Java tutorial
/** * PhoneGap is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the * MIT License (2008). See for full text. * * Copyright (c) Matt Kane 2010 * Copyright (c) 2011, IBM Corporation * Copyright (c) 2013, Maciej Nux Jaros */ package com.phonegap.plugins.blinkid; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.util.Base64; import android.util.Log; import com.microblink.activity.ScanCard; import com.microblink.image.Image; import com.microblink.image.ImageListener; import com.microblink.image.ImageType; import com.microblink.metadata.MetadataSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.BaseRecognitionResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.IResultHolder; import com.microblink.recognizers.RecognitionResults; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.BarcodeType; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.bardecoder.BarDecoderRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.bardecoder.BarDecoderScanResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.pdf417.Pdf417RecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.pdf417.Pdf417ScanResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.usdl.USDLRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.usdl.USDLScanResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.zxing.ZXingRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkbarcode.zxing.ZXingScanResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.malaysia.MyKadRecognitionResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.malaysia.MyKadRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.mrtd.MRTDRecognitionResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.mrtd.MRTDRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.eudl.EUDLCountry; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.eudl.EUDLRecognitionResult; import com.microblink.recognizers.blinkid.eudl.EUDLRecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.settings.RecognitionSettings; import com.microblink.recognizers.settings.RecognizerSettings; import com.microblink.results.barcode.BarcodeDetailedData; import; import org.apache.cordova.CallbackContext; import org.apache.cordova.CordovaPlugin; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class BlinkIdScanner extends CordovaPlugin { private static final int REQUEST_CODE = 1337; // keys for recognizer types private static final String PDF417_TYPE = "PDF417"; private static final String USDL_TYPE = "USDL"; private static final String BARDECODER_TYPE = "Bar Decoder"; private static final String ZXING_TYPE = "Zxing"; private static final String MRTD_TYPE = "MRTD"; private static final String UKDL_TYPE = "UKDL"; private static final String MYKAD_TYPE = "MyKad"; // keys for result types private static final String PDF417_RESULT_TYPE = "Barcode result"; private static final String USDL_RESULT_TYPE = "USDL result"; private static final String BARDECODER_RESULT_TYPE = "Barcode result"; private static final String ZXING_RESULT_TYPE = "Barcode result"; private static final String MRTD_RESULT_TYPE = "MRTD result"; private static final String UKDL_RESULT_TYPE = "UKDL result"; private static final String MYKAD_RESULT_TYPE = "MyKad result"; private static final String SCAN = "scan"; private static final String CANCELLED = "cancelled"; private static final String RESULT_LIST = "resultList"; private static final String RESULT_IMAGE = "resultImage"; private static final String RESULT_TYPE = "resultType"; private static final String TYPE = "type"; private static final String DATA = "data"; private static final String FIELDS = "fields"; private static final String RAW_DATA = "raw"; private static final int COMPRESSED_IMAGE_QUALITY = 90; private static final String IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN_STR = "IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN"; private static final String IMAGE_CROPPED_STR = "IMAGE_CROPPED"; private static final int IMAGE_NONE = 0; private static final int IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN = 1; private static final int IMAGE_CROPPED = 2; private static final String LOG_TAG = "BlinkIdScanner"; private int mImageType = IMAGE_NONE; private CallbackContext callbackContext; /** * Constructor. */ public BlinkIdScanner() { } /** * Executes the request. * * This method is called from the WebView thread. To do a non-trivial amount * of work, use: cordova.getThreadPool().execute(runnable); * * To run on the UI thread, use: * cordova.getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); * * @param action * The action to execute. * @param args * The exec() arguments. * @param callbackContext * The callback context used when calling back into JavaScript. * @return Whether the action was valid. * * @sa * * /apache/cordova/ */ @Override public boolean execute(String action, JSONArray args, CallbackContext callbackContext) { this.callbackContext = callbackContext; if (action.equals(SCAN)) { Set<String> types = new HashSet<String>(); JSONArray typesArg = args.optJSONArray(0); for (int i = 0; i < typesArg.length(); ++i) { types.add(typesArg.optString(i)); } String imageTypeStr = args.optString(1); if (imageTypeStr.equals(IMAGE_CROPPED_STR)) { mImageType = IMAGE_CROPPED; } else if (imageTypeStr.equals(IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN_STR)) { mImageType = IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN; } // ios license key is at index 2 in args String licenseKey = null; if (!args.isNull(3)) { licenseKey = args.optString(3); } scan(types, licenseKey); } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Starts an intent from provided class to scan and return result. */ public void scan(Set<String> types, String license) { Context context = this.cordova.getActivity().getApplicationContext(); FakeR fakeR = new FakeR(this.cordova.getActivity()); Intent intent = new Intent(context, ScanCard.class); // set the license key - obtain your key at // if (license != null) { intent.putExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_LICENSE_KEY, license); } List<RecognizerSettings> recSett = new ArrayList<RecognizerSettings>(); for (String type : types) { try { recSett.add(buildRecognizerSettings(type)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { this.callbackContext.error(ex.getMessage()); return; } } // finally, when you have defined settings for each recognizer you want to use, // you should put them into array held by global settings object RecognitionSettings recognitionSettings = new RecognitionSettings(); RecognizerSettings[] settingsArray = new RecognizerSettings[recSett.size()]; settingsArray = recSett.toArray(settingsArray); recognitionSettings.setRecognizerSettingsArray(settingsArray); // additionally, there are generic settings that are used by all recognizers or the // whole recognition process // set this to true to enable returning of multiple scan results from single camera frame // default is false, which means that as soon as first barcode is found (no matter which type) // its contents will be returned. recognitionSettings.setAllowMultipleScanResultsOnSingleImage(true); // finally send that settings object over intent to scan activity // use ScanCard.EXTRAS_RECOGNITION_SETTINGS to set recognizer settings intent.putExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_RECOGNITION_SETTINGS, recognitionSettings); // set image metadata settings to define which images will be obtained as metadata during scan process MetadataSettings.ImageMetadataSettings ims = new MetadataSettings.ImageMetadataSettings(); if (mImageType == IMAGE_CROPPED) { // enable obtaining of dewarped(cropped) images ims.setDewarpedImageEnabled(true); } else if (mImageType == IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN) { // enable obtaining of successful frames ims.setSuccessfulScanFrameEnabled(true); } // pass prepared image metadata settings to scan activity intent.putExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_IMAGE_METADATA_SETTINGS, ims); // pass image listener to scan activity intent.putExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_IMAGE_LISTENER, new ScanImageListener(mImageType)); // If you want sound to be played after the scanning process ends, // put here the resource ID of your sound file. (optional) intent.putExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_BEEP_RESOURCE, fakeR.getId("raw", "beep")); this.cordova.startActivityForResult((CordovaPlugin) this, intent, REQUEST_CODE); } private RecognizerSettings buildRecognizerSettings(String type) { if (type.equals(PDF417_TYPE)) { return buildPDF417Settings(); } else if (type.equals(USDL_TYPE)) { return buildUsdlSettings(); } else if (type.equals(BARDECODER_TYPE)) { return buildBardecoderSettings(); } else if (type.equals(ZXING_TYPE)) { return buildZXingSettings(); } else if (type.equals(MRTD_TYPE)) { return buildMrtdSettings(); } else if (type.equals(UKDL_TYPE)) { return buildUkdlSettings(); } else if (type.equals(MYKAD_TYPE)) { return buildMyKadSettings(); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Recognizer type not supported: " + type); } private MRTDRecognizerSettings buildMrtdSettings() { // prepare settings for Machine Readable Travel Document (MRTD) recognizer MRTDRecognizerSettings mrtd = new MRTDRecognizerSettings(); // Set this to true to allow obtaining results that have not been parsed by SDK. // By default this is off. The reason for this is that we want to ensure best possible // data quality when returning results. mrtd.setAllowUnparsedResults(false); if (mImageType == IMAGE_CROPPED) { mrtd.setShowFullDocument(true); } return mrtd; } private EUDLRecognizerSettings buildUkdlSettings() { // To specify we want to perform EUDL (EU Driver's License) recognition, // prepare settings for EUDL recognizer. Pass country as parameter to EUDLRecognizerSettings // constructor. Here we choose UK. EUDLRecognizerSettings ukdl = new EUDLRecognizerSettings(EUDLCountry.EUDL_COUNTRY_UK); // Defines if issue date should be extracted. Default is true ukdl.setExtractIssueDate(true); // Defines if expiry date should be extracted. Default is true. ukdl.setExtractExpiryDate(true); // Defines if address should be extracted. Default is true. ukdl.setExtractAddress(true); if (mImageType == IMAGE_CROPPED) { ukdl.setShowFullDocument(true); } return ukdl; } private MyKadRecognizerSettings buildMyKadSettings() { // prepare settings for Malaysian MyKad ID document recognizer MyKadRecognizerSettings myKad = new MyKadRecognizerSettings(); if (mImageType == IMAGE_CROPPED) { myKad.setShowFullDocument(true); } return myKad; } private USDLRecognizerSettings buildUsdlSettings() { // prepare settings for US Driver's Licence recognizer USDLRecognizerSettings usdl = new USDLRecognizerSettings(); // By setting this to true, you will enable scanning of non-standard elements, // but there is no guarantee that all data will be read. This option is used when multiple // rows are missing (e.g. not whole barcode is printed). Default is false. usdl.setUncertainScanning(false); // By setting this to true, you will allow scanning barcodes which don't have quiet zone // surrounding it (e.g. text concatenated with barcode). This option can significantly // increase recognition time. Default is true. usdl.setNullQuietZoneAllowed(true); // Some driver's licenses contain 1D Code39 and Code128 barcodes alongside PDF417 barcode. // These barcodes usually contain only reduntant information and are therefore not read by // default. However, if you feel that some information is missing, you can enable scanning // of those barcodes by setting this to true. usdl.setScan1DBarcodes(true); return usdl; } private Pdf417RecognizerSettings buildPDF417Settings() { // prepare settings for PDF417 barcode recognizer Pdf417RecognizerSettings pdf417 = new Pdf417RecognizerSettings(); // By setting this to true, you will enable scanning of non-standard elements, but there // is no guarantee that all data will be read. This option is used when multiple rows are // missing (e.g. not whole barcode is printed). Default is false. pdf417.setUncertainScanning(false); // By setting this to true, you will allow scanning barcodes which don't have quiet zone // surrounding it (e.g. text concatenated with barcode). This option can significantly // increase recognition time. Default is false. pdf417.setNullQuietZoneAllowed(false); // By setting this to true, you will enable scanning of barcodes with inverse intensity // values (i.e. white barcodes on dark background). This option can significantly increase // recognition time. Default is false. pdf417.setInverseScanning(false); return pdf417; } private BarDecoderRecognizerSettings buildBardecoderSettings() { // prepare settings for 1D barcode recognizer BarDecoderRecognizerSettings bar1d = new BarDecoderRecognizerSettings(); // Method activates or deactivates the scanning of Code128 1D barcodes. // Default (initial) value is false. bar1d.setScanCode128(true); // Method activates or deactivates the scanning of Code39 1D barcodes. // Default (initial) value is false. bar1d.setScanCode39(true); // By setting this to true, you will enable scanning of barcodes with inverse intensity // values (i.e. white barcodes on dark background). This option can significantly increase // recognition time. Default is false. bar1d.setInverseScanning(false); // By setting this to true, you will enabled scanning of lower resolution barcodes at cost // of additional processing time. This option can significantly increase recognition time. // Default is false. bar1d.setTryHarder(false); return bar1d; } private ZXingRecognizerSettings buildZXingSettings() { // prepare settings for ZXing barcode recognizer ZXingRecognizerSettings zxing = new ZXingRecognizerSettings(); // disable or enable scanning of various barcode types, by default all barcode types are // disabled zxing.setScanQRCode(true); zxing.setScanAztecCode(false); zxing.setScanCode128(true); zxing.setScanCode39(true); zxing.setScanDataMatrixCode(false); zxing.setScanEAN13Code(true); zxing.setScanEAN8Code(true); zxing.setScanITFCode(false); zxing.setScanUPCACode(true); zxing.setScanUPCECode(true); // By setting this to true, you will enable scanning of barcodes with inverse intensity // values (i.e. white barcodes on dark background). This option can significantly increase // recognition time. Default is false. zxing.setInverseScanning(false); // Use this method to enable slower, but more thorough scan procedure when scanning barcodes. // By default, this option is turned on. zxing.setSlowThoroughScan(true); return zxing; } /** * Called when the scanner intent completes. * * @param requestCode * The request code originally supplied to * startActivityForResult(), allowing you to identify who this * result came from. * @param resultCode * The integer result code returned by the child activity through * its setResult(). * @param data * An Intent, which can return result data to the caller (various * data can be attached to Intent "extras"). */ @Override public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE) { if (resultCode == ScanCard.RESULT_OK) { // First, obtain recognition result RecognitionResults results = data.getParcelableExtra(ScanCard.EXTRAS_RECOGNITION_RESULTS); // Get scan results array. If scan was successful, array will contain at least one element. // Multiple element may be in array if multiple scan results from single image were allowed in settings. BaseRecognitionResult[] resultArray = results.getRecognitionResults(); // Each recognition result corresponds to active recognizer. There are 7 types of // recognizers available (PDF417, USDL, Bardecoder, ZXing, MRTD, UKDL and MyKad), // so there are 7 types of results available. JSONArray resultsList = new JSONArray(); for (BaseRecognitionResult res : resultArray) { try { if (res instanceof Pdf417ScanResult) { // check if scan result is result of Pdf417 recognizer resultsList.put(buildPdf417Result((Pdf417ScanResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof BarDecoderScanResult) { // check if scan result is result of BarDecoder recognizer resultsList.put(buildBarDecoderResult((BarDecoderScanResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof ZXingScanResult) { // check if scan result is result of ZXing recognizer resultsList.put(buildZxingResult((ZXingScanResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof MRTDRecognitionResult) { // check if scan result is result of MRTD recognizer resultsList.put(buildMRTDResult((MRTDRecognitionResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof USDLScanResult) { // check if scan result is result of US Driver's Licence recognizer resultsList.put(buildUSDLResult((USDLScanResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof EUDLRecognitionResult) { // check if scan result is result of EUDL recognizer resultsList.put(buildUKDLResult((EUDLRecognitionResult) res)); } else if (res instanceof MyKadRecognitionResult) { // check if scan result is result of MyKad recognizer resultsList.put(buildMyKadResult((MyKadRecognitionResult) res)); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error parsing " + res.getClass().getName()); } } try { JSONObject root = new JSONObject(); root.put(RESULT_LIST, resultsList); if (mImageType != IMAGE_NONE) { Image resultImage = ImageHolder.getInstance().getLastImage(); if (resultImage != null) { Bitmap resultImgBmp = resultImage.convertToBitmap(); if (resultImgBmp != null) { ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); boolean success = resultImgBmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, COMPRESSED_IMAGE_QUALITY, byteArrayOutputStream); if (success) { String resultImgBase64 = Base64 .encodeToString(byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(), Base64.DEFAULT); root.put(RESULT_IMAGE, resultImgBase64); } try { byteArrayOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException ignorable) { } } ImageHolder.getInstance().clear(); } } root.put(CANCELLED, false); this.callbackContext.success(root); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "This should never happen"); } } else if (resultCode == ScanCard.RESULT_CANCELED) { JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); try { obj.put(CANCELLED, true); } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "This should never happen"); } this.callbackContext.success(obj); } else { this.callbackContext.error("Unexpected error"); } } } private JSONObject buildPdf417Result(Pdf417ScanResult res) throws JSONException { // getStringData getter will return the string version of barcode contents String barcodeData = res.getStringData(); // getRawData getter will return the raw data information object of barcode contents BarcodeDetailedData rawData = res.getRawData(); // BarcodeDetailedData contains information about barcode's binary layout, if you // are only interested in raw bytes, you can obtain them with getAllData getter byte[] rawDataBuffer = rawData.getAllData(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(RESULT_TYPE, PDF417_RESULT_TYPE); result.put(TYPE, "PDF417"); result.put(DATA, barcodeData); result.put(RAW_DATA, byteArrayToHex(rawDataBuffer)); return result; } private JSONObject buildBarDecoderResult(BarDecoderScanResult res) throws JSONException { // with getBarcodeType you can obtain barcode type enum that tells you the type of decoded barcode BarcodeType type = res.getBarcodeType(); // as with PDF417, getStringData will return the string contents of barcode String barcodeData = res.getStringData(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(RESULT_TYPE, BARDECODER_RESULT_TYPE); result.put(TYPE,; result.put(DATA, barcodeData); return result; } private JSONObject buildZxingResult(ZXingScanResult res) throws JSONException { // with getBarcodeType you can obtain barcode type enum that tells you the type of decoded barcode BarcodeType type = res.getBarcodeType(); // as with PDF417, getStringData will return the string contents of barcode String barcodeData = res.getStringData(); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(RESULT_TYPE, ZXING_RESULT_TYPE); result.put(TYPE,; result.put(DATA, barcodeData); return result; } private JSONObject buildUSDLResult(USDLScanResult res) throws JSONException { return buildKeyValueResult(res, USDL_RESULT_TYPE); } private JSONObject buildMyKadResult(MyKadRecognitionResult res) throws JSONException { return buildKeyValueResult(res, MYKAD_RESULT_TYPE); } private JSONObject buildUKDLResult(EUDLRecognitionResult res) throws JSONException { return buildKeyValueResult(res, UKDL_RESULT_TYPE); } private JSONObject buildMRTDResult(MRTDRecognitionResult res) throws JSONException { return buildKeyValueResult(res, MRTD_RESULT_TYPE); } private JSONObject buildKeyValueResult(BaseRecognitionResult res, String resultType) throws JSONException { JSONObject fields = new JSONObject(); IResultHolder resultHolder = res.getResultHolder(); for (String key : resultHolder.keySet()) { Object value = resultHolder.getObject(key); if (value instanceof String) { fields.put(key, (String) value); } else if (value instanceof DateResult) { fields.put(key, ((DateResult) value).getOriginalDateString()); } else { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Ignoring non string key '" + key + "'"); } } JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); result.put(RESULT_TYPE, resultType); result.put(FIELDS, fields); return result; } private String byteArrayToHex(byte[] data) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (byte b : data) { sb.append(String.format("%02x", b)); } return sb.toString(); } public static class ScanImageListener implements ImageListener { private int mImageType; public ScanImageListener(int imageType) { mImageType = imageType; } public ScanImageListener() { mImageType = IMAGE_NONE; } /** * Called when library has image available. */ @Override public void onImageAvailable(Image image) { switch (mImageType) { case IMAGE_CROPPED: if (image.getImageType() == ImageType.DEWARPED) { ImageHolder.getInstance().setImage(image.clone()); } break; case IMAGE_SUCCESSFUL_SCAN: if (image.getImageType() == ImageType.SUCCESSFUL_SCAN) { ImageHolder.getInstance().setImage(image.clone()); } break; } } /** * ImageListener interface extends Parcelable interface, so we also need to implement * that interface. The implementation of Parcelable interface is below this line. */ @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mImageType); } public static final Creator<ScanImageListener> CREATOR = new Creator<ScanImageListener>() { @Override public ScanImageListener createFromParcel(Parcel source) { return new ScanImageListener(source.readInt()); } @Override public ScanImageListener[] newArray(int size) { return new ScanImageListener[size]; } }; } public static class ImageHolder { private static ImageHolder sInstance = new ImageHolder(); private Image mLastImage = null; private ImageHolder() { } public static ImageHolder getInstance() { return sInstance; } public void setImage(Image image) { if (mLastImage != null) { mLastImage.dispose(); } mLastImage = image; } public Image getLastImage() { return mLastImage; } public void clear() { if (mLastImage != null) { mLastImage.dispose(); } mLastImage = null; } } }