Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * *Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); *you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. *You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * *Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software *distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, *WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. *See the License for the specific language governing permissions and *limitations under the License. * * @author Stephen Uhler * * 2014 Eddy Xiao <> * GUI extensively modified. * Add some naive auto refresh rate control logic. */ package com.mina.breathitout; import android.Manifest; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.view.WindowManager; import android.view.animation.AlphaAnimation; import android.view.animation.Animation; import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.ProgressBar; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.ViewFlipper; import com.mina.breathitout.math.DoubleSineGen; import com.mina.breathitout.math.STFT; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Audio "FFT" analyzer. * * @author (Stephen Uhler) */ public class AnalyzeActivity extends Activity { static final String TAG = "AnalyzeActivity"; boolean isBreathing; int breathCount = 0; boolean isInhaling = true; int thresholdAmpDB = -50; int timerCounter = 0; int lastMaxTime = 0; boolean isInhalingSure = false; private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; private Animation.AnimationListener mAnimationListener; private Context mContext; ProgressBar progressBar; private Looper samplingThread; private final static double SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX = 32767.0; // Maximum signal value private final static int RECORDER_AGC_OFF = MediaRecorder.AudioSource.VOICE_RECOGNITION; private final static int BYTE_OF_SAMPLE = 2; private static int fftLen = 1024; private static int sampleRate = 48000; private static int nFFTAverage = 1; private static String wndFuncName; TextView txtView; TextView breathOutView; private static int audioSourceId = RECORDER_AGC_OFF; private boolean isAWeighting = false; private BubbleView view; double dtRMS = 0; double dtRMSFromFT = 0; double maxAmpDB; double maxAmpFreq; double dtRMSFromFT_Log; private void startBreathing() { isBreathing = true; } private void stopBreathing() { isBreathing = false; if (timerCounter > 40) { if (!isInhaling) { breathCount++; moveRight(); if (breathCount == 7) { view.reset(); } } else { animateProgressBar(); } isInhaling = !isInhaling; isInhalingSure = !isInhaling; Log.d("TIMER_ENDED", "timer: " + timerCounter); lastMaxTime = timerCounter; } timerCounter = 0; } @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.main); requestMicPermission(); view = new BubbleView(this); LinearLayout container = (LinearLayout) findViewById(; container.addView(view); final int maxMemory = (int) (Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024); Log.i(TAG, " max mem = " + maxMemory + "k"); Resources res = getResources(); getAudioSourceNameFromIdPrepare(res); progressBar = (ProgressBar) findViewById(; mContext = this; mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) this.findViewById(; txtView = (TextView) this.findViewById(; fadeInText(); breathOutView = (TextView) this.findViewById(; //animation listener mAnimationListener = new Animation.AnimationListener() { public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { //animation started event } public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { } public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { //TODO animation stopped event moveDown(); fadeInText(); } }; } public void fadeInText() { AlphaAnimation fadeIn = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); AlphaAnimation fadeOut = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); txtView.startAnimation(fadeIn); txtView.startAnimation(fadeOut); fadeIn.setDuration(4000); fadeIn.setFillAfter(true); fadeOut.setDuration(4000); fadeOut.setFillAfter(true); fadeIn.setStartOffset(4200); } public void animateProgressBar() { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) { // will update the "progress" propriety of seekbar until it reaches progress ObjectAnimator progressAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(progressBar, "progress", progressBar.getProgress(), lastMaxTime); progressAnimation.setDuration(1000); // 0.5 second progressAnimation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); progressAnimation.start(); } else progressBar.setProgress(timerCounter); // no animation on Gingerbread or lower } }); } /** * Run processClick() for views, transferring the state in the textView to our * internal state, then begin sampling and processing audio data */ @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // load preferences SharedPreferences sharedPref = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); boolean keepScreenOn = sharedPref.getBoolean("keepScreenOn", true); if (keepScreenOn) { getWindow().addFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } else { getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } audioSourceId = Integer.parseInt(sharedPref.getString("audioSource", Integer.toString(RECORDER_AGC_OFF))); wndFuncName = sharedPref.getString("windowFunction", "Hanning"); samplingThread = new Looper(); samplingThread.start(); } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); samplingThread.finish(); getWindow().clearFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_KEEP_SCREEN_ON); } @Override protected void onDestroy() { super.onDestroy(); } @Override public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { savedInstanceState.putDouble("dtRMS", dtRMS); savedInstanceState.putDouble("dtRMSFromFT", dtRMSFromFT); savedInstanceState.putDouble("maxAmpDB", maxAmpDB); savedInstanceState.putDouble("maxAmpFreq", maxAmpFreq); savedInstanceState.putDouble("dtRMSFromFT_Log", dtRMSFromFT_Log); savedInstanceState.putInt("breathCount", breathCount); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("isBreathing", isBreathing); savedInstanceState.putBoolean("isInhaling", isInhaling); savedInstanceState.putInt("lastMaxTime", lastMaxTime); super.onSaveInstanceState(savedInstanceState); } @Override public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { // will be calls after the onStart() super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); dtRMS = savedInstanceState.getDouble("dtRMS"); dtRMSFromFT = savedInstanceState.getDouble("dtRMSFromFT"); dtRMSFromFT_Log = savedInstanceState.getDouble("dtRMSFromFT_Log"); maxAmpDB = savedInstanceState.getDouble("maxAmpDB"); maxAmpFreq = savedInstanceState.getDouble("maxAmpFreq"); breathCount = savedInstanceState.getInt("breathCount"); isBreathing = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("isBreathing"); isInhaling = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("isInhaling"); lastMaxTime = savedInstanceState.getInt("lastMaxTime"); } /** * Read a snapshot of audio data at a regular interval, and compute the FFT * * @author */ private void requestMicPermission() { // Here, thisActivity is the current activity if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // Should we show an explanation? if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this, Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO)) { // Show an expanation to the user *asynchronously* -- don't block // this thread waiting for the user's response! After the user // sees the explanation, try again to request the permission. } else { // No explanation needed, we can request the permission. ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[] { Manifest.permission.RECORD_AUDIO, Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE }, 0); // MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_READ_CONTACTS is an // app-defined int constant. The callback method gets the // result of the request. } } } static String[] audioSourceNames; static int[] audioSourceIDs; private void getAudioSourceNameFromIdPrepare(Resources res) { audioSourceNames = res.getStringArray(R.array.audio_source); String[] sasid = res.getStringArray(R.array.audio_source_id); audioSourceIDs = new int[audioSourceNames.length]; for (int i = 0; i < audioSourceNames.length; i++) { audioSourceIDs[i] = Integer.parseInt(sasid[i]); } } // Get audio source name from its ID // Tell me if there is better way to do it. private static String getAudioSourceNameFromId(int id) { for (int i = 0; i < audioSourceNames.length; i++) { if (audioSourceIDs[i] == id) { return audioSourceNames[i]; } } Log.e(TAG, "getAudioSourceName(): no this entry."); return ""; } private void update() { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { refreshBreaths(); refreshRMS(); view.invalidate(); } }); } private void moveUp() { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { view.moveUP(); breathOutView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); AlphaAnimation fadeIn_breathout = new AlphaAnimation(0.0f, 1.0f); fadeIn_breathout.setDuration(2000); fadeIn_breathout.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { AlphaAnimation fadeOut_breathout = new AlphaAnimation(1.0f, 0.0f); breathOutView.startAnimation(fadeOut_breathout); fadeOut_breathout.setDuration(2000); breathOutView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } @Override public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { } }); breathOutView.startAnimation(fadeIn_breathout); fadeIn_breathout.setFillAfter(true); animateProgressBar(); } }); } private void moveRight() { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mViewFlipper.setInAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, R.anim.left_in)); mViewFlipper.setOutAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, R.anim.left_out)); // controlling animation mViewFlipper.getInAnimation().setAnimationListener(mAnimationListener); if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 11) { // will update the "progress" propriety of seekbar until it reaches progress ObjectAnimator progressAnimation = ObjectAnimator.ofInt(progressBar, "progress", lastMaxTime, 0); progressAnimation.setDuration(1000); // 0.5 second progressAnimation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); progressAnimation.start(); } else progressBar.setProgress(0); // no animation on Gingerbread or lower mViewFlipper.showNext(); } }); } private void moveDown() { AnalyzeActivity.this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { view.moveDown(); } }); } private void refresh() { samplingThread.finish(); try { samplingThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } samplingThread = new Looper(); samplingThread.start(); } private void refreshBreaths() { // TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; // tv.setText("B: " + breathCount + " " + isInhaling + " " + lastMaxTime); } private void refreshRMS() { // TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(; // tv.setText("RMS: " + dtRMSFromFT_Log); } /** * Read a snapshot of audio data at a regular interval, and compute the FFT * * @author * */ double[] spectrumDBcopy; // XXX, transfers data from Looper to AnalyzeView public class Looper extends Thread { AudioRecord record; volatile boolean isRunning = true; public STFT stft; // use with care DoubleSineGen sineGen1; DoubleSineGen sineGen2; double[] mdata; public Looper() { // Signal sources for testing double fq0 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_1_freq1)); double amp0 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_1_db1))); double fq1 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_freq1)); double fq2 = Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_freq2)); double amp1 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_db1))); double amp2 = Math.pow(10, 1 / 20.0 * Double.parseDouble(getString(R.string.test_signal_2_db2))); if (audioSourceId == 1000) { sineGen1 = new DoubleSineGen(fq0, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp0); } else { sineGen1 = new DoubleSineGen(fq1, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp1); } sineGen2 = new DoubleSineGen(fq2, sampleRate, SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * amp2); } private void SleepWithoutInterrupt(long millis) { try { Thread.sleep(millis); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // generate test data private int readTestData(short[] a, int offsetInShorts, int sizeInShorts, int id) { if (mdata == null || mdata.length != sizeInShorts) { mdata = new double[sizeInShorts]; } Arrays.fill(mdata, 0.0); switch (id - 1000) { case 1: sineGen2.getSamples(mdata); case 0: sineGen1.addSamples(mdata); for (int i = 0; i < sizeInShorts; i++) { a[offsetInShorts + i] = (short) Math.round(mdata[i]); } break; case 2: for (int i = 0; i < sizeInShorts; i++) { a[i] = (short) (SAMPLE_VALUE_MAX * (2.0 * Math.random() - 1)); } break; default: Log.w(TAG, "readTestData(): No this source id = " + audioSourceId); } return sizeInShorts; } @Override public void run() { // Wait until previous instance of AudioRecord fully released. SleepWithoutInterrupt(500); int minBytes = AudioRecord.getMinBufferSize(sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT); if (minBytes == AudioRecord.ERROR_BAD_VALUE) { Log.e(TAG, "Looper::run(): Invalid AudioRecord parameter.\n"); return; } /** * Develop -> Reference -> AudioRecord * Data should be read from the audio hardware in chunks of sizes * inferior to the total recording buffer size. */ // Determine size of buffers for AudioRecord and AudioRecord::read() int readChunkSize = fftLen / 2; // /2 due to overlapped analyze window readChunkSize = Math.min(readChunkSize, 2048); // read in a smaller chunk, hopefully smaller delay int bufferSampleSize = Math.max(minBytes / BYTE_OF_SAMPLE, fftLen / 2) * 2; // tolerate up to about 1 sec. bufferSampleSize = (int) Math.ceil(1.0 * sampleRate / bufferSampleSize) * bufferSampleSize; // Use the mic with AGC turned off. e.g. VOICE_RECOGNITION // The buffer size here seems not relate to the delay. // So choose a larger size (~1sec) so that overrun is unlikely. if (audioSourceId < 1000) { record = new AudioRecord(audioSourceId, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize); } else { record = new AudioRecord(RECORDER_AGC_OFF, sampleRate, AudioFormat.CHANNEL_IN_MONO, AudioFormat.ENCODING_PCM_16BIT, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize); } Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Starting recorder... \n" + " source : " + (audioSourceId < 1000 ? getAudioSourceNameFromId(audioSourceId) : audioSourceId) + "\n" + String.format(" sample rate : %d Hz (request %d Hz)\n", record.getSampleRate(), sampleRate) + String.format(" min buffer size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", minBytes / BYTE_OF_SAMPLE, minBytes) + String.format(" buffer size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", bufferSampleSize, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * bufferSampleSize) + String.format(" read chunk size : %d samples, %d Bytes\n", readChunkSize, BYTE_OF_SAMPLE * readChunkSize) + String.format(" FFT length : %d\n", fftLen) + String.format(" nFFTAverage : %d\n", nFFTAverage)); sampleRate = record.getSampleRate(); if (record.getState() == AudioRecord.STATE_UNINITIALIZED) { Log.e(TAG, "Looper::run(): Fail to initialize AudioRecord()"); // If failed somehow, leave user a chance to change preference. return; } short[] audioSamples = new short[readChunkSize]; int numOfReadShort; stft = new STFT(fftLen, sampleRate, wndFuncName); stft.setAWeighting(isAWeighting); if (spectrumDBcopy == null || spectrumDBcopy.length != fftLen / 2 + 1) { spectrumDBcopy = new double[fftLen / 2 + 1]; } // Start recording record.startRecording(); // Main loop // When running in this loop (including when paused), you can not change properties // related to recorder: e.g. audioSourceId, sampleRate, bufferSampleSize // TODO: allow change of FFT length on the fly. while (isRunning) { // Read data if (audioSourceId >= 1000) { numOfReadShort = readTestData(audioSamples, 0, readChunkSize, audioSourceId); } else { numOfReadShort =, 0, readChunkSize); // pulling } stft.feedData(audioSamples, numOfReadShort); // If there is new spectrum data, do plot if (stft.nElemSpectrumAmp() >= nFFTAverage) { // Update spectrum or spectrogram final double[] spectrumDB = stft.getSpectrumAmpDB(); System.arraycopy(spectrumDB, 0, spectrumDBcopy, 0, spectrumDB.length); stft.calculatePeak(); maxAmpFreq = stft.maxAmpFreq; maxAmpDB = stft.maxAmpDB; // get RMS dtRMS = stft.getRMS(); dtRMSFromFT = stft.getRMSFromFT(); dtRMSFromFT_Log = 20 * Math.log10(dtRMSFromFT); if (!isBreathing && dtRMSFromFT_Log > thresholdAmpDB) { startBreathing(); } if (isBreathing) { timerCounter++; // if (isInhaling) { // progressBar.setProgress(timerCounter); // } if (timerCounter > 40) { if (isInhaling) { if (!isInhalingSure) { moveUp(); // progressBar.setProgress(timerCounter); } isInhalingSure = true; Log.d("Analyze", "moveUP"); } else { Log.d("Analyze", "moveRight"); } } } if (isBreathing && dtRMSFromFT_Log < thresholdAmpDB) { stopBreathing(); } update(); } } Log.i(TAG, "Looper::Run(): Stopping and releasing recorder."); record.stop(); record.release(); record = null; } public void finish() { isRunning = false; interrupt(); } } }