Java tutorial
/* * License GNU LGPL * Copyright (C) 2012 Amrullah <>. */ package com.panemu.tiwulfx.table; import com.panemu.tiwulfx.common.TableCriteria; import com.panemu.tiwulfx.common.TiwulFXUtil; import com.panemu.tiwulfx.common.Validator; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javafx.application.Platform; import javafx.beans.InvalidationListener; import javafx.beans.Observable; import; import; import; import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue; import javafx.collections.FXCollections; import javafx.collections.ObservableMap; import javafx.geometry.Pos; import javafx.scene.Node; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.MenuItem; import javafx.scene.control.PopupControl; import javafx.scene.control.Skin; import javafx.scene.control.Skinnable; import javafx.scene.control.TableColumn; import javafx.scene.image.Image; import javafx.scene.image.ImageView; import javafx.scene.layout.HBox; import javafx.util.Callback; import javafx.util.StringConverter; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; /** * This is a parent class for columns that display value from a POJO object. * There are two variations of concrete column implementation in regards with * cell editor: * <ul> * <li>Cell editor is a single control: TextField, CheckBox</li> * <li>Cell editor is a composite of controls: ComboBox, DateField, LookupField. * They are composed from a TextField and a button * </ul> * * Please refer to {@link TextColumn} and {@link ComboBoxColumn} source code to * get reference on building your own column. * * Column that doesn't extend BaseColumn, i.e: {@link TickColumn} will be * skipped by export-to-excel and paste routine * * @author amrullah * @param <R> Record data type * @param <C> Column data type */ public class BaseColumn<R, C> extends TableColumn<R, C> { /** * used to get/set object method using introspection */ private String propertyName; private final SimpleObjectProperty<TableCriteria> tableCriteria = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(); private C searchValue; private Node filterImage = TiwulFXUtil.getGraphicFactory().createFilterGraphic(); private Pos alignment = Pos.BASELINE_LEFT; private ObservableMap<R, String> mapInvalid = FXCollections.observableHashMap(); private List<Validator<C>> lstValidator = new ArrayList<>(); private String nullLabel = TiwulFXUtil.DEFAULT_NULL_LABEL; private Map<R, RecordChange<R, C>> mapChangedRecord = new HashMap<>(); private StringConverter<C> stringConverter = new StringConverter<C>() { @Override public String toString(C t) { if (t == null) { return nullLabel; } else { return t.toString(); } } @Override public C fromString(String string) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(BaseColumn.class.getName() + ". The implementation class of BaseColum should provide string converter by calling setStringConverter() in constructor."); } }; TableCriteria<C> createSearchCriteria(TableCriteria.Operator operator, C value) { return new TableCriteria(propertyName, operator, value); } /** * * @param propertyName java bean property name to be used for get/set method * using introspection * @param prefWidth preferred column width */ public BaseColumn(String propertyName, double prefWidth) { this(propertyName, prefWidth, TiwulFXUtil.getLiteral(propertyName)); } /** * * @param propertyName java bean property name to be used for get/set method * using introspection * @param prefWidth preferred collumn width * @param columnHeader column header text. Default equals propertyName. This * text is localized */ public BaseColumn(String propertyName, double prefWidth, String columnHeader) { super(columnHeader); setPrefWidth(prefWidth); this.propertyName = propertyName; // setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<S, T>(propertyName)); tableCriteria.addListener(new InvalidationListener() { @Override public void invalidated(Observable observable) { if (tableCriteria.get() != null) { BaseColumn.this.setGraphic(filterImage); } else { BaseColumn.this.setGraphic(null); } } }); setCellValueFactory(new Callback<CellDataFeatures<R, C>, ObservableValue<C>>() { private SimpleObjectProperty<C> propertyValue; @Override public ObservableValue<C> call(CellDataFeatures<R, C> param) { /** * This code is adapted from {@link PropertyValueFactory#getCellDataReflectively(T) */ try { Object cellValue; if (getPropertyName().contains(".")) { cellValue = PropertyUtils.getNestedProperty(param.getValue(), getPropertyName()); } else { cellValue = PropertyUtils.getSimpleProperty(param.getValue(), getPropertyName()); } propertyValue = new SimpleObjectProperty<>((C) cellValue); return propertyValue; } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } catch (Exception ex) { /** * Ideally it catches * org.apache.commons.beanutils.NestedNullException. However * we need to import apachec bean utils library in FXML file * to be able to display it in Scene Builder. So, I decided * to catch Exception to avoid the import. */ return new SimpleObjectProperty<>(null); } } }); } public StringConverter<C> getStringConverter() { return this.stringConverter; } public void setStringConverter(StringConverter<C> stringConverter) { this.stringConverter = stringConverter; } /** * Property that holds applied criteria to column * * @return */ public SimpleObjectProperty<TableCriteria> tableCriteriaProperty() { return tableCriteria; } public String getNullLabel() { return nullLabel; } public void setNullLabel(String nullLabel) { this.nullLabel = nullLabel; } /** * Get criteria applied to this column * * @return * @see #tableCriteriaProperty() */ public TableCriteria getTableCriteria() { return tableCriteria.get(); } /** * Set criteria to be applied to column. If you are going to set criteria to * multiple columns, it is encouraged to call {@link TableControl#setReloadOnCriteriaChange(boolean) * } * and pass FALSE as parameter. It will disable autoreload on criteria * change. After assign all criteria, call * {@link TableControl#reloadFirstPage()}. You might want to set {@link TableControl#setReloadOnCriteriaChange(boolean) * } back to true after that. * * @param crit * @see TableControl#setReloadOnCriteriaChange(boolean) */ public void setTableCriteria(TableCriteria crit) { tableCriteria.set(crit); } /** * Gets propertyName passed in constructor * * @return */ public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } public void setPropertyName(String propertyName) { this.propertyName = propertyName; } /** * Get Search Menu Item that is displayed in Table context menu * * @return */ MenuItem getSearchMenuItem() { return null; } void setDefaultSearchValue(C searchValue) { this.searchValue = searchValue; } C getDefaultSearchValue() { return searchValue; } /** * Gets cell alignment * * @return */ public Pos getAlignment() { return alignment; } /** * Sets cell alignment * * @param alignment */ public void setAlignment(Pos alignment) { this.alignment = alignment; } private BooleanProperty filterable = new SimpleBooleanProperty(true); public BooleanProperty filterableProperty() { return filterable; } /** * Specifies whether right clicking the column will show menu item to do * filtering. If filterable is true, search menu item will be displayed in * context menu. */ public void setFilterable(boolean filterable) { this.filterable.set(filterable); } public boolean isFilterable() { return this.filterable.get(); } private BooleanProperty required = new SimpleBooleanProperty(false); /** * Set the field to required and cannot null. Some columns implementation * provide empty value that user can select if the column is not required. * * @param required */ public void setRequired(boolean required) { this.required.set(required); } public boolean isRequired() { return required.get(); } public BooleanProperty requiredProperty() { return required; } /** * Convert * <code>stringValue</code> to value that is acceptable by this column. * Avoid to override this method, override * {@link #convertFromString_Impl(java.lang.String) convertFromString_Impl} * instead. This method will throw runtime exception if stringValue * parameter is not empty but the conversion result is null. In case of * CheckBoxColumn, this method is overridden because CheckBoxColumn has * nullLabel for null value. * * @param stringValue * @return */ public final C convertFromString(String stringValue) { return stringConverter.fromString(stringValue); } /** * Convert * <code>value</code> to String as represented in TableControl * * @param value * @return */ public final String convertToString(C value) { return stringConverter.toString(value); } /** * Set the value displayed in this column for specified record to valid. To * set it to invalid call {@link #setInvalid} */ public void setValid(R record) { mapInvalid.remove(record); } /** * Set the value displayed in this column for specified record to invalid. * * @see #setValid() * @param invalidMessage */ public void setInvalid(R record, String invalidMessage) { mapInvalid.put(record, invalidMessage); } /** * Check whether specified record's value that displayed in this column is * valid. This checks against {@link #getInvalidRecordMap()}. If the record * is contained in the map that it is invalid. * * @param record * @return true for valid */ public boolean isValid(R record) { return !mapInvalid.containsKey(record); } /** * Get a Record-InvalidErrorMessage map that is managed by calls to {@link #setValid()} * and {@link #setInvalid()} * @return */ public ObservableMap<R, String> getInvalidRecordMap() { return mapInvalid; } /** * Add validator. The validator will be called with the same sequence the * validators are added to input controls. One validator instance is * reusable across columns, but only can be added once in a column. * * @param validator */ public void addValidator(Validator<C> validator) { if (!lstValidator.contains(validator)) { lstValidator.add(validator); } } public void removeValidator(Validator<C> validator) { lstValidator.remove(validator); } /** * Validate value contained in the input control. To make the input control * mandatory, call {@link #setRequired(boolean true)} * * @return false if invalid. True otherwise * @see #addValidator(com.panemu.tiwulfx.common.Validator) to add validator */ public boolean validate(R record) { C value = getCellData(record); if (required.get() && (value == null || (value instanceof String && value.toString().trim().length() == 0))) { String msg = TiwulFXUtil.getLiteral("field.mandatory"); setInvalid(record, msg); return false; } //do not trim if (value instanceof String && ((String) value).length() == 0) { value = null; } if (value != null) { for (Validator<C> validator : lstValidator) { String msg = validator.validate(value); if (msg != null && !"".equals(msg.trim())) { setInvalid(record, msg); return false; } } } setValid(record); if (popup != null && popup.isShowing()) { popup.hide(); } return true; } private PopupControl popup; Label errorLabel = new Label(); PopupControl getPopup(R record) { String msg = mapInvalid.get(record); if (popup == null) { popup = new PopupControl(); final HBox pnl = new HBox(); pnl.getChildren().add(errorLabel); pnl.getStyleClass().add("error-popup"); popup.setSkin(new Skin() { @Override public Skinnable getSkinnable() { return null; } @Override public Node getNode() { return pnl; } @Override public void dispose() { } }); popup.setHideOnEscape(true); } errorLabel.setText(msg); return popup; } private List<EditCommitListener<R, C>> lstEditCommitListener = new ArrayList<EditCommitListener<R, C>>(); /** * Register a listener to editCommit event. The {@link TableColumn#setOnEditCommit(javafx.event.EventHandler) TableColumn.setOnEditCommit()} * doesn't work properly with TiwulFX's TableControl because there is no way to get * the old value. * @param listener */ public void addEditCommitListener(EditCommitListener<R, C> listener) { if (!lstEditCommitListener.contains(listener)) { lstEditCommitListener.add(listener); } } /** * Remove a listener of editCommit event. * @param listener */ public void removeEditCommitListener(EditCommitListener<R, C> listener) { lstEditCommitListener.remove(listener); } private void fireEditCommitChangeEvent(R record, C oldValue, C newValue) { for (EditCommitListener listener : lstEditCommitListener) { listener.editCommited(this, record, oldValue, newValue); } } void addRecordChange(R record, C oldValue, C newValue) { if (mapChangedRecord.containsKey(record)) { RecordChange<R, C> rc = mapChangedRecord.get(record); rc.setNewValue(newValue); } else { RecordChange<R, C> rc = new RecordChange<>(record, getPropertyName(), oldValue, newValue); mapChangedRecord.put(record, rc); } /** * At this point, the value of the record is still the oldValue. The newValue * is assigned to the record after this method call ends (See TableControl oneditcommit). * In order the event is fired after the newValue is assigned, run the event in Platform.runLater */ Platform.runLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fireEditCommitChangeEvent(record, oldValue, newValue); } }); } // public void revertRecordChange(R record) { // RecordChange rc = mapChangedRecord.get(record); // if (rc != null) { // try { // PropertyUtils.setSimpleProperty(record, getPropertyName(), rc.getOldValue()); // mapChangedRecord.remove(record); // } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException | NoSuchMethodException ex) { // throw new RuntimeException(ex); // } // } // } void clearRecordChange() { mapChangedRecord.clear(); } Map<R, RecordChange<R, C>> getRecordChangeMap() { return mapChangedRecord; } private List<CellEditorListener<R, C>> lstValueChangeListener = new ArrayList<CellEditorListener<R, C>>(); protected List<CellEditorListener<R, C>> getCellEditorListeners() { return lstValueChangeListener; } /** * Listen to cell editor's value change before it is committed to table cell. * To listen to commit event see {@link #addEditCommitListener(com.panemu.tiwulfx.table.EditCommitListener) addEditCommitListener()} * @param selectedValueListener */ public void addCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener<R, C> selectedValueListener) { if (!lstValueChangeListener.contains(selectedValueListener)) { lstValueChangeListener.add(selectedValueListener); } } public void removeCellEditorListener(CellEditorListener<R, C> selectedValueListener) { lstValueChangeListener.remove(selectedValueListener); } }