Java tutorial
/* * $Id: 253170 2014-01-06 02:28:03Z waded $ * -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc. All rights reserved. * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0 * license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the * LICENSE.txt file. */ package com.novemberain.quartz.mongodb; import com.mongodb.*; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.quartz.Calendar; import org.quartz.*; import org.quartz.Trigger.CompletedExecutionInstruction; import org.quartz.Trigger.TriggerState; import org.quartz.impl.matchers.GroupMatcher; import org.quartz.spi.*; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import static com.novemberain.quartz.mongodb.Keys.*; public class MongoDBJobStore implements JobStore, Constants { protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass()); public static final DBObject KEY_AND_GROUP_FIELDS = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().append(KEY_GROUP, 1) .append(KEY_NAME, 1).get(); @Deprecated private static Mongo overriddenMongo; /** * @deprecated use {@link #MongoDBJobStore(Mongo)} */ @Deprecated public static void overrideMongo(Mongo mongo) { overriddenMongo = mongo; } private Mongo mongo; private String collectionPrefix = "quartz_"; private String dbName; private String authDbName; private DBCollection jobCollection; private DBCollection triggerCollection; private DBCollection calendarCollection; private ClassLoadHelper loadHelper; private DBCollection locksCollection; private DBCollection pausedTriggerGroupsCollection; private DBCollection pausedJobGroupsCollection; private String instanceId; private String[] addresses; private String mongoUri; private String username; private String password; private SchedulerSignaler signaler; protected long misfireThreshold = 5000l; private long triggerTimeoutMillis = 10 * 60 * 1000L; private long jobTimeoutMillis = 10 * 60 * 1000L; // Options for the Mongo client. private Boolean mongoOptionAutoConnectRetry; private Boolean mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive; private Integer mongoOptionMaxConnectionsPerHost; private Integer mongoOptionConnectTimeoutMillis; private Integer mongoOptionSocketTimeoutMillis; // read timeout private Integer mongoOptionThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; private List<TriggerPersistenceHelper> persistenceHelpers; private QueryHelper queryHelper; public MongoDBJobStore() { } public MongoDBJobStore(final Mongo mongo) { this.mongo = mongo; } public MongoDBJobStore(final String mongoUri, final String username, final String password) { this.mongoUri = mongoUri; this.username = username; this.password = password; } public void initialize(ClassLoadHelper loadHelper, SchedulerSignaler signaler) throws SchedulerConfigException { this.loadHelper = loadHelper; this.signaler = signaler; if (this.mongo == null) { initializeMongo(); } else { if (mongoUri != null || username != null || password != null || addresses != null) { throw new SchedulerConfigException( "Configure either a Mongo instance or MongoDB connection parameters."); } } DB db = selectDatabase(this.mongo); initializeCollections(db); ensureIndexes(); initializeHelpers(); } public void schedulerStarted() throws SchedulerException { // No-op } public void schedulerPaused() { // No-op } public void schedulerResumed() { } public void shutdown() { mongo.close(); } public boolean supportsPersistence() { return true; } public long getEstimatedTimeToReleaseAndAcquireTrigger() { // this will vary... return 200; } public boolean isClustered() { return false; } /** * Job and Trigger storage Methods */ public void storeJobAndTrigger(JobDetail newJob, OperableTrigger newTrigger) throws JobPersistenceException { ObjectId jobId = storeJobInMongo(newJob, false); log.debug("Storing job {} and trigger {}", newJob.getKey(), newTrigger.getKey()); storeTrigger(newTrigger, jobId, false); } public void storeJob(JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting) throws JobPersistenceException { storeJobInMongo(newJob, replaceExisting); } public void storeJobsAndTriggers(Map<JobDetail, Set<? extends Trigger>> triggersAndJobs, boolean replace) throws JobPersistenceException { for (Entry<JobDetail, Set<? extends Trigger>> entry : triggersAndJobs.entrySet()) { for (Trigger trigger : entry.getValue()) { if (!(trigger instanceof OperableTrigger)) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "storing triggers which are not OperableTrigger is not supported"); } } } for (Entry<JobDetail, Set<? extends Trigger>> entry : triggersAndJobs.entrySet()) { ObjectId jobId = storeJobInMongo(entry.getKey(), replace); for (Trigger newTrigger : entry.getValue()) { storeTrigger((OperableTrigger) newTrigger, jobId, replace); } } } public boolean removeJob(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { BasicDBObject keyObject = Keys.keyToDBObject(jobKey); DBCursor find = jobCollection.find(keyObject); if (find.hasNext()) { DBObject jobObj =; jobCollection.remove(keyObject); triggerCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, jobObj.get("_id"))); return true; } return false; } public boolean removeJobs(List<JobKey> jobKeys) throws JobPersistenceException { for (JobKey key : jobKeys) { removeJob(key); } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public JobDetail retrieveJob(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { DBObject dbObject = findJobDocumentByKey(jobKey); if (dbObject == null) { //Return null if job does not exist, per interface return null; } try { Class<Job> jobClass = (Class<Job>) getJobClassLoader().loadClass((String) dbObject.get(JOB_CLASS)); JobBuilder builder = JobBuilder.newJob(jobClass) .withIdentity((String) dbObject.get(KEY_NAME), (String) dbObject.get(KEY_GROUP)) .withDescription((String) dbObject.get(JOB_DESCRIPTION)); Object jobDurability = dbObject.get(JOB_DURABILITY); if (jobDurability != null) { if (jobDurability instanceof Boolean) { builder.storeDurably((Boolean) jobDurability); } else if (jobDurability instanceof String) { builder.storeDurably(Boolean.valueOf((String) jobDurability)); } else { throw new JobPersistenceException("Illegal value for " + JOB_DURABILITY + ", class " + jobDurability.getClass() + " not supported"); } } JobDataMap jobData = new JobDataMap(); String jobDataString = (String) dbObject.get(JOB_DATA); if (jobDataString != null) { jobDataMapFromString(jobData, jobDataString); } else { for (String key : dbObject.keySet()) { if (!key.equals(KEY_NAME) && !key.equals(KEY_GROUP) && !key.equals(JOB_CLASS) && !key.equals(JOB_DESCRIPTION) && !key.equals(JOB_DURABILITY) && !key.equals("_id")) { jobData.put(key, dbObject.get(key)); } } } jobData.clearDirtyFlag(); return builder.usingJobData(jobData).build(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not load job class " + dbObject.get(JOB_CLASS), e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not load job class " + dbObject.get(JOB_CLASS), e); } } public void storeTrigger(OperableTrigger newTrigger, boolean replaceExisting) throws JobPersistenceException { if (newTrigger.getJobKey() == null) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Trigger must be associated with a job. Please specify a JobKey."); } DBObject dbObject = jobCollection.findOne(Keys.keyToDBObject(newTrigger.getJobKey())); if (dbObject != null) { storeTrigger(newTrigger, (ObjectId) dbObject.get("_id"), replaceExisting); } else { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not find job with key " + newTrigger.getJobKey()); } } // If the removal of the Trigger results in an 'orphaned' Job that is not 'durable', // then the job should be removed also. public boolean removeTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { BasicDBObject dbObject = Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey); List<DBObject> triggers = triggerCollection.find(dbObject).limit(2).toArray(); if (triggers.size() > 0) { DBObject trigger = triggers.get(0); if (trigger.containsField(TRIGGER_JOB_ID)) { // There is only 1 job per trigger so no need to look further. DBObject job = jobCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", trigger.get(TRIGGER_JOB_ID))); // Remove the orphaned job if it's durable and has no other triggers associated with it, // remove it if (job != null && (!job.containsField(JOB_DURABILITY) || job.get(JOB_DURABILITY).toString().equals("false"))) { List<DBObject> referencedTriggers = triggerCollection .find(new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, job.get("_id"))).limit(2).toArray(); if (referencedTriggers.size() == 1) { jobCollection.remove(job); } } } else { log.debug("The trigger had no associated jobs"); } triggerCollection.remove(dbObject); return true; } return false; } public boolean removeTriggers(List<TriggerKey> triggerKeys) throws JobPersistenceException { for (TriggerKey key : triggerKeys) { removeTrigger(key); } return false; } public boolean replaceTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey, OperableTrigger newTrigger) throws JobPersistenceException { OperableTrigger trigger = retrieveTrigger(triggerKey); if (trigger == null) { return false; } if (!trigger.getJobKey().equals(newTrigger.getJobKey())) { throw new JobPersistenceException("New trigger is not related to the same job as the old trigger."); } // Can't call remove trigger as if the job is not durable, it will remove the job too BasicDBObject dbObject = Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey); DBCursor triggers = triggerCollection.find(dbObject); if (triggers.count() > 0) { triggerCollection.remove(dbObject); } // Copy across the job data map from the old trigger to the new one. newTrigger.getJobDataMap().putAll(trigger.getJobDataMap()); try { storeTrigger(newTrigger, false); } catch (JobPersistenceException jpe) { storeTrigger(trigger, false); // put previous trigger back... throw jpe; } return true; } public OperableTrigger retrieveTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { DBObject dbObject = triggerCollection.findOne(Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey)); if (dbObject == null) { return null; } return toTrigger(triggerKey, dbObject); } public boolean checkExists(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { return jobCollection.count(Keys.keyToDBObject(jobKey)) > 0; } public boolean checkExists(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { return triggerCollection.count(Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey)) > 0; } public void clearAllSchedulingData() throws JobPersistenceException { jobCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject()); triggerCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject()); calendarCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject()); pausedJobGroupsCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject()); pausedTriggerGroupsCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject()); } public void storeCalendar(String name, Calendar calendar, boolean replaceExisting, boolean updateTriggers) throws JobPersistenceException { // TODO if (updateTriggers) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Updating triggers is not supported."); } BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); dbObject.put(CALENDAR_NAME, name); dbObject.put(CALENDAR_SERIALIZED_OBJECT, serialize(calendar)); calendarCollection.insert(dbObject); } public boolean removeCalendar(String calName) throws JobPersistenceException { BasicDBObject searchObj = new BasicDBObject(CALENDAR_NAME, calName); if (calendarCollection.count(searchObj) > 0) { calendarCollection.remove(searchObj); return true; } return false; } public Calendar retrieveCalendar(String calName) throws JobPersistenceException { // TODO throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public int getNumberOfJobs() throws JobPersistenceException { return (int) jobCollection.count(); } public int getNumberOfTriggers() throws JobPersistenceException { return (int) triggerCollection.count(); } public int getNumberOfCalendars() throws JobPersistenceException { return (int) calendarCollection.count(); } public int getNumberOfLocks() { return (int) locksCollection.count(); } public Set<JobKey> getJobKeys(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher) throws JobPersistenceException { DBCursor cursor = jobCollection.find(queryHelper.matchingKeysConditionFor(matcher), KEY_AND_GROUP_FIELDS); Set<JobKey> result = new HashSet<JobKey>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject dbo =; JobKey key = Keys.dbObjectToJobKey(dbo); result.add(key); } return result; } public Set<TriggerKey> getTriggerKeys(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher) throws JobPersistenceException { DBCursor cursor = triggerCollection.find(queryHelper.matchingKeysConditionFor(matcher), KEY_AND_GROUP_FIELDS); Set<TriggerKey> result = new HashSet<TriggerKey>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject dbo =; TriggerKey key = Keys.dbObjectToTriggerKey(dbo); result.add(key); } return result; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getJobGroupNames() throws JobPersistenceException { return new ArrayList<String>(jobCollection.distinct(KEY_GROUP)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<String> getTriggerGroupNames() throws JobPersistenceException { return new ArrayList<String>(triggerCollection.distinct(KEY_GROUP)); } public List<String> getCalendarNames() throws JobPersistenceException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public List<OperableTrigger> getTriggersForJob(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { final List<OperableTrigger> triggers = new ArrayList<OperableTrigger>(); final DBObject dbObject = findJobDocumentByKey(jobKey); if (dbObject == null) { return triggers; } final DBCursor cursor = triggerCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, dbObject.get("_id"))); while (cursor.hasNext()) { triggers.add(toTrigger(; } return triggers; } public TriggerState getTriggerState(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { DBObject doc = findTriggerDocumentByKey(triggerKey); return triggerStateForValue((String) doc.get(TRIGGER_STATE)); } public void pauseTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { triggerCollection.update(Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_PAUSED)); } public Collection<String> pauseTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher) throws JobPersistenceException { final GroupHelper groupHelper = new GroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); triggerCollection.update(queryHelper.matchingKeysConditionFor(matcher), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_PAUSED), false, true); final Set<String> set = groupHelper.groupsThatMatch(matcher); markTriggerGroupsAsPaused(set); return set; } public void resumeTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey) throws JobPersistenceException { // TODO: port blocking behavior and misfired triggers handling from StdJDBCDelegate in Quartz triggerCollection.update(Keys.keyToDBObject(triggerKey), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_WAITING)); } public Collection<String> resumeTriggers(GroupMatcher<TriggerKey> matcher) throws JobPersistenceException { final GroupHelper groupHelper = new GroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); triggerCollection.update(queryHelper.matchingKeysConditionFor(matcher), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_WAITING), false, true); final Set<String> set = groupHelper.groupsThatMatch(matcher); this.unmarkTriggerGroupsAsPaused(set); return set; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<String> getPausedTriggerGroups() throws JobPersistenceException { return new HashSet<String>(pausedTriggerGroupsCollection.distinct(KEY_GROUP)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<String> getPausedJobGroups() throws JobPersistenceException { return new HashSet<String>(pausedJobGroupsCollection.distinct(KEY_GROUP)); } public void pauseAll() throws JobPersistenceException { final GroupHelper groupHelper = new GroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); triggerCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_PAUSED)); this.markTriggerGroupsAsPaused(groupHelper.allGroups()); } public void resumeAll() throws JobPersistenceException { final GroupHelper groupHelper = new GroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); triggerCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_WAITING)); this.unmarkTriggerGroupsAsPaused(groupHelper.allGroups()); } public void pauseJob(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { final ObjectId jobId = (ObjectId) findJobDocumentByKey(jobKey).get("_id"); final TriggerGroupHelper groupHelper = new TriggerGroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); List<String> groups = groupHelper.groupsForJobId(jobId); triggerCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, jobId), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_PAUSED)); this.markTriggerGroupsAsPaused(groups); } public Collection<String> pauseJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher) throws JobPersistenceException { final TriggerGroupHelper groupHelper = new TriggerGroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); List<String> groups = groupHelper.groupsForJobIds(idsFrom(findJobDocumentsThatMatch(groupMatcher))); triggerCollection.update(queryHelper.inGroups(groups), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_PAUSED)); this.markJobGroupsAsPaused(groups); return groups; } public void resumeJob(JobKey jobKey) throws JobPersistenceException { final ObjectId jobId = (ObjectId) findJobDocumentByKey(jobKey).get("_id"); // TODO: port blocking behavior and misfired triggers handling from StdJDBCDelegate in Quartz triggerCollection.update(new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, jobId), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_WAITING)); } public Collection<String> resumeJobs(GroupMatcher<JobKey> groupMatcher) throws JobPersistenceException { final TriggerGroupHelper groupHelper = new TriggerGroupHelper(triggerCollection, queryHelper); List<String> groups = groupHelper.groupsForJobIds(idsFrom(findJobDocumentsThatMatch(groupMatcher))); triggerCollection.update(queryHelper.inGroups(groups), updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(STATE_WAITING)); this.unmarkJobGroupsAsPaused(groups); return groups; } public List<OperableTrigger> acquireNextTriggers(long noLaterThan, int maxCount, long timeWindow) throws JobPersistenceException { Date noLaterThanDate = new Date(noLaterThan + timeWindow); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Finding up to {} triggers which have time less than {}", maxCount, noLaterThanDate); } Map<TriggerKey, OperableTrigger> triggers = new HashMap<TriggerKey, OperableTrigger>(); doAcquireNextTriggers(triggers, noLaterThanDate, maxCount); List<OperableTrigger> triggerList = new LinkedList<OperableTrigger>(triggers.values()); // Because we are handling a batch, we may have done multiple queries and while the result for each // query is in fire order, the result for the whole might not be, so sort them again Collections.sort(triggerList, new Comparator<OperableTrigger>() { @Override public int compare(OperableTrigger o1, OperableTrigger o2) { return (int) (o1.getNextFireTime().getTime() - o2.getNextFireTime().getTime()); } }); return triggerList; } private void doAcquireNextTriggers(Map<TriggerKey, OperableTrigger> triggers, Date noLaterThanDate, int maxCount) throws JobPersistenceException { BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put(TRIGGER_NEXT_FIRE_TIME, new BasicDBObject("$lte", noLaterThanDate)); query.put(TRIGGER_STATE, STATE_WAITING); DBCursor cursor = triggerCollection.find(query); BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject(); sort.put(TRIGGER_NEXT_FIRE_TIME, Integer.valueOf(1)); cursor.sort(sort); log.debug("Found {} triggers which are eligible to be run.", cursor.count()); while (cursor.hasNext() && maxCount > triggers.size()) { DBObject dbObj =; OperableTrigger trigger = toTrigger(dbObj); try { if (trigger == null) { continue; } if (triggers.containsKey(trigger.getKey())) { log.debug("Skipping trigger {} as we have already acquired it.", trigger.getKey()); continue; } if (trigger.getNextFireTime() == null) { log.debug("Skipping trigger {} as it has no next fire time.", trigger.getKey()); // No next fire time, so delete it removeTrigger(trigger.getKey()); continue; } // deal with misfires if (applyMisfire(trigger)) { log.debug("Misfire trigger {}.", trigger.getKey()); Date nextFireTime = trigger.getNextFireTime(); if (nextFireTime == null) { log.debug("Removing trigger {} as it has no next fire time after the misfire was applied.", trigger.getKey()); // No next fire time, so delete it removeTrigger(trigger.getKey()); continue; } // The trigger has misfired and was rescheduled, its firetime may be too far in the future // and we don't want to hang the quartz scheduler thread up on <code>sigLock.wait(timeUntilTrigger);</code> // so, check again that the trigger is due to fire if (nextFireTime.after(noLaterThanDate)) { log.debug("Skipping trigger {} as it misfired and was scheduled for {}.", trigger.getKey(), trigger.getNextFireTime()); continue; } } log.debug("Inserting lock for trigger {}", trigger.getKey()); BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, dbObj.get(KEY_NAME)); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, dbObj.get(KEY_GROUP)); lock.put(LOCK_INSTANCE_ID, instanceId); lock.put(LOCK_TIME, new Date()); // A lock needs to be written with FSYNCED to be 100% effective across multiple servers locksCollection.insert(lock, WriteConcern.FSYNCED); log.debug("Aquired trigger {}", trigger.getKey()); triggers.put(trigger.getKey(), trigger); } catch (DuplicateKeyException e) { // someone else acquired this lock. Move on. log.debug("Failed to acquire trigger {} due to a lock", trigger.getKey()); BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, dbObj.get(KEY_NAME)); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, dbObj.get(KEY_GROUP)); DBObject existingLock; DBCursor lockCursor = locksCollection.find(lock); if (lockCursor.hasNext()) { existingLock =; // support for trigger lock expirations if (isTriggerLockExpired(existingLock)) { log.warn("Lock for trigger {} is expired - removing lock and retrying trigger acquisition", trigger.getKey()); removeTriggerLock(trigger); doAcquireNextTriggers(triggers, noLaterThanDate, maxCount - triggers.size()); } } else { log.warn("Error retrieving expired lock from the database. Maybe it was deleted"); doAcquireNextTriggers(triggers, noLaterThanDate, maxCount - triggers.size()); } } } } public void releaseAcquiredTrigger(OperableTrigger trigger) { removeTriggerLock(trigger); } public List<TriggerFiredResult> triggersFired(List<OperableTrigger> triggers) throws JobPersistenceException { List<TriggerFiredResult> results = new ArrayList<TriggerFiredResult>(); for (OperableTrigger trigger : triggers) { log.debug("Fired trigger {}", trigger.getKey()); Calendar cal = null; if (trigger.getCalendarName() != null) { cal = retrieveCalendar(trigger.getCalendarName()); if (cal == null) continue; } Date prevFireTime = trigger.getPreviousFireTime(); trigger.triggered(cal); TriggerFiredBundle bndle = new TriggerFiredBundle(retrieveJob(trigger), trigger, cal, false, new Date(), trigger.getPreviousFireTime(), prevFireTime, trigger.getNextFireTime()); JobDetail job = bndle.getJobDetail(); if (job != null) { try { if (job.isConcurrentExectionDisallowed()) { log.debug("Inserting lock for job {}", job.getKey()); BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, "jobconcurrentlock:" + job.getKey().getName()); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, job.getKey().getGroup()); lock.put(LOCK_INSTANCE_ID, instanceId); lock.put(LOCK_TIME, new Date()); // A lock needs to be written with FSYNCED to be 100% effective across multiple servers locksCollection.insert(lock, WriteConcern.FSYNCED); } results.add(new TriggerFiredResult(bndle)); storeTrigger(trigger, true); } catch (DuplicateKeyException dk) { log.debug("Job disallows concurrent execution and is already running {}", job.getKey()); // Remove the trigger lock removeTriggerLock(trigger); // Find the existing lock and if still present, and expired, then remove it. BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, "jobconcurrentlock:" + job.getKey().getName()); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, job.getKey().getGroup()); DBObject existingLock; DBCursor lockCursor = locksCollection.find(lock); if (lockCursor.hasNext()) { existingLock =; if (isJobLockExpired(existingLock)) { log.debug("Removing expired lock for job {}", job.getKey()); locksCollection.remove(existingLock); } } } } } return results; } public void triggeredJobComplete(OperableTrigger trigger, JobDetail jobDetail, CompletedExecutionInstruction triggerInstCode) { try { log.debug("Trigger completed {}", trigger.getKey()); if (jobDetail.isPersistJobDataAfterExecution()) { if (jobDetail.getJobDataMap().isDirty()) { log.debug("Job data map dirty, will store {}", jobDetail.getKey()); storeJobInMongo(jobDetail, true); } } if (jobDetail.isConcurrentExectionDisallowed()) { log.debug("Removing lock for job {}", jobDetail.getKey()); BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, "jobconcurrentlock:" + jobDetail.getKey().getName()); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, jobDetail.getKey().getGroup()); locksCollection.remove(lock); } // check for trigger deleted during execution... OperableTrigger trigger2 = retrieveTrigger(trigger.getKey()); if (trigger2 != null) { if (triggerInstCode == CompletedExecutionInstruction.DELETE_TRIGGER) { if (trigger.getNextFireTime() == null) { // double check for possible reschedule within job // execution, which would cancel the need to delete... if (trigger2.getNextFireTime() == null) { removeTrigger(trigger.getKey()); } } else { removeTrigger(trigger.getKey()); signaler.signalSchedulingChange(0L); } } else if (triggerInstCode == CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_TRIGGER_COMPLETE) { // TODO: need to store state signaler.signalSchedulingChange(0L); } else if (triggerInstCode == CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_TRIGGER_ERROR) { // TODO: need to store state signaler.signalSchedulingChange(0L); } else if (triggerInstCode == CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_ERROR) { // TODO: need to store state signaler.signalSchedulingChange(0L); } else if (triggerInstCode == CompletedExecutionInstruction.SET_ALL_JOB_TRIGGERS_COMPLETE) { // TODO: need to store state signaler.signalSchedulingChange(0L); } } removeTriggerLock(trigger); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } public void setInstanceId(String instanceId) { this.instanceId = instanceId; } public void setInstanceName(String schedName) { // No-op } public void setThreadPoolSize(int poolSize) { // No-op } public void setAddresses(String addresses) { this.addresses = addresses.split(","); } public DBCollection getJobCollection() { return jobCollection; } public DBCollection getTriggerCollection() { return triggerCollection; } public DBCollection getCalendarCollection() { return calendarCollection; } public DBCollection getLocksCollection() { return locksCollection; } public String getDbName() { return dbName; } public void setDbName(String dbName) { this.dbName = dbName; } public void setCollectionPrefix(String prefix) { collectionPrefix = prefix + "_"; } public void setMongoUri(final String mongoUri) { this.mongoUri = mongoUri; } public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public long getMisfireThreshold() { return misfireThreshold; } public void setMisfireThreshold(long misfireThreshold) { this.misfireThreshold = misfireThreshold; } public void setTriggerTimeoutMillis(long triggerTimeoutMillis) { this.triggerTimeoutMillis = triggerTimeoutMillis; } public void setJobTimeoutMillis(long jobTimeoutMillis) { this.jobTimeoutMillis = jobTimeoutMillis; } // // Implementation // private void initializeMongo() throws SchedulerConfigException { if (overriddenMongo != null) { this.mongo = overriddenMongo; } else { this.mongo = connectToMongoDB(); } if (this.mongo == null) { throw new SchedulerConfigException( "Could not connect to MongoDB! Please check that quartz-mongodb configuration is correct."); } } private void initializeCollections(DB db) { jobCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "jobs"); triggerCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "triggers"); calendarCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "calendars"); locksCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "locks"); pausedTriggerGroupsCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "paused_trigger_groups"); pausedJobGroupsCollection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "paused_job_groups"); } private DB selectDatabase(Mongo mongo) { DB db = mongo.getDB(dbName); // MongoDB defaults are insane, set a reasonable write concern explicitly. MK. // But we would be insane not to override this when writing lock records. LB. db.setWriteConcern(WriteConcern.JOURNALED); if (username != null) { if (authDbName != null) { // authentificating to db which gives access to all other dbs (role - readWriteAnyDatabase) // by default in mongo it should be "admin" DB authDb = mongo.getDB(authDbName); authDb.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray()); } else { db.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray()); } } return db; } private Mongo connectToMongoDB() throws SchedulerConfigException { if (mongoUri == null && (addresses == null || addresses.length == 0)) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("At least one MongoDB address or a MongoDB URI must be specified ."); } if (mongoUri != null) { return connectToMongoDB(mongoUri); } MongoClientOptions.Builder optionsBuilder = MongoClientOptions.builder(); optionsBuilder.writeConcern(WriteConcern.SAFE); if (mongoOptionAutoConnectRetry != null) optionsBuilder.autoConnectRetry(mongoOptionAutoConnectRetry); if (mongoOptionMaxConnectionsPerHost != null) optionsBuilder.connectionsPerHost(mongoOptionMaxConnectionsPerHost); if (mongoOptionConnectTimeoutMillis != null) optionsBuilder.connectTimeout(mongoOptionConnectTimeoutMillis); if (mongoOptionSocketTimeoutMillis != null) optionsBuilder.socketTimeout(mongoOptionSocketTimeoutMillis); if (mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive != null) optionsBuilder.socketKeepAlive(mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive); if (mongoOptionThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier != null) optionsBuilder.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier( mongoOptionThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier); MongoClientOptions options =; try { ArrayList<ServerAddress> serverAddresses = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>(); for (String a : addresses) { serverAddresses.add(new ServerAddress(a)); } return new MongoClient(serverAddresses, options); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("Could not connect to MongoDB", e); } catch (MongoException e) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("Could not connect to MongoDB", e); } } private Mongo connectToMongoDB(final String mongoUriAsString) throws SchedulerConfigException { try { return new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(mongoUriAsString)); } catch (final UnknownHostException e) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("Could not connect to MongoDB", e); } catch (final MongoException e) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("MongoDB driver thrown an exception", e); } } protected OperableTrigger toTrigger(DBObject dbObj) throws JobPersistenceException { TriggerKey key = new TriggerKey((String) dbObj.get(KEY_NAME), (String) dbObj.get(KEY_GROUP)); return toTrigger(key, dbObj); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected OperableTrigger toTrigger(TriggerKey triggerKey, DBObject dbObject) throws JobPersistenceException { OperableTrigger trigger; try { Class<OperableTrigger> triggerClass = (Class<OperableTrigger>) getTriggerClassLoader() .loadClass((String) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_CLASS)); trigger = triggerClass.newInstance(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not find trigger class " + dbObject.get(TRIGGER_CLASS)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not instantiate trigger class " + dbObject.get(TRIGGER_CLASS)); } TriggerPersistenceHelper tpd = triggerPersistenceDelegateFor(trigger); trigger.setKey(triggerKey); trigger.setCalendarName((String) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_CALENDAR_NAME)); trigger.setDescription((String) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION)); trigger.setFireInstanceId((String) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_FIRE_INSTANCE_ID)); trigger.setMisfireInstruction((Integer) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION)); trigger.setNextFireTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_NEXT_FIRE_TIME)); trigger.setPreviousFireTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_PREVIOUS_FIRE_TIME)); trigger.setPriority((Integer) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_PRIORITY)); String jobDataString = (String) dbObject.get(JOB_DATA); if (jobDataString != null) { try { jobDataMapFromString(trigger.getJobDataMap(), jobDataString); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobPersistenceException( "Could not deserialize job data for trigger " + dbObject.get(TRIGGER_CLASS)); } } try { trigger.setStartTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_START_TIME)); trigger.setEndTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_END_TIME)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //Ignore illegal arg exceptions thrown by triggers doing JIT validation of start and endtime log.warn("Trigger had illegal start / end time combination: {}", trigger.getKey(), e); } try { trigger.setStartTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_START_TIME)); trigger.setEndTime((Date) dbObject.get(TRIGGER_END_TIME)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { //Ignore illegal arg exceptions thrown by triggers doing JIT validation of start and endtime log.warn("Trigger had illegal start / end time combination: {}", trigger.getKey(), e); } trigger = tpd.setExtraPropertiesAfterInstantiation(trigger, dbObject); DBObject job = jobCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", dbObject.get(TRIGGER_JOB_ID))); if (job != null) { trigger.setJobKey(new JobKey((String) job.get(KEY_NAME), (String) job.get(KEY_GROUP))); return trigger; } else { // job was deleted return null; } } protected ClassLoader getTriggerClassLoader() { return org.quartz.Job.class.getClassLoader(); } private TriggerPersistenceHelper triggerPersistenceDelegateFor(OperableTrigger trigger) { TriggerPersistenceHelper result = null; for (TriggerPersistenceHelper d : persistenceHelpers) { if (d.canHandleTriggerType(trigger)) { result = d; break; } } assert result != null; return result; } protected boolean isTriggerLockExpired(DBObject lock) { Date lockTime = (Date) lock.get(LOCK_TIME); long elaspedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lockTime.getTime(); return (elaspedTime > triggerTimeoutMillis); } protected boolean isJobLockExpired(DBObject lock) { Date lockTime = (Date) lock.get(LOCK_TIME); long elaspedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - lockTime.getTime(); return (elaspedTime > jobTimeoutMillis); } protected boolean applyMisfire(OperableTrigger trigger) throws JobPersistenceException { long misfireTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (getMisfireThreshold() > 0) { misfireTime -= getMisfireThreshold(); } Date tnft = trigger.getNextFireTime(); if (tnft == null || tnft.getTime() > misfireTime || trigger.getMisfireInstruction() == Trigger.MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION_IGNORE_MISFIRE_POLICY) { return false; } Calendar cal = null; if (trigger.getCalendarName() != null) { cal = retrieveCalendar(trigger.getCalendarName()); } signaler.notifyTriggerListenersMisfired((OperableTrigger) trigger.clone()); trigger.updateAfterMisfire(cal); if (trigger.getNextFireTime() == null) { signaler.notifySchedulerListenersFinalized(trigger); } else if (tnft.equals(trigger.getNextFireTime())) { return false; } storeTrigger(trigger, true); return true; } private Object serialize(Calendar calendar) throws JobPersistenceException { ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream objectStream = new ObjectOutputStream(byteStream); objectStream.writeObject(calendar); objectStream.close(); return byteStream.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new JobPersistenceException("Could not serialize Calendar.", e); } } /** * Initializes the indexes for the scheduler collections. * * @throws SchedulerConfigException if an error occurred communicating with the MongoDB server. */ private void ensureIndexes() throws SchedulerConfigException { try { /* * Indexes are to be declared as group then name. This is important as the quartz API allows * for the searching of jobs and triggers using a group matcher. To be able to use the compound * index using group alone (as the API allows), group must be the first key in that index. * * To be consistent, all such indexes are ensured in the order group then name. The previous * indexes are removed after we have "ensured" the new ones. */ BasicDBObject keys = new BasicDBObject(); keys.put(KEY_GROUP, 1); keys.put(KEY_NAME, 1); jobCollection.createIndex(keys, new BasicDBObject("unique", Boolean.TRUE)); keys = new BasicDBObject(); keys.put(KEY_GROUP, 1); keys.put(KEY_NAME, 1); triggerCollection.createIndex(keys, new BasicDBObject("unique", Boolean.TRUE)); keys = new BasicDBObject(); keys.put(KEY_GROUP, 1); keys.put(KEY_NAME, 1); locksCollection.createIndex(keys, new BasicDBObject("unique", Boolean.TRUE)); // Need this to stop table scan when removing all locks locksCollection.createIndex(new BasicDBObject(LOCK_INSTANCE_ID, 1)); // remove all locks for this instance on startup locksCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(LOCK_INSTANCE_ID, instanceId)); keys = new BasicDBObject(); keys.put(CALENDAR_NAME, 1); calendarCollection.createIndex(keys, new BasicDBObject("unique", Boolean.TRUE)); try { // Drop the old indexes that were declared as name then group rather than group then name jobCollection.dropIndex("keyName_1_keyGroup_1"); triggerCollection.dropIndex("keyName_1_keyGroup_1"); locksCollection.dropIndex("keyName_1_keyGroup_1"); } catch (MongoCommandException cfe) { // Ignore, the old indexes have already been removed } } catch (final MongoException e) { throw new SchedulerConfigException("Error while initializing the indexes", e); } } protected void storeTrigger(OperableTrigger newTrigger, ObjectId jobId, boolean replaceExisting) throws JobPersistenceException { BasicDBObject trigger = new BasicDBObject(); trigger.put(TRIGGER_STATE, STATE_WAITING); trigger.put(TRIGGER_CALENDAR_NAME, newTrigger.getCalendarName()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_CLASS, newTrigger.getClass().getName()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION, newTrigger.getDescription()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_END_TIME, newTrigger.getEndTime()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_FINAL_FIRE_TIME, newTrigger.getFinalFireTime()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_FIRE_INSTANCE_ID, newTrigger.getFireInstanceId()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_JOB_ID, jobId); trigger.put(KEY_NAME, newTrigger.getKey().getName()); trigger.put(KEY_GROUP, newTrigger.getKey().getGroup()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_MISFIRE_INSTRUCTION, newTrigger.getMisfireInstruction()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_NEXT_FIRE_TIME, newTrigger.getNextFireTime()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_PREVIOUS_FIRE_TIME, newTrigger.getPreviousFireTime()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_PRIORITY, newTrigger.getPriority()); trigger.put(TRIGGER_START_TIME, newTrigger.getStartTime()); if (newTrigger.getJobDataMap().size() > 0) { try { String jobDataString = jobDataToString(newTrigger.getJobDataMap()); trigger.put(JOB_DATA, jobDataString); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new JobPersistenceException( "Could not serialise job data map on the trigger for " + newTrigger.getKey(), ioe); } } TriggerPersistenceHelper tpd = triggerPersistenceDelegateFor(newTrigger); trigger = (BasicDBObject) tpd.injectExtraPropertiesForInsert(newTrigger, trigger); if (replaceExisting) { trigger.remove("_id"); triggerCollection.update(keyToDBObject(newTrigger.getKey()), trigger); } else { try { triggerCollection.insert(trigger); } catch (DuplicateKeyException key) { throw new ObjectAlreadyExistsException(newTrigger); } } } protected ObjectId storeJobInMongo(JobDetail newJob, boolean replaceExisting) throws ObjectAlreadyExistsException { JobKey key = newJob.getKey(); BasicDBObject keyDbo = keyToDBObject(key); BasicDBObject job = keyToDBObject(key); job.put(KEY_NAME, key.getName()); job.put(KEY_GROUP, key.getGroup()); job.put(JOB_DESCRIPTION, newJob.getDescription()); job.put(JOB_CLASS, newJob.getJobClass().getName()); job.put(JOB_DURABILITY, newJob.isDurable()); job.putAll(newJob.getJobDataMap()); DBObject object = jobCollection.findOne(keyDbo); ObjectId objectId = null; if (object != null && replaceExisting) { jobCollection.update(keyDbo, job); } else if (object == null) { try { jobCollection.insert(job); objectId = (ObjectId) job.get("_id"); } catch (DuplicateKeyException e) { // Fine, find it and get its id. object = jobCollection.findOne(keyDbo); objectId = (ObjectId) object.get("_id"); } } else { objectId = (ObjectId) object.get("_id"); } return objectId; } protected void removeTriggerLock(OperableTrigger trigger) { log.debug("Removing trigger lock {}.{}", trigger.getKey(), instanceId); BasicDBObject lock = new BasicDBObject(); lock.put(KEY_NAME, trigger.getKey().getName()); lock.put(KEY_GROUP, trigger.getKey().getGroup()); // Comment this out, as expired trigger locks should be deleted by any another instance // lock.put(LOCK_INSTANCE_ID, instanceId); locksCollection.remove(lock); log.debug("Trigger lock {}.{} removed.", trigger.getKey(), instanceId); } protected ClassLoader getJobClassLoader() { return loadHelper.getClassLoader(); } private JobDetail retrieveJob(OperableTrigger trigger) throws JobPersistenceException { try { return retrieveJob(trigger.getJobKey()); } catch (JobPersistenceException e) { removeTriggerLock(trigger); throw e; } } protected DBObject findJobDocumentByKey(JobKey key) { return jobCollection.findOne(keyToDBObject(key)); } protected DBObject findTriggerDocumentByKey(TriggerKey key) { return triggerCollection.findOne(keyToDBObject(key)); } private void initializeHelpers() { this.persistenceHelpers = new ArrayList<TriggerPersistenceHelper>(); persistenceHelpers.add(new SimpleTriggerPersistenceHelper()); persistenceHelpers.add(new CalendarIntervalTriggerPersistenceHelper()); persistenceHelpers.add(new CronTriggerPersistenceHelper()); persistenceHelpers.add(new DailyTimeIntervalTriggerPersistenceHelper()); this.queryHelper = new QueryHelper(); } private TriggerState triggerStateForValue(String ts) { if (ts == null) { return TriggerState.NONE; } if (ts.equals(STATE_DELETED)) { return TriggerState.NONE; } if (ts.equals(STATE_COMPLETE)) { return TriggerState.COMPLETE; } if (ts.equals(STATE_PAUSED)) { return TriggerState.PAUSED; } if (ts.equals(STATE_PAUSED_BLOCKED)) { return TriggerState.PAUSED; } if (ts.equals(STATE_ERROR)) { return TriggerState.ERROR; } if (ts.equals(STATE_BLOCKED)) { return TriggerState.BLOCKED; } // waiting or acquired return TriggerState.NORMAL; } private DBObject updateThatSetsTriggerStateTo(String state) { return BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("$set", new BasicDBObject(TRIGGER_STATE, state)).get(); } private void markTriggerGroupsAsPaused(Collection<String> groups) { List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (String s : groups) { list.add(new BasicDBObject(KEY_GROUP, s)); } pausedTriggerGroupsCollection.insert(list); } private void unmarkTriggerGroupsAsPaused(Collection<String> groups) { pausedTriggerGroupsCollection.remove(QueryBuilder.start(KEY_GROUP).in(groups).get()); } private void markJobGroupsAsPaused(List<String> groups) { if (groups == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("groups cannot be null!"); } List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (String s : groups) { list.add(new BasicDBObject(KEY_GROUP, s)); } pausedJobGroupsCollection.insert(list); } private void unmarkJobGroupsAsPaused(Collection<String> groups) { pausedJobGroupsCollection.remove(QueryBuilder.start(KEY_GROUP).in(groups).get()); } private Collection<ObjectId> idsFrom(Collection<DBObject> docs) { // so much repetitive code would be gone if Java collections just had .map and .filter List<ObjectId> list = new ArrayList<ObjectId>(); for (DBObject doc : docs) { list.add((ObjectId) doc.get("_id")); } return list; } private Collection<DBObject> findJobDocumentsThatMatch(GroupMatcher<JobKey> matcher) { final GroupHelper groupHelper = new GroupHelper(jobCollection, queryHelper); return groupHelper.inGroupsThatMatch(matcher); } protected void jobDataMapFromString(JobDataMap jobDataMap, String clob) throws IOException { try { byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(clob); Map<String, ?> map = (Map<String, ?>) stringMapFromBytes(bytes); jobDataMap.putAll(map); jobDataMap.clearDirtyFlag(); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { throw new NotSerializableException("Unable to serialize JobDataMap for insertion into " + "database because the value of property '" + getKeyOfNonSerializableStringMapEntry(jobDataMap.getWrappedMap()) + "' is not serializable: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } private Map<String, ?> stringMapFromBytes(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, ?> map = (Map<String, ?>) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); return map; } protected String jobDataToString(JobDataMap jobDataMap) throws IOException { try { byte[] bytes = stringMapToBytes(jobDataMap.getWrappedMap()); return Base64.encodeBase64String(bytes); } catch (NotSerializableException e) { throw new NotSerializableException("Unable to serialize JobDataMap for insertion into " + "database because the value of property '" + getKeyOfNonSerializableStringMapEntry(jobDataMap.getWrappedMap()).toString() + "' is not serializable: " + e.getMessage()); } } private byte[] stringMapToBytes(Object object) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); out.writeObject(object); out.flush(); return baos.toByteArray(); } private String getKeyOfNonSerializableStringMapEntry(Map<String, ?> data) { for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : data.entrySet()) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos); out.writeObject(entry.getValue()); out.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { return entry.getKey(); } } return null; } public void setMongoOptionMaxConnectionsPerHost(int maxConnectionsPerHost) { this.mongoOptionMaxConnectionsPerHost = maxConnectionsPerHost; } public void setMongoOptionAutoConnectRetry(boolean autoConnectRetry) { this.mongoOptionAutoConnectRetry = autoConnectRetry; } public void setMongoOptionConnectTimeoutMillis(int maxConnectWaitTime) { this.mongoOptionConnectTimeoutMillis = maxConnectWaitTime; } public void setMongoOptionSocketTimeoutMillis(int socketTimeoutMillis) { this.mongoOptionSocketTimeoutMillis = socketTimeoutMillis; } public void setMongoOptionThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier( int threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier) { this.mongoOptionThreadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier = threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier; } public void setMongoOptionSocketKeepAlive(boolean mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive) { this.mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive = mongoOptionSocketKeepAlive; } public String getAuthDbName() { return authDbName; } public void setAuthDbName(String authDbName) { this.authDbName = authDbName; } }