Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Px100 Data. * * Px100 Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import com.px100systems.util.serialization.SerializationDefinition; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.px100systems.util.SpringELCtx; /** * In-memory database with optional write-behind<br> * <br> * This API wrapper encapsulates distributed in-memory storage implemented by InMemoryStorageProvider with an optional write-behind persistence server.<br> * The general architecture is flat: multiple Web-servers collocated with in-memory storage collocated with optional persistence servers.<br> * <br> * In case of low risk tolerance (e.g. government standards) the following actions can be taken:<br> * 1. Add more redundancy on cheap hardware (if the client accepts/supplies it and can ensure the proper maintenance)<br> * 2. More frequent write-behinds: even one-minute ones that gets close to write-through frequencey is still faster than conventional disk persistence * because the data is cached in memory and the system is read-mostly.<br> * 3. In the worst case (no risk allowed at all) write-through can be used - still faster than traditional SQL databases.<br> * <br> * Generally all members of the cluster are supposed to be running "forever": between cold cluster restarts due to periodic releases * or hot starts (joining the running cluster) after the member crash.<br> * <br> * InMemoryDatabase and JCache: we don't use JCache spec and don't leverage any (e.g. Ignite's) built-in persistence due to the following reasons:<br> * 1. Conceptually it is not a cache, so there are no read-through and other cache-specicifc operations.<br> * 2. When used as a data grid, all data entries need to be loaded for queries, etc.<br> * 3. JCache has no concept of redundant persister support: detecting stalled persistence, catching up, etc.<br> * 4. JCache has no concept of multi-process loading when different nodes load different entities<br> * <br> * Spring configuration:<br> * Some parameters like persistenceServer are local, while some should be shared among all cluster members (persistence, maxPersistenceDelayHours, tenants, etc.). * They should refer to beans defined in other config files residing in one shared directory (on a distributed file system) * which is made part of the JVM/server's classpath just like the local "externalConfig" directory.<br> * <br> * <b>Configuration:</b><br> * <ul> * <li>persistence - persistence mode: Load (write-through) or Write-Behind. Write-Behind is not advised for "development mode", * <li>maxPersistenceDelayHours - maximum period when the system detects that the write-behind persistence (if enabled) has stalled - * no updates were made over that period since the last update time. * <li>backupDirectory - directory to dump teh content of the cluster in case of automatic emergency shutdown (typically when the persistence stalled or manually invoked) * <li>persistenceServer - persister, responsible at least for loading the database on startup. Can be null for non-persistent nodes (that don't load or write to the database). * Not all nodes in teh claster need to have (collocated) persisters. However it is already collocated (specified in the RuntimeStorage config) * in case of write-through, so it can (and should) be sued for loading as well. * </ul> * * @version 0.3 <br>Copyright (c) 2015 Px100 Systems. All Rights Reserved.<br> * @author Alex Rogachevsky */ public class InMemoryDatabase extends DatabaseStorage { private static final String CLUSTER_EVENTS = "DataStorageClusterEvents"; private static InMemoryDatabase INSTANCE; // AlexR: Ignite requires event handlers to be serializable. This is the simplest way to pass it an instance. It should be a singleton anyway private static final long STATUS_UNINITIALIZED = 0L; private static final long STATUS_LOADING = 1L; private static final long STATUS_ACTIVE = 2L; private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(InMemoryDatabase.class); private boolean active = false; private boolean stopped = false; public enum PersistenceMode { None, Load, WriteBehind } private PersistenceMode persistence = PersistenceMode.WriteBehind; // persistence can be turned off for internal (e.g. Hazelcast's) write-through: make sure no logs, no cleanup, etc. private int maxPersistenceDelayHours = 24; private String backupDirectory; private DiskPersistence persistenceServer; public interface DataStorageEvents { void emergencyShutdownStarted(String hostName); void emergencyShutdownFinished(String hostName); void clusterStarted(); void clusterStopped(); } private DataStorageEvents outgoingEvents; public InMemoryDatabase() { } /** * Persistence mode * @param persistence persistence mode */ public void setPersistence(PersistenceMode persistence) { this.persistence = persistence; } /** * Maximum period when the system detects that the write-behind persistence (if enabled) has stalled - no updates were made over that period since the last update time. * @param maxPersistenceDelayHours max delay in hours - typically 24 - one hour less than the persiter's log cleanup period */ public void setMaxPersistenceDelayHours(int maxPersistenceDelayHours) { this.maxPersistenceDelayHours = maxPersistenceDelayHours; } /** * Directory to dump binary grid content in case of emregency server shutdown due to stalled persistence. * @param backupDirectory local server directory */ @Required public void setBackupDirectory(String backupDirectory) { this.backupDirectory = backupDirectory; } /** * Critical events to monitor: emergency shutdown, etc. (rarely used) * @param outgoingEvents callback */ public void setOutgoingEvents(DataStorageEvents outgoingEvents) { this.outgoingEvents = outgoingEvents; } /** * Is the database active i.e. not stopped and persistence not stalled * @return the database state */ public boolean isActive() { if (!active && !stopped) active = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("status", null) == STATUS_ACTIVE; return active && !persistenceStalled(); } /** * Persister for loading and write-behind * @param persistenceServer collocated persistence server aka "persister" */ public void setPersistenceServer(DiskPersistence persistenceServer) { this.persistenceServer = persistenceServer; persistenceServer.setStorage(this); } public static class MessageHandler implements InMemoryStorageProvider.MessageCallback<String> { @Override public void process(String message) { INSTANCE.processMessage(message); } } private void processMessage(String message) { if (message.equals("clusterStart")) { active = true; if (outgoingEvents != null) outgoingEvents.clusterStarted(); } else if (message.equals("clusterStop")) { active = false; stopped = true; if (persistenceServer != null) { persistenceServer.stop(); persistenceServer = null; } if (outgoingEvents != null) outgoingEvents.clusterStopped(); } } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { INSTANCE = this; SerializationDefinition.register(getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().createPersistenceLogEntry().getClass()); super.afterPropertiesSet(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public void init(List<EntityInfo> entities, boolean initializeData) { if (persistenceServer != null && persistenceServer.getCleanupHours() <= maxPersistenceDelayHours) throw new RuntimeException( "Persistence server cleanup interval should be greater than maxPersistenceDelayHours"); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().registerMessageCallback(CLUSTER_EVENTS, new MessageHandler()); if (getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("status", null) == STATUS_UNINITIALIZED) { Lock lock = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().lock("coldClusterStart", 60L * 60L * 1000L); if (getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("status", null) == STATUS_UNINITIALIZED) { getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().setAtomicLong("status", null, persistence != PersistenceMode.None ? STATUS_LOADING : STATUS_ACTIVE); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().createMap(PersistenceLogEntry.class, PersistenceLogEntry.UNIT_NAME, Entity.indexes(PersistenceLogEntry.class), Entity.compoundIndexes(PersistenceLogEntry.class), false); // "Transient" logically, however needs to be transactional, not atomic (Ignite-specific) getRuntimeStorage().createIdGenerator(PersistenceLogEntry.UNIT_NAME, 0L); logSaveTime(new Date().getTime()); for (EntityInfo ei : entities) getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().createMap(ei.getEntityClass(), ei.getUnitName(), ei.getRawIndexes(), ei.getCompoundIndexes(), false); } lock.unlock(); } if (persistenceServer != null) if (getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("status", null) == STATUS_LOADING) { if (initializeData) persistenceServer.init(); List<String> storages = persistenceServer.storages(); List<Lock> locks = new ArrayList<Lock>(); try { for (String storage : storages) { Lock lock = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().lock("loadStorage_" + storage, 0L); if (lock != null) { locks.add(lock); persistenceServer.load(storage); Lock countLock = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().lock("loadStorageCount", 60L * 60L * 1000L); Long count = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("loadedStorages", null); count = count == 0 ? 1 : count + 1; getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().setAtomicLong("loadedStorages", null, count); countLock.unlock(); } } } finally { for (Lock lock : locks) lock.unlock(); } // the last loading member starts the cluster Long count = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("loadedStorages", null); if (count == storages.size()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Long> maxId : persistenceServer.loadMaxIds().entrySet()) getRuntimeStorage().createIdGenerator(maxId.getKey(), maxId.getValue());"Loaded ID generators"); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().setAtomicLong("status", null, STATUS_ACTIVE); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().broadcastMessage(CLUSTER_EVENTS, "clusterStart"); } } else active = true; // join existing cluster w/o loading if (persistence == PersistenceMode.WriteBehind && persistenceServer != null) persistenceServer.start(); } /** * Graceful shutdown - useless with write-through. Makes sure the persisters persisted everything to the (relational) database. * Always call it manually in Prod - hook on the Web App shutdown, not the Spring/JVM one */ @Override public void shutdown() { active = false; stopped = true; if (persistenceServer != null) persistenceServer.flush(); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().shutdown(); } @Override protected <T> T get(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Long id) { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().get(unitName, id); } @Override protected long count(String unitName, Class<?> cls, Criteria criteria) { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().count(unitName, cls, criteria); } @Override protected <T> List<T> search(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Criteria criteria, List<String> orderBy, Integer limit) { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().search(unitName, cls, criteria, orderBy, limit); } @Override protected <T> EntityCursor<T> search(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Criteria criteria, List<String> orderBy) { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().search(unitName, cls, criteria, orderBy); } @Override protected List<EntityDescriptor> save(List<StoredBean> inserts, List<StoredBean> updates, List<Delete> deletes, List<InPlaceUpdate<?>> inPlaceUpdates) throws DataStorageException { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().save(inserts, updates, deletes, inPlaceUpdates, false); } public void emergencyShutdown() { getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().broadcastMessage(CLUSTER_EVENTS, "clusterStop"); Gson gson = RawRecord.createGson(); try { if (outgoingEvents != null) outgoingEvents.emergencyShutdownStarted(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { File baseDir = new File(backupDirectory); if (baseDir.exists()) FileUtils.deleteDirectory(baseDir); //noinspection ResultOfMethodCallIgnored baseDir.mkdirs(); for (Class entityClass : getConfiguredEntities().values()) for (Integer tenantId : getTenants().keySet()) { String unitName = Entity.unitFromClass(entityClass, tenantId); EntityCursor<?> cursor = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().search(unitName, entityClass, null, null); try { Iterator<?> i = cursor.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { BackupFile file = new BackupFile(backupDirectory, unitName); try { while (i.hasNext()) file.write(new RawRecord((Entity), gson)); } finally { file.close(); } } } finally { cursor.close(); } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } try { if (outgoingEvents != null) outgoingEvents.emergencyShutdownFinished(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }"Backed up data to " + backupDirectory); } /** * Used by Restore utility. Transfers emergency shutdown data to the database backing the data grid. * @param f one of backup files * @param persister persistence server */ public static void readBackupFile(File f, final PersistenceProvider persister) { BackupFile file = new BackupFile(f); final Connection conn =; try { final List<RawRecord> buffer = new ArrayList<RawRecord>(); PersistenceProvider.LoadCallback() { @Override public void process(RawRecord record) { buffer.add(record); if (buffer.size() > 100) try { persister.transactionalSave(conn, buffer); buffer.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); if (!buffer.isEmpty()) try { persister.transactionalSave(conn, buffer); buffer.clear(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { file.close(); conn.close(); } } public static class Loader { private InMemoryStorageLoader loader; public Loader(InMemoryStorageProvider storage) { loader = storage.loader(); } public void store(List<RawRecord> ins) { Gson gson = RawRecord.createGson(); List<StoredBean> inserts = new ArrayList<StoredBean>(); for (RawRecord r : ins) try { inserts.add(r.toEntity(gson)); } catch (Exception e) { // ignoring errors caused by deserializing classes that no longer exist } if (!inserts.isEmpty()); } public void close() { loader.close(); } } public Loader loader() { return new Loader(getRuntimeStorage().getProvider()); } /** * Used internally by pesisters. * @param fromTime start time * @return persistence log - records to persist. */ public EntityCursor<PersistenceLogEntry> getPersistenceLog(Long fromTime) { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().search(PersistenceLogEntry.UNIT_NAME, PersistenceLogEntry.class,"time", fromTime), Collections.singletonList("time ASC")); } public RawRecord getPersistenceRecord(String unitName, Long id) { Entity entity = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().get(unitName, id); return entity == null ? null : new RawRecord(entity, RawRecord.createGson()); } public void logSaveTime(Long time) { getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().setAtomicLong("lastPersist", null, time); // Should be fast enough. If a simple atomic update presents a problem, use no-wait locks } /** * Used internally by pesisters to cleanup (purge) the persistence log. Typically the cluster-wide log will keep N hours of data for * slow persisters to catch up. * @param hoursBeforeLastSave start purge time - hours before the last/fresh log entry */ public void purgePersistenceLog(int hoursBeforeLastSave) { Lock lock = getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().lock("purgePersistenceLog", 0L); if (lock != null) { Date cleanupTime = SpringELCtx.dateArithmetic( new Date(getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("lastPersist", null)), "-" + hoursBeforeLastSave + "h"); try { getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().save(new ArrayList<StoredBean>(), new ArrayList<StoredBean>(), Collections.singletonList(new Delete(PersistenceLogEntry.class, PersistenceLogEntry.UNIT_NAME,"time", cleanupTime.getTime()))), new ArrayList<InPlaceUpdate<?>>(), true); } catch (DataStorageException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // Unexpected - something bad } lock.unlock();"Purged persistence log records older than " + cleanupTime); } } protected boolean persistenceStalled() { if (persistence == PersistenceMode.WriteBehind) { Date threshold = SpringELCtx.dateArithmetic(new Date(), "-" + maxPersistenceDelayHours + "h"); Date lastSaveTime = new Date(getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().getAtomicLong("lastPersist", null)); if (lastSaveTime.before(threshold) && !getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().search(PersistenceLogEntry.UNIT_NAME, PersistenceLogEntry.class,"time", lastSaveTime.getTime()), null, 10) .isEmpty()) {"Persistence has stalled"); emergencyShutdown(); return true; } } return false; } @Override protected void afterSave(Date now, List<StoredBean> allInserts, List<StoredBean> allUpdates, List<EntityDescriptor> deletes, List<InPlaceUpdate<?>> inPlaceUpdates) throws DataStorageException { if (persistence == PersistenceMode.WriteBehind) { Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); List<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord> pInserts = new ArrayList<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord>(); for (StoredBean e : allInserts) pInserts.add(new PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord(e.unitName(), e.getId())); List<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord> pUpdates = new ArrayList<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord>(); for (StoredBean e : allUpdates) { String key = e.unitName() + "/" + e.getId(); if (!keys.contains(key)) { keys.add(key); pUpdates.add(new PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord(e.unitName(), e.getId())); } } List<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord> pDeletes = new ArrayList<PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord>(); for (EntityDescriptor d : deletes) { String key = d.getUnit() + "/" + d.getId(); if (!keys.contains(key)) { keys.add(key); pDeletes.add(new PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord(d.getUnit(), d.getId())); } } for (InPlaceUpdate<?> u : inPlaceUpdates) { String key = u.getUnitName() + "/" + u.getId(); if (!keys.contains(key)) { keys.add(key); pUpdates.add(new PersistenceLogEntry.PersistenceLogRecord(u.getUnitName(), u.getId())); } } PersistenceLogEntry log = createPersistenceLogEntry(); log.setId(getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().generateId(log.unitName())); log.setTime(now.getTime()); log.setNewEntities(pInserts); log.setUpdatedEntities(pUpdates); log.setDeletedEntities(pDeletes); allInserts.clear(); allUpdates.clear(); allInserts.add(log); getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().save(allInserts, allUpdates, new ArrayList<Delete>(), new ArrayList<InPlaceUpdate<?>>(), true); } } protected PersistenceLogEntry createPersistenceLogEntry() { return getRuntimeStorage().getProvider().createPersistenceLogEntry(); } }