Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Mikhail Blinov * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Main class for Cabbage Connector. * Receives commands from WebSMS and acts upon them. */ public class CabbageConnector extends Connector { // Logging tag private static final String TAG = "cabbage"; // Id of the dummy subconnector private static final String DUMMY_SUB_CONNECTOR_ID = "0"; // Timeout for establishing a connection and waiting for a response from the server private static final int CONN_TIMEOUT_MS = 60000; // HTTP request properties private static final String ENCODING = "UTF-8"; // Parameters for Cabbage send script private static final String PARAM_PROVIDER = "s"; private static final String PARAM_USERNAME = "u"; private static final String PARAM_PASSWORD = "p"; private static final String PARAM_RECIPIENTS = "d"; private static final String PARAM_TEXT = "m"; private static final String PARAM_BALANCE_ONLY = "c"; private static final String PARAM_CAPTCHA_ANSWER = "cap"; // Regex for extracting the first number from the script response private static final Pattern FIRST_NUMBER = Pattern.compile("^(-?\\d+)"); // Prefix used by resources with error messages private static final String ERR_MESSAGE_PREFIX = "cabbage_err_"; // Return codes for trySendingData method private static final int SENT_DONE = 0; private static final int SENT_NEED_CAPTCHA = 1; // Timeout for waiting a captcha answer from a user private static final long CAPTCHA_ANSWER_TIMEOUT = 60000; // Sync object for solving a captcha private static final Object CAPTCHA_SYNC = new Object(); // Captcha answer returned by user or a solver app private static String receivedCaptchaAnswer; /** * Initializes {@link ConnectorSpec}. This is only run once. Changing properties are set in updateSpec(). * Registers subconnectors and sets up the connector. UpdateSpec() is called later. */ @Override public final ConnectorSpec initSpec(final Context context) { final String connectorName = context.getString(R.string.connector_cabbage_name); // create ConnectorSpec final ConnectorSpec connectorSpec = new ConnectorSpec(connectorName); connectorSpec.setAuthor(context.getString(R.string.connector_cabbage_author)); connectorSpec.setBalance(null); connectorSpec.setCapabilities(ConnectorSpec.CAPABILITIES_UPDATE | ConnectorSpec.CAPABILITIES_SEND | ConnectorSpec.CAPABILITIES_PREFS); // init subconnectors final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final List<String> accIds = AccountPreferences.getAccountIds(prefs); if (accIds.size() > 0) { for (String accId : accIds) { connectorSpec.addSubConnector(accId, AccountPreferences.getLabel(prefs, accId), SubConnectorSpec.FEATURE_MULTIRECIPIENTS); } Log.d(TAG, "initSpec: inited with " + accIds.size() + " subconnectors"); } else { // WebSMS requires connectors to have at least one subconnector hence creating a dummy one connectorSpec.addSubConnector(DUMMY_SUB_CONNECTOR_ID, "dummy", SubConnectorSpec.FEATURE_NONE); Log.d(TAG, "initSpec: inited with dummy subconnector"); } return connectorSpec; } /** * Updates connector's status. */ @Override public final ConnectorSpec updateSpec(final Context context, final ConnectorSpec connectorSpec) { final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); if (CabbageConnectorPreferences.isEnabled(prefs) && CabbageConnectorPreferences.isValid(prefs)) { connectorSpec.setReady(); Log.d(TAG, "updateSpec: set ready"); } else { connectorSpec.setStatus(ConnectorSpec.STATUS_INACTIVE); Log.d(TAG, "updateSpec: set inactive"); } return connectorSpec; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void onReceive(final Context context, final Intent intent) { if (CaptcherSolverClient.isResponseIntent(context, intent)) { processCaptchaSolverAnswer(context, intent); } else { super.onReceive(context, intent); } } /** * Called when a new request is received. */ @Override protected void onNewRequest(final Context context, final ConnectorSpec reqSpec, final ConnectorCommand command) { // restore balance info that we might have lost from the request if (reqSpec != null) { final ConnectorSpec connSpec = this.getSpec(context); SubConnectorSpec[] connSubs = connSpec.getSubConnectors(); SubConnectorSpec[] reqSubs = reqSpec.getSubConnectors(); for (int idx = 0; idx < connSubs.length && idx < reqSubs.length; idx++) { final String connBalance = connSubs[idx].getBalance(); final String reqBalance = reqSubs[idx].getBalance(); if (connBalance == null && reqBalance != null) { connSubs[idx].setBalance(reqBalance); } } } } /** * Called to update balance. Updates subconnector's balances concurrently. */ @Override protected void doUpdate(final Context context, final Intent intent) { final ConnectorSpec cs = this.getSpec(context); final int subCount = cs.getSubConnectorCount(); final SubConnectorSpec[] subs = cs.getSubConnectors(); final List<Callable<Void>> tasks = new ArrayList<Callable<Void>>(subCount); for (SubConnectorSpec sub : subs) { final String subId = sub.getID(); tasks.add(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { // clone intent and assign it to this sub connector final Intent subIntent = new Intent(intent); ConnectorCommand cmd = new ConnectorCommand(subIntent); cmd.setSelectedSubConnector(subId); cmd.setToIntent(subIntent); // update balance for this subconnector sendData(context, new ConnectorCommand(subIntent)); return null; } }); } try { final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(subCount); // execute all updates in parallel and wait till all are complete final List<Future<Void>> results = executor.invokeAll(tasks); executor.shutdownNow(); // if any of the updates failed then re-throw the first exception // (which will then be returned to WebSMS) for (int idx = 0; idx < results.size(); idx++) { Future<Void> result = results.get(idx); try { result.get(); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { String subName = subs[idx].getName(); throw new WebSMSException( subName + ": " + ConnectorSpec.convertErrorMessage(context, ex.getCause())); } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } /** * Called to send the actual message. */ @Override protected void doSend(final Context context, final Intent intent) throws IOException { sendData(context, new ConnectorCommand(intent)); } /** * Communicates with Cabbage server to send a message or to request the current balance. */ private void sendData(final Context context, final ConnectorCommand command) throws IOException { // check network availability if (!Utils.isNetworkAvailable(context)) { throw new WebSMSNoNetworkException(context); } int sendRes = trySendingData(context, command, null); if (sendRes == SENT_NEED_CAPTCHA) { boolean canUseCaptchaSolver = CaptcherSolverClient.canUse(context); boolean wasSolverUsed = false; int attempts = 0; while (sendRes == SENT_NEED_CAPTCHA) { ++attempts; Bitmap captcha = retrieveCaptcha(context, command); String captchaAnswer = null; if (canUseCaptchaSolver) { int remainingAttempts = CaptcherSolverClient.getMaxAttempts() - attempts; if (remainingAttempts >= 0) { captchaAnswer = solveCaptchaWithSolver(context, captcha); wasSolverUsed = true; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(captchaAnswer) && remainingAttempts > 0) { captchaAnswer = "x"; // request another captcha } } } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(captchaAnswer)) { captchaAnswer = solveCaptchaWithUser(context, captcha, wasSolverUsed); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(captchaAnswer)) { throw new WebSMSException(context, R.string.error_captcha_not_solved); } sendRes = trySendingData(context, command, captchaAnswer); } } } /** * First attempt to communicates with Cabbage server. * Returns SENT_DONE or SENT_NEED_CAPTCHA. */ private int trySendingData(final Context context, final ConnectorCommand command, final String captchaAnswer) throws IOException { Log.d(TAG, "trying to send request to the server"); int res = SENT_DONE; final ConnectorSpec cs = this.getSpec(context); final String accId = command.getSelectedSubConnector(); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final String provider = AccountPreferences.getProvider(prefs, accId); // prepare web request final HttpOptions o = new HttpOptions(ENCODING); final ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> d = new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>(); populateCommonOptions(o, d, cs, accId, provider, prefs); o.url = CabbageConnectorPreferences.getCabbageUrl(prefs, provider); String text = command.getText(); if (text != null && text.length() > 0) { addParam(d, PARAM_RECIPIENTS, Utils.joinRecipientsNumbers(command.getRecipients(), ",", false /*oldFormat*/)); addParam(d, PARAM_TEXT, text); } else { addParam(d, PARAM_BALANCE_ONLY, "1"); } if (captchaAnswer != null) { addParam(d, PARAM_CAPTCHA_ANSWER, captchaAnswer); } o.addFormParameter(d); // send web request to the server and read the response HttpResponse response = Utils.getHttpClient(o); // process the response checkResponseCode(context, response); String responseText = Utils.stream2str(response.getEntity().getContent()).trim(); Log.d(TAG, "HTTP RESPONSE: " + responseText); if (provider.equals(AccountPreferences.PROVIDER_VODAFONE) && responseText.contains("JSESSIONID")) { processVodafoneCookies(prefs, accId, responseText); res = SENT_NEED_CAPTCHA; } else { processRegularResponse(context, command, cs, responseText); } return res; } /** * Populates common request options. */ private void populateCommonOptions(final HttpOptions o, final ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> d, final ConnectorSpec cs, final String accId, final String provider, final SharedPreferences prefs) { o.timeout = CONN_TIMEOUT_MS; o.maxConnections = cs.getSubConnectorCount() + 1; addParam(d, PARAM_PROVIDER, provider); addParam(d, PARAM_USERNAME, AccountPreferences.getUsername(prefs, accId)); addParam(d, PARAM_PASSWORD, AccountPreferences.getPassword(prefs, accId)); String cookies = AccountPreferences.getCookies(prefs, accId); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(cookies)) { for (String cookie : cookies.split("&")) { String[] cookieParts = cookie.split("="); addParam(d, cookieParts[0], URLDecoder.decode(cookieParts[1])); } } } /** * Parses HTTP response code. Throws {@link WebSMSException} if response != HTTP_OK. */ private void checkResponseCode(final Context context, final HttpResponse response) { final int resp = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (resp != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { // log error response Log.e(TAG, "HTTP Status Line: " + response.getStatusLine().toString()); Log.e(TAG, "HTTP Headers:"); for (Header h : response.getAllHeaders()) { Log.e(TAG, h.getName() + ": " + h.getValue()); } try { final String htmlText = Utils.stream2str(response.getEntity().getContent()).trim(); Log.e(TAG, "HTTP Body:"); for (String l : htmlText.split("\n")) { Log.e(TAG, l); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "error getting content", e); } throw new WebSMSException(context, R.string.error_http, String.valueOf(resp)); } } /** * Parses response from Cabbage server. * Should be a number: remaining balance if positive or error code if negative. * NOTE that some free php hosting sites add a trailer to all pages, so take the first number from the response. */ private void processRegularResponse(final Context context, final ConnectorCommand command, final ConnectorSpec cs, final String responseText) { final Matcher m = FIRST_NUMBER.matcher(responseText); if (!m.find()) { throw new WebSMSException(context.getString(R.string.cabbage_err_unexpected)); } final String retCode =; int retNumCode = Integer.parseInt(retCode); if (retNumCode >= 0) { synchronized (SYNC_UPDATE) { cs.getSubConnector(command.getSelectedSubConnector()).setBalance(retCode); } } else { throw new WebSMSException(getErrorMessage(context, retNumCode)); } } /** * Parses Vodafone cookies returned from Cabbage server in the form: * JSESSIONID=m7m0Q4QC0qTfyyQQ42YL8S<br/>supercookie=6d376d3071347163201e<br/> * and store ("&" separated) in Preferences. * NOTE that some free php hosting sites add a trailer to all pages, so need to ignore it. */ private void processVodafoneCookies(final SharedPreferences prefs, final String accId, final String responseText) { String jsessionid = ""; int startIdx = responseText.indexOf("JSESSIONID="); if (startIdx >= 0) { int endIdx = responseText.indexOf("<br/>", startIdx + 11); if (endIdx >= 0) { jsessionid = responseText.substring(startIdx + 11, endIdx); } } String supercookie = ""; startIdx = responseText.indexOf("supercookie="); if (startIdx >= 0) { int endIdx = responseText.indexOf("<br/>", startIdx + 12); if (endIdx >= 0) { supercookie = responseText.substring(startIdx + 12, endIdx); } } AccountPreferences.setCookies(prefs, accId, "JSESSIONID=" + URLEncoder.encode(jsessionid) + "&supercookie=" + URLEncoder.encode(supercookie)); } /** * Retrieves captcha image from Cabbage server. */ private Bitmap retrieveCaptcha(final Context context, final ConnectorCommand command) throws IOException { Log.d(TAG, "retrieving captch image"); final ConnectorSpec cs = this.getSpec(context); final String accId = command.getSelectedSubConnector(); final SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context); final String provider = AccountPreferences.getProvider(prefs, accId); // prepare web request final HttpOptions o = new HttpOptions(ENCODING); final ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> d = new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>(); populateCommonOptions(o, d, cs, accId, provider, prefs); o.url = CabbageConnectorPreferences.getCabbageUrl(prefs, provider).replace("/send.php", "/voda.send.php"); addParam(d, "print", "cap"); o.addFormParameter(d); // send web request to the server and get the response final HttpResponse response = Utils.getHttpClient(o); // process the response checkResponseCode(context, response); final HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); if (entity == null) { throw new WebSMSException(context, R.string.error_retrieve_captcha); } InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = entity.getContent(); return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(inputStream); } finally { if (inputStream != null) { inputStream.close(); } entity.consumeContent(); } } /** * Asks user to solve the captcha. */ private String solveCaptchaWithUser(final Context context, final Bitmap captcha, final boolean wasSolverUsed) { Log.d(TAG, "requesting captcha answer from user"); CabbageConnector.receivedCaptchaAnswer = null; // send request to WebSMS final Intent intent = new Intent(Connector.ACTION_CAPTCHA_REQUEST); getSpec(context).setToIntent(intent); intent.putExtra(Connector.EXTRA_CAPTCHA_DRAWABLE, captcha); if (CaptcherSolverClient.shouldRemind(context)) { intent.putExtra(Connector.EXTRA_CAPTCHA_MESSAGE, context.getString(R.string.websms_captcha_text_with_tip)); } else if (wasSolverUsed) { intent.putExtra(Connector.EXTRA_CAPTCHA_MESSAGE, context.getString(R.string.websms_captcha_text_auto_failed)); } else { intent.putExtra(Connector.EXTRA_CAPTCHA_MESSAGE, context.getString(R.string.websms_captcha_text)); } context.sendBroadcast(intent); // wait for answer try { synchronized (CAPTCHA_SYNC) { CAPTCHA_SYNC.wait(CAPTCHA_ANSWER_TIMEOUT); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } return CabbageConnector.receivedCaptchaAnswer; } /** * Asks the captcha solver app to solve the captcha. */ private String solveCaptchaWithSolver(final Context context, final Bitmap captcha) { Log.d(TAG, "requesting captcha answer from Captcha Solver"); CabbageConnector.receivedCaptchaAnswer = null; // send request to captcha solver app final Intent intent = CaptcherSolverClient.createRequestIntent(captcha); context.sendBroadcast(intent); // wait for answer try { synchronized (CAPTCHA_SYNC) { CAPTCHA_SYNC.wait(CAPTCHA_ANSWER_TIMEOUT); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { } return CabbageConnector.receivedCaptchaAnswer; } /** * Processes an answer from the captcha solver app. */ private void processCaptchaSolverAnswer(final Context context, final Intent intent) { final ConnectorSpec specs = this.getSpec(context); final String tag = specs.toString(); Log.d(tag, "got solved captcha"); String answer = CaptcherSolverClient.parseResponseIntent(context, intent); gotSolvedCaptcha(context, answer); try { this.setResultCode(Activity.RESULT_OK); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(tag, "not an ordered boradcast: " + e.toString()); } } /** * Called if any broadcast with a solved captcha arrived. */ @Override protected void gotSolvedCaptcha(final Context context, final String solvedCaptcha) { CabbageConnector.receivedCaptchaAnswer = solvedCaptcha; synchronized (CAPTCHA_SYNC) { CAPTCHA_SYNC.notify(); } } private ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> addParam(final ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair> d, final String n, final String v) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(n)) { d.add(new BasicNameValuePair(n, v)); } return d; } private String getErrorMessage(final Context context, final int retNumCode) { final String msgIdStr = ERR_MESSAGE_PREFIX + Integer.toString(-retNumCode); final int msgId = context.getResources().getIdentifier(msgIdStr, "string", context.getPackageName()); if (msgId > 0) { return context.getString(msgId); } else { String msgTemplate = context.getString(R.string.cabbage_err_N); return MessageFormat.format(msgTemplate, retNumCode); } } }