Source code

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package com.michaeljones.hellohadoop.restclient;

import com.michaeljones.httpclient.HttpMethodClient;
import com.michaeljones.httpclient.HttpMethodFuture;
import com.michaeljones.httpclient.apache.ApacheMethodClient;
import com.michaeljones.httpclient.jersey.JerseyMethodClient;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * @author michaeljones
public class HadoopHdfsRestClient {

    // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
    private static final String BASIC_URL_FORMAT = "http://%1$s:50070/webhdfs/v1/user/%2$s/%3$s";

    private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ApacheMethodClient.class.getName());

    private HttpMethodClient restImpl;
    private final String nameNodeHost;
    private final String username;

    private HadoopHdfsRestClient(String host, String username) {
        this.nameNodeHost = host;
        this.username = username;

    // The factory method allows us to create different underlying implementations of this client.
    public static HadoopHdfsRestClient JerseyClientFactory(String host, String username) {
        HadoopHdfsRestClient client = new HadoopHdfsRestClient(host, username);
        client.restImpl = new JerseyMethodClient();

        return client;

    // The factory method allows us to create different underlying implementations of this client.
    public static HadoopHdfsRestClient ApacheClientFactory(String host, String username) {
        HadoopHdfsRestClient client = new HadoopHdfsRestClient(host, username);
        client.restImpl = new ApacheMethodClient();

        return client;

    public String[] ListDirectorySimple(String remoteRelativePath) {
        try {
            // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
            String uri = String.format(BASIC_URL_FORMAT, nameNodeHost, username, remoteRelativePath);
            List<Pair<String, String>> queryParams = new ArrayList();
            queryParams.add(new Pair<>("", username));
            queryParams.add(new Pair<>("op", "LISTSTATUS"));

            String content = restImpl.GetStringContent(uri, queryParams);

            JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
            JSONObject jsonObject = (JSONObject) parser.parse(content);

            JSONObject listStatus = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("FileStatuses");
            JSONArray fileList = (JSONArray) listStatus.get("FileStatus");
            String[] directoryListing = new String[fileList.size()];
            int directoryIndex = 0;
            for (Object listing : fileList) {
                JSONObject jsonListing = (JSONObject) listing;
                String pathname = jsonListing.get("pathSuffix").toString();
                directoryListing[directoryIndex++] = pathname;

            return directoryListing;
        } catch (ParseException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Hadoop List directory failed: " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException("Hadoop List directory failed :" + ex.getMessage());
        } finally {

    public void CreateEmptyFile(String remoteRelativePath) {
        // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
        String uri = String.format(BASIC_URL_FORMAT, nameNodeHost, username, remoteRelativePath);
        List<Pair<String, String>> queryParams = new ArrayList();
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("", username));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("op", "CREATE"));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("overwrite", "true"));

        try {
            StringBuilder redirectLocation = new StringBuilder();

            int httpCode = restImpl.PutQuery(uri, queryParams, redirectLocation);

            // NB two separate PUTs may be needed which is not strictly REST, but
            // this is the Hadoop documented procedure.
            switch (httpCode) {
            case 307:
                // The above PUT to the Hadoop name node has returned us a redirection
                // to the Hadoop data node.
                String dataNodeURI = redirectLocation.toString();
                if (dataNodeURI.length() == 0) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Create file redirect error");

                httpCode = restImpl.PutQuery(dataNodeURI, null, null);

            case 201:
                // HTTP backends which correctly implement Expect: 100-continue?
                // Will return 201 created immediately.

                throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : HTTP error code : " + httpCode);

            if (httpCode != 201) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : HTTP error code : " + httpCode);
        } finally {
            // We want to close TCP connections immediately, because garbage collection time
            // is non-deterministic.

    public void UploadFile(String remoteRelativePath, String localPath) {
        // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
        String uri = String.format(BASIC_URL_FORMAT, nameNodeHost, username, remoteRelativePath);
        List<Pair<String, String>> queryParams = new ArrayList();
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("", "michaeljones"));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("op", "CREATE"));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("overwrite", "true"));

        try {
            StringBuilder redirectLocation = new StringBuilder();
            int httpCode = restImpl.PutFile(uri, localPath, queryParams, redirectLocation);

            // NB two separate PUTs may be needed which is not strictly REST, but
            // this is the Hadoop documented procedure.
            switch (httpCode) {
            case 307:
                // The above PUT to the Hadoop name node has returned us a redirection
                // to the Hadoop data node.
                String dataNodeURI = redirectLocation.toString();
                if (dataNodeURI.length() == 0) {
                    LOGGER.error("Hadoop redirect location empty");
                    throw new RuntimeException("Create file redirect error");

                httpCode = restImpl.PutFile(dataNodeURI, localPath, null, null);

            case 201:
                // HTTP backends which correctly implement Expect: 100-continue?
                // Will return 201 created immediately.

                throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : HTTP error code : " + httpCode);

            if (httpCode != 201) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : HTTP error code : " + httpCode);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Hadoop upload file not found: " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : " + ex.getMessage());
        } finally {
            // We want to close TCP connections immediately, because garbage collection time
            // is non-deterministic.

    public void ParallelUpload(List<Pair<String, String>> remoteLocalPairs) {
        // First of all do a concurrent gathering of the redirect locations from the name node.
        // Does this help if all calls are going to the same name node?
        // Answer: a little, because we are performing multiple round trips concurrently. Packets
        // are interleaved, but we are not individually blocking on each round trip interval.
        List<HttpMethodFuture> redirectFutures = new ArrayList();
        for (Pair<String, String> remoteLocal : remoteLocalPairs) {
            HttpMethodFuture redirect = GetRedirectLocationAsync(remoteLocal.getFirst(), remoteLocal.getSecond());

        // Now wait for all the redirect locations to arrive, by getting the result from the futures.
        // Make a new list of redirect location, local path pairs.
        // This will take as long as the longest redirect retrieval.
        List<Pair<String, String>> redirectLocalPairs = new ArrayList();
        for (HttpMethodFuture redirect : redirectFutures) {
            // This may block depending on whether any of the preceding futures took longer or not.
            String redirectLocation = redirect.GetRedirectLocation();
            String localPath = remoteLocalPairs.get(0).getSecond();
            redirectLocalPairs.add(new Pair<>(redirectLocation, localPath));

        List<HttpMethodFuture> uploadFutures = new ArrayList();

        // The final step is to perform a concurrent/parallel upload to the data nodes.
        // In a multi-homed cluster these could be going out on separate network interfaces.
        // The bottleneck would then be the file storage. If some source paths were coming from
        // different file servers then we would really win with this strategy.
        for (Pair<String, String> redirectLocal : redirectLocalPairs) {
            HttpMethodFuture future = UploadFileAsync(redirectLocal.getFirst(), redirectLocal.getSecond());

        // Now wait for all uploads to complete, by getting the result from each future.
        // This will take as long as the longest upload.
        for (HttpMethodFuture upload : uploadFutures) {
            // This may block depending on whether any previous futures took longer or not.
            int httpStatusCode = upload.GetHttpStatusCode();
            if (httpStatusCode != 201) {
                // Should really log which file.
                LOGGER.error("Hadoop parallel upload unexpected status: " + httpStatusCode);

    public HttpMethodFuture GetRedirectLocationAsync(String remoteRelativePath, String localPath) {
        // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
        String uri = String.format(BASIC_URL_FORMAT, nameNodeHost, username, remoteRelativePath);
        List<Pair<String, String>> queryParams = new ArrayList();
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("", username));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("op", "CREATE"));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("overwrite", "true"));

        try {
            return restImpl.GetRedirectLocationAsync(uri, localPath, queryParams);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Hadoop get redirect location async file not found: " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : " + ex.getMessage());

    public HttpMethodFuture UploadFileAsync(String redirectLocation, String localPath) {

        try {
            return restImpl.PutFileAsync(redirectLocation, localPath);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
            LOGGER.error("Hadoop async upload file not found: " + ex.getMessage());
            throw new RuntimeException("Create File failed : " + ex.getMessage());
        } finally {
            // We want to close TCP connections immediately, because garbage collection time
            // is non-deterministic.

    public void SetBigChunkSize() {

    public void DeleteFile(String remoteRelativePath) {
        // %1 nameNodeHost, %2 username %3 resource.
        String uri = String.format(BASIC_URL_FORMAT, nameNodeHost, username, remoteRelativePath);
        List<Pair<String, String>> queryParams = new ArrayList();
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("", username));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("op", "DELETE"));
        queryParams.add(new Pair<>("overwrite", "true"));

        int httpStatusCode = restImpl.DeleteFile(uri, queryParams);
        if (httpStatusCode != 200) {
            String errMsg = "Hadoop delete file unexpected status: " + remoteRelativePath + " : " + httpStatusCode;
            throw new RuntimeException(errMsg);