Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2017 Google, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import io.kubernetes.client.models.V1DeleteOptions; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; @Component @Slf4j public class KubectlJobExecutor { @Value("${kubernetes.kubectl.poll.minSleepMillis:200}") Long minSleepMillis; @Value("${kubernetes.kubectl.poll.maxSleepMillis:4000}") Long maxSleepMillis; @Value("${kubernetes.kubectl.poll.timeoutMillis:100000}") Long timeoutMillis; @Value("${kubernetes.kubectl.poll.maxInterruptRetries:10}") Long maxInterruptRetries; @Value("${kubernetes.kubectl.executable:kubectl}") String executable; @Value("${kubernetes.oAuth.executable:oauth2l}") String oAuthExecutable; private final static String NO_RESOURCE_TYPE_ERROR = "doesn't have a resource type"; private final JobExecutor jobExecutor; private final Gson gson = new Gson(); @Autowired KubectlJobExecutor(JobExecutor jobExecutor) { this.jobExecutor = jobExecutor; } public String configCurrentContext(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials) { List<String> command = kubectlAuthPrefix(credentials); command.add("config"); command.add("current-context"); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed get current configuration context"); } return status.getStdOut(); } public String defaultNamespace(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials) { String configCurrentContext = configCurrentContext(credentials); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(configCurrentContext)) { return ""; } List<String> command = kubectlAuthPrefix(credentials); command.add("config"); command.add("view"); command.add("-o"); String jsonPath = "{.contexts[?(\"" + configCurrentContext + "\")].context.namespace}"; command.add("\"jsonPath=" + jsonPath + "\""); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed get current configuration context"); } return status.getStdOut(); } public String logs(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, String namespace, String podName, String containerName) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("logs"); command.add(podName); command.add("-c=" + containerName); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to get logs from " + podName + "/" + containerName + " in " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } return status.getStdOut(); } public List<String> delete(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name, KubernetesSelectorList labelSelectors, V1DeleteOptions deleteOptions) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("delete"); command = kubectlLookupInfo(command, kind, name, labelSelectors); // spinnaker generally accepts deletes of resources that don't exist command.add("--ignore-not-found=true"); if (deleteOptions.isOrphanDependents() != null) { command.add("--cascade=" + !deleteOptions.isOrphanDependents()); } if (deleteOptions.getGracePeriodSeconds() != null) { command.add("--grace-period=" + deleteOptions.getGracePeriodSeconds()); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(deleteOptions.getPropagationPolicy())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Propagation policy is not yet supported as a delete option"); } String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException( "Failed to delete " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(status.getStdOut())) { return new ArrayList<>(); } return"\n")).map(m -> m.substring(m.indexOf("\"") + 1)) .map(m -> m.substring(0, m.lastIndexOf("\""))).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public Void scale(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name, int replicas) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("scale"); command = kubectlLookupInfo(command, kind, name, null); command.add("--replicas=" + replicas); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException( "Failed to scale " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } return null; } public List<Integer> historyRollout(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("rollout"); command.add("history"); command.add(kind.toString() + "/" + name); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to get rollout history of " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } String stdout = status.getStdOut(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(stdout)) { return new ArrayList<>(); } // <resource> "name" // REVISION CHANGE-CAUSE // # <change> // # <change> // # <change> // ... List<String> splitOutput ="\n")).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (splitOutput.size() <= 2) { return new ArrayList<>(); } splitOutput = splitOutput.subList(2, splitOutput.size()); return -> l.split("[ \t]")).filter(l -> l.length > 0).map(l -> l[0]) .map(Integer::valueOf).collect(Collectors.toList()); } public Void undoRollout(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name, int revision) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("rollout"); command.add("undo"); command.add(kind.toString() + "/" + name); command.add("--to-revision=" + revision); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to undo rollout " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } return null; } public Void pauseRollout(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("rollout"); command.add("pause"); command.add(kind.toString() + "/" + name); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to pause rollout " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } return null; } public Void resumeRollout(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("rollout"); command.add("resume"); command.add(kind.toString() + "/" + name); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to resume rollout " + kind + "/" + name + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } return null; } public KubernetesManifest get(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesKind kind, String namespace, String name) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedGet(credentials, Collections.singletonList(kind), namespace); command.add(name); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { if (status.getStdErr().contains("(NotFound)")) { return null; } else if (status.getStdErr().contains(NO_RESOURCE_TYPE_ERROR)) { throw new NoResourceTypeException(status.getStdErr()); } throw new KubectlException("Failed to read " + kind + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } try { return gson.fromJson(status.getStdOut(), KubernetesManifest.class); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to parse kubectl output: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public List<KubernetesManifest> list(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, List<KubernetesKind> kinds, String namespace) { String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(kubectlNamespacedGet(credentials, kinds, namespace)), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { if (status.getStdErr().contains(NO_RESOURCE_TYPE_ERROR)) { throw new NoResourceTypeException(status.getStdErr()); } else { throw new KubectlException( "Failed to read " + kinds + " from " + namespace + ": " + status.getStdErr()); } } if (status.getStdErr().contains("No resources found")) { return new ArrayList<>(); } try { KubernetesManifestList list = gson.fromJson(status.getStdOut(), KubernetesManifestList.class); return list.getItems(); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { throw new KubectlException("Failed to parse kubectl output: " + e.getMessage(), e); } } public Void deploy(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, KubernetesManifest manifest) { List<String> command = kubectlAuthPrefix(credentials); String manifestAsJson = gson.toJson(manifest); // Read from stdin command.add("apply"); command.add("-f"); command.add("-"); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(manifestAsJson.getBytes())); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Deploy failed: " + status.getStdErr()); } return null; } private JobStatus backoffWait(String jobId, boolean debug) { long nextSleep = minSleepMillis; long totalSleep = 0; long interrupts = 0; JobStatus jobStatus = null; while (totalSleep < timeoutMillis && interrupts < maxInterruptRetries) { try { Thread.sleep(nextSleep); } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.warn("{} was interrupted", jobId, e); interrupts += 1; } finally { totalSleep += nextSleep; nextSleep = Math.min(nextSleep * 2, maxSleepMillis); } jobStatus = jobExecutor.updateJob(jobId); if (jobStatus == null) { log.warn("Job status couldn't be inferred from {}", jobId); } else if (jobStatus.getState() == JobStatus.State.COMPLETED) { if (debug) { logDebugMessages(jobId, jobStatus); } return jobStatus; } } if (debug) { logDebugMessages(jobId, jobStatus); } throw new KubectlException("Job took too long to complete"); } private void logDebugMessages(String jobId, JobStatus jobStatus) { if (jobStatus != null) {"{} stdout:\n{}", jobId, jobStatus.getStdOut());"{} stderr:\n{}", jobId, jobStatus.getStdErr()); } else {"{} job status not set"); } } private List<String> kubectlAuthPrefix(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials) { List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(credentials.getKubectlExecutable())) { command.add(credentials.getKubectlExecutable()); } else { command.add(executable); } if (credentials.isDebug()) { command.add("-v"); command.add("9"); } if (!credentials.isServiceAccount()) { if (credentials.getOAuthServiceAccount() != null && !credentials.getOAuthServiceAccount().isEmpty()) { command.add("--token=" + getOAuthToken(credentials)); } String kubeconfigFile = credentials.getKubeconfigFile(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(kubeconfigFile)) { command.add("--kubeconfig=" + kubeconfigFile); } String context = credentials.getContext(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(context)) { command.add("--context=" + context); } } return command; } private List<String> kubectlLookupInfo(List<String> command, KubernetesKind kind, String name, KubernetesSelectorList labelSelectors) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(name)) { command.add(kind + "/" + name); } else { command.add(kind.toString()); } if (labelSelectors != null && !labelSelectors.isEmpty()) { command.add("-l=" + labelSelectors); } return command; } private List<String> kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, String namespace) { List<String> command = kubectlAuthPrefix(credentials); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(namespace)) { namespace = credentials.getDefaultNamespace(); } if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(namespace)) { command.add("--namespace=" + namespace); } return command; } private List<String> kubectlNamespacedGet(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials, List<KubernetesKind> kind, String namespace) { List<String> command = kubectlNamespacedAuthPrefix(credentials, namespace); command.add("-o"); command.add("json"); command.add("get"); command.add(String.join(",",; return command; } private String getOAuthToken(KubernetesV2Credentials credentials) { List<String> command = new ArrayList<>(); command.add(oAuthExecutable); command.add("fetch"); command.add("--json"); command.add(credentials.getOAuthServiceAccount()); command.addAll(credentials.getOAuthScopes()); String jobId = jobExecutor.startJob(new JobRequest(command), System.getenv(), new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0])); JobStatus status = backoffWait(jobId, credentials.isDebug()); if (status.getResult() != JobStatus.Result.SUCCESS) { throw new KubectlException("Could not fetch OAuth token: " + status.getStdErr()); } return status.getStdOut(); } public static class NoResourceTypeException extends RuntimeException { public NoResourceTypeException(String message) { super(message); } } public static class KubectlException extends RuntimeException { public KubectlException(String message) { super(message); } public KubectlException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } } }