Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2008-2108 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of * the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE along with this program; * if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package com.meidusa.venus.client; import com.meidusa.fastjson.JSON; import com.meidusa.fastmark.feature.SerializerFeature; import com.meidusa.toolkit.common.bean.util.InitialisationException; import; import; import com.meidusa.toolkit.util.TimeUtil; import com.meidusa.venus.annotations.*; import com.meidusa.venus.annotations.util.AnnotationUtil; import com.meidusa.venus.client.xml.bean.EndpointConfig; import com.meidusa.venus.client.xml.bean.ServiceConfig; import com.meidusa.venus.exception.*; import com.meidusa.venus.extension.athena.AthenaTransactionId; import com.meidusa.venus.extension.athena.delegate.AthenaTransactionDelegate; import; import*; import; import; import; import; import com.meidusa.venus.metainfo.EndpointParameter; import com.meidusa.venus.notify.InvocationListener; import com.meidusa.venus.notify.ReferenceInvocationListener; import com.meidusa.venus.poolable.RequestLoadbalanceObjectPool; import com.meidusa.venus.util.UUID; import com.meidusa.venus.util.Utils; import com.meidusa.venus.util.VenusAnnotationUtils; import com.meidusa.venus.util.VenusTracerUtil; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils; import org.apache.commons.pool.ObjectPool; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * * @author Struct * */ public class RemotingInvocationHandler extends VenusInvocationHandler { private static SerializerFeature[] JSON_FEATURE = new SerializerFeature[] { SerializerFeature.ShortString }; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RemotingInvocationHandler.class); private static Logger performanceLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("venus.client.performance"); private InvocationListenerContainer container; private ObjectPool bioConnPool; private BackendConnectionPool nioConnPool; private static AtomicLong sequenceId = new AtomicLong(1); private VenusServiceFactory serviceFactory; private VenusExceptionFactory venusExceptionFactory; private boolean enableAsync = true; private byte serializeType = PacketConstant.CONTENT_TYPE_JSON; public boolean isEnableAsync() { return enableAsync; } public void setEnableAsync(boolean enableAsync) { this.enableAsync = enableAsync; } public VenusExceptionFactory getVenusExceptionFactory() { return venusExceptionFactory; } public void setVenusExceptionFactory(VenusExceptionFactory venusExceptionFactory) { this.venusExceptionFactory = venusExceptionFactory; } public void setServiceFactory(VenusServiceFactory serviceFactory) { this.serviceFactory = serviceFactory; } public short getSerializeType() { return serializeType; } public void setSerializeType(byte serializeType) { this.serializeType = serializeType; } public InvocationListenerContainer getContainer() { return container; } public void setContainer(InvocationListenerContainer container) { this.container = container; } public ObjectPool getBioConnPool() { return bioConnPool; } public void setBioConnPool(ObjectPool bioConnPool) { this.bioConnPool = bioConnPool; } public BackendConnectionPool getNioConnPool() { return nioConnPool; } public void setNioConnPool(BackendConnectionPool nioConnPool) { this.nioConnPool = nioConnPool; } protected Object invokeRemoteService(Service service, Endpoint endpoint, Method method, EndpointParameter[] params, Object[] args) throws Exception { String apiName = VenusAnnotationUtils.getApiname(method, service, endpoint); AthenaTransactionId athenaTransactionId = null; if (service.athenaFlag()) { athenaTransactionId = AthenaTransactionDelegate.getDelegate().startClientTransaction(apiName); } boolean async = false; if (endpoint.async()) { async = true; } byte[] traceID = VenusTracerUtil.getTracerID(); if (traceID == null) { traceID = VenusTracerUtil.randomTracerID(); } Serializer serializer = SerializerFactory.getSerializer(serializeType); SerializeServiceRequestPacket serviceRequestPacket = new SerializeServiceRequestPacket(serializer, null); serviceRequestPacket.clientId = PacketConstant.VENUS_CLIENT_ID; serviceRequestPacket.clientRequestId = sequenceId.getAndIncrement(); serviceRequestPacket.traceId = traceID; serviceRequestPacket.apiName = apiName; serviceRequestPacket.serviceVersion = service.version(); serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (params != null) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (args[i] instanceof InvocationListener) { async = true; ReferenceInvocationListener listener = new ReferenceInvocationListener(); ServicePacketBuffer buffer = new ServicePacketBuffer(16); buffer.writeLengthCodedString(args[i].getClass().getName(), "utf-8"); buffer.writeInt(System.identityHashCode(args[i])); listener.setIdentityData(buffer.toByteBuffer().array()); Type type = method.getGenericParameterTypes()[i]; if (type instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType genericType = ((ParameterizedType) type); container.putInvocationListener((InvocationListener) args[i], genericType.getActualTypeArguments()[0]); } else { throw new InvalidParameterException("invocationListener is not generic"); } serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap.put(params[i].getParamName(), listener); } else { serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap.put(params[i].getParamName(), args[i]); } } } setTransactionId(serviceRequestPacket, athenaTransactionId); PerformanceLevel pLevel = AnnotationUtil.getAnnotation(method.getAnnotations(), PerformanceLevel.class); long start = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); long borrowed = start; if (async) { if (!this.isEnableAsync()) { throw new VenusConfigException("service async call disabled"); } BackendConnection conn = null; try { if (nioConnPool instanceof RequestLoadbalanceObjectPool) { conn = (BackendConnection) ((RequestLoadbalanceObjectPool) nioConnPool) .borrowObject(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, endpoint); } else { conn = nioConnPool.borrowObject(); } borrowed = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); conn.write(serviceRequestPacket.toByteBuffer()); VenusTracerUtil.logRequest(traceID, serviceRequestPacket.apiName, JSON.toJSONString(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, JSON_FEATURE)); return null; } finally { if (service.athenaFlag()) { AthenaTransactionDelegate.getDelegate().completeClientTransaction(); } if (performanceLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { long end = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - borrowed; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("[").append(borrowed - start).append(",").append(time) .append("]ms (*client,async*) traceID=").append(UUID.toString(traceID)).append(", api=") .append(serviceRequestPacket.apiName); performanceLogger.debug(buffer.toString()); } if (conn != null) { nioConnPool.returnObject(conn); } } } else { AbstractBIOConnection conn = null; int soTimeout = 0; int oldTimeout = 0; boolean success = true; int errorCode = 0; AbstractServicePacket packet = null; String remoteAddress = null; boolean invalided = false; try { if (bioConnPool instanceof RequestLoadbalanceObjectPool) { conn = (AbstractBIOConnection) ((RequestLoadbalanceObjectPool) bioConnPool) .borrowObject(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, endpoint); } else { conn = (AbstractBIOConnection) bioConnPool.borrowObject(); } remoteAddress = conn.getRemoteAddress(); borrowed = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); ServiceConfig config = this.serviceFactory.getServiceConfig(method.getDeclaringClass()); oldTimeout = conn.getSoTimeout(); if (config != null) { EndpointConfig endpointConfig = config.getEndpointConfig(; if (endpointConfig != null) { int eTimeOut = endpointConfig.getTimeWait(); if (eTimeOut > 0) { soTimeout = eTimeOut; } } else { if (config.getTimeWait() > 0) { soTimeout = config.getTimeWait(); } else { if (endpoint.timeWait() > 0) { soTimeout = endpoint.timeWait(); } } } } else { if (endpoint.timeWait() > 0) { soTimeout = endpoint.timeWait(); } } byte[] bts; try { if (soTimeout > 0) { conn.setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } conn.write(serviceRequestPacket.toByteArray()); VenusTracerUtil.logRequest(traceID, serviceRequestPacket.apiName, JSON.toJSONString(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, JSON_FEATURE)); bts =; } catch (IOException e) { try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e1) { // ignore } bioConnPool.invalidateObject(conn); invalided = true; Class<?>[] eClass = method.getExceptionTypes(); if (eClass != null && eClass.length > 0) { for (Class<?> clazz : eClass) { if (e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(clazz)) { throw e; } } } throw new RemoteSocketIOException("api=" + serviceRequestPacket.apiName + ", remoteIp=" + conn.getRemoteAddress() + ",(" + e.getMessage() + ")", e); } int type = AbstractServicePacket.getType(bts); switch (type) { case PacketConstant.PACKET_TYPE_ERROR: ErrorPacket error = new ErrorPacket(); error.init(bts); packet = error; Exception e = venusExceptionFactory.getException(error.errorCode, error.message); if (e == null) { throw new DefaultVenusException(error.errorCode, error.message); } else { if (error.additionalData != null) { Map<String, Type> tmap = Utils.getBeanFieldType(e.getClass(), Exception.class); if (tmap != null && tmap.size() > 0) { Object obj = serializer.decode(error.additionalData, tmap); BeanUtils.copyProperties(e, obj); } } throw e; } case PacketConstant.PACKET_TYPE_OK: OKPacket ok = new OKPacket(); ok.init(bts); packet = ok; return null; case PacketConstant.PACKET_TYPE_SERVICE_RESPONSE: ServiceResponsePacket response = new SerializeServiceResponsePacket(serializer, method.getGenericReturnType()); response.init(bts); packet = response; return response.result; default: { logger.warn("unknow response type=" + type); success = false; return null; } } } catch (Exception e) { success = false; if (e instanceof CodedException || (errorCode = venusExceptionFactory.getErrorCode(e.getClass())) != 0 || e instanceof RuntimeException) { if (e instanceof CodedException) { errorCode = ((CodedException) e).getErrorCode(); } throw e; } else { RemoteException code = e.getClass().getAnnotation(RemoteException.class); if (code != null) { errorCode = code.errorCode(); throw e; } else { ExceptionCode eCode = e.getClass().getAnnotation(ExceptionCode.class); if (eCode != null) { errorCode = eCode.errorCode(); throw e; } else { errorCode = -1; if (conn == null) { throw new DefaultVenusException(e.getMessage(), e); } else { throw new DefaultVenusException( e.getMessage() + ". remoteAddress=" + conn.getRemoteAddress(), e); } } } } } finally { if (service.athenaFlag()) { AthenaTransactionDelegate.getDelegate().completeClientTransaction(); } long end = TimeUtil.currentTimeMillis(); long time = end - borrowed; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); buffer.append("[").append(borrowed - start).append(",").append(time) .append("]ms (*client,sync*) traceID=").append(UUID.toString(traceID)).append(", api=") .append(serviceRequestPacket.apiName); if (remoteAddress != null) { buffer.append(", remote=").append(remoteAddress); } else { buffer.append(", pool=").append(bioConnPool.toString()); } buffer.append(", clientID=").append(PacketConstant.VENUS_CLIENT_ID).append(", requestID=") .append(serviceRequestPacket.clientRequestId); if (packet != null) { if (packet instanceof ErrorPacket) { buffer.append(", errorCode=").append(((ErrorPacket) packet).errorCode); buffer.append(", message=").append(((ErrorPacket) packet).message); } else { buffer.append(", errorCode=0"); } } if (pLevel != null) { if (pLevel.printParams()) { buffer.append(", params="); buffer.append(JSON.toJSONString(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, JSON_FEATURE)); } if (time > pLevel.error() && pLevel.error() > 0) { if (performanceLogger.isErrorEnabled()) { performanceLogger.error(buffer.toString()); } } else if (time > pLevel.warn() && pLevel.warn() > 0) { if (performanceLogger.isWarnEnabled()) { performanceLogger.warn(buffer.toString()); } } else if (time > && > 0) { if (performanceLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } else { if (performanceLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { performanceLogger.debug(buffer.toString()); } } } else { buffer.append(", params="); buffer.append(JSON.toJSONString(serviceRequestPacket.parameterMap, JSON_FEATURE)); if (time >= 30 * 1000) { if (performanceLogger.isErrorEnabled()) { performanceLogger.error(buffer.toString()); } } else if (time >= 10 * 1000) { if (performanceLogger.isWarnEnabled()) { performanceLogger.warn(buffer.toString()); } } else if (time >= 5 * 1000) { if (performanceLogger.isInfoEnabled()) {; } } else { if (performanceLogger.isDebugEnabled()) { performanceLogger.debug(buffer.toString()); } } } if (conn != null && !invalided) { if (!conn.isClosed() && soTimeout > 0) { conn.setSoTimeout(oldTimeout); } bioConnPool.returnObject(conn); } } } } private void setTransactionId(SerializeServiceRequestPacket serviceRequestPacket, AthenaTransactionId athenaTransactionId) { if (athenaTransactionId != null) { if (athenaTransactionId.getRootId() != null) { serviceRequestPacket.rootId = athenaTransactionId.getRootId().getBytes(); } if (athenaTransactionId.getParentId() != null) { serviceRequestPacket.parentId = athenaTransactionId.getParentId().getBytes(); } if (athenaTransactionId.getMessageId() != null) { serviceRequestPacket.messageId = athenaTransactionId.getMessageId().getBytes(); } } } public void init() throws InitialisationException { } }