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 *  Copyright 2001-2006 Stephen Colebourne
 *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 *  limitations under the License.
package org.joda.time;

 * Readable interface for an interval of time between two instants.
 * <p>
 * A time interval represents a period of time between two instants.
 * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
 * The end instant is always greater than or equal to the start instant.
 * <p>
 * Intervals have a fixed millisecond duration.
 * This is the difference between the start and end instants.
 * The duration is represented separately by {@link ReadableDuration}.
 * As a result, intervals are not comparable.
 * To compare the length of two intervals, you should compare their durations.
 * <p>
 * An interval can also be converted to a {@link ReadablePeriod}.
 * This represents the difference between the start and end points in terms of fields
 * such as years and days.
 * <p>
 * Methods that are passed an interval as a parameter will treat <code>null</code>
 * as a zero length interval at the current instant in time.
 * @author Sean Geoghegan
 * @author Brian S O'Neill
 * @author Stephen Colebourne
 * @since 1.0
public interface ReadableInterval {

     * Gets the chronology of the interval, which is the chronology of the first datetime.
     * @return the chronology of the interval
    Chronology getChronology();

     * Gets the start of this time interval which is inclusive.
     * @return the start of the time interval,
     *  millisecond instant from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
    long getStartMillis();

     * Gets the start of this time interval, which is inclusive, as a DateTime.
     * @return the start of the time interval
    DateTime getStart();

     * Gets the end of this time interval which is exclusive.
     * @return the end of the time interval,
     *  millisecond instant from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
    long getEndMillis();

     * Gets the end of this time interval, which is exclusive, as a DateTime.
     * @return the end of the time interval
    DateTime getEnd();

     * Does this time interval contain the specified instant.
     * <p>
     * Non-zero duration intervals are inclusive of the start instant and
     * exclusive of the end. A zero duration interval cannot contain anything.
     * <p>
     * For example:
     * <pre>
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains 08:59  = false (before start)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains 09:00  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains 09:59  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains 10:00  = false (equals end)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains 10:01  = false (after end)
     * [14:00 to 14:00) contains 14:00  = false (zero duration contains nothing)
     * </pre>
     * @param instant  the instant, null means now
     * @return true if this time interval contains the instant
    boolean contains(ReadableInstant instant);

     * Does this time interval contain the specified time interval.
     * <p>
     * Non-zero duration intervals are inclusive of the start instant and
     * exclusive of the end. The other interval is contained if this interval
     * wholly contains, starts, finishes or equals it.
     * A zero duration interval cannot contain anything.
     * <p>
     * When two intervals are compared the result is one of three states:
     * (a) they abut, (b) there is a gap between them, (c) they overlap.
     * The <code>contains</code> method is not related to these states.
     * In particular, a zero duration interval is contained at the start of
     * a larger interval, but does not overlap (it abuts instead).
     * <p>
     * For example:
     * <pre>
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:00 to 10:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:00 to 09:30)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:30 to 10:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:15 to 09:45)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:00 to 09:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [08:59 to 10:00)  = false (otherStart before thisStart)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [09:00 to 10:01)  = false (otherEnd after thisEnd)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) contains [10:00 to 10:00)  = false (otherStart equals thisEnd)
     * [14:00 to 14:00) contains [14:00 to 14:00)  = false (zero duration contains nothing)
     * </pre>
     * @param interval  the time interval to compare to, null means a zero duration interval now
     * @return true if this time interval contains the time interval
    boolean contains(ReadableInterval interval);

     * Does this time interval overlap the specified time interval.
     * <p>
     * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
     * An interval overlaps another if it shares some common part of the
     * datetime continuum. 
     * <p>
     * When two intervals are compared the result is one of three states:
     * (a) they abut, (b) there is a gap between them, (c) they overlap.
     * The abuts state takes precedence over the other two, thus a zero duration
     * interval at the start of a larger interval abuts and does not overlap.
     * <p>
     * For example:
     * <pre>
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [08:00 to 08:30)  = false (completely before)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [08:00 to 09:00)  = false (abuts before)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [08:00 to 09:30)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [08:00 to 10:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [08:00 to 11:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:00 to 09:00)  = false (abuts before)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:00 to 09:30)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:00 to 10:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:00 to 11:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:30 to 09:30)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:30 to 10:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [09:30 to 11:00)  = true
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [10:00 to 10:00)  = false (abuts after)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [10:00 to 11:00)  = false (abuts after)
     * [09:00 to 10:00) overlaps [10:30 to 11:00)  = false (completely after)
     * [14:00 to 14:00) overlaps [14:00 to 14:00)  = false (abuts before and after)
     * [14:00 to 14:00) overlaps [13:00 to 15:00)  = true
     * </pre>
     * @param interval  the time interval to compare to, null means a zero length interval now
     * @return true if the time intervals overlap
    boolean overlaps(ReadableInterval interval);

     * Is this time interval after the specified instant.
     * <p>
     * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
     * @param instant  the instant to compare to, null means now
     * @return true if this time interval is after the instant
    boolean isAfter(ReadableInstant instant);

     * Is this time interval entirely after the specified interval.
     * <p>
     * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
     * @param interval  the interval to compare to, null means now
     * @return true if this time interval is after the interval specified
    boolean isAfter(ReadableInterval interval);

     * Is this time interval before the specified instant.
     * <p>
     * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
     * @param instant  the instant to compare to, null means now
     * @return true if this time interval is before the instant
    boolean isBefore(ReadableInstant instant);

     * Is this time interval entirely before the specified interval.
     * <p>
     * Intervals are inclusive of the start instant and exclusive of the end.
     * @param interval  the interval to compare to, null means now
     * @return true if this time interval is before the interval specified
    boolean isBefore(ReadableInterval interval);

     * Get this interval as an immutable <code>Interval</code> object.
     * <p>
     * This will either typecast this instance, or create a new <code>Interval</code>.
     * @return the interval as an Interval object
    Interval toInterval();

     * Get this time interval as a <code>MutableInterval</code>.
     * <p>
     * This will always return a new <code>MutableInterval</code> with the same interval.
     * @return the time interval as a MutableInterval object
    MutableInterval toMutableInterval();

     * Gets the millisecond duration of this time interval.
     * @return the millisecond duration of the time interval
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the duration exceeds the capacity of a long
    Duration toDuration();

     * Gets the millisecond duration of this time interval.
     * @return the millisecond duration of the time interval
     * @throws ArithmeticException if the duration exceeds the capacity of a long
    long toDurationMillis();

     * Converts the duration of the interval to a period using the
     * standard period type.
     * <p>
     * This method should be used to extract the field values describing the
     * difference between the start and end instants.
     * @return a time period derived from the interval
    Period toPeriod();

     * Converts the duration of the interval to a period using the
     * specified period type.
     * <p>
     * This method should be used to extract the field values describing the
     * difference between the start and end instants.
     * @param type  the requested type of the duration, null means standard
     * @return a time period derived from the interval
    Period toPeriod(PeriodType type);

     * Compares this object with the specified object for equality based
     * on start and end millis plus the chronology.
     * All ReadableInterval instances are accepted.
     * <p>
     * To compare the duration of two time intervals, use {@link #toDuration()}
     * to get the durations and compare those.
     * @param readableInterval  a readable interval to check against
     * @return true if the start and end millis are equal
    boolean equals(Object readableInterval);

     * Gets a hash code for the time interval that is compatible with the
     * equals method.
     * <p>
     * The formula used must be as follows:
     * <pre>int result = 97;
     * result = 31 * result + ((int) (getStartMillis() ^ (getStartMillis() >>> 32)));
     * result = 31 * result + ((int) (getEndMillis() ^ (getEndMillis() >>> 32)));
     * result = 31 * result + getChronology().hashCode();
     * return result;</pre>
     * @return a hash code
    int hashCode();

     * Get the value as a String in the ISO8601 interval format.
     * <p>
     * For example, "2004-06-09T12:30:00.000/2004-07-10T13:30:00.000".
     * @return the value as an ISO8601 string
    String toString();
