Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package com.mycompany.CRMFly.ManagedBeans; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.entities.Contracts; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.entities.Daily; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.entities.Employees; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.entities.Projects; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.entities.UserAccount; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.hibernateAccess.CustomUserDetailService; import com.mycompany.CRMFly.serviceLayer.EmployeesService; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.event.PhaseId; import; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent; import org.primefaces.model.DefaultStreamedContent; import org.primefaces.model.StreamedContent; import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope; import; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; /** * * @author ?? */ @Component //@ManagedBean @Scope("view") public class EmployeeBean implements Serializable { private Employees employee = new Employees(); private Employees selectedEmployee; private Employees searchedEmployee = new Employees(); private Projects addProject = new Projects(); private Daily addTask = new Daily(); private Employees addEmployee = new Employees(); private Contracts addContract = new Contracts(); private UserAccount sessionEmployee; private boolean employeeAccount; private boolean thisEmployeeAccount; @Autowired private CustomUserDetailService userService; @PostConstruct public void thisuser() { UserDetails user; Object principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal(); if (principal instanceof UserDetails) { user = (UserDetails) principal; String name = user.getUsername(); sessionEmployee = userService.loadUserByUsername(name); } } public void compareEmployee() { if (sessionEmployee.getEmployee() != null && sessionEmployee.getEmployee().equals(selectedEmployee)) thisEmployeeAccount = true; else thisEmployeeAccount = false; } private boolean Editable; public boolean isEditable() { return Editable; } public void setEditable(boolean Editable) { this.Editable = Editable; } public void changeEditable() { if (Editable == true) Editable = false; else Editable = true; } public Employees getSelectedEmployee() { return selectedEmployee; } public void setSelectedEmployee(Employees selectedEmployee) { this.selectedEmployee = selectedEmployee; } @Autowired EmployeesService employeesService; public void addEmployee() { employeesService.addEmployee(employee); employee = new Employees(); } public List<Employees> listEmployees() { return employeesService.listEmployees(); } public void removeEmployee() { employeesService.removeEmployee(selectedEmployee); } public void changeEmployee() { if (employee.getId() != null) employeesService.changeEmployee(employee); } public void editEmployee() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.changeEmployee(selectedEmployee); } public Employees getEmployeeForId(Long id) { return employeesService.getEmployeeForId(id); } public List<Employees> getAllEmployees() { return employeesService.getAllEmployees(); } public List<Contracts> getContractsOnWorker(Long id) { return employeesService.getContractsOnWorker(id); } public List<Projects> getProjectsEmployeeResponsibleFor(Long id) { return employeesService.getProjectsEmployeeResponsibleFor(id); } public List<Projects> getProjectsPaticipation(Long id) { return employeesService.getProjectsPaticipation(id); } public List<Daily> getTasksForEmployee(Long id) { return employeesService.getTasksForEmployee(id); } public List<Employees> getSubordinatesEmployee(Long id) { return employeesService.getSubordinatesEmployee(id); } public List<Contracts> getContractsForSelectedId() { Long id; if (selectedEmployee != null) { id = selectedEmployee.getId(); return employeesService.getContractsOnWorker(id); } else return null; } public List<Projects> getManagedProjectsForSelectedId() { Long id; if (selectedEmployee != null) { id = selectedEmployee.getId(); return employeesService.getProjectsEmployeeResponsibleFor(id); } else return null; } public List<Projects> getProjectsForSelectedId() { Long id; if (selectedEmployee != null) { id = selectedEmployee.getId(); return employeesService.getProjectsPaticipation(id); } else return null; } public Employees getEmployee() { return employee; } public void setEmployee(Employees employee) { this.employee = employee; } public List<Employees> getSearchEmployee() { if (searchedEmployee != null) return employeesService.searchEmployee(searchedEmployee); else return null; } public Employees getSearchedEmployee() { return searchedEmployee; } public void setSearchedEmployee(Employees searchedEmployee) { this.searchedEmployee = searchedEmployee; } public void setThisEmployee(Employees employee) { this.employee = employee; } public void flushEmployee() { this.employee = new Employees(); } public void addSubordinadeConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addSubordinadeConnection(selectedEmployee, addEmployee); } public void addTaskConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addTaskConnection(selectedEmployee, addTask); } public void addProjectConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addProjectConnection(selectedEmployee, addProject); } public void addManagedProjectConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addManagedProjectConnection(selectedEmployee, addProject); } public void addManagedContractConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addManagedContractConnection(selectedEmployee, addContract); } public void deleteSubordinadeConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.deleteSubordinadeConnection(selectedEmployee, addEmployee); } public void deleteTaskConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.deleteTaskConnection(selectedEmployee, addTask); } public void deleteProjectConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.deleteProjectConnection(selectedEmployee, addProject); } public void deleteManagedProjectConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.deleteManagedProjectConnection(selectedEmployee, addProject); } public void deleteManagedContractConnection() { if (selectedEmployee != null) employeesService.addManagedContractConnection(selectedEmployee, addContract); } /** * @return the addProject */ public Projects getAddProject() { return addProject; } /** * @param addProject the addProject to set */ public void setAddProject(Projects addProject) { this.addProject = addProject; } /** * @return the addTask */ public Daily getAddTask() { return addTask; } /** * @param addTask the addTask to set */ public void setAddTask(Daily addTask) { this.addTask = addTask; } /** * @return the addEmployee */ public Employees getAddEmployee() { return addEmployee; } /** * @param addEmployee the addEmployee to set */ public void setAddEmployee(Employees addEmployee) { this.addEmployee = addEmployee; } /** * @return the addContract */ public Contracts getAddContract() { return addContract; } /** * @param addContract the addContract to set */ public void setAddContract(Contracts addContract) { this.addContract = addContract; } public StreamedContent getImage() throws IOException { FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); if (context.getCurrentPhaseId() == PhaseId.RENDER_RESPONSE) { return new DefaultStreamedContent(); } else { String id = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("id"); byte[] image = employeesService.getImage(selectedEmployee.getId()); return new DefaultStreamedContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(image)); } } private UploadedFile uploaded_image; private String upload_location; public void handleFileUpload(FileUploadEvent event) { // UploadedFile file = event.getFile(); setUploaded_image(event.getFile()); ServletContext servletContext = (ServletContext) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext() .getContext(); String v_file_ext = getUploaded_image().getFileName() .split("\\.")[(getUploaded_image().getFileName().split("\\.").length) - 1]; setUpload_location(servletContext.getRealPath("") + File.separator + "temp-images" + File.separator + "3" + "." + v_file_ext); FileImageOutputStream imageOutput; try { imageOutput = new FileImageOutputStream(new File(getUpload_location())); imageOutput.write(getUploaded_image().getContents(), 0, getUploaded_image().getContents().length); imageOutput.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } byte[] file = new byte[uploaded_image.getContents().length]; System.arraycopy(uploaded_image.getContents(), 0, file, 0, uploaded_image.getContents().length); employee.setPhoto(file); FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage("Succesful", event.getFile().getFileName() + " is uploaded."); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg); } public void btn_save_clicked() { //ent.setImg(file); //yourfacade.create(ent); } /** * @return the uploaded_image */ public UploadedFile getUploaded_image() { return uploaded_image; } /** * @param uploaded_image the uploaded_image to set */ public void setUploaded_image(UploadedFile uploaded_image) { this.uploaded_image = uploaded_image; } /** * @return the upload_location */ public String getUpload_location() { return upload_location; } /** * @param upload_location the upload_location to set */ public void setUpload_location(String upload_location) { this.upload_location = upload_location; } /** * @return the employeeAccount */ public boolean isEmployeeAccount() { return employeeAccount; } /** * @param employeeAccount the employeeAccount to set */ public void setEmployeeAccount(boolean employeeAccount) { this.employeeAccount = employeeAccount; } /** * @return the sessionEmployee */ public UserAccount getSessionEmployee() { return sessionEmployee; } /** * @param sessionEmployee the sessionEmployee to set */ public void setSessionEmployee(UserAccount sessionEmployee) { this.sessionEmployee = sessionEmployee; } /** * @return the thisEmployeeAccount */ public boolean isThisEmployeeAccount() { return thisEmployeeAccount; } /** * @param thisEmployeeAccount the thisEmployeeAccount to set */ public void setThisEmployeeAccount(boolean thisEmployeeAccount) { this.thisEmployeeAccount = thisEmployeeAccount; } }