Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * * * Project Info: * Project Members: Carlo Curino <> * Evan Jones <> * DIFALLAH Djellel Eddine <> * Andy Pavlo <> * CUDRE-MAUROUX Philippe <> * Yang Zhang <> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 3.0 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; * without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ******************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2011 by H-Store Project * * Brown University * * Massachusetts Institute of Technology * * Yale University * * * * * * * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * * the following conditions: * * * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR * * OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, * * ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR * * OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * ***************************************************************************/ package com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLDataException; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import; import org.apache.commons.collections15.set.ListOrderedSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.oltpbenchmark.api.Loader; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.CustomerId; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.CustomerIdIterable; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.DistanceUtil; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.FlightId; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.ReturnFlight; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.seats.util.SEATSHistogramUtil; import com.oltpbenchmark.catalog.Column; import com.oltpbenchmark.catalog.Table; import com.oltpbenchmark.util.*; import com.oltpbenchmark.util.RandomDistribution.*; public class SEATSLoader extends Loader { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(SEATSLoader.class); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // INTERNAL DATA MEMBERS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- protected final SEATSProfile profile; /** * Mapping from Airports to their geolocation coordinates * AirportCode -> <Latitude, Longitude> */ private final ListOrderedMap<String, Pair<Double, Double>> airport_locations = new ListOrderedMap<String, Pair<Double, Double>>(); /** * AirportCode -> Set<AirportCode, Distance> * Only store the records for those airports in HISTOGRAM_FLIGHTS_PER_AIRPORT */ private final Map<String, Map<String, Short>> airport_distances = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Short>>(); /** * Store a list of FlightIds and the number of seats * remaining for a particular flight. */ private final ListOrderedMap<FlightId, Short> seats_remaining = new ListOrderedMap<FlightId, Short>(); /** * Counter for the number of tables that we have finished loading */ private final AtomicInteger finished = new AtomicInteger(0); /** * A histogram of the number of flights in the database per airline code */ private final Histogram<String> flights_per_airline = new Histogram<String>(true); private final RandomGenerator rng; // FIXME // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // INITIALIZATION // ----------------------------------------------------------------- public SEATSLoader(SEATSBenchmark benchmark, Connection c) { super(benchmark, c); this.rng = benchmark.getRandomGenerator(); // TODO: Sync with the base class rng this.profile = new SEATSProfile(benchmark, this.rng); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("CONSTRUCTOR: " + SEATSLoader.class.getName()); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // LOADING METHODS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public void load() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Begin to load tables..."); // Load Histograms if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Loading data files for histograms"); this.loadHistograms(); // Load the first tables from data files if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Loading data files for fixed-sized tables"); this.loadFixedTables(); // Once we have those mofos, let's go get make our flight data tables if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Loading data files for scaling tables"); this.loadScalingTables(); // Save the benchmark profile out to disk so that we can send it // to all of the clients try { this.profile.saveProfile(this.conn); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to save profile information in database", ex); } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("SEATS loader done."); } /** * Load all the histograms used in the benchmark */ protected void loadHistograms() { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Loading in %d histograms from files stored in '%s'", SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_DATA_FILES.length, profile.airline_data_dir)); // Now load in the histograms that we will need for generating the flight data for (String histogramName : SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_DATA_FILES) { if (this.profile.histograms.containsKey(histogramName)) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.warn("Already loaded histogram '" + histogramName + "'. Skipping..."); continue; } if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Loading in histogram data file for '" + histogramName + "'"); Histogram<String> hist = null; try { // The Flights_Per_Airport histogram is actually a serialized map that has a histogram // of the departing flights from each airport to all the others if (histogramName.equals(SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_FLIGHTS_PER_AIRPORT)) { Map<String, Histogram<String>> m = SEATSHistogramUtil .loadAirportFlights(profile.airline_data_dir); assert (m != null); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Loaded %d airport flight histograms", m.size())); // Store the airport codes information this.profile.airport_histograms.putAll(m); // We then need to flatten all of the histograms in this map into a single histogram // that just counts the number of departing flights per airport. We will use this // to get the distribution of where Customers are located hist = new Histogram<String>(); for (Entry<String, Histogram<String>> e : m.entrySet()) { hist.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue().getSampleCount()); } // FOR // All other histograms are just serialized and can be loaded directly } else { hist = SEATSHistogramUtil.loadHistogram(histogramName, profile.airline_data_dir, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load histogram '" + histogramName + "'", ex); } assert (hist != null); this.profile.histograms.put(histogramName, hist); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Loaded histogram '%s' [sampleCount=%d, valueCount=%d]", histogramName, hist.getSampleCount(), hist.getValueCount())); } // FOR } /** * The fixed tables are those that are generated from the static data files * The number of tuples in these tables will not change based on the scale factor. * @param catalog_db */ protected void loadFixedTables() { for (String table_name : SEATSConstants.TABLES_DATAFILES) { LOG.debug(String.format("Loading table '%s' from fixed file", table_name)); try { Table catalog_tbl = this.getTableCatalog(table_name); assert (catalog_tbl != null); Iterable<Object[]> iterable = this.getFixedIterable(catalog_tbl); this.loadTable(catalog_tbl, iterable, 5000); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load data files for fixed-sized table '" + table_name + "'", ex); } } // FOR } /** * The scaling tables are things that we will scale the number of tuples based * on the given scaling factor at runtime * @param catalog_db */ protected void loadScalingTables() { // Setup the # of flights per airline this.flights_per_airline.putAll(profile.getAirlineCodes(), 0); // IMPORTANT: FLIGHT must come before FREQUENT_FLYER so that we // can use the flights_per_airline histogram when selecting an airline to // create a new FREQUENT_FLYER account for a CUSTOMER for (String table_name : SEATSConstants.TABLES_SCALING) { try { Table catalog_tbl = this.getTableCatalog(table_name); assert (catalog_tbl != null); Iterable<Object[]> iterable = this.getScalingIterable(catalog_tbl); this.loadTable(catalog_tbl, iterable, 5000); } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load data files for scaling-sized table '" + table_name + "'", ex); } } // FOR } /** * * @param catalog_tbl */ public void loadTable(Table catalog_tbl, Iterable<Object[]> iterable, int batch_size) { // Special Case: Airport Locations final boolean is_airport = catalog_tbl.getName().equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_AIRPORT); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Generating new records for table %s [batchSize=%d]", catalog_tbl.getName(), batch_size)); final List<Column> columns = catalog_tbl.getColumns(); // Check whether we have any special mappings that we need to maintain Map<Integer, Integer> code_2_id = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>> mapping_columns = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Long>>(); for (int col_code_idx = 0, cnt = columns.size(); col_code_idx < cnt; col_code_idx++) { Column catalog_col = columns.get(col_code_idx); String col_name = catalog_col.getName(); // Code Column -> Id Column Mapping // Check to see whether this table has columns that we need to map their // code values to tuple ids String col_id_name = this.profile.code_columns.get(col_name); if (col_id_name != null) { Column catalog_id_col = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName(col_id_name); assert (catalog_id_col != null) : "The id column " + catalog_tbl.getName() + "." + col_id_name + " is missing"; int col_id_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnIndex(catalog_id_col); code_2_id.put(col_code_idx, col_id_idx); } // Foreign Key Column to Code->Id Mapping // If this columns references a foreign key that is used in the Code->Id mapping // that we generating above, then we need to know when we should change the // column value from a code to the id stored in our lookup table if (this.profile.fkey_value_xref.containsKey(col_name)) { String col_fkey_name = this.profile.fkey_value_xref.get(col_name); mapping_columns.put(col_code_idx, this.profile.code_id_xref.get(col_fkey_name)); } } // FOR int row_idx = 0; int row_batch = 0; try { String insert_sql = SQLUtil.getInsertSQL(catalog_tbl); PreparedStatement insert_stmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(insert_sql); int sqlTypes[] = catalog_tbl.getColumnTypes(); for (Object tuple[] : iterable) { assert (tuple[0] != null) : "The primary key for " + catalog_tbl.getName() + " is null"; // AIRPORT if (is_airport) { // Skip any airport that does not have flights int col_code_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_CODE").getIndex(); if (profile.hasFlights((String) tuple[col_code_idx]) == false) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("Skipping AIRPORT '%s' because it does not have any flights", tuple[col_code_idx])); continue; } // Update the row # so that it matches what we're actually loading int col_id_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_ID").getIndex(); tuple[col_id_idx] = (long) (row_idx + 1); // Store Locations int col_lat_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_LATITUDE").getIndex(); int col_lon_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_LONGITUDE").getIndex(); Pair<Double, Double> coords = Pair.of((Double) tuple[col_lat_idx], (Double) tuple[col_lon_idx]); if (coords.first == null || coords.second == null) { LOG.error(Arrays.toString(tuple)); } assert (coords.first != null) : String.format("Unexpected null latitude for airport '%s' [%d]", tuple[col_code_idx], col_lat_idx); assert (coords.second != null) : String.format( "Unexpected null longitude for airport '%s' [%d]", tuple[col_code_idx], col_lon_idx); this.airport_locations.put(tuple[col_code_idx].toString(), coords); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("Storing location for '%s': %s", tuple[col_code_idx], coords)); } // Code Column -> Id Column for (int col_code_idx : code_2_id.keySet()) { assert (tuple[col_code_idx] != null) : String.format( "The value of the code column at '%d' is null for %s\n%s", col_code_idx, catalog_tbl.getName(), Arrays.toString(tuple)); String code = tuple[col_code_idx].toString().trim(); if (code.length() > 0) { Column from_column = columns.get(col_code_idx); assert (from_column != null); Column to_column = columns.get(code_2_id.get(col_code_idx)); assert (to_column != null) : String.format("Invalid column %s.%s", catalog_tbl.getName(), code_2_id.get(col_code_idx)); long id = (Long) tuple[code_2_id.get(col_code_idx)]; if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("Mapping %s '%s' -> %s '%d'", from_column.fullName(), code, to_column.fullName(), id)); this.profile.code_id_xref.get(to_column.getName()).put(code, id); } } // FOR // Foreign Key Code -> Foreign Key Id for (int col_code_idx : mapping_columns.keySet()) { Column catalog_col = columns.get(col_code_idx); assert (tuple[col_code_idx] != null || catalog_col.isNullable()) : String.format( "The code %s column at '%d' is null for %s id=%s\n%s", catalog_col.fullName(), col_code_idx, catalog_tbl.getName(), tuple[0], Arrays.toString(tuple)); if (tuple[col_code_idx] != null) { String code = tuple[col_code_idx].toString(); tuple[col_code_idx] = mapping_columns.get(col_code_idx).get(code); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("Mapped %s '%s' -> %s '%s'", catalog_col.fullName(), code, catalog_col.getForeignKey().fullName(), tuple[col_code_idx])); } } // FOR for (int i = 0; i < tuple.length; i++) { try { if (tuple[i] != null) { insert_stmt.setObject(i + 1, tuple[i]); } else { insert_stmt.setNull(i + 1, sqlTypes[i]); } } catch (SQLDataException ex) { LOG.error("INVALID " + catalog_tbl.getName() + " TUPLE: " + Arrays.toString(tuple)); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to set value for " + catalog_tbl.getColumn(i).fullName(), ex); } } // FOR insert_stmt.addBatch(); row_idx++; if (++row_batch >= batch_size) { LOG.debug(String.format("Loading %s batch [total=%d]", catalog_tbl.getName(), row_idx)); insert_stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); insert_stmt.clearBatch(); row_batch = 0; } } // FOR if (row_batch > 0) { insert_stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } insert_stmt.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load table " + catalog_tbl.getName(), ex); } if (is_airport) assert (this.profile.getAirportCount() == row_idx) : String.format("%d != %d", profile.getAirportCount(), row_idx); // Record the number of tuples that we loaded for this table in the profile if (catalog_tbl.getName().equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_RESERVATION)) { this.profile.num_reservations = row_idx + 1; }"Finished loading all %d tuples for %s [%d / %d]", row_idx, catalog_tbl.getName(), this.finished.incrementAndGet(), this.getCatalog().getTableCount())); return; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // FIXED-SIZE TABLE DATA GENERATION // ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * * @param catalog_tbl * @return * @throws Exception */ protected Iterable<Object[]> getFixedIterable(Table catalog_tbl) throws Exception { File f = SEATSBenchmark.getTableDataFile(profile.airline_data_dir, catalog_tbl); TableDataIterable iterable = new FixedDataIterable(catalog_tbl, f); return (iterable); } /** * Wrapper around TableDataIterable that will populate additional random fields */ protected class FixedDataIterable extends TableDataIterable { private final Set<Integer> rnd_string = new HashSet<Integer>(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> rnd_string_min = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private final Map<Integer, Integer> rnd_string_max = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); private final Set<Integer> rnd_integer = new HashSet<Integer>(); public FixedDataIterable(Table catalog_tbl, File filename) throws Exception { super(catalog_tbl, filename, true, true); // Figure out which columns are random integers and strings for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) { String col_name = catalog_col.getName(); int col_idx = catalog_col.getIndex(); if (col_name.contains("_SATTR")) { this.rnd_string.add(col_idx); this.rnd_string_min.put(col_idx, rng.nextInt(catalog_col.getSize() - 1)); this.rnd_string_max.put(col_idx, catalog_col.getSize()); } else if (col_name.contains("_IATTR")) { this.rnd_integer.add(catalog_col.getIndex()); } } // FOR } @Override public Iterator<Object[]> iterator() { // This is nasty old boy! return (new TableDataIterable.TableIterator() { @Override public Object[] next() { Object[] tuple =; // Random String (*_SATTR##) for (int col_idx : rnd_string) { int min_length = rnd_string_min.get(col_idx); int max_length = rnd_string_max.get(col_idx); tuple[col_idx] = rng.astring(min_length, max_length); } // FOR // Random Integer (*_IATTR##) for (int col_idx : rnd_integer) { tuple[col_idx] = rng.nextLong(); } // FOR return (tuple); } }); } } // END CLASS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // SCALING TABLE DATA GENERATION // ---------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Return an iterable that spits out tuples for scaling tables * @param catalog_tbl the target table that we need an iterable for */ protected Iterable<Object[]> getScalingIterable(Table catalog_tbl) { String name = catalog_tbl.getName().toUpperCase(); ScalingDataIterable it = null; double scaleFactor = workConf.getScaleFactor(); long num_customers = Math.round(SEATSConstants.CUSTOMERS_COUNT * scaleFactor); // Customers if (name.equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_CUSTOMER)) { it = new CustomerIterable(catalog_tbl, num_customers); } // FrequentFlyer else if (name.equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_FREQUENT_FLYER)) { it = new FrequentFlyerIterable(catalog_tbl, num_customers); } // Airport Distance else if (name.equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_AIRPORT_DISTANCE)) { int max_distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // SEATSConstants.DISTANCES[SEATSConstants.DISTANCES.length - 1]; it = new AirportDistanceIterable(catalog_tbl, max_distance); } // Flights else if (name.equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_FLIGHT)) { it = new FlightIterable(catalog_tbl, (int) Math.round(SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_DAYS_PAST * scaleFactor), (int) Math.round(SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_DAYS_FUTURE * scaleFactor)); } // Reservations else if (name.equals(SEATSConstants.TABLENAME_RESERVATION)) { long total = Math.round( (SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_PER_DAY_MIN + SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_PER_DAY_MAX) / 2d * scaleFactor); it = new ReservationIterable(catalog_tbl, total); } else { assert (false) : "Unexpected table '" + name + "' in getScalingIterable()"; } assert (it != null) : "The ScalingIterable for '" + name + "' is null!"; return (it); } /** * Base Iterable implementation for scaling tables * Sub-classes implement the specialValue() method to generate values of a specific * type instead of just using the random data generators */ protected abstract class ScalingDataIterable implements Iterable<Object[]> { private final Table catalog_tbl; private final boolean special[]; private final Object[] data; private final int types[]; protected long total; private long last_id = 0; /** * Constructor * @param catalog_tbl * @param table_file * @throws Exception */ public ScalingDataIterable(Table catalog_tbl, long total) { this(catalog_tbl, total, new int[0]); } /** * * @param catalog_tbl * @param total * @param special_columns - The offsets of the columns that we will invoke specialValue() to get their values * @throws Exception */ public ScalingDataIterable(Table catalog_tbl, long total, int special_columns[]) { this.catalog_tbl = catalog_tbl; = total; = new Object[this.catalog_tbl.getColumns().size()]; this.special = new boolean[this.catalog_tbl.getColumns().size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.special.length; i++) { this.special[i] = false; } for (int idx : special_columns) { this.special[idx] = true; } // Cache the types this.types = new int[catalog_tbl.getColumns().size()]; for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) { this.types[catalog_col.getIndex()] = catalog_col.getType(); } // FOR } /** * Generate a special value for this particular column index * @param idx * @return */ protected abstract Object specialValue(long id, int column_idx); /** * Simple callback when the ScalingDataIterable is finished */ protected void callbackFinished() { // Nothing... } protected boolean hasNext() { boolean has_next = (last_id < total); if (has_next == false) this.callbackFinished(); return (has_next); } /** * Generate the iterator */ public Iterator<Object[]> iterator() { Iterator<Object[]> it = new Iterator<Object[]>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (ScalingDataIterable.this.hasNext()); } @Override public Object[] next() { for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getColumn(i); assert (catalog_col != null) : "The column at position " + i + " for " + catalog_tbl + " is null"; // Special Value Column if (special[i]) { data[i] = specialValue(last_id, i); // Id column (always first unless overridden in special) } else if (i == 0) { data[i] = Long.valueOf(last_id); // Strings } else if (SQLUtil.isStringType(types[i])) { int size = catalog_col.getSize(); data[i] = rng.astring(rng.nextInt(size - 1), size); // Ints/Longs } else { assert (SQLUtil.isIntegerType(types[i])) : "Unexpected column type " + catalog_tbl.getColumn(i).fullName(); data[i] = rng.number(0, 1 << 30); } } // FOR last_id++; return (data); } @Override public void remove() { // Not Implemented } }; return (it); } } // END CLASS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // CUSTOMERS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- protected class CustomerIterable extends ScalingDataIterable { private final FlatHistogram<String> rand; private final RandomDistribution.Flat randBalance; private String airport_code = null; private CustomerId last_id = null; public CustomerIterable(Table catalog_tbl, long total) { super(catalog_tbl, total, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3 }); // Use the flights per airport histogram to select where people are located Histogram<String> histogram = profile.getHistogram(SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_FLIGHTS_PER_AIRPORT); this.rand = new FlatHistogram<String>(rng, histogram); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) this.rand.enableHistory(); this.randBalance = new RandomDistribution.Flat(rng, 1000, 10000); } @Override protected Object specialValue(long id, int columnIdx) { Object value = null; switch (columnIdx) { // CUSTOMER ID case (0): { // HACK: The flights_per_airport histogram may not match up exactly with the airport // data files, so we'll just spin until we get a good one Long airport_id = null; while (airport_id == null) { this.airport_code = this.rand.nextValue(); airport_id = profile.getAirportId(this.airport_code); } // WHILE int next_customer_id = profile.incrementAirportCustomerCount(airport_id); this.last_id = new CustomerId(next_customer_id, airport_id); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("NEW CUSTOMER: " + this.last_id.encode() + " / " + this.last_id); value = this.last_id.encode(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(value + " => " + this.airport_code + " [" + profile.getCustomerIdCount(airport_id) + "]"); break; } // CUSTOMER ID STR case (1): { assert (this.last_id != null); value = Long.toString(this.last_id.encode()); this.last_id = null; break; } // LOCAL AIRPORT case (2): { assert (this.airport_code != null); value = this.airport_code; break; } // BALANCE case (3): { value = (double) this.randBalance.nextInt(); break; } // BAD MOJO! default: assert (false) : "Unexpected special column index " + columnIdx; } // SWITCH return (value); } @Override protected void callbackFinished() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { Histogram<String> h = this.rand.getHistogramHistory(); LOG.trace(String.format("Customer Local Airports Histogram [valueCount=%d, sampleCount=%d]\n%s", h.getValueCount(), h.getSampleCount(), h.toString())); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // FREQUENT_FLYER // ---------------------------------------------------------------- protected class FrequentFlyerIterable extends ScalingDataIterable { private final Iterator<CustomerId> customer_id_iterator; private final short ff_per_customer[]; private final FlatHistogram<String> airline_rand; private int customer_idx = 0; private CustomerId last_customer_id = null; private Collection<String> customer_airlines = new HashSet<String>(); public FrequentFlyerIterable(Table catalog_tbl, long num_customers) { super(catalog_tbl, num_customers, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); this.customer_id_iterator = new CustomerIdIterable(profile.airport_max_customer_id).iterator(); this.last_customer_id =; // A customer is more likely to have a FREQUENTY_FLYER account with // an airline that has more flights. // IMPORTANT: Add one to all of the airlines so that we don't get trapped // in an infinite loop assert (flights_per_airline.isEmpty() == false); flights_per_airline.putAll(); this.airline_rand = new FlatHistogram<String>(rng, flights_per_airline); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) this.airline_rand.enableHistory(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Flights Per Airline:\n" + flights_per_airline); // Loop through for the total customers and figure out how many entries we // should have for each one. This will be our new total; long max_per_customer = Math.min( Math.round(SEATSConstants.CUSTOMER_NUM_FREQUENTFLYERS_MAX * Math.max(1, scaleFactor)), flights_per_airline.getValueCount()); Zipf ff_zipf = new Zipf(rng, SEATSConstants.CUSTOMER_NUM_FREQUENTFLYERS_MIN, max_per_customer, SEATSConstants.CUSTOMER_NUM_FREQUENTFLYERS_SIGMA); long new_total = 0; long total = profile.getCustomerIdCount(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Num of Customers: " + total); this.ff_per_customer = new short[(int) total]; for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) { this.ff_per_customer[i] = (short) ff_zipf.nextInt(); if (this.ff_per_customer[i] > max_per_customer) this.ff_per_customer[i] = (short) max_per_customer; new_total += this.ff_per_customer[i]; } // FOR = new_total; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Constructing " + + " FrequentFlyer tuples..."); } @Override protected Object specialValue(long id, int columnIdx) { Object value = null; switch (columnIdx) { // CUSTOMER ID case (0): { while (this.customer_idx < this.ff_per_customer.length && this.ff_per_customer[this.customer_idx] <= 0) { this.customer_idx++; this.customer_airlines.clear(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("CUSTOMER IDX: %d / %d", this.customer_idx, profile.getCustomerIdCount())); assert (this.customer_id_iterator.hasNext()); this.last_customer_id =; } // WHILE this.ff_per_customer[this.customer_idx]--; value = this.last_customer_id.encode(); break; } // AIRLINE ID case (1): { assert (this.customer_airlines.size() < flights_per_airline.getValueCount()); do { value = this.airline_rand.nextValue(); } while (this.customer_airlines.contains(value)); this.customer_airlines.add((String) value); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(this.last_customer_id + " => " + value); break; } // CUSTOMER_ID_STR case (2): { value = Long.toString(this.last_customer_id.encode()); break; } // BAD MOJO! default: assert (false) : "Unexpected special column index " + columnIdx; } // SWITCH return (value); } @Override protected void callbackFinished() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { Histogram<String> h = this.airline_rand.getHistogramHistory(); LOG.trace(String.format("Airline Flights Histogram [valueCount=%d, sampleCount=%d]\n%s", h.getValueCount(), h.getSampleCount(), h.toString())); } } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // AIRPORT_DISTANCE // ---------------------------------------------------------------- protected class AirportDistanceIterable extends ScalingDataIterable { private final int max_distance; private final int num_airports; private final Collection<String> record_airports; private int outer_ctr = 0; private String outer_airport; private Pair<Double, Double> outer_location; private Integer last_inner_ctr = null; private String inner_airport; private Pair<Double, Double> inner_location; private double distance; /** * Constructor * @param catalog_tbl * @param max_distance */ public AirportDistanceIterable(Table catalog_tbl, int max_distance) { super(catalog_tbl, Long.MAX_VALUE, new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }); // total work around ???? this.max_distance = max_distance; this.num_airports = airport_locations.size(); this.record_airports = profile.getAirportCodes(); } /** * Find the next two airports that are within our max_distance limit * We keep track of where we were in the inner loop using last_inner_ctr */ @Override protected boolean hasNext() { for (; this.outer_ctr < (this.num_airports - 1); this.outer_ctr++) { this.outer_airport = airport_locations.get(this.outer_ctr); this.outer_location = airport_locations.getValue(this.outer_ctr); if (profile.hasFlights(this.outer_airport) == false) continue; int inner_ctr = (this.last_inner_ctr != null ? this.last_inner_ctr : this.outer_ctr + 1); this.last_inner_ctr = null; for (; inner_ctr < this.num_airports; inner_ctr++) { assert (this.outer_ctr != inner_ctr); this.inner_airport = airport_locations.get(inner_ctr); this.inner_location = airport_locations.getValue(inner_ctr); if (profile.hasFlights(this.inner_airport) == false) continue; this.distance = DistanceUtil.distance(this.outer_location, this.inner_location); // Store the distance between the airports locally if either one is in our // flights-per-airport data set if (this.record_airports.contains(this.outer_airport) && this.record_airports.contains(this.inner_airport)) { SEATSLoader.this.setDistance(this.outer_airport, this.inner_airport, this.distance); } // Stop here if these two airports are within range if (this.distance > 0 && this.distance <= this.max_distance) { // System.err.println(this.outer_airport + "->" + this.inner_airport + ": " + distance); this.last_inner_ctr = inner_ctr + 1; return (true); } } // FOR } // FOR return (false); } @Override protected Object specialValue(long id, int columnIdx) { Object value = null; switch (columnIdx) { // OUTER AIRPORT case (0): value = this.outer_airport; break; // INNER AIRPORT case (1): value = this.inner_airport; break; // DISTANCE case (2): value = this.distance; break; // BAD MOJO! default: assert (false) : "Unexpected special column index " + columnIdx; } // SWITCH return (value); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // FLIGHTS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- protected class FlightIterable extends ScalingDataIterable { private final FlatHistogram<String> airlines; private final FlatHistogram<String> airports; private final Map<String, FlatHistogram<String>> flights_per_airport = new HashMap<String, FlatHistogram<String>>(); private final FlatHistogram<String> flight_times; private final Flat prices; private final Set<FlightId> todays_flights = new HashSet<FlightId>(); private final ListOrderedMap<Timestamp, Integer> flights_per_day = new ListOrderedMap<Timestamp, Integer>(); private int day_idx = 0; private Timestamp today; private Timestamp start_date; private FlightId flight_id; private String depart_airport; private String arrive_airport; private String airline_code; private Long airline_id; private Timestamp depart_time; private Timestamp arrive_time; private int status; public FlightIterable(Table catalog_tbl, int days_past, int days_future) { super(catalog_tbl, Long.MAX_VALUE, new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }); assert (days_past >= 0); assert (days_future >= 0); this.prices = new Flat(rng, SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MIN, SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MAX); // Flights per Airline Collection<String> all_airlines = profile.getAirlineCodes(); Histogram<String> histogram = new Histogram<String>(); histogram.putAll(all_airlines); // Embed a Gaussian distribution Gaussian gauss_rng = new Gaussian(rng, 0, all_airlines.size()); this.airlines = new FlatHistogram<String>(gauss_rng, histogram); // Flights Per Airport histogram = profile.getHistogram(SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_FLIGHTS_PER_AIRPORT); this.airports = new FlatHistogram<String>(rng, histogram); for (String airport_code : histogram.values()) { histogram = profile.getFightsPerAirportHistogram(airport_code); assert (histogram != null) : "Unexpected departure airport code '" + airport_code + "'"; this.flights_per_airport.put(airport_code, new FlatHistogram<String>(rng, histogram)); } // FOR // Flights Per Departure Time histogram = profile.getHistogram(SEATSConstants.HISTOGRAM_FLIGHTS_PER_DEPART_TIMES); this.flight_times = new FlatHistogram<String>(rng, histogram); // Figure out how many flights that we want for each day = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Sometimes there are more flights per day, and sometimes there are fewer Gaussian gaussian = new Gaussian(rng, SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_PER_DAY_MIN, SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_PER_DAY_MAX); = 0; boolean first = true; for (long t = - (days_past * SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); t < .getTime(); t += SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(t); if (first) { this.start_date = timestamp; first = false; } int num_flights = gaussian.nextInt(); this.flights_per_day.put(timestamp, num_flights); += num_flights; } // FOR if (this.start_date == null) this.start_date =; profile.setFlightStartDate(this.start_date); // This is for upcoming flights that we want to be able to schedule // new reservations for in the benchmark profile.setFlightUpcomingDate(; for (long t =, last_date = + (days_future * SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY); t <= last_date; t += SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_DAY) { Timestamp timestamp = new Timestamp(t); int num_flights = gaussian.nextInt(); this.flights_per_day.put(timestamp, num_flights); += num_flights; } // FOR // Update profile profile.setFlightPastDays(days_past); profile.setFlightFutureDays(days_future); } /** * Convert a time string "HH:MM" to a Timestamp object * @param code * @return */ private Timestamp convertTimeString(Timestamp base_date, String code) { Matcher m = SEATSConstants.TIMECODE_PATTERN.matcher(code); boolean result = m.find(); assert (result) : "Invalid time code '" + code + "'"; int hour = -1; try { hour = Integer.valueOf(; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid HOUR in time code '" + code + "'", ex); } assert (hour != -1); int minute = -1; try { minute = Integer.valueOf(; } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid MINUTE in time code '" + code + "'", ex); } assert (minute != -1); long offset = (hour * 60 * SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE) + (minute * SEATSConstants.MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE); return (new Timestamp(base_date.getTime() + offset)); } /** * Select all the data elements for the current tuple * @param date */ private void populate(Timestamp date) { // Depart/Arrive Airports this.depart_airport = this.airports.nextValue(); this.arrive_airport = this.flights_per_airport.get(this.depart_airport).nextValue(); // Depart/Arrive Times this.depart_time = this.convertTimeString(date, this.flight_times.nextValue()); this.arrive_time = SEATSLoader.this.calculateArrivalTime(this.depart_airport, this.arrive_airport, this.depart_time); // Airline this.airline_code = this.airlines.nextValue(); this.airline_id = profile.getAirlineId(this.airline_code); // Status this.status = 0; // TODO this.flights_per_day.put(date, this.flights_per_day.get(date) - 1); return; } /** * Returns true if this seat is occupied (which means we must generate a reservation) */ boolean seatIsOccupied() { return (rng.nextInt(100) < SEATSConstants.PROB_SEAT_OCCUPIED); } @Override protected Object specialValue(long id, int columnIdx) { Object value = null; switch (columnIdx) { // FLIGHT ID case (0): { // Figure out what date we are currently on Integer remaining = null; Timestamp date; do { // Move to the next day. // Make sure that we reset the set of FlightIds that we've used for today if (remaining != null) { this.todays_flights.clear(); this.day_idx++; } date = this.flights_per_day.get(this.day_idx); remaining = this.flights_per_day.getValue(this.day_idx); } while (remaining <= 0 && this.day_idx + 1 < this.flights_per_day.size()); assert (date != null); // Keep looping until we get a FlightId that we haven't seen yet for this date while (true) { this.populate(date); // Generate a composite FlightId this.flight_id = new FlightId(this.airline_id, profile.getAirportId(this.depart_airport), profile.getAirportId(this.arrive_airport), this.start_date, this.depart_time); if (this.todays_flights.contains(this.flight_id) == false) break; } // WHILE if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("%s [remaining=%d, dayIdx=%d]", this.flight_id, remaining, day_idx)); assert (todays_flights.contains(this.flight_id) == false) : this.flight_id; this.todays_flights.add(this.flight_id); SEATSLoader.this.addFlightId(this.flight_id); value = this.flight_id.encode(); break; } // AIRLINE ID case (1): { value = this.airline_code; flights_per_airline.put(this.airline_code); break; } // DEPART AIRPORT case (2): { value = this.depart_airport; break; } // DEPART TIME case (3): { value = this.depart_time; break; } // ARRIVE AIRPORT case (4): { value = this.arrive_airport; break; } // ARRIVE TIME case (5): { value = this.arrive_time; break; } // FLIGHT STATUS case (6): { value = this.status; break; } // BASE PRICE case (7): { value = (double) this.prices.nextInt(); break; } // SEATS TOTAL case (8): { value = SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS; break; } // SEATS REMAINING case (9): { // We have to figure this out ahead of time since we need to populate the tuple now for (int seatnum = 0; seatnum < SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS; seatnum++) { if (!this.seatIsOccupied()) continue; SEATSLoader.this.decrementFlightSeat(this.flight_id); } // FOR value = Long.valueOf(SEATSLoader.this.getFlightRemainingSeats(this.flight_id)); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(this.flight_id + " SEATS REMAINING: " + value); break; } // BAD MOJO! default: assert (false) : "Unexpected special column index " + columnIdx; } // SWITCH return (value); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // RESERVATIONS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- protected class ReservationIterable extends ScalingDataIterable { private final RandomDistribution.Flat prices = new RandomDistribution.Flat(rng, SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MIN, SEATSConstants.RESERVATION_PRICE_MAX); /** * For each airport id, store a list of ReturnFlight objects that represent customers * that need return flights back to their home airport * ArriveAirportId -> ReturnFlights */ private final Map<Long, TreeSet<ReturnFlight>> airport_returns = new HashMap<Long, TreeSet<ReturnFlight>>(); /** * When this flag is true, then the data generation thread is finished */ private boolean done = false; /** * We use a Gaussian distribution for determining how long a customer will stay at their * destination before needing to return to their original airport */ private final Gaussian rand_returns = new Gaussian(rng, SEATSConstants.CUSTOMER_RETURN_FLIGHT_DAYS_MIN, SEATSConstants.CUSTOMER_RETURN_FLIGHT_DAYS_MAX); private final LinkedBlockingDeque<Object[]> queue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<Object[]>(100); private Object current[] = null; private Throwable error = null; /** * Constructor * @param catalog_tbl * @param total */ public ReservationIterable(Table catalog_tbl, long total) { // Special Columns: R_C_ID, R_F_ID, R_F_AL_ID, R_SEAT, R_PRICE super(catalog_tbl, total, new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 }); for (long airport_id : profile.getAirportIds()) { // Return Flights per airport this.airport_returns.put(airport_id, new TreeSet<ReturnFlight>()); } // FOR // Data Generation Thread // Ok, hang on tight. We are going to fork off a separate thread to generate our // tuples because it's easier than trying to pick up where we left off every time // That means that when hasNext() is called, it will block and poke this thread to start // running. Once this thread has generate a new tuple, it will block itself and then // poke the hasNext() thread. This is sort of like a hacky version of Python's yield new Thread() { public void run() { try { ReservationIterable.this.generateData(); } catch (Throwable ex) { // System.err.println("Airport Customers:\n" + getAirportCustomerHistogram()); ReservationIterable.this.error = ex; } finally { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Reservation generation thread is finished"); ReservationIterable.this.done = true; } } // run }.start(); } private void generateData() throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Reservation data generation thread started"); Collection<CustomerId> flight_customer_ids = new HashSet<CustomerId>(); Collection<ReturnFlight> returning_customers = new ListOrderedSet<ReturnFlight>(); // Loop through the flights and generate reservations for (FlightId flight_id : SEATSLoader.this.getFlightIds()) { long depart_airport_id = flight_id.getDepartAirportId(); String depart_airport_code = profile.getAirportCode(depart_airport_id); long arrive_airport_id = flight_id.getArriveAirportId(); String arrive_airport_code = profile.getAirportCode(arrive_airport_id); Timestamp depart_time = flight_id.getDepartDate(profile.getFlightStartDate()); Timestamp arrive_time = SEATSLoader.this.calculateArrivalTime(depart_airport_code, arrive_airport_code, depart_time); flight_customer_ids.clear(); // For each flight figure out which customers are returning this.getReturningCustomers(returning_customers, flight_id); int booked_seats = SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS - SEATSLoader.this.getFlightRemainingSeats(flight_id); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { Map<String, Object> m = new ListOrderedMap<String, Object>(); m.put("Flight Id", flight_id + " / " + flight_id.encode()); m.put("Departure", String.format("%s / %s", profile.getAirportCode(depart_airport_id), depart_time)); m.put("Arrival", String.format("%s / %s", profile.getAirportCode(arrive_airport_id), arrive_time)); m.put("Booked Seats", booked_seats); m.put(String.format("Returning Customers[%d]", returning_customers.size()), StringUtil.join("\n", returning_customers)); LOG.trace("Flight Information\n" + StringUtil.formatMaps(m)); } for (int seatnum = 0; seatnum < booked_seats; seatnum++) { CustomerId customer_id = null; Integer airport_customer_cnt = profile.getCustomerIdCount(depart_airport_id); boolean local_customer = airport_customer_cnt != null && (flight_customer_ids.size() < airport_customer_cnt.intValue()); int tries = 2000; ReturnFlight return_flight = null; while (tries > 0) { return_flight = null; // Always book returning customers first if (returning_customers.isEmpty() == false) { return_flight = CollectionUtil.pop(returning_customers); customer_id = return_flight.getCustomerId(); } // New Outbound Reservation // Prefer to use a customer based out of the local airport else if (local_customer) { customer_id = profile.getRandomCustomerId(depart_airport_id); } // New Outbound Reservation // We'll take anybody! else { customer_id = profile.getRandomCustomerId(); } if (flight_customer_ids.contains(customer_id) == false) break; tries--; } // WHILE assert (tries > 0) : String.format("Safety check! [local=%s]", local_customer); // If this is return flight, then there's nothing extra that we need to do if (return_flight != null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("Booked return flight: " + return_flight + " [remaining=" + returning_customers.size() + "]"); // If it's a new outbound flight, then we will randomly decide when this customer will return (if at all) } else { if (rng.nextInt(100) < SEATSConstants.PROB_SINGLE_FLIGHT_RESERVATION) { // Do nothing for now... // Create a ReturnFlight object to record that this customer needs a flight // back to their original depart airport } else { int return_days = rand_returns.nextInt(); return_flight = new ReturnFlight(customer_id, depart_airport_id, depart_time, return_days); this.airport_returns.get(arrive_airport_id).add(return_flight); } } assert (customer_id != null) : "Null customer id on " + flight_id; assert (flight_customer_ids.contains(customer_id) == false) : flight_id + " already contains " + customer_id; flight_customer_ids.add(customer_id); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("New reservation ready. Adding to queue! [queueSize=%d]", this.queue.size())); this.queue.put(new Object[] { customer_id, flight_id, seatnum }); } // FOR (seats) } // FOR (flights) if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Reservation data generation thread is finished"); } /** * Return a list of the customers that need to return to their original * location on this particular flight. * @param flight_id * @return */ private void getReturningCustomers(Collection<ReturnFlight> returning_customers, FlightId flight_id) { Timestamp flight_date = flight_id.getDepartDate(profile.getFlightStartDate()); returning_customers.clear(); Set<ReturnFlight> returns = this.airport_returns.get(flight_id.getDepartAirportId()); if (!returns.isEmpty()) { for (ReturnFlight return_flight : returns) { if (return_flight.getReturnDate().compareTo(flight_date) > 0) break; if (return_flight.getReturnAirportId() == flight_id.getArriveAirportId()) { returning_customers.add(return_flight); } } // FOR if (!returning_customers.isEmpty()) returns.removeAll(returning_customers); } } @Override protected boolean hasNext() { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("hasNext() called"); this.current = null; while (this.done == false || this.queue.isEmpty() == false) { if (this.error != null) throw new RuntimeException("Failed to generate Reservation records", this.error); try { this.current = this.queue.poll(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected interruption!", ex); } if (this.current != null) return (true); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace("There were no new reservations. Let's try again!"); } // WHILE return (false); } @Override protected Object specialValue(long id, int columnIdx) { assert (this.current != null); Object value = null; switch (columnIdx) { // CUSTOMER ID case (1): { value = ((CustomerId) this.current[0]).encode(); break; } // FLIGHT ID case (2): { FlightId flight_id = (FlightId) this.current[1]; value = flight_id.encode(); if (profile.getReservationUpcomingOffset() == null && flight_id.isUpcoming(profile.getFlightStartDate(), profile.getFlightPastDays())) { profile.setReservationUpcomingOffset(id); } break; } // SEAT case (3): { value = this.current[2]; break; } // PRICE case (4): { value = (double) this.prices.nextInt(); break; } // BAD MOJO! default: assert (false) : "Unexpected special column index " + columnIdx; } // SWITCH return (value); } } // END CLASS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // FLIGHT IDS // ----------------------------------------------------------------- public Iterable<FlightId> getFlightIds() { return (new Iterable<FlightId>() { @Override public Iterator<FlightId> iterator() { return (new Iterator<FlightId>() { private int idx = 0; private final int cnt = seats_remaining.size(); @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (idx < this.cnt); } @Override public FlightId next() { return (seats_remaining.get(this.idx++)); } @Override public void remove() { // Not implemented } }); } }); } /** * * @param flight_id */ public boolean addFlightId(FlightId flight_id) { assert (flight_id != null); assert (this.profile.flight_start_date != null); assert (this.profile.flight_upcoming_date != null); this.profile.addFlightId(flight_id); this.seats_remaining.put(flight_id, (short) SEATSConstants.FLIGHTS_NUM_SEATS); // XXX if (this.profile.flight_upcoming_offset == null && this.profile.flight_upcoming_date .compareTo(flight_id.getDepartDate(this.profile.flight_start_date)) < 0) { this.profile.flight_upcoming_offset = (long) (this.seats_remaining.size() - 1); } return (true); } /** * Return the number of unique flight ids * @return */ public long getFlightIdCount() { return (this.seats_remaining.size()); } /** * Return the index offset of when future flights * @return */ public long getFlightIdStartingOffset() { return (this.profile.flight_upcoming_offset); } /** * Return flight * @param index * @return */ public FlightId getFlightId(int index) { assert (index >= 0); assert (index <= this.getFlightIdCount()); return (this.seats_remaining.get(index)); } /** * Return the number of seats remaining for a flight * @param flight_id * @return */ public int getFlightRemainingSeats(FlightId flight_id) { return ((int) this.seats_remaining.get(flight_id)); } /** * Decrement the number of available seats for a flight and return * the total amount remaining */ public int decrementFlightSeat(FlightId flight_id) { Short seats = this.seats_remaining.get(flight_id); assert (seats != null) : "Missing seat count for " + flight_id; assert (seats >= 0) : "Invalid seat count for " + flight_id; return ((int) this.seats_remaining.put(flight_id, (short) (seats - 1))); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // DISTANCE METHODS // ---------------------------------------------------------------- public void setDistance(String airport0, String airport1, double distance) { short short_distance = (short) Math.round(distance); for (String a[] : new String[][] { { airport0, airport1 }, { airport1, airport0 } }) { if (!this.airport_distances.containsKey(a[0])) { this.airport_distances.put(a[0], new HashMap<String, Short>()); } this.airport_distances.get(a[0]).put(a[1], short_distance); } // FOR } public Integer getDistance(String airport0, String airport1) { assert (this.airport_distances.containsKey(airport0)) : "No distance entries for '" + airport0 + "'"; assert (this.airport_distances.get(airport0).containsKey(airport1)) : "No distance entries from '" + airport0 + "' to '" + airport1 + "'"; return ((int) this.airport_distances.get(airport0).get(airport1)); } /** * For the current depart+arrive airport destinations, calculate the estimated * flight time and then add the to the departure time in order to come up with the * expected arrival time. * @param depart_airport * @param arrive_airport * @param depart_time * @return */ public Timestamp calculateArrivalTime(String depart_airport, String arrive_airport, Timestamp depart_time) { Integer distance = this.getDistance(depart_airport, arrive_airport); assert (distance != null) : String.format("The calculated distance between '%s' and '%s' is null", depart_airport, arrive_airport); long flight_time = Math.round(distance / SEATSConstants.FLIGHT_TRAVEL_RATE) * 3600000000l; // 60 sec * 60 min * 1,000,000 return (new Timestamp(depart_time.getTime() + flight_time)); } }