Java tutorial
package com.project.salminnella.prescoop.activity; import android.content.Intent; import android.database.Cursor; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.widget.AdapterView; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.BuildConfig; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.R; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.adapter.TabLayoutAdapter; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.adapter.YelpAdapter; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.dbHelper.DatabaseHelper; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.fragment.SchoolsMapFragment; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.fragment.TabLayoutFragment; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.model.PreSchool; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.model.Reports; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.utility.Constants; import com.project.salminnella.prescoop.utility.Utilities; import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso; import com.yelp.clientlib.connection.YelpAPI; import com.yelp.clientlib.connection.YelpAPIFactory; import com.yelp.clientlib.entities.Business; import com.yelp.clientlib.entities.SearchResponse; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import retrofit2.Call; import retrofit2.Callback; import retrofit2.Response; /** * This activity displays all the details about the school the user has selected. Contains * a tab layout with pageviewer holding all licensing, citation, and inspection report information. * Calls yelps API, and filters the list for a match to the school name. * * An interface for a clickable textview in the Reports tab allows fragment to activity communication. * This allows the user to see the web page of the selected report on the school inspection. */ public class SchoolDetailsActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements TabLayoutFragment.ListItemClickable { // region Member Variables private TextView mPhoneNumber; private TextView mFacilityNumber; private TextView mFacilityCapacity; private TextView mFacilityType; private TextView mLicenseStatus; private TextView mLicenseDate; private TextView mSchoolPrice; private TextView mSchoolNeighborhood; private TextView mSchoolWebLink; private TextView mSchoolName; private TextView mSchoolAddress; private TextView mYelpTitleText; private TextView mYelpNumReviews; private TextView mYelpSnippet; private ImageView mSchoolRating; private ImageView mYelpRating; private ListView mYelpListView; private YelpAdapter mYelpAdapter; private Business mYelpSchoolMatch; private PreSchool mPreschool; private ViewPager mViewPager; private DatabaseHelper databaseHelper; private FloatingActionButton mFab; private boolean saveSchool; // endregion Member Variables /** * Activity is created * @param savedInstanceState Bundle */ @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_school_details); databaseHelper = DatabaseHelper.getInstance(SchoolDetailsActivity.this); receiveIntent(); setupToolbar(); initViews(); adjustFabIcon(); populateSchoolDetails(); callYelpProvider(); initTabLayout(); setClickListeners(); } /** * Receives Intent data from MainActivity or the Map Fragment. The Preschool object is used * to populate the rest of the school details. */ private void receiveIntent() { Intent receiveIntent = getIntent(); mPreschool = (PreSchool) receiveIntent.getSerializableExtra(Constants.SCHOOL_OBJECT_KEY); } /** * Initializes, and sets up the collapsing toolbar, then loads the backdrop image. */ private void setupToolbar() { Toolbar toolbar = (Toolbar) findViewById(; setSupportActionBar(toolbar); getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); CollapsingToolbarLayout collapsingToolbarLayout = (CollapsingToolbarLayout) findViewById(; if (collapsingToolbarLayout != null) { collapsingToolbarLayout.setTitle(mPreschool.getName()); collapsingToolbarLayout.setExpandedTitleColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); } loadBackdrop(); } /** * Loads the bacdrop image using Picasso, but not all schools have images. * When there isn't an image available, the backdrop loads * a default 'no image' available instead. */ private void loadBackdrop() { final ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(; if (mPreschool.getImageUrl().matches("")) { Picasso.with(SchoolDetailsActivity.this).load(R.drawable.no_image).into(imageView); } else { Picasso.with(SchoolDetailsActivity.this).load(mPreschool.getImageUrl()).into(imageView); } } /** * Initialize all views in the activity. */ private void initViews() { mFab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(; mSchoolName = (TextView) findViewById(; mSchoolAddress = (TextView) findViewById(; mYelpTitleText = (TextView) findViewById(; mYelpRating = (ImageView) findViewById(; mYelpListView = (ListView) findViewById(; mYelpNumReviews = (TextView) findViewById(; mYelpSnippet = (TextView) findViewById(; mViewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(; mPhoneNumber = (TextView) findViewById(; mFacilityNumber = (TextView) findViewById(; mFacilityCapacity = (TextView) findViewById(; mFacilityType = (TextView) findViewById(; mLicenseStatus = (TextView) findViewById(; mLicenseDate = (TextView) findViewById(; mSchoolPrice = (TextView) findViewById(; mSchoolNeighborhood = (TextView) findViewById(; mSchoolWebLink = (TextView) findViewById(; mSchoolRating = (ImageView) findViewById(; } /** * When loading the activity, this checks if the school is currently saved as a favorite, and sets * it icon on the fab button to match. Full heart if it is a favorite, just an outline if it isn't. */ private void adjustFabIcon() { if (isSchoolAlreadySaved()) { mFab.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_favorite_white_24dp)); saveSchool = true; } } /** * Sets the click listeners. There is a web url link, a list of Yelp reviews, and the fab icon */ private void setClickListeners() { mSchoolWebLink.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startIntentToWebView(mPreschool.getWebsiteUrl(), mPreschool.getName(), mPreschool); } }); mYelpListView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { @Override public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { Business clickedYelpBusiness = (Business) mYelpListView.getItemAtPosition(position); startIntentToWebView(clickedYelpBusiness.mobileUrl(), Constants.YELP_WEBVIEW_TITLE, mPreschool); } }); if (mFab != null) { mFab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View view) { if (saveSchool) { mFab.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_favorite_border_white_24dp)); removeFavoriteSchool(); saveSchool = false; Toast.makeText(SchoolDetailsActivity.this, R.string.remove_favorites, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } else { mFab.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_favorite_white_24dp)); addFavoriteSchool(); saveSchool = true; Toast.makeText(SchoolDetailsActivity.this, R.string.add_favorites, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT) .show(); } } }); } } /** * This is called from within the API call to yelp. Is not included in above set click listeners * because there isn't always results to set the listener on. Only needed when a resulting list from * yelp is created. */ private void setYelpClickListener() { mYelpTitleText.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { startIntentToWebView(mYelpSchoolMatch.mobileUrl(), Constants.YELP_WEBVIEW_TITLE, mPreschool); } }); } /** * Interface method from TabLayoutFragment.ListItemClickable. The reports available to view for * each school are shown through a list in the Reports tablayout. This allows the fragment * to activity communication. * @param view View * @param url String */ @Override public void listItemClicked(View view, String url) { startIntentToWebView(url, Constants.SCHOOL_REPORT_TITLE, mPreschool); } /** * Called from the Fab button click. If user wants to remove the school from their favorites */ private void removeFavoriteSchool() { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { if (isSchoolAlreadySaved()) { databaseHelper.deleteSavedSchool(mPreschool.getName()); } return null; } }.execute(); } /** * Called from the Fab button click. If user wants to add the school to their favorites. * Also stores the array list of reports in one column as a GSON string */ private void addFavoriteSchool() { new AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void>() { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { if (!isSchoolAlreadySaved()) { String reportsList = arrayListAsString(mPreschool); databaseHelper.insertSavedSchool(mPreschool, reportsList); } return null; } }.execute(); } /** * Uses the reports list from the Preschool object, and converts it to a string to be easily * stored in the SQLite database on the device. * @param preschool Preschool * @return String */ private String arrayListAsString(PreSchool preschool) { if (preschool.getReports() != null) { Reports[] reportsArray = preschool.getReports(); Gson gson = new Gson(); return gson.toJson(reportsArray); } else { return null; } } /** * This intent takes the url to load into the webview in the WebViewActivity. The title is * for the toolbar, and the preschool object is used to reload the school details when the user * comes back. * @param url String * @param title String * @param preschool PreSchool */ private void startIntentToWebView(String url, String title, PreSchool preschool) { Intent intentToWebView = new Intent(SchoolDetailsActivity.this, WebViewActivity.class); intentToWebView.putExtra(Constants.WEB_URL_KEY, url); // weburl intentToWebView.putExtra(Constants.YELP_WEBVIEW_TITLE_KEY, title); // review title intentToWebView.putExtra(Constants.SCHOOL_OBJECT_KEY, preschool); // preschool object startActivityForResult(intentToWebView, Constants.WEB_REQUEST_CODE); } /** * Populates all school details that are not in the TabLayout */ private void populateSchoolDetails() { mSchoolName.setText(mPreschool.getName()); setSchoolAddressTextView(); mPhoneNumber.setText(mPreschool.getPhoneNumber()); mFacilityNumber.setText(String.valueOf(mPreschool.getFacilityNumber())); mFacilityCapacity.setText(String.valueOf(mPreschool.getCapacity())); mFacilityType.setText(mPreschool.getType()); mLicenseStatus.setText(mPreschool.getLicenseStatus()); mLicenseDate.setText(mPreschool.getLicenseDate()); if (mPreschool.getPrice() == 999) { mSchoolPrice.setText(R.string.contact_school_label_details); } else { String price = "$" + mPreschool.getPrice(); mSchoolPrice.setText(price); } mSchoolNeighborhood.setText(mPreschool.getRegion()); mSchoolWebLink.setText(mPreschool.getWebsiteUrl()); mSchoolWebLink.setPaintFlags(mSchoolWebLink.getPaintFlags() | Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG); mSchoolRating.setImageResource(Utilities.getRatingImage(mPreschool.getRating())); } /** * The street address, city etc, are in separate fields. This puts them into one string */ private void setSchoolAddressTextView() { mSchoolAddress.setText(Utilities.buildAddressString(mPreschool.getStreetAddress(), mPreschool.getCity(), mPreschool.getState(), mPreschool.getZipCode())); } /** * Calls Yelp API */ private void callYelpProvider() { YelpAPIFactory apiFactory = new YelpAPIFactory(BuildConfig.YELP_CONSUMER_KEY, BuildConfig.YELP_CONSUMER_SECRET, BuildConfig.YELP_TOKEN, BuildConfig.YELP_TOKEN_SECRET); YelpAPI yelpAPI = apiFactory.createAPI(); Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); // general params params.put(Constants.YELP_SEARCH_PARAM_TERMS, mPreschool.getName()); params.put(Constants.YELP_SEARCH_PARAM_LIMIT, Constants.YELP_RESPONSE_LIMIT_STRING); params.put(Constants.YELP_SEARCH_PARAM_CATEGORY, Constants.YELP_CATEGORY); params.put(Constants.YELP_SEARCH_PARAM_SORT, Constants.YELP_SORT); Call<SearchResponse> call =, params); Callback<SearchResponse> callback = new Callback<SearchResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(Call<SearchResponse> call, Response<SearchResponse> response) { SearchResponse searchResponse = response.body(); if ( == 0) { mYelpTitleText.setText(R.string.empty_yelp_response); } else { // Update UI text with the searchResponse. mYelpSchoolMatch = filterYelpResponse(searchResponse); if (mYelpSchoolMatch != null) { mYelpTitleText.setText(; Picasso.with(SchoolDetailsActivity.this).load(mYelpSchoolMatch.ratingImgUrlLarge()) .into(mYelpRating); String reviewText = String.valueOf(mYelpSchoolMatch.reviewCount()) + getString(R.string.yelp_reviews_text); mYelpNumReviews.setText(reviewText); mYelpSnippet.setText(mYelpSchoolMatch.snippetText()); mYelpTitleText.setPaintFlags(mYelpTitleText.getPaintFlags() | Paint.UNDERLINE_TEXT_FLAG); mYelpTitleText.setTextColor(Color.parseColor(getString(R.string.html_color_num_blue))); setYelpClickListener(); } else { mYelpTitleText.setText(R.string.empty_yelp_response_title); ArrayList<Business> businesses = searchResponse.businesses(); mYelpAdapter = new YelpAdapter(SchoolDetailsActivity.this, businesses); mYelpListView.setAdapter(mYelpAdapter); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Call<SearchResponse> call, Throwable t) { // Handle HTTP error } }; call.enqueue(callback); } /** * There is always a list of businesses in respose to calling Yelps API. This one finds the best * match and uses it to populate the reviews. * Loops through the response to see if the name of the preschool is in there. * @param response SearchResponse * @return Business - model provided by yelp. */ private Business filterYelpResponse(SearchResponse response) { int limit =; if (Constants.YELP_RESPONSE_LIMIT_INT < { limit = Constants.YELP_RESPONSE_LIMIT_INT; } for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++) { int strContains = response.businesses().get(i).name().indexOf(mPreschool.getName()); if (strContains != -1) { return response.businesses().get(i); } } return null; } /** * Initializes and sets up the TabLayout. The Preschool object is passed into the constructor of * the adapter to fill in all necessary licensing and reports information. */ private void initTabLayout() { // Set PagerAdapter so that it can display items mViewPager.setAdapter(new TabLayoutAdapter(getSupportFragmentManager(), mPreschool)); // Give the TabLayout the ViewPager TabLayout tabLayout = (TabLayout) findViewById(; if (tabLayout != null) { tabLayout.setupWithViewPager(mViewPager); } } /** * Inflate options menu for the Toolbar * @param menu Menu * @return Boolean */ @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. getMenuInflater().inflate(, menu); return true; } /** * Handle menu item selections * @param item MenuItem * @return Boolean */ @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { int id = item.getItemId(); if (id == { Intent intentToMaps = new Intent(SchoolDetailsActivity.this, SchoolsMapFragment.class); intentToMaps.putExtra(Constants.SCHOOL_MARKER_KEY, mPreschool); startActivity(intentToMaps); } return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); } /** * Used to confirm if the school has already been saved to the database. * @return Boolean */ private boolean isSchoolAlreadySaved() { Cursor bookmarkCursor = databaseHelper.findSavedSchool(mPreschool.getName()); return bookmarkCursor.getCount() != 0; } /** When returning from the web activity, the preschool objects needs to sent and returned in order * to populate the school details again. * * @param requestCode int * @param resultCode int * @param data Intent */ @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); if (requestCode == 1) { if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { mPreschool = (PreSchool) data.getSerializableExtra(Constants.SCHOOL_OBJECT_KEY); } } } }