Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.netcracker.ejb; import com.netcracker.dao.AddressDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.CarDao; import com.netcracker.dao.ContactsDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.DriverCarDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.DriverDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.RouteDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.TaxiOrderDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.UserDAO; import com.netcracker.dao.exceptions.DriverAssignCarException; import com.netcracker.dao.exceptions.DriverOrderCountException; import com.netcracker.dao.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException; import com.netcracker.entity.Address; import com.netcracker.entity.Car; import com.netcracker.entity.Contacts; import com.netcracker.entity.Driver; import com.netcracker.entity.Route; import com.netcracker.entity.TaxiOrder; import com.netcracker.entity.helper.Status; import com.netcracker.entity.User; import com.netcracker.entity.helper.DriverCar; import com.netcracker.entity.helper.TaxiOrderHistory; import com.netcracker.util.BeansLocator; import; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.SessionBean; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.persistence.NoResultException; import org.json.JSONException; /** * * @author */ public class TaxiOrderBean implements SessionBean { public void addTaxiOrder(User user, Route route, Address addFrom, Address addTo, TaxiOrder taxiOrder) { if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User can't be null"); } if (route == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Route can't be null"); } if (addFrom == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("addFrom can't be null"); } if (addTo == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("addTo can't be null"); } if (taxiOrder == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("TaxiOrder can't be null"); } AddressDAO addressDAO = null; RouteDAO routeDAO = null; TaxiOrderDAO taxiOrderDAO = null; try { addressDAO = new AddressDAO(); addressDAO.persist(addFrom); addressDAO.persist(addTo); routeDAO = new RouteDAO(); route.setFromAddrId(addFrom); route.setToAddrId(addTo); routeDAO.persist(route); taxiOrder.setRouteId(route); taxiOrder.setContactsId(createContacts(user)); taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.QUEUED); taxiOrder.setRouteId(route); taxiOrderDAO = new TaxiOrderDAO(); taxiOrderDAO.persist(taxiOrder); } finally { if (addressDAO != null) { addressDAO.close(); } if (routeDAO != null) { routeDAO.close(); } if (taxiOrderDAO != null) { taxiOrderDAO.close(); } } } public Contacts createContacts(User user) { if (user == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("User can't be null"); } ContactsDAO contactsDAO = null; UserDAO userDAO = null; Contacts contacts = null; try { userDAO = new UserDAO(); User userFromDB = null; try { userFromDB = userDAO.getByEmail(user.getEmail()); } catch (NoResultException nre) { } contactsDAO = new ContactsDAO(); if (userFromDB != null) { contactsDAO.persist(new Contacts(userFromDB)); } else { contactsDAO.persist(new Contacts(user.getUsername(), user.getEmail())); } contacts = contactsDAO.getByEmail(user.getEmail()); } finally { if (userDAO != null) { userDAO.close(); } if (contactsDAO != null) { contactsDAO.close(); } } return contacts; } public TaxiOrder getOrderById(int id) { TaxiOrderDAO dao = null; TaxiOrder taxiOrder = null; try { dao = new TaxiOrderDAO(); taxiOrder = dao.get(id); } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } return taxiOrder; } public void refuseTaxiOrder(int orderId) { TaxiOrder taxiOrder = getOrderById(orderId); taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.REFUSED); TaxiOrderDAO dao = null; Contacts currentUser = getOrderById(orderId).getContactsId(); try { dao = new TaxiOrderDAO(); dao.update(taxiOrder); BeansLocator.getInstance().getBean(MailerBeanLocal.class).changeToRefused(currentUser, getOrderById(orderId)); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } } } public int countOrdersByStatus(User user, Status status) { TaxiOrderDAO dao = null; ContactsDAO daoC = null; int orderCount = 0; try { dao = new TaxiOrderDAO(); daoC = new ContactsDAO(); orderCount = dao.countOrdersWithStatus(daoC.getByEmail(user.getEmail()), status.getId()); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } if (daoC != null) { daoC.close(); } } return orderCount; } public List<TaxiOrderHistory> getTaxiOrderDriver(Integer pageNumber, int pageSize, User user, Status status) throws DriverAssignCarException { TaxiOrderDAO dao = null; DriverCarDAO daoC = null; DriverDAO driverDAO = null; List<TaxiOrder> orders = null; try { dao = new TaxiOrderDAO(); daoC = new DriverCarDAO(); driverDAO = new DriverDAO(); Car car = new DriverBean().getDriver(user.getId()).getCar(); if (car == null) { throw new DriverAssignCarException("no assigned car"); } DriverCar driverCar = daoC.getByDriverId(user.getId()); Driver driver = null; try { driver = driverDAO.get(user.getId()); } catch (NoSuchEntityException ex) { Logger.getLogger(TaxiOrderBean.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } orders = dao.getTaxiOrderHistoryDriver(pageNumber, pageSize, driverCar, status, driver, car); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } if (daoC != null) { daoC.close(); } if (driverDAO != null) { driverDAO.close(); } } List<TaxiOrderHistory> taxiOrderHistory = createTOHistory(orders); return taxiOrderHistory; } public void setNextStatus(int taxiOrderId, User user) throws DriverOrderCountException { TaxiOrderDAO orderDAO = null; TaxiOrder taxiOrder = null; DriverCarDAO daoC = null; try { orderDAO = new TaxiOrderDAO(); daoC = new DriverCarDAO(); taxiOrder = orderDAO.get(taxiOrderId); int status = taxiOrder.getStatus(); DriverCar driverCarId = daoC.getByDriverId(user.getId()); Contacts currentUser = getOrderById(taxiOrderId).getContactsId(); if (status == Status.QUEUED.getId()) { taxiOrder.setDriverCarId(driverCarId); taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.ASSIGNED); orderDAO.update(taxiOrder); BeansLocator.getInstance().getBean(MailerBeanLocal.class).changeToAssigned(currentUser, getOrderById(taxiOrderId), user.getUsername()); } else if (status == Status.UPDATED.getId()) { taxiOrder.setDriverCarId(driverCarId); taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.ASSIGNED); orderDAO.update(taxiOrder); BeansLocator.getInstance().getBean(MailerBeanLocal.class).changeToAssigned(currentUser, getOrderById(taxiOrderId), user.getUsername()); } else if (status == Status.ASSIGNED.getId()) { if (orderDAO.countOrdersWithDriverStatus(driverCarId, Status.IN_PROGRESS.getId()) >= 1) { throw new DriverOrderCountException("Driver can have only one order in progress"); } taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.IN_PROGRESS); orderDAO.update(taxiOrder); } else if (status == Status.IN_PROGRESS.getId()) { taxiOrder.setStatus(Status.COMPLETED); orderDAO.update(taxiOrder); BeansLocator.getInstance().getBean(MailerBeanLocal.class).changeToCompleted(currentUser, getOrderById(taxiOrderId)); } } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (orderDAO != null) { orderDAO.close(); } if (daoC != null) { daoC.close(); } } } public List<TaxiOrderHistory> getTaxiOrderHistory(Integer pageNumber, int pageSize, User user, Status status) { TaxiOrderDAO dao = null; ContactsDAO daoC = null; List<TaxiOrder> orders = null; try { dao = new TaxiOrderDAO(); daoC = new ContactsDAO(); orders = dao.getTaxiOrderHistory(pageNumber, pageSize, daoC.getByEmail(user.getEmail()), status); } finally { if (dao != null) { dao.close(); } if (daoC != null) { daoC.close(); } } List<TaxiOrderHistory> taxiOrderHistory = createTOHistory(orders); return taxiOrderHistory; } public List<TaxiOrderHistory> getTaxiOrderHistory(int pageNumber, int pageSize, User user) { return getTaxiOrderHistory(pageNumber, pageSize, user, null); } public void updateTaxiOrder(TaxiOrder taxiOrder) { TaxiOrderDAO taxiOrderDAO = null; try { taxiOrderDAO = new TaxiOrderDAO(); taxiOrderDAO.update(taxiOrder); } finally { if (taxiOrderDAO != null) { taxiOrderDAO.close(); } } } public void editTaxiOrderCustomer(int orderId, Address addFrom, Address addTo, Date orderTime, float distance, double price) { TaxiOrderDAO taxiOrderDAO = null; TaxiOrder taxiOrder = null; AddressDAO addressDAO = null; RouteDAO routeDAO = null; Route route = null; try { taxiOrderDAO = new TaxiOrderDAO(); taxiOrder = taxiOrderDAO.get(orderId); addressDAO = new AddressDAO(); route = taxiOrder.getRouteId(); route.setDistance(distance); routeDAO = new RouteDAO(); routeDAO.update(route); Address addressFrom = taxiOrder.getRouteId().getFromAddrId(); Address addressTo = taxiOrder.getRouteId().getToAddrId(); addressFrom.setAltitude(addFrom.getAltitude()); addressFrom.setLongtitude(addFrom.getLongtitude()); addressTo.setAltitude(addTo.getAltitude()); addressTo.setLongtitude(addTo.getLongtitude()); addressDAO.update(addressFrom); addressDAO.update(addressTo); taxiOrder.setOrderTime(orderTime); taxiOrder.setPrice(price); taxiOrderDAO.update(taxiOrder); } catch (NoSuchEntityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (routeDAO != null) { routeDAO.close(); } if (taxiOrderDAO != null) { taxiOrderDAO.close(); } if (addressDAO != null) { addressDAO.close(); } } } public TaxiOrderHistory getOrderForEdit(TaxiOrder order) { TaxiOrderHistory toh = new TaxiOrderHistory(order); toh.setToAddr(getToAddr(toh)); toh.setFromAddr(getFromAddr(toh)); return toh; } private List<TaxiOrderHistory> createTOHistory(List<TaxiOrder> orders) { List<TaxiOrderHistory> listTOH = new ArrayList<>(); for (TaxiOrder to : orders) { TaxiOrderHistory toh = new TaxiOrderHistory(to); toh.setToAddr(getToAddr(toh)); toh.setFromAddr(getFromAddr(toh)); listTOH.add(toh); } return listTOH; } private String getFromAddr(TaxiOrderHistory toh) { if (toh.getRouteId() != null && !toh.isServiceBool()) { Address a = toh.getRouteId().getFromAddrId(); return toAddress(a.getAltitude(), a.getLongtitude()); } else if (toh.isServiceBool()) { StringBuffer addr = new StringBuffer(); if (toh.isMeetMyGuest() || toh.isSoberDriver()) { Address a = toh.getRouteId().getFromAddrId(); return toAddress(a.getAltitude(), a.getLongtitude()); } if (toh.isConvey()) { for (Route route : toh.getAddrConvey()) { Address a = route.getFromAddrId(); addr.append(toAddress(a.getAltitude(), a.getLongtitude()) + " "); } return addr.toString(); } } return ""; } private String getToAddr(TaxiOrderHistory toh) { if (toh.getRouteId() != null) { Address a = toh.getRouteId().getToAddrId(); return toAddress(a.getAltitude(), a.getLongtitude()); } else if (toh.isServiceBool()) { StringBuffer addr = new StringBuffer(); if (toh.isConvey()) { Route route = toh.getAddrConvey().get(0); Address a = route.getToAddrId(); addr.append(toAddress(a.getAltitude(), a.getLongtitude())); } return addr.toString(); } return ""; } private String toAddress(float lng, float alt) { MapBean mapBean = new MapBean(); String to = ""; try { to = mapBean.geodecodeAddress(lng, alt); } catch (JSONException | IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return to; } @Override public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) throws EJBException, RemoteException { } @Override public void ejbRemove() throws EJBException, RemoteException { } @Override public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException { } @Override public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException { } }