Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2011 PonySDK * Owners: * Luciano Broussal <luciano.broussal AT> * Mathieu Barbier <mathieu.barbier AT> * Nicolas Ciaravola < AT> * * WebSite: * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.ponysdk.ui.terminal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.Dictionnary.APPLICATION; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.Dictionnary.HANDLER; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.Dictionnary.HISTORY; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.Dictionnary.TYPE; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.exception.PonySessionException; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.instruction.PTInstruction; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.ui.PTObject; import com.ponysdk.ui.terminal.ui.PTStreamResource; public class UIBuilder implements ValueChangeHandler<String>, UIService { private final static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(UIBuilder.class.getName()); private final UIFactory uiFactory = new UIFactory(); private final Map<String, AddonFactory> addonByKey = new HashMap<String, AddonFactory>(); private final Map<Long, PTObject> objectByID = new HashMap<Long, PTObject>(); private final Map<UIObject, Long> objectIDByWidget = new HashMap<UIObject, Long>(); private final Map<Long, UIObject> widgetIDByObjectID = new HashMap<Long, UIObject>(); private final List<PTInstruction> stackedInstructions = new ArrayList<PTInstruction>(); private SimplePanel loadingMessageBox; private PopupPanel communicationErrorMessagePanel; private Timer timer; private int numberOfrequestInProgress; private boolean updateMode; private boolean pendingClose; private final RequestBuilder requestBuilder; public static long sessionID; public UIBuilder(final long ID, final RequestBuilder requestBuilder) { this.requestBuilder = requestBuilder; UIBuilder.sessionID = ID; History.addValueChangeHandler(this); final AddonList addonList = GWT.create(PonyAddonList.class); final List<AddonFactory> addonFactoryList = addonList.getAddonFactoryList(); for (final AddonFactory addonFactory : addonFactoryList) { addonByKey.put(addonFactory.getSignature(), addonFactory); } } public void init() { loadingMessageBox = new SimplePanel(); communicationErrorMessagePanel = new PopupPanel(false, true); communicationErrorMessagePanel.setGlassEnabled(true); communicationErrorMessagePanel.setStyleName("pony-notification"); communicationErrorMessagePanel.addStyleName("error"); // RootPanel.get().add(loadingMessageBox); loadingMessageBox.setStyleName("pony-LoadingMessageBox"); loadingMessageBox.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); loadingMessageBox.getElement().setInnerText("Loading ..."); // hide loading component final Widget w = RootPanel.get("loading"); if (w == null) { Window.alert("Include splash screen html element into your index.html with id=\"loading\""); } else { w.setSize("0px", "0px"); w.setVisible(false); } } public void onCommunicationError(final Throwable exception) { if (loadingMessageBox == null) { // log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error ", exception); if (exception instanceof StatusCodeException) { final StatusCodeException codeException = (StatusCodeException) exception; if (codeException.getStatusCode() == 0) return; } Window.alert("Cannot inititialize the application : " + exception.getMessage() + "\n" + exception + "\nPlease reload your application"); } else { if (pendingClose) return; // log.log(Level.SEVERE, "fireInstruction failed", exception); if (exception instanceof PonySessionException) { reload(); return; } numberOfrequestInProgress--; showCommunicationErrorMessage(exception); hideLoadingMessageBox(); } } @Override public void update(final List<PTInstruction> instructions) { hideLoadingMessageBox(); updateMode = true; PTInstruction currentInstruction = null; try { //"UPDATING UI with " + instructions.size() + " instructions"); for (final PTInstruction instruction : instructions) { currentInstruction = instruction; //"Displaying: " + instruction); final String type = instruction.getString(TYPE.KEY); if (TYPE.KEY_.CLOSE.equals(type)) { pendingClose = true; triggerEvent(instruction); final ScheduledCommand command = new ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { reload(); } }; Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(command); } else if (TYPE.KEY_.CREATE.equals(type)) { // if (WidgetType.COOKIE.equals(instruction.getWidgetType())) { // final String name = instruction.getString(PROPERTY.NAME); // final String value = instruction.getString(PROPERTY.VALUE); // // if (instruction.containsKey(PROPERTY.COOKIE_EXPIRE)) { // final Date date = new Date(instruction.getLong(PROPERTY.COOKIE_EXPIRE)); // Cookies.setCookie(name, value, date); // } else { // Cookies.setCookie(name, value); // } // } else { //"Create: " + create.getObjectID() + ", " + create.getWidgetType().name()); PTObject ptObject; final boolean isAddon = instruction.containsKey("addOnSignature"); if (isAddon) { final String addOnSignature = instruction.getString("addOnSignature"); final AddonFactory addonFactory = addonByKey.get(addOnSignature); if (addonFactory == null) { throw new Exception("UIBuilder: AddOn factory not found for signature: " + addOnSignature + ", available: " + addonByKey.keySet()); } ptObject = addonFactory.newAddon(); if (ptObject == null) { throw new Exception( "UIBuilder: Failed to instanciate an Addon of type: " + addOnSignature); } ptObject.create(instruction, this); } else { ptObject = uiFactory.newUIObject(this, instruction); ptObject.create(instruction, this); } objectByID.put(instruction.getObjectID(), ptObject); // } } else if (TYPE.KEY_.ADD.equals(type)) { //"Add: " + add.getObjectID() + ", " + add.getParentID() + ", " + // add.getProterty()); final PTObject uiObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getParentID()); uiObject.add(instruction, this); } else if (TYPE.KEY_.ADD_HANDLER.equals(type)) { //"AddHandler: " + addHandler.getType() + ", " + addHandler.getObjectID() + ", " // + addHandler.getProterty()); final String handler = instruction.getString(HANDLER.KEY); if (HANDLER.KEY_.STREAM_REQUEST_HANDLER.equals(handler)) { new PTStreamResource().addHandler(instruction, this); } else { final PTObject uiObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getObjectID()); uiObject.addHandler(instruction, this); } } else if (TYPE.KEY_.REMOVE_HANDLER.equals(type)) { //"AddHandler: " + instruction.getType() + ", " + instruction.getObjectID() + // ", " + instruction.getProterty()); final PTObject uiObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getObjectID()); uiObject.removeHandler(instruction, this); } else if (TYPE.KEY_.REMOVE.equals(type)) { PTObject ptObject; // if (PropertyKey.COOKIE.equals(instruction.getProterty().getKey())) { // TODO // // nciaravola // // merge with // // PTCookie ? // Cookies.removeCookie(instruction.getProterty().getValue()); // } else { if (instruction.getParentID() == -1) ptObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getObjectID()); else { ptObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getParentID()); } ptObject.remove(instruction, this); // } } else if (TYPE.KEY_.GC.equals(type)) { //"GC: " + remove.getObjectID()); final PTObject unRegisterObject = unRegisterObject(instruction.getObjectID()); unRegisterObject.gc(this); } else if (TYPE.KEY_.UPDATE.equals(type)) { //"Update " + update.getMainProperty().getKey() + " / " + // update.getMainProperty().getValue()); final PTObject ptObject = objectByID.get(instruction.getObjectID()); ptObject.update(instruction, this); } else if (TYPE.KEY_.HISTORY.equals(type)) { final String oldToken = History.getToken(); String token = null; if (instruction.containsKey(HISTORY.TOKEN)) { token = instruction.getString(HISTORY.TOKEN); } if (oldToken != null && oldToken.equals(token)) { if (instruction.getBoolean(HISTORY.FIRE_EVENTS)) History.fireCurrentHistoryState(); } else { History.newItem(token, instruction.getBoolean(HISTORY.FIRE_EVENTS)); } } } } catch (final Throwable e) { Window.alert("PonySDK has encountered an internal error on instruction : " + currentInstruction + " => Error Message " + e.getMessage()); log.log(Level.SEVERE, "PonySDK has encountered an internal error : ", e); } finally { flushEvents(); updateMode = false; } } @Override public PTObject unRegisterObject(final Long objectId) { final PTObject ptObject = objectByID.remove(objectId); final UIObject uiObject = widgetIDByObjectID.remove(objectId); if (uiObject != null) { objectIDByWidget.remove(uiObject); } return ptObject; } // // private void updateTimer(final Timer object, final Property mainProperty) { // object.scheduleRepeating(mainProperty.getIntValue()); // } @Override public void stackEvent(final PTInstruction instruction) { if (!updateMode) triggerEvent(instruction); else stackedInstructions.add(instruction); } @Override public void flushEvents() { if (stackedInstructions.isEmpty()) return; fireEvents(stackedInstructions); stackedInstructions.clear(); } private void fireEvents(final List<PTInstruction> instructions) { numberOfrequestInProgress++; if (timer == null) timer = scheduleLoadingMessageBox(); // try { // final RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST, GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + // "p"); final PTInstruction requestData = new PTInstruction(); requestData.put(APPLICATION.VIEW_ID, sessionID); final JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < instructions.size(); i++) { jsonArray.set(i, instructions.get(i)); } requestData.put(APPLICATION.INSTRUCTIONS, jsonArray); requestBuilder.send(requestData.toString()); // builder.sendRequest(requestData.toString(), new RequestCallback() { // // @Override // public void onError(final Request request, final Throwable exception) { // if (pendingClose) return; // log.log(Level.SEVERE, "fireInstruction failed", exception); // // if (exception instanceof PonySessionException) { // reload(); // return; // } // numberOfrequestInProgress--; // instructions.clear(); // showCommunicationErrorMessage(exception); // hideLoadingMessageBox(); // } // // @Override // public void onResponseReceived(final Request request, final Response response) { // try { // numberOfrequestInProgress--; // instructions.clear(); // if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) { // // final List<PTInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<PTInstruction>(); // // if (response.getText() == null || response.getText().isEmpty()) return; // // GWT.log(response.getText()); // // final JSONObject object = JSONParser.parseLenient(response.getText()).isObject(); // // final JSONArray jsonArray = object.get(APPLICATION.INSTRUCTIONS).isArray(); // // for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.size(); i++) { // instructions.add(new PTInstruction(jsonArray.get(i).isObject().getJavaScriptObject())); // } // // update(instructions); // } else { // showCommunicationErrorMessage(new Exception("Couldn't retrieve JSON (" + response.getStatusText() + // ")")); // } // // } finally { // hideLoadingMessageBox(); // } // } // }); // } catch (final RequestException e) { // numberOfrequestInProgress--; // instructions.clear(); // showCommunicationErrorMessage(e); // hideLoadingMessageBox(); // } } @Override public void triggerEvent(final PTInstruction instruction) { final List<PTInstruction> instructions = new ArrayList<PTInstruction>(); instructions.add(instruction); fireEvents(instructions); } private Timer scheduleLoadingMessageBox() { final Timer timer = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { loadingMessageBox.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.VISIBLE); } }; timer.schedule(500); return timer; } private void showCommunicationErrorMessage(final Throwable caught) { final VerticalPanel content = new VerticalPanel(); if (caught instanceof StatusCodeException) { final StatusCodeException exception = (StatusCodeException) caught; content.add(new HTML("Server connection failed <br/>Code : " + exception.getStatusCode() + "<br/>" + "cause : " + exception.getMessage())); } else if (caught instanceof InvocationException) { content.add(new HTML("Exception durring server invocation : " + caught.getMessage())); } else { content.add(new HTML("Failure : " + caught == null ? "" : caught.getMessage())); } final HorizontalPanel actionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); actionPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); final Anchor reloadAnchor = new Anchor("reload"); reloadAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { History.newItem(""); reload(); } }); final Anchor closeAnchor = new Anchor("close"); closeAnchor.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(final ClickEvent event) { communicationErrorMessagePanel.hide(); } }); actionPanel.add(reloadAnchor); actionPanel.add(closeAnchor); actionPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(reloadAnchor, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); actionPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(closeAnchor, HasHorizontalAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); actionPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(reloadAnchor, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); actionPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(closeAnchor, HasVerticalAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); content.add(actionPanel); communicationErrorMessagePanel.setWidget(content); communicationErrorMessagePanel.setPopupPositionAndShow(new PositionCallback() { @Override public void setPosition(final int offsetWidth, final int offsetHeight) { communicationErrorMessagePanel.setPopupPosition((Window.getClientWidth() - offsetWidth) / 2, (Window.getClientHeight() - offsetHeight) / 2); } }); } public void hideLoadingMessageBox() { if (numberOfrequestInProgress < 1 && timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer = null; loadingMessageBox.getElement().getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); } } @Override public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<String> event) { if (event.getValue() != null && !event.getValue().isEmpty()) { final PTInstruction eventInstruction = new PTInstruction(); eventInstruction.put(TYPE.KEY, TYPE.KEY_.HISTORY); eventInstruction.put(HISTORY.TOKEN, event.getValue()); stackEvent(eventInstruction); } } @Override public PTObject getPTObject(final Long ID) { return objectByID.get(ID); } @Override public PTObject getPTObject(final UIObject uiObject) { final Long objectID = objectIDByWidget.get(uiObject); if (objectID != null) return objectByID.get(objectID); return null; } @Override public void registerUIObject(final Long ID, final UIObject uiObject) { objectIDByWidget.put(uiObject, ID); widgetIDByObjectID.put(ID, uiObject); } private native void reload() /*-{$wnd.location.reload();}-*/; }