Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package com.opengamma.livedata.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.Lifecycle; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.livedata.LiveDataSpecification; import com.opengamma.livedata.msg.LiveDataSubscriptionResponse; import com.opengamma.livedata.msg.LiveDataSubscriptionResult; import com.opengamma.livedata.server.distribution.MarketDataDistributor; import com.opengamma.util.ArgumentChecker; import com.opengamma.util.monitor.OperationTimer; /** * Stores persistent subscriptions in persistent storage so they're not lost if * the server crashes. * <p> * If you modify the list of persistent subscriptions in persistent storage by * editing the persistent storage (DB/file/whatever) using external tools while * the server is down, these changes will be reflected on the server the next * time it starts. * <p> * This beans depends-on the Live Data Server, and any Spring configuration must reflect * this. See <a href=""></a>. * */ public abstract class AbstractPersistentSubscriptionManager implements Lifecycle { private static final Logger s_logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractPersistentSubscriptionManager.class); /** * Default how often to save the persistent subscriptions to the database, milliseconds */ public static final long DEFAULT_SAVE_PERIOD = 60000L; private final StandardLiveDataServer _server; private final Timer _timer; private final long _savePeriod; private volatile SaveTask _saveTask; private Set<PersistentSubscription> _previousSavedState; private Set<PersistentSubscription> _persistentSubscriptions = new HashSet<PersistentSubscription>(); public AbstractPersistentSubscriptionManager(StandardLiveDataServer server) { this(server, new Timer("PersistentSubscriptionManager Timer"), DEFAULT_SAVE_PERIOD); } public AbstractPersistentSubscriptionManager(StandardLiveDataServer server, Timer timer, long savePeriod) { ArgumentChecker.notNull(server, "Live Data Server"); ArgumentChecker.notNull(timer, "Timer"); if (savePeriod <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please give positive save period"); } _server = server; _timer = timer; _savePeriod = savePeriod; } private class SaveTask extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { try { save(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { s_logger.error("Saving persistent subscriptions to storage failed", e); } } } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return _saveTask != null; } @Override public void start() { refreshAsync(); //PLAT-1632 //Safe after refresh queued to avoid empty save _saveTask = new SaveTask(); _timer.schedule(_saveTask, _savePeriod, _savePeriod); } @Override public void stop() { _saveTask.cancel(); _saveTask = null; waitForIdleTimer(); } private void waitForIdleTimer() { final CountDownLatch countDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); ;"Waiting for timer to be idle"); try { _timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { countDownLatch.countDown(); } }, 0); countDownLatch.await();"Timer idle"); } catch (Exception ex) { s_logger.error("Couldn't waiting for timer to be idle", ex); } } /** * This should mean that all the subscriptions become persistent eventually, * and (importantly) none of them expire in the mean time. * Because of the implementation of updateServer. */ private synchronized void refreshAsync() { refreshState(); _timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { //We release the lock before here, so someone could sneak in and change things updateServer(true); } }, 0); } public synchronized void refresh() { refreshState(); updateServer(true); } /** * Reads from all sources to our private state */ private synchronized void refreshState() { s_logger.debug("Refreshing persistent subscriptions from storage"); clear(); readFromStorage(); readFromServer();"Refreshed persistent subscriptions from storage. There are currently " + _persistentSubscriptions.size() + " persistent subscriptions."); } /** * Creates a persistent subscription on the server for any persistent * subscriptions which are not yet there. */ private synchronized void updateServer(boolean catchExceptions) { Collection<LiveDataSpecification> specs = getSpecs(_persistentSubscriptions); Set<LiveDataSpecification> persistentSubscriptionsToMake = new HashSet<LiveDataSpecification>(specs); OperationTimer operationTimer = new OperationTimer(s_logger, "Updating server's persistent subscriptions {}", persistentSubscriptionsToMake.size()); int partitionSize = 50; //Aim is to make sure we can convert subscriptions quickly enough that nothing expires, and to leave the server responsive, and make retrys not take too long List<List<LiveDataSpecification>> partitions = Lists .partition(Lists.newArrayList(persistentSubscriptionsToMake), partitionSize); for (List<LiveDataSpecification> partition : partitions) { Map<LiveDataSpecification, MarketDataDistributor> marketDataDistributors = _server .getMarketDataDistributors(persistentSubscriptionsToMake); for (Entry<LiveDataSpecification, MarketDataDistributor> distrEntry : marketDataDistributors .entrySet()) { if (distrEntry.getValue() != null) { //Upgrade or no/op should be fast, lets do it to avoid expiry createPersistentSubscription(catchExceptions, distrEntry.getKey()); persistentSubscriptionsToMake.remove(distrEntry.getKey()); } } SetView<LiveDataSpecification> toMake = Sets.intersection(new HashSet<LiveDataSpecification>(partition), persistentSubscriptionsToMake); if (!toMake.isEmpty()) { createPersistentSubscription(catchExceptions, toMake); //PLAT-1632 persistentSubscriptionsToMake.removeAll(toMake); } } operationTimer.finished();"Server updated"); } private void createPersistentSubscription(boolean catchExceptions, LiveDataSpecification sub) { createPersistentSubscription(catchExceptions, Collections.singleton(sub)); } private void createPersistentSubscription(boolean catchExceptions, Set<LiveDataSpecification> specs) { if (specs.isEmpty()) { return; }"Creating {}", specs); try { Collection<LiveDataSubscriptionResponse> results = _server.subscribe(specs, true); for (LiveDataSubscriptionResponse liveDataSubscriptionResponse : results) { if (liveDataSubscriptionResponse.getSubscriptionResult() != LiveDataSubscriptionResult.SUCCESS) { s_logger.warn("Failed to create persistent subscription {}", liveDataSubscriptionResponse); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (catchExceptions) { //This should be rare s_logger.error("Creating a persistent subscription failed for " + specs, e); if (specs.size() > 1) { // NOTE: have to retry here since _all_ of the subs will have failed for (LiveDataSpecification spec : specs) { createPersistentSubscription(catchExceptions, spec); } } } else { throw e; } } } private Collection<LiveDataSpecification> getSpecs(Set<PersistentSubscription> subs) { Collection<LiveDataSpecification> specs = new ArrayList<LiveDataSpecification>(); for (PersistentSubscription sub : subs) { specs.add(sub.getFullyQualifiedSpec()); } return specs; } public synchronized void save() { s_logger.debug("Dumping persistent subscriptions to storage"); clear(); readFromServer(); // Only save if changed if (_previousSavedState == null || !_previousSavedState.equals(_persistentSubscriptions)) {"A change to persistent subscriptions detected, saving " + _persistentSubscriptions.size() + " subscriptions to storage."); saveToStorage(_persistentSubscriptions); _previousSavedState = new HashSet<PersistentSubscription>(_persistentSubscriptions); } else { s_logger.debug("No changes to persistent subscriptions detected."); } s_logger.debug("Dumped persistent subscriptions to storage"); } public synchronized long getApproximateNumberOfPersistentSubscriptions() { return _persistentSubscriptions.size(); } public synchronized Set<String> getPersistentSubscriptions() { clear(); readFromServer(); HashSet<String> returnValue = new HashSet<String>(); for (PersistentSubscription ps : _persistentSubscriptions) { returnValue.add(ps.getFullyQualifiedSpec().toString()); } return returnValue; } public synchronized void addPersistentSubscription(String securityUniqueId) { LiveDataSpecification spec = getFullyQualifiedLiveDataSpec(securityUniqueId); addPersistentSubscription(new PersistentSubscription(spec)); updateServer(false); } public synchronized boolean removePersistentSubscription(String securityUniqueId) { Subscription sub = _server.getSubscription(securityUniqueId); if (sub == null) { return false; } boolean removed = false; for (MarketDataDistributor distributor : sub.getDistributors()) { removed = true; distributor.setPersistent(false); } save(); return removed; } public LiveDataSpecification getFullyQualifiedLiveDataSpec(String securityUniqueId) { return _server.getLiveDataSpecification(securityUniqueId); } private void clear() { _persistentSubscriptions.clear(); } protected void addPersistentSubscription(PersistentSubscription sub) { _persistentSubscriptions.add(sub); } /** * Refreshes persistent subscriptions from the latest status on the server. */ private void readFromServer() { for (Subscription sub : _server.getSubscriptions()) { for (MarketDataDistributor distributor : sub.getDistributors()) { if (distributor.isPersistent()) { PersistentSubscription ps = new PersistentSubscription( distributor.getFullyQualifiedLiveDataSpecification()); addPersistentSubscription(ps); } } } } /** * Reads entries from persistent storage (DB, flat file, ...) and calls * {@link #addPersistentSubscription(PersistentSubscription)} for each one. */ protected abstract void readFromStorage(); /** * Saves entries to persistent storage (DB, flat file, ...) * * @param newState Entries to be saved */ public abstract void saveToStorage(Set<PersistentSubscription> newState); }