Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 Palantir Technologies * * Licensed under the BSD-3 License (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.cassandra; import; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Cassandra.Client; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.CfDef; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.InvalidRequestException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.KsDef; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.NotFoundException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.SchemaDisagreementException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TimedOutException; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.TokenRange; import org.apache.cassandra.thrift.UnavailableException; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.palantir.atlasdb.cassandra.CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.InsufficientConsistencyException; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.api.TableReference; import com.palantir.atlasdb.keyvalue.cassandra.CassandraClientFactory.ClientCreationFailedException; import com.palantir.common.base.FunctionCheckedException; import com.palantir.common.concurrent.PTExecutors; /** * Feature breakdown: * - Pooling * - Token Aware Mapping / Query Routing / Data partitioning * - Retriable Queries * - Pool member error tracking / blacklisting* * - Pool refreshing * - Pool node autodiscovery * - Pool member health checking* * * *entirely new features * * By our old system, this would be a RefreshingRetriableTokenAwareHealthCheckingManyHostCassandraClientPoolingContainerManager; * ... this is one of the reasons why there is a new system. **/ public class CassandraClientPool { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CassandraClientPool.class); private static final int MAX_TRIES = 3; volatile RangeMap<LightweightOPPToken, List<InetSocketAddress>> tokenMap = ImmutableRangeMap.of(); Map<InetSocketAddress, Long> blacklistedHosts = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); Map<InetSocketAddress, CassandraClientPoolingContainer> currentPools = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); final CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig config; final ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor refreshDaemon; public static class LightweightOPPToken implements Comparable<LightweightOPPToken> { final byte[] bytes; public LightweightOPPToken(byte[] bytes) { this.bytes = bytes; } @Override public int compareTo(LightweightOPPToken other) { return UnsignedBytes.lexicographicalComparator().compare(this.bytes, other.bytes); } } public CassandraClientPool(CassandraKeyValueServiceConfig config) { this.config = config; refreshDaemon = PTExecutors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setDaemon(true).setNameFormat("CassandraClientPoolRefresh-%d").build()); refreshDaemon.scheduleWithFixedDelay(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { refreshPool(); } catch (Throwable t) { log.error( "Failed to refresh Cassandra KVS pool. Extended periods of being unable to refresh will cause perf degradation.", t); } } }, config.poolRefreshIntervalSeconds(), config.poolRefreshIntervalSeconds(), TimeUnit.SECONDS); config.servers() .forEach((server) -> currentPools.put(server, new CassandraClientPoolingContainer(server, config))); refreshPool(); // ensure we've initialized before returning } public void shutdown() { refreshDaemon.shutdown(); currentPools.forEach( (address, cassandraClientPoolingContainer) -> cassandraClientPoolingContainer.shutdownPooling()); } private synchronized void refreshPool() { checkAndUpdateBlacklist(); Set<InetSocketAddress> serversToAdd = Sets.newHashSet(config.servers()); Set<InetSocketAddress> serversToRemove = ImmutableSet.of(); if (config.autoRefreshNodes()) { refreshTokenRanges(); // re-use token mapping as list of hosts in the cluster for (List<InetSocketAddress> rangeOwners : tokenMap.asMapOfRanges().values()) { for (InetSocketAddress address : rangeOwners) { serversToAdd.add(address); } } } serversToAdd = Sets.difference(Sets.difference(serversToAdd, currentPools.keySet()), blacklistedHosts.keySet()); if (!config.autoRefreshNodes()) { // (we would just add them back in) serversToRemove = Sets.difference(currentPools.keySet(), config.servers()); } for (InetSocketAddress newServer : serversToAdd) { currentPools.put(newServer, new CassandraClientPoolingContainer(newServer, config)); } if (!(serversToAdd.isEmpty() && serversToRemove.isEmpty())) { // if we made any changes sanityCheckRingConsistency(); if (!config.autoRefreshNodes()) { // grab new token mapping, if we didn't already do this before refreshTokenRanges(); } } log.debug("Cassandra pool refresh added hosts {}, removed hosts {}.", serversToAdd, serversToRemove); debugLogStateOfPool(); } private void debugLogStateOfPool() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { StringBuilder currentState = new StringBuilder(); currentState.append(String.format("POOL STATUS: Current blacklist = %s,%n current hosts in pool = %s%n", blacklistedHosts.keySet().toString(), currentPools.keySet().toString())); for (Entry<InetSocketAddress, CassandraClientPoolingContainer> entry : currentPools.entrySet()) { int activeCheckouts = entry.getValue().getPoolUtilization(); int totalAllowed = entry.getValue().getPoolSize(); currentState.append(String.format( "\tPOOL STATUS: Pooled host %s has %s out of %s connections checked out.%n", entry.getKey(), activeCheckouts > 0 ? Integer.toString(activeCheckouts) : "(unknown)", totalAllowed > 0 ? Integer.toString(totalAllowed) : "(not bounded)")); } log.debug(currentState.toString()); } } private void checkAndUpdateBlacklist() { // Check blacklist and re-integrate or continue to wait as necessary for (Map.Entry<InetSocketAddress, Long> blacklistedEntry : blacklistedHosts.entrySet()) { long backoffTimeMillis = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(config.unresponsiveHostBackoffTimeSeconds()); if (blacklistedEntry.getValue() + backoffTimeMillis < System.currentTimeMillis()) { InetSocketAddress host = blacklistedEntry.getKey(); if (isHostHealthy(host)) { blacklistedHosts.remove(host); log.error( "Added host {} back into the pool after a waiting period and successful health check.", host); } } } } private void addToBlacklist(InetSocketAddress badHost) { blacklistedHosts.put(badHost, System.currentTimeMillis()); } private boolean isHostHealthy(InetSocketAddress host) { try { CassandraClientPoolingContainer testingContainer = new CassandraClientPoolingContainer(host, config); testingContainer.runWithPooledResource(describeRing); testingContainer.runWithPooledResource(validatePartitioner); } catch (Exception e) { log.error( "We tried to add {} back into the pool, but got an exception that caused to us distrust this host further.", host, e); return false; } return true; } private CassandraClientPoolingContainer getRandomGoodHost() { Map<InetSocketAddress, CassandraClientPoolingContainer> pools = currentPools; Set<InetSocketAddress> livingHosts = Sets.difference(pools.keySet(), blacklistedHosts.keySet()); if (livingHosts.isEmpty()) { log.error( "There are no known live hosts in the connection pool. We're choosing one at random in a last-ditch attempt at forward progress."); livingHosts = pools.keySet(); } return pools.get( ImmutableList.copyOf(livingHosts).get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(livingHosts.size()))); } public InetSocketAddress getRandomHostForKey(byte[] key) { List<InetSocketAddress> hostsForKey = tokenMap.get(new LightweightOPPToken(key)); SetView<InetSocketAddress> liveOwnerHosts; if (hostsForKey == null) { log.warn("Cluster not fully initialized, not routing query to correct host as not token map found."); return getRandomGoodHost().getHost(); } else { liveOwnerHosts = Sets.difference(ImmutableSet.copyOf(hostsForKey), blacklistedHosts.keySet()); } if (liveOwnerHosts.isEmpty()) { log.warn( "Perf / cluster stability issue. Token aware query routing has failed because there are no known " + "live hosts that claim ownership of the given range. Falling back to choosing a random live node. " + "For debugging, our current ring view is: {} and our current host blacklist is {}", tokenMap, blacklistedHosts); return getRandomGoodHost().getHost(); } else { return currentPools.get(ImmutableList.copyOf(liveOwnerHosts) .get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(liveOwnerHosts.size()))).getHost(); } } public void runOneTimeStartupChecks() { try { CassandraVerifier.ensureKeyspaceExistsAndIsUpToDate(this, config); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Startup checks failed, was not able to create the keyspace or ensure it already existed."); throw new RuntimeException(e); } Map<InetSocketAddress, Exception> completelyUnresponsiveHosts = Maps.newHashMap(), aliveButInvalidPartitionerHosts = Maps.newHashMap(); boolean thisHostResponded, atLeastOneHostResponded = false, atLeastOneHostSaidWeHaveAMetadataTable = false; for (InetSocketAddress liveHost : Sets.difference(currentPools.keySet(), blacklistedHosts.keySet())) { thisHostResponded = false; try { runOnHost(liveHost, CassandraVerifier.healthCheck); thisHostResponded = true; atLeastOneHostResponded = true; } catch (Exception e) { completelyUnresponsiveHosts.put(liveHost, e); addToBlacklist(liveHost); } if (thisHostResponded) { try { runOnHost(liveHost, validatePartitioner); } catch (Exception e) { aliveButInvalidPartitionerHosts.put(liveHost, e); } try { runOnHost(liveHost, createInternalMetadataTable); atLeastOneHostSaidWeHaveAMetadataTable = true; } catch (Exception e) { // don't fail here, want to give the user all the errors at once at the end } } } StringBuilder errorBuilderForEntireCluster = new StringBuilder(); if (completelyUnresponsiveHosts.size() > 0) { errorBuilderForEntireCluster.append( "Performing routine startup checks, determined that the following hosts are unreachable for the following reasons: \n"); completelyUnresponsiveHosts.forEach((host, exception) -> errorBuilderForEntireCluster .append(String.format("\tHost: %s was marked unreachable via exception: %s%n", host.toString(), exception.toString()))); } if (aliveButInvalidPartitionerHosts.size() > 0) { errorBuilderForEntireCluster.append( "Performing routine startup checks, determined that the following hosts were alive but are configured with an invalid partitioner: \n"); aliveButInvalidPartitionerHosts.forEach((host, exception) -> errorBuilderForEntireCluster .append(String.format("\tHost: %s was marked as invalid partitioner via exception: %s%n", host.toString(), exception.toString()))); } if (atLeastOneHostResponded && atLeastOneHostSaidWeHaveAMetadataTable && aliveButInvalidPartitionerHosts.size() == 0) { return; } else { throw new RuntimeException(errorBuilderForEntireCluster.toString()); } } //todo dedupe this into a name-demangling class that everyone can access protected static String internalTableName(TableReference tableRef) { String tableName = tableRef.getQualifiedName(); if (tableName.startsWith("_")) { return tableName; } return tableName.replaceFirst("\\.", "__"); } // for tables internal / implementation specific to this KVS; these also don't get metadata in metadata table, nor do they show up in getTablenames private void createTableInternal(Client client, final TableReference tableRef) throws InvalidRequestException, SchemaDisagreementException, TException, NotFoundException { KsDef ks = client.describe_keyspace(config.keyspace()); for (CfDef cf : ks.getCf_defs()) { if (cf.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(internalTableName(tableRef))) { return; } } CfDef cf = CassandraConstants.getStandardCfDef(config.keyspace(), internalTableName(tableRef)); client.system_add_column_family(cf); CassandraKeyValueServices.waitForSchemaVersions(client, tableRef.getQualifiedName(), config.schemaMutationTimeoutMillis()); return; } private void refreshTokenRanges() { try { List<TokenRange> tokenRanges = getRandomGoodHost().runWithPooledResource(describeRing); ImmutableRangeMap.Builder<LightweightOPPToken, List<InetSocketAddress>> newTokenRing = ImmutableRangeMap .builder(); for (TokenRange tokenRange : tokenRanges) { List<InetSocketAddress> hosts = Lists.transform(tokenRange.getEndpoints(), new Function<String, InetSocketAddress>() { @Override public InetSocketAddress apply(String endpoint) { return new InetSocketAddress(endpoint, CassandraConstants.DEFAULT_THRIFT_PORT); } }); LightweightOPPToken startToken = new LightweightOPPToken( BaseEncoding.base16().decode(tokenRange.getStart_token().toUpperCase())); LightweightOPPToken endToken = new LightweightOPPToken( BaseEncoding.base16().decode(tokenRange.getEnd_token().toUpperCase())); if (startToken.compareTo(endToken) <= 0) { newTokenRing.put(Range.openClosed(startToken, endToken), hosts); } else { // Handle wrap-around newTokenRing.put(Range.greaterThan(startToken), hosts); newTokenRing.put(Range.atMost(endToken), hosts); } } tokenMap =; } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Couldn't grab new token ranges for token aware cassandra mapping!", e); } } private FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, List<TokenRange>, Exception> describeRing = new FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, List<TokenRange>, Exception>() { @Override public List<TokenRange> apply(Cassandra.Client client) throws Exception { return client.describe_ring(config.keyspace()); } }; public <V, K extends Exception> V runWithRetry(FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, V, K> f) throws K { return runWithRetryOnHost(getRandomGoodHost().getHost(), f); } public <V, K extends Exception> V runWithRetryOnHost(InetSocketAddress specifiedHost, FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, V, K> f) throws K { int numTries = 0; while (true) { CassandraClientPoolingContainer hostPool = currentPools.get(specifiedHost); if (blacklistedHosts.containsKey(specifiedHost) || hostPool == null) { log.warn( "Randomly redirected a query intended for host {} because it was not currently a live member of the pool.", specifiedHost); hostPool = getRandomGoodHost(); } try { return hostPool.runWithPooledResource(f); } catch (Exception e) { numTries++; this.<K>handleException(numTries, hostPool.getHost(), e); } } } public <V, K extends Exception> V run(FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, V, K> f) throws K { return runOnHost(getRandomGoodHost().getHost(), f); } public <V, K extends Exception> V runOnHost(InetSocketAddress specifiedHost, FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, V, K> f) throws K { CassandraClientPoolingContainer hostPool = currentPools.get(specifiedHost); return hostPool.runWithPooledResource(f); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <K extends Exception> void handleException(int numTries, InetSocketAddress host, Exception e) throws K { if (isRetriableException(e)) { if (numTries >= MAX_TRIES) { if (e instanceof TTransportException && e.getCause() != null && (e.getCause().getClass() == SocketException.class)) { String msg = "Error writing to Cassandra socket. Likely cause: Exceeded maximum thrift frame size; unlikely cause: network issues."; log.error("Tried to connect to cassandra " + numTries + " times. " + msg, e); e = new TTransportException(((TTransportException) e).getType(), msg, e); } else { log.error("Tried to connect to cassandra " + numTries + " times.", e); } throw (K) e; } else { log.warn("Error occurred talking to cassandra. Attempt {} of {}.", numTries, MAX_TRIES, e); if (isConnectionException(e)) { addToBlacklist(host); } } } else { throw (K) e; } } // This method exists to verify a particularly nasty bug where cassandra doesn't have a // consistent ring across all of it's nodes. One node will think it owns more than the others // think it does and they will not send writes to it, but it will respond to requests // acting like it does. private void sanityCheckRingConsistency() { Multimap<Set<TokenRange>, InetSocketAddress> tokenRangesToHost = HashMultimap.create(); for (InetSocketAddress host : currentPools.keySet()) { Cassandra.Client client = null; try { client = CassandraClientFactory.getClientInternal(host, config.ssl(), config.socketTimeoutMillis(), config.socketQueryTimeoutMillis()); try { client.describe_keyspace(config.keyspace()); } catch (NotFoundException e) { return; // don't care to check for ring consistency when we're not even fully initialized } tokenRangesToHost.put(ImmutableSet.copyOf(client.describe_ring(config.keyspace())), host); } catch (Exception e) { log.warn("failed to get ring info from host: {}", host, e); } finally { if (client != null) { client.getOutputProtocol().getTransport().close(); } } if (tokenRangesToHost.isEmpty()) { log.warn( "Failed to get ring info for entire Cassandra cluster ({}); ring could not be checked for consistency.", config.keyspace()); return; } if (tokenRangesToHost.keySet().size() == 1) { // all nodes agree on a consistent view of the cluster. Good. return; } RuntimeException e = new IllegalStateException( "Hosts have differing ring descriptions. This can lead to inconsistent reads and lost data. "); log.error("QA-86204 " + e.getMessage() + tokenRangesToHost, e); // provide some easier to grok logging for the two most common cases if (tokenRangesToHost.size() > 2) { for (Map.Entry<Set<TokenRange>, Collection<InetSocketAddress>> entry : tokenRangesToHost.asMap() .entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().size() == 1) { log.error("Host: " + entry.getValue().iterator().next() + " disagrees with the other nodes about the ring state."); } } } if (tokenRangesToHost.keySet().size() == 2) { ImmutableList<Set<TokenRange>> sets = ImmutableList.copyOf(tokenRangesToHost.keySet()); Set<TokenRange> set1 = sets.get(0); Set<TokenRange> set2 = sets.get(1); log.error("Hosts are split. group1: " + tokenRangesToHost.get(set1) + " group2: " + tokenRangesToHost.get(set2)); } CassandraVerifier.logErrorOrThrow(e.getMessage(), config.safetyDisabled()); } } @VisibleForTesting static boolean isConnectionException(Throwable t) { return t != null && (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException || t instanceof ClientCreationFailedException || t instanceof UnavailableException || t instanceof NoSuchElementException || isConnectionException(t.getCause())); } @VisibleForTesting static boolean isRetriableException(Throwable t) { return t != null && (t instanceof TTransportException || t instanceof TimedOutException || t instanceof InsufficientConsistencyException || isConnectionException(t) || isRetriableException(t.getCause())); } final FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, Void, Exception> validatePartitioner = new FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, Void, Exception>() { @Override public Void apply(Cassandra.Client client) throws Exception { CassandraVerifier.validatePartitioner(client, config); return null; } }; final FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, Void, Exception> createInternalMetadataTable = new FunctionCheckedException<Cassandra.Client, Void, Exception>() { @Override public Void apply(Cassandra.Client client) throws Exception { createTableInternal(client, CassandraConstants.METADATA_TABLE); return null; } }; }