Java tutorial
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See License.txt in the project root. package; import com.intellij.openapi.project.Project; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * Helper for running commands */ public class CommandUtils { protected static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandUtils.class); /** * This method will return just the workspace name or empty string (never null) * * @param context * @param project * @return */ public static String getWorkspaceName(final ServerContext context, final Project project) { ArgumentHelper.checkNotNull(project, "project"); final FindWorkspaceCommand command = new FindWorkspaceCommand(project.getBasePath()); final Workspace workspace = command.runSynchronously(); if (workspace != null) { return workspace.getName(); } return StringUtils.EMPTY; } /** * This method determines the workspace name from the project and then calls getWorkspace with the name. * * @param context * @param project * @return */ public static Workspace getWorkspace(final ServerContext context, final Project project) { final String workspaceName = getWorkspaceName(context, project); return getWorkspace(context, workspaceName); } /** * This method returns the fully filled out Workspace object. * * @param context * @param workspaceName * @return */ public static Workspace getWorkspace(final ServerContext context, final String workspaceName) { final GetWorkspaceCommand command = new GetWorkspaceCommand(context, workspaceName); return command.runSynchronously(); } public static String getLocalPathSynchronously(final ServerContext context, final String serverPath, final String workspace) { final Command<String> getLocalPathCommand = new GetLocalPathCommand(context, serverPath, workspace); return getLocalPathCommand.runSynchronously(); } public static String tryGetLocalPath(final ServerContext context, final String serverPath, final String workspace) { final Command<String> getLocalPathCommand = new GetLocalPathCommand(context, serverPath, workspace); try { final String result = getLocalPathCommand.runSynchronously(); if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(result, "ERROR [main] Application - Unexpected exception:")) { return null; } return result; } catch (Throwable t) { logger.warn("Failed to find local path for server path " + serverPath, t); return null; } } public static List<ChangeSet> getHistoryCommand(final ServerContext context, final String itemPath, final String version, final int stopAfter, final boolean recursive, final String user) { return getHistoryCommand(context, itemPath, version, stopAfter, recursive, user, false); } public static List<ChangeSet> getHistoryCommand(final ServerContext context, final String itemPath, final String version, final int stopAfter, final boolean recursive, final String user, final boolean itemMode) { final Command<List<ChangeSet>> historyCommand = new HistoryCommand(context, itemPath, version, stopAfter, recursive, user, itemMode); return historyCommand.runSynchronously(); } public static ChangeSet getLastHistoryEntryForAnyUser(final ServerContext context, final String localPath) { final List<ChangeSet> results = getHistoryCommand(context, localPath, null, 1, false, StringUtils.EMPTY); return results.isEmpty() ? null : results.get(0); } /** * Adds a workspace mapping to the workspace named * * @param serverContext * @param workspaceName * @param serverPath * @param localPath */ public static String addWorkspaceMapping(final ServerContext serverContext, final String workspaceName, final String serverPath, final String localPath) { final UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand updateMappingCommand = new UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand(serverContext, workspaceName, new Workspace.Mapping(serverPath, localPath, false), false); return updateMappingCommand.runSynchronously(); } /** * This command updates the properies of the workspace as well as the mappings. * There are many commands that go into the update, not just a single call. * If anything goes wrong, an exception will be thrown. * Note: this method does NOT sync the workspace. * * @param context * @param oldWorkspace * @param newWorkspace */ public static String updateWorkspace(final ServerContext context, final Workspace oldWorkspace, final Workspace newWorkspace) { // No need to update the mappings if they are the same if (WorkspaceHelper.areMappingsDifferent(oldWorkspace, newWorkspace)) { // First remove the mappings that are no longer needed for (final Workspace.Mapping m : WorkspaceHelper.getMappingsToRemove(oldWorkspace, newWorkspace)) { final UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand command = new UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand(context, oldWorkspace.getName(), m, true); command.runSynchronously(); } // Now update the mappings to match the new workspace for (final Workspace.Mapping m : WorkspaceHelper.getMappingsToChange(oldWorkspace, newWorkspace)) { final UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand command = new UpdateWorkspaceMappingCommand(context, oldWorkspace.getName(), m, false); command.runSynchronously(); } } // Finally update the properties of the workspace final UpdateWorkspaceCommand updateWorkspaceCommand = new UpdateWorkspaceCommand(context, oldWorkspace.getName(), newWorkspace.getName(), newWorkspace.getComment(), null, null); return updateWorkspaceCommand.runSynchronously(); } /** * This method Syncs the workspace based on the root path recursively. * This is a synchronous call so it should only be called on a background thread. */ public static SyncResults syncWorkspace(final ServerContext context, final String rootPath) { return syncWorkspace(context, Collections.singletonList(rootPath), true); } public static SyncResults syncWorkspace(final ServerContext context, final List<String> filesUpdatePaths, final boolean needRecursion) { final SyncCommand command = new SyncCommand(context, filesUpdatePaths, needRecursion); return command.runSynchronously(); } /** * This method undoes the list of local files passed in. * This is a synchronous call so it should only be called on a background thread. */ public static List<String> undoLocalFiles(final ServerContext context, final List<String> files) { final UndoCommand command = new UndoCommand(context, files); return command.runSynchronously(); } /** * Get the status for a single file * * @param context * @param file * @return */ public static PendingChange getStatusForFile(final ServerContext context, final String file) { final Command<List<PendingChange>> command = new StatusCommand(context, file); final List<PendingChange> results = command.runSynchronously(); return results.isEmpty() ? null : results.get(0); } /** * Renames a file * * @param context * @param oldName * @param newName */ public static void renameFile(final ServerContext context, final String oldName, final String newName) { final Command<String> command = new RenameCommand(context, oldName, newName); command.runSynchronously(); } /** * Resolves conflicts with the given resolution type * * @param context * @param conflicts * @param type * @return */ public static List<Conflict> resolveConflictsByPath(final ServerContext context, final List<String> conflicts, final ResolveConflictsCommand.AutoResolveType type) { final Command<List<Conflict>> conflictsCommand = new ResolveConflictsCommand(context, conflicts, type); return conflictsCommand.runSynchronously(); } public static List<Conflict> resolveConflictsByConflict(final ServerContext context, final List<Conflict> conflicts, final ResolveConflictsCommand.AutoResolveType type) { final List<String> conflictFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); for (final Conflict conflict : conflicts) { conflictFiles.add(conflict.getLocalPath()); } return resolveConflictsByPath(context, conflictFiles, type); } /** * Finds the conflicts under a given directory * * @param context * @param root * @return */ public static List<Conflict> getConflicts(final ServerContext context, final String root) { final List<Conflict> conflicts = new ArrayList<Conflict>(); final Command<ConflictResults> conflictsCommand = new FindConflictsCommand(context, root); final ConflictResults conflictResults = conflictsCommand.runSynchronously(); for (final String contentConflict : conflictResults.getContentConflicts()) { conflicts.add(new Conflict(contentConflict, Conflict.ConflictType.CONTENT)); } for (final String renameConflict : conflictResults.getRenameConflicts()) { final RenameConflict rename = findLocalRename(context, renameConflict, root, Conflict.ConflictType.RENAME); if (rename != null) { conflicts.add(rename); } } for (final String bothConflict : conflictResults.getBothConflicts()) { final RenameConflict rename = findLocalRename(context, bothConflict, root, Conflict.ConflictType.BOTH); if (rename != null) { conflicts.add(rename); } } return conflicts; } /** * For rename conflicts, find the old name and local name of the file by looking for the last rename entry in the * history. Look at the last 50 history entries first and if not found there look at all the history * * @param context * @param serverName * @param root * @param type * @return */ private static RenameConflict findLocalRename(final ServerContext context, final String serverName, final String root, final Conflict.ConflictType type) { final RenameConflict conflict = searchChangeSetForRename(context, serverName, root, type, 50); // return conflict if found, else do a search on all of the history (-1 will not add a stopAfter parameter to cmd) return conflict != null ? conflict : searchChangeSetForRename(context, serverName, root, type, -1); } private static RenameConflict searchChangeSetForRename(final ServerContext context, final String serverName, final String root, final Conflict.ConflictType type, final int stopAfter) { final List<ChangeSet> changeSets = CommandUtils.getHistoryCommand(context, serverName, StringUtils.EMPTY, stopAfter, false, StringUtils.EMPTY, true); // step through most current changesets to find the one that did the rename for (int index = 0; index < changeSets.size(); index++) { final ChangeSet changeSet = changeSets.get(index); if (doesChangeSetHaveChanges(changeSets, index) && changeSet.getChanges().get(0).getChangeTypes().contains(ServerStatusType.RENAME)) { // the entry after the rename contains the old name of the file if (doesChangeSetHaveChanges(changeSets, index + 1)) { final String oldName = changeSets.get(index + 1).getChanges().get(0).getServerItem(); // parse local changes for the old file name to get the new local name final Command<List<PendingChange>> command = new StatusCommand(context, root); final List<PendingChange> results = command.runSynchronously(); for (final PendingChange change : results) { if (SystemHelper.areFilePathsSame(change.getSourceItem(), oldName)) { return new RenameConflict(change.getLocalItem(), serverName, oldName, type); } } } } } return null; } /** * Checks that a changeset in the list contains a change * * @param changeSets * @param index * @return */ private static boolean doesChangeSetHaveChanges(final List<ChangeSet> changeSets, final int index) { if (changeSets == null || index >= changeSets.size() || changeSets.get(index).getChanges() == null || changeSets.get(index).getChanges().isEmpty()) { return false; } return true; } /** * Adds the given files to the repo * * @param context * @param filesToAddPaths * @return */ public static List<String> addFiles(final ServerContext context, final List<String> filesToAddPaths) { final Command<List<String>> addCommand = new AddCommand(context, filesToAddPaths); return addCommand.runSynchronously(); } /** * Checks in the list of files * * @param context * @param files * @param preparedComment * @return */ public static String checkinFiles(final ServerContext context, final List<String> files, final String preparedComment, final List<Integer> workItemsToAssociate) { final Command<String> checkinCommand = new CheckinCommand(context, files, preparedComment, workItemsToAssociate); return checkinCommand.runSynchronously(); } /** * Returns the item info for a single item. * * @param context * @param itemPath * @return */ public static ItemInfo getItemInfo(final ServerContext context, final String itemPath) { final Command<List<ItemInfo>> infoCommand = new InfoCommand(context, Collections.singletonList(itemPath)); List<ItemInfo> items = infoCommand.runSynchronously(); if (items != null && items.size() > 0) { return items.get(0); } throw new RuntimeException("No items match " + itemPath); } public static String createBranch(final ServerContext context, final String workingFolder, final boolean recursive, final String comment, final String author, final String existingItem, final String newBranchedItem) { final CreateBranchCommand createBranchCommand = new CreateBranchCommand(context, workingFolder, recursive, comment, author, existingItem, newBranchedItem); return createBranchCommand.runSynchronously(); } }