Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root for license information. */ package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import android.annotation.TargetApi; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Log; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; public class EngagementShared { public enum locationReportingType { LOCATIONREPORTING_NONE(100), LOCATIONREPORTING_LAZY(101), LOCATIONREPORTING_REALTIME( 102), LOCATIONREPORTING_FINEREALTIME(103); private int value; private locationReportingType(int value) { this.value = value; } public static locationReportingType fromInteger(int x) { switch (x) { case 100: return LOCATIONREPORTING_NONE; case 101: return LOCATIONREPORTING_LAZY; case 102: return LOCATIONREPORTING_REALTIME; case 103: return LOCATIONREPORTING_FINEREALTIME; } return null; } }; public enum backgroundReportingType { BACKGROUNDREPORTING_NONE(200), BACKGROUNDREPORTING_FOREGROUND(201), BACKGROUNDREPORTING_BACKGROUND(202); private int value; private backgroundReportingType(int value) { this.value = value; } public static backgroundReportingType fromInteger(int x) { switch (x) { case 200: return BACKGROUNDREPORTING_NONE; case 201: return BACKGROUNDREPORTING_FOREGROUND; case 202: return BACKGROUNDREPORTING_BACKGROUND; } return null; } }; public final static String LOG_TAG = "engagement-plugin"; public String pluginVersion = null; public String nativeVersion; public String pluginName; public boolean enablePluginLog = false; public boolean isPaused = true; private String previousActivityName = null; public boolean readyForPush = false; public EngagementDelegate delegate; public Activity androidActivity; // Singleton Pattern private EngagementShared() { } private static EngagementShared _instance = null; public static EngagementShared instance() { if (_instance != null) return _instance; _instance = new EngagementShared(); return _instance; } public boolean alreadyInitialized() { return pluginVersion != null; } public void initSDK(String _pluginName, String _pluginVersion, String _nativeVersion) { pluginName = _pluginName; pluginVersion = _pluginVersion; nativeVersion = _nativeVersion; if (enablePluginLog) Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Plugin " + pluginName + " v" + _pluginVersion + " (nativeVersion " + _nativeVersion + ")"); } public void setPluginLog(boolean _enablePluginLog) { enablePluginLog = _enablePluginLog; } public void setEnabled(boolean _enabled) { logD("setEnabled:" + _enabled); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).setEnabled(_enabled); } public boolean isEnabled() { boolean b = EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).isEnabled(); logD("isEnabled:" + b); return b; } public void setDelegate(EngagementDelegate _delegate) { delegate = _delegate; } public void logD(String _message) { if (enablePluginLog) Log.d(LOG_TAG, _message); } public void logE(String _message) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, _message); } public void initialize(Activity _androidActivity, String _connectionString, locationReportingType _locationReporting, backgroundReportingType _background) { androidActivity = _androidActivity; logD("Initiliazing EngagementAgent"); EngagementConfiguration engagementConfiguration = new EngagementConfiguration(); engagementConfiguration.setConnectionString(_connectionString); if (_locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_LAZY) { engagementConfiguration.setLazyAreaLocationReport(true); logD("Lazy Area Location enabled"); } else if (_locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_REALTIME) { engagementConfiguration.setRealtimeLocationReport(true); logD("Realtime Location enabled"); } else if (_locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_FINEREALTIME) { engagementConfiguration.setRealtimeLocationReport(true); engagementConfiguration.setFineRealtimeLocationReport(true); logD("Fine Realtime Location enabled"); } if (_background == backgroundReportingType.BACKGROUNDREPORTING_BACKGROUND) { if (_locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_FINEREALTIME || _locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_REALTIME) { engagementConfiguration.setBackgroundRealtimeLocationReport(true); logD("Background Location enabled"); } else logE("Background mode requires realtime location"); } else if (_background == backgroundReportingType.BACKGROUNDREPORTING_FOREGROUND) { if (_locationReporting == locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_NONE) logE("Foreground mode requires location"); } else { if (_locationReporting != locationReportingType.LOCATIONREPORTING_NONE) { logE("Foreground or Background required when using location"); } } EngagementAgent.getInstance(_androidActivity).init(engagementConfiguration); Bundle b = new Bundle(); b.putString(pluginName, pluginVersion); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendAppInfo(b); } private Bundle stringToBundle(String _param) { Bundle b = new Bundle(); if (_param == null || _param.equals("null")) return b; try { JSONObject jObj = new JSONObject(_param); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<String> keys = jObj.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key =; String val = jObj.getString(key); b.putString(key, val); } return b; } catch (JSONException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Failed to unserialize :" + _param + " => " + e.getMessage()); return null; } } public void enableDataPush() { readyForPush = true; } public void checkDataPush() { if (!readyForPush || isPaused) { return; } Map<String, String> m = EngagementDataPushReceiver .getPendingDataPushes(androidActivity.getApplicationContext()); for (Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : m.entrySet()) { String timestamp = entry.getKey(); logD("handling data push (" + timestamp + ")"); String v = entry.getValue().toString(); JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(v); delegate.didReceiveDataPush(json); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("Failed to prepare data push " + e.getMessage()); ; } } } public void getStatus(EngagementDelegate _delegate) { final EngagementDelegate delegate = _delegate; EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).getDeviceId(new EngagementAgent.Callback<String>() { @Override public void onResult(String deviceId) { JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("pluginVersion", pluginVersion); json.put("nativeVersion", nativeVersion); json.put("deviceId", deviceId); json.put("isEnabled", EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).isEnabled()); logD("getStatus:" + json.toString()); delegate.onGetStatusResult(json); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("Failed to retrieve Status" + e.getMessage()); } } }); } public void startActivity(String _activityName, String _extraInfos) { logD("startActivity:" + _activityName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); previousActivityName = _activityName; EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).startActivity(androidActivity, _activityName, extraInfos); } public void endActivity() { logD("endActivity"); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).endActivity(); previousActivityName = null; } public void sendEvent(String _eventName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendEvent:" + _eventName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendEvent(_eventName, extraInfos); } public void sendSessionEvent(String _eventName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendSessionEvent:" + _eventName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendSessionEvent(_eventName, extraInfos); } public void startJob(String _jobName, String _extraInfos) { logD("startJob:" + _jobName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).startJob(_jobName, extraInfos); } public void endJob(String _jobName) { logD("endJob:" + _jobName); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).endJob(_jobName); } public void sendJobEvent(String _eventName, String _jobName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendJobEvent:" + _eventName + ", in job:" + _jobName + " w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendJobEvent(_eventName, _jobName, extraInfos); } public void sendError(String _errorName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendError:" + _errorName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendError(_errorName, extraInfos); } public void sendSessionError(String _errorName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendSessionError:" + _errorName + ", w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendSessionError(_errorName, extraInfos); } public void sendJobError(String _errorName, String _jobName, String _extraInfos) { logD("sendJobError:" + _errorName + ", in job:" + _jobName + " w/" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendJobError(_errorName, _jobName, extraInfos); } public void sendAppInfo(String _extraInfos) { logD("sendAppInfo:" + _extraInfos); Bundle extraInfos = stringToBundle(_extraInfos); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).sendAppInfo(extraInfos); } public void onPause() { logD("onPause: endActivity"); isPaused = true; EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).endActivity(); } public void onResume() { if (previousActivityName != null) { logD("onResume: startActivity:" + previousActivityName); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).startActivity(androidActivity, previousActivityName, null); } else { logD("onResume (no previous activity)"); } isPaused = false; checkDataPush(); } @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.M) public JSONObject requestPermissions(boolean _realtimeLocation, boolean _fineRealtimeLocation, boolean _lazyAreaLocation) { JSONArray permissions = new JSONArray(); if (_fineRealtimeLocation) permissions.put("ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"); else if (_lazyAreaLocation || _realtimeLocation) permissions.put("ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION"); JSONObject ret = new JSONObject(); JSONObject p = new JSONObject(); String[] requestedPermissions = null; try { PackageInfo pi = androidActivity.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(androidActivity.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_PERMISSIONS); requestedPermissions = pi.requestedPermissions; for (int i = 0; i < requestedPermissions.length; i++) Log.d(LOG_TAG, requestedPermissions[i]); } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { logE("Failed to load permissions, NameNotFound: " + e.getMessage()); } logD("requestPermissions()"); int l = permissions.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { try { String permission = permissions.getString(i); String androidPermission = "android.permission." + permission; int grant = androidActivity.checkCallingOrSelfPermission(androidPermission); try { p.put(permission, grant == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("invalid permissions " + e.getMessage()); } if (grant != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { if (!Arrays.asList(requestedPermissions).contains(androidPermission)) { String errString = "requested permission " + androidPermission + " not set in Manifest"; Log.e(LOG_TAG, errString); try { ret.put("error", errString); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("invalid permissions " + e.getMessage()); } } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.M) { // Trying to request the permission if running on AndroidM logD("requesting runtime permission " + androidPermission); androidActivity.requestPermissions(new String[] { androidPermission }, 0); } } else logD(permission + " OK"); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("invalid permissions " + e.getMessage()); } } try { ret.put("permissions", p); } catch (JSONException e) { logE("invalid permissions " + e.getMessage()); } return ret; } public void refreshPermissions() { logD("refreshPermissions()"); EngagementAgent.getInstance(androidActivity).refreshPermissions(); } }