WorkflowPrefManager.getProperty(WorkflowPrefManager.sys_oozie_processing_timezone))); if (df.isrunning() && df.isSchedule()) {"df running"); try { getOozie().reRunBundle(df.getOozieJobId(), null, dateFormat.format(startDate) + "::" + dateFormat.format(endDate), true, true); } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); } } else { error = "Job is not running."; } } displayErrorMessage(error, "RERUN_BUNDLE"); } public void stopRunningWorkflow() throws RemoteException, Exception {"stopRunningWorkflow "); String error = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); if (df != null && df.getOozieJobId() != null) { getOozie().kill(df.getOozieJobId()); } listScheduling = null; } catch (Exception e) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_oops"); } displayErrorMessage(error, "KILLWORKFLOW"); } public void calcWorkflowElementUrl() {"calcWorkflowElementUrl"); String id = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("groupId"); //"element gp url: " + id); String url = null; try { DataFlow df = getDf(); if (df != null && id != null && df.getOozieJobId() != null) { try { JobManager jm = getOozie(); //"element url: " + df.getElement(getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(id))); url = jm.getConsoleElementUrl(df, df.getElement(getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(id))); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error get df: " + e.getMessage()); } if (url == null) { try { url = getOozie().getUrl(); } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.error("error getting Oozie url : " + e.getMessage()); } } setWorkflowElementUrl(url); } public void updateIdObj() {"updateIdObj"); String groupId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("idGroup"); String id = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id"); getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).put(groupId, id); } public String[] getReinitialize() throws RemoteException {"getReinitialize"); String ans = getFirstTime(); if (getFirstTime() == null) { setFirstTime(" "); } else { backupAndCloseAll(); } String wfNameList = ""; Iterator<String[]> it = getworkFlowInterface().getLastBackedUp().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String[] cur =; String wfName = cur[0]; String path = cur[1]; String toWrite = wfName + " (" + path + ")"; if (toWrite.length() > 80) { if (wfName.length() > 70) { toWrite = wfName; } else { toWrite = wfName + " (..." + path.substring(toWrite.length() - 77) + ")"; } } wfNameList += toWrite; if (it.hasNext()) { wfNameList += ", "; } } if (wfNameList.isEmpty()) { wfNameList = null; } return new String[] { ans, wfNameList }; } /** * setOutputToBuffered * * Methods to change the output from all selection action to Buffer * * @author Igor.Souza * @throws RemoteException */ public void setOutputToBuffered() throws RemoteException {"setOutputToBuffer"); DataFlow wf = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); List<String> elements = null; if (select != null && !select.isEmpty()) { elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String id = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); elements.add(id); } } if (elements != null && wf != null) { wf.setOutputType(elements, SavingState.BUFFERED); displayErrorMessage(null, "SETOUTPUTTOBUFFER"); } } /** * setOutputToTemporary * * Methods to change the output from all selection action to Temporary * * @author Igor.Souza * @throws RemoteException */ public void setOutputToTemporary() throws RemoteException {"setOutputToTemporary"); DataFlow wf = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); List<String> elements = null; if (select != null && !select.isEmpty()) { elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String id = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); elements.add(id); } } if (elements != null && wf != null) { wf.setOutputType(elements, SavingState.TEMPORARY); displayErrorMessage(null, "SETOUTPUTTOTEMPORARY"); } } /** * cleanCanvasProject * * Methods to clean the outputs from all canvas * * @return * @author Igor.Souza * @throws RemoteException */ public void cleanCanvasProject() throws RemoteException {"cleanCanvasProject"); DataFlow wf = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); List<String> elements = null; if (select != null && !select.isEmpty()) { elements = new LinkedList<String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String id = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); elements.add(id); } } if (elements != null && wf != null) { String error = wf.cleanSelectedAction(elements); displayErrorMessage(error, "CLEANCANVASPROJECT"); } } public void cleanElement() throws RemoteException {"cleanElement"); DataFlow wf = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); String groupId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("idGroup"); setIdGroup(groupId); String id = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); if (id != null && wf != null) { wf.getElement(id).cleanDataOut(); } displayErrorMessage(null, "CLEANELEMENT"); } public void refreshSubWorkflow() throws RemoteException {"refreshSubWorkflow"); DataFlow wf = getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow()); String groupId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("idGroup"); setIdGroup(groupId); String id = getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId); String error = null; if (id != null && wf != null) { try { ((SuperElement) wf.getElement(id)).readMetadataSuperElement(); wf.getElement(id).regeneratePaths(false, false); } catch (Exception e) { error = e.getMessage(); logger.error(error, e); } } displayErrorMessage(error, "REFRESHSUBWORKFLOW"); } /** * initial * * Methods to drive to the main screen * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public String initial() {"initial"); return "initial"; } public void updateWfComment() throws RemoteException {"updateWfComment"); if (getDf() != null) { try {; getDf().setComment(commentWf); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn(e, e); } } } public String[] getChangeWfComment() throws RemoteException { return new String[] { getSavedWfComment(), getCommentWf() }; } public String getSavedWfComment() throws RemoteException {"getSavedWfComment"); return getDf() == null ? "" : getDf().getComment(); } private String generateWorkflowName(String path) {"generateWorkflowName"); /*boolean reload = false; if(path.startsWith("RELOAD")){ path = path.substring(6); setPath(path); reload = true; }*/ String name; int index = path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index + 1 < path.length()) { name = path.substring(index + 1); } else { name = path; } /* if(reload && name.replace(".rs", "").replace(".srs", "").matches("canvas-[0-9]+-[0-9]+")){ name = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf("-")); }*/ return name.replace(".rs", "").replace(".srs", ""); } public void changeWorkflow() throws RemoteException {"change workflow to " + getNameWorkflow()); setDf(getWorkflowMap().get(getNameWorkflow())); setWorkflowType(getMapWorkflowType().get(getNameWorkflow()));"workflow type " + getWorkflowType()); } public void addWorkflow() throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String name = params.get("name");"addWorkflow: " + name); DataFlowInterface dfi = getworkFlowInterface(); if (!getWorkflowMap().containsKey(name)) {"create Workflow: " + name); dfi.addWorkflow(name); workflowMap.put(name, dfi.getWorkflow(name)); dfi.getWorkflow(name).setName(name); getIdMap().put(name, new HashMap<String, String>()); getMapWorkflowType().put(name, "W"); } } public void addSubWorkflow() throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String name = params.get("name");"addSubWorkflow: " + name); DataFlowInterface dfi = getworkFlowInterface(); if (!getWorkflowMap().containsKey(name)) {"create addSubWorkflow: " + name); dfi.addSubWorkflow(name); workflowMap.put(name, dfi.getWorkflow(name)); dfi.getSubWorkflow(name).setName(name); getIdMap().put(name, new HashMap<String, String>()); getMapWorkflowType().put(name, "S"); } } public void closeAll() { logger.warn("closeAll"); int size = workflowMap.size(); int iterMax = size + 2; int iter = 0; if (size > 0) { do { closeWorkflow(workflowMap.keySet().iterator().next()); size = workflowMap.size(); } while (size > 0 && ++iter < iterMax); } else { logger.warn("closeAll SIZE"); } setDf(null); displayErrorMessage(null, "CLOSEALL"); } /** * Get the output of all the element * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Object[][] getAllOutputStatus() throws Exception {"getAllOutputStatus");"getAllOutputStatus nameWorkflow " + getNameWorkflow()); return getSelectedOutputStatus(getReverseIdMap()); } public Map<String, String> getReverseIdMap() { return getReverseIdMap(getNameWorkflow()); } public Map<String, String> getReverseIdMap(String wfName) {"getReverseIdMap"); Map<String, String> elements = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (getIdMap().get(wfName) != null) { for (Entry<String, String> el : getIdMap().get(wfName).entrySet()) { elements.put(el.getValue(), el.getKey()); } } return elements; } /** * Get the output of the selected elements * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Object[][] getSelectedOutputStatus() throws Exception {"getSelectedOutputStatus");"getSelectedOutputStatus nameWorkflow " + getNameWorkflow()); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); Object[][] result = null; if (select == null || select.isEmpty() || select.equals("undefined")) { logger.warn("No selection..."); } else { Map<String, String> elements = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { elements.put(idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId), groupId); } result = getSelectedOutputStatus(elements); } return result; } /** * * @param elements * key: componentId, value: groupId * @return * @throws Exception */ private Object[][] getSelectedOutputStatus(Map<String, String> elements) throws Exception {"getSelectedOutputStatus"); Object[][] result = null; if (elements != null && getDf() != null) { DataFlow dfCur = getDf(); result = new Object[elements.size()][]; try { dfCur.clearCachAfterRunning(); Map<String, String> inverseIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String wfName = nameWorkflow; for (Entry<String, String> e : idMap.get(wfName).entrySet()) { inverseIdMap.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } int i = -1; Iterator<String> elSels = dfCur.getComponentIds().iterator(); boolean checkStatus = getOozie().jobExists(getDf()); while (elSels.hasNext()) { String curId =; if (elements.containsKey(curId)) { DataFlowElement dfe = dfCur.getElement(curId); result[++i] = getOutputStatus(wfName, dfe, elements.get(curId), checkStatus, inverseIdMap); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } } return result; } private Object[] getOutputStatus(String wfName, DataFlowElement dfe, String groupId, boolean checkRuningstatus, Map<String, String> inverseIdMap) throws RemoteException {"getOutputStatus"); String outputType = null; String pathExistsStr = null; String runningStatus = null; StringBuffer tooltip = new StringBuffer(); String errorOut = null; String[][] arrows = null; String externalLink = null; boolean isSchedule = false; if (dfe != null && dfe.getDFEOutput() != null) { String elementName = dfe.getName(); String tooltipeName1 = elementName.startsWith(">") ? elementName.substring(elementName.lastIndexOf(">") + 1) : elementName; String tooltipName = WordUtils.capitalizeFully(tooltipeName1.replace('_', ' ')); tooltip.append("<center><span style='font-size:15px;'>" + tooltipName + ": " + dfe.getComponentId() + "</span></center><br/>"); HttpSession session = (HttpSession) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getSession(false); String user = (String) session.getAttribute("username"); String module = ""; if (dfe.getName() != null && dfe.getName().startsWith(">")) { module += RedSqirlModel.getModelAndSW(dfe.getName())[0]; } else { PackageManager pcm = new PackageManager(); module += pcm.getPackageOfAction(user, dfe.getName()); } if (!module.isEmpty()) { tooltip.append("Module: " + module + "<br/>"); } String comment = dfe.getComment(); if (comment != null && !comment.isEmpty()) { tooltip.append("<br/><i>" + comment + "</i><br/>"); } try { errorOut = dfe.checkEntry(wfName); if (errorOut == null) { errorOut = dfe.updateOut(); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); errorOut = "Unexpected program error while checking this action."; } if (errorOut != null) { tooltip.append("<br/><b>Error:</b><br/><span style='word-wrap:break-word;'>" + errorOut.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>") + "</span><br/>"); } boolean pathExists = false; String stateCur = null; boolean curPathExist = false; for (Entry<String, DFEOutput> e : dfe.getDFEOutput().entrySet()) { String pathTypeCur = e.getValue().getPathType().toString(); curPathExist = "W".equals(workflowType) && PathType.REAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(pathTypeCur) && e.getValue().isPathExist(); stateCur = e.getValue().getSavingState().toString();"path: " + e.getValue().getPath()); //Arcs regarding path calculations { pathExists |= curPathExist; if (stateCur != null) { if (outputType == null) { outputType = stateCur; } else if (outputType.equalsIgnoreCase(SavingState.BUFFERED.toString()) && stateCur.equalsIgnoreCase(SavingState.RECORDED.toString())) { outputType = stateCur; } else if (outputType.equalsIgnoreCase(SavingState.TEMPORARY.toString()) && (stateCur.equalsIgnoreCase(SavingState.RECORDED.toString()) || stateCur.equalsIgnoreCase(SavingState.BUFFERED.toString()))) { outputType = stateCur; } } } { tooltip.append("<br/>"); if (!e.getKey().isEmpty()) { tooltip.append("Output Name: " + e.getKey() + "<br/>"); } else { tooltip.append("<span style='font-size:14px;'> Output " + "</span><br/>"); } } tooltip.append("Output Type: " + e.getValue().getTypeName() + "<br/>"); if ("W".equals(workflowType)) { if (!PathType.REAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(pathTypeCur)) { tooltip.append("Output Path: " + e.getValue().getPath() + "<br/>"); } else { if (curPathExist) { tooltip.append("Output Path: <span style='color:#008B8B'>" + e.getValue().getPath() + "</span><br/>"); } else { tooltip.append("Output Path: <span style='color:#d2691e'>" + e.getValue().getPath() + "</span><br/>"); } } tooltip.append("Output State: "); if (SavingState.RECORDED.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(stateCur)) { tooltip.append("<span style='color:#f08080'>"); } else if (SavingState.BUFFERED.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(stateCur)) { tooltip.append("<span style='color:#4682b4'>"); } else if (SavingState.TEMPORARY.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(stateCur)) { tooltip.append("<span style='color:#800080'>"); } tooltip.append(stateCur + "</span><br/>"); if (!PathType.REAL.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(pathTypeCur)) { CoordinatorTimeConstraint ctcCur = e.getValue().getFrequency(); if (ctcCur.getUnit() != null) { String frequencyStr = "Every " + ctcCur.getFrequency() + " " + ctcCur.getUnit().toString().toLowerCase(); tooltip.append("Frequency: " + frequencyStr + "<br/>"); if (PathType.MATERIALIZED.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(pathTypeCur)) { tooltip.append( "Number of dataset: " + e.getValue().getNumberMaterializedPath() + "<br/>"); } } } } if (e.getValue().getFields() != null && e.getValue().getFields().getFieldNames() != null && !e.getValue().getFields().getFieldNames().isEmpty()) { tooltip.append("<br/>"); tooltip.append("<table style='border:1px solid;width:100%;'>"); if (e.getKey() != null) { tooltip.append("<tr><td colspan='1'>" + e.getKey() + "</td></tr>"); } tooltip.append("<tr><td></td><td> Fields </td><td> Type </td></tr>"); int row = 0; int index = 1; for (String name : e.getValue().getFields().getFieldNames()) { if ((row % 2) == 0) { tooltip.append("<tr class='odd-row'>"); } else { tooltip.append("<tr>"); } tooltip.append("<td>" + index + "</td>"); tooltip.append("<td style='max-width:200px;word-wrap:break-word;'>" + name + "</td>"); tooltip.append("<td>" + e.getValue().getFields().getFieldType(name) + "</td></tr>"); row++; index++; } tooltip.append("</table>"); tooltip.append("<br/>"); } DFEOutput dfeOut = e.getValue(); String link = null; try { link = ((DFELinkOutput) dfeOut).getLink(); } catch (Exception exc) { //logger.error(""); } if (link != null) { externalLink = link; } } arrows = new String[dfe.getAllOutputComponent().size()][]; int i = 0; Iterator<String> outIt = dfe.getOutputComponent().keySet().iterator(); while (outIt.hasNext()) { String outName =; Iterator<DataFlowElement> outElIt = dfe.getOutputComponent().get(outName).iterator(); while (outElIt.hasNext()) { arrows[i] = getArrowType(inverseIdMap.get(dfe.getComponentId()), inverseIdMap.get(, outName); ++i; } } if (!dfe.getDFEOutput().isEmpty()) { pathExistsStr = String.valueOf(pathExists); } if (checkRuningstatus) { try { runningStatus = getDf().getRunningStatus(dfe.getComponentId()); } catch (Exception e1) { logger.warn("Error getting the status: " + e1.getMessage(), e1); } } //"element " + dfe.getComponentId()); //"state " + outputType); //"pathExists " + String.valueOf(pathExistsStr)); isSchedule = df.isSchedule(); }"output status result " + groupId + " - " + outputType + " - " + pathExistsStr + " - " + runningStatus); return new Object[] { groupId, outputType, pathExistsStr, runningStatus, tooltip.toString(), Boolean.toString(errorOut == null), arrows, externalLink, isSchedule }; } /** * Recursive function to get the output status of all the elements after the * one specified * * @param dfe * The data flow element * @param status * the list to append the result * @throws RemoteException */ private Set<String> getAllElementAfterForOutput(DataFlowElement dfe) {"getOutputStatus"); Set<String> ans = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); String error = null; try { if (dfe != null && dfe.getDFEOutput() != null) { String compId = dfe.getComponentId(); if (compId == null) { logger.warn("Error component id cannot be null"); } else { ans.add(compId); for (DataFlowElement cur : dfe.getAllOutputComponent()) { ans.addAll(getAllElementAfterForOutput(cur)); } } } else {"getOutputStatus null "); } } catch (Exception e) { error = "Error " + e + " - " + e.getMessage(); } displayErrorMessage(error, "getAllElementAfterForOutput"); return ans; } public void changeIdElement() throws RemoteException {"changeIdElement"); String error = null; Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String groupId = params.get("groupId"); String elementId = params.get("elementId"); String comment = params.get("comment"); String elementOldId = getIdElement(groupId); // Get the new id //"Update id " + groupId); //"id old -> " + elementOldId); //"Element " + elementId); if (getDf() != null) { if (!elementOldId.equals(elementId)) { error = getDf().changeElementId(elementOldId, elementId); if (error == null) { getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).put(groupId, elementId); try { getDf().getElement(elementId).regeneratePaths(false, false); FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); CanvasModal canvasModalBean = (CanvasModal) context.getApplication() .evaluateExpressionGet(context, "#{canvasModalBean}", CanvasModal.class); canvasModalBean.getOutputTab().mountOutputForm(true); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } else { error = "The workflow '" + nameWorkflow + "' has not been initialised!"; } if (error == null && comment != null && !comment.equals("undefined") && !comment.isEmpty()) { logger.warn("set comment: " + comment); getDf().getElement(elementId).setComment(comment); } displayErrorMessage(error, "CHANGEIDELEMENT"); } /** * Get the output of the parameter groupId and all element after. * * @return * @throws Exception */ public Object[][] getOutputStatus() throws Exception {"getOutputStatus"); try { if (getDf() == null) { return new String[0][]; }"getOutputStatus"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String groupId = params.get("groupId");"Update status " + groupId);"Element " + getIdElement(groupId)); DataFlowElement dfe = getDf().getElement(getIdElement(groupId)); if (dfe == null) {"getOutputStatus df == null"); return new String[0][]; } Map<String, String> inverseIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); String wfName = nameWorkflow; for (Entry<String, String> e : idMap.get(wfName).entrySet()) { inverseIdMap.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } Set<String> els = getAllElementAfterForOutput(dfe); Object[][] ans = new Object[els.size()][]; boolean end = false; int i = -1; Map<String, String> gIds = getReverseIdMap(); Iterator<String> allCompIt = getDf().getComponentIds().iterator(); boolean checkStatus = getOozie().jobExists(getDf()); while (allCompIt.hasNext() && !end) { String compCur =; if (els.contains(compCur)) { ans[++i] = getOutputStatus(wfName, getDf().getElement(compCur), gIds.get(compCur), checkStatus, inverseIdMap); end = !Boolean.valueOf(ans[i][5].toString()); } } return ans; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error " + e, e); MessageUseful.addErrorMessage(getMessageResources("msg_error_oops")); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); request.setAttribute("msnError", "msnError"); } return new String[][] {}; } public String[][] getRunningStatus() {"getRunningStatus"); if (getNameWorkflow() == null || getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()) == null) { return new String[0][]; } String[][] result = new String[getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).size()][]; try { int i = 0;; for (Entry<String, String> e : getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).entrySet()) { + " - " + e.getValue()); DataFlowElement cur = getDf().getElement(e.getValue()); if (cur == null) { String msg = "Element " + e.getValue() + " does not exist."; logger.warn(msg); MessageUseful.addErrorMessage(msg); } else { String status = getDf().getRunningStatus(e.getValue()); + " - " + status); String pathExistsStr = null; if (cur != null) { boolean pathExists = false; for (Entry<String, DFEOutput> e2 : cur.getDFEOutput().entrySet()) {"path: " + e2.getValue().getPath()); pathExists |= e2.getValue().isPathExist(); } if (!cur.getDFEOutput().isEmpty()) { pathExistsStr = String.valueOf(pathExists); } } + " " + status + " " + pathExistsStr); result[i++] = new String[] { e.getKey(), status, pathExistsStr }; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error " + e + " - " + e.getMessage()); MessageUseful.addErrorMessage(getMessageResources("msg_error_oozie_process")); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); request.setAttribute("msnError", "msnError"); }"result"); return result; } public String[] getArrowType(String groupOutId, String groupInId, String outputName) throws RemoteException {"getArrowType"); String color = null; String typeName = null; StringBuffer tooltip = new StringBuffer(); String label = ""; try { if (getDf() != null) { DataFlowElement df = getDf().getElement(getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupOutId)); DataFlowElement dfIn = getDf().getElement(getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupInId)); if (df != null && df.getDFEOutput() != null) { DFEOutput outputCur = df.getDFEOutput().get(outputName); //Attempt to calculate outputName if it has not been given if (outputCur == null) { String dfInId = dfIn.getComponentId(); boolean found = false; Map<String, List<DataFlowElement>> posNames = df.getOutputComponent(); Iterator<String> nameIt = posNames.keySet().iterator(); while (nameIt.hasNext() && !found) { outputName =; Iterator<DataFlowElement> elIt = posNames.get(outputName).iterator(); while (elIt.hasNext() && !found) { found = dfInId.equals(; } } if (found) { outputCur = df.getDFEOutput().get(outputName); } } if (outputCur != null) { color = outputCur.getColour(); typeName = outputCur.getTypeName(); tooltip.append("<center><span style='font-size:15px;'>" + df.getComponentId() + " -> " + dfIn.getComponentId() + "</span></center><br/>"); if (!outputName.isEmpty()) { tooltip.append("Name: " + outputName + "<br/>"); } tooltip.append("Type: " + typeName + "<br/>"); // tooltip.append("Path exist: " + // outputCur.isPathExists() + "<br/>"); if (outputCur.getFields() != null && outputCur.getFields().getFieldNames() != null) { tooltip.append("<br/>"); tooltip.append( "<table style='border:1px solid;width:100%;'><tr><td></td><td> Name </td><td> Type </td></tr>"); int row = 0; int index = 1; for (String name : outputCur.getFields().getFieldNames()) { if ((row % 2) == 0) { tooltip.append("<tr class='odd-row'>"); } else { tooltip.append("<tr>"); } tooltip.append("<td>" + index + "</td>"); tooltip.append( "<td style='max-width:200px;word-wrap:break-word;' >" + name + "</td>"); tooltip.append("<td>" + outputCur.getFields().getFieldType(name) + "</td></tr>"); row++; index++; } tooltip.append("</table>"); tooltip.append("<br/>"); } + " - " + color); label = getLinkLabel(outputName, df, dfIn); } } } else {"Error getArrowType getDf NULL "); }"getArrowType " + color + " " + typeName + " " + label); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("returns incomplete arror status"); logger.error(e, e); } return new String[] { groupOutId, groupInId, color, typeName, tooltip.toString(), label }; } public String[] getArrowType() throws Exception {"getArrowType"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String groupOutId = params.get("groupOutId"); String groupInId = params.get("groupInId"); String outputName = params.get("outputName");"getArrowType " + groupOutId + " " + groupInId + " " + outputName); return getArrowType(groupOutId, groupInId, outputName); } public String[] getPositions() throws Exception { logger.warn("getPositions"); FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = (ServletContext) fCtx.getExternalContext().getContext(); String selecteds = (String) sc.getAttribute("selecteds"); logger.warn("getPositions " + selecteds); /*if(getDf() != null){ logger.warn('a'); }else{ logger.warn('b'); }*/ return getPositions(getDf(), getNameWorkflow(), selecteds); } public String[] getPositions(DataFlow df, String workflowName, String selecteds) { try { Map<String, String> elements = getReverseIdMap(workflowName); JSONArray jsonElements = new JSONArray(); JSONArray jsonLinks = new JSONArray(); String voronoiPolygonTitle = null; if (df != null && df.getElement() != null) { for (DataFlowElement e : df.getElement()) { String compId = e.getComponentId(); String privilege = null; Boolean privilegeObj; try { privilegeObj = null; privilegeObj = ((SuperElement) e).getPrivilege(); } catch (Exception epriv) { privilegeObj = null; } if (privilegeObj != null) { privilege = privilegeObj.toString().toLowerCase(); } + " privilege " + privilege); String elementName = e.getName(); //voronoi polygon voronoiPolygonTitle = e.getCoordinatorName(); jsonElements.put(new Object[] { elements.get(compId), elementName.startsWith(">") ? elementName.substring(elementName.lastIndexOf(">") + 1) : elementName, LocalFileSystem.relativize(getCurrentPage(), e.getImage()), e.getX(), e.getY(), compId, privilege, elementName, voronoiPolygonTitle }); } for (DataFlowElement outEl : df.getElement()) { String outElId = outEl.getComponentId(); Map<String, Map<String, String>> inputsPerOutputs = outEl.getInputNamePerOutput(); Iterator<String> outputNameIt = inputsPerOutputs.keySet().iterator(); while (outputNameIt.hasNext()) { String outputNameCur =; Iterator<String> elInIdIt = inputsPerOutputs.get(outputNameCur).keySet().iterator(); while (elInIdIt.hasNext()) { String inElId =; jsonLinks.put(new Object[] { elements.get(outElId), outputNameCur, elements.get(inElId), inputsPerOutputs.get(outputNameCur).get(inElId) }); } } } } else { logger.warn("Error getPositions getDf NULL or empty"); } logger.warn("getPositions getNameWorkflow " + workflowName); logger.warn("getPositions getPath " + df.getPath()); logger.warn("getPositions jsonElements.toString " + jsonElements.toString()); logger.warn("getPositions jsonLinks.toString " + jsonLinks.toString()); logger.warn("getPositions getWorkflowType " + getMapWorkflowType().get(workflowName)); return new String[] { workflowName, df.getPath(), jsonElements.toString(), jsonLinks.toString(), selecteds, getMapWorkflowType().get(workflowName), getVoronoi()[0] }; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error " + e + " - " + e.getMessage()); MessageUseful.addErrorMessage(getMessageResources("msg_error_oops")); HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequest(); request.setAttribute("msnError", "msnError"); } logger.warn("getPositions empty "); return new String[] {}; } public String getIdElement(String idGroup) {"getIdElement " + getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow())); return getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()) == null ? null : getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).get(idGroup); } /** * cleanErrorList * * Method to clean the list table * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ public void cleanErrorList() { FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpSession session = (HttpSession) facesContext.getExternalContext().getSession(false); if (session.getAttribute("listError") != null) { session.removeAttribute("listError"); List<SelectItem> listError = new LinkedList<SelectItem>(); session.setAttribute("listError", listError); } } public String cloneWorkflowGetId() throws Exception { cloneWorkflow(); return getCloneWFId(); } public void cloneWorkflow() throws Exception {"cloneWorkflow"); String nameWf = getNameWorkflow(); updateAllCanvasesStatus(); String wfClone = getworkFlowInterface().cloneDataFlow(getNameWorkflow()); FacesContext fCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); ServletContext sc = (ServletContext) fCtx.getExternalContext().getContext(); Map<String, String> cloneMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); if (idMap.containsKey(nameWf)) { cloneMap.putAll(idMap.get(nameWf)); } sc.setAttribute("cloneMap", cloneMap); sc.setAttribute("wfClone", wfClone); getIdMapClone().put(wfClone, cloneMap);; setCloneWFId(wfClone); } public void replaceWFByClone() throws Exception {"replaceWFByClone"); String idCloneMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("idCloneMap"); boolean keepClone = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("keepClone").equalsIgnoreCase("true");;; Map<String, String> cloneMap = getIdMapClone().get(idCloneMap);; + " " + cloneMap); // idMap.remove(getNameWorkflow()); if (!keepClone) { getworkFlowInterface().replaceWFByClone(idCloneMap, getNameWorkflow(), false); idMap.put(getNameWorkflow(), cloneMap); getIdMapClone().remove(idCloneMap); } else { getworkFlowInterface().replaceWFByClone(idCloneMap, getNameWorkflow(), true); Map<String, String> newIdMapObj = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); newIdMapObj.putAll(cloneMap); idMap.put(getNameWorkflow(), newIdMapObj); } getWorkflowMap().put(getNameWorkflow(), getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow())); setDf(getworkFlowInterface().getWorkflow(getNameWorkflow())); } public void removeCloneWorkflow() throws Exception {"removeCloneWorkflow"); String idCloneMap = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("idCloneMap");; getworkFlowInterface().eraseClone(idCloneMap); getIdMapClone().remove(idCloneMap); } public String[][] getSelectedElementLegend() {"getSelectedElementLegend"); String select = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap() .get("select"); String[] groupIds = select.split(","); String[][] result = new String[groupIds.length][]; if (select == null || select.isEmpty() || select.equals("undefined")) { } else { int i = 0; for (String groupId : groupIds) { result[i++] = new String[] { groupId, idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(groupId) }; } } return result; } public void openSubWorkflow() throws RemoteException {"openSubWorkflow"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String nameSubWorkflow = params.get("nameSubWorkflow"); String[] modelAndSW = RedSqirlModel.getModelAndSW(nameSubWorkflow); String error = null; if (workflowMap.containsKey(modelAndSW[1])) { error = getMessageResourcesWithParameter("msg_err_subwf_already_open", new String[] { modelAndSW[1] }); } else { File file = new File( new ModelManager().getAvailableModel(getUserInfoBean().getUserName(), modelAndSW[0]).getFile(), modelAndSW[1]); loadSubWorkFlowFromLocal(file.getAbsolutePath()); } displayErrorMessage(error, "OPENSUBWORKFLOW"); } /** * loadSubWorkFlowFromLocal * * Method to create a new sub workflow and make it the default * * @return * @author Igor.Souza */ protected void loadSubWorkFlowFromLocal(String path) {"load sub workflow FromLocal " + path); DataFlowInterface dfi; String error = null; try { dfi = getworkFlowInterface(); DataFlow df = null; String newWfName = generateWorkflowName(path); if (error == null) { if (getWorkflowMap().containsKey(newWfName)) { error = "A workflow called " + newWfName + " already exist. Please close this workflow if you want to proceed."; } else if (dfi.getWorkflow(newWfName) != null) { logger.warn("A workflow named " + newWfName + " already exist on the backend, closing it quietly..."); dfi.removeWorkflow(newWfName); } } if (error == null) { error = dfi.addSubWorkflow(newWfName); } if (error == null) { df = dfi.getSubWorkflow(newWfName); df.setName(newWfName); logger.warn("read " + path); error = df.readFromLocal(new File(path)); } if (error == null) {"set current worflow to " + newWfName); setNameWorkflow(newWfName); setDf(df); df.setName(newWfName);"Load element ids for front-end " + newWfName); workflowMap.put(getNameWorkflow(), df); getIdMap().put(getNameWorkflow(), new HashMap<String, String>());"Nb elements: " + df.getElement().size()); Iterator<String> itCompIds = df.getComponentIds().iterator(); while (itCompIds.hasNext()) { String cur =; idMap.get(nameWorkflow).put(cur, cur); }"Nb element loaded: " + getIdMap().get(getNameWorkflow()).size()); setWorkflowType("S"); mapWorkflowType.put(getNameWorkflow(), getWorkflowType());"Load workflow type " + getWorkflowType()); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Error loading workflow", e); } displayErrorMessage(error, "LOADSUBWORKFLOWFROMLOCAL"); } public void openAggregate() throws RemoteException {"openAggregate"); String error = null; Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String selectedIcons = params.get("selectedIcons"); //"openAggregate ids: " + selectedIcons); List<String> componentIds = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] groupIds = selectedIcons.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { componentIds.add(idMap.get(nameWorkflow).get(groupId)); } Map<String, String> ansIn = new HashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> ansOut = new HashMap<String, String>(); Set<String> nextComponents = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); Iterator<DataFlowElement> iterator = getDf().getElement().iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext() && error == null) { DataFlowElement cur =; if (componentIds.contains(cur.getComponentId())) { //Get all the inputs for (Map.Entry<String, List<DataFlowElement>> entryInput : cur.getInputComponent().entrySet()) { for (DataFlowElement dfeIn : entryInput.getValue()) { if (!componentIds.contains(dfeIn.getComponentId())) { + " is an input"); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> eOutput : dfeIn.getInputNamePerOutput() .entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : eOutput.getValue().entrySet()) { if (e.getKey().equals(cur.getComponentId())) {"Found output key related to " + cur.getComponentId()); if (ansIn.containsKey(dfeIn.getComponentId())) { if (!ansIn.get(dfeIn.getComponentId()).equals(eOutput.getKey())) { if (error == null) { error = getMessageResourcesWithParameter( "msg_error_agg_input_conflict", new String[] { dfeIn.getComponentId() }); } } } else { ansIn.put(dfeIn.getComponentId(), eOutput.getKey()); } } } } } } } //Get all the outside links for (Map.Entry<String, List<DataFlowElement>> entryOutput : cur.getOutputComponent().entrySet()) { for (DataFlowElement dfeOut : entryOutput.getValue()) { if (!componentIds.contains(dfeOut.getComponentId())) { if (nextComponents.contains(dfeOut.getComponentId())) { if (error == null) { error = getMessageResourcesWithParameter("msg_error_agg_output_conflict", new String[] { dfeOut.getComponentId() }); } } else { nextComponents.add(dfeOut.getComponentId()); ansOut.put(cur.getComponentId(), entryOutput.getKey()); } } } } //Get all the non used outputs Iterator<String> outIt = cur.getDFEOutput().keySet().iterator(); while (outIt.hasNext()) { String outName =; if (cur.getOutputComponent().get(outName) == null || cur.getOutputComponent().get(outName).isEmpty()) { ansOut.put(cur.getComponentId(), outName); } } } } setInputNameSubWorkflow( (nameWorkflow.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "") + RandomString.getRandomName(4)).toLowerCase()); if (inputNameModel == null || !inputNameModel.matches("[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*")) { setInputNameModel("default"); } setInputNamesList(new ArrayList<String[]>()); for (String name : ansIn.keySet()) {"openAggregate ansIn: " + name + " " + ansIn.get(name)); String[] vet = { name + (ansIn.get(name).isEmpty() ? "_out" : "_" + ansIn.get(name)), name, ansIn.get(name) }; getInputNamesList().add(vet); } setOutputNamesList(new ArrayList<String[]>()); for (String name : ansOut.keySet()) {"openAggregate ansOut: " + name + " " + ansOut.get(name)); String[] vet = { name + (ansOut.get(name).isEmpty() ? "_out" : "_" + ansOut.get(name)), name, ansOut.get(name) }; getOutputNamesList().add(vet); } setComponentIds(componentIds);"Elements: " + getComponentIds()); displayErrorMessage(error, "OPENAGGREGATE"); } public void expand() { String error = null;"expand "); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String selectedIcons = params.get("selectedIcons");"expand id: " + selectedIcons); try { String[] ids = selectedIcons.split(","); if (ids != null && ids.length > 0) { for (String id : ids) { if (error == null) { error = getDf().expand(idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()).get(id)); } else { break; } } if (error == null) {"Elements: " + getDf().getComponentIds()); Iterator<String> elIt = getDf().getComponentIds().iterator(); Map<String, String> idMapWf = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()); idMapWf.clear(); while (elIt.hasNext()) { String elCur =; idMapWf.put(elCur, elCur); } } } } catch (RemoteException e) {"Error: " + e, e); } displayErrorMessage(error, "EXPAND"); } public String[] getAggregationDetails() throws RemoteException { Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String subWf = params.get("subWf"); String inputSubWf = params.get("inputSubWf"); String outputSubWf = params.get("outputSubWf"); String selectedIcons = params.get("selectedIconsCommaDelimited"); String error = null; if (df.isSchedule()) { List<String> coordinatorNameList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] groupIds = selectedIcons.split(","); for (String groupId : groupIds) { String componentId = idMap.get(nameWorkflow).get(groupId); DataFlowElement el = df.getElement(componentId); //check if is same coordinator if (!coordinatorNameList.isEmpty() && !coordinatorNameList.contains(el.getCoordinatorName())) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_split_differents"); break; } else { coordinatorNameList.add(el.getCoordinatorName()); } } } if (error == null) { String inputNameSubWorkflow = null; String inputNameModel = null; String inputComment = null; Map<String, String> inputs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); Map<String, String> outputs = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); try { JSONObject subWfJson = new JSONObject(subWf); inputNameSubWorkflow = subWfJson.get("swName").toString(); inputNameModel = subWfJson.get("aggNameModel").toString(); inputComment = subWfJson.get("aggComment").toString(); JSONObject inputJSON = new JSONObject(inputSubWf); Iterator inputIt = inputJSON.keys(); while (inputIt.hasNext()) { String inputKey = (String); inputs.put(inputKey, inputJSON.getString(inputKey).toString()); } JSONObject outputJSON = new JSONObject(outputSubWf); Iterator outputIt = outputJSON.keys(); while (outputIt.hasNext()) { String outputKey = (String); outputs.put(outputKey, outputJSON.getString(outputKey).toString()); } aggregate(inputNameSubWorkflow, inputNameModel, inputComment, inputs, outputs); } catch (JSONException e) { logger.warn("Error updating positions", e); } return new String[] { getInputNameModel(), getInputNameSubWorkflow() }; } else { displayErrorMessage(error, "GETAGGREGATIONDETAILS"); } return new String[] {}; } private void aggregate(String subWfName, String modelName, String subWfComment, Map<String, String> inputReNames, Map<String, String> outputReNames) {"aggregate "); String error = null; //"name sub workflow " + getInputNameSubWorkflow()); String pattern = "[a-zA-Z][A-Za-z0-9_\\-]*"; if (!subWfName.matches(pattern)) { //check regex error = getMessageResources("msg_error_agg_subworkflow_name"); } else if (!modelName.matches(pattern)) { error = getMessageResources("msg_error_agg_model_name"); } String fullName = ">" + modelName + ">" + subWfName; if (error == null) { try { Map<String, Entry<String, String>> inputs = new HashMap<String, Entry<String, String>>(); Map<String, Entry<String, String>> outputs = new HashMap<String, Entry<String, String>>(); for (String[] vet : getInputNamesList()) {"openAggregate ansIn: " + inputReNames.get(vet[1]) + " " + vet[1] + " " + vet[2]); inputs.put(inputReNames.get(vet[1]), new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(vet[1], vet[2])); } for (String[] vet : getOutputNamesList()) {"openAggregate ansOut: " + outputReNames.get(vet[1]) + " " + vet[1] + " " + vet[2]); outputs.put(outputReNames.get(vet[1]), new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(vet[1], vet[2])); } //check inputname and outputname do not exist on workflow List<String> outputNames = new ArrayList<String>(outputs.size()); outputNames.addAll(outputs.keySet()); List<String> componentIds = getDf().getComponentIds(); Iterator<String[]> it = getInputNamesList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && error == null) { String cur =[0]; if (componentIds.contains(cur) || outputNames.contains(cur)) { error = getMessageResourcesWithParameter("msg_error_agg_input_unique", new String[] { cur }); } } it = getOutputNamesList().iterator(); while (it.hasNext() && error == null) { String cur =[0]; if (componentIds.contains(cur)) { error = getMessageResourcesWithParameter("msg_error_agg_output_unique", new String[] { cur }); } } if (error == null) { try { SubDataFlow sw = getDf().createSA(getComponentIds(), fullName, subWfComment, inputs, outputs); error = modelMan.installSA(new ModelManager().getUserModel(userName, modelName), sw, null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); error = "Unexpected error in creating the super action " + e.getMessage(); } if (error == null) {"getComponentIds: " + getComponentIds());"getInputNameSubWorkflow: " + subWfName);"inputs: " + inputs);"outputs: " + outputs); error = getDf().aggregateElements(getComponentIds(), fullName, inputs, outputs);"aggregateElements " + error); if (error != null) { modelMan.uninstallSA(new ModelManager().getUserModel(userName, modelName), subWfName); } else {"Elements: " + getDf().getComponentIds()); Iterator<String> elIt = getDf().getComponentIds().iterator(); Map<String, String> idMapWf = idMap.get(getNameWorkflow()); idMapWf.clear(); while (elIt.hasNext()) { String elCur =; idMapWf.put(elCur, elCur); } } } } } catch (RemoteException e) { logger.warn("Error: " + e, e); } } displayErrorMessage(error, "AGGREGATE"); } // uninstall the super action public void undoAggregate() throws RemoteException {"undoAggregate"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String nameSA = params.get("nameSA"); String nameModel = params.get("nameModel"); if (nameSA != null) { modelMan.uninstallSA(new ModelManager().getUserModel(userName, nameModel), nameSA); } } public void cleanTmp() throws RemoteException { logger.debug("clean tmp"); Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getRequestParameterMap(); String browserName = params.get("browserName"); getworkFlowInterface().removeAllTmpInBrowser( browserName.equals("undefined") || browserName.equalsIgnoreCase("all") ? null : browserName); } public List<String> getBrowsers() throws RemoteException { return new ArrayList<String>(getworkFlowInterface().getBrowsersName()); } public DataFlow getDf() { return df; } public void setDf(DataFlow df) { this.df = df; updateDf = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { commentWf = df.getComment(); } catch (Exception e) { } } public String getNameWorkflow() { return nameWorkflow; } public void setNameWorkflow(String nameWorkflow) { if (nameWorkflow != null && nameWorkflow.equals("undefined")) { return; } this.nameWorkflow = nameWorkflow; } public void removeMsgErrorInit() {"removeMsgErrorInit"); FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); HttpSession httpSession = (HttpSession) facesContext.getExternalContext().getSession(false); httpSession.removeAttribute("msnErrorInit"); //"remove msnErrorInit"); } public String getParamOutId() { return paramOutId; } public void setParamOutId(String paramOutId) { this.paramOutId = paramOutId; } public String getParamInId() { return paramInId; } public void setParamInId(String paramInId) { this.paramInId = paramInId; } public String getParamNameLink() { return paramNameLink; } public void setParamNameLink(String paramNameLink) { this.paramNameLink = paramNameLink; } public List<SelectItem> getLinkPossibilities() { return linkPossibilities; } public void setLinkPossibilities(List<SelectItem> linkPossibilities) { this.linkPossibilities = linkPossibilities; } public String getSelectedLink() { return selectedLink; } public void setSelectedLink(String selectedLink) { this.selectedLink = selectedLink; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getIdMap() { return idMap; } public void setIdMap(Map<String, Map<String, String>> idMap) { this.idMap = idMap; } public Map<String, DataFlow> getWorkflowMap() { return workflowMap; } public void setWorkflowMap(Map<String, DataFlow> workflowMap) { this.workflowMap = workflowMap; } public String getPath() { return path; } public void setPath(String path) { this.path = path; } public UserInfoBean getUserInfoBean() { return userInfoBean; } public void setUserInfoBean(UserInfoBean userInfoBean) { this.userInfoBean = userInfoBean; } /** * @return the nbLinkPossibilities */ public int getNbLinkPossibilities() { return nbLinkPossibilities; } /** * @param nbLinkPossibilities * the nbLinkPossibilities to set */ public void setNbLinkPossibilities(int nbLinkPossibilities) { this.nbLinkPossibilities = nbLinkPossibilities; } public String getNameOutput() { return nameOutput; } public void setNameOutput(String nameOutput) { this.nameOutput = nameOutput; } public String getErrorTableState() { return errorTableState; } public void setErrorTableState(String errorTableState) { this.errorTableState = errorTableState; } /** * @return the workflowElementUrl */ public String getWorkflowElementUrl() { return workflowElementUrl; } /** * @param workflowElementUrl * the workflowElementUrl to set */ public void setWorkflowElementUrl(String workflowElementUrl) { this.workflowElementUrl = workflowElementUrl; } public String getWorkflowUrl() { return workflowUrl; } public void setWorkflowUrl(String workflowUrl) { this.workflowUrl = workflowUrl; } /** * @return the emptyList */ public List<String> getEmptyList() { return emptyList; } /** * @return the rpModal */ public ReplaceModal getRpModal() { return rpModal; } /** * @param rpModal * the rpModal to set */ public void setRpModal(ReplaceModal rpModal) { this.rpModal = rpModal; } /** * @return the commentWf * @throws RemoteException */ public String getCommentWf() throws RemoteException { return commentWf;// getDf() != null ? getDf().getComment() : ""; } /** * @param commentWf * the commentWf to set * @throws RemoteException */ public void setCommentWf(String commentWf) throws RemoteException { this.commentWf = commentWf; } public Map<String, Map<String, String>> getIdMapClone() { return idMapClone; } public void setIdMapClone(Map<String, Map<String, String>> idMapClone) { this.idMapClone = idMapClone; } public String getCloneWFId() { return cloneWFId; } public void setCloneWFId(String cloneWFId) { this.cloneWFId = cloneWFId; } public String getIdsToPaste() { return idsToPaste; } public void setIdsToPaste(String idsToPaste) { this.idsToPaste = idsToPaste; } /** * @return the idLastElementInserted */ public final String getIdLastElementInserted() { return idLastElementInserted; } /** * @param idLastElementInserted * the idLastElementInserted to set */ public final void setIdLastElementInserted(String idLastElementInserted) { this.idLastElementInserted = idLastElementInserted; } public String getWorkflowType() { return workflowType; } public void setWorkflowType(String workflowType) { this.workflowType = workflowType; } public Map<String, String> getMapWorkflowType() { return mapWorkflowType; } public void setMapWorkflowType(Map<String, String> mapWorkflowType) { this.mapWorkflowType = mapWorkflowType; } public List<String[]> getInputNamesList() { return inputNamesList; } public void setInputNamesList(List<String[]> inputNamesList) { this.inputNamesList = inputNamesList; } public List<String[]> getOutputNamesList() { return outputNamesList; } public void setOutputNamesList(List<String[]> outputNamesList) { this.outputNamesList = outputNamesList; } public String getInputNameSubWorkflow() { return inputNameSubWorkflow; } public void setInputNameSubWorkflow(String inputNameSubWorkflow) { this.inputNameSubWorkflow = inputNameSubWorkflow; } public List<String> getComponentIds() { return componentIds; } public void setComponentIds(List<String> componentIds) { this.componentIds = componentIds; } public String getInputAreaSubWorkflow() { return inputAreaSubWorkflow; } public void setInputAreaSubWorkflow(String inputAreaSubWorkflow) { this.inputAreaSubWorkflow = inputAreaSubWorkflow; } public String getIdGroup() { return idGroup; } public void setIdGroup(String idGroup) { this.idGroup = idGroup; } public long getValueProgressBar() { return valueProgressBar; } public void setValueProgressBar(long valueProgressBar) { this.valueProgressBar = valueProgressBar; } public long getTotalProgressBar() { return totalProgressBar; } public void setTotalProgressBar(long totalProgressBar) { this.totalProgressBar = totalProgressBar; } public List<String> getRunningElements() { return runningElements; } public int getRunningElementsSize() { return runningElements == null ? 0 : runningElements.size(); } public void setRunningElements(List<String> runningElements) { this.runningElements = runningElements; } public List<String> getDoneElements() { return doneElements; } public int getDoneElementsSize() { return doneElements == null ? 0 : doneElements.size(); } public void setDoneElements(List<String> doneElements) { this.doneElements = doneElements; } public boolean isProgressBarEnabled() { return progressBarEnabled; } public void setProgressBarEnabled(boolean progressBarEnabled) { this.progressBarEnabled = progressBarEnabled; } public boolean isRunningElementsToggle() { return runningElementsToggle; } public void setRunningElementsToggle(boolean runningElementsToggle) { this.runningElementsToggle = runningElementsToggle; } public boolean isDoneElementsToggle() { return doneElementsToggle; } public void setDoneElementsToggle(boolean doneElementsToggle) { this.doneElementsToggle = doneElementsToggle; } public String getFirstTime() { return firstTime; } public void setFirstTime(String firstTime) { this.firstTime = firstTime; } public String getInputNameModel() { return inputNameModel; } public void setInputNameModel(String inputNameModel) { this.inputNameModel = inputNameModel; } public String getVoronoiNames() { return voronoiNames; } public void setVoronoiNames(String voronoiNames) { this.voronoiNames = voronoiNames; } public DataFlowCoordinator getDataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted() { return dataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted; } public void setDataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted(DataFlowCoordinator dataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted) { this.dataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted = dataFlowCoordinatorLastInserted; } public final Date getRunningStartDate() { return runningStartDate; } public final void setRunningStartDate(Date runningStartDate) { this.runningStartDate = runningStartDate; } public final Date getRunningEndDate() { return runningEndDate; } public final void setRunningEndDate(Date runningEndDate) { this.runningEndDate = runningEndDate; } public List<Scheduling> getListScheduling() { return listScheduling; } public void setListScheduling(List<Scheduling> listScheduling) { this.listScheduling = listScheduling; } public Scheduling getSelectedScheduling() { return selectedScheduling; } public void setSelectedScheduling(Scheduling selectedScheduling) { this.selectedScheduling = selectedScheduling; } public Date getReRunSchedulingStartDate() { return reRunSchedulingStartDate; } public void setReRunSchedulingStartDate(Date reRunSchedulingStartDate) { this.reRunSchedulingStartDate = reRunSchedulingStartDate; } public Date getReRunSchedulingEndDate() { return reRunSchedulingEndDate; } public void setReRunSchedulingEndDate(Date reRunSchedulingEndDate) { this.reRunSchedulingEndDate = reRunSchedulingEndDate; } public boolean isShowSuspendScheduling() { return showSuspendScheduling; } public void setShowSuspendScheduling(boolean showSuspendScheduling) { this.showSuspendScheduling = showSuspendScheduling; } public boolean isShowResumeScheduling() { return showResumeScheduling; } public void setShowResumeScheduling(boolean showResumeScheduling) { this.showResumeScheduling = showResumeScheduling; } public List<SelectItem> getCoordinatorsList() { return coordinatorsList; } public void setCoordinatorsList(List<SelectItem> coordinatorsList) { this.coordinatorsList = coordinatorsList; } public String getCoordinatorsSelectedA() { return coordinatorsSelectedA; } public void setCoordinatorsSelectedA(String coordinatorsSelectedA) { this.coordinatorsSelectedA = coordinatorsSelectedA; } public String getCoordinatorsSelectedB() { return coordinatorsSelectedB; } public void setCoordinatorsSelectedB(String coordinatorsSelectedB) { this.coordinatorsSelectedB = coordinatorsSelectedB; } public boolean isSchedule() { return schedule; } public void setSchedule(boolean schedule) { this.schedule = schedule; } public String getCheckPastDate() { return checkPastDate; } public void setCheckPastDate(String checkPastDate) { this.checkPastDate = checkPastDate; } public TimeZone getOozieTimeZone() { return oozieTimeZone; } public void setOozieTimeZone(TimeZone oozieTimeZone) { this.oozieTimeZone = oozieTimeZone; } }