Java tutorial
/* * * Copyright 2012 Netflix, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.Validate; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * The crawler to crawl AWS instances for janitor monkey using Edda. */ public class EddaELBJanitorCrawler implements JanitorCrawler { class DNSEntry { String dnsName; String dnsType; String hostedZoneId; }; /** The Constant LOGGER. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EddaELBJanitorCrawler.class); private static final DateTimeFormatter TIME_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.S'Z'"); private final EddaClient eddaClient; private final List<String> regions = Lists.newArrayList(); private final boolean useEddaApplicationOwner; private final String fallbackOwnerEmail; private Map<String, String> applicationToOwner = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * Instantiates a new basic instance crawler. * @param eddaClient * the Edda client * @param regions * the regions the crawler will crawl resources for */ public EddaELBJanitorCrawler(EddaClient eddaClient, String fallbackOwnerEmail, boolean useEddaApplicationOwner, String... regions) { this.useEddaApplicationOwner = useEddaApplicationOwner; this.fallbackOwnerEmail = fallbackOwnerEmail; Validate.notNull(eddaClient); this.eddaClient = eddaClient; Validate.notNull(regions); for (String region : regions) { this.regions.add(region); } } @Override public EnumSet<? extends ResourceType> resourceTypes() { return EnumSet.of(AWSResourceType.ELB); } @Override public List<Resource> resources(ResourceType resourceType) { if ("ELB".equals( { return getELBResources(); } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public List<Resource> resources(String... resourceIds) { return getELBResources(resourceIds); } @Override public String getOwnerEmailForResource(Resource resource) { Validate.notNull(resource); String ownerEmail = null; if (useEddaApplicationOwner) { for (String app : applicationToOwner.keySet()) { if (resource.getId().toLowerCase().startsWith(app)) { ownerEmail = applicationToOwner.get(app); break; } } } else { ownerEmail = resource.getTag(BasicSimianArmyContext.GLOBAL_OWNER_TAGKEY); } if (ownerEmail == null) { ownerEmail = fallbackOwnerEmail; } return ownerEmail; } private List<Resource> getELBResources(String... instanceIds) { if (useEddaApplicationOwner) { applicationToOwner = EddaUtils.getAllApplicationOwnerEmails(eddaClient); } List<Resource> resources = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String region : regions) { resources.addAll(getELBResourcesInRegion(region, instanceIds)); } return resources; } private List<Resource> getELBResourcesInRegion(String region, String... elbNames) { String url = eddaClient.getBaseUrl(region) + "/aws/loadBalancers"; if (elbNames != null && elbNames.length != 0) { url += StringUtils.join(elbNames, ',');"Getting ELBs in region %s for %d names", region, elbNames.length)); } else {"Getting all ELBs in region %s", region)); } url += ";_expand:(loadBalancerName,createdTime,DNSName,instances,tags:(key,value))"; JsonNode jsonNode = null; try { jsonNode = eddaClient.getJsonNodeFromUrl(url); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Failed to get Jason node from edda for ELBs in region %s.", region), e); } if (jsonNode == null || !jsonNode.isArray()) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Failed to get valid document from %s, got: %s", url, jsonNode)); } List<Resource> resources = Lists.newArrayList(); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = jsonNode.getElements(); it.hasNext();) { resources.add(parseJsonElementToELBResource(region,; } Map<String, List<String>> elBtoASGMap = buildELBtoASGMap(region); for (Resource resource : resources) { List<String> asgList = elBtoASGMap.get(resource.getId()); if (asgList != null && asgList.size() > 0) { resource.setAdditionalField("referencedASGCount", "" + asgList.size()); String asgStr = StringUtils.join(asgList, ","); resource.setDescription(resource.getDescription() + ", ASGS=" + asgStr); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Resource ELB %s is referenced by ASGs %s", resource.getId(), asgStr)); } else { resource.setAdditionalField("referencedASGCount", "0"); resource.setDescription(resource.getDescription() + ", ASGS=none"); LOGGER.debug(String.format("No ASGs found for ELB %s", resource.getId())); } } Map<String, List<DNSEntry>> elBtoDNSMap = buildELBtoDNSMap(region); for (Resource resource : resources) { List<DNSEntry> dnsEntryList = elBtoDNSMap.get(resource.getAdditionalField("DNSName")); if (dnsEntryList != null && dnsEntryList.size() > 0) { ArrayList<String> dnsNames = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> dnsTypes = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList<String> hostedZoneIds = new ArrayList<>(); for (DNSEntry dnsEntry : dnsEntryList) { dnsNames.add(dnsEntry.dnsName); dnsTypes.add(dnsEntry.dnsType); hostedZoneIds.add(dnsEntry.hostedZoneId); } resource.setAdditionalField("referencedDNS", StringUtils.join(dnsNames, ",")); resource.setAdditionalField("referencedDNSTypes", StringUtils.join(dnsTypes, ",")); resource.setAdditionalField("referencedDNSZones", StringUtils.join(hostedZoneIds, ",")); resource.setDescription( resource.getDescription() + ", DNS=" + resource.getAdditionalField("referencedDNS")); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Resource ELB %s is referenced by DNS %s", resource.getId(), resource.getAdditionalField("referencedDNS"))); } else { resource.setAdditionalField("referencedDNS", ""); resource.setDescription(resource.getDescription() + ", DNS=none"); LOGGER.debug(String.format("No DNS found for ELB %s", resource.getId())); } } return resources; } private Map<String, List<String>> buildELBtoASGMap(String region) { String url = eddaClient.getBaseUrl(region) + "/aws/autoScalingGroups;_expand:(autoScalingGroupName,loadBalancerNames)";"Getting all ELBs associated with ASGs in region %s", region)); JsonNode jsonNode = null; try { jsonNode = eddaClient.getJsonNodeFromUrl(url); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Failed to get JSON node from edda for ASG ELBs in region %s.", region), e); } if (jsonNode == null || !jsonNode.isArray()) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Failed to get valid document from %s, got: %s", url, jsonNode)); } HashMap<String, List<String>> asgMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = jsonNode.getElements(); it.hasNext();) { JsonNode asgNode =; String asgName = asgNode.get("autoScalingGroupName").getTextValue(); JsonNode elbs = asgNode.get("loadBalancerNames"); if (elbs == null || !elbs.isArray() || elbs.size() == 0) { continue; } else { for (Iterator<JsonNode> elbNode = elbs.getElements(); elbNode.hasNext();) { JsonNode elb =; String elbName = elb.getTextValue(); List<String> asgList = asgMap.get(elbName); if (asgList == null) { asgList = new ArrayList<>(); asgMap.put(elbName, asgList); } asgList.add(asgName); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Found ASG %s associated with ELB %s", asgName, elbName)); } } } return asgMap; } private Resource parseJsonElementToELBResource(String region, JsonNode jsonNode) { Validate.notNull(jsonNode); String elbName = jsonNode.get("loadBalancerName").getTextValue(); long launchTime = jsonNode.get("createdTime").getLongValue(); Resource resource = new AWSResource().withId(elbName).withRegion(region) .withResourceType(AWSResourceType.ELB).withLaunchTime(new Date(launchTime)); String dnsName = jsonNode.get("DNSName").getTextValue(); resource.setAdditionalField("DNSName", dnsName); JsonNode tags = jsonNode.get("tags"); if (tags == null || !tags.isArray() || tags.size() == 0) { LOGGER.debug(String.format("No tags is found for %s", resource.getId())); } else { for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = tags.getElements(); it.hasNext();) { JsonNode tag =; String key = tag.get("key").getTextValue(); String value = tag.get("value").getTextValue(); resource.setTag(key, value); } } String owner = getOwnerEmailForResource(resource); if (owner != null) { resource.setOwnerEmail(owner); } LOGGER.debug(String.format("Owner of ELB Resource %s (ELB DNS: %s) is %s", resource.getId(), resource.getAdditionalField("DNSName"), resource.getOwnerEmail())); JsonNode instances = jsonNode.get("instances"); if (instances == null || !instances.isArray() || instances.size() == 0) { resource.setAdditionalField("instanceCount", "0"); resource.setDescription("instances=none"); LOGGER.debug(String.format("No instances found for ELB %s", resource.getId())); } else { resource.setAdditionalField("instanceCount", "" + instances.size()); ArrayList<String> instanceList = new ArrayList<String>(instances.size()); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Found %d instances for ELB %s", instances.size(), resource.getId())); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = instances.getElements(); it.hasNext();) { JsonNode instance =; String instanceId = instance.get("instanceId").getTextValue(); instanceList.add(instanceId); } String instancesStr = StringUtils.join(instanceList, ","); resource.setDescription(String.format("instances=%s", instances)); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Resource ELB %s has instances %s", resource.getId(), instancesStr)); } return resource; } private Map<String, List<DNSEntry>> buildELBtoDNSMap(String region) { String url = eddaClient.getBaseUrl(region) + "/aws/hostedRecords;_expand:(name,type,aliasTarget,resourceRecords:(value),zone:(id))";"Getting all ELBs associated with DNSs in region %s", region)); JsonNode jsonNode = null; try { jsonNode = eddaClient.getJsonNodeFromUrl(url); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Failed to get JSON node from edda for DNS ELBs in region %s.", region), e); } if (jsonNode == null || !jsonNode.isArray()) { throw new RuntimeException( String.format("Failed to get valid document from %s, got: %s", url, jsonNode)); } HashMap<String, List<DNSEntry>> dnsMap = new HashMap<>(); for (Iterator<JsonNode> it = jsonNode.getElements(); it.hasNext();) { JsonNode dnsNode =; String dnsName = dnsNode.get("name").getTextValue(); String dnsType = dnsNode.get("type").getTextValue(); String hostedZoneId = null; JsonNode hostedZoneNode = dnsNode.get("zone"); if (hostedZoneNode != null) { JsonNode hostedZoneIdNode = hostedZoneNode.get("id"); if (hostedZoneIdNode != null) { hostedZoneId = hostedZoneIdNode.getTextValue(); } } JsonNode aliasTarget = dnsNode.get("aliasTarget"); if (aliasTarget != null) { JsonNode aliasTargetDnsNameNode = aliasTarget.get("DNSName"); if (aliasTargetDnsNameNode != null) { String aliasTargetDnsName = aliasTargetDnsNameNode.getTextValue(); if (aliasTargetDnsName != null && aliasTargetDnsName.contains(".elb.")) { DNSEntry dnsEntry = new DNSEntry(); dnsEntry.dnsName = dnsName; dnsEntry.dnsType = dnsType; dnsEntry.hostedZoneId = hostedZoneId; if (aliasTargetDnsName.endsWith(".")) { aliasTargetDnsName = aliasTargetDnsName.substring(0, aliasTargetDnsName.length() - 1); } List<DNSEntry> dnsEntryList = dnsMap.get(aliasTargetDnsName); if (dnsEntryList == null) { dnsEntryList = new ArrayList<>(); dnsMap.put(aliasTargetDnsName, dnsEntryList); } dnsEntryList.add(dnsEntry); LOGGER.debug( String.format("Found DNS %s (alias) associated with ELB DNS %s, type %s, zone %s", dnsName, aliasTargetDnsName, dnsType, hostedZoneId)); } } } JsonNode records = dnsNode.get("resourceRecords"); if (records == null || !records.isArray() || records.size() == 0) { continue; } else { for (Iterator<JsonNode> recordNode = records.getElements(); recordNode.hasNext();) { JsonNode record =; String elbDNS = record.get("value").getTextValue(); if (elbDNS.contains(".elb.")) { DNSEntry dnsEntry = new DNSEntry(); dnsEntry.dnsName = dnsName; dnsEntry.dnsType = dnsType; dnsEntry.hostedZoneId = hostedZoneId; List<DNSEntry> dnsEntryList = dnsMap.get(elbDNS); if (dnsEntryList == null) { dnsEntryList = new ArrayList<>(); dnsMap.put(elbDNS, dnsEntryList); } dnsEntryList.add(dnsEntry); LOGGER.debug(String.format("Found DNS %s associated with ELB DNS %s, type %s, zone %s", dnsName, elbDNS, dnsType, hostedZoneId)); } } } } return dnsMap; } }