Java tutorial
/** * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. * * Provide the implementation of QFS which turn into calls to KfsAccess. */ package com.quantcast.qfs.hadoop; import*; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataOutputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import com.quantcast.qfs.access.KfsAccess; import com.quantcast.qfs.access.KfsFileAttr; import java.util.ArrayList; class QFSImpl implements IFSImpl { protected KfsAccess kfsAccess = null; private FileSystem.Statistics statistics; private final long BLOCK_SIZE = 1 << 26; private final long ACCESS_TIME = 0; private final String CREATE_PARAMS; public QFSImpl(String metaServerHost, int metaServerPort, FileSystem.Statistics stats, Configuration cfg) throws IOException { kfsAccess = new KfsAccess(metaServerHost, metaServerPort); final long kMaxUserGroupId = 0x0FFFFFFFFL; final long kDefaultUser = ~0L; final long kDefaultGroup = ~0L; final long euser = cfg.getLong("fs.qfs.euser", kDefaultUser); final long egroup = cfg.getLong("fs.qfs.egroup", kDefaultGroup); final String groupsCfgName = "fs.qfs.egroups"; final String groupsSeparator = ","; // No regex special symbols. final String groupsCfg = cfg.get(groupsCfgName, ""); long[] groups = null; CREATE_PARAMS = cfg.get("fs.qfs.createParams", "S"); if (kDefaultUser != euser && (euser < 0 || kMaxUserGroupId <= euser)) { throw new IOException("invalid effective user id: " + euser); } if (kDefaultGroup != egroup && (egroup < 0 || kMaxUserGroupId <= egroup)) { throw new IOException("invalid effective group id: " + egroup); } if (groupsCfg.contains(groupsSeparator)) { try { final String[] tokens = groupsCfg.split(groupsSeparator); if (0 < tokens.length) { groups = new long[tokens.length]; for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { groups[i] = Long.parseLong(tokens[i]); if (groups[i] < 0 || kMaxUserGroupId <= groups[i]) { throw new IOException("invalid group id: " + groups[i]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IOException( "failed to parse configuration setting " + groupsCfgName + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } if (kDefaultUser != euser || kDefaultGroup != egroup || null != groups) { // Ignore errors for now. // Setting effective user and group has effect for all QFS file system // client instances withing the process / JVM. // If any other KfsAccess method invoked prior to this point // kfs_setEUserAndEGroup() will return an error. // Effective user and group ids have no effect with QFS authentication. kfsAccess.kfs_setEUserAndEGroup(euser, egroup, groups); } statistics = stats; } public boolean exists(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_exists(path); } public boolean isDirectory(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_isDirectory(path); } public boolean isFile(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_isFile(path); } public String[] readdir(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_readdir(path); } public FileStatus[] readdirplus(Path path) throws IOException { KfsAccess.DirectoryIterator itr = null; try { itr = DirectoryIterator(path.toUri().getPath()); final ArrayList<FileStatus> ret = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); String prefix = path.toString(); if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) { prefix += "/"; } while ( { if (itr.filename.compareTo(".") == 0 || itr.filename.compareTo("..") == 0) { continue; } ret.add(new FileStatus(itr.isDirectory ? 0L : itr.filesize, itr.isDirectory, itr.isDirectory ? 1 : itr.replication, itr.isDirectory ? 0 : BLOCK_SIZE, itr.modificationTime, ACCESS_TIME, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) itr.mode), itr.ownerName, itr.groupName, new Path(prefix + itr.filename))); } return ret.toArray(new FileStatus[0]); } finally { if (itr != null) { itr.close(); } } } public FileStatus stat(Path path) throws IOException { final KfsFileAttr fa = new KfsFileAttr(); final String pn = path.toUri().getPath(); kfsAccess.kfs_retToIOException(kfsAccess.kfs_stat(pn, fa), pn); return new FileStatus(fa.isDirectory ? 0L : fa.filesize, fa.isDirectory, fa.isDirectory ? 1 : fa.replication, fa.isDirectory ? 0 : BLOCK_SIZE, fa.modificationTime, ACCESS_TIME, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) fa.mode), fa.ownerName, fa.groupName, path); } public KfsFileAttr fullStat(Path path) throws IOException { final KfsFileAttr fa = new KfsFileAttr(); final String pn = path.toUri().getPath(); kfsAccess.kfs_retToIOException(kfsAccess.kfs_stat(pn, fa), pn); return fa; } public int mkdirs(String path, int mode) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_mkdirs(path, mode); } public int mkdir(String path, int mode) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_mkdir(path, mode); } public int rename2(String source, String dest, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_rename(source, dest, overwrite); } public int rename(String source, String dest) throws IOException { // QFS rename does not have mv semantics. // To move /a/b under /c/, you must ask for "rename /a/b /c/b" String renameTarget; if (kfsAccess.kfs_isDirectory(dest)) { String sourceBasename = (new File(source)).getName(); if (dest.endsWith("/")) { renameTarget = dest + sourceBasename; } else { renameTarget = dest + "/" + sourceBasename; } } else { renameTarget = dest; } return kfsAccess.kfs_rename(source, renameTarget); } public int rmdir(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_rmdir(path); } public int rmdirs(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_rmdirs(path); } public int remove(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_remove(path); } public long filesize(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_filesize(path); } public short getReplication(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_getReplication(path); } public short setReplication(String path, short replication) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_setReplication(path, replication); } public String[][] getDataLocation(String path, long start, long len) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_getDataLocation(path, start, len); } public String[][] getBlocksLocation(String path, long start, long len) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_getBlocksLocation(path, start, len); } public long getModificationTime(String path) throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_getModificationTime(path); } public FSDataOutputStream create(String path, short replication, int bufferSize, boolean overwrite, int mode) throws IOException { final boolean append = false; return create(path, replication, bufferSize, overwrite, mode, append); } public FSDataOutputStream create(String path, short replication, int bufferSize, boolean overwrite, int mode, boolean append) throws IOException { return new FSDataOutputStream(createQFSOutputStream(kfsAccess, path, replication, overwrite, append, mode), statistics); } public FSDataOutputStream create(String path, boolean overwrite, String createParams) throws IOException { if (createParams == null || createParams.length() == 0) { createParams = CREATE_PARAMS; } return new FSDataOutputStream(createQFSOutputStream(kfsAccess, path, overwrite, createParams), statistics); } public FSDataInputStream open(String path, int bufferSize) throws IOException { return new FSDataInputStream(createQFSInputStream(kfsAccess, path, statistics)); } public FSDataOutputStream append(String path, short replication, int bufferSize) throws IOException { final boolean append = true; final boolean overwrite = false; final int mode = 0666; return new FSDataOutputStream(createQFSOutputStream(kfsAccess, path, replication, overwrite, append, mode), statistics); } public void setPermission(String path, int mode) throws IOException { kfsAccess.kfs_retToIOException(kfsAccess.kfs_chmod(path, mode), path); } public void setOwner(String path, String username, String groupname) throws IOException { kfsAccess.kfs_retToIOException(kfsAccess.kfs_chown(path, username, groupname), path); } public int getUMask() throws IOException { return kfsAccess.kfs_getUMask(); } public void setUMask(int mask) throws IOException { kfsAccess.kfs_setUMask(mask); } public void retToIoException(int ret) throws IOException { kfsAccess.kfs_retToIOException(ret); } protected QFSOutputStream createQFSOutputStream(KfsAccess kfsAccess, String path, short replication, boolean overwrite, boolean append, int mode) throws IOException { return new QFSOutputStream(kfsAccess, path, replication, overwrite, append, mode); } protected QFSOutputStream createQFSOutputStream(KfsAccess kfsAccess, String path, boolean overwrite, String createParams) throws IOException { return new QFSOutputStream(kfsAccess, path, overwrite, createParams); } protected QFSInputStream createQFSInputStream(KfsAccess kfsAccess, String path, FileSystem.Statistics stats) throws IOException { return new QFSInputStream(kfsAccess, path, stats); } public CloseableIterator<FileStatus> getFileStatusIterator(FileSystem fs, Path path) throws IOException { return new KfsFileStatusIterator(fs, path); } // Iterator returning each directory entry as a FileStatus public class KfsFileStatusIterator implements CloseableIterator<FileStatus> { final Path path; final FileSystem fileSystem; String prefix; KfsAccess.DirectoryIterator itr; FileStatus current; public KfsFileStatusIterator(FileSystem fs, Path p) throws IOException { fileSystem = fs; path = p; prefix = path.toString(); if (!prefix.endsWith("/")) { prefix += "/"; } // If path does not exist or is a file, throw now FileStatus status = fileSystem.getFileStatus(path); if (!status.isDir()) { throw new IOException(path + " is not a directory"); } itr = DirectoryIterator(path.toUri().getPath()); getNext(); } public boolean hasNext() { return current != null; } public FileStatus next() { FileStatus oldCurrent = current; getNext(); return oldCurrent; } public void remove() { close(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); } // Called to release resources. May be called multiple times. public void close() { if (itr != null) { try { itr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } finally { itr = null; current = null; } } } private void getNext() { current = null; if (itr == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } try { while ( { if (itr.filename.compareTo(".") == 0 || itr.filename.compareTo("..") == 0) { continue; } current = new FileStatus(itr.isDirectory ? 0L : itr.filesize, itr.isDirectory, itr.isDirectory ? 1 : itr.replication, itr.isDirectory ? 0 : BLOCK_SIZE, itr.modificationTime, ACCESS_TIME, FsPermission.createImmutable((short) itr.mode), itr.ownerName, itr.groupName, new Path(prefix + itr.filename).makeQualified(fileSystem)); break; } } catch (IOException e) { close(); throw new RuntimeException("Error while iterating " + path, e); } if (current == null) { close(); } } // Make sure close is eventually called. protected void finalize() throws Throwable { close(); } } }