Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Netspective Communications LLC. All rights reserved. * * Netspective Communications LLC ("Netspective") permits redistribution, modification and use of this file in source * and binary form ("The Software") under the Netspective Source License ("NSL" or "The License"). The following * conditions are provided as a summary of the NSL but the NSL remains the canonical license and must be accepted * before using The Software. Any use of The Software indicates agreement with the NSL. * * 1. Each copy or derived work of The Software must preserve the copyright notice and this notice unmodified. * * 2. Redistribution of The Software is allowed in object code form only (as Java .class files or a .jar file * containing the .class files) and only as part of an application that uses The Software as part of its primary * functionality. No distribution of the package is allowed as part of a software development kit, other library, * or development tool without written consent of Netspective. Any modified form of The Software is bound by these * same restrictions. * * 3. Redistributions of The Software in any form must include an unmodified copy of The License, normally in a plain * ASCII text file unless otherwise agreed to, in writing, by Netspective. * * 4. The names "Netspective", "Axiom", "Commons", "Junxion", and "Sparx" are trademarks of Netspective and may not be * used to endorse or appear in products derived from The Software without written consent of Netspective. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT A WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. ALL EXPRESS OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS AND * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, * ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. * * NETSPECTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE OR ANY THIRD PARTY AS A * RESULT OF USING OR DISTRIBUTING THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL NETSPECTIVE OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER * CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. */ package com.netspective.sparx.value; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.servlet.Servlet; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletRequest; import javax.servlet.ServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.netspective.axiom.ConnectionContext; import com.netspective.axiom.SqlManager; import com.netspective.axiom.value.BasicDatabaseConnValueContext; import com.netspective.commons.RuntimeEnvironment; import com.netspective.commons.RuntimeEnvironmentFlags; import com.netspective.commons.acl.AccessControlListsManager; import com.netspective.commons.activity.Activity; import com.netspective.commons.activity.ActivityManager; import com.netspective.commons.config.ConfigurationsManager; import com.netspective.commons.lang.ClassPath; import com.netspective.commons.script.ScriptsManager; import; import com.netspective.commons.value.ValueSource; import com.netspective.sparx.Project; import com.netspective.sparx.ProjectComponent; import com.netspective.sparx.ProjectManager; import com.netspective.sparx.connection.HttpSessionBindableAutoCommitConnectionContext; import com.netspective.sparx.connection.HttpSessionBindableTransactionConnectionContext; import com.netspective.sparx.console.ConsoleServlet; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogContext; import com.netspective.sparx.form.DialogsManager; import com.netspective.sparx.navigate.NavigationContext; import com.netspective.sparx.navigate.NavigationControllerServlet; import com.netspective.sparx.navigate.NavigationControllerServletOptions; import com.netspective.sparx.navigate.NavigationPage; import com.netspective.sparx.panel.editor.PanelEditor; import com.netspective.sparx.panel.editor.PanelEditorState; import; import com.netspective.sparx.theme.Theme; import com.netspective.sparx.util.HttpUtils; import freemarker.template.Configuration; public class BasicDbHttpServletValueContext extends BasicDatabaseConnValueContext implements ServletValueContext, HttpServletValueContext, DatabaseServletValueContext, DatabaseHttpServletValueContext { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(BasicDbHttpServletValueContext.class); public static final String CONTEXTATTRNAME_FREEMARKER_CONFIG = "freemarker-config"; public static final String INITPARAMNAME_DEFAULT_DATA_SRC_ID = "com.netspective.sparx.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE"; public static final String REQATTRNAME_ACTIVE_THEME = "sparx-active-theme"; public static final String REQATTRNAME_SHARED_CONN_CONTEXT = "sparx-shared-cc."; public static final String SESSATTRNAME_SHARED_CONN_CONTEXT = "sparx-shared-cc."; public static final int SHARED_CONN_TYPE_NONE = 0; public static final int SHARED_CONN_TYPE_REQUEST = 1; public static final int SHARED_CONN_TYPE_SESSION = 2; public static final String[] SHARED_CONN_TYPES = new String[] { "none", "request", "session" }; private NavigationContext navigationContext; private DialogContext dialogContext; private Servlet servlet; private ServletRequest request; private ServletResponse response; private String rootUrl; private boolean redirected; public BasicDbHttpServletValueContext() { } public BasicDbHttpServletValueContext(Servlet servlet, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) { initialize(servlet, request, response); } public void initialize(Servlet servlet, ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) { contextNum++; this.request = request; this.response = response; this.servlet = servlet; rootUrl = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getContextPath(); } public void initialize(NavigationContext nc) { initialize(nc.getServlet(), nc.getRequest(), nc.getResponse()); setNavigationContext(nc); } /** * -------------------------------------------- ACTIVITY MANAGEMENT METHODS for Activity interface ------------ * */ public ActivityManager getActivityManager() { return getProject(); } public void broadcastChildActivity(Activity activity) { getProject().broadcastActivity(activity); } public Activity getParentActivity() { return null; // no parent activity (we are a top-level activity) } public boolean isAuthenticatedUserActivity() { return true; } public AuthenticatedUser getActivityAuthenticatedUser() { return getAuthenticatedUser(); } /** * Override the parent get connection to provide connection contexts that may be stored in HTTP sessions. If they * are stored in HTTP sessions, they will be automatically closed when the session unbinding event occurs. This * method allows connection sharing to take place as well -- if a connection is available in either the session or * the request then it will be "reused" and a new ConnectionContext will not be created. */ public ConnectionContext getConnection(String dataSourceId, boolean transaction) throws NamingException, SQLException { return getSharedConnection(dataSourceId, transaction, SHARED_CONN_TYPE_NONE); } /** * Override the parent get connection to provide connection contexts that may be stored in HTTP sessions. If they * are stored in HTTP sessions, they will be automatically closed when the session unbinding event occurs. This * method allows connection sharing to take place as well -- if a connection is available in either the session or * the request then it will be "reused" and a new ConnectionContext will not be created. */ public ConnectionContext getSharedConnection(String dataSourceId, boolean transaction, int sharedType) throws NamingException, SQLException { ConnectionContext result = null; HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request; if (sharedType == SHARED_CONN_TYPE_SESSION) { HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(); result = (ConnectionContext) session.getAttribute(SESSATTRNAME_SHARED_CONN_CONTEXT + dataSourceId); if (result != null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Reusing shared session CC " + result + " for data source '" + result.getDataSourceId() + "'."); return result; } else { if (transaction) result = new HttpSessionBindableTransactionConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); else result = new HttpSessionBindableAutoCommitConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); session.setAttribute(SESSATTRNAME_SHARED_CONN_CONTEXT + dataSourceId, result); } } else if (sharedType == SHARED_CONN_TYPE_REQUEST) { result = (ConnectionContext) httpRequest.getAttribute(REQATTRNAME_SHARED_CONN_CONTEXT + dataSourceId); if (result != null) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Reusing shared request CC " + result + " for data source '" + result.getDataSourceId() + "'."); return result; } else { if (transaction) result = new HttpSessionBindableTransactionConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); else result = new HttpSessionBindableAutoCommitConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); } } else { if (transaction) result = new HttpSessionBindableTransactionConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); else result = new HttpSessionBindableAutoCommitConnectionContext(dataSourceId, this); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) log.trace("Obtained " + result + " for data source '" + result.getDataSourceId() + "'."); return result; } public String getDefaultDataSource() { String result = super.getDefaultDataSource(); if (result != null && result.length() > 0) return result; // the default data source is (1) specified as a servlet init param, (2) specified in <default-data-source> in project.xml, or (3) is jdbc/default result = ((NavigationControllerServlet) servlet).getServletOptions().getDefaultDataSourceId(null); if (result == null) { ValueSource projectDefaultDataSource = getProject().getDefaultDataSource(); if (projectDefaultDataSource != null) result = projectDefaultDataSource.getTextValue(this); } if (result == null) result = NavigationControllerServletOptions.DEFAULT_DATA_SOURCE_ID; if (result == null) throw new RuntimeException("No default data source available. Provide one using '" + NavigationControllerServletOptions.INITPARAMNAME_SERVLET_OPTIONS + "' servlet context init parameter or in project.xml using 'default-data-source' tag."); return result; } public NavigationContext getNavigationContext() { return navigationContext; } public void setNavigationContext(NavigationContext navigationContext) { this.navigationContext = navigationContext; } public DialogContext getDialogContext() { return dialogContext; } public void setDialogContext(DialogContext dialogContext) { this.dialogContext = dialogContext; } public Object getContextLocation() { return getHttpRequest().getRequestURI(); } public Object getAttribute(String attributeId) { return request.getAttribute(attributeId); } public void setAttribute(String attributeId, Object attributeValue) { request.setAttribute(attributeId, attributeValue); } public HttpServletRequest getHttpRequest() { return (HttpServletRequest) request; } public HttpServletResponse getHttpResponse() { return (HttpServletResponse) response; } public HttpServlet getHttpServlet() { return (HttpServlet) servlet; } public ServletRequest getRequest() { return request; } public ServletResponse getResponse() { return response; } public Servlet getServlet() { return servlet; } public boolean isInConsole() { return servlet instanceof ConsoleServlet; } public AuthenticatedUser getAuthenticatedUser() { HttpLoginManager loginManager = getActiveLoginManager(); return loginManager != null ? loginManager.getAuthenticatedUser(this) : null; } public ConfigurationsManager getConfigurationsManager() { return getProject(); } public ScriptsManager getScriptsManager() { return getProject(); } public AccessControlListsManager getAccessControlListsManager() { return getProject(); } public SqlManager getSqlManager() { return getProject(); } public DialogsManager getDialogsManager() { return getProject(); } public RuntimeEnvironmentFlags getRuntimeEnvironmentFlags() { return ((RuntimeEnvironment) getServlet()).getRuntimeEnvironmentFlags(); } public ProjectComponent getProjectComponent() { return ((ProjectManager) getServlet()).getProjectComponent(); } public Project getProject() { return getProjectComponent().getProject(); } public final String getServerRootUrl() { String reqURL = getHttpRequest().getRequestURL().toString(); String reqURI = getHttpRequest().getRequestURI(); return reqURL.substring(0, reqURL.length() - reqURI.length()); } public final String getSparxResourceUrl(String resource) { return rootUrl + "/sparx/" + resource; } public final String getThemeResourceUrl(String resource) { return getActiveTheme().getResourceUrl(resource); } public final String getAppResourceUrl(String resource) { return rootUrl + "/resources/" + resource; } public final String getRootUrl() { return rootUrl; } public final String getServletRootUrl() { String result = rootUrl + (getHttpRequest().getServletPath().startsWith("/") ? getHttpRequest().getServletPath() : "/" + getHttpRequest().getServletPath()); if (result.endsWith("/")) result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1); return result; } public final String getAppUrl(String relativeUrl) { return rootUrl + relativeUrl; } public final String getConsoleUrl() { return rootUrl + "/console"; } /** * Take the given URL and ensure that the current page's retain params are added to it * * @param url The complete URL to use * * @return The given url plus any of our current page's retin params */ public final String constructAppUrl(String url) { NavigationPage activePage = getNavigationContext().getActivePage(); ValueSource retainParamsVS = activePage.getRetainParams(); if (retainParamsVS != null) return HttpUtils.appendParams(getHttpRequest(), url, retainParamsVS.getTextValue(this)); else return url; } public final String getConsoleFileBrowserLink(String absolutePath, boolean showRelative) { if (showRelative) { String servletContextPath = servlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath(""); if (absolutePath.startsWith(servletContextPath)) return getConsoleFileBrowserLinkShowAlt(absolutePath, absolutePath.substring(servletContextPath.length())); } return getConsoleFileBrowserLinkShowAlt(absolutePath, null); } public String getClassSourceHtml(Class cls, boolean showShortClassName) { String className = cls.getName(); String packageName = cls.getPackage().getName(); String classNameNoInner = className.replace('$', '.'); String classNameShort = classNameNoInner.substring(packageName.length() + 1); String showClassName = showShortClassName ? classNameShort : className; if (packageName.startsWith("java.lang")) return "<span title='" + className + "'>" + showClassName + "</span>"; else { String classJavaSourceFileName = ClassPath.getClassFileName(className); if (classJavaSourceFileName == null) return "<span title='" + className + "'>" + showClassName + "</span>"; else { File classJavaSourceFile = new File(classJavaSourceFileName); if (classJavaSourceFile.exists()) { String servletRootPath = getHttpServlet().getServletContext().getRealPath(""); if (classJavaSourceFile.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(servletRootPath)) { String relativePath = classJavaSourceFile.getAbsolutePath() .substring(servletRootPath.length()); String relativePathProperDelims = relativePath.replace('\\', '/'); String relativePathProperExtn = relativePathProperDelims.substring(0, relativePathProperDelims.length() - ".class".length()) + ".java"; return "<a href='" + getConsoleUrl() + "/project/files/" + relativePathProperExtn + "' title='" + className + " (" + classJavaSourceFileName + ")'>" + showClassName + "</a>"; } else return "<span title='" + className + " (" + classJavaSourceFileName + ")'>" + showClassName + "</span>"; } else return "<span title='" + classJavaSourceFileName + "'>" + showClassName + "</span>"; } } } public void sendRedirect(String url) throws IOException { HttpServletResponse resp = (HttpServletResponse) response; resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL(url)); redirected = true; } public boolean isRedirected() { return redirected; } public final String getConsoleFileBrowserLinkShowAlt(String absolutePath, String showAltPath) { String servletContextPath = servlet.getServletConfig().getServletContext().getRealPath(""); if (absolutePath.startsWith(servletContextPath)) { String relativePath = absolutePath.substring(servletContextPath.length()); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); result.append("<a href=\""); result.append(getConsoleUrl()); result.append("/project/files/"); result.append(relativePath.replace('\\', '/')); result.append("\">"); if (showAltPath != null) { result.append("<span title=\""); result.append(absolutePath); result.append("\">"); result.append(showAltPath); result.append("</span>"); } else result.append(absolutePath); result.append("</a>"); return result.toString(); } else { if (showAltPath != null) return showAltPath; else return absolutePath; } } public Theme getActiveTheme() { return (Theme) request.getAttribute(REQATTRNAME_ACTIVE_THEME); } public HttpLoginManager getActiveLoginManager() { try { return ((NavigationControllerServlet) servlet).getLoginManager(); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(e); return null; } } public Configuration getFreeMarkerConfiguration() { return ((NavigationControllerServlet) getHttpServlet()).getFreeMarkerConfiguration(); } /** * Gets the panel editor state * * @return Null if the current context does not contain a panel editor state */ public PanelEditorState getPanelEditorState() { return (PanelEditorState) request.getAttribute(PanelEditor.PANEL_EDITOR_REQ_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX); } public void setPanelEditorState(PanelEditorState state) { request.setAttribute(PanelEditor.PANEL_EDITOR_REQ_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX, state); } }