Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 Paco Avila & Josep Llort * * No bytes were intentionally harmed during the development of this application. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.upload; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.client.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.openkm.frontend.client.Main; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.FileToUpload; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.GWTFileUploadResponse; import com.openkm.frontend.client.bean.GWTFileUploadingStatus; import com.openkm.frontend.client.constants.service.ErrorCode; import com.openkm.frontend.client.constants.ui.UIDesktopConstants; import com.openkm.frontend.client.constants.ui.UIFileUploadConstants; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMGeneralService; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMGeneralServiceAsync; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMRepositoryService; import com.openkm.frontend.client.service.OKMRepositoryServiceAsync; import com.openkm.frontend.client.util.Util; import com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.notify.NotifyPanel; /** * FancyFileUpload * * @author jllort */ public class FancyFileUpload extends Composite implements HasText, HasChangeHandlers { private final OKMGeneralServiceAsync generalService = (OKMGeneralServiceAsync) GWT .create(OKMGeneralService.class); private final OKMRepositoryServiceAsync repositoryService = (OKMRepositoryServiceAsync) GWT .create(OKMRepositoryService.class); /** * State definitions */ public static final int EMPTY_STATE = 1; public static final int PENDING_STATE = 2; public static final int UPLOADING_STATE = 3; public static final int UPLOADED_STATE = 4; public static final int FAILED_STATE = 5; public static final int MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT = 60; /** * OK message expected from file upload servlet to indicate successful upload. */ private static final String returnErrorMessage = "OKM-"; /** * Default delay for pending state, when delay over the form is submitted. */ private static final int PENDING_UPDATE_DELAY = 1000; private static final int REFRESH_STATUS_DELAY = 250; /** * Initial State of the widget. */ private int widgetState = EMPTY_STATE; private VerticalPanel mainPanel = new VerticalPanel(); public CheckBox notifyToUser = new CheckBox(); private HorizontalPanel hIncreaseVersionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private CheckBox increaseMajorVersion = new CheckBox(); private CheckBox increaseMinorVersion = new CheckBox(); private CheckBox importZip = new CheckBox(); private HTML versionCommentText = new HTML(); private HorizontalPanel hNotifyPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); private HorizontalPanel hUnzipPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); public NotifyPanel notifyPanel = new NotifyPanel(); private HTML versionHTMLBR; private TextArea versionComment; private ScrollPanel versionCommentScrollPanel; public TextBox mails; public TextBox users; public TextBox roles; private TextArea message; private VerticalPanel vNotifyPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private VerticalPanel vVersionCommentPanel = new VerticalPanel(); private HTML commentTXT; private ScrollPanel messageScroll; public HTML errorNotify; private ProgressBar progressBar; private TextFormatter progressiveFormater; private TextFormatter finalFormater; private boolean wizard = false; private int action = UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_NONE; private FileUploadForm uploadForm; private List<FileToUpload> filesToUpload = new ArrayList<FileToUpload>(); private List<FileToUpload> pendingFileToUpload = new ArrayList<FileToUpload>(); private FileToUpload actualFileToUpload; private List<FileToUpload> uploadedWorkflowFiles = new ArrayList<FileToUpload>(); private DisclosurePanel diclousureFilesPanel; private VerticalPanel pendingFilePanel; /** * Internal timer for checking if pending delay is over. */ private Timer p; /** * Widget representing file to be uploaded. */ private UploadDisplay uploadItem; /** * FileName to be uploaded */ String fileName = ""; /** * Uploading status */ private GWTFileUploadingStatus fileUploadingStatus = new GWTFileUploadingStatus(); private boolean fileUplodingStartedFlag = false; /** * Class used for the display of filename to be uploaded, and handling the update of the display states. */ protected class UploadDisplay extends Composite { /** * Label to display after file widget is filled with a filename */ HTML status = new HTML(); /** * Label to display if some error on unzip uplaoded file */ HTML statusZipNotify; ScrollPanel statusZipNotifyScroll; /** * Panel to hold the widget */ FlowPanel mainPanel = new FlowPanel(); /** * Panel to hold pending, loading, loaded or failed state details. */ VerticalPanel pendingPanel = new VerticalPanel(); VerticalPanel hFileUpload = new VerticalPanel(); /** * Constructor */ public UploadDisplay() { hFileUpload.setWidth("350"); status.setWidth("100%"); status.setWordWrap(true); status.setHorizontalAlignment(HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); // Adds error panel when zip file is uploaded statusZipNotify = new HTML(); statusZipNotify.setSize("100%", "100%"); statusZipNotify.setVisible(true); statusZipNotifyScroll = new ScrollPanel(statusZipNotify); statusZipNotifyScroll.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(false); statusZipNotifyScroll.setVisible(false); statusZipNotifyScroll.setSize("375", "100"); statusZipNotifyScroll.setStyleName("okm-Bookmark-Panel"); statusZipNotifyScroll.addStyleName("okm-Input"); progressiveFormater = new TextFormatter() { @Override protected String getText(ProgressBar bar, double curProgress) { String text = ""; text += Util.formatSize(curProgress); text += " " + Main.i18n("fileupload.status.of") + " "; text += Util.formatSize(progressBar.getMaxProgress()); text += " " + (int) (100 * progressBar.getPercent()) + "% "; return text; } }; finalFormater = new TextFormatter() { @Override protected String getText(ProgressBar bar, double curProgress) { String text = " " + (int) (100 * progressBar.getPercent()) + "% "; return text; } }; progressBar = new ProgressBar(); progressBar.setTextFormatter(progressiveFormater); HorizontalPanel hPBPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hPBPanel.add(progressBar); hPBPanel.setCellVerticalAlignment(progressBar, HasAlignment.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // Corrects some problem with centering progress status hPBPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(progressBar, HasAlignment.ALIGN_LEFT); progressBar.setSize("360", "20"); pendingPanel.setWidth("375"); pendingPanel.setVisible(true); pendingPanel.add(status); pendingPanel.add(hPBPanel); pendingPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hPBPanel, HasAlignment.ALIGN_CENTER); diclousureFilesPanel = new DisclosurePanel(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.pending.queue")); pendingFilePanel = new VerticalPanel(); diclousureFilesPanel.add(pendingFilePanel); diclousureFilesPanel.setVisible(false); mainPanel.add(pendingPanel); mainPanel.add(diclousureFilesPanel); mainPanel.add(hFileUpload); mainPanel.add(statusZipNotifyScroll); initWidget(mainPanel); } /** * Set the widget into pending mode by altering style of pending panel and displaying it. Hide the FileUpload * widget and finally set the state to Pending. */ private void setPending() { if (fileName.length() > (MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 20)) { status.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.status.sending") + " " + fileName.substring(0, (MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT - 20)) + " ..."); } else { status.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.status.sending") + " " + fileName); } pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-pending"); widgetState = PENDING_STATE; fireChange(); } /** * Set the widget into Loading mode by changing the style name and updating the widget State to Uploading. */ public void setLoading() { pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-loading"); pendingPanel.setVisible(true); widgetState = UPLOADING_STATE; fileUplodingStartedFlag = true; // Active flash uploading is started getFileUploadStatus(); fireChange(); } /** * Set the widget into pending mode by altering style of pending panel and displaying it. Hide the FileUpload * widget and finally set the state to Pending. */ private void setProcessing() { status.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.status.processing")); } /** * Set the widget to Loaded mode by changing the style name and updating the widget State to Loaded. */ private void setLoaded() { // Sometimes if upload is fast, has no time to getting file uploading status // information on this cases must be setting it directly ( simulating ) if (fileUploadingStatus.getContentLength() == 0) { progressBar.setTextFormatter(finalFormater); progressBar.setMaxProgress(100); progressBar.setProgress(100); } pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-loaded"); status.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.status.ok")); widgetState = UPLOADED_STATE; fileUplodingStartedFlag = false; // normal case is not a workflow if (!wizard && actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() == null) { refresh(); } fireChange(); Main.get().mainPanel.dashboard.userDashboard.getUserLastModifiedDocuments(); Main.get().mainPanel.dashboard.userDashboard.getUserCheckedOutDocuments(); Main.get().mainPanel.dashboard.userDashboard.getUserLastUploadedDocuments(); Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getUserDocumentsSize(); uploadNewPendingFile(); } /** * Set the widget to Failed mode by changing the style name and updating the widget State to Failed. * Additionally, hide the pending panel and display the FileUpload widget. */ private void setFailed(String msg) { // Sometimes if upload is fast, has no time to getting file uploading status // information on this cases must be setting it directly ( simulating ) if (fileUploadingStatus.getContentLength() == 0) { progressBar.setTextFormatter(finalFormater); progressBar.setMaxProgress(100); progressBar.setProgress(100); } status.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.status.error")); if (importZip.getValue()) { statusZipNotify.setHTML(msg.replaceAll("\n", "<br/>")); statusZipNotifyScroll.setVisible(true); pendingPanel.setVisible(true); Main.get().showError(fileName, new Throwable(Main.i18n(""))); } else if (msg.contains(returnErrorMessage)) { Main.get().showError(fileName, new Throwable(Main.i18n(msg.substring(msg.indexOf("OKM"), msg.indexOf("OKM") + 10)))); } else { Main.get().showError(fileName, new Throwable(Main.i18n("") + " (" + msg + ")")); } pendingPanel.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-failed"); widgetState = FAILED_STATE; fileUplodingStartedFlag = false; refresh(); fireChange(); uploadNewPendingFile(); } /** * Reset the display */ private void reset(boolean enableImport, boolean enableNotifyButton) { widgetState = EMPTY_STATE; fireChange(); // Reseting values increaseMajorVersion.setValue(false); increaseMinorVersion.setValue(false); increaseMajorVersion.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.increment.major.version")); increaseMinorVersion.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.increment.minor.version")); fileName = ""; status.setText(""); statusZipNotify.setText(""); statusZipNotifyScroll.setVisible(false); message.setText(""); versionComment.setText(""); mails.setText(""); users.setText(""); roles.setText(""); notifyPanel.reset(); getAllUsers(); // On on root stack panel enabled must be enabled notify to user option if (Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.navigator.getStackIndex() != UIDesktopConstants.NAVIGATOR_TAXONOMY) { hNotifyPanel.setVisible(enableNotifyButton); } else { hNotifyPanel.setVisible(enableNotifyButton); } errorNotify.setVisible(false); vNotifyPanel.setVisible(false); notifyToUser.setValue(false); importZip.setValue(false); hFileUpload.setVisible(true); pendingPanel.setVisible(false); hUnzipPanel.setVisible(enableImport); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(action == UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_UPDATE); resetProgressBar(); } /** * resetWhileUploading */ public void resetWhileUploading(boolean enableImport, boolean enableNotifyButton) { // Reseting values increaseMajorVersion.setValue(false); increaseMinorVersion.setValue(false); statusZipNotify.setText(""); statusZipNotifyScroll.setVisible(false); message.setText(""); versionComment.setText(""); users.setText(""); roles.setText(""); notifyPanel.reset(); getAllUsers(); // On on root stack panel enabled must be enabled notify to user option if (Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.navigator.getStackIndex() != UIDesktopConstants.NAVIGATOR_TAXONOMY) { hNotifyPanel.setVisible(enableNotifyButton); } else { hNotifyPanel.setVisible(enableNotifyButton); } vNotifyPanel.setVisible(false); notifyToUser.setValue(false); importZip.setValue(false); hFileUpload.setVisible(true); hUnzipPanel.setVisible(enableImport); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(action == UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_UPDATE); } /** * Inits values before reset ( used to correct center panel ) */ private void init() { vNotifyPanel.setVisible(true); } } /** * Refresh folders and documents */ public void refresh() { if (importZip.getValue()) { Main.get().activeFolderTree.refresh(true); } else { Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser.refresh(Main.get().activeFolderTree.getActualPath()); } } /** * Perform the uploading of a file by changing state of display widget and then calling form.submit() method. */ private void uploadFiles() { FileUploadForm uploadForm = pendingFileToUpload.get(0).getUploadForm(); // Store some values to uploadForm uploadForm.setNotifyToUser(notifyToUser.getValue()); uploadForm.setImportZip(importZip.getValue()); uploadForm.setVersionCommnent(versionComment.getText()); uploadForm.setMails(mails.getText()); uploadForm.setUsers(users.getText()); uploadForm.setRoles(roles.getText()); uploadForm.setMessage(message.getText()); if (increaseMajorVersion.getValue()) { uploadForm.setIncreaseVersion(1); } else if (increaseMinorVersion.getValue()) { uploadForm.setIncreaseVersion(2); } else { uploadForm.setIncreaseVersion(0); } uploadForm.setVisible(false); enqueueFileToUpload(new ArrayList<FileToUpload>(Arrays.asList(pendingFileToUpload.remove(0)))); // Ensure comment is hidden ( we're comming from updating file ) versionComment.setVisible(false); versionCommentText.setVisible(false); versionHTMLBR.setVisible(false); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(false); } /** * Put the widget into a Pending state, set the Pending delay timer to call the upload file method when ran out. */ public void pendingUpload() { // Fire an onChange event to anyone who is listening uploadFiles(); } /** * FancyFileUpload. */ public FancyFileUpload() { // Create a new upload display widget uploadItem = new UploadDisplay(); // Add the new widget to the panel. mainPanel.add(uploadItem); // Adds error panel, whem user select notify but not select any user errorNotify = new HTML(Main.i18n("")); errorNotify.setWidth("370"); errorNotify.setVisible(false); errorNotify.setStyleName("fancyfileupload-failed"); mainPanel.add(errorNotify); // Adds version comment versionHTMLBR = new HTML("<br/>"); mainPanel.add(versionHTMLBR); versionComment = new TextArea(); versionComment.setWidth("375"); versionComment.setHeight("50"); versionComment.setName("comment"); versionComment.setStyleName("okm-TextArea"); versionCommentText = new HTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.comment")); // TODO This is a workaround for a Firefox 2 bug // // Table for solve some visualization problems versionCommentScrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(versionComment); versionCommentScrollPanel.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(false); versionCommentScrollPanel.setSize("100%", "100%"); vVersionCommentPanel.add(versionCommentText); vVersionCommentPanel.add(versionCommentScrollPanel); mainPanel.add(vVersionCommentPanel); // Increase version increaseMajorVersion.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { increaseMinorVersion.setValue(false); } }); increaseMinorVersion.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { increaseMajorVersion.setValue(false); } }); hIncreaseVersionPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hIncreaseVersionPanel.add(increaseMajorVersion); hIncreaseVersionPanel.add(Util.hSpace("5")); hIncreaseVersionPanel.add(increaseMinorVersion); mainPanel.add(hIncreaseVersionPanel); // Ads unzip file importZip = new CheckBox(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.importZip")); importZip.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (importZip.getValue()) { notifyToUser.setValue(false); vNotifyPanel.setVisible(false); } } }); importZip.setName("importZip"); hUnzipPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hUnzipPanel.add(importZip); mainPanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); mainPanel.add(hUnzipPanel); // Adds the notify checkbox mails = new TextBox(); mails.setName("mails"); mails.setVisible(false); users = new TextBox(); users.setName("users"); users.setVisible(false); roles = new TextBox(); roles.setName("roles"); roles.setVisible(false); notifyToUser = new CheckBox(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.users.notify")); notifyToUser.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { if (notifyToUser.getValue()) { vNotifyPanel.setVisible(true); importZip.setValue(false); // TODO:Solves minor bug with IE if (Util.getUserAgent().startsWith("ie")) { notifyPanel.tabPanel.setWidth("374"); notifyPanel.tabPanel.setWidth("375"); notifyPanel.correcIEBug(); } } else { errorNotify.setVisible(false); vNotifyPanel.setVisible(false); } } }); notifyToUser.setName("notify"); hNotifyPanel = new HorizontalPanel(); hNotifyPanel.add(notifyToUser); mainPanel.add(hNotifyPanel); mainPanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); // The notify user tables message = new TextArea(); commentTXT = new HTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.notify.comment")); message.setName("message"); message.setSize("375", "60"); message.setStyleName("okm-TextArea"); vNotifyPanel = new VerticalPanel(); vNotifyPanel.add(commentTXT); // TODO This is a workaround for a Firefox 2 bug // messageScroll = new ScrollPanel(message); messageScroll.setAlwaysShowScrollBars(false); vNotifyPanel.add(messageScroll); vNotifyPanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); vNotifyPanel.add(notifyPanel); vNotifyPanel.add(new HTML("<br/>")); mainPanel.add(mails); mainPanel.add(users); mainPanel.add(roles); mainPanel.add(vNotifyPanel); // Set align to panels mainPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hNotifyPanel, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); mainPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(hUnzipPanel, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT); mainPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(vNotifyPanel, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); mainPanel.setCellHorizontalAlignment(vVersionCommentPanel, HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_CENTER); // Initialize users getAllUsers(); // Initialize the widget. initWidget(mainPanel); } /** * Reset he upload */ public void reset(boolean enableImport, boolean enableNotifyButton) { uploadItem.reset(enableImport, enableNotifyButton); } /** * Init he upload */ public void init() { uploadItem.init(); } /** * Get the text from the widget - which in reality will be retrieving any value set in the Label element of the * display widget. */ public String getText() { return uploadItem.status.getText(); } /** * Cannot set the text of a File Upload Widget, so raise an exception. */ public void setText(String text) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot set text of a FileUpload Widget"); } /** * Retrieve the status of the upload widget. * * @return Status of upload widget. */ public int getUploadState() { return widgetState; } /** * isWizard */ public boolean isWizard() { return wizard; } /** * fire a change event */ private void fireChange() { NativeEvent nativeEvent = Document.get().createChangeEvent(); ChangeEvent.fireNativeEvent(nativeEvent, this); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see * .google.gwt.event.dom.client.ChangeHandler) */ @Override public HandlerRegistration addChangeHandler(ChangeHandler handler) { return addDomHandler(handler, ChangeEvent.getType()); } /** * getAction */ public int getAction() { return action; } /** * setAction */ public void setAction(int action) { this.action = action; switch (action) { case UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_INSERT: versionComment.setVisible(false); versionCommentText.setVisible(false); versionHTMLBR.setVisible(false); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(false); break; case UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_UPDATE: versionComment.setVisible(true); versionCommentText.setVisible(true); versionHTMLBR.setVisible(true); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(true); break; } } /** * Refreshing language */ public void langRefresh() { notifyToUser.setText(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.users.notify")); increaseMajorVersion.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.increment.major.version")); increaseMinorVersion.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.increment.minor.version")); importZip.setText(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.importZip")); versionCommentText.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.comment")); commentTXT.setHTML(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.notify.comment")); diclousureFilesPanel.getHeaderTextAccessor().setText(Main.i18n("fileupload.label.pending.queue")); notifyPanel.langRefresh(); } /** * Call back get file upload status */ final AsyncCallback<GWTFileUploadingStatus> callbackGetFileUploadStatus = new AsyncCallback<GWTFileUploadingStatus>() { public void onSuccess(GWTFileUploadingStatus result) { fileUploadingStatus = result; if (fileUplodingStartedFlag) { if (result.isStarted()) { if (result.getContentLength() != 0 && result.getContentLength() == result.getBytesRead()) { result.setUploadFinish(true); uploadItem.setProcessing(); } if (result.isUploadFinish()) { progressBar.setTextFormatter(finalFormater); } progressBar.setMaxProgress(fileUploadingStatus.getContentLength()); progressBar.setProgress(fileUploadingStatus.getBytesRead()); Main.get().mainPanel.topPanel.setPercentageUploading((int) (100 * progressBar.getPercent())); } if (!result.isUploadFinish()) { refreshStatus(); } } } public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // Main.get().showError("getFileUploadStatus", caught); // Silent error ( if bandwidth is full used by uploading treat could cause RPC error while updating, that's // more visible when uploading file is bigger ). refreshStatus(); } }; /** * */ private void refreshStatus() { Timer refreshStatus = new Timer() { @Override public void run() { getFileUploadStatus(); } }; refreshStatus.schedule(REFRESH_STATUS_DELAY); } /** * Resets the progress bar and all related values */ private void resetProgressBar() { fileUplodingStartedFlag = false; fileUploadingStatus = new GWTFileUploadingStatus(); progressBar.setMinProgress(0); progressBar.setMaxProgress(0); progressBar.setProgress(0); progressBar.setTextFormatter(progressiveFormater); } /** * Gets all users */ private void getAllUsers() { notifyPanel.getAll(); } private void getFileUploadStatus() { generalService.getFileUploadStatus(callbackGetFileUploadStatus); } /** * disableErrorNotify */ public void disableErrorNotify() { errorNotify.setVisible(false); } /** * enableAdvancedFilter */ public void enableAdvancedFilter() { notifyPanel.enableAdvancedFilter(); } /** * enableNotifyExternalUsers */ public void enableNotifyExternalUsers() { notifyPanel.enableNotifyExternalUsers(); } /** * setIncrementalVersion */ public void setIncreaseVersion(int incrementVersion) { if (incrementVersion == 0) { mainPanel.remove(hIncreaseVersionPanel); } else if (incrementVersion == 1) { hIncreaseVersionPanel.remove(increaseMinorVersion); } } /** * getFileName */ public String getFilename() { if (pendingFileToUpload.size() > 0) { return pendingFileToUpload.get(0).getUploadForm().getFileName(); } else { return null; } } /** * getUploadForm */ public FileUploadForm getUploadForm() { return uploadForm; } /** * @param filesToUpload */ public void enqueueFileToUpload(Collection<FileToUpload> filesToUpload) { this.filesToUpload.addAll(filesToUpload); for (FileToUpload fileToUpload : filesToUpload) { if (fileToUpload.getUploadForm() != null) { addFileNameToPendingPanel(fileToUpload.getUploadForm().getFileName()); } else { addFileNameToPendingPanel(fileToUpload.getFileUpload().getFilename()); } } if (actualFileToUpload == null) { uploadNewPendingFile(); } else { setAction(actualFileToUpload.getAction()); if (widgetState == UPLOADING_STATE) { uploadItem.hFileUpload.setVisible(false); uploadItem.pendingPanel.setVisible(true); } Main.get().mainPanel.topPanel.setPendingFilesToUpload(calculatePendingFilesToUpload()); diclousureFilesPanel.setVisible(filesToUpload.size() > 0); } } /** * addFileNameToPendingPanel */ private void addFileNameToPendingPanel(String fileName) { // Get name from linux or windows path if (fileName.contains("/")) { fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } else if (fileName.contains("\\")) { fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1); } if (fileName.length() > MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT) { pendingFilePanel.add(new HTML(fileName.substring(0, MAX_FILENAME_LENGHT) + " ...")); } else { pendingFilePanel.add(new HTML(fileName)); } } /** * calculatePendingFilesToUpload */ private int calculatePendingFilesToUpload() { if (actualFileToUpload != null) { return 1 + filesToUpload.size(); } else { return filesToUpload.size(); } } /** * addPendingFileToUpload */ public void addPendingFileToUpload(FileToUpload pendingFileToUpload) { this.pendingFileToUpload.clear(); // There's only one element in list ( because we don't want to not // implementing clone in FileToUpload ) this.pendingFileToUpload.add(pendingFileToUpload); // pendingFileToUpload.getFileUpload().getElement().setPropertyBoolean("multiple", true); // Test to select // several documents at same time pendingFileToUpload .setUploadForm(new FileUploadForm(pendingFileToUpload.getFileUpload(), FileToUpload.DEFAULT_SIZE)); uploadItem.hFileUpload.add(pendingFileToUpload.getUploadForm()); setAction(pendingFileToUpload.getAction()); // Action show / hides some panels if (actualFileToUpload == null && filesToUpload.size() == 0) { Main.get().fileUpload.showPopup(pendingFileToUpload.isEnableAddButton(), pendingFileToUpload.isEnableImport(), true); Main.get().fileUpload.setModal(true); } else { uploadItem.resetWhileUploading(pendingFileToUpload.isEnableAddButton(), pendingFileToUpload.isEnableImport()); Main.get(); Main.get().fileUpload.setModal(true); // TODO:Solves minor bug with IE if (Util.getUserAgent().startsWith("ie")) { notifyPanel.tabPanel.setWidth("374"); notifyPanel.tabPanel.setWidth("375"); notifyPanel.correcIEBug(); } } } /** * isPendingFileToUpload */ public boolean isPendingFileToUpload() { return pendingFileToUpload.size() > 0; } /** * isPendingOnFileUploadQueue */ public boolean isPendingOnFileUploadQueue() { return filesToUpload.size() > 0; } /** * isActualFileUplading */ public boolean isActualFileUploading() { return actualFileToUpload != null; } /** * uploadPendingFile */ public void uploadNewPendingFile() { // Execute pending workflows if (actualFileToUpload != null && actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() != null && actualFileToUpload.isLastToBeUploaded()) { uploadedWorkflowFiles.add(actualFileToUpload.clone()); executeWorkflow(actualFileToUpload.getWorkflowTaskId()); } if (!filesToUpload.isEmpty()) { actualFileToUpload = filesToUpload.remove(0); pendingFilePanel.remove(0); // Here always with default size if (actualFileToUpload.getUploadForm() == null) { actualFileToUpload.setUploadForm( new FileUploadForm(actualFileToUpload.getFileUpload(), FileToUpload.DEFAULT_SIZE)); } final FileUploadForm uploadForm = actualFileToUpload.getUploadForm(); uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); uploadItem.hFileUpload.add(uploadForm); uploadForm.setVisible(false); actualFileToUpload.getUploadForm().setPath(actualFileToUpload.getPath()); actualFileToUpload.getUploadForm().setAction(String.valueOf(actualFileToUpload.getAction())); actualFileToUpload.getUploadForm().setRename(actualFileToUpload.getDesiredDocumentName()); setAction(actualFileToUpload.getAction()); addSubmitCompleteHandler(uploadForm); // Case fileupload is workflow notify to users must be disabled ( popup hidden then (modal==false) ) if (!Main.get().fileUpload.isModal() && actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() != null) { Main.get().fileUpload.showPopup(actualFileToUpload.isEnableAddButton(), actualFileToUpload.isEnableImport(), (actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() == null)); } fileName = uploadForm.getFileName(); uploadItem.setPending(); Main.get().mainPanel.topPanel.setPercentageUploading(0); p = new Timer() { public void run() { uploadItem.setLoading(); uploadForm.submit(); } }; p.schedule(PENDING_UPDATE_DELAY); } else { if (actualFileToUpload != null && actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() != null) { Main.get().fileUpload.executeClose(); } actualFileToUpload = null; } Main.get().mainPanel.topPanel.setPendingFilesToUpload(calculatePendingFilesToUpload()); diclousureFilesPanel.setVisible(filesToUpload.size() > 0); } /** * executeWorkflow */ private void executeWorkflow(double taskId) { List<FileToUpload> uploadedFiles = new ArrayList<FileToUpload>(); for (FileToUpload uploaded : uploadedWorkflowFiles) { if (uploaded.getWorkflowTaskId() == taskId) { uploadedFiles.add(uploaded); } } actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow().setTaskInstanceValues(actualFileToUpload.getWorkflowTaskId(), actualFileToUpload.getWorkflowTransition(), uploadedFiles); } /** * cancel */ public void close() { // Clean empty upload forms int i = 0; while (i < uploadItem.hFileUpload.getWidgetCount()) { FileUploadForm uploadForm = (FileUploadForm) uploadItem.hFileUpload.getWidget(i); if (uploadForm.isVisible()) { uploadItem.hFileUpload.remove(uploadForm); } else { i++; } } } /** * resetOnlyShowUploading */ public void resetOnlyShowUploading() { hNotifyPanel.setVisible(false); hUnzipPanel.setVisible(false); hIncreaseVersionPanel.setVisible(false); } /** * addSubmitCompleteHandler */ private FileUploadForm addSubmitCompleteHandler(final FileUploadForm uploadForm) { // Add an event handler to the form. uploadForm.addSubmitCompleteHandler(new SubmitCompleteHandler() { @Override public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) { // Fire an onChange Event fireChange(); // Cancel all timers to be absolutely sure nothing is going on. p.cancel(); // Ensure that the form encoding is set correctly. uploadForm.setEncoding(FormPanel.ENCODING_MULTIPART); // Check the result to see if an OK message is returned from the server. // Return params could be <pre> or <pre style=""> with some IE and chrome GWTFileUploadResponse fuResponse = new GWTFileUploadResponse(event.getResults()); if (fuResponse.getError().equals("")) { String docPath = fuResponse.getPath(); // Normal case document uploaded is not a workflow if (actualFileToUpload.getWorkflow() == null) { // Case is not importing a zip and wizard is enabled if (fuResponse.isHasAutomation()) { // If is importing file as zip wizard should be disabled if (!uploadForm.isImportZip() && (fuResponse.isDigitalSignature() || fuResponse.isShowWizardCategories() || fuResponse.isShowWizardKeywords() || fuResponse.getGroupsList().size() > 0 || fuResponse.getWorkflowList().size() > 0)) { Main.get().wizardPopup.start(docPath, fuResponse, false); } } else { if (!uploadForm.isImportZip() && action == UIFileUploadConstants.ACTION_INSERT && (Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardPropertyGroups() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardWorkflows() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace() .isWizardCategories() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace() .isWizardKeywords())) { wizard = true; } if (wizard && docPath != null) { Main.get().wizardPopup.start(docPath, false); } } // By default selected row after uploading is uploaded file if (docPath != null && !docPath.equals("")) { Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser.mantainSelectedRowByPath(docPath); } uploadItem.setLoaded(); } else { actualFileToUpload.setDocumentPath(docPath); repositoryService.getUUIDByPath(docPath, new AsyncCallback<String>() { @Override public void onSuccess(String result) { actualFileToUpload.setDocumentUUID(result); uploadItem.setLoaded(); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { Main.get().showError("getUUIDByPath", caught); } }); } } else { uploadItem.setFailed(fuResponse.getError()); } // Remove upload form uploadItem.hFileUpload.remove(uploadForm); } }); return uploadForm; } /** * This method will be invoked from client applets. * * @param docPath Related document path. * @param result json encoded response. */ public void jsWizard(String docPath, String result) { Log.debug("jsWizard(" + docPath + ", " + result + ")"); // Check the result to see if an OK message is returned from the server. // Return params could be <pre> or <pre style=""> with some IE and chrome GWTFileUploadResponse fuResponse = new GWTFileUploadResponse(result); if (fuResponse.getError().equals("")) { // TODO: Posible problem if actualFileToUpload != null ( other file is uploading and the queue is not repected // Case is not importing a zip and wizard is enabled if (fuResponse.isHasAutomation()) { // If is importing file as zip wizard should be disabled if ((fuResponse.isDigitalSignature() || fuResponse.isShowWizardCategories() || fuResponse.isShowWizardKeywords() || fuResponse.getGroupsList().size() > 0 || fuResponse.getWorkflowList().size() > 0)) { Main.get().wizardPopup.start(docPath, fuResponse, true); } } else { if (Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardPropertyGroups() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardWorkflows() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardCategories() || Main.get().workspaceUserProperties.getWorkspace().isWizardKeywords()) { wizard = true; } if (wizard && docPath != null) { Main.get().wizardPopup.start(docPath, true); } else if (!wizard) { if (docPath != null && !docPath.equals("")) { Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser.mantainSelectedRowByPath(docPath); } Main.get().mainPanel.desktop.browser.fileBrowser .refresh(Main.get().activeFolderTree.getActualPath()); } } } else { Main.get().showError(ErrorCode.get(ErrorCode.ORIGIN_OKMUploadService, ErrorCode.CAUSE_General), new Throwable(fuResponse.getError())); } } /** * setUploadNotifyUsers */ public void setUploadNotifyUsers(boolean visible) { if (!visible) { mainPanel.remove(hNotifyPanel); } } /** * initJavaScriptApi */ public native void initJavaScriptApi(FancyFileUpload ffu) /*-{ $wnd.jsWizard = function(docPath, result) { ffu.@com.openkm.frontend.client.widget.upload.FancyFileUpload::jsWizard(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)(docPath, result); return true; } }-*/; }