Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2007 united internet ( Robert Zimmermann * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.rb.ofbiz.test.utils.logging; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.CommandProcessor; import com.thoughtworks.selenium.HttpCommandProcessor; import com.unitedinternet.portal.selenium.utils.logging.LoggingBean; /** * Logs processed selenium commands (processed via remote-control) with an arbitrary LoggingResultsFormatter. The formatter is * responsible for writing logging events. A List of Selenium-Commands can be excluded from logging. Default is "getHtmlSource". * Calls to selenium from within com.thoughtworks.selenium.Wait will be filtered and logged only once. Wait should not be the last * command in execution (except in error, eg. timeout situation), as there is no way up to now to know that the last Wait is not a * timed-out one. TODO selenium calls inside Wait are only logged once (filtered else) make this configurable TODO make name of a * "Wait" class configurable TODO (feature) count time taken inside a Wait and logg that, too TODO (feature) add more metrics. * currently verification errors can not be reliable counted * * @author Robert Zimmermann $Id: 134 2009-01-14 20:44:21Z bobbyde $ */ public class LoggingCommandProcessor implements CommandProcessor { static final String AUTO_SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_FILENAME_PART = "WaitTimeout"; private CommandProcessor realCommandProcessor; private LoggingResultsFormatter formatter; final TestMetricsBean seleniumTestMetrics = new TestMetricsBean(); static final String SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT = "OK"; static final String SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA = SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT + ","; static final String SELENIUM_CORE_BOOLEAN_RESULT_TRUE = "true"; static final String SELENIUM_CORE_BOOLEAN_RESULT_FALSE = "false"; static final String WAIT_CLASS_NAME = "Wait"; boolean logMethodsAsComments = true; String[] excludeCommandsFromLogging = { "getHtmlSource", }; List<LoggingBean> loggingEventsQueue = new ArrayList<LoggingBean>(); private LoggingNotifier callbackNotifier = null; private Object callbackInstance = null; static public BufferedWriter loggingWriter; /** * Constructor. * * @param commandProcessor * commandProcessor to be used for communication with selenium * @param myFormatter * formatter, responsible for formating all loggingEvents and writing them to file, db or whatever. */ public LoggingCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor commandProcessor) { final String resultPath = "C:\\Pantha\\Tools\\test"; final String resultHtmlFileName = resultPath + File.separator + "result.html"; final String resultEncoding = "UTF-8"; loggingWriter = LoggingUtils.createWriter(resultHtmlFileName, resultEncoding); LoggingResultsFormatter htmlFormatter = new HtmlResultFormatter(loggingWriter, resultEncoding); htmlFormatter.setScreenShotBaseUri(""); // this is for linking to the screenshots htmlFormatter.setAutomaticScreenshotPath(resultPath); // wrap HttpCommandProcessor from remote-control this.formatter = htmlFormatter; this.realCommandProcessor = commandProcessor; } /** * Will create an HttpCommandProcessor for you. * * @param serverHost - * the host name on which the Selenium Server resides * @param serverPort - * the port on which the Selenium Server is listening * @param browserStartCommand - * the command string used to launch the browser, e.g. "*firefox" or "c:\\program files\\internet * explorer\\iexplore.exe" * @param browserUrl - * the starting URL including just a domain name. We'll start the browser pointing at the Selenium resources on this * URL, e.g. "" would send the browser to * "" * @param myFormatter * formatter, responsible for formating all loggingEvents and writing them to file, db or whatever. */ public LoggingCommandProcessor(String serverHost, int serverPort, String browserStartCommand, String browserUrl, LoggingResultsFormatter myFormatter) { this.formatter = myFormatter; this.realCommandProcessor = new HttpCommandProcessor(serverHost, serverPort, browserStartCommand, browserUrl); } /** * Extends doCommand, handling special logging commands. Delegates all other commands to the realcommandProcessor. * {@inheritDoc} */ public String doCommand(String commandName, String[] args) { String result = ""; long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (SeleniumCommandExtensions.COMMAND_EXTENSION_LOG_COMMENT.getName().equals(commandName)) { String comment = args[0] != null ? args[0] : ""; String extraInfo = ""; if (args.length > 1) { extraInfo = args[1] != null ? args[1] : ""; } logComment(comment, extraInfo, cmdStartMillis); } else if (SeleniumCommandExtensions.COMMAND_EXTENSION_LOG_AUTO_SCREENSHOT.getName().equals(commandName)) { String baseName = args[0] != null ? args[0] : ""; doAutomaticScreenshot(baseName); } else if (SeleniumCommandExtensions.COMMAND_EXTENSION_LOG_ASSERTION.getName().equals(commandName)) { // FIXME handle less than 3 args String[] loggingArgs = new String[] { args[1], args[2] }; doExceptionLogging(args[0], loggingArgs, "", null, cmdStartMillis); } else if (SeleniumCommandExtensions.COMMAND_EXTENSION_LOG_RESOURCE.getName().equals(commandName)) { result = LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT; long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); LoggingBean b = new LoggingBean(); b.setCallingClass( getRealCallingClassWithLineNumberAsString(getCurrentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement())); b.setWaitInvolved(isWaitInvolved()); b.setSourceMethod("RESOURCE"); b.setCommandName("captureScreenshot"); b.setResult(result); b.setArgs(args); b.setCommandSuccessful(true); b.setCmdStartMillis(now); b.setCmdEndMillis(now); loggingEventsQueue.add(b); } else { this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); try { result = this.realCommandProcessor.doCommand(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, result, cmdStartMillis); } return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ /* * getScreenshot patch needed for this public BufferedImage getScreenshot(String fileType) { return * this.realCommandProcessor.getScreenshot(fileType); } */ /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean getBoolean(String commandName, String[] args) { // TODO: both? long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incVerificationsProcessed(); boolean result = false; try { result = this.realCommandProcessor.getBoolean(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw (e); } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + result, cmdStartMillis); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean[] getBooleanArray(String commandName, String[] args) { long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); boolean[] results; try { results = this.realCommandProcessor.getBooleanArray(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + ArrayUtils.toString(results), cmdStartMillis); return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Number getNumber(String commandName, String[] args) { long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); Number result; try { result = this.realCommandProcessor.getNumber(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + result, cmdStartMillis); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Number[] getNumberArray(String commandName, String[] args) { long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); Number[] results; try { results = this.realCommandProcessor.getNumberArray(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + ArrayUtils.toString(results), cmdStartMillis); return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getString(String commandName, String[] args) { long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incCommandsProcessed(); String result; try { result = this.realCommandProcessor.getString(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + ArrayUtils.toString(result), cmdStartMillis); return result; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String[] getStringArray(String commandName, String[] args) { long cmdStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); String[] results; try { results = this.realCommandProcessor.getStringArray(commandName, args); } catch (RuntimeException e) { doExceptionLogging(commandName, args, "", e, cmdStartMillis); throw e; } doLogging(commandName, args, LoggingCommandProcessor.SELENIUM_RC_OK_RESULT_PREFIX_WITH_COMMA + ArrayUtils.toString(results), cmdStartMillis); return results; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void start() { this.realCommandProcessor.start(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setStartTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); logExecutionEnvironment(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void stop() { seleniumTestFinished(); this.realCommandProcessor.stop(); seleniumTestMetrics.setCommandsExcludedFromLogging(excludeCommandsFromLogging); // TODO: looks a bit awkward (instantiating and not care about the instance) new EventQueuePostProcessor(formatter, loggingEventsQueue, seleniumTestMetrics, logMethodsAsComments); } /** * List of Selenium commands to be excluded from logging. Default exclude: getHtmlSource * * @return current list of commands to be excluded */ public String[] getExcludedCommands() { return excludeCommandsFromLogging.clone(); } /** * List of Selenium commands to be excluded from logging Be aware that the defaults will be overwritten. Combine with an * getExcludedCommands to preserve defaults * * @param excludedCommands * list of commands to be excluded */ public void setExcludedCommands(String[] excludedCommands) { this.excludeCommandsFromLogging = excludedCommands.clone(); } /** * Remember any selenium command with its result as an SeleniumLoggingBean. This is an convenience method to preset an * SeleniumLoggingBean * * @param commandName * the commandName for and from selenium (may be a special one like for comments) * @param args * 0 to 2 parameters as used by selenium * @param result * the result from selenium (and RC) * @param cmdStartMillis * timestamp just before command started * @param cmdEndMillis * timestamp after command finished * @return preset SeleniumLoggingBean (only preset, as the SeleniumLoggingBean can hold more information) */ public static LoggingBean presetLoggingBean(String commandName, String[] args, String result, long cmdStartMillis, long cmdEndMillis) { LoggingBean loggingBean = new LoggingBean(); loggingBean.setCommandName(commandName); loggingBean.setArgs(args); loggingBean.setResult(result); loggingBean.setCmdStartMillis(cmdStartMillis); loggingBean.setCmdEndMillis(cmdEndMillis); return loggingBean; } /** * Gather information about where and with which versions selenium is executed. FIXME: use this.getEval to get all these * commands logged the normal way and summarized later in the formatter */ void logExecutionEnvironment() { final String userAgent = getEvalNoException("navigator.userAgent"); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setUserAgent(userAgent); // SeleniumCore final String seleniumCoreVersion = getEvalNoException(""); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setSeleniumCoreVersion(seleniumCoreVersion); final String seleniumCoreRevision = getEvalNoException(""); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setSeleniumCoreRevision(seleniumCoreRevision); // SeleniumRC final String seleniumRcVersion = getEvalNoException(""); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setSeleniumRcVersion(seleniumRcVersion); final String seleniumRcRevision = getEvalNoException(""); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setSeleniumRcRevision(seleniumRcRevision); } /** * Get an Property via Selenium getEval catching any Exception beeing thrown. * @param jsExpr an JavaScript Expressing returning an String * @return result of calling getEval or "UNKNOWN" if any Exception is issued by Selenium */ String getEvalNoException(String jsExpr) { String propertyValue; try { propertyValue = this.realCommandProcessor.getString("getEval", new String[] { jsExpr, }); } catch (Exception exc) { propertyValue = "UNKNOWN"; } return propertyValue; } /** * Log an Exception. * * @param commandName * commandName which possibly is responsible for the exception * @param args * arguments which possibly are responsible for the exception * @param result * normally empty string as the processed command caused an exception * @param exception * the exception thrown by the used CommandProcessor can be null */ void doExceptionLogging(String commandName, String[] args, String result, Throwable exception, long cmdStartMillis) { Boolean screenshot = true; if (null != callbackNotifier) { screenshot = callbackNotifier.errorLogging(callbackInstance, commandName, args, result, exception, cmdStartMillis); } if (screenshot) { doAutomaticScreenshot("Error"); } String resultContent; String errorMessage; if (null != exception) { resultContent = "ERROR," + result + " " + exception.getClass().getName() + " - " + exception.getMessage(); errorMessage = exception.getMessage(); } else { resultContent = "ERROR," + result; if (args.length > 0) { errorMessage = "ERROR: " + args[0]; } else { errorMessage = "INTERNAL ERROR: real error-msg could not be determined"; } } doLogging(commandName, args, resultContent, cmdStartMillis); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incFailedCommands(); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setLastFailedCommandMessage(errorMessage); } /** * Log the current Command. * * @param commandName * commandName to be logged * @param args * arguments to be logged * @param result * the result to be logged * @param cmdStartMillis * time in milliseconds when execution started */ void doLogging(String commandName, String[] args, String result, long cmdStartMillis) { LoggingBean currentCommand = LoggingCommandProcessor.presetLoggingBean(commandName, args, result, cmdStartMillis, System.currentTimeMillis()); currentCommand.setExcludeFromLogging(isCommandExcludedFromLogging(commandName)); currentCommand.setCallingClass( getRealCallingClassWithLineNumberAsString(getCurrentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement())); currentCommand.setWaitInvolved(isWaitInvolved()); String sourceMethodName = "unknown"; StackTraceElement classOrNull = getCurrentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement(); if (null != classOrNull) { sourceMethodName = classOrNull.getMethodName(); } currentCommand.setSourceMethod(sourceMethodName); loggingEventsQueue.add(currentCommand); } /** * Log comment. * * @param comment * the comment to be logged * @param extraInfo * optional, additional string to be logged, which may be treated a special way or omitted by the used formatter */ void logComment(String comment, String extraInfo, long cmdStartMillis) { doLogging(SeleniumCommandExtensions.COMMAND_EXTENSION_LOG_COMMENT.getName(), new String[] { comment, extraInfo }, "", cmdStartMillis); } /** * Utility to check if the current command is to be excluded. * * @param commandName * current command name * @return true, if this command name should be excluded from logging */ boolean isCommandExcludedFromLogging(final String commandName) { return Arrays.asList(excludeCommandsFromLogging).contains(commandName); } StackTraceElement getCurrentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement() { return StackTraceUtils.getCurrentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), "DefaultSelenium"); } String getRealCallingClassWithLineNumberAsString(StackTraceElement currentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement) { return StackTraceUtils.stackTraceElementWithLinenumberAsString(currentCallingClassAsStackTraceElement); } boolean isWaitInvolved() { return StackTraceUtils.isClassInStackTrace(Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(), "." + LoggingCommandProcessor.WAIT_CLASS_NAME); } void seleniumTestFinished() { this.seleniumTestMetrics.setEndTimeStamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Wait timed out? if (loggingEventsQueue.size() > 0) { LoggingBean lastBeanInQueue = loggingEventsQueue.get(loggingEventsQueue.size() - 1); if (lastBeanInQueue.isWaitInvolved()) { lastBeanInQueue.setResult("ERROR,wait timed out"); doAutomaticScreenshot(LoggingCommandProcessor.AUTO_SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_FILENAME_PART); this.seleniumTestMetrics.setLastFailedCommandMessage(lastBeanInQueue.getResult()); this.seleniumTestMetrics.incFailedCommands(); } } } void doAutomaticScreenshot(String baseFileName) { final String autoScreenshotFullPath = formatter.generateFilenameForAutomaticScreenshot(baseFileName); Boolean internal = true; if (null != callbackNotifier) { final String pathFile = formatter.generateFilenameForAutomaticScreenshot( LoggingCommandProcessor.AUTO_SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_FILENAME_PART); internal = callbackNotifier.makeScreenshot(callbackInstance, pathFile); } if (internal) { doCommand("captureScreenshot", new String[] { autoScreenshotFullPath }); } } /** * Is the current test failed. * * Only suitable after all commands are processed. * But can be called at any time. * * @return true if test failed */ public boolean isTestFailed() { return seleniumTestMetrics.getFailedCommands() > 0; } /** * Set the call back notifier. If you want to stop notifications * set to null. * * @param callbackLoggingNotifier The call back notifier object * @param callbackLoggingInstance The calling instance to notify */ public void setCallbackNotifier(LoggingNotifier callbackLoggingNotifier, Object callbackLoggingInstance) { this.callbackNotifier = callbackLoggingNotifier; this.callbackInstance = callbackLoggingInstance; } public boolean isLogMethodsAsComments() { return logMethodsAsComments; } public void setLogMethodsAsComments(boolean logMethodsAsComments) { this.logMethodsAsComments = logMethodsAsComments; } public String getRemoteControlServerLocation() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } public void setExtensionJs(String extensionJs) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void start(String optionsString) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void start(Object optionsObject) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } }