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 * Copyright 2016 Matthew Tamlin
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.matthewtamlin.sliding_intro_screen_library.transformers;

import android.view.View;

import java.util.HashMap;

 * A ViewPager transformer which can apply parallax effects to the Views it transforms. By assigning
 * a parallax factor to a resource ID, all Views with that resource ID will experience a parallax
 * effect. A parallax factor is a scale factor, which determines how Views are positioned compared
 * to the nominal position.
 * <p/>
 * For example, if a parallax factor of 1.2 is provided for the resource ID {@code},
 * then all Views with that resource ID will have a 20% parallax effect. This means that the Views
 * will appear to scroll 20% faster than views with no parallax effect.
 * <p/>
public class MultiViewParallaxTransformer implements ViewPager.PageTransformer {
     * Stores the parallax factors, and maps each parallax factor to the resource ID of the View(s)
     * it should be applied to. If a resource ID does not exist in the keyset, then Views with that
     * ID should have a parallax factor of 1 applied (i.e normal scrolling without parallax).
    private final HashMap<Integer, Float> parallaxFactors = new HashMap<>();

     * Maps the root View of each page to a ChildViewCache. This allows the child Views of each page
     * to be efficiently accessed, which is necessary considering how frequently the Views are
     * accessed when the transformer is in use.
    private final HashMap<View, ChildViewCache> savedViews = new HashMap<>();

    public void transformPage(final View page, final float position) {
        // The status of the transformation
        final boolean pageIsSelected = (position == 0f);
        final boolean pageIsScrolling = (-1f < position && position < 1f);

        if (pageIsSelected) {
            page.invalidate(); // Make sure page displays correctly
        } else if (pageIsScrolling) {
            // For every resource ID which has been nominated for a parallax factor
            for (final Integer id : parallaxFactors.keySet()) {
                // Check to see if the current page has a View with that resource ID
                final View viewToTransform = getViewToTransform(page, id);

                // If the parallax factor is applicable, apply the parallax effect
                if (viewToTransform != null) {
                    final float parallaxFactor = parallaxFactors.get(id);

                    // The displacement which is automatically applied by the transformer superclass
                    final float nominalDisplacement = (page.getWidth() / 2) * position;

                    // Subtract 1 from the parallax factor because the View is already moved the
                    // nominal displacement by the transformer superclass
                    final float modifiedDisplacement = nominalDisplacement * (parallaxFactor - 1);

                    // Apply the extra displacement using the X translation method

     * Applies a parallax effect to all Views with the provided resource ID. The parallax factor
     * determines how fast the affected views are translated, relative to a View with no parallax
     * effect. It is recommended that this method not be called while the Views are being
     * transformed.
     * <p/>
     * Parallax factors less than 1 cause the affected Views to move slower than non-affected Views,
     * and parallax factors greater than 1 cause the affected Views to move faster than non-affected
     * Views. Parallax factors equal to 1 have no effect. Note that that parallax factors less than
     * 1 may not display properly. ViewPager may clip Views which translate slower than the
     * boundaries of the pages.
     * <p/>
     * For example, a parallax factor of 1.2 will cause the affected Views to move 20% faster than
     * non-affected Views, and a parallax factor of 0.8 will cause the affected Views to move 20%
     * slower than non-affected Views.
     * @param id
     *       the resource ID of the views to apply the parallax effect to
     * @param parallaxFactor
     *       the parallax factor to apply
     * @return this MultiViewParallaxTransformer
    public MultiViewParallaxTransformer withParallaxView(final int id, final float parallaxFactor) {
        parallaxFactors.put(id, parallaxFactor);
        return this;

     * Removes any existing parallax effect from all Views with the provided resource id. It is
     * recommended that this method not be called while the Views are being transformed.
     * @param id
     *       the resource ID of the Views to remove the effect from
     * @return this MultiViewParallaxTransformer
    public MultiViewParallaxTransformer withoutParallaxView(final int id) {
        return this;

     * Returns a reference to the child View of {@code parentView} with the resource ID of {@code
     * id}. Using this method is more efficient that frequent calls to {@link
     * View#findViewById(int)}.
     * @param rootView
     *       the View to get the child view from, not null
     * @param id
     *       the resource ID of the child View
     * @return the child view of {@code parentView} with the resource ID of {@code id}, null if no
     * such child view exists
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code rootView} is null
    private View getViewToTransform(final View rootView, final int id) {
        if (rootView == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("rootView cannot be null");

        // Create a new ChildViewCache if none exists for the root View
        if (!savedViews.containsKey(rootView)) {
            savedViews.put(rootView, new ChildViewCache(rootView));

        // Use the ChildViewCache to efficiently access the requested View
        return savedViews.get(rootView).getChildView(id);


 * A cache for efficiently retrieving the children of a single parent View. Using this class is more
 * efficient that frequently calling {@link View#findViewById(int)}.
class ChildViewCache {
     * The parent of the Views to cache.
    private final View parentView;

     * Stores the children of the parent View, so that they can be efficiently retrieved by their
     * resource ID.
    private final HashMap<Integer, View> cachedViews = new HashMap<>();

     * Constructs a new ChildViewCache instance.
     * @param parentView
     *       the parent View of the Views to cache, not null
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *       if {@code parentView} is null
    public ChildViewCache(final View parentView) {
        if (parentView == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("parentView cannot be null");

        this.parentView = parentView;

     * Provides efficient access to the children of the parent View provided to the constructor. If
     * the View being accessed has not yet been cached, then it will be accessed using {@link
     * View#findViewById(int)}. Subsequent calls will return the cached View.
     * @param id
     *       the resource ID of the child View to access
     * @return the child of the parent View with the provided resource ID, null if the parent View
     * has no such child
    public final View getChildView(final int id) {
        if (!cachedViews.containsKey(id)) {
            cachedViews.put(id, parentView.findViewById(id));

        return cachedViews.get(id);

     * @return the parent View
    public View getParentView() {
        return parentView;

     * Clears the cache entirely.
    public void reset() {