Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2016, Psiphon Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ package com.psiphon3.psiphonlibrary; import; import; import; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Messenger; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import com.psiphon3.R; import com.psiphon3.psiphonlibrary.Utils.MyLog; import net.grandcentrix.tray.AppPreferences; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import ca.psiphon.PsiphonTunnel; import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP; public class TunnelManager implements PsiphonTunnel.HostService, MyLog.ILogger { private static final int MAX_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_ATTEMPTS = 5; private int m_clientVerificationAttempts = 0; // Android IPC messages // Client -> Service public static final int MSG_REGISTER = 0; public static final int MSG_UNREGISTER = 1; public static final int MSG_STOP_SERVICE = 2; // Service -> Client public static final int MSG_REGISTER_RESPONSE = 3; public static final int MSG_KNOWN_SERVER_REGIONS = 4; public static final int MSG_TUNNEL_STARTING = 5; public static final int MSG_TUNNEL_STOPPING = 6; public static final int MSG_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_STATE = 7; public static final int MSG_DATA_TRANSFER_STATS = 8; public static final String INTENT_ACTION_HANDSHAKE = "com.psiphon3.psiphonlibrary.TunnelManager.HANDSHAKE"; // Service -> Client bundle parameter names public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_AVAILABLE_EGRESS_REGIONS = "availableEgressRegions"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_IS_CONNECTED = "isConnected"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_LISTENING_LOCAL_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT = "listeningLocalSocksProxyPort"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_LISTENING_LOCAL_HTTP_PROXY_PORT = "listeningLocalHttpProxyPort"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_CLIENT_REGION = "clientRegion"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_HOME_PAGES = "homePages"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_CONNECTED_TIME = "dataTransferStatsConnectedTime"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT = "dataTransferStatsTotalBytesSent"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_TOTAL_BYTES_RECEIVED = "dataTransferStatsTotalBytesReceived"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_SLOW_BUCKETS = "dataTransferStatsSlowBuckets"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_SLOW_BUCKETS_LAST_START_TIME = "dataTransferStatsSlowBucketsLastStartTime"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_FAST_BUCKETS = "dataTransferStatsFastBuckets"; public static final String DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_FAST_BUCKETS_LAST_START_TIME = "dataTransferStatsFastBucketsLastStartTime"; // Extras in handshake intent public static final String DATA_HANDSHAKE_IS_RECONNECT = "isReconnect"; // Extras in start service intent (Client -> Service) public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_HANDSHAKE_PENDING_INTENT = "tunnelConfigHandshakePendingIntent"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_NOTIFICATION_PENDING_INTENT = "tunnelConfigNotificationPendingIntent"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_WHOLE_DEVICE = "tunnelConfigWholeDevice"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_EGRESS_REGION = "tunnelConfigEgressRegion"; public static final String DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_DISABLE_TIMEOUTS = "tunnelConfigDisableTimeouts"; // Tunnel config, received from the client. public static class Config { PendingIntent handshakePendingIntent = null; PendingIntent notificationPendingIntent = null; boolean wholeDevice = false; String egressRegion = PsiphonConstants.REGION_CODE_ANY; boolean disableTimeouts = false; } private Config m_tunnelConfig = new Config(); // Shared tunnel state, sent to the client in the HANDSHAKE // intent and various state-related Messages. public static class State { ArrayList<String> availableEgressRegions = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isConnected = false; int listeningLocalSocksProxyPort = 0; int listeningLocalHttpProxyPort = 0; String clientRegion; ArrayList<String> homePages = new ArrayList<>(); } private State m_tunnelState = new State(); private NotificationManager mNotificationManager = null; private NotificationCompat.Builder mNotificationBuilder = null; private Service m_parentService = null; private boolean m_serviceDestroyed = false; private boolean m_firstStart = true; private CountDownLatch m_tunnelThreadStopSignal; private Thread m_tunnelThread; private AtomicBoolean m_isReconnect; private AtomicBoolean m_isStopping; private PsiphonTunnel m_tunnel = null; private String m_lastUpstreamProxyErrorMessage; private Handler m_Handler = new Handler(); private GoogleSafetyNetApiWrapper m_safetyNetwrapper; public TunnelManager(Service parentService) { m_parentService = parentService; m_isReconnect = new AtomicBoolean(false); m_isStopping = new AtomicBoolean(false); m_tunnel = PsiphonTunnel.newPsiphonTunnel(this); } // Implementation of public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { if (mNotificationManager == null) { mNotificationManager = (NotificationManager) m_parentService .getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); } if (mNotificationBuilder == null) { mNotificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(m_parentService); } if (m_firstStart && intent != null) { getTunnelConfig(intent); m_parentService.startForeground(R.string.psiphon_service_notification_id, this.createNotification(false)); MyLog.v(R.string.client_version, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, EmbeddedValues.CLIENT_VERSION); m_firstStart = false; m_tunnelThreadStopSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); m_tunnelThread = new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { runTunnel(); } }); m_tunnelThread.start(); } return Service.START_REDELIVER_INTENT; } public void onCreate() { // This service runs as a separate process, so it needs to initialize embedded values EmbeddedValues.initialize(this.getContext()); MyLog.setLogger(this); } // Implementation of public void onDestroy() { m_serviceDestroyed = true; stopAndWaitForTunnel(); MyLog.unsetLogger(); } public void onRevoke() { MyLog.w(R.string.vpn_service_revoked, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); stopAndWaitForTunnel(); } private void stopAndWaitForTunnel() { if (m_tunnelThread == null) { return; } // signalStopService could have been called, but in case is was not, call here. // If signalStopService was not already called, the join may block the calling // thread for some time. signalStopService(); try { m_tunnelThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } m_tunnelThreadStopSignal = null; m_tunnelThread = null; } // signalStopService signals the runTunnel thread to stop. The thread will // self-stop the service. This is the preferred method for stopping the // Psiphon tunnel service: // 1. VpnService doesn't respond to stopService calls // 2. The UI will not block while waiting for stopService to return public void signalStopService() { if (m_tunnelThreadStopSignal != null) { m_tunnelThreadStopSignal.countDown(); } if (m_safetyNetwrapper != null) { m_safetyNetwrapper.disconnect(); } } private void getTunnelConfig(Intent intent) { m_tunnelConfig.handshakePendingIntent = intent .getParcelableExtra(TunnelManager.DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_HANDSHAKE_PENDING_INTENT); m_tunnelConfig.notificationPendingIntent = intent .getParcelableExtra(TunnelManager.DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_NOTIFICATION_PENDING_INTENT); m_tunnelConfig.wholeDevice = intent.getBooleanExtra(TunnelManager.DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_WHOLE_DEVICE, false); m_tunnelConfig.egressRegion = intent.getStringExtra(TunnelManager.DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_EGRESS_REGION); m_tunnelConfig.disableTimeouts = intent.getBooleanExtra(TunnelManager.DATA_TUNNEL_CONFIG_DISABLE_TIMEOUTS, false); } private Notification createNotification(boolean alert) { int contentTextID; int iconID; CharSequence ticker = null; if (m_tunnelState.isConnected) { if (m_tunnelConfig.wholeDevice) { contentTextID = R.string.psiphon_running_whole_device; } else { contentTextID = R.string.psiphon_running_browser_only; } iconID = R.drawable.notification_icon_connected; } else { contentTextID = R.string.psiphon_service_notification_message_connecting; ticker = m_parentService.getText(R.string.psiphon_service_notification_message_connecting); iconID = R.drawable.notification_icon_connecting_animation; } mNotificationBuilder.setSmallIcon(iconID).setContentTitle(m_parentService.getText(R.string.app_name)) .setContentText(m_parentService.getText(contentTextID)).setTicker(ticker) .setContentIntent(m_tunnelConfig.notificationPendingIntent); Notification notification =; if (alert) { final AppPreferences multiProcessPreferences = new AppPreferences(getContext()); if (multiProcessPreferences .getBoolean(m_parentService.getString(R.string.preferenceNotificationsWithSound), false)) { notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_SOUND; } if (multiProcessPreferences .getBoolean(m_parentService.getString(R.string.preferenceNotificationsWithVibrate), false)) { notification.defaults |= Notification.DEFAULT_VIBRATE; } } return notification; } private void setIsConnected(boolean isConnected) { boolean alert = (isConnected != m_tunnelState.isConnected); m_tunnelState.isConnected = isConnected; // Don't update notification to CONNECTING, etc., when a stop was commanded. if (!m_serviceDestroyed && !m_isStopping.get()) { if (mNotificationManager != null) { mNotificationManager.notify(R.string.psiphon_service_notification_id, createNotification(alert)); } } } public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { return m_incomingMessenger.getBinder(); } private final Messenger m_incomingMessenger = new Messenger(new IncomingMessageHandler(this)); private Messenger m_outgoingMessenger = null; private static class IncomingMessageHandler extends Handler { private final WeakReference<TunnelManager> mTunnelManager; IncomingMessageHandler(TunnelManager manager) { mTunnelManager = new WeakReference<>(manager); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { TunnelManager manager = mTunnelManager.get(); switch (msg.what) { case TunnelManager.MSG_REGISTER: if (manager != null) { manager.m_outgoingMessenger = msg.replyTo; manager.sendClientMessage(MSG_REGISTER_RESPONSE, manager.getTunnelStateBundle()); } break; case TunnelManager.MSG_UNREGISTER: if (manager != null) { manager.m_outgoingMessenger = null; } break; case TunnelManager.MSG_STOP_SERVICE: if (manager != null) { manager.signalStopService(); } break; default: super.handleMessage(msg); } } } private void sendClientMessage(int what, Bundle data) { if (m_incomingMessenger == null || m_outgoingMessenger == null) { return; } try { Message msg = Message.obtain(null, what); msg.replyTo = m_incomingMessenger; if (data != null) { msg.setData(data); } m_outgoingMessenger.send(msg); } catch (RemoteException e) { MyLog.g("sendClientMessage failed: %s", e.getMessage()); } } private void sendHandshakeIntent(boolean isReconnect) { // Only send this intent if the StatusActivity is // in the foreground, or if this is an initial connection // so we can show the home tab. // If it isn't and we sent the intent, the activity will // interrupt the user in some other app. // It's too late to do this check in StatusActivity // onNewIntent. final AppPreferences multiProcessPreferences = new AppPreferences(getContext()); if (multiProcessPreferences.getBoolean(m_parentService.getString(R.string.status_activity_foreground), false) || !isReconnect) { Intent fillInExtras = new Intent(); fillInExtras.putExtra(DATA_HANDSHAKE_IS_RECONNECT, isReconnect); fillInExtras.putExtras(getTunnelStateBundle()); try { m_tunnelConfig.handshakePendingIntent.send(m_parentService, 0, fillInExtras); } catch (PendingIntent.CanceledException e) { MyLog.g("sendHandshakeIntent failed: %s", e.getMessage()); } } } private Bundle getTunnelStateBundle() { Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putStringArrayList(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_AVAILABLE_EGRESS_REGIONS, m_tunnelState.availableEgressRegions); data.putBoolean(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_IS_CONNECTED, m_tunnelState.isConnected); data.putInt(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_LISTENING_LOCAL_SOCKS_PROXY_PORT, m_tunnelState.listeningLocalSocksProxyPort); data.putInt(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_LISTENING_LOCAL_HTTP_PROXY_PORT, m_tunnelState.listeningLocalHttpProxyPort); data.putString(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_CLIENT_REGION, m_tunnelState.clientRegion); data.putStringArrayList(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_HOME_PAGES, m_tunnelState.homePages); return data; } private Bundle getDataTransferStatsBundle() { Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putLong(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_CONNECTED_TIME, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_connectedTime); data.putLong(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_TOTAL_BYTES_SENT, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_totalBytesSent); data.putLong(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_TOTAL_BYTES_RECEIVED, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_totalBytesReceived); data.putParcelableArrayList(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_SLOW_BUCKETS, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_slowBuckets); data.putLong(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_SLOW_BUCKETS_LAST_START_TIME, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_slowBucketsLastStartTime); data.putParcelableArrayList(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_FAST_BUCKETS, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_fastBuckets); data.putLong(DATA_TRANSFER_STATS_FAST_BUCKETS_LAST_START_TIME, DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().m_fastBucketsLastStartTime); return data; } private final static String LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRY_FILENAME = "psiphon_server_entries.json"; private final static int MAX_LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRIES = 100; public static String getServerEntries(Context context) { StringBuilder list = new StringBuilder(); for (String encodedServerEntry : EmbeddedValues.EMBEDDED_SERVER_LIST) { list.append(encodedServerEntry); list.append("\n"); } // Import legacy server entries try { FileInputStream file = context.openFileInput(LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRY_FILENAME); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(file)); StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { json.append(line); } file.close(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(json.toString()); JSONArray jsonServerEntries = obj.getJSONArray("serverEntries"); // MAX_LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRIES ensures the list we pass through to tunnel-core // is unlikely to trigger an OutOfMemoryError for (int i = 0; i < jsonServerEntries.length() && i < MAX_LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRIES; i++) { list.append(jsonServerEntries.getString(i)); list.append("\n"); } // Don't need to repeat the import again context.deleteFile(LEGACY_SERVER_ENTRY_FILENAME); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // pass } catch (IOException | JSONException | OutOfMemoryError e) { MyLog.g("prepareServerEntries failed: %s", e.getMessage()); } return list.toString(); } private Handler sendDataTransferStatsHandler = new Handler(); private final long sendDataTransferStatsIntervalMs = 1000; private Runnable sendDataTransferStats = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { sendClientMessage(MSG_DATA_TRANSFER_STATS, getDataTransferStatsBundle()); sendDataTransferStatsHandler.postDelayed(this, sendDataTransferStatsIntervalMs); } }; private Handler periodicMaintenanceHandler = new Handler(); private final long periodicMaintenanceIntervalMs = 12 * 60 * 60 * 1000; private final Runnable periodicMaintenance = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { LoggingProvider.LogDatabaseHelper.truncateLogs(getContext(), false); periodicMaintenanceHandler.postDelayed(this, periodicMaintenanceIntervalMs); } }; private void runTunnel() { Utils.initializeSecureRandom(); m_isStopping.set(false); m_isReconnect.set(false); // Notify if an upgrade has already been downloaded and is waiting for install UpgradeManager.UpgradeInstaller.notifyUpgrade(m_parentService); sendClientMessage(MSG_TUNNEL_STARTING, null); MyLog.v(R.string.current_network_type, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, Utils.getNetworkTypeName(m_parentService)); MyLog.v(R.string.starting_tunnel, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); m_tunnelState.homePages.clear(); DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().startSession(); sendDataTransferStatsHandler.postDelayed(sendDataTransferStats, sendDataTransferStatsIntervalMs); periodicMaintenanceHandler.postDelayed(periodicMaintenance, periodicMaintenanceIntervalMs); boolean runVpn = m_tunnelConfig.wholeDevice && Utils.hasVpnService() && // Guard against trying to start WDM mode when the global option flips while starting a TunnelService (m_parentService instanceof TunnelVpnService); try { if (runVpn) { if (!m_tunnel.startRouting()) { throw new PsiphonTunnel.Exception("application is not prepared or revoked"); } MyLog.v(R.string.vpn_service_running, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); } m_tunnel.startTunneling(getServerEntries(m_parentService)); try { m_tunnelThreadStopSignal.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } m_isStopping.set(true); } catch (PsiphonTunnel.Exception e) { MyLog.e(R.string.start_tunnel_failed, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, e.getMessage()); } finally { MyLog.v(R.string.stopping_tunnel, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); sendClientMessage(MSG_TUNNEL_STOPPING, null); // If a client registers with the service at this point, it should be given a tunnel // state bundle (specifically DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_IS_CONNECTED) that is consistent with // the MSG_TUNNEL_STOPPING message it just received setIsConnected(false); m_tunnel.stop(); periodicMaintenanceHandler.removeCallbacks(periodicMaintenance); sendDataTransferStatsHandler.removeCallbacks(sendDataTransferStats); DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().stop(); MyLog.v(R.string.stopped_tunnel, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); // Stop service m_parentService.stopForeground(true); m_parentService.stopSelf(); if (m_safetyNetwrapper != null) { m_safetyNetwrapper.saveCache(m_parentService); } } } @Override public String getAppName() { return m_parentService.getString(R.string.app_name); } @Override public Context getContext() { return m_parentService; } @Override public VpnService getVpnService() { return ((TunnelVpnService) m_parentService); } @Override public Builder newVpnServiceBuilder() { Builder vpnBuilder = ((TunnelVpnService) m_parentService).newBuilder(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= LOLLIPOP) { final AppPreferences multiProcessPreferences = new AppPreferences(getContext()); Resources res = getContext().getResources(); // Check for individual apps to exclude String excludedAppsFromPreference = multiProcessPreferences .getString(res.getString(R.string.preferenceExcludeAppsFromVpnString), ""); List<String> excludedApps; if (excludedAppsFromPreference.isEmpty()) { excludedApps = Collections.emptyList(); MyLog.v(R.string.no_apps_excluded, MyLog.Sensitivity.SENSITIVE_FORMAT_ARGS); } else { excludedApps = Arrays.asList(excludedAppsFromPreference.split(",")); } ; if (excludedApps.size() > 0) { for (String packageId : excludedApps) { try { vpnBuilder.addDisallowedApplication(packageId); MyLog.v(R.string.individual_app_excluded, MyLog.Sensitivity.SENSITIVE_FORMAT_ARGS, packageId); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { // Because the list that is passed in to this builder was created by // a PackageManager instance, this exception should never be thrown } } } } return vpnBuilder; } /** * Create a tunnel-core config suitable for different tunnel types (i.e., the main Psiphon app * tunnel and the UpgradeChecker temp tunnel). * * @param context * @param tempTunnelName null if not a temporary tunnel. If set, must be a valid to use in file path. * @param clientPlatformPrefix null if not applicable (i.e., for main Psiphon app); should be provided * for temp tunnels. Will be prepended to standard client platform value. * @return JSON string of config. null on error. */ public static String buildTunnelCoreConfig(Context context, Config tunnelConfig, String tempTunnelName, String clientPlatformPrefix) { boolean temporaryTunnel = tempTunnelName != null && !tempTunnelName.isEmpty(); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { String clientPlatform = PsiphonConstants.PLATFORM; if (clientPlatformPrefix != null && !clientPlatformPrefix.isEmpty()) { clientPlatform = clientPlatformPrefix + clientPlatform; } // Detect if device is rooted and append to the client_platform string if (Utils.isRooted()) { clientPlatform += PsiphonConstants.ROOTED; } // Detect if this is a Play Store build if (EmbeddedValues.IS_PLAY_STORE_BUILD) { clientPlatform += PsiphonConstants.PLAY_STORE_BUILD; } json.put("ClientPlatform", clientPlatform); json.put("ClientVersion", EmbeddedValues.CLIENT_VERSION); if (UpgradeChecker.upgradeCheckNeeded(context)) { json.put("UpgradeDownloadURLs", new JSONArray(EmbeddedValues.UPGRADE_URLS_JSON)); json.put("UpgradeDownloadClientVersionHeader", "x-amz-meta-psiphon-client-version"); json.put("UpgradeDownloadFilename", new UpgradeManager.DownloadedUpgradeFile(context).getFullPath()); } json.put("PropagationChannelId", EmbeddedValues.PROPAGATION_CHANNEL_ID); json.put("SponsorId", EmbeddedValues.SPONSOR_ID); json.put("RemoteServerListURLs", new JSONArray(EmbeddedValues.REMOTE_SERVER_LIST_URLS_JSON)); json.put("ObfuscatedServerListRootURLs", new JSONArray(EmbeddedValues.OBFUSCATED_SERVER_LIST_ROOT_URLS_JSON)); json.put("RemoteServerListSignaturePublicKey", EmbeddedValues.REMOTE_SERVER_LIST_SIGNATURE_PUBLIC_KEY); json.put("UpstreamProxyUrl", UpstreamProxySettings.getUpstreamProxyUrl(context)); json.put("EmitDiagnosticNotices", true); // If this is a temporary tunnel (like for UpgradeChecker) we need to override some of // the implicit config values. if (temporaryTunnel) { File tempTunnelDir = new File(context.getFilesDir(), tempTunnelName); if (!tempTunnelDir.exists() && !tempTunnelDir.mkdirs()) { // Failed to create DB directory return null; } // On Android, these directories must be set to the app private storage area. // The Psiphon library won't be able to use its current working directory // and the standard temporary directories do not exist. json.put("DataStoreDirectory", tempTunnelDir.getAbsolutePath()); File remoteServerListDownload = new File(tempTunnelDir, "remote_server_list"); json.put("RemoteServerListDownloadFilename", remoteServerListDownload.getAbsolutePath()); File oslDownloadDir = new File(tempTunnelDir, "osl"); if (!oslDownloadDir.exists() && !oslDownloadDir.mkdirs()) { // Failed to create osl directory // TODO: proceed anyway? return null; } json.put("ObfuscatedServerListDownloadDirectory", oslDownloadDir.getAbsolutePath()); // This number is an arbitrary guess at what might be the "best" balance between // wake-lock-battery-burning and successful upgrade downloading. // Note that the fall-back untunneled upgrade download doesn't start for 30 secs, // so we should be waiting longer than that. json.put("EstablishTunnelTimeoutSeconds", 300); json.put("TunnelWholeDevice", 0); json.put("LocalHttpProxyPort", 0); json.put("LocalSocksProxyPort", 0); json.put("EgressRegion", ""); } else { // TODO: configure local proxy ports json.put("LocalHttpProxyPort", 0); json.put("LocalSocksProxyPort", 0); String egressRegion = tunnelConfig.egressRegion; MyLog.g("EgressRegion", "regionCode", egressRegion); json.put("EgressRegion", egressRegion); } if (tunnelConfig.disableTimeouts) { //disable timeouts MyLog.g("DisableTimeouts", "disableTimeouts", true); json.put("TunnelConnectTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("TunnelPortForwardDialTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("TunnelSshKeepAliveProbeTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("TunnelSshKeepAlivePeriodicTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("FetchRemoteServerListTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("PsiphonApiServerTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("FetchRoutesTimeoutSeconds", 0); json.put("HttpProxyOriginServerTimeoutSeconds", 0); } return json.toString(); } catch (JSONException e) { return null; } } @Override public String getPsiphonConfig() { String config = buildTunnelCoreConfig(m_parentService, m_tunnelConfig, null, null); return config == null ? "" : config; } @Override public void onDiagnosticMessage(final String message) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.g(message, "msg", message); } }); } @Override public void onAvailableEgressRegions(final List<String> regions) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { m_tunnelState.availableEgressRegions.clear(); m_tunnelState.availableEgressRegions.addAll(regions); Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putStringArrayList(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_AVAILABLE_EGRESS_REGIONS, m_tunnelState.availableEgressRegions); sendClientMessage(MSG_KNOWN_SERVER_REGIONS, data); } }); } @Override public void onSocksProxyPortInUse(final int port) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.e(R.string.socks_port_in_use, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, port); signalStopService(); } }); } @Override public void onHttpProxyPortInUse(final int port) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.e(R.string.http_proxy_port_in_use, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, port); signalStopService(); } }); } @Override public void onListeningSocksProxyPort(final int port) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.v(R.string.socks_running, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, port); m_tunnelState.listeningLocalSocksProxyPort = port; } }); } @Override public void onListeningHttpProxyPort(final int port) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.v(R.string.http_proxy_running, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE, port); m_tunnelState.listeningLocalHttpProxyPort = port; final AppPreferences multiProcessPreferences = new AppPreferences(getContext()); multiProcessPreferences.put(m_parentService.getString(R.string.current_local_http_proxy_port), port); } }); } @Override public void onUpstreamProxyError(final String message) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Display the error message only once, and continue trying to connect in // case the issue is temporary. if (m_lastUpstreamProxyErrorMessage == null || !m_lastUpstreamProxyErrorMessage.equals(message)) { MyLog.v(R.string.upstream_proxy_error, MyLog.Sensitivity.SENSITIVE_FORMAT_ARGS, message); m_lastUpstreamProxyErrorMessage = message; } } }); } @Override public void onConnecting() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().stop(); if (!m_isStopping.get()) { MyLog.v(R.string.tunnel_connecting, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); } setIsConnected(false); m_tunnelState.homePages.clear(); Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putBoolean(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_IS_CONNECTED, false); sendClientMessage(MSG_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_STATE, data); } }); } @Override public void onConnected() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DataTransferStats.getDataTransferStatsForService().startConnected(); MyLog.v(R.string.tunnel_connected, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); sendHandshakeIntent(m_isReconnect.get()); // Any subsequent onConnecting after this first onConnect will be a reconnect. m_isReconnect.set(true); setIsConnected(true); Bundle data = new Bundle(); data.putBoolean(DATA_TUNNEL_STATE_IS_CONNECTED, true); sendClientMessage(MSG_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_STATE, data); // Reset verification attempts count and // request client verification status from the server by // sending an empty message to client verification handler m_clientVerificationAttempts = 0; TunnelManager.this.setClientVerificationResult(""); } }); } @Override public void onHomepage(final String url) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (String homePage : m_tunnelState.homePages) { if (homePage.equals(url)) { return; } } m_tunnelState.homePages.add(url); } }); } @Override public void onClientRegion(final String region) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { m_tunnelState.clientRegion = region; } }); } @Override public void onClientUpgradeDownloaded(String filename) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { UpgradeManager.UpgradeInstaller.notifyUpgrade(m_parentService); } }); } @Override public void onClientIsLatestVersion() { } @Override public void onSplitTunnelRegion(final String region) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.v(R.string.split_tunnel_region, MyLog.Sensitivity.SENSITIVE_FORMAT_ARGS, region); } }); } @Override public void onUntunneledAddress(final String address) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.v(R.string.untunneled_address, MyLog.Sensitivity.SENSITIVE_FORMAT_ARGS, address); } }); } @Override public void onBytesTransferred(final long sent, final long received) { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DataTransferStats.DataTransferStatsForService stats = DataTransferStats .getDataTransferStatsForService(); stats.addBytesSent(sent); stats.addBytesReceived(received); } }); } @Override public void onStartedWaitingForNetworkConnectivity() { Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MyLog.v(R.string.waiting_for_network_connectivity, MyLog.Sensitivity.NOT_SENSITIVE); } }); } @Override public void onClientVerificationRequired(final String serverNonce, final int ttlSeconds, final boolean resetCache) { // Server may reply with a new verification request after verification payload is sent // In this case we want to limit a number of possible retries per each session m_clientVerificationAttempts++; if (m_clientVerificationAttempts > MAX_CLIENT_VERIFICATION_ATTEMPTS) { return; } if (ttlSeconds == 0) { // do not send payload if requested TTL is 0 return; } Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Perform safetyNet check m_safetyNetwrapper = GoogleSafetyNetApiWrapper.getInstance(getContext()); m_safetyNetwrapper.verify(TunnelManager.this, serverNonce, ttlSeconds, resetCache); } }); } @Override public void onExiting() { } public void setClientVerificationResult(String payload) { if (m_tunnel != null) { m_tunnel.setClientVerificationPayload(payload); } } }