Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2015 Norconex Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.norconex.collector.http.crawler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.SystemUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.MutableInt; import; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import com.norconex.collector.core.checksum.impl.MD5DocumentChecksummer; import; import; import; import com.norconex.collector.http.HttpCollector; import com.norconex.collector.http.checksum.impl.LastModifiedMetadataChecksummer; import; import com.norconex.committer.core.impl.FileSystemCommitter; import com.norconex.commons.lang.Sleeper; import com.norconex.commons.lang.file.FileUtil; import com.norconex.commons.lang.file.IFileVisitor; import; /** * @author Pascal Essiembre * */ public class ExecutionTest extends AbstractHttpTest { private File workDir; private File committedDir; private File progressDir; private File varsFile; private File configFile;; private Properties vars; /** * Constructor. */ public ExecutionTest() { } @Before public void setup() throws IOException { workDir = getTempFolder().newFolder(); committedDir = new File(workDir, "committed"); progressDir = new File(workDir, "progress"); varsFile = getTempFolder().newFile(""); configFile = getTempFolder().newFile("test.cfg"); vars = new Properties(); vars.setString("startURL", newUrl("/test?case=basic&depth=0")); vars.setFile("workDir", workDir); vars.setInt("maxDepth", 10); vars.setInt("maxDocuments", 10); vars.setInt("delay", 0); } @After public void tearDown() throws IOException { FileUtil.delete(varsFile); FileUtil.delete(configFile); FileUtil.delete(workDir); vars.clear(); workDir = null; committedDir = null; progressDir = null; vars = null; varsFile = null; configFile = null; } @Test public void testWebPageModificationDetection() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String startURL = newUrl("/test?case=modifiedFiles"); vars.setString("startURL", startURL); vars.setClass("metadataChecksummer", LastModifiedMetadataChecksummer.class); vars.setClass("documentChecksummer", MD5DocumentChecksummer.class); int exitValue = 0; // Test once and make sure we get 4 additions in total. exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of added files.", 4, countAddedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); FileUtil.delete(committedDir); // Test twice and make sure we get 1 add (3 unmodified), because: // Page 1 has new modified date, we check content. Content is same. // Page 2 has same modified date, we do not go further (ignore content). // Page 3 has new modified date, so we check content. // Content is modified. exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of modified files.", 1, countAddedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); FileUtil.delete(committedDir); //TODO test with just header checksum, then with just content checksum? } @Test public void testWebPageDeletionDetection() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String startURL = newUrl("/test?case=deletedFiles&token=" + System.currentTimeMillis()); vars.setString("startURL", startURL); vars.setClass("metadataChecksummer", LastModifiedMetadataChecksummer.class); vars.setClass("documentChecksummer", MD5DocumentChecksummer.class); int exitValue = 0; // Test once and make sure we get 4 additions in total. exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of added files.", 4, countAddedFiles()); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of deleted files.", 0, countDeletedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); FileUtil.delete(committedDir); // Test twice and make sure we get 0 add (1 unmodified) // and 3 pages to delete. exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of added files.", 0, countAddedFiles()); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of deleted files.", 3, countDeletedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); FileUtil.delete(committedDir); // Test a third time and make sure we get 0 add (1 unmodified) // and 3 new pages. exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of added files.", 3, countAddedFiles()); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of deleted files.", 0, countDeletedFiles()); } @Test public void testStartAfterStopped() throws IOException, XMLStreamException, InterruptedException { testAfterStopped(false); } @Test public void testResumeAfterStopped() throws IOException, XMLStreamException, InterruptedException { testAfterStopped(true); } private void testAfterStopped(boolean resume) throws IOException, XMLStreamException, InterruptedException { vars.setInt("delay", 5000); Thread newCrawl = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { System.out.println("Starting collector."); int returnValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong first return value.", 0, returnValue); } catch (IOException | XMLStreamException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }; newCrawl.start(); Sleeper.sleepSeconds(10); System.out.println("Requesting collector to stop."); int returnValue = runCollector("stop", null); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong stop return value.", 0, returnValue); newCrawl.join(); int fileCount = countAddedFiles(); Assert.assertTrue("Should not have had time to process more than " + "2 or 3 files", fileCount > 1 && fileCount < 4); ageProgress(progressDir); vars.setInt("delay", 0); //--- Resume after stop --- if (resume) { int exitValue = runCollector("resume", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of committed files after resume.", 10, countAddedFiles()); //--- Start after stop --- } else { FileUtil.delete(committedDir); vars.setInt("maxDocuments", 2); int exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of committed files after start.", 2, countAddedFiles()); } } @Test public void testStartAfterJvmCrash() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { testAfterJvmCrash(false, MapDBCrawlDataStoreFactory.class, null); } @Test public void testResumeAfterJvmCrash_MapDB() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { testAfterJvmCrash(true, MapDBCrawlDataStoreFactory.class, null); } @Test public void testResumeAfterJvmCrash_MVStore() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { testAfterJvmCrash(true, MVStoreCrawlDataStoreFactory.class, null); } @Test public void testResumeAfterJvmCrash_Derby() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { testAfterJvmCrash(true, JDBCCrawlDataStoreFactory.class, "derby"); } //TODO find out why the following test fails/succeeds inconsistently. Is it due // to fluctuating processing time vs expected processing time? Why only // this one? // @Test // public void testResumeAfterJvmCrash_H2() // throws IOException, XMLStreamException { // testAfterJvmCrash(true, JDBCCrawlDataStoreFactory.class, "h2"); // } private void testAfterJvmCrash(boolean resume, Class<? extends ICrawlDataStoreFactory> storeFactory, String database) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { vars.setClass("crawlerListener", JVMCrasher.class); vars.setClass("crawlDataStoreFactory", storeFactory); if (database != null) { vars.setString("crawlDataStoreFactoryDatabase", database); } int exitValue = 0; //--- Crash start run --- System.out.println("\n--- Crash start run ---"); exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong crash exit value.", JVMCrasher.CRASH_EXIT_VALUE, exitValue); // JVMCrasher crashes after 7th *fetch*, so only 6 should have been // committed. Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of committed files after JVM crash.", 6, countAddedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); //--- Resume run --- if (resume) { // Should resume where left and reach 10 docs committed. System.out.println("\n--- Resume run ---"); exitValue = runCollector("resume", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong resume exit value.", 0, exitValue); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of committed files after resume.", 10, countAddedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); } //--- Good start run --- // Should run just fine after backup System.out.println("\n--- Good start run ---"); vars.setInt("maxDocuments", 5); exitValue = runCollector("start", vars); Assert.assertEquals("Wrong start exit value.", 0, exitValue); // Since we are not clearing previous committed files, 5 is added // to docs gathered so far. int expected = 11; if (resume) { expected = 15; } Assert.assertEquals("Wrong number of committed files after straight run.", expected, countAddedFiles()); ageProgress(progressDir); } private int countAddedFiles() { return countFiles(committedDir, FileSystemCommitter.FILE_SUFFIX_ADD + ".ref"); } private int countDeletedFiles() { return countFiles(committedDir, FileSystemCommitter.FILE_SUFFIX_REMOVE + ".ref"); } private int countFiles(File dir, String suffix) { final MutableInt count = new MutableInt(); FileUtil.visitAllFiles(dir, new IFileVisitor() { @Override public void visit(File file) { count.increment(); } }, FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(suffix)); return count.intValue(); } // Age progress files to fool activity tracker so we can restart right away. private void ageProgress(File progressDir) { final long age = System.currentTimeMillis() - (10 * 1000); FileUtil.visitAllFiles(progressDir, new IFileVisitor() { @Override public void visit(File file) { file.setLastModified(age); } }); } private int runCollector(String action, Properties configVars) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { // Config + variables if (configVars != null) { try (Writer w = new FileWriter(varsFile)) {, ""); } try (InputStream is = getClass().getResourceAsStream("ExecutionTest-config.xml")) { FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(is, configFile); } } Project project = new Project(); project.setBaseDir(getTempFolder().getRoot()); project.init(); DefaultLogger logger = new DefaultLogger(); project.addBuildListener(logger); logger.setOutputPrintStream(System.out); logger.setErrorPrintStream(System.err); // Change to MSG_INFO to get more details on the console logger.setMessageOutputLevel(Project.MSG_DEBUG); // System.setOut(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, false))); // System.setErr(new PrintStream(new DemuxOutputStream(project, true))); project.fireBuildStarted(); System.out.println("\"" + action + "\" in new JVM."); Throwable caught = null; int retValue = 0; try { Java javaTask = new Java(); javaTask.setTaskName("runjava"); javaTask.setProject(project); javaTask.setFork(true); javaTask.setFailonerror(true); javaTask.setClassname(HttpCollector.class.getName()); javaTask.setClasspath(new Path(project, SystemUtils.JAVA_CLASS_PATH)); String args = "-a " + action + " -c \"" + configFile.getAbsolutePath() + "\" -v \"" + varsFile + "\""; javaTask.getCommandLine().createArgument().setLine(args); javaTask.init(); retValue = javaTask.executeJava(); System.out.println("Done. Return code: " + retValue); } catch (BuildException e) { caught = e; retValue = -1; } project.log("Finished"); project.fireBuildFinished(caught); return retValue; } }