Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.orchestra.portale.controller; import com.orchestra.portale.dbManager.PersistenceManager; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.AbstractPoiComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.CompactWorkingDays; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.CompletePOI; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.ContactsComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.CoverImgComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.DescriptionComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.EmailContact; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.EnCompletePOI; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.EventsDateComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.EventsDates; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.EventsHours; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.FaxContact; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.GenericSocial; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.ImgGalleryComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.ImgGallery; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.LinkedPoi; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.LinkedPoiComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.PhoneContact; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.PricesComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.Section; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.ServicesComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.TicketPrice; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.WorkingHours; import com.orchestra.portale.persistence.mongo.documents.WorkingTimeComponent; import com.orchestra.portale.utils.InsertUtils; import static com.orchestra.portale.utils.InsertUtils.delimg; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; /** * * @author Alex */ @Controller @RequestMapping(value = "/admin") public class EditEventController { @Autowired PersistenceManager pm; @RequestMapping(value = "/editevent") public ModelAndView editPoi() { ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("editevent"); return model; } @RequestMapping(value = "/editevent", params = "name") public ModelAndView editPoi(@RequestParam(value = "name") String name) { ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("editeventform"); try { CompletePOI poi = pm.findOneCompletePoiByName(name); model.addObject("nome", poi.getName()); model.addObject("loc", poi.getLocation()); model.addObject("cat", poi.getCategories()); model.addObject("id", poi.getId()); model.addObject("shortD", poi.getShortDescription()); model.addObject("addr", poi.getAddress()); model.addObject("start", poi.getStart_date()); model.addObject("end", poi.getEnd_date()); for (AbstractPoiComponent comp : poi.getComponents()) { //associazione delle componenti al model tramite lo slug String slug = comp.slug(); int index = slug.lastIndexOf("."); String cname = slug.substring(index + 1).replace("Component", "").toLowerCase(); try { Class c = Class.forName(slug); model.addObject(cname, c.cast(comp)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PoiViewController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return model; } catch (RuntimeException e) { ModelAndView model2 = new ModelAndView("errorViewPoi"); model2.addObject("err", "Errore impossibile trovare il poi: " + e.toString()); return model2; } } @RequestMapping(value = "/editevent", params = "id") public ModelAndView editEventbyID(@RequestParam(value = "id") String id) { ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("editform"); try { CompletePOI poi = pm.getCompletePoiById(id); model.addObject("nome", poi.getName()); model.addObject("loc", poi.getLocation()); model.addObject("cat", poi.getCategories()); model.addObject("id", poi.getId()); model.addObject("shortD", poi.getShortDescription()); model.addObject("addr", poi.getAddress()); model.addObject("start", poi.getStart_date()); model.addObject("end", poi.getEnd_date()); for (AbstractPoiComponent comp : poi.getComponents()) { //associazione delle componenti al model tramite lo slug String slug = comp.slug(); int index = slug.lastIndexOf("."); String cname = slug.substring(index + 1).replace("Component", "").toLowerCase(); try { Class c = Class.forName(slug); model.addObject(cname, c.cast(comp)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(PoiViewController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } return model; } catch (RuntimeException e) { ModelAndView model2 = new ModelAndView("errorViewPoi"); model2.addObject("err", "Errore impossibile trovare il poi con id: " + id); return model2; } } @RequestMapping(value = "/updateevent", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView updateEvent(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestParam Map<String, String> params, @RequestParam(value = "file", required = false) MultipartFile[] files, @RequestParam(value = "cover", required = false) MultipartFile cover, @RequestParam(value = "fileprec", required = false) String[] fileprec, @RequestParam(value = "imgdel", required = false) String[] imgdel) throws InterruptedException { CompletePOI poi = pm.getCompletePoiById(params.get("id")); CoverImgComponent coverimg = new CoverImgComponent(); ArrayList<AbstractPoiComponent> listComponent = new ArrayList<AbstractPoiComponent>(); for (AbstractPoiComponent comp : poi.getComponents()) { //associazione delle componenti al model tramite lo slug String slug = comp.slug(); int index = slug.lastIndexOf("."); String cname = slug.substring(index + 1).replace("Component", "").toLowerCase(); if (cname.equals("coverimg")) { coverimg = (CoverImgComponent) comp; } } ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("editedpoi"); poi.setId(params.get("id")); ModelAndView model2 = new ModelAndView("errorViewPoi"); poi.setName(params.get("name")); poi.setVisibility("1"); poi.setAddress(params.get("address")); double lat = Double.parseDouble(params.get("latitude")); double longi = Double.parseDouble(params.get("longitude")); poi.setLocation(new double[] { lat, longi }); poi.setStart_date(params.get("datai")); poi.setEnd_date(params.get("dataf")); poi.setShortDescription(params.get("shortd")); int i = 1; ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); while (params.containsKey("category" + i)) { categories.add(params.get("category" + i)); model.addObject("nome", categories.get(i - 1)); i = i + 1; } poi.setCategories(categories); //componente cover if (!cover.isEmpty()) { coverimg.setLink("cover.jpg"); } listComponent.add(coverimg); //componente galleria immagini ImgGalleryComponent img_gallery = new ImgGalleryComponent(); ArrayList<ImgGallery> links = new ArrayList<ImgGallery>(); i = 0; if (files != null && files.length > 0) { while (i < files.length) { ImgGallery img = new ImgGallery(); Thread.sleep(100); Date date = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyyyyhmmssSSa"); String currentTimestamp = sdf.format(date); img.setLink("img_" + currentTimestamp + ".jpg"); if (params.containsKey("newcredit" + (i + 1))) { img.setCredit(params.get("newcredit" + (i + 1))); } i = i + 1; links.add(img); } } int iximg = 0; if (fileprec != null && fileprec.length > 0) { while (iximg < fileprec.length) { ImgGallery img = new ImgGallery(); img.setLink(fileprec[iximg]); if (params.containsKey("credit" + (iximg + 1))) { img.setCredit(params.get("credit" + (iximg + 1))); } iximg = iximg + 1; links.add(img); } } if ((fileprec != null && fileprec.length > 0) || (files != null && files.length > 0)) { img_gallery.setLinks(links); listComponent.add(img_gallery); } //componente contatti ContactsComponent contacts_component = new ContactsComponent(); //Recapiti telefonici i = 1; boolean contacts = false; if (params.containsKey("tel" + i)) { ArrayList<PhoneContact> phoneList = new ArrayList<PhoneContact>(); while (params.containsKey("tel" + i)) { PhoneContact phone = new PhoneContact(); if (params.containsKey("tel" + i)) { phone.setLabel(params.get("desctel" + i)); } phone.setNumber(params.get("tel" + i)); phoneList.add(phone); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setPhoneList(phoneList); } //Recapiti mail i = 1; if (params.containsKey("email" + i)) { ArrayList<EmailContact> emailList = new ArrayList<EmailContact>(); while (params.containsKey("email" + i)) { EmailContact email = new EmailContact(); if (params.containsKey("email" + i)) { email.setLabel(params.get("descemail" + i)); } email.setEmail(params.get("email" + i)); emailList.add(email); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setEmailsList(emailList); } //Recapiti fax i = 1; if (params.containsKey("fax" + i)) { ArrayList<FaxContact> faxList = new ArrayList<FaxContact>(); while (params.containsKey("fax" + i)) { FaxContact fax = new FaxContact(); if (params.containsKey("fax" + i)) { fax.setLabel(params.get("descfax" + i)); } fax.setFax(params.get("fax" + i)); faxList.add(fax); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setFaxList(faxList); } //Social predefiniti i = 1; if (params.containsKey("SN" + i)) { while (params.containsKey("SN" + i)) { if (params.get("SN" + i).equals("facebook")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setFacebook(params.get("LSN" + i)); } if (params.get("SN" + i).equals("twitter")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setTwitter(params.get("LSN" + i)); } if (params.get("SN" + i).equals("google")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setGoogle(params.get("LSN" + i)); } if (params.get("SN" + i).equals("skype")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setSkype(params.get("LSN" + i)); } i = i + 1; } } //Social personalizzati i = 1; if (params.containsKey("CSN" + i)) { ArrayList<GenericSocial> customsocial = new ArrayList<GenericSocial>(); while (params.containsKey("CSN" + i)) { GenericSocial social = new GenericSocial(); contacts = true; social.setLabel(params.get("CSN" + i)); social.setSocial(params.get("LCSN" + i)); customsocial.add(social); i = i + 1; } contacts_component.setSocialList(customsocial); } if (contacts == true) { listComponent.add(contacts_component); } //DESCRIPTION COMPONENT i = 1; if (params.containsKey("par" + i)) { ArrayList<Section> list = new ArrayList<Section>(); while (params.containsKey("par" + i)) { Section section = new Section(); if (params.containsKey("titolo" + i)) { section.setTitle(params.get("titolo" + i)); } section.setDescription(params.get("par" + i)); list.add(section); i = i + 1; } DescriptionComponent description_component = new DescriptionComponent(); description_component.setSectionsList(list); listComponent.add(description_component); } //Orari i = 1; int k = 1; boolean ok = false; String gg = ""; boolean[] aperto = new boolean[8]; EventsDateComponent workingtime = new EventsDateComponent(); if (params.containsKey("WD" + i + "start" + k + "H")) { ArrayList<EventsDates> workingdays = new ArrayList<EventsDates>(); while (params.containsKey("WD" + i)) { ArrayList<EventsHours> Listwh = new ArrayList<EventsHours>(); k = 1; while (params.containsKey("WD" + i + "start" + k + "H")) { EventsHours wh = new EventsHours(); wh.setStart(params.get("WD" + i + "start" + k + "H") + ":" + params.get("WD" + i + "start" + k + "M")); wh.setEnd( params.get("WD" + i + "end" + k + "H") + ":" + params.get("WD" + i + "end" + k + "M")); Listwh.add(wh); k = k + 1; } EventsDates cwd = new EventsDates(); cwd.setDate(params.get("WD" + i)); cwd.setHours(Listwh); workingdays.add(cwd); i = i + 1; } workingtime.setDates(workingdays); listComponent.add(workingtime); } i = 1; if (params.containsKey("type" + i)) { PricesComponent pc = new PricesComponent(); ArrayList<TicketPrice> tpList = new ArrayList<TicketPrice>(); while (params.containsKey("type" + i)) { TicketPrice tp = new TicketPrice(); tp.setType(params.get("type" + i)); double dp = Double.parseDouble(params.get("price" + i)); tp.setPrice(dp); tp.setType_description(params.get("typedesc" + i)); tpList.add(tp); i = i + 1; } pc.setPrices(tpList); listComponent.add(pc); } i = 1; if (params.containsKey("SERV" + i)) { ArrayList<String> servList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (params.containsKey("SERV" + i)) { servList.add(params.get("SERV" + i)); i = i + 1; } ServicesComponent servicescomponent = new ServicesComponent(); servicescomponent.setServicesList(servList); listComponent.add(servicescomponent); } poi.setComponents(listComponent); pm.savePoi(poi); CompletePOI poi2 = (CompletePOI) pm.findOneCompletePoiByName(poi.getName()); // POI INGLESE if (params.get("inglese").equals("true")) { addeng(params, poi2.getId(), coverimg, img_gallery); } else { EnCompletePOI enpoi = new EnCompletePOI(); enpoi.setAddress(poi.getAddress()); enpoi.setCategories(poi.getCategories()); enpoi.setId(poi.getId()); enpoi.setName(poi.getName()); enpoi.setShortDescription(poi.getShortDescription()); enpoi.setStart_date(poi.getStart_date()); enpoi.setEnd_date(poi.getEnd_date()); double enlat = Double.parseDouble(params.get("latitude")); double enlongi = Double.parseDouble(params.get("longitude")); poi.setLocation(new double[] { enlat, enlongi }); enpoi.setComponents(listComponent); pm.saveEnPoi(enpoi); } for (int z = 0; z < files.length; z++) { MultipartFile file = files[z]; try { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); // Creating the directory to store file HttpSession session = request.getSession(); ServletContext sc = session.getServletContext(); File dir = new File(sc.getRealPath("/") + "dist" + File.separator + "poi" + File.separator + "img" + File.separator + poi2.getId()); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } // Create the file on server File serverFile = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + links.get(z).getLink()); BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serverFile)); stream.write(bytes); stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return model; } } if (!cover.isEmpty()) { MultipartFile file = cover; try { byte[] bytes = file.getBytes(); // Creating the directory to store file HttpSession session = request.getSession(); ServletContext sc = session.getServletContext(); File dir = new File(sc.getRealPath("/") + "dist" + File.separator + "poi" + File.separator + "img" + File.separator + poi2.getId()); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdirs(); } // Create the file on server File serverFile = new File(dir.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + "cover.jpg"); BufferedOutputStream stream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(serverFile)); stream.write(bytes); stream.close(); } catch (Exception e) { return model; } } // DELETE IMMAGINI DA CANCELLARE if (imgdel != null && imgdel.length > 0) { for (int kdel = 0; kdel < imgdel.length; kdel++) { delimg(request, poi.getId(), imgdel[kdel]); } } return model; } public void addeng(Map<String, String> params, String id, CoverImgComponent cover, ImgGalleryComponent gallery) { EnCompletePOI enpoi = new EnCompletePOI(); enpoi.setId(id); enpoi.setName(params.get("enname")); enpoi.setAddress(params.get("enaddress")); double lat = Double.parseDouble(params.get("enlatitude")); double longi = Double.parseDouble(params.get("enlongitude")); enpoi.setLocation(new double[] { lat, longi }); enpoi.setShortDescription(params.get("enshortd")); enpoi.setStart_date(params.get("endatai")); enpoi.setEnd_date(params.get("endataf")); int i = 1; ArrayList<String> categories = new ArrayList<String>(); while (params.containsKey("encategory" + i)) { categories.add(params.get("encategory" + i)); i = i + 1; } enpoi.setCategories(categories); ArrayList<AbstractPoiComponent> listComponent = new ArrayList<AbstractPoiComponent>(); //componente contatti ContactsComponent contacts_component = new ContactsComponent(); //Recapiti telefonici i = 1; boolean contacts = false; if (params.containsKey("entel" + i)) { ArrayList<PhoneContact> phoneList = new ArrayList<PhoneContact>(); while (params.containsKey("entel" + i)) { PhoneContact phone = new PhoneContact(); if (params.containsKey("entel" + i)) { phone.setLabel(params.get("endesctel" + i)); } phone.setNumber(params.get("entel" + i)); phoneList.add(phone); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setPhoneList(phoneList); } //Recapiti mail i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enemail" + i)) { ArrayList<EmailContact> emailList = new ArrayList<EmailContact>(); while (params.containsKey("enemail" + i)) { EmailContact email = new EmailContact(); if (params.containsKey("enemail" + i)) { email.setLabel(params.get("endescemail" + i)); } email.setEmail(params.get("enemail" + i)); emailList.add(email); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setEmailsList(emailList); } //Recapiti fax i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enfax" + i)) { ArrayList<FaxContact> faxList = new ArrayList<FaxContact>(); while (params.containsKey("enfax" + i)) { FaxContact fax = new FaxContact(); if (params.containsKey("enfax" + i)) { fax.setLabel(params.get("endescfax" + i)); } fax.setFax(params.get("enfax" + i)); faxList.add(fax); i = i + 1; } contacts = true; contacts_component.setFaxList(faxList); } //Social predefiniti i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enSN" + i)) { while (params.containsKey("enSN" + i)) { if (params.get("enSN" + i).equals("facebook")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setFacebook(params.get("enLSN" + i)); } if (params.get("enSN" + i).equals("twitter")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setTwitter(params.get("enLSN" + i)); } if (params.get("enSN" + i).equals("google")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setGoogle(params.get("enLSN" + i)); } if (params.get("enSN" + i).equals("skype")) { contacts = true; contacts_component.setSkype(params.get("enLSN" + i)); } i = i + 1; } } //Social personalizzati i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enCSN" + i)) { ArrayList<GenericSocial> customsocial = new ArrayList<GenericSocial>(); while (params.containsKey("enCSN" + i)) { GenericSocial social = new GenericSocial(); contacts = true; social.setLabel(params.get("enCSN" + i)); social.setSocial(params.get("enLCSN" + i)); customsocial.add(social); i = i + 1; } contacts_component.setSocialList(customsocial); } if (contacts == true) { listComponent.add(contacts_component); } //DESCRIPTION COMPONENT i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enpar" + i)) { ArrayList<Section> list = new ArrayList<Section>(); while (params.containsKey("enpar" + i)) { Section section = new Section(); if (params.containsKey("entitolo" + i)) { section.setTitle(params.get("entitolo" + i)); } section.setDescription(params.get("enpar" + i)); list.add(section); i = i + 1; } DescriptionComponent description_component = new DescriptionComponent(); description_component.setSectionsList(list); listComponent.add(description_component); } //Orari i = 1; int k = 1; EventsDateComponent workingtime = new EventsDateComponent(); if (params.containsKey("enWD" + i + "start" + k + "H")) { ArrayList<EventsDates> workingdays = new ArrayList<EventsDates>(); while (params.containsKey("enWD" + i)) { ArrayList<EventsHours> Listwh = new ArrayList<EventsHours>(); k = 1; while (params.containsKey("enWD" + i + "start" + k + "H")) { EventsHours wh = new EventsHours(); wh.setStart(params.get("enWD" + i + "start" + k + "H") + ":" + params.get("enWD" + i + "start" + k + "M")); wh.setEnd(params.get("enWD" + i + "end" + k + "H") + ":" + params.get("enWD" + i + "end" + k + "M")); Listwh.add(wh); k = k + 1; } EventsDates cwd = new EventsDates(); cwd.setDate(params.get("enWD" + i)); cwd.setHours(Listwh); workingdays.add(cwd); i = i + 1; } workingtime.setDates(workingdays); listComponent.add(workingtime); } LinkedPoiComponent lpc = new LinkedPoiComponent(); ArrayList<LinkedPoi> alp = new ArrayList<LinkedPoi>(); i = 1; while (params.containsKey("enmot" + i)) { k = 1; ArrayList<String> aenpoi = new ArrayList<String>(); while (params.containsKey("enCOL" + i + "-" + k)) { aenpoi.add(params.get("enCOL" + i + "-" + k)); k++; } LinkedPoi lp = new LinkedPoi(); lp.setDescription(params.get("enmot" + i)); lp.setIdlist(aenpoi); alp.add(lp); i++; } lpc.setLinked(alp); if (params.containsKey("enmot1")) { listComponent.add(lpc); } i = 1; if (params.containsKey("entype" + i)) { PricesComponent pc = new PricesComponent(); ArrayList<TicketPrice> tpList = new ArrayList<TicketPrice>(); while (params.containsKey("entype" + i)) { TicketPrice tp = new TicketPrice(); tp.setType(params.get("entype" + i)); double dp = Double.parseDouble(params.get("enprice" + i)); tp.setPrice(dp); tp.setType_description(params.get("entypedesc" + i)); tpList.add(tp); i = i + 1; } pc.setPrices(tpList); listComponent.add(pc); } i = 1; if (params.containsKey("enSERV" + i)) { ArrayList<String> servList = new ArrayList<String>(); while (params.containsKey("enSERV" + i)) { servList.add(params.get("enSERV" + i)); i = i + 1; } ServicesComponent servicescomponent = new ServicesComponent(); servicescomponent.setServicesList(servList); listComponent.add(servicescomponent); } listComponent.add(cover); listComponent.add(gallery); enpoi.setComponents(listComponent); pm.saveEnPoi(enpoi); } }