Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializationFeature; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline; import redis.clients.jedis.ScanParams; import redis.clients.jedis.ScanResult; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; public class RedisCache implements WriteableCache { public interface CacheMetrics { default void merge(String prefix, String type, int itemCount, int keysWritten, int relationshipCount, int hashMatches, int hashUpdates, int saddOperations, int msetOperations, int hmsetOperations, int pipelineOperations, int expireOperations) { //noop } default void evict(String prefix, String type, int itemCount, int keysDeleted, int hashesDeleted, int delOperations, int hdelOperations, int sremOperations) { //noop } default void get(String prefix, String type, int itemCount, int requestedSize, int keysRequested, int relationshipsRequested, int mgetOperations) { //noop } class NOOP implements CacheMetrics { } } private static final String HASH_CHARSET = "UTF8"; private static final TypeReference<Map<String, Object>> ATTRIBUTES = new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() { }; private static final TypeReference<List<String>> RELATIONSHIPS = new TypeReference<List<String>>() { }; private final String prefix; private final JedisSource source; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private final CacheMetrics cacheMetrics; private final RedisCacheOptions options; public RedisCache(String prefix, JedisSource source, ObjectMapper objectMapper, RedisCacheOptions options, CacheMetrics cacheMetrics) { this.prefix = prefix; this.source = source; this.objectMapper = objectMapper.disable(SerializationFeature.WRITE_NULL_MAP_VALUES); this.options = options; this.cacheMetrics = cacheMetrics == null ? new CacheMetrics.NOOP() : cacheMetrics; } @Override public void merge(String type, CacheData item) { mergeAll(type, Arrays.asList(item)); } @Override public void mergeAll(String type, Collection<CacheData> items) { for (List<CacheData> partition : Iterables.partition(items, options.getMaxMergeBatchSize())) { mergeItems(type, partition); } } private void mergeItems(String type, Collection<CacheData> items) { if (items.isEmpty()) { return; } final Set<String> relationshipNames = new HashSet<>(); final List<String> keysToSet = new LinkedList<>(); final Set<String> idSet = new HashSet<>(); final Map<String, Integer> ttlSecondsByKey = new HashMap<>(); int skippedWrites = 0; final Map<String, byte[]> hashes = getHashes(type, items); final NavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> updatedHashes = new TreeMap<>(new ByteArrayComparator()); for (CacheData item : items) { MergeOp op = buildMergeOp(type, item, hashes); relationshipNames.addAll(op.relNames); keysToSet.addAll(op.keysToSet); idSet.add(item.getId()); updatedHashes.putAll(op.hashesToSet); skippedWrites += op.skippedWrites; if (item.getTtlSeconds() > 0) { for (String key : op.keysToSet) { ttlSecondsByKey.put(key, item.getTtlSeconds()); } } } int saddOperations = 0; int msetOperations = 0; int hmsetOperations = 0; int pipelineOperations = 0; int expireOperations = 0; if (keysToSet.size() > 0) { try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); for (List<String> idPart : Iterables.partition(idSet, options.getMaxSaddSize())) { final String[] ids = idPart.toArray(new String[idPart.size()]); pipeline.sadd(allOfTypeReindex(type), ids); saddOperations++; pipeline.sadd(allOfTypeId(type), ids); saddOperations++; } for (List<String> keys : Lists.partition(keysToSet, options.getMaxMsetSize())) { pipeline.mset(keys.toArray(new String[keys.size()])); msetOperations++; } if (!relationshipNames.isEmpty()) { for (List<String> relNamesPart : Iterables.partition(relationshipNames, options.getMaxSaddSize())) { pipeline.sadd(allRelationshipsId(type), relNamesPart.toArray(new String[relNamesPart.size()])); saddOperations++; } } if (!updatedHashes.isEmpty()) { for (List<byte[]> hashPart : Iterables.partition(updatedHashes.keySet(), options.getMaxHmsetSize())) { pipeline.hmset(hashesId(type), updatedHashes.subMap(hashPart.get(0), true, hashPart.get(hashPart.size() - 1), true)); hmsetOperations++; } } pipeline.sync(); pipelineOperations++; } try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { for (List<Map.Entry<String, Integer>> ttlPart : Iterables.partition(ttlSecondsByKey.entrySet(), options.getMaxPipelineSize())) { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> ttlEntry : ttlPart) { pipeline.expire(ttlEntry.getKey(), ttlEntry.getValue()); } expireOperations += ttlPart.size(); pipeline.sync(); pipelineOperations++; } } } cacheMetrics.merge(prefix, type, items.size(), keysToSet.size() / 2, relationshipNames.size(), skippedWrites, updatedHashes.size(), saddOperations, msetOperations, hmsetOperations, pipelineOperations, expireOperations); } @Override public void evict(String type, String id) { evictAll(type, Arrays.asList(id)); } @Override public void evictAll(String type, Collection<String> identifiers) { if (identifiers.isEmpty()) { return; } final Collection<String> allRelationships = scanMembers(allRelationshipsId(type)); for (List<String> items : Iterables.partition(new HashSet<>(identifiers), options.getMaxEvictBatchSize())) { evictItems(type, items, allRelationships); } } private void evictItems(String type, List<String> identifiers, Collection<String> allRelationships) { List<String> delKeys = new ArrayList<>((allRelationships.size() + 1) * identifiers.size()); for (String id : identifiers) { for (String relationship : allRelationships) { delKeys.add(relationshipId(type, id, relationship)); } delKeys.add(attributesId(type, id)); } int delOperations = 0; int hdelOperations = 0; int sremOperations = 0; try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { Pipeline pipe = jedis.pipelined(); for (List<String> delPartition : Lists.partition(delKeys, options.getMaxDelSize())) { pipe.del(delPartition.toArray(new String[delPartition.size()])); delOperations++; pipe.hdel(hashesId(type), stringsToBytes(delPartition)); hdelOperations++; } for (List<String> idPartition : Lists.partition(identifiers, options.getMaxDelSize())) { String[] ids = idPartition.toArray(new String[idPartition.size()]); pipe.srem(allOfTypeId(type), ids); sremOperations++; pipe.srem(allOfTypeReindex(type), ids); sremOperations++; } pipe.sync(); } cacheMetrics.evict(prefix, type, identifiers.size(), delKeys.size(), delKeys.size(), delOperations, hdelOperations, sremOperations); } @Override public CacheData get(String type, String id) { return get(type, id, null); } @Override public CacheData get(String type, String id, CacheFilter cacheFilter) { Collection<CacheData> result = getAll(type, Arrays.asList(id), cacheFilter); if (result.isEmpty()) { return null; } return result.iterator().next(); } @Override public Collection<CacheData> getAll(String type, Collection<String> identifiers) { return getAll(type, identifiers, null); } @Override public Collection<CacheData> getAll(String type) { return getAll(type, (CacheFilter) null); } @Override public Collection<CacheData> getAll(String type, CacheFilter cacheFilter) { final Set<String> allIds = scanMembers(allOfTypeId(type)); return getAll(type, allIds, cacheFilter); } @Override public Collection<CacheData> getAll(String type, String... identifiers) { return getAll(type, Arrays.asList(identifiers)); } @Override public Collection<CacheData> getAll(String type, Collection<String> identifiers, CacheFilter cacheFilter) { if (identifiers.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptySet(); } Collection<String> ids = new LinkedHashSet<>(identifiers); final List<String> knownRels; Set<String> allRelationships = scanMembers(allRelationshipsId(type)); if (cacheFilter == null) { knownRels = new ArrayList<>(allRelationships); } else { knownRels = new ArrayList<>(cacheFilter.filter(CacheFilter.Type.RELATIONSHIP, allRelationships)); } Collection<CacheData> result = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); for (List<String> idPart : Iterables.partition(ids, options.getMaxGetBatchSize())) { result.addAll(getItems(type, idPart, knownRels)); } return result; } private Collection<CacheData> getItems(String type, List<String> ids, List<String> knownRels) { final int singleResultSize = knownRels.size() + 1; final List<String> keysToGet = new ArrayList<>(singleResultSize * ids.size()); for (String id : ids) { keysToGet.add(attributesId(type, id)); for (String rel : knownRels) { keysToGet.add(relationshipId(type, id, rel)); } } final List<String> keyResult = new ArrayList<>(keysToGet.size()); int mgetOperations = 0; try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { for (List<String> part : Lists.partition(keysToGet, options.getMaxMgetSize())) { mgetOperations++; keyResult.addAll(jedis.mget(part.toArray(new String[part.size()]))); } } if (keyResult.size() != keysToGet.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected same size result as request"); } Collection<CacheData> results = new ArrayList<>(ids.size()); Iterator<String> idIterator = ids.iterator(); for (int ofs = 0; ofs < keyResult.size(); ofs += singleResultSize) { CacheData item = extractItem(, keyResult.subList(ofs, ofs + singleResultSize), knownRels); if (item != null) { results.add(item); } } cacheMetrics.get(prefix, type, results.size(), ids.size(), keysToGet.size(), knownRels.size(), mgetOperations); return results; } @Override public Collection<String> getIdentifiers(String type) { return scanMembers(allOfTypeId(type)); } @Override public Collection<String> filterIdentifiers(String type, String glob) { return scanMembers(allOfTypeId(type), Optional.of(glob)); } private Set<String> scanMembers(String setKey) { return scanMembers(setKey, Optional.empty()); } private Set<String> scanMembers(String setKey, Optional<String> glob) { try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { final Set<String> matches = new HashSet<>(); final ScanParams scanParams = new ScanParams().count(options.getScanSize()); glob.ifPresent(scanParams::match); String cursor = "0"; while (true) { final ScanResult<String> scanResult = jedis.sscan(setKey, cursor, scanParams); matches.addAll(scanResult.getResult()); cursor = scanResult.getStringCursor(); if ("0".equals(cursor)) { return matches; } } } } private byte[] stringToBytes(String string) { return string.getBytes(Charset.forName(HASH_CHARSET)); } private byte[][] stringsToBytes(Collection<String> strings) { final byte[][] results = new byte[strings.size()][]; int i = 0; for (String string : strings) { results[i++] = stringToBytes(string); } return results; } private static class MergeOp { final Set<String> relNames; final List<String> keysToSet; final Map<byte[], byte[]> hashesToSet; final int skippedWrites; public MergeOp(Set<String> relNames, List<String> keysToSet, Map<byte[], byte[]> hashesToSet, int skippedWrites) { this.relNames = relNames; this.keysToSet = keysToSet; this.hashesToSet = hashesToSet; this.skippedWrites = skippedWrites; } } /** * Compares the hash of serializedValue against an existing hash, if they do not match adds * serializedValue to keys and the new hash to updatedHashes. * * @param hashes the existing hash values * @param id the id of the item * @param serializedValue the serialized value * @param keys values to persist - if the hash does not match id and serializedValue are appended * @param updatedHashes hashes to persist - if the hash does not match adds an entry of id -> computed hash * @return true if the hash matched, false otherwise */ private boolean hashCheck(Map<String, byte[]> hashes, String id, String serializedValue, List<String> keys, Map<byte[], byte[]> updatedHashes) { if (options.isHashingEnabled()) { final byte[] hash = Hashing.sha1().newHasher().putBytes(stringToBytes(serializedValue)).hash() .asBytes(); final byte[] existingHash = hashes.get(id); if (Arrays.equals(hash, existingHash)) { return true; } updatedHashes.put(stringToBytes(id), hash); } keys.add(id); keys.add(serializedValue); return false; } private MergeOp buildMergeOp(String type, CacheData cacheData, Map<String, byte[]> hashes) { int skippedWrites = 0; final String serializedAttributes; try { if (cacheData.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { serializedAttributes = null; } else { serializedAttributes = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(cacheData.getAttributes()); } } catch (JsonProcessingException serializationException) { throw new RuntimeException("Attribute serialization failed", serializationException); } final Map<byte[], byte[]> hashesToSet = new HashMap<>(); final List<String> keysToSet = new ArrayList<>((cacheData.getRelationships().size() + 1) * 2); if (serializedAttributes != null && hashCheck(hashes, attributesId(type, cacheData.getId()), serializedAttributes, keysToSet, hashesToSet)) { skippedWrites++; } if (!cacheData.getRelationships().isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> relationship : cacheData.getRelationships().entrySet()) { final String relationshipValue; try { relationshipValue = objectMapper .writeValueAsString(new LinkedHashSet<>(relationship.getValue())); } catch (JsonProcessingException serializationException) { throw new RuntimeException("Relationship serialization failed", serializationException); } if (hashCheck(hashes, relationshipId(type, cacheData.getId(), relationship.getKey()), relationshipValue, keysToSet, hashesToSet)) { skippedWrites++; } } } return new MergeOp(cacheData.getRelationships().keySet(), keysToSet, hashesToSet, skippedWrites); } private boolean isHashingDisabled(String type) { if (!options.isHashingEnabled()) { return true; } try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { return jedis.exists(hashesDisabled(type)); } } private List<String> getKeys(String type, Collection<CacheData> cacheDatas) { final Collection<String> keys = new HashSet<>(); for (CacheData cacheData : cacheDatas) { if (!cacheData.getAttributes().isEmpty()) { keys.add(attributesId(type, cacheData.getId())); } if (!cacheData.getRelationships().isEmpty()) { for (String relationship : cacheData.getRelationships().keySet()) { keys.add(relationshipId(type, cacheData.getId(), relationship)); } } } return new ArrayList<>(keys); } private Map<String, byte[]> getHashes(String type, Collection<CacheData> items) { if (isHashingDisabled(type)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final List<String> hashKeys = getKeys(type, items); if (hashKeys.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final List<byte[]> hashValues = new ArrayList<>(hashKeys.size()); final byte[] hashesId = hashesId(type); try (Jedis jedis = source.getJedis()) { for (List<String> hashPart : Lists.partition(hashKeys, options.getMaxHmgetSize())) { hashValues.addAll(jedis.hmget(hashesId, stringsToBytes(hashPart))); } } if (hashValues.size() != hashKeys.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("Expected same size result as request"); } final Map<String, byte[]> hashes = new HashMap<>(hashKeys.size()); for (int i = 0; i < hashValues.size(); i++) { final byte[] hashValue = hashValues.get(i); if (hashValue != null) { hashes.put(hashKeys.get(i), hashValue); } } return isHashingDisabled(type) ? Collections.emptyMap() : hashes; } private CacheData extractItem(String id, List<String> keyResult, List<String> knownRels) { if (keyResult.get(0) == null) { return null; } try { final Map<String, Object> attributes = objectMapper.readValue(keyResult.get(0), ATTRIBUTES); final Map<String, Collection<String>> relationships = new HashMap<>(keyResult.size() - 1); for (int relIdx = 1; relIdx < keyResult.size(); relIdx++) { String rel = keyResult.get(relIdx); if (rel != null) { String relType = knownRels.get(relIdx - 1); Collection<String> deserializedRel = objectMapper.readValue(rel, RELATIONSHIPS); relationships.put(relType, deserializedRel); } } return new DefaultCacheData(id, attributes, relationships); } catch (IOException deserializationException) { throw new RuntimeException("Deserialization failed", deserializationException); } } private String attributesId(String type, String id) { return String.format("%s:%s:attributes:%s", prefix, type, id); } private String relationshipId(String type, String id, String relationship) { return String.format("%s:%s:relationships:%s:%s", prefix, type, id, relationship); } private byte[] hashesId(String type) { return stringToBytes(String.format("%s:%s:hashes", prefix, type)); } private String hashesDisabled(String type) { return String.format("%s:%s:hashes.disabled", prefix, type); } private String allRelationshipsId(String type) { return String.format("%s:%s:relationships", prefix, type); } private String allOfTypeId(String type) { return String.format("%s:%s:members", prefix, type); } private String allOfTypeReindex(String type) { return String.format("%s:%s:members.2", prefix, type); } /** * Comparator for lexical sort of byte arrays to enable a partitioning a * sorted map of hash keys. * <p> * This is essentially String.compareTo implemented on a byte array. */ private static class ByteArrayComparator implements Comparator<byte[]>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 42424242421L; @Override public int compare(byte[] v1, byte[] v2) { final int len1 = v1.length; final int len2 = v2.length; final int lim = Math.min(v1.length, v2.length); for (int i = 0; i < lim; i++) { byte b1 = v1[i]; byte b2 = v2[i]; if (b1 != b2) { return b1 - b2; } } return len1 - len2; } } }