Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2009--2014 Red Hat, Inc. * * This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, * version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or * implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 * along with this software; if not, see * * * Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is * granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated * in this software or its documentation. */ package; import com.redhat.rhn.common.conf.Config; import com.redhat.rhn.common.conf.ConfigDefaults; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.CallableMode; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.DataList; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.DataResult; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.ModeFactory; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.SelectMode; import com.redhat.rhn.common.db.datasource.WriteMode; import com.redhat.rhn.common.hibernate.HibernateFactory; import com.redhat.rhn.common.hibernate.LookupException; import com.redhat.rhn.common.localization.LocalizationService; import; import com.redhat.rhn.common.util.MethodUtil; import com.redhat.rhn.common.validator.ValidatorException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.common.CommonConstants; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.common.VirtSubscriptionLevel; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.errata.Errata; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.kickstart.KickstartData; import; import; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.rhnpackage.PackageEvr; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.role.RoleFactory; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.server.Server; import com.redhat.rhn.domain.user.User; import; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.ChannelOverview; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.ChannelPerms; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.ChannelTreeNode; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.ChildChannelDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.ErrataOverview; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.EssentialChannelDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.MultiOrgEntitlementsDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.OrgChannelFamily; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.PackageDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.PackageListItem; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.PackageOverview; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.dto.SystemsPerChannelDto; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.listview.ListControl; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.listview.PageControl; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.xmlrpc.NoSuchChannelException; import com.redhat.rhn.frontend.xmlrpc.ProxyChannelNotFoundException; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.BaseManager; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.entitlement.EntitlementManager; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.errata.cache.ErrataCacheManager; import; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.rhnpackage.PackageManager; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.rhnset.RhnSetDecl; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.system.SystemManager; import com.redhat.rhn.manager.user.UserManager; import com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.TaskomaticApi; import com.redhat.rhn.taskomatic.task.TaskConstants; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * ChannelManager * @version $Rev$ */ public class ChannelManager extends BaseManager { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ChannelManager.class); public static final String QRY_ROLE_MANAGE = "manage"; public static final String QRY_ROLE_SUBSCRIBE = "subscribe"; // Valid RHEL 4 EUS Channel Versions (from rhnReleaseChannelMap): public static final Set<String> RHEL4_EUS_VERSIONS; static { RHEL4_EUS_VERSIONS = new HashSet<String>(); RHEL4_EUS_VERSIONS.add("4AS"); RHEL4_EUS_VERSIONS.add("4ES"); } // Product name (also sometimes referred to as OS) is unfortunately very // convoluted. For RHEL, in rhnDistChannelMap is appears as "Red Hat Linux", in // rhnReleaseChannelMap it is "RHEL AS", and in rhnProductName it's label is "rhel". // If this starts to shift we may need to stop relying on constants and find some // way to look these up... public static final String RHEL_PRODUCT_NAME = "rhel"; /** * Key used to identify the rhn-tools channel. Used in searches to find the channel */ public static final String TOOLS_CHANNEL_PACKAGE_NAME = Config.get().getString("tools_channel.package_name", "rhncfg"); /** * Key used to identify the rhel-arch-server-vt-5 channel. * Used in searches to find the channel */ public static final String VIRT_CHANNEL_PACKAGE_NAME = Config.get().getString("virt_channel.package_name", "libvirt"); /** * Package name of rhn-virtualization-host */ public static final String RHN_VIRT_HOST_PACKAGE_NAME = Config.get() .getString("tools_channel.virt_package_name", "rhn-virtualization-host"); /** * OS name for the virt child channel. rhnDistChannelMap.OS field. */ public static final String VT_OS_PRODUCT = Config.get().getString("web.virt_product_os_name", "VT"); private ChannelManager() { } /** * Refreshes the channel with the "newest" packages. Newest isn't just * the latest versions, an errata could have obsoleted a package in which * case this would have removed said package from the channel. * * @param channel channel to be refreshed * @param label the label */ public static void refreshWithNewestPackages(Channel channel, String label) { refreshWithNewestPackages(channel.getId(), label); } /** * Refreshes the channel with the "newest" packages. Newest isn't just * the latest versions, an errata could have obsoleted a package in which * case this would have removed said package from the channel. * * @param channelId identifies the channel to be refreshed * @param label the label */ public static void refreshWithNewestPackages(Long channelId, String label) { Channel chan = ChannelFactory.lookupById(channelId); ChannelFactory.refreshNewestPackageCache(channelId, label); if (chan != null) { ChannelManager.queueChannelChange(chan.getLabel(), label, label); } } /** * Clones the "newest" packages to the clone channel. * The reason is to speed up the process, becasue calling * rhn_channel.refresh_newest_package * takes two minutes for channel with 11000 packages * * @param fromChannelId original channel id * @param toChannel cloned channel * @param label label for taskomatic repo_regen request */ public static void cloneNewestPackages(Long fromChannelId, Channel toChannel, String label) { ChannelFactory.cloneNewestPackageCache(fromChannelId, toChannel.getId()); ChannelManager.queueChannelChange(toChannel.getLabel(), label, "clone channel"); } /** * Returns a list channel entitlements * @param orgId The users org ID * @param pc The PageControl * @return channel entitlements */ public static DataResult<ChannelOverview> entitlements(Long orgId, PageControl pc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_entitlements"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", orgId); return makeDataResult(params, params, pc, m, ChannelOverview.class); } /** * Given an org it returns all the channel family subscription information * pertaining to that org. * @param org the org whose subscriptsion you are interested * @return channel family subscriptions/entitlement information. */ public static List<OrgChannelFamily> listChannelFamilySubscriptionsFor(Org org) { List<OrgChannelFamily> ret = new LinkedList<OrgChannelFamily>(); List<ChannelOverview> orgEntitlements = ChannelManager.entitlements(org.getId(), null); List<ChannelOverview> satEntitlements = ChannelManager.entitlements(OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg().getId(), null); // Reformat it into a map for easy lookup Map<Long, ChannelOverview> orgMap = new HashMap<Long, ChannelOverview>(); for (ChannelOverview orgEnt : orgEntitlements) { orgMap.put(orgEnt.getId(), orgEnt); } for (ChannelOverview sato : satEntitlements) { OrgChannelFamily ocf = new OrgChannelFamily(); ocf.setSatelliteCurrentMembers(sato.getCurrentMembers()); ocf.setSatelliteMaxMembers(sato.getMaxMembers()); ocf.setSatelliteCurrentFlex(sato.getCurrentFlex()); ocf.setSatelliteMaxFlex(sato.getMaxFlex()); ocf.setId(sato.getId()); ocf.setName(sato.getName()); ocf.setLabel(sato.getLabel()); ChannelOverview orgo = orgMap.get(sato.getId()); if (orgo == null) { ocf.setCurrentMembers(new Long(0)); ocf.setMaxMembers(new Long(0)); ocf.setMaxFlex(0L); ocf.setCurrentFlex(0L); } else { ocf.setCurrentMembers(orgo.getCurrentMembers()); ocf.setMaxMembers(orgo.getMaxMembers()); ocf.setMaxFlex(orgo.getMaxFlex()); ocf.setCurrentFlex(orgo.getCurrentFlex()); } if (ocf.getSatelliteMaxMembers() != null) { ret.add(ocf); } } return ret; } /** * Returns a list channel entitlements for all orgs. * @return channel entitlements for multiorgs */ public static DataList<MultiOrgEntitlementsDto> entitlementsForAllMOrgs() { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_entitlements_for_all_m_orgs"); return DataList.getDataList(m, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, Collections.EMPTY_MAP); } /** * Return a ChannelOverview for all orgs using the given channel family. * @param entitlementId Channel family ID. * @return List of ChannelOverview objects. */ public static List<ChannelOverview> getEntitlementForAllOrgs(Long entitlementId) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_entitlement_for_all_orgs"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("entitlement_id", entitlementId); return makeDataResult(params, params, null, m, ChannelOverview.class); } /** * Given a channel family, this method returns entitlement information on a per org * basis. If a particular org does not have any entitlements in the family, it * will <strong>not</strong> be listed. * * @param cf the channel family * @param user the user needed for access privilege * @return the lists the entitlement information for the given channel family * for all orgs that have <strong>at least one entitlement on the * family.</strong> */ public static List<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto> listEntitlementsForAllOrgs(ChannelFamily cf, User user) { List<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto> ret = new LinkedList<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto>(); List<ChannelOverview> entitlementUsage = ChannelManager.getEntitlementForAllOrgs(cf.getId()); // Create a mapping of org ID's to the channel overview returned, we'll need this // when iterating the list of all orgs shortly: Map<Long, ChannelOverview> orgEntitlementUsage = new HashMap<Long, ChannelOverview>(); for (ChannelOverview o : entitlementUsage) { orgEntitlementUsage.put(o.getOrgId(), o); } Org satelliteOrg = OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg(); ChannelOverview satelliteOrgOverview = ChannelManager.getEntitlement(satelliteOrg.getId(), cf.getId()); if (satelliteOrgOverview == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Satellite org does not" + "appear to have been allocated entitlement:" + cf.getId()); } List<Org> allOrgs = OrgManager.allOrgs(user); for (Org org : allOrgs) { if (orgEntitlementUsage.containsKey(org.getId())) { ChannelOverview co = orgEntitlementUsage.get(org.getId()); if (co.getMaxMembers() == 0 && co.getMaxFlex() == 0) { continue; } ret.add(makeOrgSoftwareEntitlement(co, org, satelliteOrgOverview)); } } return ret; } private static OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto makeOrgSoftwareEntitlement(ChannelOverview co, Org org, ChannelOverview satelliteOrgOverview) { OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto seDto = new OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto(); seDto.setOrg(org); seDto.setCurrentMembers(co.getCurrentMembers()); seDto.setMaxMembers(co.getMaxMembers()); if (co.getMaxMembers() != null && satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeMembers() != null) { seDto.setMaxPossibleAllocation(co.getMaxMembers() + satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeMembers()); } seDto.setCurrentFlex(co.getCurrentFlex()); seDto.setMaxFlex(co.getMaxFlex()); if (co.getMaxFlex() != null && satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeFlex() != null) { seDto.setMaxPossibleFlexAllocation(co.getMaxFlex() + satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeFlex()); } return seDto; } /** * Given a channel family, this method returns entitlement information on a per org * basis. This call will return all organizations, even if it does not have any * entitlements on the family. * * @param cf the channel family * @param user the user needed for access privilege * @return lists the entitlement information for the given channel family for * all orgs. */ public static List<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto> listEntitlementsForAllOrgsWithEmptyOrgs(ChannelFamily cf, User user) { List<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto> ret = new LinkedList<OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto>(); List<ChannelOverview> entitlementUsage = ChannelManager.getEntitlementForAllOrgs(cf.getId()); // Create a mapping of org ID's to the channel overview returned, we'll need this // when iterating the list of all orgs shortly: Map<Long, ChannelOverview> orgEntitlementUsage = new HashMap<Long, ChannelOverview>(); for (ChannelOverview o : entitlementUsage) { orgEntitlementUsage.put(o.getOrgId(), o); } Org satelliteOrg = OrgFactory.getSatelliteOrg(); ChannelOverview satelliteOrgOverview = ChannelManager.getEntitlement(satelliteOrg.getId(), cf.getId()); if (satelliteOrgOverview == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Satellite org does not" + "appear to have been allocated entitlement:" + cf.getId()); } List<Org> allOrgs = OrgManager.allOrgs(user); for (Org org : allOrgs) { if (orgEntitlementUsage.containsKey(org.getId())) { ChannelOverview co = orgEntitlementUsage.get(org.getId()); ret.add(makeOrgSoftwareEntitlement(co, org, satelliteOrgOverview)); } else { OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto seDto = new OrgSoftwareEntitlementDto(); seDto.setOrg(org); seDto.setCurrentMembers(0L); seDto.setMaxMembers(0L); seDto.setMaxPossibleAllocation(satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeMembers()); seDto.setCurrentFlex(0L); seDto.setMaxFlex(0L); seDto.setMaxPossibleFlexAllocation(satelliteOrgOverview.getFreeFlex()); ret.add(seDto); } } return ret; } /** * Returns a specifically requested entitlement * @param orgId The user's org ID * @param entitlementId the id of the entitlement * @return the Channel Entitlement */ public static ChannelOverview getEntitlement(Long orgId, Long entitlementId) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_entitlement"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", orgId); params.put("entitlement_id", entitlementId); DataResult<ChannelOverview> dr = m.execute(params); if (dr != null && !dr.isEmpty()) { return dr.get(0); } return null; } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes that have orgId null * or has a parent with org_id null * @param user who we are requesting channels for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> vendorChannelTree(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "vendor_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> dr = makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); Collections.sort(dr); return dr; } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes that have orgId null * or has a prarent with org_id null * @param user who we are requesting Red Hat channels for * @param serverCount the number of systems registered to that channel for it to * be popular * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> popularChannelTree(User user, Long serverCount, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "popular_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("server_count", serverCount); DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> dr = makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); Collections.sort(dr); return dr; } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes that have orgId null * or has a parent with org_id null * @param user who we are requesting Red Hat channels for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> myChannelTree(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "my_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes containing all channels * the trusted org is consuming from a specific org * @param org Org that is sharing the channels * @param trustOrg org that is consuming the shared channels * @param user User of the sharing Org * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> trustChannelConsume(Org org, Org trustOrg, User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "trust_channel_consume"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", trustOrg.getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id2", org.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes containing all channels * the user can see * @param user who we are requesting channels for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> allChannelTree(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "all_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of channels owned by the user. * * @param user cannot be <code>null</code> * @return list of maps containing the channel data */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> ownedChannelsTree(User user) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "owned_channels_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, null, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes containing shared channels * the user can see * @param user who we are requesting channels for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> sharedChannelTree(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "shared_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of ChannelTreeNodes containing end-of-life * retired channels the user can see * @param user who we are requesting channels for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> retiredChannelTree(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "retired_channel_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a list of channels and their parents who are in a particular * channel family/entitlement * @param user who we are requesting channels for * @param familyId Id of the family we want a tree for * @param lc ListControl to use * @return list of ChannelTreeNode's representing the channel family */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> channelFamilyTree(User user, Long familyId, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_family_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("family_id", familyId); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); return makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m, ChannelTreeNode.class); } /** * Returns a dataresult containing the channels in an org. * @param orgId The org in question * @param pc page control for the user * @return Returns a data result containing ChannelOverview dtos */ public static DataResult<ChannelOverview> channelsOwnedByOrg(Long orgId, PageControl pc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channels_owned_by_org"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", orgId); return makeDataResult(params, null, pc, m, ChannelOverview.class); } /** * Returns the package ids for packages relevant to a channel for a published errata * @param channelId The id for the channel in question * @param e the errata in question * @return Returns the ids for relevant packages */ public static DataResult<Long> relevantPackages(Long channelId, Errata e) { SelectMode m; if (e.isPublished()) { m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "relevant_packages_for_channel_published"); } else { m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "relevant_packages_for_channel_unpublished"); } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", channelId); params.put("eid", e.getId()); return makeDataResult(params, null, null, m, Long.class); } /** * Returns a Channel object with the given id and user * @param cid The id for the channel you want * @param userIn The User looking for the channel * @return Returns the channel with the given id */ public static Channel lookupByIdAndUser(Long cid, User userIn) { Channel channel = ChannelFactory.lookupByIdAndUser(cid, userIn); if (channel == null) { LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); LookupException e = new LookupException("User " + userIn.getId() + " does not have access to channel " + cid + " or the channel does not exist"); e.setLocalizedTitle(ls.getMessage("")); e.setLocalizedReason1(ls.getMessage("")); e.setLocalizedReason2(ls.getMessage("")); throw e; } return channel; } /** * Returns a Channel object with the given label and user * @param label The label for the channel you want * @param userIn The User looking for the channel * @return Returns the channel with the given id */ public static Channel lookupByLabelAndUser(String label, User userIn) { Channel channel = ChannelFactory.lookupByLabelAndUser(label, userIn); if (channel == null) { LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); LookupException e = new LookupException("User " + userIn.getId() + " does not have access to channel " + label + " or the channel does not exist"); e.setLocalizedTitle(ls.getMessage("")); e.setLocalizedReason1(ls.getMessage("")); e.setLocalizedReason2(ls.getMessage("")); throw e; } return channel; } /** * list of base channels visible to the org * @param org Org to check * @return List of Base ChannelOverviews visible to the org */ public static List<ChannelOverview> listBaseChannelsForOrg(Org org) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "list_base_channels_for_org"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", org.getId()); return m.execute(params); } /** * list of child channels visible to the org for a given base channel * @param org Org to check * @param baseId Cid of the base channel * @return List of Child ChannelOverviews visible to the org */ public static List<ChannelOverview> listChildChannelsForOrgAndBase(Org org, Long baseId) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "list_child_channels_for_org_and_base"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", org.getId()); params.put("base_id", baseId); return m.execute(params); } /** * returns a list of channel ids that the user can subscribe to * @param user User to check * @return List of all channel ids that are subscribable for this user */ public static Set<Long> subscribableChannelIdsForUser(User user) { Set<Long> ret = new HashSet<Long>(); //Setup items for the query SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "user_subscribe_perms"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); //Execute the query DataResult<ChannelPerms> subscribable = m.execute(params); for (ChannelPerms perm : subscribable) { if (perm.isHasPerm()) { ret.add(perm.getId()); } } return ret; } /** * channelsForUser returns a list containing the names of the channels * that this user has permissions to. If the user doesn't have permissions * to any channels, this method returns an empty list. * @param user The user in question * @return Returns the list of names of channels this user has permission to, * an empty list otherwise. */ public static List<String> channelsForUser(User user) { //subscribableChannels is the list we'll be returning List<String> subscribableChannels = new ArrayList<String>(); //Setup items for the query SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "user_subscribe_perms"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); //Execute the query DataResult<ChannelPerms> subscribable = m.execute(params); /* * We now need to go through the subscribable DataResult and * add the names of the channels this user has permissions to * to the subscribableChannels list. */ Iterator<ChannelPerms> i = subscribable.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ChannelPerms perms =; //if the user has permissions for this channel if (perms.isHasPerm()) { //add the name to the list subscribableChannels.add(perms.getName()); } } return subscribableChannels; } /** * Returns the list of Channel ids which the given orgid has access to. * @param orgid Org id * @param cid Base Channel id. * @return the list of Channel ids which the given orgid has access to. */ public static List<Channel> userAccessibleChildChannels(Long orgid, Long cid) { return ChannelFactory.getUserAcessibleChannels(orgid, cid); } /** * Get the list of Channels with clonable Errata * @param org org we want to search against * @return List of com.redhat.rhn.domain.Channel objects */ public static List<ClonedChannel> getChannelsWithClonableErrata(Org org) { return ChannelFactory.getChannelsWithClonableErrata(org); } /** * Get the list of Channels accessible by an org * @param orgid The id of the org * @return List of accessible channels */ public static List<Channel> getChannelsAccessibleByOrg(Long orgid) { return ChannelFactory.getAccessibleChannelsByOrg(orgid); } /** * Returns list of proxy channel names for a given version * @param version proxy version * @param server Server * @return list of proxy channel names for a given version */ public static Channel getProxyChannelByVersion(String version, Server server) { ChannelFamily proxyFamily = ChannelFamilyFactory .lookupByLabel(ChannelFamilyFactory.PROXY_CHANNEL_FAMILY_LABEL, null); if (proxyFamily == null || proxyFamily.getChannels() == null || proxyFamily.getChannels().isEmpty()) { if (!ConfigDefaults.get().isSpacewalk()) { throw new ProxyChannelNotFoundException(); } return null; } /* We search for a proxy channel whose version equals the version of * proxy trying to activate and whose parent channel is our server's basechannel. * This will be the channel we attempt to subscribe the server to. */ for (Channel proxyChan : proxyFamily.getChannels()) { if (proxyChan.getProduct() != null && proxyChan.getProduct().getVersion().equals(version) && proxyChan.getParentChannel().equals(server.getBaseChannel())) { return proxyChan; } } if (!ConfigDefaults.get().isSpacewalk()) { throw new ProxyChannelNotFoundException(); } return null; } /** * Returns the list of all channels the user can see. * @param user User whose channels are sought. * @return the list of all channels the user can see as a DataResult * */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> allChannelsTree(User user) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "all_channels_tree"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns list of ChannelArches * @return list of ChannelArches * @see */ public static List<ChannelArch> getChannelArchitectures() { return ChannelFactory.getChannelArchitectures(); } /** * Deletes a software channel * @param user User with access to delete the channel. * @param label Channel label * @throws InvalidChannelRoleException thrown if User does not have access * to delete channel. * @throws NoSuchChannelException thrown if no channel exists with the * given label */ public static void deleteChannel(User user, String label) throws InvalidChannelRoleException, NoSuchChannelException { Channel toRemove = ChannelFactory.lookupByLabel(user.getOrg(), label); if (toRemove == null) { throw new NoSuchChannelException(); } if (toRemove.getOrg() == null) { throw new PermissionException( LocalizationService.getInstance().getMessage("")); } if (verifyChannelAdmin(user, toRemove.getId())) { if (!ChannelFactory.listAllChildrenForChannel(toRemove).isEmpty()) { throw new PermissionException( LocalizationService.getInstance().getMessage("")); } if (toRemove.containsDistributions()) { ValidatorException.raiseException(""); } ChannelManager.unscheduleEventualRepoSync(toRemove, user); ChannelManager.queueChannelChange(label, user.getLogin(), "java::deleteChannel"); ChannelFactory.remove(toRemove); } } /** * Unschedule eventual repo sync schedule * @param channel relevant channel * @param user executive */ public static void unscheduleEventualRepoSync(Channel channel, User user) { TaskomaticApi tapi = new TaskomaticApi(); try { String cronExpr = tapi.getRepoSyncSchedule(channel, user); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cronExpr)) {"Unscheduling repo sync schedule with " + cronExpr + " for channel " + channel.getLabel()); tapi.unscheduleRepoSync(channel, user); } } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Failed to unschedule repo sync for channel " + channel.getLabel()); } } /** * Verify that a user is a channel admin * @param user the user to verify * @param cid the channel id to verify * @return true if the user is an admin of this channel * @throws InvalidChannelRoleException if the user does not have perms */ public static boolean verifyChannelAdmin(User user, Long cid) throws InvalidChannelRoleException { if (user.hasRole(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN)) { return true; } return verifyChannelRole(user, cid, QRY_ROLE_MANAGE); } /** * Adds the subscribe role for the passed in user for the passed in channel. * @param user The user in question. * @param channel The channel in question. */ public static void addSubscribeRole(User user, Channel channel) { if (verifyChannelSubscribe(user, channel.getId())) { return; //user already has subscribe perms to this channel } //Insert row into rhnChannelPermission WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "grant_channel_permission"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); params.put("role_label", QRY_ROLE_SUBSCRIBE); m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Removes the subscribe role from the passed in user for the passed in channel. * @param user The user in question. * @param channel The channel in question. */ public static void removeSubscribeRole(User user, Channel channel) { if (!verifyChannelSubscribe(user, channel.getId())) { return; //user doesn't have subscribe perms to begin with } //Delete row from rhnChannelPermission WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "revoke_channel_permission"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); params.put("role_label", QRY_ROLE_SUBSCRIBE); m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Adds the mange role for the passed in user for the passed in channel. * @param user The user in question. * @param channel The channel in question. */ public static void addManageRole(User user, Channel channel) { if (verifyChannelManage(user, channel.getId())) { return; //user already has subscribe perms to this channel } //Insert row into rhnChannelPermission WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "grant_channel_permission"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); params.put("role_label", QRY_ROLE_MANAGE); m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Removes the manage role from the passed in user for the passed in channel. * @param user The user in question. * @param channel The channel in question. */ public static void removeManageRole(User user, Channel channel) { if (!verifyChannelManage(user, channel.getId())) { return; //user doesn't have subscribe perms to begin with } //Delete row from rhnChannelPermission WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "revoke_channel_permission"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); params.put("role_label", QRY_ROLE_MANAGE); m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Makes sure the passed in user has subscribe permissions to the channel with the * given id. * @param user The user in question * @param cid The id for the channel in question * @return Returns true if the user has permission, false otherwise */ public static boolean verifyChannelSubscribe(User user, Long cid) { try { return verifyChannelRole(user, cid, QRY_ROLE_SUBSCRIBE); } catch (InvalidChannelRoleException e) { /* * We don't really care what the reason is for why this user doesn't have * access to this channel, so catch the exception, log it, and simply * return false. */ StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("User: "); msg.append(user.getLogin()); msg.append(" either does not have subscribe privileges to Channel: "); msg.append(cid); msg.append(" or ChannelManager.QRY_ROLE_SUBSCRIBE is defined wrong."); log.debug(msg.toString(), e); return false; } } /** * Makes sure the passed in user has manage permissions to the channel with the * given id. * @param user The user in question * @param cid The id for the channel in question * @return Returns true if the user has permission, false otherwise */ public static boolean verifyChannelManage(User user, Long cid) { try { return verifyChannelRole(user, cid, QRY_ROLE_MANAGE); } catch (InvalidChannelRoleException e) { /* * We don't really care what the reason is for why this user doesn't have * access to this channel, so catch the exception, log it, and simply * return false. */ StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("User: "); msg.append(user.getLogin()); msg.append(" either does not have subscribe privileges to Channel: "); msg.append(cid); msg.append(" or ChannelManager.QRY_ROLE_MANAGE is defined wrong."); log.debug(msg.toString(), e); return false; } } /** * Check to see if the channel passed in is subscribable by the Server passed in for * *free* without costing an entitlement. Criteria: * * 1) if server is a virtual guest * 2) the host of the guest has the Virtualization or VirtualizationPlatform * entitlement * 3) the host's system entitlement has to match the type of the Channel's * ChannelFamily's VirtSubLevel type. * * @param serverIdIn to check against the channelIn * @param channelIn channelIn to check against the server * @return boolean if its free or not */ public static boolean isChannelFreeForSubscription(Long serverIdIn, Channel channelIn) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("isChannelFreeForSubscription.start: " + channelIn.getLabel()); } // this mode query takes care of conditions 1 and 2. // if the system is not a guest or the host is not known or // the host is not entitled with either Virtualization or // VirtualizationPlatform then it'll return null and we'll exit SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("System_queries", "host_virtual_entitlement_for_guest"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("sid", serverIdIn); List<Map<String, String>> results = m.execute(params); if (results == null || results.size() == 0) { log.debug("server is not a guest or host is not virtually entitled, " + "returning false"); return false; } String hostVirtEntitlement = results.get(0).get("label"); Set<VirtSubscriptionLevel> levels = channelIn.getChannelFamily().getVirtSubscriptionLevels(); if (levels == null || levels.size() == 0) { log.debug("Channel has no virtsublevel. returning false"); return false; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("levels : " + levels); log.debug("host.ent: " + hostVirtEntitlement); } if (hostVirtEntitlement.equals(EntitlementManager.VIRTUALIZATION_ENTITLED)) { log.debug("host has virt"); Iterator<VirtSubscriptionLevel> i = levels.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { VirtSubscriptionLevel level =; if (level.equals(CommonConstants.getVirtSubscriptionLevelFree())) { log.debug("Channel has virt and host has virt, returning true"); return true; } } } if (hostVirtEntitlement.equals(EntitlementManager.VIRTUALIZATION_PLATFORM_ENTITLED)) { log.debug("host has virt-plat"); Iterator<VirtSubscriptionLevel> i = levels.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { VirtSubscriptionLevel level =; if (level.equals(CommonConstants.getVirtSubscriptionLevelPlatformFree())) { log.debug("Channel has virt-plat and host virt-plat, returning true"); return true; } } } log.debug("No criteria match. returning false"); return false; } private static boolean verifyChannelRole(User user, Long cid, String role) throws InvalidChannelRoleException { CallableMode m = ModeFactory.getCallableMode("Channel_queries", "verify_channel_role"); Map<String, Object> inParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); inParams.put("cid", cid); inParams.put("user_id", user.getId()); inParams.put("role", role); Map<String, Integer> outParams = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); outParams.put("result", new Integer(Types.VARCHAR)); Map<String, Object> result = m.execute(inParams, outParams); String reason = (String) result.get("result"); if (reason != null) { throw new InvalidChannelRoleException(reason); } return true; } /** * Returns true if the given channel is globally subscribable for the * given org. * @param user User * @param chanLabel label of Channel to validate * @return true if the given channel is globally subscribable for the */ public static boolean isGloballySubscribable(User user, String chanLabel) { Channel c = lookupByLabelAndUser(chanLabel, user); return ChannelFactory.isGloballySubscribable(user.getOrg(), c); } /** * Returns the Channel whose label matches the given label. * @param org The org of the user looking up the channel * @param label Channel label sought. * @return the Channel whose label matches the given label. */ public static Channel lookupByLabel(Org org, String label) { return ChannelFactory.lookupByLabel(org, label); } /** * Returns available entitlements for the org and the given channel. * @param org Org * @param c Channel * @return available entitlements for the org and the given channel. */ public static Long getAvailableEntitlements(Org org, Channel c) { ChannelEntitlementCounter counter = (ChannelEntitlementCounter) MethodUtil .getClassFromConfig(ChannelEntitlementCounter.class.getName()); Long retval = counter.getAvailableEntitlements(org, c); log.debug("getAvailableEntitlements: " + c.getLabel() + " got: " + retval); return retval; } /** * Returns available flex entitlements for the org and the given channel. * @param org Org * @param c Channel * @return available flex entitlements for the org and the given channel. */ public static Long getAvailableFveEntitlements(Org org, Channel c) { ChannelEntitlementCounter counter = (ChannelEntitlementCounter) MethodUtil .getClassFromConfig(ChannelEntitlementCounter.class.getName()); Long retval = counter.getAvailableFveEntitlements(org, c); log.debug("getAvailableFveEntitlements: " + c.getLabel() + " got: " + retval); return retval; } /** * Returns the latest packages in the channel. This call will return more details * about the channel than the API specific call * {@link #latestPackagesInChannel(}. * * @param channelId identifies the channel * @return list of packages in this channel */ public static DataResult<PackageListItem> latestPackagesInChannel(Long channelId) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "latest_packages_in_channel"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", channelId); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns list of latest packages in channel * @param channel channel whose packages are sought * @return list of latest packages in channel */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> latestPackagesInChannel(Channel channel) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "latest_packages_in_channel_api"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); return m.execute(params); } /** * List the errata applicable to a channel between start and end date * @param channel channel whose errata are sought * @param start start date * @param end end date * @param user the user doing the list * @return the errata applicable to a channel */ public static DataResult<ErrataOverview> listErrata(Channel channel, Date start, Date end, User user) { String mode = "in_channel"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); if (start != null) { params.put("start_date", new Timestamp(start.getTime())); mode = "in_channel_after"; if (end != null) { params.put("end_date", new Timestamp(end.getTime())); mode = "in_channel_between"; } } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", mode); DataResult<ErrataOverview> dr = m.execute(params); Map<String, Object> elabParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); elabParams.put("user_id", user.getId()); dr.setElaborationParams(elabParams); return dr; } /** * List the errata applicable to a channel (used for repomd generation) * @param channelId channel whose errata are sought * @return the errata applicable to a channel */ public static DataResult<ErrataOverview> listErrataSimple(Long channelId) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channelId); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", "simple_in_channel"); DataResult<ErrataOverview> dr = m.execute(params); Map<String, Object> elabParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dr.setElaborationParams(elabParams); return dr; } /** * List the errata applicable to a channel between start and end date * @deprecated Use appropriate listErrata * @param channel channel whose errata are sought * @param start start date * @param end end date * @return the errata applicable to a channel */ @Deprecated public static DataResult<Map<String, Object>> listErrataForDates(Channel channel, String start, String end) { String mode = "relevant_to_channel_deprecated"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(start)) { params.put("start_date_str", start); mode = "relevant_to_channel_after_deprecated"; if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(end)) { params.put("end_date_str", end); mode = "relevant_to_channel_between_deprecated"; } } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * List the errata of a particular type that are applicable to a channel. * @param channel channel whose errata are sought * @param type type of errata * @return the errata applicable to a channel */ public static DataResult<Map<String, Object>> listErrataByType(Channel channel, String type) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); params.put("type", type); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", "relevant_to_channel_by_type"); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns list of packages in channel * @param channel channel whose packages are sought * @param startDate package start date * @param endDate package end date * @return list of packages in channel */ public static List<PackageDto> listAllPackages(Channel channel, String startDate, String endDate) { String mode = "all_packages_in_channel"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(startDate)) { params.put("start_date_str", startDate); mode = "all_packages_in_channel_after"; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(endDate)) { params.put("end_date_str", endDate); mode = "all_packages_in_channel_between"; } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns list of packages in channel * @param channel channel whose packages are sought * @return list of packages in channel */ public static List<PackageDto> listAllPackages(Channel channel) { String mode = "all_packages_in_channel"; Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns list of packages in channel * @param channel channel whose packages are sought * @param startDate package start date * @param endDate package end date * @return list of packages in channel */ public static List<PackageDto> listAllPackages(Channel channel, Date startDate, Date endDate) { // convert the start and end dates to a string representation // that can be used in the db query... SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); String startDateStr = null; String endDateStr = null; if (startDate != null) { startDateStr = sdf.format(startDate); } if (endDate != null) { endDateStr = sdf.format(endDate); } return listAllPackages(channel, startDateStr, endDateStr); } /** * Returns list of packages in channel * @param channel channel whose packages are sought * @param startDate package start date * @param endDate package end date * @return list of packages in channel * @deprecated The only thing to use this is * ChannelSoftwareHandler.listAllPackagesByDate which is itself depricated */ @Deprecated public static List<Map<String, Object>> listAllPackagesByDate(Channel channel, String startDate, String endDate) { String mode = "all_packages_in_channel_by_date"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(startDate)) { params.put("start_date_str", startDate); mode = "all_packages_in_channel_after_by_date"; } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(endDate)) { params.put("end_date_str", endDate); mode = "all_packages_in_channel_between_by_date"; } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * Get the id of latest packages equal in the passed in Channel and name * * @param channelId to lookup package against * @param packageName to check * @return List containing Maps of "CP.package_id, CP.name_id, CP.evr_id" */ public static Long getLatestPackageEqual(Long channelId, String packageName) { List<Map<String, Object>> latestPkgs = listLatestPackagesEqual(channelId, packageName); if (latestPkgs != null && latestPkgs.size() > 0) { return (Long) latestPkgs.get(0).get("package_id"); } return null; } /** * Get the id of latest packages located in the channel tree where channelId * is a parent * * @param channelId to lookup package against * @param packageName to check * @return package id of the newest package with a matching name */ public static Long getLatestPackageEqualInTree(Long channelId, String packageName) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "latest_package_equal_in_tree"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channelId); params.put("name", packageName); // Maps of "package_id, evr_id, arch_label" List<Map<String, Object>> results = m.execute(params); // See bug 1094364. If we wanted to really really fix this we would have // to add a channel-arch-to-default-package-arch mapping in the database // for every possible architecture. However that would still be somewhat // of a heuristic because we may want to install a non-default-arch package // at some point in the future. Much easier and almost just as good to // have a hueristic here that returns the package arch we probably want. if (results != null && results.size() > 0) { Map<String, Object> row = results.get(0); if (results.size() == 1) { return (Long) row.get("package_id"); } // "default arches". If a channel contains multiple arches (eg. // "i386" and "x86_86") then these are probably the arches that we // want to install by default. List<String> defaultArches = new ArrayList<String>(); defaultArches.add("x86_64"); defaultArches.add("sparc64"); defaultArches.add("s390x"); defaultArches.add("armv7hnl"); // more than one result. they are ordered based on EVR, so let's // examine the packages that have the same EVR as the first one and // see if we can find one that is of the default arch. If we run out // or go down to an older EVR, just return first result as a fallback. for (Map<String, Object> result : results) { if (!((Long) result.get("evr_id")).equals(row.get("evr_id"))) { break; } if (defaultArches.contains(result.get("arch_label"))) { return (Long) result.get("package_id"); } } return (Long) row.get("package_id"); } return null; } /** * List the latest packages equal in the passed in Channel and name * * @param channelId to lookup package against * @param packageName to check * @return List containing Maps of "CP.package_id, CP.name_id, CP.evr_id" */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> listLatestPackagesEqual(Long channelId, String packageName) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("listLatestPackagesEqual: " + channelId + " pn: " + packageName); } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "latest_package_equal"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channelId); params.put("name", packageName); return m.execute(params); } /** * List the latest packages in a channel *like* the given package name. * * @param channelId to lookup package against * @param packageName to check * @return List containing Maps of "CP.package_id, CP.name_id, CP.evr_id" */ public static List<Map<String, Object>> listLatestPackagesLike(Long channelId, String packageName) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("listLatestPackagesLike() cid: " + channelId + " packageName : " + packageName); } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "latest_package_like"); StringBuilder pname = new StringBuilder(); pname.append("%"); pname.append(packageName); pname.append("%"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", channelId); params.put("name", pname.toString()); return m.execute(params); } /** * Finds the id of a child channel with the given parent channel id that contains * a package with the given name. Will only find one child channel even if there are * many that qualify. * @param org Organization of the current user. * @param parent The id of the parent channel * @param packageName The exact name of the package sought for. * @return The id of a single child channel found or null if nothing found. */ public static Long findChildChannelWithPackage(Org org, Long parent, String packageName) { List<Long> cids = findChildChannelsWithPackage(org, parent, packageName, true); if (cids.isEmpty()) { return null; } return cids.get(0); } /** * Finds the id of a child channel with the given parent channel id that contains * a package with the given name. Returns all child channel unless expectOne is True * @param org Organization of the current user. * @param parent The id of the parent channel * @param packageName The exact name of the package sought for. * @param expectOne if true, throws exception, if more child channels are returned * @return List of child channel ids */ public static List<Long> findChildChannelsWithPackage(Org org, Long parent, String packageName, boolean expectOne) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_with_package"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("parent", parent); params.put("package", packageName); params.put("org_id", org.getId()); DataResult dr = m.execute(params); List<Long> channelIds = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Iterator it = dr.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { channelIds.add((Long) ((Map)"id")); } if (expectOne && channelIds.size() > 1) { // Multiple channels have this package, highly unlikely we can guess which // one is the right one so we'll raise an exception and let the caller // decide what to do. throw new MultipleChannelsWithPackageException(channelIds); } return channelIds; } /** * Finds the ids of all child channels that contain * a package with the given name. Will only all the child channels. * @param packageName The exact name of the package sought for. * @param org the org this is in * @return The list of ids */ public static List<Long> findChildChannelsWithPackage(String packageName, Org org) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "child_channels_with_package"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("package", packageName); params.put("org_id", org.getId()); //whittle down until we have the piece we want. DataResult<Map<String, Long>> dr = m.execute(params); List<Long> cids = new LinkedList<Long>(); for (Map<String, Long> row : dr) { cids.add(row.get("id")); } return cids; } /** * Subscribe a Server to the first child channel of its base channel that contains * the packagename passed in. Returns false if it can't be subscribed. * * @param user requesting the subscription * @param current System to be subbed * @param packageName to use to lookup the channel with. * @return Channel we subscribed to, null if not. */ public static Channel subscribeToChildChannelWithPackageName(User user, Server current, String packageName) { log.debug("subscribeToChildChannelWithPackageName: " + current.getId() + " name: " + packageName); /* * First make sure that we have a base channel. * Second, make sure that the base channel has an RHN Tools child channel. * Third, try to subscribe to that child channel. */ if (current.getBaseChannel() == null) { log.debug("base channel for server is null. returning null"); return null; } // We know its the channel we want if it has the package in it: Long bcid = current.getBaseChannel().getId(); log.debug("found basechannel: " + bcid); Long cid = null; try { cid = ChannelManager.findChildChannelWithPackage(user.getOrg(), bcid, packageName); } catch (MultipleChannelsWithPackageException e) { // If multiple channels have the package we're looking for, see if the server // already has access to one of them before raising this exception. for (Long channelId : e.getChannelIds()) { Channel c = ChannelManager.lookupByIdAndUser(channelId, user); if (current.isSubscribed(c)) { // found a channel already subscribed cid = channelId; break; } } if (cid == null) { // Didn't find one, re-throw the exception: throw e; } } if (cid == null) { // Didnt find it .. log.debug("didnt find a child channel with the package."); return null; } Channel channel = null; try { channel = ChannelManager.lookupByIdAndUser(cid, user); } catch (LookupException e) { log.warn("User " + user.getLogin() + " does not have access to channel " + cid + "."); } boolean canSubscribe = false; // check to make sure we *can* sub to this channel if (channel != null) { canSubscribe = SystemManager.canServerSubscribeToChannel(user.getOrg(), current, channel); } if (!canSubscribe) { return null; } if (!current.isSubscribed(channel)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Subscribing server to channel: " + channel); } SystemManager.subscribeServerToChannel(user, current, channel); } return channel; } /** * Subscribe a Server to the first child channel of its base channel supplies OS level * functionality based on the "osProductName" passed in. In DB terms it is looking * for a child channel that has an entry in rhnDistChannel map with an OS field * matching the osProductName. * * @param user requesting the subscription * @param current System to be subbed * @param osProductName to use to lookup the channel with. * @return Channel we subscribed to, null if not. */ public static Channel subscribeToChildChannelByOSProduct(User user, Server current, String osProductName) { /* * First make sure that we have a base channel. * Second, make sure that the base channel has an RHN Tools child channel. * Third, try to subscribe to that child channel. */ if (current.getBaseChannel() == null) { log.debug("base channel for server is null. returning null"); return null; } Channel baseChannel = current.getBaseChannel(); Channel foundChannel = null; Iterator<Channel> i = ChannelManager.userAccessibleChildChannels(user.getOrg().getId(), baseChannel.getId()) .iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { Channel child =; Set<DistChannelMap> distChannelMaps = child.getDistChannelMaps(); log.debug("distChannelMaps null? " + (distChannelMaps == null)); if (distChannelMaps != null) { Iterator<DistChannelMap> di = distChannelMaps.iterator(); while (di.hasNext()) { DistChannelMap dcm =; log.debug("got DistChannelMap: " + dcm); if (dcm.getOs().equals(osProductName)) { log.debug("found a possible channel: " + dcm.getChannel()); foundChannel = dcm.getChannel(); if (SystemManager.canServerSubscribeToChannel(user.getOrg(), current, dcm.getChannel())) { log.debug("we can subscribe. lets set foundChannel"); foundChannel = dcm.getChannel(); break; } log.debug("no subscriptions available."); } } } } if (foundChannel != null) { log.debug("we found a channel, now lets see if we should sub"); if (!current.isSubscribed(foundChannel)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("subChildChannelByOSProduct " + "Subscribing server to channel: " + foundChannel); } SystemManager.subscribeServerToChannel(user, current, foundChannel); } } log.debug("subscribeToChildChannelByOSProduct returning: " + foundChannel); return foundChannel; } /** * For the specified server, make a best-guess effort at what its base-channel * SHOULD be * @param usr User asking the question * @param s Server of interest * @return Channel that could serve as a base-channel for the Server */ public static Channel guessServerBase(User usr, Server s) { Long guessedId = guessServerBase(usr, s.getId()); Channel c = null; if (guessedId != null) { c = ChannelFactory.lookupByIdAndUser(guessedId, usr); } return c; } /** * For the specified server, make a best-guess effort at what its base-channel * SHOULD be * @param usr User asking the question * @param sid Server id of interest * @return Channel id */ public static Long guessServerBase(User usr, Long sid) { // Figure out what this server's base OUGHT to be CallableMode sbm = ModeFactory.getCallableMode("Channel_queries", "guess_server_base"); Map<String, Object> inParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); inParams.put("server_id", sid); Map<String, Integer> outParams = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); outParams.put("result", new Integer(Types.NUMERIC)); Map<String, Object> result = sbm.execute(inParams, outParams); return (Long) result.get(("result")); } /** * Convert redhat-release release values to those that are stored in the * rhnReleaseChannelMap table. * * RHEL 4 release samples: 7.6, 8, 9 * RHEL 5 release samples:,, * * RHEL 4 must be treated specially, if the release is X.Y, we only wish to look at * the X portion. * * For RHEL 5 and presumably all future releases, we only look at the W.X.Y portion of * W.X.Y.Z. * * @param rhelVersion RHEL version we're comparing release for. (5Server, 4AS, 4ES) * @param originalRelease Original package release. * @return Release version for rhnReleaseChannelMap. */ public static String normalizeRhelReleaseForMapping(String rhelVersion, String originalRelease) { String[] tokens = originalRelease.split("\\."); if (RHEL4_EUS_VERSIONS.contains(rhelVersion)) { if (tokens.length <= 1) { return originalRelease; } return tokens[0]; } if (tokens.length <= 3) { return originalRelease; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append(tokens[0]); buf.append("."); buf.append(tokens[1]); buf.append("."); buf.append(tokens[2]); return buf.toString(); } /** * Search for the tools channel beneath the specified base channel. * Queries for package names that look like kickstart packages, and * assumes that if any are found in this channel is must be the * tools channel. * @param baseChannel Base channel to search for a tools channel beneath. * @param user User performing the search. * @return Tools channel if found, null otherwise. */ public static Channel getToolsChannel(Channel baseChannel, User user) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getToolsChannel, baseChannel: " + baseChannel.getLabel()); } Iterator<Channel> i = ChannelManager.userAccessibleChildChannels(user.getOrg().getId(), baseChannel.getId()) .iterator(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getToolsChannel, userAccessibleChildChannels: " + i.hasNext()); } while (i.hasNext()) { Channel child =; if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("getToolsChannel, trying: " + child.getLabel()); } // First search for legacy kickstart package names: List<Map<String, Object>> kspackages = ChannelManager.listLatestPackagesLike(child.getId(), KickstartData.LEGACY_KICKSTART_PACKAGE_NAME); if (kspackages.size() > 0) { return child; } // Search for rhn-kickstart package name: kspackages = ChannelManager.listLatestPackagesEqual(child.getId(), ConfigDefaults.get().getKickstartPackageName()); if (kspackages.size() > 0) { return child; } } return null; } /** * Examines each DistChannelMap associated with the given channel to build the * master set of all supported channel version constants. * @param channel Channel to return the versions for. * @return Set of all supported channel versions. */ public static Set<ChannelVersion> getChannelVersions(Channel channel) { Set<ChannelVersion> returnSet = new HashSet<ChannelVersion>(); Iterator<DistChannelMap> iter = channel.getDistChannelMaps().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { DistChannelMap dcm =; returnSet.add(ChannelVersion.getChannelVersionForDistChannelMap(dcm)); } return returnSet; } /** * Returns all channels that are applicable to the systems currently selected in * the SSM. * * @param user logged in user * @param lc controller for the UI list * @return description of all channels applicable to the systems */ public static DataResult<ChannelTreeNode> getChannelsForSsm(User user, ListControl lc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_tree_ssm_install"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("set_label", RhnSetDecl.SYSTEMS.getLabel()); DataResult dr = makeDataResult(params, params, lc, m); return dr; } /** * Returns the list of all child-channels in the user's System Set * @param user User whose channels are sought. * @return the list of all child-channels in that user's System Set */ public static DataResult<ChildChannelDto> childrenAvailableToSet(User user) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "children_in_set"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns the list of all base-channels represented in the System Set. * @param user User whose System Set is being considered * @return the list of all base-channels in that set. */ public static DataResult<SystemsPerChannelDto> baseChannelsInSet(User user) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "base_channels_in_set"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); return m.execute(params); } private static boolean isDefaultBaseChannel(Channel baseChan, String version) { if (baseChan == null) { return false; } Channel defaultBaseChan = getDefaultBaseChannel(version, baseChan.getChannelArch()); if (defaultBaseChan == null) { return false; } return defaultBaseChan.getId().equals(baseChan.getId()); } private static Channel getDefaultBaseChannel(String version, ChannelArch arch) { DistChannelMap dcm = ChannelManager.lookupDistChannelMapByPnReleaseArch(RHEL_PRODUCT_NAME, version, arch); if (dcm == null) { return null; } return dcm.getChannel(); } /** * Given a system, find all the base channels available to the specified user * that the system may be re-subscribed to. * * If the system is currently subscribed to the default RHEL channel for their * version (i.e. main RHEL 4), then only the *newest* available EUS channel * will be included. * * If the system is already subscribed to a non-default channel (i.e. EUS or custom), * we look up the redhat-release package information on the system and use it's * version/release information to search for all *newer* EUS channels. * * Custom base channels for this organization will always be returned, * regardless of the RHEL version. * * @param usr requesting list * @param s Server to check against * @return List of Channel objects that match */ public static List<EssentialChannelDto> listBaseChannelsForSystem(User usr, Server s) { List<EssentialChannelDto> channelDtos = new LinkedList<EssentialChannelDto>(); PackageEvr releaseEvr = PackageManager.lookupReleasePackageEvrFor(s); if (releaseEvr != null) { String rhelVersion = releaseEvr.getVersion(); List<EssentialChannelDto> baseEusChans = new LinkedList<EssentialChannelDto>(); if (isDefaultBaseChannel(s.getBaseChannel(), rhelVersion)) { EssentialChannelDto baseEus = lookupLatestEusChannelForRhelVersion(usr, rhelVersion, s.getBaseChannel().getChannelArch().getId()); if (baseEus != null) { baseEusChans.add(baseEus); } } else { Channel currBase = s.getBaseChannel(); if (currBase != null) { ReleaseChannelMap rcm = lookupDefaultReleaseChannelMapForChannel(currBase); if (rcm != null) { baseEusChans = listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndServerArch(usr, rhelVersion, releaseEvr.getRelease(), s.getServerArch().getLabel()); } } } channelDtos.addAll(baseEusChans); } // Get all the possible base-channels owned by this Org channelDtos.addAll(listCustomBaseChannelsForServer(s)); for (DistChannelMap dcm : ChannelFactory.listCompatibleDcmByServerInNullOrg(s)) { if (SystemManager.canServerSubscribeToChannel(usr.getOrg(), s, dcm.getChannel())) { channelDtos.add(new EssentialChannelDto(dcm.getChannel())); } } return channelDtos; } /** * Given a base-channel, find all the base channels available to the specified user * that a system with the specified channel may be re-subscribed to. * * @param u User of interest * @param inChan Base-channel of interest * @return List of channels that a system subscribed to "c" could be re-subscribed to */ public static List<EssentialChannelDto> listCompatibleBaseChannelsForChannel(User u, Channel inChan) { List<EssentialChannelDto> retval = new ArrayList<EssentialChannelDto>(); // Get all the custom-channels owned by this org and add them for (Channel c : ChannelFactory.listCustomBaseChannelsForSSM(u, inChan)) { retval.add(new EssentialChannelDto(c)); } for (Channel c : ChannelFactory.listCompatibleDcmForChannelSSMInNullOrg(u, inChan)) { retval.add(new EssentialChannelDto(c)); } List<EssentialChannelDto> eusBaseChans = new LinkedList<EssentialChannelDto>(); ReleaseChannelMap rcm = lookupDefaultReleaseChannelMapForChannel(inChan); if (rcm != null) { eusBaseChans.addAll(listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndChannelArch(u, rcm.getVersion(), rcm.getRelease(), inChan.getChannelArch().getId())); } else { for (DistChannelMap dcm : inChan.getDistChannelMaps()) { String rhelVersion = dcm.getRelease(); if (isDefaultBaseChannel(inChan, rhelVersion)) { EssentialChannelDto latestEus = lookupLatestEusChannelForRhelVersion(u, rhelVersion, inChan.getChannelArch().getId()); if (latestEus != null) { eusBaseChans.add(latestEus); } } } } retval.addAll(eusBaseChans); for (EssentialChannelDto dto : retval) { if (dto.getId().longValue() == inChan.getId().longValue()) { retval.remove(dto); // normally not a good idea, but we do break break; } } return retval; } /** * Lookup the default release channel map for the given channel. Returns null if no * default is found. * * @param channel Channel to lookup mapping for * @return Default ReleaseChannelMap */ public static ReleaseChannelMap lookupDefaultReleaseChannelMapForChannel(Channel channel) { return ChannelFactory.lookupDefaultReleaseChannelMapForChannel(channel); } /** * Lookup the dist channel map for the given os, release, and channel arch. * Returns null if none is found. * * @param productName Product name. * @param release Version. * @param channelArch Channel arch. * @return DistChannelMap, null if none is found */ public static DistChannelMap lookupDistChannelMapByPnReleaseArch(String productName, String release, ChannelArch channelArch) { return ChannelFactory.lookupDistChannelMapByPnReleaseArch(productName, release, channelArch); } /** * Lookup the EUS base channels suitable for the given version, release, and * server arch. * * NOTE: Release not actually used in the database query, must filter manually * in application code due to some very specific requirements on how it must * be compared. See normalizeRhelReleaseForMapping for more info. * * @param user User performing the query. * @param version RHEL version. * @param release RHEL version release. * @param serverArch RHEL server arch. * @return List of EssentialChannelDto's. */ public static List<EssentialChannelDto> listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndServerArch(User user, String version, String release, String serverArch) { log.debug("listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndServerArch()"); log.debug(" version = " + version); log.debug(" release = " + release); log.debug(" serverArch = " + serverArch); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "base_eus_channels_by_version_release_server_arch"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); params.put("product_name_label", RHEL_PRODUCT_NAME); params.put("version", version); params.put("server_arch", serverArch); DataResult<EssentialChannelDto> dr = makeDataResult(params, new HashMap<String, Object>(), null, m, EssentialChannelDto.class); List<EssentialChannelDto> result = new LinkedList<EssentialChannelDto>(); EusReleaseComparator comparator = new EusReleaseComparator(version); for (EssentialChannelDto dto : dr) { log.debug(dto.getId()); if (, release) >= 0) { result.add(dto); } } return result; } /** * Lookup the EUS base channels suitable for the given version, release, and * channel arch. * * NOTE: Release not actually used in the database query, must filter manually * in application code due to some very specific requirements on how it must * be compared. See normalizeRhelReleaseForMapping for more info. * * @param user User performing the query. * @param version RHEL version. * @param release RHEL release. * @param channelArchId Channel arch. * @return List of EssentialChannelDto's. */ public static List<EssentialChannelDto> listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndChannelArch(User user, String version, String release, Long channelArchId) { log.debug("listBaseEusChannelsByVersionReleaseAndChannelArch()"); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "base_eus_channels_by_version_channel_arch"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); log.debug(" version = " + version); log.debug(" release = " + release); log.debug(" channelArch = " + channelArchId); params.put("product_name_label", RHEL_PRODUCT_NAME); params.put("version", version); params.put("channel_arch_id", channelArchId); DataResult<EssentialChannelDto> dr = makeDataResult(params, new HashMap<String, Object>(), null, m, EssentialChannelDto.class); List<EssentialChannelDto> result = new LinkedList<EssentialChannelDto>(); EusReleaseComparator comparator = new EusReleaseComparator(version); for (EssentialChannelDto dto : dr) { if (, release) > 0) { result.add(dto); } } return result; } /** * Lookup the latest EUS base channel for the given version and server arch. * * Sorts based on the release column. null will be returned if none found. * * @param user User performing the query. * @param rhelVersion RHEL version. * @param channelArchId Channel arch id. * @return EssentialChannelDto, or null if no entry is found. */ public static EssentialChannelDto lookupLatestEusChannelForRhelVersion(User user, String rhelVersion, Long channelArchId) { log.debug("listBaseEusChannelsByVersionAndChannelArch"); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "base_eus_channels_by_version_channel_arch"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); params.put("org_id", user.getOrg().getId()); log.debug(" version = " + rhelVersion); log.debug(" channelArch = " + channelArchId); params.put("product_name_label", RHEL_PRODUCT_NAME); params.put("version", rhelVersion); params.put("channel_arch_id", channelArchId); DataResult<EssentialChannelDto> dr = makeDataResult(params, new HashMap<String, Object>(), null, m, EssentialChannelDto.class); if (dr.size() == 0) { return null; } Collections.sort(dr, new EusReleaseComparator(rhelVersion)); return dr.get(dr.size() - 1); } /** * List base channels offered for the given server * @param server server * @return List of channels. */ public static DataResult<EssentialChannelDto> listCustomBaseChannelsForServer(Server server) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "custom_base_channels_for_server"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("org_id", server.getOrg().getId()); params.put("server_arch_id", server.getServerArch().getId()); return makeDataResult(params, new HashMap<String, Long>(), null, m, EssentialChannelDto.class); } /** * List base channels (including Red Hat channels) for a given org. * @param u User to list base channels for. * @return List of Channels */ public static List<Channel> findAllBaseChannelsForOrg(User u) { return ChannelFactory.listAllBaseChannels(u); } /** * Given an old and a new base channel, return a map of old child channels to new * child channels with the same product name. If no match can be found the old * child channel is omitted from the map. * * @param oldBaseChannel the base channel to which we need to find the equivalent * child channels * @param newBaseChannel the base channel which holds the a child channel with * same product name * @param user user needed for authentication purposes * @return a map [childChannel1:childChannel2] */ public static Map<Channel, Channel> findCompatibleChildren(Channel oldBaseChannel, Channel newBaseChannel, User user) { Map<Channel, Channel> compatibleChannels = new HashMap<Channel, Channel>(); if (oldBaseChannel == null) { return compatibleChannels; } if (oldBaseChannel.equals(newBaseChannel)) { Map<Channel, Channel> result = new HashMap<Channel, Channel>(); for (Channel channel : oldBaseChannel.getAccessibleChildrenFor(user)) { result.put(channel, channel); } return result; } Map<ProductName, Channel> prodChannels = new HashMap<ProductName, Channel>(); Set<ProductName> nonUniqueProducts = new HashSet<ProductName>(); List<Channel> newChildren = newBaseChannel.getAccessibleChildrenFor(user); for (Channel channel : newChildren) { if (channel.getProductName() != null) { if (prodChannels.get(channel.getProductName()) != null) { nonUniqueProducts.add(channel.getProductName()); } prodChannels.put(channel.getProductName(), channel); } } Map<Channel, List<Channel>> originalToClones = getOrignalToClonesMap(newChildren); for (Channel childOne : oldBaseChannel.getAccessibleChildrenFor(user)) { // if a new child was cloned from the same original as an old one, // return them as compatible List<Channel> candidates = originalToClones.get(getOriginalChannel(childOne)); if (candidates != null && candidates.size() == 1) { compatibleChannels.put(childOne, candidates.get(0)); } else { // if a new child refers to the same product name as an old one, // return them as compatible ProductName name = childOne.getProductName(); if (prodChannels.containsKey(name) && !nonUniqueProducts.contains(name)) { compatibleChannels.put(childOne, prodChannels.get(name)); } } } return compatibleChannels; } /** * Returns a map in which values are channels specified by the argument and * keys are the corresponding original (ie. non-cloned) channels. * @param channels the channels to map * @return a map from originals to (possibly multiple) clones */ private static Map<Channel, List<Channel>> getOrignalToClonesMap(List<Channel> channels) { Map<Channel, List<Channel>> result = new HashMap<Channel, List<Channel>>(); for (Channel channel : channels) { Channel original = getOriginalChannel(channel); if (result.containsKey(original)) { result.get(original).add(channel); } else { List<Channel> entry = new LinkedList<Channel>(); entry.add(channel); result.put(original, entry); } } return result; } /** * For a given {@link Channel}, determine the original {@link Channel}. * * @param channel channel * @return original channel */ public static Channel getOriginalChannel(Channel channel) { while (channel.isCloned()) { channel = channel.getOriginal(); } return channel; } /** * Finds non-custom errata for a target channel * @param targetChannel the channel to search for * @param packageAssoc whether to filter packages on what packages are already * in the channel * @return List of errata */ public static DataResult<ErrataOverview> findErrataForTarget(Channel targetChannel, boolean packageAssoc) { String mode; if (packageAssoc) { mode = "for_target_package_assoc"; } else { mode = "for_target"; } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("custom_cid", targetChannel.getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * Finds errata associated with channels in the "channels_for_errata" rhnSet that * apply to a custom channel * @param targetChannel the channel to search for * @param user the user doing the query * @param packageAssoc whether to filter packages on what packages are already * in the channel * @return List of Errata */ public static DataResult<ErrataOverview> findErrataFromRhnSetForTarget(Channel targetChannel, boolean packageAssoc, User user) { String mode; if (packageAssoc) { mode = "in_sources_for_target_package_assoc"; } else { mode = "in_sources_for_target"; } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("custom_cid", targetChannel.getId()); params.put("user_id", user.getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * find available errata from custom base channels and their child channels for a * particular channel * @param targetChannel the channel to target * @param packageAssoc whether to filter packages on what packages are already * in the channel * * @return List of errata */ public static DataResult<ErrataOverview> findCustomErrataForTarget(Channel targetChannel, boolean packageAssoc) { String mode; if (packageAssoc) { mode = "custom_for_target_package_assoc"; } else { mode = "custom_for_target"; } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("custom_cid", targetChannel.getId()); params.put("org_id", targetChannel.getOrg().getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", mode); return m.execute(params); } /** * Returns a list of compatible packages arches for the given ChannelArch * labels. It will NOT tell you which package arch goes with which channel * arch, for that you need to load the ChannelArch individually. This * methods purpose is for searching packages where we don't actually * care what package arch goes with what channel arch we only care what * package arch we should look for. * @param channelArchLabels List of ChannelArch labels. * @return list of compatible package arches. */ public static List<String> listCompatiblePackageArches(String[] channelArchLabels) { if (channelArchLabels == null || (channelArchLabels.length < 1)) { return new ArrayList<String>(); } SelectMode mode = ModeFactory.getMode("Package_queries", "compatible_package_arches"); List<Map<String, String>> dr = mode.execute(Arrays.asList(channelArchLabels)); List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Map<String, String> m : dr) { result.add(m.get("label")); } return result; } /** * Returns a distinct list of ChannelArch labels for all synch'd and custom * channels in the satellite. * @return a distinct list of ChannelArch labels for all synch'd and custom * channels in the satellite. */ public static List<String> getSyncdChannelArches() { return ChannelFactory.findChannelArchLabelsSyncdChannels(); } /** * * @param channelLabel channel label * @param client client info * @param reason reason for queue */ public static void queueChannelChange(String channelLabel, String client, String reason) { if ("".equals(client)) { client = null; } if ("".equals(reason)) { reason = null; } WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "request_repo_regen"); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put("label", channelLabel); params.put("client", client); params.put("reason", reason); m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Remove packages from a channel very quickly * @param chan the channel * @param packageIds list of package ids * @param user the user doing the removing */ public static void removePackages(Channel chan, List<Long> packageIds, User user) { if (!UserManager.verifyChannelAdmin(user, chan)) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("User: "); msg.append(user.getLogin()); msg.append(" does not have channel admin access to channel: "); msg.append(chan.getLabel()); LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); PermissionException pex = new PermissionException(msg.toString()); pex.setLocalizedTitle(ls.getMessage("")); pex.setLocalizedSummary(ls.getMessage("")); throw pex; } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", chan.getId()); WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "remove_packages"); m.executeUpdate(params, packageIds); HibernateFactory.getSession().refresh(chan); } /** * Adds packages to a channel * @param chan the channel * @param packageIds list of package ids * @param user the user adding packages */ public static void addPackages(Channel chan, List<Long> packageIds, User user) { if (!UserManager.verifyChannelAdmin(user, chan)) { StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder("User: "); msg.append(user.getLogin()); msg.append(" does not have channel admin access to channel: "); msg.append(chan.getLabel()); LocalizationService ls = LocalizationService.getInstance(); PermissionException pex = new PermissionException(msg.toString()); pex.setLocalizedTitle(ls.getMessage("")); pex.setLocalizedSummary(ls.getMessage("")); throw pex; } Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", chan.getId()); WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "add_channel_packages"); m.executeUpdate(params, packageIds); HibernateFactory.getSession().refresh(chan); } /** * Remove a set of erratas from a channel * and remove associated packages * @param chan The channel to remove from * @param errataIds set of errata ids to remove * @param user the user doing the removing */ public static void removeErrata(Channel chan, Set<Long> errataIds, User user) { if (!UserManager.verifyChannelAdmin(user, chan)) { throw new PermissionException(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN); } List<Long> ids = new ArrayList<Long>(); ids.addAll(errataIds); List<Long> pids = ChannelFactory.getChannelPackageWithErrata(chan, ids); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", chan.getId()); WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "remove_errata"); m.executeUpdate(params, ids); m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "remove_errata_packages"); m.executeUpdate(params, ids); ChannelManager.refreshWithNewestPackages(chan, "Remove errata"); ErrataCacheManager.deleteCacheEntriesForChannelPackages(chan.getId(), pids); ErrataCacheManager.deleteCacheEntriesForChannelErrata(chan.getId(), ids); ChannelFactory.getSession().refresh(chan); } /** * List packages that are contained in an errata and in a channel * @param chan The channel * @param errata the Errata * @return A list of PackageDto that are in the channel and errata */ public static List<PackageDto> listErrataPackages(Channel chan, Errata errata) { Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", chan.getId()); params.put("eid", errata.getId()); SelectMode mode = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channel_errata_packages"); return mode.execute(params); } /** * Returns an id of the original channel * @param channel The cloned channel * @return A original channel id */ public static Long lookupOriginalId(Channel channel) { Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", channel.getId()); SelectMode mode = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "cloned_original_id"); List<Map> list = mode.execute(params); if (!list.isEmpty()) { Map map = list.get(0); return (Long) map.get("id"); } return null; } /** * List errata that is within a channel that needs to be resynced * This is determined by the packages in the channel * * @param c the channel * @param user the user * @return list of errataOverview objects that need to be resynced */ public static List<ErrataOverview> listErrataNeedingResync(Channel c, User user) { if (!user.hasRole(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN)) { throw new PermissionException(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN); } if (c.isCloned()) { Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", c.getId()); params.put("ocid", c.getOriginal().getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", "list_errata_needing_sync"); return m.execute(params); } return new ArrayList<ErrataOverview>(); } /** * List errata packages that need to be resynced * @param c the channel to look for packages in * @param user the user doing it * @return the list of PackageOverview objects */ public static List<PackageOverview> listErrataPackagesForResync(Channel c, User user) { if (!user.hasRole(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN)) { throw new PermissionException(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN); } if (c.isCloned()) { Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("cid", c.getId()); params.put("ocid", c.getOriginal().getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", "list_packages_needing_sync"); return m.execute(params); } return new ArrayList<PackageOverview>(); } /** * List errata packages that need to be resynced * @param c the channel to look for packages in * @param user the user doing it * @param setLabel the set of errata to base the package off of * @return the list of PackageOverview objects */ public static List<PackageOverview> listErrataPackagesForResync(Channel c, User user, String setLabel) { if (!user.hasRole(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN)) { throw new PermissionException(RoleFactory.CHANNEL_ADMIN); } if (c.isCloned()) { Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", c.getId()); params.put("set_label", setLabel); params.put("ocid", c.getOriginal().getId()); SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Errata_queries", "list_packages_needing_sync_from_set"); return m.execute(params); } return new ArrayList<PackageOverview>(); } /** * Check the status of the cache repo data * @param channel the channel to look for status * @return repodata status */ public static boolean isChannelLabelInProgress(String channel) { SelectMode selector = ModeFactory.getMode(TaskConstants.MODE_NAME, TaskConstants.TASK_QUERY_REPOMD_DETAILS_QUERY); Map<Object, Object> params = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); params.put("channel_label", channel); return (selector.execute(params).size() > 0); } /** * get the last build date on repodata per channel * @param channel the channel to look for repodata build date * @return last repo build date */ public static String getRepoLastBuild(Channel channel) { String pathPrefix = Config.get().getString(ConfigDefaults.REPOMD_PATH_PREFIX, "rhn/repodata"); String mountPoint = Config.get().getString(ConfigDefaults.REPOMD_CACHE_MOUNT_POINT, "/pub"); File theFile = new File(mountPoint + File.separator + pathPrefix + File.separator + channel.getLabel() + File.separator + "repomd.xml"); if (!theFile.exists()) { // No repo file, dont bother computing build date return null; } Date fileModifiedDateIn = new Date(theFile.lastModified()); // the file Modified date should be getting set when the file // is moved into the correct location."File Modified Date:" + fileModifiedDateIn); return LocalizationService.getInstance().formatCustomDate(fileModifiedDateIn); } /** * get the latest log file for spacewalk-repo-sync * @param c channel * @return the string of the filename (fully qualified) */ public static List<String> getLatestSyncLogFiles(Channel c) { String logPath = Config.get().getString(ConfigDefaults.SPACEWALK_REPOSYNC_LOG_PATH, "/var/log/rhn/reposync/"); File dir = new File(logPath); List<String> possibleList = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] dirList = dir.list(); if (dirList != null) { for (String file : dirList) { if (file.startsWith(c.getLabel()) && !file.endsWith(".gz")) { possibleList.add(logPath + file); } } Collections.sort(possibleList); } return possibleList; } /** * Takes a list of child channels and a set label and returns a Map * with system ids as the key and a set ChannelActionDAO's * as the value * @param setLabel the set label of System ids * @param subChans the list of channels to subscribe * @param unsubChans the list of channels to unsubscribe * @param user the user doing the work * @return The aformentioned map */ public static Map<Long, ChannelActionDAO> filterChildSubscriptions(String setLabel, List<Channel> subChans, List<Channel> unsubChans, User user) { Map<Long, ChannelActionDAO> toRet = new HashMap<Long, ChannelActionDAO>(); List<Long> subCids = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Channel c : subChans) { subCids.add(c.getId()); } List<Long> unsubCids = new ArrayList<Long>(); for (Channel c : unsubChans) { unsubCids.add(c.getId()); } Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("uid", user.getId()); params.put("set_label", setLabel); SelectMode m = null; List<Map<String, Object>> subDr = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<Map<String, Object>> unsubDr = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); if (!subChans.isEmpty()) { m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "ssm_systems_for_child_subscription"); subDr = m.execute(params, subCids); } if (!unsubChans.isEmpty()) { m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "ssm_systems_for_child_unsubscription"); unsubDr = m.execute(params, unsubCids); } for (Map<String, Object> row : subDr) { Long id = (Long) row.get("id"); ChannelActionDAO sys = toRet.get(id); if (sys == null) { sys = new ChannelActionDAO(); sys.setId(id); sys.setName((String) row.get("name")); toRet.put(id, sys); } sys.addSubscribeChannelId((Long) row.get("channel_id")); sys.addSubscribeName((String) row.get("channel_name")); } for (Map<String, Object> row : unsubDr) { Long id = (Long) row.get("id"); ChannelActionDAO sys = toRet.get(id); if (sys == null) { sys = new ChannelActionDAO(); sys.setId(id); sys.setName((String) row.get("name")); toRet.put(id, sys); } sys.addUnsubscribeChannelId((Long) row.get("channel_id")); sys.addUnsubcribeName((String) row.get("channel_name")); } return toRet; } /** * returns channel manager ids within the given org for a given channel * @param org given organization * @param channel channel * @return list of channel manager ids */ public static List<Long> listChannelManagerIdsForChannel(Org org, Channel channel) { return ChannelFactory.listManagerIdsForChannel(org, channel.getId()); } /** * returns channel subscriber ids within the given org for a given channel * @param org given organization * @param channel channel * @return list of channel subscriber ids */ public static List<Long> listChannelSubscriberIdsForChannel(Org org, Channel channel) { return ChannelFactory.listSubscriberIdsForChannel(org, channel.getId()); } /** * @param csid content source (repository) ID * @param pc pageControl * @return List of channels associated to a content source (repository) */ public static DataResult channelsForContentSource(Long csid, PageControl pc) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "channels_for_content_source"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("csid", csid); Map<String, Object> elabParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(); return makeDataResult(params, elabParams, pc, m); } /** * @param parentArchLabel The channel arch label of the parent channel * @return List of {'name': channel_arch_name, 'label': channel_arch_label} * for compatible child channel arches. */ public static List<Map<String, String>> compatibleChildChannelArches(String parentArchLabel) { SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "compatible_child_channel_arches"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("pa_label", parentArchLabel); return m.execute(params); } /** * Clone the original channel packages from one channel to another * @param fromCid The original channel's id * @param toCid The cloned channel's id * @return 1 if successfull */ public static int cloneOriginalChannelPackages(Long fromCid, Long toCid) { WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "clone_original_channel_packages"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("from", fromCid); params.put("to", toCid); return m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Clone all channel packages from one channel to another * @param fromCid The original channel's id * @param toCid The cloned channel's id * @return 1 if successfull */ public static int cloneChannelPackages(Long fromCid, Long toCid) { WriteMode m = ModeFactory.getWriteMode("Channel_queries", "clone_channel_packages"); Map<String, Long> params = new HashMap<String, Long>(); params.put("from", fromCid); params.put("to", toCid); return m.executeUpdate(params); } /** * Return the channel id of the "most likely" parent if we're cloning this * channel. "Most likely" is determined by: * 1) See if the org owns a clone of the original channel's parent * 1.a) if multiple choose most recently modified * 2) Else return the original channel's parent id * Returns null if original is not a child channel * @param original Original channel that we are cloning * @param org Org to look for clones in * @return channel id of most likely parent */ public static Long likelyParentId(Channel original, Org org) { if (original.isBaseChannel()) { return null; } SelectMode m = ModeFactory.getMode("Channel_queries", "likely_parent"); Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(); params.put("cid", original.getId()); params.put("org_id", org.getId()); List<Map<String, Object>> result = m.execute(params); if (result.size() != 0) { return (Long) result.get(0).get("id"); } return original.getParentChannel().getId(); } }