Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of Px100 Data. * * Px100 Data is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see */ package; import; import; import com.px100systems.util.serialization.SerializationDefinition; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Required; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; /** * Persistent database: whether in-memory with write-behind/write-through or traditional one.<br> * Responsible for scanning the specified entity class packages and registering their SerializationDefinitions.<br> * <br> * <b>Configuration</b><br> * <ul> * <li>tenantLoader - responsible for loading tenant configuration (can be null for non multi-tenant apps). * <li>initializer - a "one-time" development mode parameter - a callback, that populates the database after it is wiped out (on server startup). * if initializer is specified, the database schema is being wiped out on the startup - storage provider responsibility. * <li>baseEntityPackages - the packages to scan for Entity subclasses - to build persistence units (maps). * <li>runtimeStorage - in-memory cache needed for ID generators, etc. * </ul> * * @version 0.3 <br>Copyright (c) 2015 Px100 Systems. All Rights Reserved.<br> * @author Alex Rogachevsky */ public abstract class DatabaseStorage implements InitializingBean, DisposableBean { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DatabaseStorage.class); private TenantLoader tenantLoader; private RuntimeStorage runtimeStorage; private DbInitializer initializer = null; private List<String> baseEntityPackages; private Map<String, Class<? extends Entity>> configuredEntities; public static class EntityInfo { private String unitName; private int tenantId; private Map<String, Class<?>> indexes; private List<CompoundIndexDescriptor> compoundIndexes; private Class<?> entityClass; public EntityInfo(Class<?> entityClass, int tenantId, String unitName, Map<String, Class<?>> indexes, List<CompoundIndexDescriptor> compoundIndexes) { this.indexes = indexes; this.compoundIndexes = compoundIndexes; this.unitName = unitName; this.entityClass = entityClass; this.tenantId = tenantId; } public String getUnitName() { return unitName; } public Class<?> getEntityClass() { return entityClass; } public Map<String, Class<?>> getIndexes() { Map<String, Class<?>> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Class<?>> e : indexes.entrySet()) { String s = e.getKey(); result.put(s.endsWith("*") ? s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) : s, e.getValue()); } return result; } public Map<String, Class<?>> getRawIndexes() { return indexes; } public List<CompoundIndexDescriptor> getCompoundIndexes() { return compoundIndexes; } public int getTenantId() { return tenantId; } } /** * Data grid storage - required for runtime (aka "transient") state like HTTP session management, global counters, etc. * even when using traditional on-disk database e.g. Mongo - see {@link TraditionalDatabase}. * Responsible for full data persistence when using the data grid as primary storage - see {@link InMemoryDatabase}. * @param runtimeStorage Data grid base storage */ @Required public void setRuntimeStorage(RuntimeStorage runtimeStorage) { this.runtimeStorage = runtimeStorage; } /** * Mandatory list of packages where database entities are expected. Entities need to subclass {@link Entity} and be serializable: * Portable for Hazelcast, Externalizable for Ignite, and just normal POJOs for Mongo. Entities can only have non-transient fields * (and serialized getters) of String, Long, Integer, Double, Date, and Boolean types. They can also have Lists and Sets of sub-objects * which fields are limited to thsoe specified above. Sub-objects are handled by SerializationDefintion and don't need to implement * Portable or Externalizable. Typically it'd be a one direct abstract subclass of Entity that implements those, and then real entities * derived from it. * @param baseEntityPackages list of Java class packages */ @Required public void setBaseEntityPackages(List<String> baseEntityPackages) { this.baseEntityPackages = baseEntityPackages; } /** * Tenant loader for multi-tenant systems. Muli-tenant systems store different tenant data in different "units": Mongo documents, * Hazelcast maps, and Ignite caches. See Entity.tenantId field for details. It is always zero for single-tenant systems. * @param tenantLoader tenant loader. */ public void setTenantLoader(TenantLoader tenantLoader) { this.tenantLoader = tenantLoader; } /** * Database initializer - if specified, the underlying database provider will wipe out and recreate its schema on startup before invoking it. * @param initializer initializer callback/lambda */ public void setInitializer(DbInitializer initializer) { this.initializer = initializer; } public RuntimeStorage getRuntimeStorage() { return runtimeStorage; } @Override public void destroy() { shutdown(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (tenantLoader != null) tenantLoader.setDatabase(this); configuredEntities = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Entity>>(); try { ClassPath cp = ClassPath.from(getClass().getClassLoader()); for (String p : baseEntityPackages) for (ClassPath.ClassInfo cli : cp.getTopLevelClassesRecursive(p)) { Class<?> eClass = Class.forName(cli.getName()); if (!Modifier.isAbstract(eClass.getModifiers()) && Entity.class.isAssignableFrom(eClass)) { Class<? extends Entity> entityClass = (Class<? extends Entity>) eClass; String name = entityClass.getSimpleName(); Class<? extends Entity> cls = configuredEntities.get(name); if (cls != null) { if (cls.getName().equals(entityClass.getName())) continue; throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate entities in different packages: " + name); } configuredEntities.put(name, entityClass); SerializationDefinition.register(entityClass); } } } catch (Exception e1) { throw new RuntimeException(e1); } SerializationDefinition.lock(); runtimeStorage.getProvider().start(); List<BaseTenantConfig> tenants = new ArrayList<BaseTenantConfig>(); if (tenantLoader != null) tenants = tenantLoader.load(); List<EntityInfo> entities = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class<? extends Entity> entityClass : getConfiguredEntities().values()) { Map<String, Class<?>> indexes = Entity.indexes(entityClass); List<CompoundIndexDescriptor> compoundIndexes = Entity.compoundIndexes(entityClass); if (tenants.isEmpty()) entities.add(new EntityInfo(entityClass, 0, Entity.unitFromClass(entityClass, 0), indexes, compoundIndexes)); else for (BaseTenantConfig tenant : tenants) entities.add(new EntityInfo(entityClass, tenant.getId(), Entity.unitFromClass(entityClass, tenant.getId()), indexes, compoundIndexes)); } init(entities, initializer != null); if (initializer != null) { initializer.initialize(new Transaction(this, 0));"Initialized the database"); } } /** * Get a map of current tenants. Used internally by the framework. * @return tenant map */ public LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> getTenants() { LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> tenants = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (tenantLoader != null) for (BaseTenantConfig t : tenantLoader.load()) tenants.put(t.getId(), t.getUrlIdentifier()); else tenants.put(0, "Default"); return tenants; } public void onNewTenant(BaseTenantConfig tenant) throws DataStorageException { for (Class<? extends Entity> entityClass : configuredEntities.values()) runtimeStorage.getProvider().createMap(entityClass, Entity.unitFromClass(entityClass, tenant.getId()), Entity.indexes(entityClass), Entity.compoundIndexes(entityClass), false); runtimeStorage.onNewTenant(tenant); } public Class<?> entityClass(String entityName) { return configuredEntities.get(entityName); } public Set<String> entityNames() { return configuredEntities.keySet(); } protected Map<String, Class<? extends Entity>> getConfiguredEntities() { return configuredEntities; } /** * Database "transaction" for a specified tenant (pass 0 in single-tenant projects).<br> * A transaction does not lock anything until it is actiually committed (see {@link Transaction#commit}). * Only at that time all accumulated inerts, updates, and deletes are executed at once. This way it is a simulated pessimistic, * read-committed transaction, especially for non-transactional providers like Mongo. Mongo provider does attempt to recover/rollback * by storing the before-transaction state of all entity beans enqueued for saving. Once committed, the transaction cannot be reused, * however a new one can be started from the old one - see {@link Transaction#transaction} * @param tenantId tenant ID * @return transaction * @throws DataStorageException */ public Transaction transaction(Integer tenantId) throws DataStorageException { if (!isActive()) throw new DataStorageException("inactive"); return new Transaction(this, tenantId); } /** * Internal method responsible for creating/syncing all entities and indexes on startup. * initializeData is relevant for in-memory providers - tells it to reset the disk storage: recreate schemas, etc. * @param entities a list of recognized (scanned) entities with indexes and otehr metadata. * @param initializeData whether to wipe out the database. */ protected abstract void init(List<EntityInfo> entities, boolean initializeData); /** * Graceful shutdown. Used internally. */ protected abstract void shutdown(); /** * Get entity by its Long ID. Internal method used by Transaction. * @param unitName a unit name is typically the entity name + tenantId * @param cls entity class * @param id entity ID * @param <T> entity class * @return entity bean or null */ protected abstract <T> T get(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Long id); /** * Count entites matching some criteria or all if no criteria was specified. Used internally by Transaction. * @param unitName a unit name is typically the entity name + tenantId * @param cls entity class * @param criteria filter criteria. Can be null * @return the number of foudn entities */ protected abstract long count(String unitName, Class<?> cls, Criteria criteria); /** * Query with a limit. Used internally by Transaction. * @param unitName a unit name is typically the entity name + tenantId * @param cls entity class - make sure the exact concrete class is specified and not a superclass * @param criteria filter - can be null to get all entities * @param orderBy - list of SQL-like strings e.g. {"field1 ASC", "field2 DESC", "field3"} * @param limit mandatory limit * @param <T> entity class * @return a list of entity beans */ protected abstract <T> List<T> search(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Criteria criteria, List<String> orderBy, Integer limit); /** * Query without a limit. Used internally by Transaction. * @param unitName a unit name is typically the entity name + tenantId * @param cls entity class - make sure the exact concrete class is specified and not a superclass * @param criteria filter - can be null to get all entities * @param orderBy - list of SQL-like strings e.g. {"field1 ASC", "field2 DESC", "field3"} * @param <T> entity class * @return a closeable cursor (always use try/finally to close) */ protected abstract <T> EntityCursor<T> search(String unitName, Class<T> cls, Criteria criteria, List<String> orderBy); /** * Saving the changes transactionally. Used internally by Transaction.commit(). * @param inserts a list of beans to insert * @param updates a list of changed beans to save * @param deletes a list of deletes - eitehr bean IDs or some Conditions to find and delete entities * @param inPlaceUpdates a list of callbacks to execute in-place updates via entry processors. Relevant to in-memory grids only. * @return a list of deleted entity descriptors: unit name, class, and ID. Since we already know inserts and updates (including in-pace ines), * only deletes are not known until the actual execution since they can be Condition-based. All three kinds of operations need to be passed * to persistance servers responsiblke for write-behind - immediately after the transaction. * @throws DataStorageException */ protected abstract List<EntityDescriptor> save(List<StoredBean> inserts, List<StoredBean> updates, List<Delete> deletes, List<InPlaceUpdate<?>> inPlaceUpdates) throws DataStorageException; /** * Active and healthy e.g. no stalled persistence, etc. Used internally. * @return if the dartabase is active */ public abstract boolean isActive(); /** * Internal wite-behind implementation - relevant for data grids only, not traditional databases (Mongo). * @param now current time * @param allInserts inserts * @param allUpdates updates * @param deletes deleted bean IDs * @param inPlaceUpdates in-place updates * @throws DataStorageException */ protected abstract void afterSave(Date now, List<StoredBean> allInserts, List<StoredBean> allUpdates, List<EntityDescriptor> deletes, List<InPlaceUpdate<?>> inPlaceUpdates) throws DataStorageException; }