Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies * * Please see distribution for license. */ package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import; import; import com.opengamma.DataNotFoundException; import com.opengamma.OpenGammaRuntimeException; import com.opengamma.core.change.ChangeManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.opengamma.util.tuple.Pair; /** * Wrapper around an existing {@link SecuritySource} that coalesces concurrent calls into a single call to one of the bulk operation methods on the underlying. This can improve efficiency where the * underlying uses network resources and the round trip of multiple single calls is less desirable than a single bulk call. */ public class CoalescingSecuritySource implements SecuritySource { private final SecuritySource _underlying; private abstract static class Callback { private int _expected; public Callback(final int expected) { _expected = expected; } protected abstract void store(final UniqueId uid, final Security security); public synchronized void found(final UniqueId uid, final Security security) { store(uid, security); if (--_expected <= 0) { notify(); } } public synchronized void missed() { if (--_expected <= 0) { notify(); } } /** * Blocks until all expected values are out, or the write lock could be claimed. */ public synchronized boolean waitForResult(final AtomicBoolean writing) { try { while ((_expected > 0) && !writing.compareAndSet(false, true)) { wait(); } return _expected <= 0; } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("Interrupted", e); } } public synchronized void release() { notify(); } } private static class SingleCallback extends Callback { private Security _security; public SingleCallback() { super(1); } @Override protected void store(final UniqueId uid, final Security security) { _security = security; } public synchronized Security getSecurity() { return _security; } } private static class MultipleCallback extends Callback { private final Map<UniqueId, Security> _result; public MultipleCallback(final int expected) { super(expected); _result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(expected); } @Override protected void store(final UniqueId uid, final Security security) { _result.put(uid, security); } public synchronized Map<UniqueId, Security> getSecurities() { return _result; } } private final AtomicBoolean _fetching = new AtomicBoolean(); private final Queue<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> _pending = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>>(); public CoalescingSecuritySource(final SecuritySource underlying) { _underlying = underlying; } protected SecuritySource getUnderlying() { return _underlying; } @Override public ChangeManager changeManager() { return getUnderlying().changeManager(); } private Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> drainPending() { final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending = new LinkedList<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>>(); Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> entry = _pending.poll(); while (entry != null) { pending.add(entry); entry = _pending.poll(); } return pending; } private void addPendingToRequest(final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending, final Set<UniqueId> request) { for (Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> pendingEntry : pending) { request.add(pendingEntry.getFirst()); } } private void notifyPending(final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending, final Map<UniqueId, Security> result) { for (Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> pendingEntry : pending) { final Security security = result.get(pendingEntry.getFirst()); if (security != null) { pendingEntry.getSecond().found(pendingEntry.getFirst(), security); } else { pendingEntry.getSecond().missed(); } } } private void errorPending(final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending) { for (Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> pendingEntry : pending) { pendingEntry.getSecond().missed(); } } protected void releaseOtherWritingThreads() { final Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> otherThread = _pending.peek(); if (otherThread != null) { // Notify the thread that it might be able to claim the write lock otherThread.getSecond().release(); } } @Override public Security get(final UniqueId uniqueId) { if (!_fetching.compareAndSet(false, true)) { final SingleCallback callback = new SingleCallback(); _pending.add(Pair.of(uniqueId, callback)); if (callback.waitForResult(_fetching)) { return callback.getSecurity(); } // Request the pending queue final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending = drainPending(); final Set<UniqueId> request = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pending.size()); addPendingToRequest(pending, request); final Map<UniqueId, Security> fullResult; try { fullResult = getUnderlying().get(request); notifyPending(pending, fullResult); } catch (RuntimeException t) { errorPending(pending); throw t; } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } // We've either notified our own callback or another thread has already done it return callback.getSecurity(); } else { Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> e = _pending.poll(); if (e == null) { // Single request Security security = null; try { security = getUnderlying().get(uniqueId); } catch (DataNotFoundException ex) { // Ignore } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } return security; } else { // Single request, e and the content of the pending queue final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending = drainPending(); pending.add(e); final Set<UniqueId> request = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pending.size() + 1); request.add(uniqueId); addPendingToRequest(pending, request); final Map<UniqueId, Security> fullResult; try { fullResult = getUnderlying().get(request); notifyPending(pending, fullResult); } catch (RuntimeException t) { errorPending(pending); throw t; } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } return fullResult.get(uniqueId); } } } @Override public Map<UniqueId, Security> get(final Collection<UniqueId> uniqueIds) { if (!_fetching.compareAndSet(false, true)) { final MultipleCallback callback = new MultipleCallback(uniqueIds.size()); for (UniqueId uniqueId : uniqueIds) { _pending.add(Pair.of(uniqueId, callback)); } if (callback.waitForResult(_fetching)) { return callback.getSecurities(); } // Request the pending queue final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending = drainPending(); final Set<UniqueId> request = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pending.size()); addPendingToRequest(pending, request); final Map<UniqueId, Security> fullResult; try { fullResult = getUnderlying().get(request); notifyPending(pending, fullResult); } catch (RuntimeException t) { errorPending(pending); throw t; } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } // We've either notified our own callback or another thread has already done it return callback.getSecurities(); } else { Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback> e = _pending.poll(); if (e == null) { // Direct request final Map<UniqueId, Security> result; try { result = getUnderlying().get(uniqueIds); } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } return result; } else { // Bulk request, e and the content of the pending queue final Collection<Pair<UniqueId, ? extends Callback>> pending = drainPending(); pending.add(e); final Set<UniqueId> request = Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(pending.size() + uniqueIds.size()); request.addAll(uniqueIds); addPendingToRequest(pending, request); final Map<UniqueId, Security> fullResult; try { fullResult = getUnderlying().get(request); notifyPending(pending, fullResult); } catch (RuntimeException t) { errorPending(pending); throw t; } finally { _fetching.set(false); releaseOtherWritingThreads(); } final Map<UniqueId, Security> result = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(uniqueIds.size()); for (UniqueId uniqueId : uniqueIds) { final Security security = fullResult.get(uniqueId); if (security != null) { result.put(uniqueId, security); } } return result; } } } @Override public Security get(final ObjectId objectId, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().get(objectId, versionCorrection); } @Override public Map<ObjectId, Security> get(final Collection<ObjectId> objectIds, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().get(objectIds, versionCorrection); } @Override public Collection<Security> get(final ExternalIdBundle bundle, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().get(bundle, versionCorrection); } @Override public Map<ExternalIdBundle, Collection<Security>> getAll(final Collection<ExternalIdBundle> bundles, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().getAll(bundles, versionCorrection); } @Override public Collection<Security> get(final ExternalIdBundle bundle) { return getUnderlying().get(bundle); } @Override public Security getSingle(final ExternalIdBundle bundle) { return getUnderlying().getSingle(bundle); } @Override public Security getSingle(final ExternalIdBundle bundle, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().getSingle(bundle, versionCorrection); } @Override public Map<ExternalIdBundle, Security> getSingle(final Collection<ExternalIdBundle> bundles, final VersionCorrection versionCorrection) { return getUnderlying().getSingle(bundles, versionCorrection); } }