Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2014 Max Lungarella <> This file is part of AmiKoDesk for Windows. AmiKoDesk is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder; import java.nio.charset.CodingErrorAction; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import com.itextpdf.text.Chunk; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.Element; import com.itextpdf.text.Font; import com.itextpdf.text.FontFactory; import com.itextpdf.text.Image; import com.itextpdf.text.PageSize; import com.itextpdf.text.Paragraph; import com.itextpdf.text.Phrase; import com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.BarcodeEAN; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.ColumnText; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPCell; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPTable; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfPageEventHelper; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.draw.LineSeparator; public class SaveBasket { private static Font font_norm_10 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 10, Font.NORMAL); private static Font font_bold_10 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 10, Font.BOLD); private static Font font_bold_16 = FontFactory.getFont("Helvetica", 16, Font.BOLD); private static String LogoImageID = "logo"; private static String BestellAdresseID = "bestelladresse"; private static String LieferAdresseID = "lieferadresse"; private static String RechnungsAdresseID = "rechnungsadresse"; private static Map<String, Article> m_shopping_basket = null; private static Map<String, Author> m_map_of_authors = null; private static Preferences m_prefs; private static ResourceBundle m_rb = null; public SaveBasket(ShoppingCart shopping_cart) { m_shopping_basket = shopping_cart.getShoppingBasket(); m_prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(SettingsPage.class.getName()); m_rb = shopping_cart.getRB(); } /** Class to add a header and a footer. */ static class HeaderFooter extends PdfPageEventHelper { public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { Rectangle rect = writer.getBoxSize("art"); switch (writer.getPageNumber() % 2) { case 0: ColumnText.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, new Phrase(m_rb.getString("sponsoring"), font_norm_10), rect.getRight() - 18, rect.getTop(), 0); break; case 1: ColumnText.showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(m_rb.getString("sponsoring"), font_norm_10), rect.getLeft(), rect.getTop(), 0); break; } ColumnText .showTextAligned(writer.getDirectContent(), Element.ALIGN_CENTER, new Phrase(String.format("%s-%d", m_rb.getString("page"), writer.getPageNumber()), font_norm_10), (rect.getLeft() + rect.getRight()) / 2, rect.getBottom() - 18, 0); } } private boolean anyElemIsContained(Map<String, Author> map_of_auths, String auth) { if (map_of_auths.containsKey(auth)) return true; else { for (String author : map_of_auths.keySet()) { if (auth.contains(author)) return true; } } return false; } private PdfPCell getStringCell(String str, Font font, int border, int align, int colspan) { PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(str, font)); cell.setPaddingTop(5); cell.setPaddingBottom(5); cell.setBorderWidth(1); cell.setBorder(border); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(align); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE /*.ALIGN_CENTER*/); cell.setColspan(colspan); return cell; } public void setAuthorList(List<Author> authors) { if (authors != null) { m_map_of_authors = new HashMap<String, Author>(); for (Author a : authors) { m_map_of_authors.put(a.getShortName(), a); } } } public int getMedsForAuthor(String author) { int tot_med = 0; if (m_shopping_basket != null && m_shopping_basket.size() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, Article> entry : m_shopping_basket.entrySet()) { Article article = entry.getValue(); if (article.getAuthor().trim().toLowerCase().contains(author)) { tot_med++; } } } return tot_med; } public int getMedsWithNoAuthor() { if (m_shopping_basket != null) { int tot_med = m_shopping_basket.size(); for (Map.Entry<String, Author> entry : m_map_of_authors.entrySet()) tot_med -= getMedsForAuthor(entry.getKey()); return tot_med; } return 0; } private String getAddressAsString(String address_type) { String addr_str = ""; Address addr = new Address(); // Default entries... empty byte[] def = FileOps.serialize(addr); if (address_type.equals(LieferAdresseID)) { // Shipping "S" byte[] arr = m_prefs.getByteArray(LieferAdresseID, def); if (arr != null) { addr = (Address) FileOps.deserialize(arr); address_type = "S"; } } else if (address_type.equals(RechnungsAdresseID)) { // Billing "B" byte[] arr = m_prefs.getByteArray(RechnungsAdresseID, def); if (arr != null) { addr = (Address) FileOps.deserialize(arr); address_type = "B"; } } else if (address_type.equals(BestellAdresseID)) { // Delivery, Office "O" byte[] arr = m_prefs.getByteArray(BestellAdresseID, def); if (arr != null) { addr = (Address) FileOps.deserialize(arr); address_type = "O"; } } // Format additional information if (addr != null) addr_str = addr.getAsClassicString(address_type); return addr_str; } public void generatePdf(Author author, String filename, String type) { // A4: 8.267in x 11.692in => 595.224units x 841.824units (72units/inch) // marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 80, 50); try { if (m_shopping_basket.size() > 0) { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(filename)); writer.setBoxSize("art", new Rectangle(50, 50, 560, 790)); HeaderFooter event = new HeaderFooter(); writer.setPageEvent(event);; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); document.addAuthor("ywesee GmbH"); document.addCreator("AmiKo for Windows"); document.addCreationDate(); // Logo String logoImageStr = m_prefs.get(LogoImageID, Constants.IMG_FOLDER + "empty_logo.png"); File logoFile = new File(logoImageStr); if (!logoFile.exists()) logoImageStr = Constants.IMG_FOLDER + "empty_logo.png"; Image logo = Image.getInstance(logoImageStr); logo.scalePercent(30); logo.setAlignment(Rectangle.ALIGN_RIGHT); document.add(logo); document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Bestelladresse // --> String bestellAdrStr = m_prefs.get(BestellAdresseID, m_rb.getString("noaddress1")); String bestellAdrStr = getAddressAsString(BestellAdresseID); Paragraph p = new Paragraph(12); // p.setIndentationLeft(60); p.add(new Chunk(bestellAdrStr, font_norm_10)); document.add(p); document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Title p = new Paragraph(m_rb.getString("order"), font_bold_16); document.add(p); // Date DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); p = new Paragraph(m_rb.getString("date") + ": " + dateFormat.format(date), font_bold_10); p.setSpacingAfter(20); document.add(p); // document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Add addresses (Lieferadresse + Rechnungsadresse) /* --> OLD String lieferAdrStr = m_prefs.get(LieferAdresseID, m_rb.getString("noaddress2")); String rechnungsAdrStr = m_prefs.get(RechnungsAdresseID, m_rb.getString("noaddress3")); */ // --> NEW String lieferAdrStr = getAddressAsString(LieferAdresseID); String rechnungsAdrStr = getAddressAsString(RechnungsAdresseID); PdfPTable addressTable = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 1, 1 }); addressTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); addressTable.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5); addressTable.setSpacingAfter(5f); addressTable.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("shipaddress"), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); addressTable.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("billaddress"), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); addressTable.addCell( getStringCell(lieferAdrStr, font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); addressTable.addCell( getStringCell(rechnungsAdrStr, font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); document.add(addressTable); document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Add shopping basket if (type.equals("specific")) document.add(getShoppingBasketForAuthor(author, cb)); else if (type.equals("all")) document.add(getFullShoppingBasket(cb, "all")); else if (type.equals("rest")) document.add(getFullShoppingBasket(cb, "rest")); LineSeparator separator = new LineSeparator(); document.add(separator); } } catch (IOException e) { } catch (DocumentException e) { } document.close(); // System.out.println("Saved PDF to " + filename); } public PdfPTable getShoppingBasketForAuthor(Author a, PdfContentByte cb) { int position = 0; float subtotal_CHF = 0.0f; float shipping_CHF = 0.0f; float vat25_CHF = 0.0f; float vat80_CHF = 0.0f; String author = a.getShortName(); BarcodeEAN codeEAN = new BarcodeEAN(); // Pos | Menge | Eancode | Bezeichnung | MwSt | Preis PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 1, 2, 3, 6, 1, 2 }); table.setWidthPercentage(100f); table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5); table.setSpacingAfter(5f); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("position"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("quantity"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("ean"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("article"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("vat"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("price") + " (CHF)", font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); if (m_shopping_basket.size() > 0 && !author.isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<String, Article> entry : m_shopping_basket.entrySet()) { Article article = entry.getValue(); if (article.getAuthor().trim().toLowerCase().contains(author)) { String price_pruned = ""; String total_price_CHF = ""; if (article.getCode() != null && article.getCode().equals("ibsa")) { float cr = article.getCashRebate(); if (article.getDraufgabe() > 0) { price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotBuyingPrice(0.0f)); } else { price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(cr)); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotBuyingPrice(cr)); } } else { price_pruned = article.getCleanExfactoryPrice(); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotExfactoryPrice()); } if (!price_pruned.isEmpty() && !price_pruned.equals("..")) { // Index table.addCell(getStringCell(Integer.toString(++position), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); // Anzahl table.addCell(getStringCell(Integer.toString(article.getQuantity()), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); // EAN code codeEAN.setCode(article.getEanCode()); Image img = codeEAN.createImageWithBarcode(cb, null, null); img.scalePercent(120); cell = new PdfPCell(img); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setUseBorderPadding(true); cell.setBorderWidth(5); if (position == 1) cell.setPaddingTop(8); else cell.setPaddingTop(0); cell.setPaddingBottom(8); table.addCell(cell); // Artikelbezeichnung table.addCell(getStringCell(article.getPackTitle(), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); // MwSt table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.1f%%", article.getVat()), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); // Preis (exkl. MwSt) // float price_CHF = article.getQuantity()*Float.parseFloat(price_pruned); table.addCell(getStringCell(total_price_CHF, font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); } } } subtotal_CHF = a.getSubtotal(); shipping_CHF = a.getShippingCosts(); vat25_CHF = a.getVat25(); vat80_CHF = a.getVat80() + a.getShippingCosts() * 0.08f; float fulltotal_CHF = subtotal_CHF + shipping_CHF + vat25_CHF + vat80_CHF; table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("subtotal"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", subtotal_CHF), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("shipping"), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", shipping_CHF), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("vat") + " (2.5%)", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", vat25_CHF), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("vat") + " (8.0%)", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", vat80_CHF), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("gesamttotal"), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", fulltotal_CHF), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); } return table; } public PdfPTable getFullShoppingBasket(PdfContentByte cb, String mode) { int position = 0; float sub_total_CHF = 0.0f; BarcodeEAN codeEAN = new BarcodeEAN(); // Pos | Menge | Eancode | Bezeichnung | Preis PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 1, 1, 3, 6, 2 }); table.setWidthPercentage(100f); table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5); table.setSpacingAfter(5f); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("position"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("quantity"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("ean"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("article"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("price") + " (CHF)", font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP | Rectangle.BOTTOM, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); if (m_shopping_basket.size() > 0) { for (Map.Entry<String, Article> entry : m_shopping_basket.entrySet()) { Article article = entry.getValue(); if (mode.equals("all") || (mode.equals("rest") && (m_map_of_authors == null || !anyElemIsContained(m_map_of_authors, article.getAuthor().trim().toLowerCase())))) { String price_pruned = ""; if (article.getCode() != null && article.getCode().equals("ibsa")) { float cr = article.getCashRebate(); if (article.getDraufgabe() > 0) price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); else price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(cr)); } else { price_pruned = article.getCleanExfactoryPrice(); } if (!price_pruned.isEmpty() && !price_pruned.equals("..")) { table.addCell(getStringCell(Integer.toString(++position), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); table.addCell(getStringCell(Integer.toString(article.getQuantity()), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); codeEAN.setCode(article.getEanCode()); Image img = codeEAN.createImageWithBarcode(cb, null, null); img.scalePercent(120); cell = new PdfPCell(img); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setUseBorderPadding(true); cell.setBorderWidth(5); if (position == 1) cell.setPaddingTop(8); else cell.setPaddingTop(0); cell.setPaddingBottom(8); table.addCell(cell); table.addCell(getStringCell(article.getPackTitle(), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 1)); float price_CHF = article.getQuantity() * Float.parseFloat(price_pruned); sub_total_CHF += price_CHF; table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", price_CHF), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1)); } } } table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("subtotal"), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", sub_total_CHF), font_bold_10, Rectangle.TOP, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("vat") + " (2.5%)", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", sub_total_CHF * 0.025f), font_norm_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(m_rb.getString("gesamttotal"), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell("", font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE, 2)); table.addCell(getStringCell(String.format("%.2f", sub_total_CHF * 1.025f), font_bold_10, PdfPCell.NO_BORDER, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 2)); } return table; } public void generateCsv(Author author, String filename, String type) { String name_split[] = filename.split("_"); String date = name_split[name_split.length - 1]; if (date.contains(".")) date = date.substring(0, date.lastIndexOf(".")); Preferences prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(SettingsPage.class.getName()); String gln_code = prefs.get("glncode", "7610000000000"); String email_address = prefs.get("emailadresse", ""); int user_id = prefs.getInt("user", 17); if (type.equals("specific")) { // These are all authors which are specifically listed (e.g. ibsa, desitin) if (m_shopping_basket.size() > 0) { int pos = 0; String total_price_CHF = ""; String shopping_basket_str = ""; for (Map.Entry<String, Article> entry : m_shopping_basket.entrySet()) { Article article = entry.getValue(); if (article.getAuthor().trim().toLowerCase().contains(author.getShortName())) { String price_pruned = ""; String payment = "Bezahlt"; if (article.getCode() != null && article.getCode().equals("ibsa")) { float cr = article.getCashRebate(); if (article.getDraufgabe() > 0) { // Warenrabatt / Bonus price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotBuyingPrice(0.0f)); payment = "Bezahlt"; } else { if (cr < 100.0f) { price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(cr)); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotBuyingPrice(cr)); payment = "Bezahlt"; } else { // These are the "muster" price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotBuyingPrice(0.0f)); payment = "Gratis"; } } } else { price_pruned = article.getCleanExfactoryPrice(); total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getTotExfactoryPrice()); payment = "Bezahlt"; } if (!price_pruned.isEmpty() && !price_pruned.equals("..")) { char shipping_type = 'U'; // unknown shipping type if (m_map_of_authors.containsKey(author.getShortName())) shipping_type = m_map_of_authors.get(author.getShortName()).getShippingType(); /* String cash_rebate = "0.0"; if (article.getDraufgabe()<=0) cash_rebate = String.format("%.1f", article.getCashRebate()); */ String cash_rebate = String.format("%.1f", article.getCashRebate()); String skonto = "0.0"; // 1. Add article if (article.getQuantity() > 0) { shopping_basket_str += (++pos) + "|" // 1: Pos + date + "|" // 2: Timestamp + gln_code + "|" // 3: GLN customer + email_address + "|" // 4: E-mail shipping + article.getEanCode() + "|" // 5: EAN article + article.getPackTitle() + "|" // 6: Article description + payment + "|" // 7: Fakt/Bonus + article.getQuantity() + "|" // 8: Menge + price_pruned + "|" // 9: Preis + total_price_CHF + "|" // 10: Fakturierter Betrag + article.getVat() + "|" // 11: MwSt + shipping_type + "|" // 12: Versandart + user_id + "|" // 13: Bestellart + skonto + "|" // 14: Skonto + cash_rebate + "|" // 15: Rabatt % + "0" + "\n"; // 16: Additional discount 0/1 } // 2. Add draufgabe if (article.getDraufgabe() > 0) { payment = "Gratis"; total_price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getDraufgabe() * article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); shopping_basket_str += (++pos) + "|" // 1: Pos + date + "|" // 2: Timestamp + gln_code + "|" // 3: GLN customer + email_address + "|" // 4: E-mail shipping + article.getEanCode() + "|" // 5: EAN article + article.getPackTitle() + "|" // 6: Article description + payment + "|" // 7: Fakt/Bonus + article.getDraufgabe() + "|" // 8: Bonus Menge + price_pruned + "|" // 9: Preis + total_price_CHF + "|" // 10: Rabattbetrag + article.getVat() + "|" // 11: MwSt + shipping_type + "|" // 12: Versandart + user_id + "|" // 13: Bestellart + skonto + "|" // 14: Skonto + cash_rebate + "|" // 15: Rabatt % + "0" + "\n"; // 16: Additional discount 0/1 } } } } try { CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder(); encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), encoder); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); bw.write(shopping_basket_str); bw.close(); // System.out.println("Saved CSV to " + filename); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not save CSV file..."); } } } else { // These are all authors which are not specifically listed... if (m_shopping_basket.size() > 0) { int pos = 0; String shopping_basket_str = ""; for (Map.Entry<String, Article> entry : m_shopping_basket.entrySet()) { Article article = entry.getValue(); if (type.equals("all") || (type.equals("rest") && (m_map_of_authors == null || !anyElemIsContained(m_map_of_authors, article.getAuthor().trim().toLowerCase())))) { String price_pruned = ""; if (article.getCode() != null && article.getCode().equals("ibsa")) { float cr = article.getCashRebate(); if (article.getDraufgabe() > 0) price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(0.0f)); else price_pruned = String.format("%.2f", article.getBuyingPrice(cr)); } else { price_pruned = article.getCleanExfactoryPrice(); } if (!price_pruned.isEmpty() && !price_pruned.equals("..")) { String price_CHF = String.format("%.2f", article.getQuantity() * Float.parseFloat(price_pruned)); shopping_basket_str += (++pos) + "|" + date + "|" + gln_code + "|" + email_address + "|" + article.getQuantity() + "|" + article.getEanCode() + "|" + article.getPackTitle() + "|" + price_pruned + "|" + price_CHF + "\n"; } } } try { CharsetEncoder encoder = Charset.forName("UTF-8").newEncoder(); encoder.onMalformedInput(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); encoder.onUnmappableCharacter(CodingErrorAction.REPORT); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(filename), encoder); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(osw); bw.write(shopping_basket_str); bw.close(); // System.out.println("Saved CSV to " + filename); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Could not save CSV file..."); } } } } }