Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterDescription; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameters; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import org.apache.commons.lang.NotImplementedException; import retrofit.RetrofitError; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; @Parameters(separators = "=") public abstract class NestableCommand { @Setter @Getter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) private JCommander commander; @Parameter(names = { "-h", "--help" }, help = true, description = "Display help text about this command.") private boolean help; @Parameter(names = { "-o", "--output" }, converter = FormatConverter.class, help = true, description = "Format the CLIs output.") public void setOutput(AnsiFormatUtils.Format output) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setOutput(output); } @Parameter(names = { "--options" }, help = true, description = "Get options for the specified field name.") private String options; @Parameter(names = { "-d", "--debug" }, description = "Show detailed network traffic with halyard daemon.") public void setDebug(boolean debug) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setDebug(debug); } @Parameter(names = { "-a", "--alpha" }, description = "Enable alpha halyard features.") public void setAlpha(boolean alpha) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setAlpha(alpha); } @Parameter(names = { "-q", "--quiet" }, description = "Show no task information or messages. When set, ANSI formatting will be disabled, and all prompts will be accepted.") public void setQuiet(boolean quiet) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setQuiet(quiet); GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setColor(!quiet); } @Parameter(names = { "-l", "--log" }, converter = LogLevelConverter.class, description = "Set the log level of the CLI.") public void setLog(Level log) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setLog(log); } @Parameter(names = { "-c", "--color" }, description = "Enable terminal color output.", arity = 1) public void setColor(boolean color) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setColor(color); } @Parameter(names = { "--daemon-endpoint" }, description = "If supplied, connect to the daemon at this address.") public void setDaemonEndpoint(String address) { GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().setDaemonEndpoint(address); } private String fullCommandName = ""; private static JobExecutor jobExecutor; private static String[] failureMessages = { "I'm sorry " + System.getProperty("") + ", I'm afraid I can't do that.", "This mission is too important for me to allow you to jeopardize it.", "I have just picked up a fault in the AE-35 unit.", "I know everything hasn't been quite right with me, but I can assure you now, very confidently, that it's going to be alright again." }; private static void showRandomFailureMessage() { if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 100) < 5) { int index = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, failureMessages.length); String message = failureMessages[index]; AnsiUi.failure(message); } } /** * This recursively walks the chain of subcommands, until it finds the last in the chain, and runs executeThis. * * @see NestableCommand#executeThis() */ public void execute() { String subCommand = commander.getParsedCommand(); if (subCommand == null) { if (help) { showHelp(); } else { if (this instanceof DeprecatedCommand) { AnsiUi.warning("This command is deprecated."); AnsiUi.warning(((DeprecatedCommand) this).getDeprecatedWarning()); } if (this instanceof ProtectedCommand && !GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().isQuiet()) { String prompt = ((ProtectedCommand) this).getPrompt(); Console console = System.console(); String input = console.readLine(prompt + " Do you want to continue? (Y/n) "); if (!input.equalsIgnoreCase("y")) { AnsiUi.raw("Aborted."); return; } } safeExecuteThis(); } } else { subcommands.get(subCommand).execute(); } } protected List<String> options(String fieldName) { return new ArrayList<>(); } protected String translateFieldName(String fieldName) { if (fieldName == null || fieldName.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A field name must be supplied to translate."); } int i = 0; char c = fieldName.charAt(i); while (c == '-') { i++; c = fieldName.charAt(i); } fieldName = fieldName.substring(i); String[] delimited = fieldName.split("-"); if (delimited.length == 1) { return delimited[0]; } for (i = 1; i < delimited.length; i++) { String token = delimited[i]; if (token.length() == 0) { continue; } token = Character.toUpperCase(token.charAt(0)) + token.substring(1); delimited[i] = token; } return String.join("", delimited); } /** * Used to consistently format exceptions thrown by connecting to the halyard daemon. */ private void safeExecuteThis() { try { if (options != null) { List<String> available = options(translateFieldName(options)); AnsiUi.raw(String.join(" ", available)); } else { executeThis(); } } catch (RetrofitError e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof ConnectException) { AnsiUi.error(e.getCause().getMessage()); AnsiUi.remediation("Is your daemon running?"); System.exit(1); } AnsiUi.error(e.getMessage()); AnsiUi.remediation("Try the command again with the --debug flag."); System.exit(1); } catch (TaskKilledException e) { AnsiUi.failure(e.getMessage()); System.exit(7); } catch (ExpectedDaemonFailureException e) { showRandomFailureMessage(); AnsiUi.failure(e.getMessage()); if (GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } catch (Exception e) { if (GlobalOptions.getGlobalOptions().isDebug()) { e.printStackTrace(); } else { AnsiUi.error(e.getMessage()); } System.exit(3); } } protected void showHelp() { AnsiStoryBuilder story = new AnsiStoryBuilder(); int indentWidth = 2; AnsiParagraphBuilder paragraph = story.addParagraph(); paragraph.addSnippet(getCommandName().toUpperCase()).addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); story.addNewline(); paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth); String longDescription = getLongDescription() != null ? getLongDescription() : getDescription(); paragraph.addSnippet(longDescription); story.addNewline(); String usage = fullCommandName; if (!commander.getParameters().isEmpty()) { usage += " [parameters]"; } if (!subcommands.isEmpty()) { usage += " [subcommands]"; } paragraph = story.addParagraph(); paragraph.addSnippet("USAGE").addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); story.addNewline(); paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth); paragraph.addSnippet(usage); story.addNewline(); List<ParameterDescription> parameters = commander.getParameters(); parameters.sort(Comparator.comparing(ParameterDescription::getNames)); int parameterCount = 0; if (!parameters.isEmpty()) { paragraph = story.addParagraph(); paragraph.addSnippet("GLOBAL PARAMETERS").addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); story.addNewline(); for (ParameterDescription parameter : parameters) { if (GlobalOptions.isGlobalOption(parameter.getLongestName())) { formatParameter(story, parameter, indentWidth); parameterCount++; } } } if (parameters.size() > parameterCount) { paragraph = story.addParagraph(); paragraph.addSnippet("PARAMETERS").addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); story.addNewline(); ParameterDescription mainParameter = commander.getMainParameter(); if (mainParameter != null) { paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth); paragraph.addSnippet(getMainParameter().toUpperCase()).addStyle(AnsiStyle.UNDERLINE); paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth * 2); paragraph.addSnippet(mainParameter.getDescription()); story.addNewline(); } for (ParameterDescription parameter : parameters) { if (!GlobalOptions.isGlobalOption(parameter.getLongestName())) { formatParameter(story, parameter, indentWidth); } } } if (!subcommands.isEmpty()) { int maxLen = -1; for (String key : subcommands.keySet()) { if (key.length() > maxLen) { maxLen = key.length(); } } paragraph = story.addParagraph(); paragraph.addSnippet("SUBCOMMANDS").addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); story.addNewline(); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(subcommands.keySet()); keys.sort(String::compareTo); for (String key : keys) { paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth); paragraph.addSnippet(key).addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); NestableCommand subcommand = subcommands.get(key); if (subcommand instanceof DeprecatedCommand) { paragraph.addSnippet(" "); paragraph.addSnippet("(Deprecated)").addStyle(AnsiStyle.UNDERLINE); } paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth * 2); String shortDescription = subcommand.getShortDescription() != null ? subcommand.getShortDescription() : subcommand.getDescription(); paragraph.addSnippet(shortDescription); story.addNewline(); } } AnsiPrinter.out.println(story.toString()); } private void parameterDoc(StringBuilder result, ParameterDescription parameterDescription) { result.append(" * `").append(parameterDescription.getNames()).append("`: "); Object def = parameterDescription.getDefault(); if (def != null) { result.append("(*Default*: `").append(def.toString()).append("`) "); } if (parameterDescription.getParameter().required()) { result.append("(*Required*) "); } if (parameterDescription.getParameter().password()) { result.append("(*Sensitive data* - user will be prompted on standard input) "); } result.append(parameterDescription.getDescription()).append("\n"); } public String generateDocs() { StringBuilder toc = new StringBuilder(); toc.append("\n\n# Table of Contents\n\n"); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder(); toc.append("\n"); nestedCommandDocs(toc, body); return toc.toString() + body.toString(); } private void nestedCommandDocs(StringBuilder toc, StringBuilder body) { commandDocs(body); commandLink(toc); for (NestableCommand command : subcommands.values()) { command.nestedCommandDocs(toc, body); } } private void commandLink(StringBuilder result) { result.append(" * ").append("[**").append(fullCommandName).append("**]").append("(#") .append(fullCommandName.replace(" ", "-")).append(")").append("\n"); } private void commandDocs(StringBuilder result) { List<ParameterDescription> parameters = commander.getParameters(); parameters.sort(Comparator.comparing(ParameterDescription::getNames)); int parameterCount = 0; for (ParameterDescription parameter : parameters) { if (GlobalOptions.isGlobalOption(parameter.getLongestName())) { parameterCount++; } } String longDescription = getLongDescription() != null ? getLongDescription() : getDescription(); result.append("## ").append(fullCommandName).append("\n\n").append(longDescription).append("\n\n") .append("#### Usage").append("\n```\n").append(fullCommandName); ParameterDescription mainParameter = commander.getMainParameter(); if (mainParameter != null) { result.append(" ").append(getMainParameter().toUpperCase()); } if (parameters.size() > parameterCount) { result.append(" [parameters]"); } if (!subcommands.isEmpty()) { result.append(" [subcommands]"); } result.append("\n```\n"); if (!parameters.isEmpty()) { if (getCommandName() == "hal") { result.append("#### Global Parameters\n"); } for (ParameterDescription parameter : parameters) { if (GlobalOptions.isGlobalOption(parameter.getLongestName())) { // Omit printing global parameters for everything but the top-level command if (getCommandName() == "hal") { parameterDoc(result, parameter); } } } result.append("\n"); } if (parameters.size() > parameterCount) { result.append("#### Parameters\n"); if (mainParameter != null) { result.append('`').append(getMainParameter().toUpperCase()).append('`').append(": ") .append(mainParameter.getDescription()).append("\n"); } for (ParameterDescription parameter : parameters) { if (!GlobalOptions.isGlobalOption(parameter.getLongestName())) { parameterDoc(result, parameter); } } result.append("\n"); } if (!subcommands.isEmpty()) { result.append("#### Subcommands\n"); List<String> keys = new ArrayList<>(subcommands.keySet()); keys.sort(String::compareTo); for (String key : keys) { NestableCommand subcommand = subcommands.get(key); String modifiers = ""; if (subcommand instanceof DeprecatedCommand) { modifiers += " _(Deprecated)_ "; } String shortDescription = subcommand.getShortDescription() != null ? subcommand.getShortDescription() : subcommand.getDescription(); result.append(" * ").append("`").append(key).append("`").append(modifiers).append(": ") .append(shortDescription).append("\n"); } } result.append("\n---\n"); } private static void formatParameter(AnsiStoryBuilder story, ParameterDescription parameter, int indentWidth) { AnsiParagraphBuilder paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth); paragraph.addSnippet(parameter.getNames()).addStyle(AnsiStyle.BOLD); if (parameter.getDefault() != null) { paragraph.addSnippet("="); paragraph.addSnippet(parameter.getDefault().toString()).addStyle(AnsiStyle.UNDERLINE); } if (parameter.getParameter().required()) { paragraph.addSnippet(" (required)"); } if (parameter.getParameter().password()) { paragraph.addSnippet(" (sensitive data - user will be prompted)"); } paragraph = story.addParagraph().setIndentWidth(indentWidth * 2); paragraph.addSnippet(parameter.getDescription()); story.addNewline(); } public String commandCompletor() { JarResource completorBody = new JarResource("/hal-completor-body"); Map<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<>(); String body = commandCompletorCase(0); bindings.put("body", body); return completorBody.setBindings(bindings).toString(); } private String commandCompletorCase(int depth) { JarResource completorCase = new JarResource("/hal-completor-case"); Map<String, String> bindings = new HashMap<>(); String flagNames = commander.getParameters().stream().map(ParameterDescription::getLongestName).reduce("", (a, b) -> a + " " + b); String subcommandNames = subcommands.entrySet().stream().map(Map.Entry::getKey).reduce("", (a, b) -> a + " " + b); bindings.put("subcommands", subcommandNames); bindings.put("flags", flagNames); bindings.put("command", getCommandName()); bindings.put("depth", depth + ""); bindings.put("next", (depth + 1) + ""); String subCases = subcommands.entrySet().stream().map(c -> c.getValue().commandCompletorCase(depth + 1)) .reduce("", (a, b) -> a + b); bindings.put("recurse", subCases.isEmpty() ? ":" : subCases); return completorCase.setBindings(bindings).toString(); } abstract public String getCommandName(); abstract protected void executeThis(); @Deprecated protected String getDescription() { throw new NotImplementedException( "Each command must implement a description. Preferably `get[Long/Short]Description()`."); } // TODO(lwander) make abstract once `getDescription` is removed. protected String getShortDescription() { return null; } // TODO(lwander) make abstract once `getDescription` is removed. protected String getLongDescription() { return null; } private Map<String, NestableCommand> subcommands = new TreeMap<>(); protected void registerSubcommand(NestableCommand subcommand) { String subcommandName = subcommand.getCommandName(); if (subcommands.containsKey(subcommandName)) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to register duplicate subcommand " + subcommandName + " for command " + getCommandName()); } subcommands.put(subcommandName, subcommand); } /** * Register all subcommands with this class's commander, and then recursively set the subcommands, configuring their * command names along the way. */ public void configureSubcommands() { if (fullCommandName.isEmpty()) { fullCommandName = getCommandName(); } for (NestableCommand subCommand : subcommands.values()) { subCommand.fullCommandName = fullCommandName + " " + subCommand.getCommandName(); commander.addCommand(subCommand.getCommandName(), subCommand); // We need to provide the subcommand with its own commander before recursively populating its subcommands, since // they need to be registered with this subcommander we retrieve here. JCommander subCommander = commander.getCommands().get(subCommand.getCommandName()); subCommand.setCommander(subCommander); subCommand.configureSubcommands(); } } public String getMainParameter() { throw new RuntimeException("This command has no main-command."); } protected static JobExecutor getJobExecutor() { if (jobExecutor == null) { jobExecutor = new JobExecutorLocal(); } return jobExecutor; } }