Source code

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 * Copyright 2011,2012 Metamarkets Group Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.metamx.common;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.Days;
import org.joda.time.Hours;
import org.joda.time.Interval;
import org.joda.time.Minutes;
import org.joda.time.Months;
import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime;
import org.joda.time.ReadableInterval;
import org.joda.time.ReadablePeriod;
import org.joda.time.Seconds;
import org.joda.time.Weeks;
import org.joda.time.Years;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public enum Granularity {
    SECOND {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int count) {
            return Seconds.seconds(count);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Seconds.secondsIn(interval).getSeconds();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null && vals[5] != null
                    && vals[6] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5], vals[6], 0);

            return date;
    MINUTE {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'H'=HH/'M'=mm");
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int count) {
            return Minutes.minutes(count);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Minutes.minutesIn(interval).getMinutes();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null && vals[5] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5], 0, 0);

            return date;
        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            return MINUTE.getFormatter(type);

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int count) {
            return Minutes.minutes(count * 5);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();

                    .setMinuteOfHour(mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() - (mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() % 5));

            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Minutes.minutesIn(interval).getMinutes() / 5;

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null && vals[5] != null) {
                return truncate(new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5], 0, 0));

            return null;
        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            return MINUTE.getFormatter(type);

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int count) {
            return Minutes.minutes(count * 10);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();

                    .setMinuteOfHour(mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() - (mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() % 10));

            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Minutes.minutesIn(interval).getMinutes() / 10;

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null && vals[5] != null) {
                return truncate(new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5], 0, 0));

            return null;
        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            return MINUTE.getFormatter(type);

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int count) {
            return Minutes.minutes(count * 15);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();

                    .setMinuteOfHour(mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() - (mutableDateTime.getMinuteOfHour() % 15));

            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Minutes.minutesIn(interval).getMinutes() / 15;

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null && vals[5] != null) {
                return truncate(new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[5], 0, 0));

            return null;
    HOUR {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'H'=HH");
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM-dd-HH");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd/'h'=HH");

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Hours.hours(n);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Hours.hoursIn(interval).getHours();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], 0, 0, 0);

            return date;
    SIX_HOUR {
        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            return HOUR.getFormatter(type);

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Hours.hours(n * 6);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();

            mutableDateTime.setHourOfDay(mutableDateTime.getHourOfDay() - (mutableDateTime.getHourOfDay() % 6));

            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Hours.hoursIn(interval).getHours() / 6;

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null && vals[4] != null) {
                return truncate(new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], 0, 0, 0));
            return null;
    DAY {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd");
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM-dd");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd");

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Days.days(n);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Days.daysIn(interval).getDays();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], 0, 0, 0, 0);

            return date;
    WEEK {
        DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd");
        DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM-dd");
        DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM/'d'=dd");

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            return DAY.getFormatter(type);

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Weeks.weeks(n);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Weeks.weeksIn(interval).getWeeks();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null && vals[3] != null) {
                date = truncate(new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], vals[3], 0, 0, 0, 0));

            return date;
    MONTH {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM");
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy-MM");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy/'m'=MM");

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Months.months(n);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Months.monthsIn(interval).getMonths();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null && vals[2] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], vals[2], 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            return date;
    YEAR {
        final DateTimeFormatter defaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy");
        final DateTimeFormatter hiveFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'dt'=yyyy");
        final DateTimeFormatter lowerDefaultFormat = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("'y'=yyyy");

        public DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type) {
            switch (type) {
            case DEFAULT:
                return defaultFormat;
            case HIVE:
                return hiveFormat;
            case LOWER_DEFAULT:
                return lowerDefaultFormat;
                throw new IAE("There is no format for type %s at granularity %s", type,;

        public ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n) {
            return Years.years(n);

        public DateTime truncate(DateTime time) {
            final MutableDateTime mutableDateTime = time.toMutableDateTime();


            return mutableDateTime.toDateTime();

        public int numIn(ReadableInterval interval) {
            return Years.yearsIn(interval).getYears();

        public DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
            Integer[] vals = getDateValues(filePath, formatter);

            DateTime date = null;
            if (vals[1] != null) {
                date = new DateTime(vals[1], 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            return date;

    // Default patterns for parsing paths.
    protected final Pattern defaultPathPattern = Pattern.compile(
    protected final Pattern hivePathPattern = Pattern

    // Abstract functions that individual enum's need to implement for the strategy.
    public abstract DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(Formatter type);

    public abstract ReadablePeriod getUnits(int n);

    public abstract DateTime truncate(DateTime time);

    public abstract int numIn(ReadableInterval interval);

    public abstract DateTime toDate(String filePath, Formatter formatter);

    public DateTime toDate(String filePath) {
        return toDate(filePath, Formatter.DEFAULT);

    // Used by the toDate implementations.
    protected final Integer[] getDateValues(String filePath, Formatter formatter) {
        Pattern pattern = defaultPathPattern;
        switch (formatter) {
        case DEFAULT:
        case LOWER_DEFAULT:
        case HIVE:
            pattern = hivePathPattern;
            throw new IAE("Format %s not supported", formatter);

        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filePath);

        Integer[] vals = new Integer[7];
        if (matcher.matches()) {
            for (int i = 1; i <= matcher.groupCount(); i++) {
                vals[i] = ( != null) ? Integer.parseInt( : null;

        return vals;

    // Strategy Functions
    public final DateTimeFormatter getFormatter(String type) {
        return getFormatter(Formatter.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));

    public final DateTime increment(DateTime time) {

    public final DateTime increment(DateTime time, int count) {

    public final DateTime decrement(DateTime time) {
        return time.minus(getUnits(1));

    public final DateTime decrement(DateTime time, int count) {
        return time.minus(getUnits(count));

    public final String toPath(DateTime time) {
        return toPath(time, "default");

    public final String toPath(DateTime time, String type) {
        return toPath(time, Formatter.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));

    public final String toPath(DateTime time, Formatter type) {
        return getFormatter(type).print(time);

     * Return a granularity-sized Interval containing a particular DateTime.
    public final Interval bucket(DateTime t) {
        DateTime start = truncate(t);
        return new Interval(start, increment(start));

     * Round out Interval such that it becomes granularity-aligned and nonempty.
    public final Interval widen(Interval interval) {
        final DateTime start = truncate(interval.getStart());
        final DateTime end;

        if (interval.getEnd().equals(start)) {
            // Empty with aligned start/end; expand into a granularity-sized interval
            end = increment(start);
        } else if (truncate(interval.getEnd()).equals(interval.getEnd())) {
            // Non-empty with aligned end; keep the same end
            end = interval.getEnd();
        } else {
            // Non-empty with non-aligned end; push it out
            end = increment(truncate(interval.getEnd()));

        return new Interval(start, end);

    // Iterable functions and classes.
    public Iterable<Interval> getIterable(final DateTime start, final DateTime end) {
        return getIterable(new Interval(start, end));

    public Iterable<Interval> getIterable(final Interval input) {
        return new IntervalIterable(input);

    public Iterable<Interval> getReverseIterable(final DateTime start, final DateTime end) {
        return getReverseIterable(new Interval(start, end));

    public Iterable<Interval> getReverseIterable(final Interval input) {
        return new ReverseIntervalIterable(input);

    public class IntervalIterable implements Iterable<Interval> {
        private final Interval inputInterval;

        public IntervalIterable(Interval inputInterval) {
            this.inputInterval = inputInterval;

        public Iterator<Interval> iterator() {
            return new IntervalIterator(inputInterval);


    public class ReverseIntervalIterable implements Iterable<Interval> {
        private final Interval inputInterval;

        public ReverseIntervalIterable(Interval inputInterval) {
            this.inputInterval = inputInterval;

        public Iterator<Interval> iterator() {
            return new ReverseIntervalIterator(inputInterval);


    public class IntervalIterator implements Iterator<Interval> {
        private final Interval inputInterval;

        private DateTime currStart;
        private DateTime currEnd;

        public IntervalIterator(Interval inputInterval) {
            this.inputInterval = inputInterval;

            currStart = truncate(inputInterval.getStart());
            currEnd = increment(currStart);

        public boolean hasNext() {
            return currStart.isBefore(inputInterval.getEnd());

        public Interval next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException("There are no more intervals");
            Interval retVal = new Interval(currStart, currEnd);

            currStart = currEnd;
            currEnd = increment(currStart);

            return retVal;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public class ReverseIntervalIterator implements Iterator<Interval> {
        private final Interval inputInterval;

        private DateTime currStart;
        private DateTime currEnd;

        public ReverseIntervalIterator(Interval inputInterval) {
            this.inputInterval = inputInterval;

            currEnd = inputInterval.getEnd();
            currStart = decrement(currEnd);


        public boolean hasNext() {
            return currEnd.isAfter(inputInterval.getStart());

        public Interval next() {
            if (!hasNext()) {
                throw new NoSuchElementException("There are no more intervals");
            Interval retVal = new Interval(currStart, currEnd);

            currEnd = currStart;
            currStart = decrement(currEnd);

            return retVal;

        public void remove() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public enum Formatter {