Java tutorial
/****************************************************************************** * Copyright 2015 by OLTPBenchmark Project * * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ package; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.time.Instant; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONArray; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONException; import org.codehaus.jettison.json.JSONObject; import; import; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.TPCCConstants; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.TPCCUtil; import com.oltpbenchmark.benchmarks.tpcc.pojo.Customer; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.WebResource.Builder; public class RESTOrderStatus extends RESTProcedure { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(RESTOrderStatus.class); private Builder builder; private static String SQL_VARIABLE = "?"; public final String ordStatGetNewestOrdSQLWithVariables = "SELECT O_ID, O_CARRIER_ID, O_ENTRY_D, O_W_ID, O_D_ID FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_OPENORDER + " WHERE O_W_ID = ?" + " AND O_D_ID = ? AND O_C_ID = ? ORDER BY O_ID DESC LIMIT 1"; public final String ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables = "SELECT OL_I_ID, OL_SUPPLY_W_ID, OL_QUANTITY," + " OL_AMOUNT, OL_DELIVERY_D" + " FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDERLINE + " WHERE OL_O_ID = ?" + " AND OL_D_ID =?" + " AND OL_W_ID = ?"; public final String ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables2 = "SELECT OL_I_ID, OL_SUPPLY_W_ID, OL_QUANTITY," + " OL_AMOUNT, OL_DELIVERY_D" + " FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDERLINE + " WHERE OL_O_ID = ?" + " AND OL_D_ID =?" + " AND OL_W_ID = ?"; public final String ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables3 = "SELECT OL_I_ID, OL_QUANTITY," + " OL_AMOUNT, OL_DELIVERY_D" + " FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDERLINE + " WHERE OL_O_ID = ?" + " AND OL_D_ID =?" + " AND OL_W_ID = ?"; public final String ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables4 = "SELECT OL_QUANTITY," + " OL_AMOUNT, OL_DELIVERY_D" + " FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDERLINE + " WHERE OL_O_ID = ?" + " AND OL_D_ID =?" + " AND OL_W_ID = ?"; public final String ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables5 = "SELECT" + " OL_AMOUNT, OL_DELIVERY_D" + " FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_ORDERLINE + " WHERE OL_O_ID = ?" + " AND OL_D_ID =?" + " AND OL_W_ID = ?"; public final String payGetCustSQLWithVariables = "SELECT C_FIRST, C_MIDDLE, C_LAST, C_STREET_1, C_STREET_2, " + "C_CITY, C_STATE, C_ZIP, C_PHONE, C_CREDIT, C_CREDIT_LIM, " + "C_DISCOUNT, C_BALANCE, C_YTD_PAYMENT, C_PAYMENT_CNT, C_SINCE, C_W_ID, C_D_ID, C_ID FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_CUSTOMER + " WHERE " + "C_W_ID = ? AND C_D_ID = ? AND C_ID = ?"; public final String customerByNameSQLWithVariables = "SELECT C_FIRST, C_MIDDLE, C_ID, C_STREET_1, C_STREET_2, C_CITY, " + "C_STATE, C_ZIP, C_PHONE, C_CREDIT, C_CREDIT_LIM, C_DISCOUNT, " + "C_BALANCE, C_YTD_PAYMENT, C_PAYMENT_CNT, C_SINCE, C_W_ID, C_D_ID, C_ID FROM " + TPCCConstants.TABLENAME_CUSTOMER + " WHERE C_W_ID = ? AND C_D_ID = ? AND C_LAST = '?' ORDER BY C_FIRST"; public JSONArray run(Builder builder, Random gen, int terminalWarehouseID, int numWarehouses, int terminalDistrictLowerID, int terminalDistrictUpperID, RESTWorker w) throws SQLException { this.builder = builder; // TODO @anilpacaci, code I have added, it randomly select warehouse, // not the assigned one. So each terminal touches all part of database if (w.getWorkloadConfiguration().getDistribution().equals("zipfian")) { double skew = w.getWorkloadConfiguration().getSkew(); int limit = (int) w.getWorkloadConfiguration().getScaleFactor(); terminalWarehouseID = RESTUtil.zipfianRandom(limit, skew); } else { terminalWarehouseID = TPCCUtil.randomNumber(1, numWarehouses, gen); } int districtID = TPCCUtil.randomNumber(terminalDistrictLowerID, terminalDistrictUpperID, gen); boolean isCustomerByName = false; int y = TPCCUtil.randomNumber(1, 100, gen); String customerLastName = null; int customerID = -1; if (y <= 60) { isCustomerByName = true; customerLastName = TPCCUtil.getNonUniformRandomLastNameForRun(gen); customerID = TPCCUtil.getCustomerID(gen); } else { isCustomerByName = false; customerID = TPCCUtil.getCustomerID(gen); } try { orderStatusTransaction(terminalWarehouseID, districtID, customerID, customerLastName, isCustomerByName, w); } catch (JSONException e) { throw new SQLException("OrderStatus transaction could NOT be executed", e); } return null; } // attention duplicated code across trans... ok for now to maintain separate // prepared statements public Customer getCustomerById(int c_w_id, int c_d_id, int c_id) throws SQLException, JSONException { JSONArray jsonArray = queryRESTEndpoint(payGetCustSQLWithVariables, Integer.toString(c_w_id), Integer.toString(c_d_id), Integer.toString(c_id)); if (jsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("C_ID=" + c_id + " C_D_ID=" + c_d_id + " C_W_ID=" + c_w_id + " not found!"); } JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); Customer c = RESTUtil.newCustomerFromResults(jsonObject); c.c_id = c_id; c.c_last = jsonObject.optString("C_LAST"); return c; } private void orderStatusTransaction(int w_id, int d_id, int c_id, String c_last, boolean c_by_name, RESTWorker w) throws SQLException, JSONException { int o_id = -1, o_carrier_id = -1; Timestamp entdate; ArrayList<String> orderLines = new ArrayList<String>(); Customer c; if (c_by_name) { assert c_id <= 0; // TODO: This only needs c_balance, c_first, c_middle, c_id // only fetch those columns? c = getCustomerByName(w_id, d_id, c_last); } else { assert c_last == null; c = getCustomerById(w_id, d_id, c_id); } RESTUtil.waitMilliSeconds(w.getWorkloadConfiguration().getThinktime()); // find the newest order for the customer // retrieve the carrier & order date for the most recent order. JSONArray jsonArray = queryRESTEndpoint(ordStatGetNewestOrdSQLWithVariables, Integer.toString(w_id), Integer.toString(d_id), Integer.toString(c.c_id)); if (jsonArray.length() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("No orders for O_W_ID=" + w_id + " O_D_ID=" + d_id + " O_C_ID=" + c.c_id); } JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); o_id = jsonObject.optInt("O_ID"); o_carrier_id = jsonObject.optInt("O_CARRIER_ID"); entdate = new Timestamp(jsonObject.optLong("O_ENTRY_D")); // retrieve the order lines for the most recent order RESTUtil.waitMilliSeconds(w.getWorkloadConfiguration().getThinktime()); jsonArray = queryRESTEndpoint(ordStatGetOrderLinesSQLWithVariables, Integer.toString(o_id), Integer.toString(d_id), Integer.toString(w_id)); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); StringBuilder orderLine = new StringBuilder(); orderLine.append("["); orderLine.append(jsonObject.optLong("OL_SUPPLY_W_ID")); orderLine.append(" - "); orderLine.append(jsonObject.optLong("OL_I_ID")); orderLine.append(" - "); orderLine.append(jsonObject.optLong("OL_QUANTITY")); orderLine.append(" - "); orderLine.append(TPCCUtil.formattedDouble(jsonObject.optDouble("OL_AMOUNT"))); orderLine.append(" - "); if (jsonObject.has("OL_DELIVERY_D")) orderLine.append(new Timestamp(jsonObject.optLong("OL_DELIVERY_D"))); else orderLine.append("99-99-9999"); orderLine.append("]"); orderLines.add(orderLine.toString()); } StringBuilder terminalMessage = new StringBuilder(); terminalMessage.append("\n"); terminalMessage.append("+-------------------------- ORDER-STATUS -------------------------+\n"); terminalMessage.append(" Date: "); terminalMessage.append(TPCCUtil.getCurrentTime()); terminalMessage.append("\n\n Warehouse: "); terminalMessage.append(w_id); terminalMessage.append("\n District: "); terminalMessage.append(d_id); terminalMessage.append("\n\n Customer: "); terminalMessage.append(c.c_id); terminalMessage.append("\n Name: "); terminalMessage.append(c.c_first); terminalMessage.append(" "); terminalMessage.append(c.c_middle); terminalMessage.append(" "); terminalMessage.append(c.c_last); terminalMessage.append("\n Balance: "); terminalMessage.append(c.c_balance); terminalMessage.append("\n\n"); if (o_id == -1) { terminalMessage.append(" Customer has no orders placed.\n"); } else { terminalMessage.append(" Order-Number: "); terminalMessage.append(o_id); terminalMessage.append("\n Entry-Date: "); terminalMessage.append(entdate); terminalMessage.append("\n Carrier-Number: "); terminalMessage.append(o_carrier_id); terminalMessage.append("\n\n"); if (orderLines.size() != 0) { terminalMessage.append(" [Supply_W - Item_ID - Qty - Amount - Delivery-Date]\n"); for (String orderLine : orderLines) { terminalMessage.append(" "); terminalMessage.append(orderLine); terminalMessage.append("\n"); } } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(" This Order has no Order-Lines.\n"); } } terminalMessage.append("+-----------------------------------------------------------------+\n\n"); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(terminalMessage.toString()); } // attention this code is repeated in other transacitons... ok for now to // allow for separate statements. public Customer getCustomerByName(int c_w_id, int c_d_id, String c_last) throws SQLException, JSONException { ArrayList<Customer> customers = new ArrayList<Customer>(); String customerByNameSQL = customerByNameSQLWithVariables; customerByNameSQL = StringUtils.replaceOnce(customerByNameSQL, SQL_VARIABLE, Integer.toString(c_w_id)); customerByNameSQL = StringUtils.replaceOnce(customerByNameSQL, SQL_VARIABLE, Integer.toString(c_d_id)); customerByNameSQL = StringUtils.replaceOnce(customerByNameSQL, SQL_VARIABLE, c_last); ClientResponse response = getClient().post(ClientResponse.class, customerByNameSQL); if (response.getClientResponseStatus() != com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status.OK) { throw new SQLException("Query " + customerByNameSQL + " encountered an error "); } JSONArray jsonArray = response.getEntity(JSONArray.class); response.close(); for (int i = 0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i); Customer c = RESTUtil.newCustomerFromResults(jsonObject); c.c_id = jsonObject.optInt("C_ID"); c.c_last = c_last; customers.add(c); } if (customers.size() == 0) { throw new RuntimeException( "C_LAST=" + c_last + " C_D_ID=" + c_d_id + " C_W_ID=" + c_w_id + " not found!"); } // TPC-C Position n / 2 rounded up to the next integer, but // that // counts starting from 1. int index = customers.size() / 2; if (customers.size() % 2 == 0) { index -= 1; } return customers.get(index); } private Builder getClient() { if (builder == null) { new ClientHandlerException("No REST Client, request could not be issued"); } return builder.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).type(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); } private JSONArray queryRESTEndpoint(String sqlStringWithVariables, String... replacements) throws SQLException { String sqlQuery = sqlStringWithVariables; for (int i = 0; i < replacements.length; i++) { sqlQuery = StringUtils.replaceOnce(sqlQuery, SQL_VARIABLE, replacements[i]); } ClientResponse response = getClient().post(ClientResponse.class, sqlQuery); if (response.getClientResponseStatus() != com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse.Status.OK) { throw new SQLException("Query " + sqlQuery + " encountered an error "); } JSONArray jsonArray = response.getEntity(JSONArray.class); response.close(); return jsonArray; } private void waitMilliSeconds(long duration) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (start + duration > System.currentTimeMillis()) { } } private void waitNanoSeconds(long duration) { long start = System.nanoTime(); while (start + duration > System.nanoTime()) { } } }