Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Regis Montoya (aka r3gis - * This file is part of CSipSimple. * * CSipSimple is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * If you own a pjsip commercial license you can also redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License * as an android library. * * CSipSimple is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CSipSimple. If not, see <>. */ package; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.UriMatcher; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.MatrixCursor; import android.database.SQLException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import; import android.os.Binder; import android.provider.CallLog; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; public class DBProvider extends ContentProvider { private DatabaseHelper mOpenHelper; private static final String UNKNOWN_URI_LOG = "Unknown URI "; // Ids for matcher private static final int ACCOUNTS = 1, ACCOUNTS_ID = 2; private static final int ACCOUNTS_STATUS = 3, ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID = 4; private static final int CALLLOGS = 5, CALLLOGS_ID = 6; private static final int FILTERS = 7, FILTERS_ID = 8; private static final int MESSAGES = 9, MESSAGES_ID = 10; private static final int THREADS = 11, THREADS_ID = 12; /** * A UriMatcher instance */ private static final UriMatcher URI_MATCHER; static { // Create and initialize URI matcher. URI_MATCHER = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME, ACCOUNTS); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME + "/#", ACCOUNTS_ID); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_STATUS_TABLE_NAME, ACCOUNTS_STATUS); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_STATUS_TABLE_NAME + "/#", ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, CALLLOGS); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME + "/#", CALLLOGS_ID); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME, FILTERS); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME + "/#", FILTERS_ID); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, MESSAGES); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME + "/#", MESSAGES_ID); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipMessage.THREAD_ALIAS, THREADS); URI_MATCHER.addURI(SipManager.AUTHORITY, SipMessage.THREAD_ALIAS + "/*", THREADS_ID); } public final static String[] ACCOUNT_FULL_PROJECTION = { SipProfile.FIELD_ID, // Application relative fields SipProfile.FIELD_ACTIVE, SipProfile.FIELD_WIZARD, SipProfile.FIELD_DISPLAY_NAME, // Custom datas SipProfile.FIELD_WIZARD_DATA, // Here comes pjsua_acc_config fields SipProfile.FIELD_PRIORITY, SipProfile.FIELD_ACC_ID, SipProfile.FIELD_REG_URI, SipProfile.FIELD_MWI_ENABLED, SipProfile.FIELD_PUBLISH_ENABLED, SipProfile.FIELD_REG_TIMEOUT, SipProfile.FIELD_KA_INTERVAL, SipProfile.FIELD_PIDF_TUPLE_ID, SipProfile.FIELD_FORCE_CONTACT, SipProfile.FIELD_ALLOW_CONTACT_REWRITE, SipProfile.FIELD_CONTACT_REWRITE_METHOD, SipProfile.FIELD_ALLOW_VIA_REWRITE, SipProfile.FIELD_ALLOW_SDP_NAT_REWRITE, SipProfile.FIELD_CONTACT_PARAMS, SipProfile.FIELD_CONTACT_URI_PARAMS, SipProfile.FIELD_TRANSPORT, SipProfile.FIELD_DEFAULT_URI_SCHEME, SipProfile.FIELD_USE_SRTP, SipProfile.FIELD_USE_ZRTP, SipProfile.FIELD_REG_DELAY_BEFORE_REFRESH, // RTP config SipProfile.FIELD_RTP_PORT, SipProfile.FIELD_RTP_PUBLIC_ADDR, SipProfile.FIELD_RTP_BOUND_ADDR, SipProfile.FIELD_RTP_ENABLE_QOS, SipProfile.FIELD_RTP_QOS_DSCP, // Proxy infos SipProfile.FIELD_PROXY, SipProfile.FIELD_REG_USE_PROXY, // And now cred_info since for now only one cred info can be managed // In future release a credential table should be created SipProfile.FIELD_REALM, SipProfile.FIELD_SCHEME, SipProfile.FIELD_USERNAME, SipProfile.FIELD_DATATYPE, SipProfile.FIELD_DATA, SipProfile.FIELD_AUTH_INITIAL_AUTH, SipProfile.FIELD_AUTH_ALGO, // CSipSimple specific SipProfile.FIELD_SIP_STACK, SipProfile.FIELD_VOICE_MAIL_NBR, SipProfile.FIELD_TRY_CLEAN_REGISTERS, SipProfile.FIELD_ANDROID_GROUP, // RFC 5626 SipProfile.FIELD_USE_RFC5626, SipProfile.FIELD_RFC5626_INSTANCE_ID, SipProfile.FIELD_RFC5626_REG_ID, // Video SipProfile.FIELD_VID_IN_AUTO_SHOW, SipProfile.FIELD_VID_OUT_AUTO_TRANSMIT, // STUN, ICE, TURN SipProfile.FIELD_SIP_STUN_USE, SipProfile.FIELD_MEDIA_STUN_USE, SipProfile.FIELD_ICE_CFG_USE, SipProfile.FIELD_ICE_CFG_ENABLE, SipProfile.FIELD_TURN_CFG_USE, SipProfile.FIELD_TURN_CFG_ENABLE, SipProfile.FIELD_TURN_CFG_SERVER, SipProfile.FIELD_TURN_CFG_USER, SipProfile.FIELD_TURN_CFG_PASSWORD, SipProfile.FIELD_IPV6_MEDIA_USE, }; public final static Class<?>[] ACCOUNT_FULL_PROJECTION_TYPES = { Long.class, Integer.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, String.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, // RTP config Integer.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, // Proxy infos String.class, Integer.class, // Credentials String.class, String.class, String.class, Integer.class, String.class, Boolean.class, String.class, // CSipSimple specific Integer.class, String.class, Integer.class, String.class, // RFC 5626 Integer.class, String.class, String.class, // Video Integer.class, Integer.class, // STUN, ICE, TURN Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, Integer.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, // IPV6 Integer.class }; private static final String[] CALL_LOG_FULL_PROJECTION = new String[] { CallLog.Calls._ID, CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NAME, CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, CallLog.Calls.CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, CallLog.Calls.DATE, CallLog.Calls.DURATION, CallLog.Calls.NEW, CallLog.Calls.NUMBER, CallLog.Calls.TYPE, SipManager.CALLLOG_PROFILE_ID_FIELD, SipManager.CALLLOG_STATUS_CODE_FIELD, SipManager.CALLLOG_STATUS_TEXT_FIELD }; private static final String[] MESSAGES_FULL_PROJECTION = new String[] { SipMessage.FIELD_ID, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, SipMessage.FIELD_CONTACT, SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, SipMessage.FIELD_MIME_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, SipMessage.FIELD_STATUS, SipMessage.FIELD_READ, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL, }; private static final String[] FILTERS_FULL_PROJECTION = new String[] { Filter._ID, Filter.FIELD_PRIORITY, Filter.FIELD_ACCOUNT, Filter.FIELD_MATCHES, Filter.FIELD_REPLACE, Filter.FIELD_ACTION, }; private static final String THIS_FILE = "DBProvider"; // Map active account id (id for sql settings database) with SipProfileState that contains stack id and other status infos private final Map<Long, ContentValues> profilesStatus = new HashMap<Long, ContentValues>(); @Override public String getType(Uri uri) { switch (URI_MATCHER.match(uri)) { case ACCOUNTS: return SipProfile.ACCOUNT_CONTENT_TYPE; case ACCOUNTS_ID: return SipProfile.ACCOUNT_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: return SipProfile.ACCOUNT_STATUS_CONTENT_TYPE; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: return SipProfile.ACCOUNT_STATUS_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case CALLLOGS: return SipManager.CALLLOG_CONTENT_TYPE; case CALLLOGS_ID: return SipManager.CALLLOG_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case FILTERS: return SipManager.FILTER_CONTENT_TYPE; case FILTERS_ID: return SipManager.FILTER_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case MESSAGES: return SipMessage.MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE; case MESSAGES_ID: return SipMessage.MESSAGE_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; case THREADS: return SipMessage.MESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE; case THREADS_ID: return SipMessage.MESSAGE_CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } } @Override public boolean onCreate() { mOpenHelper = new DatabaseHelper(getContext()); // Assumes that any failures will be reported by a thrown exception. return true; } private static final String MESSAGES_THREAD_SELECTION = "(" + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "=? AND " + SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE + " IN (" + Integer.toString(SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX) + ") )" + " OR " + "(" + SipMessage.FIELD_TO + "=? AND " + SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE + " IN (" + Integer.toString(SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_QUEUED) + ", " + Integer.toString(SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_FAILED) + ", " + Integer.toString(SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT) + ") )"; @Override public int delete(Uri uri, String where, String[] whereArgs) { SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); String finalWhere; int count = 0; int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); Uri regUri = uri; List<String> possibles = getPossibleFieldsForType(matched); checkSelection(possibles, where); ArrayList<Long> oldRegistrationsAccounts = null; switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: count = db.delete(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME, where, whereArgs); break; case ACCOUNTS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat .concatenateWhere(SipProfile.FIELD_ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.delete(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case CALLLOGS: count = db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, where, whereArgs); break; case CALLLOGS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat.concatenateWhere(CallLog.Calls._ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case FILTERS: count = db.delete(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME, where, whereArgs); break; case FILTERS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat.concatenateWhere(Filter._ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.delete(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case MESSAGES: count = db.delete(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, where, whereArgs); break; case MESSAGES_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat .concatenateWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.delete(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case THREADS_ID: String from = uri.getLastPathSegment(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(from)) { count = db.delete(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, MESSAGES_THREAD_SELECTION, new String[] { from, from }); } else { count = 0; } regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: oldRegistrationsAccounts = new ArrayList<Long>(); synchronized (profilesStatus) { for (Long accId : profilesStatus.keySet()) { oldRegistrationsAccounts.add(accId); } profilesStatus.clear(); } break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { profilesStatus.remove(id); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(regUri, null); if (matched == ACCOUNTS_ID || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { long rowId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); if (rowId >= 0) { if (matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { broadcastAccountDelete(rowId); } else if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } } } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS && oldRegistrationsAccounts != null) { for (Long accId : oldRegistrationsAccounts) { if (accId != null) { broadcastRegistrationChange(accId); } } } return count; } @Override public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) { int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); String matchedTable = null; Uri baseInsertedUri = null; switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: case ACCOUNTS_ID: matchedTable = SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipProfile.ACCOUNT_ID_URI_BASE; break; case CALLLOGS: case CALLLOGS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.CALLLOG_ID_URI_BASE; break; case FILTERS: case FILTERS_ID: matchedTable = SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipManager.FILTER_ID_URI_BASE; break; case MESSAGES: case MESSAGES_ID: matchedTable = SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME; baseInsertedUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_ID_URI_BASE; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { SipProfileState ps = new SipProfileState(); if (profilesStatus.containsKey(id)) { ContentValues currentValues = profilesStatus.get(id); ps.createFromContentValue(currentValues); } ps.createFromContentValue(initialValues); ContentValues cv = ps.getAsContentValue(); cv.put(SipProfileState.ACCOUNT_ID, id); profilesStatus.put(id, cv); Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Added " + cv); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); return uri; default: break; } if (matchedTable == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } ContentValues values; if (initialValues != null) { values = new ContentValues(initialValues); } else { values = new ContentValues(); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); long rowId = db.insert(matchedTable, null, values); // If the insert succeeded, the row ID exists. if (rowId >= 0) { // TODO : for inserted account register it here Uri retUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(baseInsertedUri, rowId); getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(retUri, null); if (matched == ACCOUNTS || matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { broadcastAccountChange(rowId); } if (matched == CALLLOGS || matched == CALLLOGS_ID) { db.delete(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, CallLog.Calls._ID + " IN " + "(SELECT " + CallLog.Calls._ID + " FROM " + SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME + " ORDER BY " + CallLog.Calls.DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER + " LIMIT -1 OFFSET 500)", null); } if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } return retUri; } throw new SQLException("Failed to insert row into " + uri); } @Override public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { // Constructs a new query builder and sets its table name SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); String finalSortOrder = sortOrder; String[] finalSelectionArgs = selectionArgs; String finalGrouping = null; String finalHaving = null; int type = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); Uri regUri = uri; // Security check to avoid data retrieval from outside int remoteUid = Binder.getCallingUid(); int selfUid = android.os.Process.myUid(); if (remoteUid != selfUid) { if (type == ACCOUNTS || type == ACCOUNTS_ID) { for (String proj : projection) { if (proj.toLowerCase().contains(SipProfile.FIELD_DATA) || proj.toLowerCase().contains("*")) { throw new SecurityException("Password not readable from external apps"); } } } } // Security check to avoid project of invalid fields or lazy projection List<String> possibles = getPossibleFieldsForType(type); if (possibles == null) { throw new SecurityException("You are asking wrong values " + type); } checkProjection(possibles, projection); checkSelection(possibles, selection); Cursor c; long id; switch (type) { case ACCOUNTS: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipProfile.FIELD_PRIORITY + " ASC"; } break; case ACCOUNTS_ID: qb.setTables(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipProfile.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case CALLLOGS: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = CallLog.Calls.DATE + " DESC"; } break; case CALLLOGS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(CallLog.Calls._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case FILTERS: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = Filter.DEFAULT_ORDER; } break; case FILTERS_ID: qb.setTables(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(Filter._ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case MESSAGES: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } break; case MESSAGES_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_ID + "=?"); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }); break; case THREADS: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, "CASE " + "WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_TO + " WHEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + "!='SELF' THEN " + SipMessage.FIELD_FROM + " END AS message_ordering", SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, "MAX(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, "MIN(" + SipMessage.FIELD_READ + ") AS " + SipMessage.FIELD_READ, //SipMessage.FIELD_READ, "COUNT(" + SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + ") AS counter" }; //qb.appendWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE + " in (" + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_INBOX // + "," + SipMessage.MESSAGE_TYPE_SENT + ")"); finalGrouping = "message_ordering"; regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case THREADS_ID: qb.setTables(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME); if (sortOrder == null) { finalSortOrder = SipMessage.FIELD_DATE + " DESC"; } projection = new String[] { "ROWID AS _id", SipMessage.FIELD_FROM, SipMessage.FIELD_TO, SipMessage.FIELD_BODY, SipMessage.FIELD_DATE, SipMessage.FIELD_MIME_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_TYPE, SipMessage.FIELD_STATUS, SipMessage.FIELD_FROM_FULL }; qb.appendWhere(MESSAGES_THREAD_SELECTION); String from = uri.getLastPathSegment(); finalSelectionArgs = DatabaseUtilsCompat.appendSelectionArgs(selectionArgs, new String[] { from, from }); regUri = SipMessage.MESSAGE_URI; break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues[] cvs = new ContentValues[profilesStatus.size()]; int i = 0; for (ContentValues ps : profilesStatus.values()) { cvs[i] = ps; i++; } c = getCursor(cvs); } if (c != null) { c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); } return c; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { ContentValues cv = profilesStatus.get(id); if (cv == null) { return null; } c = getCursor(new ContentValues[] { cv }); } c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); return c; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); c = qb.query(db, projection, selection, finalSelectionArgs, finalGrouping, finalHaving, finalSortOrder); c.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), regUri); return c; } @Override public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String where, String[] whereArgs) { SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); int count; String finalWhere; int matched = URI_MATCHER.match(uri); List<String> possibles = getPossibleFieldsForType(matched); checkSelection(possibles, where); switch (matched) { case ACCOUNTS: count = db.update(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME, values, where, whereArgs); break; case ACCOUNTS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat .concatenateWhere(SipProfile.FIELD_ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.update(SipProfile.ACCOUNTS_TABLE_NAME, values, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case CALLLOGS: count = db.update(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, values, where, whereArgs); break; case CALLLOGS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat.concatenateWhere(CallLog.Calls._ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.update(SipManager.CALLLOGS_TABLE_NAME, values, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case FILTERS: count = db.update(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME, values, where, whereArgs); break; case FILTERS_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat.concatenateWhere(Filter._ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.update(SipManager.FILTERS_TABLE_NAME, values, finalWhere, whereArgs); break; case MESSAGES: count = db.update(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, values, where, whereArgs); break; case MESSAGES_ID: finalWhere = DatabaseUtilsCompat .concatenateWhere(SipMessage.FIELD_ID + " = " + ContentUris.parseId(uri), where); count = db.update(SipMessage.MESSAGES_TABLE_NAME, values, where, whereArgs); break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: long id = ContentUris.parseId(uri); synchronized (profilesStatus) { SipProfileState ps = new SipProfileState(); if (profilesStatus.containsKey(id)) { ContentValues currentValues = profilesStatus.get(id); ps.createFromContentValue(currentValues); } ps.createFromContentValue(values); ContentValues cv = ps.getAsContentValue(); cv.put(SipProfileState.ACCOUNT_ID, id); profilesStatus.put(id, cv); Log.d(THIS_FILE, "Updated " + cv); } count = 1; break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(UNKNOWN_URI_LOG + uri); } getContext().getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); long rowId = -1; if (matched == ACCOUNTS_ID || matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { rowId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); } if (rowId >= 0) { if (matched == ACCOUNTS_ID) { // Don't broadcast if we only changed wizard or only changed priority boolean doBroadcast = true; if (values.size() == 1) { if (values.containsKey(SipProfile.FIELD_WIZARD)) { doBroadcast = false; } else if (values.containsKey(SipProfile.FIELD_PRIORITY)) { doBroadcast = false; } } if (doBroadcast) { broadcastAccountChange(rowId); } } else if (matched == ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID) { broadcastRegistrationChange(rowId); } } if (matched == FILTERS || matched == FILTERS_ID) { Filter.resetCache(); } return count; } /** * Build a {@link Cursor} with a single row that contains all values * provided through the given {@link ContentValues}. */ private Cursor getCursor(ContentValues[] contentValues) { if (contentValues.length > 0) { final Set<Entry<String, Object>> valueSet = contentValues[0].valueSet(); int colSize = valueSet.size(); final String[] keys = new String[colSize]; int i = 0; for (Entry<String, Object> entry : valueSet) { keys[i] = entry.getKey(); i++; } final MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(keys); for (ContentValues cv : contentValues) { final Object[] values = new Object[colSize]; i = 0; for (Entry<String, Object> entry : cv.valueSet()) { values[i] = entry.getValue(); i++; } cursor.addRow(values); } return cursor; } return null; } /** * Broadcast the fact that account config has changed * @param accountId */ private void broadcastAccountChange(long accountId) { Intent publishIntent = new Intent(SipManager.ACTION_SIP_ACCOUNT_CHANGED); publishIntent.putExtra(SipProfile.FIELD_ID, accountId); getContext().sendBroadcast(publishIntent); BackupWrapper.getInstance(getContext()).dataChanged(); } /** * Broadcast the fact that account config has been deleted * @param accountId */ private void broadcastAccountDelete(long accountId) { Intent publishIntent = new Intent(SipManager.ACTION_SIP_ACCOUNT_DELETED); publishIntent.putExtra(SipProfile.FIELD_ID, accountId); getContext().sendBroadcast(publishIntent); BackupWrapper.getInstance(getContext()).dataChanged(); } /** * Broadcast the fact that registration / adding status changed * @param accountId the id of the account */ private void broadcastRegistrationChange(long accountId) { Intent publishIntent = new Intent(SipManager.ACTION_SIP_REGISTRATION_CHANGED); publishIntent.putExtra(SipProfile.FIELD_ID, accountId); getContext().sendBroadcast(publishIntent, SipManager.PERMISSION_USE_SIP); } private static List<String> getPossibleFieldsForType(int type) { List<String> possibles = null; switch (type) { case ACCOUNTS: case ACCOUNTS_ID: possibles = Arrays.asList(ACCOUNT_FULL_PROJECTION); break; case CALLLOGS: case CALLLOGS_ID: possibles = Arrays.asList(CALL_LOG_FULL_PROJECTION); break; case FILTERS: case FILTERS_ID: possibles = Arrays.asList(FILTERS_FULL_PROJECTION); break; case MESSAGES: case MESSAGES_ID: possibles = Arrays.asList(MESSAGES_FULL_PROJECTION); break; case THREADS: case THREADS_ID: possibles = new ArrayList<String>(); break; case ACCOUNTS_STATUS: case ACCOUNTS_STATUS_ID: possibles = new ArrayList<String>(); default: } return possibles; } private static void checkSelection(List<String> possibles, String selection) { if (selection != null) { String cleanSelection = selection.toLowerCase(); for (String field : possibles) { cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replace(field, ""); } cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replaceAll(" in \\([0-9 ,]+\\)", ""); cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replaceAll(" and ", ""); cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replaceAll(" or ", ""); cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replaceAll("[0-9]+", ""); cleanSelection = cleanSelection.replaceAll("[=? ]", ""); if (cleanSelection.length() > 0) { throw new SecurityException("You are selecting wrong thing " + cleanSelection); } } } private static void checkProjection(List<String> possibles, String[] projection) { if (projection != null) { // Ensure projection is valid for (String proj : projection) { proj = proj.replaceAll(" AS [a-zA-Z0-9_]+$", ""); if (!possibles.contains(proj)) { throw new SecurityException("You are asking wrong values " + proj); } } } } }