Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2016 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.strata.basics.index; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.strata.collect.named.NamedLookup; /** * Loads standard floating rate names from INI. */ final class FloatingRateNameIniLookup implements NamedLookup<FloatingRateName> { /** * The logger. */ private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FloatingRateNameIniLookup.class.getName()); /** * The singleton instance of the lookup. */ public static final FloatingRateNameIniLookup INSTANCE = new FloatingRateNameIniLookup(); /** * INI file for floating rate names. */ private static final String FLOATING_RATE_NAME_INI = "FloatingRateNameData.ini"; /** * The cache by name. */ private static final ImmutableMap<String, FloatingRateName> BY_NAME = loadIndices(); /** * Restricted constructor. */ private FloatingRateNameIniLookup() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Map<String, FloatingRateName> lookupAll() { return BY_NAME; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Loads the available indices. * * @return the map of known indices */ static ImmutableMap<String, FloatingRateName> loadIndices() { try { IniFile ini = ResourceConfig.combinedIniFile(FLOATING_RATE_NAME_INI); return parseIndices(ini); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // logging used because this is loaded in a static variable log.severe(Throwables.getStackTraceAsString(ex)); // return an empty instance to avoid ExceptionInInitializerError return ImmutableMap.of(); } } // parse the config file FloatingRateName.ini private static ImmutableMap<String, FloatingRateName> parseIndices(IniFile ini) { ImmutableMap.Builder<String, FloatingRateName> builder = ImmutableMap.builder(); parseSection(ini.section("ibor"), "-", FloatingRateType.IBOR, builder); parseSection(ini.section("overnightCompounded"), "", FloatingRateType.OVERNIGHT_COMPOUNDED, builder); parseSection(ini.section("overnightAveraged"), "", FloatingRateType.OVERNIGHT_AVERAGED, builder); parseSection(ini.section("price"), "", FloatingRateType.PRICE, builder); return; } // parse a single section private static void parseSection(PropertySet section, String indexNameSuffix, FloatingRateType type, ImmutableMap.Builder<String, FloatingRateName> builder) { // find our names from the RHS of the key/value pairs for (String key : section.keys()) { builder.put(key, ImmutableFloatingRateName.of(key, section.value(key) + indexNameSuffix, type)); } } }