Java tutorial
package com.mingo.mongo.aggregation; import static com.mingo.mongo.aggregation.AggregationOperators.GROUP; import static com.mingo.mongo.aggregation.AggregationOperators.MATCH; import static com.mingo.mongo.aggregation.AggregationOperators.PROJECT; import static com.mingo.mongo.aggregation.AggregationOperators.UNWIND; import; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import java.util.List; /** * Copyright 2012-2013 The Mingo Team * <p/> * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * <p/> * * <p/> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ public final class AggregationPipelineBuilder { /* operations to be performed in the aggregation pipeline */ private List<DBObject> operators = Lists.newArrayList(); /** * Private constructor. */ private AggregationPipelineBuilder() { } /** * Creates an empty object. * * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public static AggregationPipelineBuilder start() { return new AggregationPipelineBuilder(); } /** * Use project to quickly select the fields that you want to include or * exclude from the response. Consider the following aggregation framework * operation. * * @param field a key-value map that can be saved to the database * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public AggregationPipelineBuilder project(DBObject field) { return buildOperator(PROJECT, field); } /** * Drops documents that do not match the condition from the aggregation pipeline, * and it passes documents that match along the pipeline unaltered. * * @param field a key-value map that can be saved to the database * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public AggregationPipelineBuilder match(DBObject field) { return buildOperator(MATCH, field); } /** * Groups documents together for the purpose of calculating aggregate * values based on a collection of documents. * * @param field a key-value map that can be saved to the database * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public AggregationPipelineBuilder group(DBObject field) { return buildOperator(GROUP, field); } /** * Add unwind operator. * * @param field field * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public AggregationPipelineBuilder unwind(String field) { operators.add(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(UNWIND.getMongoName(), field).get()); return this; } /** * Add operator to pipeline. * * @param field field * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ public AggregationPipelineBuilder add(DBObject field) { if (field != null && !operators.contains(field)) { operators.add(field); } return this; } /** * Complete query building and return list of operators. * * @return list of operators */ public List<DBObject> build() { return operators; } /** * Gets pipeline. * * @return pipeline */ public String asString() { return operators.toString(); } /** * Builds operator. * * @param aggregationOperator {@link AggregationOperators} * @param field a key-value map that can be saved to the database * @return {@link AggregationPipelineBuilder} */ private AggregationPipelineBuilder buildOperator(AggregationOperators aggregationOperator, DBObject field) { operators.add(BasicDBObjectBuilder.start(aggregationOperator.getMongoName(), field).get()); return this; } }