Java tutorial
/*** * Xserv * <p> * Copyright (C) 2015 Giovanni Amati * <p> * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see ***/ package com.mi.xserv; import; import android.os.Build; import android.util.Base64; import com.koushikdutta.async.callback.CompletedCallback; import com.koushikdutta.async.http.AsyncHttpClient; import com.koushikdutta.async.http.AsyncHttpRequest; import com.koushikdutta.async.http.AsyncHttpResponse; import com.koushikdutta.async.http.WebSocket; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONTokener; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; public class Xserv extends XservBase { public final static int OP_PUBLISH = 200; public final static int OP_SUBSCRIBE = 201; public final static int OP_UNSUBSCRIBE = 202; public final static int OP_HISTORY = 203; public final static int OP_USERS = 204; public final static int OP_TOPICS = 205; public final static int OP_UPDATE = 300; public final static int OP_UPDATE_ALL = 301; public final static int OP_DELETE = 302; public final static int OP_DELETE_ALL = 303; public final static int OP_JOIN = 401; public final static int OP_LEAVE = 402; // op result_code public final static int RC_OK = 1; public final static int RC_GENERIC_ERROR = 0; public final static int RC_ARGS_ERROR = -1; public final static int RC_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED = -2; public final static int RC_UNAUTHORIZED = -3; public final static int RC_NO_TOPIC = -4; public final static int RC_NO_DATA = -5; public final static int RC_NOT_PRIVATE = -6; public final static int RC_LIMIT_MESSAGES = -7; public final static int RC_DB_ERROR = -8; // op private final static int OP_HANDSHAKE = 100; private final static String TAG = "Xserv"; private final static String VERSION = "1"; private final static String HOST = ""; // private final static String HOST = ""; private final static String PORT = "4332"; private final static String TLS_PORT = "8332"; private final static String URL = "ws%1$s://%2$s:%3$s/ws/%4$s?version=%5$s"; private final static String DEFAULT_AUTH_URL = "http%1$s://%2$s:%3$s/1/user"; private final static int DEFAULT_RI = 5000; // callbacks private static HashMap<String, OnCompletionListener> mCallbacks; // attributes private String mAppId; private Future<WebSocket> mConn; private int mReconnectInterval; private boolean isAutoReconnect; private JSONObject mUserData; private boolean isConnected; private boolean isSecure; private String mDeviceToken; /** * Return an instance of Xserv connector. * * @param app_id identifier of your application. You can find it on Xserv Dashboard. */ public Xserv(String app_id) { super(); mAppId = app_id; mConn = null; mUserData = new JSONObject(); mReconnectInterval = DEFAULT_RI; isAutoReconnect = false; isConnected = false; // TLS isSecure = true; // Callbacks mCallbacks = new HashMap<>(); } public static boolean isPrivateTopic(String topic) { return topic.startsWith("@"); } public void disableTLS() { isSecure = false; } public boolean isConnected() { return mConn != null && isConnected; } public void connect() { connect(false); } private void connect(boolean no_ar) { if (!no_ar) { isAutoReconnect = true; } if (!isConnected()) { String protocol = ""; String port = PORT; if (isSecure) { protocol = "s"; port = TLS_PORT; } mCallbacks.clear(); AsyncHttpClient as = AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(); mConn = as.websocket(String.format(URL, protocol, HOST, port, mAppId, VERSION), null, new AsyncHttpClient.WebSocketConnectCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, WebSocket ws) { if (e == null) { setOtherWsCallback(ws); handshake(); } else { mCallbacks.clear(); onErrorConnection(e); // eccezione, error socket in connection non e' la error reConnect(); } } }); } } private void setOtherWsCallback(WebSocket ws) { ws.setClosedCallback(new CompletedCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e) { isConnected = false; mCallbacks.clear(); onCloseConnection(e); reConnect(); } }); ws.setStringCallback(new WebSocket.StringCallback() { @Override public void onStringAvailable(String event) { manageMessage(event); } }); } private void manageMessage(String event) { JSONObject json = null; try { json = new JSONObject(event); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (json != null) { int op = 0; try { op = json.getInt("op"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (op == 0) { // messages onReceiveMessages(json); } else if (op > 0) { // operations try { String data = json.getString("data"); byte[] b = Base64.decode(data, Base64.DEFAULT); json.put("data", new String(b, "UTF-8")); // string } catch (JSONException | UnsupportedEncodingException ignored) { } JSONObject json_data = null; try { String data = json.getString("data"); Object type = new JSONTokener(data).nextValue(); if (type instanceof JSONObject) { json_data = new JSONObject(data); json.put("data", json_data); } else if (type instanceof JSONArray) { json.put("data", new JSONArray(data)); } } catch (JSONException ignored) { } try { json.put("name", stringifyOp(op)); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } int rc = 0; String uuid = ""; String topic = ""; String descr = ""; try { rc = json.getInt("rc"); uuid = json.getString("uuid"); topic = json.getString("topic"); descr = json.getString("descr"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (op == OP_HANDSHAKE) { // handshake if (rc == RC_OK) { if (json_data != null) { setUserData(json_data); isConnected = true; onOpenConnection(); } else { mCallbacks.clear(); onErrorConnection(new Exception(descr)); } } else { mCallbacks.clear(); onErrorConnection(new Exception(descr)); } } else { // classic operations if (op == OP_SUBSCRIBE && isPrivateTopic(topic) && rc == RC_OK) { if (json_data != null) { setUserData(json_data); } } if (mCallbacks.get(uuid) != null) { mCallbacks.get(uuid).onCompletion(json); mCallbacks.remove(uuid); } else { OnReceiveOperations(json); } } } } } private void reConnect() { if (isAutoReconnect && mReconnectInterval > 0) { getMainLooper().postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { connect(true); } }, mReconnectInterval); } } public void disconnect() { isAutoReconnect = false; if (isConnected()) { try { mConn.get().close(); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public Integer getReconnectInterval() { return mReconnectInterval; } public void setReconnectInterval(Integer milliseconds) { mReconnectInterval = milliseconds; } public String getDeviceToken() { if (mDeviceToken == null) { mDeviceToken = ""; } return mDeviceToken; } public void setDeviceToken(String device_token) { mDeviceToken = device_token; } private void handshake() { JSONObject stat = new JSONObject(); try { String model = Build.MODEL; if (model.length() > 45) { model = model.substring(0, 45); } stat.put("uuid", getDeviceID()); stat.put("device_token", getDeviceToken()); stat.put("model", model); stat.put("os", "Android " + Build.VERSION.RELEASE); stat.put("tz_offset", getTimeZoneOffset()); stat.put("tz_dst", getTimeZoneDst()); stat.put("lang", getLanguage()); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } wsSend(stat); } private void send(final JSONObject json) { if (!isConnected()) return; int op = 0; String topic = ""; try { op = json.getInt("op"); topic = json.getString("topic"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (op == OP_SUBSCRIBE && isPrivateTopic(topic)) { JSONObject auth = null; try { auth = json.getJSONObject("auth"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } if (auth != null) { String protocol = ""; String port = PORT; if (isSecure) { protocol = "s"; port = TLS_PORT; } String endpoint = String.format(DEFAULT_AUTH_URL, protocol, HOST, port); try { endpoint = auth.getString("endpoint"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } JSONObject params = null; try { params = auth.getJSONObject("params"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } String user = ""; // params if (params != null) { try { user = params.getString("user"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } try { params.put("socket_id", getSocketId()); params.put("topic", topic); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } endpoint += "?" + urlEncodedJSON(params); } AsyncHttpRequest request = new AsyncHttpRequest(Uri.parse(endpoint), "GET"); // add custom headers try { JSONObject headers = auth.getJSONObject("headers"); Iterator<?> keys = headers.keys(); while (keys.hasNext()) { String key = (String); request.setHeader(key, (String) headers.get(key)); } } catch (JSONException ignored) { } request.setHeader("X-Xserv-AppId", mAppId); final String userStatic = user; AsyncHttpClient as = AsyncHttpClient.getDefaultInstance(); as.executeJSONObject(request, new AsyncHttpClient.JSONObjectCallback() { @Override public void onCompleted(Exception e, AsyncHttpResponse source, JSONObject result) { if (e == null) { json.remove("auth"); try { json.put("arg1", userStatic); json.put("arg2", result.getString("data")); json.put("arg3", result.getString("sign")); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } wsSend(json); } else { json.remove("auth"); wsSend(json); } } }); } else { wsSend(json); } } else { wsSend(json); } } private void wsSend(JSONObject json) { try { mConn.get().send(json.toString()); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public String getSocketId() { String socket_id = ""; try { socket_id = mUserData.getString("socket_id"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { // e.printStackTrace(); } return socket_id; } public JSONObject getUserData() { return mUserData; } private void setUserData(JSONObject json) { mUserData = json; } private String stringifyOp(int code) { switch (code) { case OP_SUBSCRIBE: return "subscribe"; case OP_UNSUBSCRIBE: return "unsubscribe"; case OP_HISTORY: return "history"; case OP_USERS: return "users"; case OP_JOIN: return "join"; case OP_LEAVE: return "leave"; case OP_PUBLISH: return "publish"; case OP_HANDSHAKE: return "handshake"; case OP_TOPICS: return "topics"; case OP_UPDATE: return "update"; case OP_UPDATE_ALL: return "update_all"; case OP_DELETE: return "delete"; case OP_DELETE_ALL: return "delete_all"; } return ""; } public String publish(String topic, Object data) { return publish(topic, data, null); } public String publish(String topic, Object data, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_PUBLISH); json.put("topic", topic); json.put("arg1", data); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String update(String topic, String object_id, Object data) { return update(topic, object_id, data, null); } public String update(String topic, String object_id, Object data, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_UPDATE); json.put("topic", topic); json.put("arg1", data); json.put("arg2", object_id); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String delete(String topic, String object_id) { return delete(topic, object_id, null); } public String delete(String topic, String object_id, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_DELETE); json.put("topic", topic); json.put("arg2", object_id); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String subscribe(String topic) { return subscribe(topic, null, null); } public String subscribe(String topic, OnCompletionListener listener) { return subscribe(topic, null, listener); } public String subscribe(String topic, JSONObject auth) { return subscribe(topic, auth, null); } public String subscribe(String topic, JSONObject auth, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_SUBSCRIBE); json.put("topic", topic); if (auth != null) { json.put("auth", auth); } } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String unsubscribe(String topic) { return unsubscribe(topic, null); } public String unsubscribe(String topic, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_UNSUBSCRIBE); json.put("topic", topic); } catch (JSONException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String history(String topic, JSONObject params) { return history(topic, params, null); } public String history(String topic, JSONObject params, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; int offset = 0; int limit = 0; JSONObject query = null; if (params != null) { try { offset = params.getInt("offset"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } try { limit = params.getInt("limit"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } try { query = params.getJSONObject("query"); } catch (JSONException ignored) { } } String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_HISTORY); json.put("topic", topic); json.put("arg1", String.valueOf(offset)); json.put("arg2", String.valueOf(limit)); if (query != null) { json.put("arg3", query); } else { json.put("arg3", ""); } } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String users(String topic) { return users(topic, null); } public String users(String topic, OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_USERS); json.put("topic", topic); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public String topics() { return topics(null); } public String topics(OnCompletionListener listener) { if (!isConnected()) return ""; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); if (listener != null) { mCallbacks.put(uuid, listener); } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put("uuid", uuid); json.put("op", OP_TOPICS); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } send(json); return uuid; } public interface OnCompletionListener { void onCompletion(JSONObject json); } public interface OnXservEventListener { void OnOpenConnection(); void OnCloseConnection(Exception e); void OnErrorConnection(Exception e); void OnReceiveMessages(JSONObject json); void OnReceiveOperations(JSONObject json); } }