Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013, 2014 Megion Research and Development GmbH * * Licensed under the Microsoft Reference Source License (MS-RSL) * * This license governs use of the accompanying software. If you use the software, you accept this license. * If you do not accept the license, do not use the software. * * 1. Definitions * The terms "reproduce," "reproduction," and "distribution" have the same meaning here as under U.S. copyright law. * "You" means the licensee of the software. * "Your company" means the company you worked for when you downloaded the software. * "Reference use" means use of the software within your company as a reference, in read only form, for the sole purposes * of debugging your products, maintaining your products, or enhancing the interoperability of your products with the * software, and specifically excludes the right to distribute the software outside of your company. * "Licensed patents" means any Licensor patent claims which read directly on the software as distributed by the Licensor * under this license. * * 2. Grant of Rights * (A) Copyright Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, the Licensor grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, * worldwide, royalty-free copyright license to reproduce the software for reference use. * (B) Patent Grant- Subject to the terms of this license, the Licensor grants you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, * worldwide, royalty-free patent license under licensed patents for reference use. * * 3. Limitations * (A) No Trademark License- This license does not grant you any rights to use the Licensors name, logo, or trademarks. * (B) If you begin patent litigation against the Licensor over patents that you think may apply to the software * (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit), your license to the software ends automatically. * (C) The software is licensed "as-is." You bear the risk of using it. The Licensor gives no express warranties, * guarantees or conditions. You may have additional consumer rights under your local laws which this license cannot * change. To the extent permitted under your local laws, the Licensor excludes the implied warranties of merchantability, * fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. */ package com.mycelium.paymentrequest; import; import; import; import; import com.mrd.bitlib.model.*; import com.squareup.wire.Wire; import okio.ByteString; import org.bitcoin.protocols.payments.*; import org.bitcoinj.crypto.X509Utils; import; import; import; import*; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; // container-class for all deserialized/parsed and checked information regarding a payment request public class PaymentRequestInformation implements Serializable { public static final int MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE = 50000; private static final String MAIN_NET_MONIKER = "main"; public static final String PKI_X509_SHA256 = "x509+sha256"; public static final String PKI_X509_SHA1 = "x509+sha1"; public static final String PKI_NONE = "none"; private final PaymentRequest paymentRequest; private final PaymentDetails paymentDetails; private final PkiVerificationData pkiVerificationData; private final byte[] rawPaymentRequest; public static PaymentRequestInformation fromRawPaymentRequest(byte[] rawPaymentRequest, KeyStore keyStore, final NetworkParameters networkParameters) { if (rawPaymentRequest.length > MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE) { throw new PaymentRequestException("payment request too large"); } try { Wire wire = new Wire(); PaymentRequest paymentRequest = wire.parseFrom(rawPaymentRequest, PaymentRequest.class); if (paymentRequest == null) { throw new PaymentRequestException("unable to parse the payment request"); } Integer version = Wire.get(paymentRequest.payment_details_version, PaymentRequest.DEFAULT_PAYMENT_DETAILS_VERSION); if (version != 1) { throw new PaymentRequestException("unsupported payment details version " + version); } PaymentDetails paymentDetails = wire.parseFrom(paymentRequest.serialized_payment_details.toByteArray(), PaymentDetails.class); if (paymentDetails == null) { throw new PaymentRequestException("unable to parse the payment details"); } // check if its for the correct bitcoin network (testnet/prodnet) if (MAIN_NET_MONIKER .equals(Wire.get(, PaymentDetails.DEFAULT_NETWORK)) != networkParameters .isProdnet()) { throw new PaymentRequestException( "wrong network: " + Wire.get(, PaymentDetails.DEFAULT_NETWORK)); } if (Wire.get(paymentDetails.outputs, PaymentDetails.DEFAULT_OUTPUTS).size() == 0) { throw new PaymentRequestException("no outputs specified"); } // check if we are able to parse all output scripts // we might need to improve this later on to provide some flexibility, but until there is are use-cases // prevent users from sending coins to maybe unspendable outputs OutputList transactionOutputs = getTransactionOutputs(paymentDetails); boolean containsStrangeOutput = Iterables.any(transactionOutputs, new Predicate<TransactionOutput>() { @Override public boolean apply(TransactionOutput input) { // search if we got a strange output or a null address as destination return input.script instanceof ScriptOutputStrange || input.script.getAddress(networkParameters) .equals(Address.getNullAddress(networkParameters)); } }); if (containsStrangeOutput) { throw new PaymentRequestException("unable to parse one of the output scripts"); } X509Certificates certificates; String pki_type = Wire.get(paymentRequest.pki_type, PaymentRequest.DEFAULT_PKI_TYPE); if (!PKI_NONE.equals(pki_type)) { if (!(pki_type.equals(PKI_X509_SHA256) || pki_type.equals(PKI_X509_SHA1))) { throw new PaymentRequestException("unsupported pki type " + pki_type); } if (paymentRequest.pki_data == null || paymentRequest.pki_data.size() == 0) { throw new PaymentRequestException("no pki data available"); } if (paymentRequest.signature == null || paymentRequest.signature.size() == 0) { throw new PaymentRequestException("no signature available"); } certificates = wire.parseFrom(paymentRequest.pki_data.toByteArray(), X509Certificates.class); PkiVerificationData pkiVerificationData = verifySignature(paymentRequest, certificates, keyStore); return new PaymentRequestInformation(paymentRequest, paymentDetails, pkiVerificationData, rawPaymentRequest); } else { return new PaymentRequestInformation(paymentRequest, paymentDetails, null, rawPaymentRequest); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("invalid formatted payment request", e); } } private static PkiVerificationData verifySignature(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, X509Certificates certificates, KeyStore keyStore) { if (certificates == null) { throw new PaymentRequestException("no certificates supplied"); } try { CertificateFactory certFact = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509"); // parse each certificate from the chain ... ArrayList<X509Certificate> certs = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>(); for (ByteString cert : certificates.certificate) { ByteArrayInputStream inStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(cert.toByteArray()); certs.add((X509Certificate) certFact.generateCertificate(inStream)); } // ... and generate the certification path from it. CertPath certPath = certFact.generateCertPath(certs); // Retrieves the most-trusted CAs from keystore. PKIXParameters params = new PKIXParameters(keyStore); // Revocation not supported in the current version. params.setRevocationEnabled(false); // Now verify the certificate chain is correct and trusted. This let's us get an identity linked pubkey. CertPathValidator validator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX"); PKIXCertPathValidatorResult result = (PKIXCertPathValidatorResult) validator.validate(certPath, params); PublicKey publicKey = result.getPublicKey(); // OK, we got an identity, now check it was used to sign this message. Signature signature = Signature.getInstance(getPkiSignatureAlgorithm(paymentRequest)); // Note that we don't use signature.initVerify(certs.get(0)) here despite it being the most obvious // way to set it up, because we don't care about the constraints specified on the certificates: any // cert that links a key to a domain name or other identity will do for us. signature.initVerify(publicKey); // duplicate the payment-request but with an empty signature // then check the again serialized format of it PaymentRequest checkPaymentRequest = new PaymentRequest.Builder(paymentRequest) .signature(ByteString.EMPTY).build(); // serialize the payment request (now with an empty signature field) and check if the signature verifies signature.update(checkPaymentRequest.toByteArray()); boolean isValid = signature.verify(paymentRequest.signature.toByteArray()); if (!isValid) { throw new PaymentRequestException("signature does not match"); } // Signature verifies, get the names from the identity we just verified for presentation to the user. final X509Certificate cert = certs.get(0); //return new PkiVerificationData(displayName, publicKey, result.getTrustAnchor()); String displayName = X509Utils.getDisplayNameFromCertificate(cert, true); return new PkiVerificationData(displayName, publicKey, result.getTrustAnchor()); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("invalid certificate", e); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("keystore not ready", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InvalidAlgorithmParameterException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("invalid certificate", e); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (CertPathValidatorException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("invalid certificate", e); } catch (SignatureException e) { throw new PaymentRequestException("invalid certificate", e); } } private static String getPkiSignatureAlgorithm(PaymentRequest paymentRequest) { if (PKI_X509_SHA256.equals(paymentRequest.pki_type)) { return "SHA256withRSA"; } else if (PKI_X509_SHA1.equals(paymentRequest.pki_type)) { return "SHA1withRSA"; } else { throw new PaymentRequestException("unsupported signature algorithm"); } } public PaymentRequestInformation(PaymentRequest paymentRequest, PaymentDetails paymentDetails, PkiVerificationData pkiVerificationData, byte[] rawPaymentRequest) { this.paymentRequest = paymentRequest; this.paymentDetails = paymentDetails; this.pkiVerificationData = pkiVerificationData; this.rawPaymentRequest = rawPaymentRequest; } public OutputList getOutputs() { return getTransactionOutputs(this.paymentDetails); } private static OutputList getTransactionOutputs(PaymentDetails paymentDetails) { OutputList ret = new OutputList(); for (Output out : paymentDetails.outputs) { ret.add(Wire.get(out.amount, Output.DEFAULT_AMOUNT), ScriptOutput.fromScriptBytes(Wire.get(out.script, Output.DEFAULT_SCRIPT).toByteArray())); } return ret; } // try to parse the output scripts and get associated addresses - not all output scripts may be parse-able public ArrayList<Address> getKnownOutputAddresses(NetworkParameters networkParameters) { ArrayList<Address> ret = new ArrayList<Address>(); for (Output out : paymentDetails.outputs) { ScriptOutput scriptOutput = ScriptOutput.fromScriptBytes(out.script.toByteArray()); if (!(scriptOutput instanceof ScriptOutputStrange)) { ret.add(scriptOutput.getAddress(networkParameters)); } } return ret; } public boolean hasAmount() { return getOutputs().getTotalAmount() > 0; } public boolean hasValidSignature() { return pkiVerificationData != null; } public PkiVerificationData getPkiVerificationData() { return pkiVerificationData; } public Payment buildPaymentResponse(Address refundAddress, String memo, Transaction signedTransaction) { byte[] scriptBytes = new ScriptOutputStandard(refundAddress.getTypeSpecificBytes()).getScriptBytes(); Output refundOutput = new Output.Builder().amount(getOutputs().getTotalAmount()) .script(ByteString.of(scriptBytes)).build(); Payment payment = new Payment.Builder().merchant_data(paymentDetails.merchant_data) .refund_to(Lists.newArrayList(refundOutput)).memo(memo) .transactions(Lists.newArrayList(ByteString.of(signedTransaction.toBytes()))).build(); return payment; } public boolean isExpired() { if (paymentDetails == null || paymentDetails.expires == null || paymentDetails.expires == 0) { // no expire-date set return false; } Date expireDate = new Date(paymentDetails.expires * 1000L); return expireDate.getTime() <= new Date().getTime(); } public PaymentRequest getPaymentRequest() { return paymentRequest; } public byte[] getRawPaymentRequest() { return rawPaymentRequest; } public PaymentDetails getPaymentDetails() { return paymentDetails; } public boolean hasPaymentCallbackUrl() { return paymentDetails != null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(paymentDetails.payment_url); } }