Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (C) 2010 Razvan Popovici <> * Copyright (C) 2010 Luca Beltrame <> * Copyright (C) 2010 Enrica Calura <> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.miravtech.SBGNUtils; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBException; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Data; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Edge; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Graph; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.GraphEdgedefaultType; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Graphml; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Key; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.KeyForType; import org.graphdrawing.graphml.xmlns.graphml.Node; import com.miravtech.sbgn.AndNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.AssociationType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.AuxiliaryUnitType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.CatalysisArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.CompartmentType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ComplexType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ConsumptionArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.DissociationType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.EntityPoolNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.InhibitionArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.LogicArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.LogicalOperatorNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ModulationArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.NecessaryStimulationArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.NotNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.OmittedProcessType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.OrNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.PhenotypeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ProcessType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.ProductionArcType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SBGNGlyphType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SBGNNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SBGNPDL1Type; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SBGNPDl1; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SelectType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SinkType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SourceType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.StateVariableType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.SubmapType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.TagType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.UncertainProcessType; import com.miravtech.sbgn.StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType.Organism; import com.miravtech.sbgn.StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType.Organism.Annotation; import; import com.miravtech.sbgn_graphics.GraphicType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ArrowTypeType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.GeometryType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.GroupNode; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.LineStyleType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.NodeLabelModelType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.NodeLabelPositionType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.NodeLabelType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.NodeType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.PolyLineEdge; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ProxyShapeNode; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ResourceType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.Resources; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.SVGNode; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ShapeNode; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ShapeTypeType; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.EdgeType.Arrows; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.GroupNode.State; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.NodeType.Fill; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ProxyShapeNodeType.Realizers; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.SVGNode.SVGModel; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.SVGNode.SVGModel.SVGContent; import com.yworks.xml.graphml.ShapeNode.Shape; public class SBGNUtils { private Map<String, SBGNNodeType> nodes = new HashMap<String, SBGNNodeType>(); private Set<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>(); private Set<String> assignedIDs = new HashSet<String>(); public String getPossibleID(String begin) { String root = begin; // remove xml unfriendly chars root = root.replace('\"', '_'); root = root.replace('>', '_'); root = root.replace('\'', '_'); root = root.replace('<', '_'); if (!idSet.contains(root)) { idSet.add(root); return root; } int i = 1; while (true) { String id = root + "_" + i++; if (!idSet.contains(id)) { idSet.add(id); return id; } } } SBGNPDL1Type in; public SBGNUtils(SBGNPDL1Type in) { = in; } public void removeAssignedIDs() { new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateGlyph(SBGNGlyphType n) { if (assignedIDs.contains(n.getID())) { n.setID(null); } } }.run(in); } public void fillRedundantData() throws JAXBException { setEmptyLabels(); setEmptyIDs(); expandClones(); } public void setEmptyLabels() { // set empty labels, if ID is provided new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n.getLabel() == null && n.getID() != null) n.setLabel(n.getID()); } }.run(in); } public void setEmptyIDs() throws JAXBException { // save the ids in a map new SBGNIterator() { public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n.getID() != null) // save the entry in the map nodes.put(n.getID(), n); if (n.getID() != null) idSet.add(n.getID()); }; }.run(in); // set the IDs new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateGlyph(SBGNGlyphType n) { if (n.getID() != null) return; // determine the beginning of the possible id String root = null; if (n instanceof SBGNNodeType) { SBGNNodeType node = (SBGNNodeType) n; if (node.getLabel() != null) root = node.getLabel(); } if (root == null) root = n.getClass().getSimpleName(); String id = getPossibleID(root); n.setID(id); assignedIDs.add(id); } }.run(in); } public void expandClones() { /* * // dump JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext * .newInstance("com.miravtech.sbgn:com.miravtech.sbgn_graphics"); // * Marshaller marshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller(); * marshaller.marshal(in, new File("SBGNDEBUG.xml")); */ // solve the clones while (true) { final boolean[] found = new boolean[1]; new SBGNIterator() { public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n.getCloneref() != null) { SBGNNodeType cloned = nodes.get(n.getCloneref()); if (cloned.getCloneref() == null) { Clone(n, cloned); found[0] = true; } } }; }.run(in); if (!found[0]) break; // no further clone resolved } } // private static int count = 0; /** * @return */ public Graphml asGraphML() { final Graphml graphml = new Graphml(); Key k; k = new Key(); k.setFor(KeyForType.NODE); k.setId("d3"); k.setYfilesType("nodegraphics"); graphml.getKeies().add(k); k = new Key(); k.setFor(KeyForType.EDGE); k.setId("d6"); k.setYfilesType("edgegraphics"); graphml.getKeies().add(k); k = new Key(); k.setFor(KeyForType.GRAPHML); k.setId("d0"); k.setYfilesType("resources"); graphml.getKeies().add(k); final Resources res = new Resources(); Data d0 = new Data(); d0.getContent().add(res); d0.setKey("d0"); final Graph main = new Graph(); graphml.getGraphsAndDatas().add(main); main.setEdgedefault(GraphEdgedefaultType.DIRECTED); main.setId("MainGraph"); // the graphical representation of each node final Map<SBGNNodeType, Graph> mapping = new HashMap<SBGNNodeType, Graph>(); mapping.put(null, main); new SBGNIterator() { public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { GraphicType g = n.getGraphic(); String textColor = PaintNode.toColorString(PaintNode.getNodeColor(g)); String bgColor = PaintNode.toColorString(PaintNode.getNodeBgColor(g)); String borderColor = PaintNode.toColorString(PaintNode.getBorderColor(g)); Graph loc; if (stack.size() == 0) // base loc = main; else { loc = mapping.get(getLastNode()); if ((getLastNode() instanceof ComplexType)) return; // don't paint the inside of the complex if ((n instanceof AuxiliaryUnitType)) return; // don't render them } Node theNode = new Node(); Data dt = new Data(); dt.setKey("d3"); theNode.getDatasAndPorts().add(dt); if (n instanceof SinkType || n instanceof AuxiliaryUnitType || n instanceof SourceType || (n instanceof EntityPoolNodeType || n instanceof TagType)) { int sz = res.getResources().size(); String ID = "" + (sz + 1); String xml = PaintNode.DrawNode(n); ResourceType r = new ResourceType(); r.setId(ID); r.setType("java.lang.String"); r.getContent().add(xml); res.getResources().add(r); SVGNode node = new SVGNode(); GeometryType gmt = new GeometryType(); gmt.setWidth(PaintNode.lastPoint.getX()); gmt.setHeight(PaintNode.lastPoint.getY()); node.setGeometry(gmt); node.setSVGModel(new SVGModel()); node.getSVGModel().setSvgBoundsPolicy("0"); node.getSVGModel().setSVGContent(new SVGContent()); node.getSVGModel().getSVGContent().setRefid(ID); dt.getContent().add(node); } NodeLabelType nlt = new NodeLabelType(); String label = n.getLabel(); if (n instanceof OmittedProcessType) label = "\\\\"; if (n instanceof UncertainProcessType) label = "?"; if (n instanceof DissociationType) label = "O"; if (n instanceof AndNodeType) label = "AND"; if (n instanceof OrNodeType) label = "OR"; if (n instanceof NotNodeType) label = "NOT"; if (n instanceof AssociationType) label = ""; if (n instanceof ComplexType) // no label for the complexes label = ""; nlt.setValue(label); nlt.setTextColor(textColor); if (n instanceof CompartmentType || n instanceof SubmapType) { nlt.setModelName(NodeLabelModelType.INTERNAL); nlt.setModelPosition(NodeLabelPositionType.TR); ProxyShapeNode p = new ProxyShapeNode(); p.setRealizers(new Realizers()); p.getRealizers().setActive(new BigInteger("0")); // ------- GroupNode gnt = new GroupNode(); gnt.setShape(new GroupNode.Shape()); if (n instanceof CompartmentType) gnt.getShape().setType(ShapeTypeType.ROUNDRECTANGLE); else gnt.getShape().setType(ShapeTypeType.RECTANGLE); // submap gnt.setFill(new Fill()); gnt.getFill().setHasColor(true); gnt.getFill().setColor(bgColor); LineStyleType lst = new LineStyleType(); gnt.setBorderStyle(lst); lst.setHasColor(true); lst.setColor(borderColor); lst.setWidth(6.0); // compartiment is shown with ticker ink nlt.setTextColor(textColor); gnt.getNodeLabels().add(nlt); State s = new State(); s.setClosed(false); s.setInnerGraphDisplayEnabled(true); gnt.setState(s); p.getRealizers().getShapeNodesAndImageNodesAndGroupNodes().add(gnt); try { GroupNode n1 = (GroupNode) BeanUtils.cloneBean(gnt); n1.getState().setClosed(true); p.getRealizers().getShapeNodesAndImageNodesAndGroupNodes().add(n1); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } dt.getContent().add(p); Graph inner = new Graph(); inner.setEdgedefault(GraphEdgedefaultType.DIRECTED); theNode.setGraph(inner); mapping.put(n, inner); } else { if (n instanceof ProcessType || n instanceof LogicalOperatorNodeType) { // simple node ShapeNode s = new ShapeNode(); s.setFill(new NodeType.Fill()); s.getFill().setHasColor(false); Shape sh = new Shape(); sh.setType(ShapeTypeType.RECTANGLE); if (n instanceof PhenotypeType) sh.setType(ShapeTypeType.DIAMOND); if (n instanceof AssociationType) { sh.setType(ShapeTypeType.ELLIPSE); s.getFill().setHasColor(true); s.getFill().setColor(borderColor); } if (n instanceof DissociationType) sh.setType(ShapeTypeType.ELLIPSE); if (n instanceof LogicalOperatorNodeType) sh.setType(ShapeTypeType.ELLIPSE); s.setShape(sh); if (n instanceof ProcessType) { // processes are shown smaller s.setGeometry(new GeometryType()); s.getGeometry().setHeight(15); s.getGeometry().setWidth(15); } LineStyleType lst = new LineStyleType(); lst.setHasColor(true); lst.setColor(borderColor); s.setBorderStyle(lst); s.getNodeLabels().add(nlt); dt.getContent().add(s); } } theNode.setId(n.getID()); loc.getDatasAndNodesAndEdges().add(theNode); }; }.run(in); new SBGNIterator() { public void iterateArc(ArcType n) { String borderColor = PaintNode.toColorString(PaintNode.getBorderColor(n.getGraphic())); SBGNNodeType n1 = nodes.get(n.getRefNode()); SBGNNodeType n2 = getCurrentNode(); if (n1 instanceof ProcessType) { // any arc goes to a process, // except production if (!(n instanceof ProductionArcType)) { SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } if (n2 instanceof ProcessType) { // production - process to EPN if (n instanceof ProductionArcType) { SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } if (n2 instanceof EntityPoolNodeType) { // any arc goes from EPN // to process if (!(n instanceof ProductionArcType)) { // except // production SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } if (n1 instanceof EntityPoolNodeType) { // production goes from // process to epn if (n instanceof ProductionArcType) { SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } if (n1 instanceof SinkType) { // Sink is always the target if (n instanceof ConsumptionArcType) { SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } if (n2 instanceof SourceType) { // Source is always the source if (n instanceof ConsumptionArcType) { SBGNNodeType tmp = n1; n1 = n2; n2 = tmp; } } Edge e = new Edge(); e.setSource(n1.getID()); e.setTarget(n2.getID()); Data dt = new Data(); dt.setKey("d6"); e.getDatas().add(dt); PolyLineEdge plet = new PolyLineEdge(); dt.getContent().add(plet); Arrows a = new Arrows(); a.setSource(ArrowTypeType.NONE); a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.NONE); // determine the arrow ending type / start if (n instanceof ProductionArcType) a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.DELTA); if (n instanceof ModulationArcType) a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.DIAMOND); if (n instanceof CatalysisArcType) a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.TRANSPARENT_CIRCLE); if (n instanceof InhibitionArcType) a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.T_SHAPE); if (n instanceof NecessaryStimulationArcType) a.setTarget(ArrowTypeType.CONCAVE); plet.setArrows(a); plet.setLineStyle(new LineStyleType()); plet.getLineStyle().setColor(borderColor); main.getDatasAndNodesAndEdges().add(e); }; }.run(in); graphml.getGraphsAndDatas().add(d0); return graphml; } // TODO this function does not work for a hierarchical AND/OR construction /** * Returns the list of inputs for this logic operator node * * @param n * the logic operator node * @return */ public Set<SBGNNodeType> getInNodesOfLogic(LogicalOperatorNodeType n) { getEdges(); Set<SBGNNodeType> ret = new HashSet<SBGNNodeType>(); for (ArcType a : connections.get(n)) { if (a instanceof LogicArcType) { ret.add(getOtherNode(a, n)); } } return ret; } public ArcType getOutArcOfLogic(LogicalOperatorNodeType n) { // TODO this function does not work for a hierarchical AND/OR // construction getEdges(); for (ArcType a : connections.get(n)) { if (!(a instanceof LogicArcType)) { return a; } } throw new RuntimeException("Hierarchical AND/OR not implemented"); } /** * Returns the output for this logic operator node * * @param n * the logic operator node * @return */ public SBGNNodeType getOutNodeOfLogic(LogicalOperatorNodeType n) { return getOtherNode(getOutArcOfLogic(n), n); } public void expandSuppathways(SBGNNodeType model) throws Exception { // identify all submaps final JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("com.miravtech.sbgn:com.miravtech.sbgn_graphics"); // final Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); new SBGNIterator() { public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n instanceof SubmapType) { SubmapType st = (SubmapType) n; File f = new File(st.getFileLocation()); // load the file SBGNPDL1Type root = null; try { root = ((SBGNPDl1) unmarshaller.unmarshal(f)).getValue(); } catch (JAXBException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // throws the exception as runtime exception } SBGNUtils sbgn = new SBGNUtils(root); // get the submap inner connections // get the submap file connections // identify the connections // add the content of the submap in the current container } } }.run(model); } /** * Copies the content of model to n1. * * @param n1 * @param model */ static void CloneBeans(SBGNNodeType n1, SBGNNodeType model) { // TODO iterate all the getters!! if (n1.getLabel() == null) n1.setLabel(model.getLabel()); n1.getFinding().addAll(model.getFinding()); // if lists, append from model to n1 // if bean objects, not null call recursively try { if (n1.getGraphic() == null) if (model.getGraphic() != null) n1.setGraphic((GraphicType) BeanUtils.cloneBean(model.getGraphic())); if (n1 instanceof StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) { StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType n1_epn = (StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) n1; StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType model_epn = (StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) model; n1_epn.getOrganism().addAll(model_epn.getOrganism()); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // if simple object, clone and copy if the n1 side is null } private SBGNNodeType cloneNode(SBGNNodeType n1) { try { SBGNNodeType ret = (SBGNNodeType) BeanUtils.cloneBean(n1); ret.getInnerNodes().clear(); for (SBGNNodeType n2 : n1.getInnerNodes()) { ret.getInnerNodes().add(cloneNode(n2)); } if (ret.getID() != null) ret.setID(getPossibleID(ret.getID())); return ret; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Copy all node data from model to n1 * * @param target * @param model */ void Clone(SBGNNodeType target, SBGNNodeType model) { // variables of n1 if (target.getID() == null) { target.setID(getPossibleID(model.getID())); } // IDs have to be copied and changed to unique ones, since on // copying they become non-unique SBGNNodeType c = cloneNode(model); Map<String, StateVariableType> clonedvars = getNodeVariables(c); // skip // the // variables c.getInnerNodes().removeAll(clonedvars.values()); target.getInnerNodes().addAll(c.getInnerNodes()); // !! ids of the existing state vars must be kept unchanged !! Map<String, StateVariableType> target_vars = getNodeVariables(target); for (Map.Entry<String, StateVariableType> e : getNodeVariables(model).entrySet()) { StateVariableType sv = target_vars.get(e.getKey()); if (sv == null) { // clone sv = new StateVariableType(); Clone(sv, e.getValue()); target.getInnerNodes().add(sv); } else { sv.setLabel(e.getValue().getLabel()); } } // copy the data CloneBeans(target, model); target.setCloneref(null); // remove the clone attribute. } public static Map<String, StateVariableType> getNodeVariables(SBGNNodeType n) { Map<String, StateVariableType> ret = new HashMap<String, StateVariableType>(); for (SBGNNodeType n1 : n.getInnerNodes()) { if (n1 instanceof StateVariableType) { StateVariableType var = (StateVariableType) n1; ret.put(var.getVariable(), var); } } return ret; } public static Map<String, SBGNNodeType> getInnerNodesOfType(SBGNNodeType n, Class<?> c) { Map<String, SBGNNodeType> ret = new HashMap<String, SBGNNodeType>(); for (SBGNNodeType n1 : n.getInnerNodes()) { if (c.isInstance(c)) { ret.put(n1.getID(), n1); } } return ret; } /** * Returns the list of the symbols for node Goes recursively for the inner * nodes * * @param organism * @param db * @param filterExcludedSelection * @param n * @return */ public static Set<String> getSymbols(final String organism, final String db, final boolean filterExcludedSelection, SBGNNodeType n) { Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); if (n instanceof StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) { StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType sepnt = (StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) n; if (!(filterExcludedSelection && n.getSelected() == SelectType.EXCLUDE)) ret.addAll(getSymbols(organism, db, sepnt)); for (SBGNNodeType n1 : n.getInnerNodes()) { ret.addAll(getSymbols(organism, db, filterExcludedSelection, n1)); } } return ret; } /** * Returns the list of the symbols for an organism and database * * @param organism * @param db * @param filterExcludedSelection * @return */ public Set<String> getSymbols(final String organism, final String db, final boolean filterExcludedSelection) { final Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n instanceof StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) { StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType sepnt = (StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) n; if (!(filterExcludedSelection && n.getSelected() == SelectType.EXCLUDE)) ret.addAll(getSymbols(organism, db, sepnt)); } } }.run(in); return ret; } public Map<String, String> getVariable(final String organism, final String db, final boolean filterExcludedSelection, final String variableName) { final Map<String, String> ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (n instanceof StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) { StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType sepnt = (StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType) n; if (!(filterExcludedSelection && n.getSelected() == SelectType.EXCLUDE)) { Set<String> sym = getSymbols(organism, db, sepnt); StateVariableType st = getNodeVariables(sepnt).get(variableName); if (st != null) { for (String s : sym) ret.put(s, st.getLabel()); } } } } }.run(in); return ret; } static private final String SBGNIDDatabase = "SBGNID"; public static Set<String> getSymbols(String organism, String db, StatefulEntiyPoolNodeType node) { Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>(); if (db.equalsIgnoreCase(SBGNIDDatabase)) { if (node.getID() != null) ret.add(node.getID()); return ret; } for (Organism o : node.getOrganism()) if (organism.equalsIgnoreCase(o.getName())) for (Annotation a : o.getAnnotation()) if (db.equalsIgnoreCase(a.getDB())) ret.add(a.getID()); return ret; } Map<SBGNNodeType, Collection<ArcType>> connections = null; /** * Returns all the edges of an arch * * @param node * @return */ public Collection<ArcType> getEdges(SBGNNodeType node) { getEdges(); Collection<ArcType> ret = connections.get(node); if (ret == null) ret = new HashSet<ArcType>(); return ret; } public Set<SBGNNodeType> getRelatedNodes(SBGNNodeType node, Class<?> archType) { Set<SBGNNodeType> ret = new HashSet<SBGNNodeType>(); for (ArcType a : getEdges(node)) { if (archType != null && !archType.isAssignableFrom(a.getClass())) continue; SBGNNodeType rel = getOtherNode(a, node); ret.add(rel); } return ret; } public SBGNNodeType getOtherNode(ArcType arc, SBGNNodeType node) { getEdges(); for (Map.Entry<SBGNNodeType, Collection<ArcType>> e : connections.entrySet()) if (e.getValue().contains(arc) && e.getKey() != node) return e.getKey(); throw new RuntimeException("Other side of the arc not found!"); // should // not // happen } public Map<SBGNNodeType, Collection<ArcType>> getEdges() { // build a node-archs map and check the archs if (connections != null) return connections; connections = new HashMap<SBGNNodeType, Collection<ArcType>>(); SBGNIterator it2 = new SBGNIterator() { @Override public void iterateNode(SBGNNodeType n) { if (!connections.containsKey(n)) { connections.put(n, new HashSet<ArcType>()); } for (ArcType a : n.getArcs()) { SBGNGlyphType g = nodes.get(a.getRefNode()); if (g instanceof SBGNNodeType) { SBGNNodeType n1 = (SBGNNodeType) g; if (!connections.containsKey(n1)) { connections.put(n1, new HashSet<ArcType>()); } connections.get(n).add(a); connections.get(n1).add(a); } } } };; return connections; } }