Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 National Instruments Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package com.pieframework.runtime.core; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import; import com.pieframework.model.Configuration; import com.pieframework.model.Request; import com.pieframework.runtime.utils.StringUtils; import com.pieframework.runtime.utils.TimeUtils; public class Installer { public static final String USERNAME = "pieadmin"; public static final String PASSWORD = "LVd0tc0m"; public static final String WINHOME = "c:\\pie2\\"; public static final String LINHOME = "/opt/apps/pie2/"; public static final String CYGDRIVE = "/cygdrive/c"; public static final String CYGHOME = "c:\\\\\\\\pie2\\\\\\\\"; public static Properties generateProps(String inputs) { Properties prop = new Properties(); String os = Configuration.getOs(); String home = Request.findAttribute(inputs, "home"); if (os.contains("indow")) { if (StringUtils.empty(home)) { home = WINHOME; } home += "\\"; prop.setProperty("pie.javabin", "\"" + getWindowsPath( System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java.exe") + "\""); prop.setProperty("", home + "data" + File.separator); prop.setProperty("pie.tmp", home + "tmp" + File.separator); prop.setProperty("pie.lib", home + "lib" + File.separator); prop.setProperty("pie.ext", home + "ext" + File.separator); prop.setProperty("pie.log", "c:\\logs\\pie\\pie.log"); prop.setProperty("pie.bootstrap", home + "conf" + File.separator + ""); prop.setProperty("pie.pathseparator", File.separator); prop.setProperty("pie.jar", home + "pie.jar"); prop.setProperty("pie.home", home); prop.setProperty("pie.config", getPieConf(os, home).getPath()); prop.setProperty("", "cmd.exe"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellparam", "/c"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellquote", "\""); } else if (os.contains("inux")) { if (StringUtils.empty(home)) { home = LINHOME; } home += "/"; prop.setProperty("pie.javabin", System.getProperty("java.home") + "/" + "bin" + "/" + "java"); prop.setProperty("", home + "data" + "/"); prop.setProperty("pie.tmp", home + "tmp" + "/"); prop.setProperty("pie.lib", home + "lib" + "/"); prop.setProperty("pie.ext", home + "ext" + "/"); prop.setProperty("pie.log", "/opt/apps/logs/pie/pie.log"); prop.setProperty("pie.bootstrap", home + "conf" + "/" + ""); prop.setProperty("pie.pathseparator", "/"); prop.setProperty("pie.jar", home + "pie.jar"); prop.setProperty("pie.home", home); prop.setProperty("pie.config", getPieConf(os, home).getPath()); prop.setProperty("", "bash"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellparam", "-lc"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellquote", "\""); } else if (os.equalsIgnoreCase("cygwin")) { if (StringUtils.empty(home)) { home = CYGHOME; } home += "\\\\\\\\"; prop.setProperty("pie.javabin", "java"); prop.setProperty("", home + "data" + "\\\\\\\\"); prop.setProperty("pie.tmp", home + "tmp" + "\\\\\\\\"); prop.setProperty("pie.lib", home + "lib" + "\\\\\\\\"); prop.setProperty("pie.ext", home + "ext" + "\\\\\\\\"); prop.setProperty("pie.log", "c:\\\\\\\\logs\\\\\\\\pie\\\\\\\\pie.log"); prop.setProperty("pie.bootstrap", home + "conf" + "\\\\\\\\" + ""); prop.setProperty("pie.pathseparator", "\\\\\\\\"); prop.setProperty("pie.jar", home + "pie.jar"); prop.setProperty("pie.home", home); prop.setProperty("pie.config", getPieConf(os, home).getPath()); prop.setProperty("", "bash"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellparam", "-lc"); prop.setProperty("pie.shellquote", "\""); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Installer failed. environment " + os + " is not supported."); } prop.setProperty("pie.username", "pieadmin"); prop.setProperty("pie.password", "LVd0tc0m"); prop.setProperty("pie.p4user", "<username>"); prop.setProperty("pie.p4serverURI", "p4java://<server>:<port>"); prop.setProperty("pie.p4client", "<p4_local_client>"); prop.setProperty("pie.sshstore", "<keystore>"); prop.setProperty("pie.cli", os); prop.setProperty("pie.puttyexe", "<path_to_putty>"); prop.setProperty("pie.verbosity", "*:!compile:!handler:!delegator:!debug:!ssh"); prop.setProperty("pie.acton[0]", "*:print"); prop.setProperty("pie.defaultTimeout", "180"); prop.setProperty("pie.currentModels", "<systemId>:<modelVersion>"); return prop; } public static String getWindowsPath(String path) { return path.replaceAll(java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement("\\"), "\\\\\\\\"); } public static File getPieConf(String os, String home) { File pieConf = null; //pieConf is located relative to the pie home directory //The default homes are constants in this file if (os == null || os.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { os = Configuration.getOs(); } if (os.contains("indow")) { if (home == null || home.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { home = WINHOME; } pieConf = new File(home + "conf\\pie.conf"); } else if (os.contains("inux")) { if (home == null || home.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { home = LINHOME; } pieConf = new File(home + "conf/pie.conf"); } else if (os.contains("cygwin")) { if (home == null || home.equalsIgnoreCase("")) { home = CYGHOME; } pieConf = new File(home + "conf\\\\\\\\pie.conf"); } else { throw new RuntimeException("PIE does not support '" + os + "'"); } return pieConf; } public static String getJarPath() { //Get the location of the jar file that we specified String jarPath = run.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); //Strip the first character of the Class url if this is windows if (Configuration.getOs().equalsIgnoreCase("windows")) { jarPath = jarPath.substring(1); } return jarPath; } public static void createConfigFile(Properties prop) { try { File pieConfig = new File(prop.getProperty("pie.config")); //Backup the config file if it exists if (pieConfig.exists()) { File backup = new File(pieConfig.getPath() + "." + TimeUtils.getCurrentTimeStamp()); FileUtils.copyFile(pieConfig, backup); } //Create/Overwrite the config file OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(pieConfig);, getComments()); System.out.println("Created config file: " + pieConfig.getPath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void run(String inputs) { //Generate configuration file if one does not exists and overwrite is not specified Properties prop = generateProps(inputs); System.out.println("Running installer for pie for " + Configuration.getOs()); //Based on config create directories List<File> dirs = new ArrayList<File>(); dirs.add(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.home"))); dirs.add(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.lib"))); dirs.add(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.tmp"))); dirs.add(new File(prop.getProperty(""))); dirs.add(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.ext"))); dirs.add(new File(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.bootstrap")).getParent())); dirs.add(new File(new File(prop.getProperty("pie.log")).getParent())); for (File f : dirs) { //System.out.println(f.getPath()); f.mkdirs(); } //Create the pie config file and insert all the properties we created createConfigFile(prop); //Copy the current pie.jar in the right place according to config File currentPieJar = new File(getJarPath()); File newPieJar = new File(prop.getProperty("pie.jar")); try { if (!newPieJar.getPath().equalsIgnoreCase(currentPieJar.getPath())) { FileUtils.copyFile(currentPieJar, newPieJar); } if (newPieJar.exists() && newPieJar.isFile()) { System.out.println("info: created exe file " + newPieJar.getPath()); } else { throw new RuntimeException("error: failed creating file " + newPieJar.getPath()); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("error: failed creating file " + newPieJar.getPath(), e); } } public static String getComments() { return "" + "\n = The directory where model data is stored which pie.jar looks it up at runtime. This value can get overriden by providing 'd <data_path>' or '-data <data_path>' to the pie.jar command line." + "\n pie.username = Username for accessing and running pie commands. This value can get overriden by providing '-u <username>' or '-username <username>' to the pie.jar command line." + "\n pie.password = Password to access pie.jar. This value can get overriden by providing 'p <password>' or '-password <password>' to the pie.jar command line." + "\n pie.javabin = Location of where the java binary is used for pie commands execution." + "\n pie.bootstrap= The the IP and port address for the Registry services that pie.jar will be looking up at runtime." + "\n pie.jar = Location of the pie.jar" + "\n pie.lib = Location of external libraries that will be loaded." + "\n pie.tmp = Temp directory where pie.jar commands will place temp files." + "\n pie.log = Pie log file." + "\n pie.sshstore= Directory where sshKeys will be stored for remote access." + "\n pie.verbosity = Level of verbosity of the client output. Possible options are null,status,error,warn,debug,*. The verbosity string is : delimited. Example 'pie.verbosity=error:status:info' " + "\n pie.acton[i]= The acton map specifies what action to be taken when a certain condition is encounters. Possible options are ok,warn,error,*. Currently only print action is allowed. Example: 'pie.acton[0]=ok:print,pie.acton[1]=error:print" + "\n pie.p4user = P4 user that the local client will use to connect to p4." + "\n pie.p4serverURI = P4 URI for the p4 server. Example URI: p4java://" + "\n pie.defaultTimeout = It controls when the pie client will disconnect from the remote shell or locally executed command.Default value is 60 seconds" + "\n = Controls what is the local shell environment for the pie client." + "\n pie.shellparam = The shell parameters that will be passed to the shell (local or remote) when running an exe command. Example: -lc" + "\n pie.shellquote = The character to use for quoting the command when wrapped by the shell. Example: \" " + "\n pie.currentModels = Defines what are the model versions that will be use by default." + "\n pie.p4client = P4 client name."; } }