Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2003-2016 MarkLogic Corporation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.marklogic.mapreduce.test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.modeler.util.DomUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import; import com.marklogic.tree.CompressedTreeDecoder; import com.marklogic.tree.ExpandedTree; import com.marklogic.tree.NodeKind; // TODO: More rigorous file checks to match stat() in C++ version? // TODO: Test range, platform byte ordering, bitness. Auto-detect? // TODO: buffers larger than int indexes? // TODO: less long more int; review ranges carefully; can't we assume there won't be more than 2B fragments in a forest? // TODO: review for proper application of unsigned comparators // TODO: tune buffer sizes // TODO: pass files into check functions rather than directory // TODO: test cases for all fail conditions // TODO: complete debug trace implementation (in fcheck.cpp too) // TODO: good command-line parser to support more options flexibility // TODO: switch back to dedicated endian-ness stream classes? // TODO: fdatw test is wrong i think public class FCheck { private static final long maxWrd64 = ((128 << 20) + (16 << 10)); private static final int CHECKSUM_SEED = 2038074743; private static final int CHECKSUM_STEP = 17; private boolean verbose = true; private boolean debug = true; private long numFragments; private long numLists; private long listDataSize; private long treeDataSize; private boolean littleEndian = true; public FCheck(boolean verbose) { this.verbose = verbose; } private int compareUnsignedLong(long x, long y) { return (x == y) ? 0 : ((x < y) ^ ((x < 0) != (y < 0)) ? -1 : 1); } private void panic(File arg, String msg) { panic(arg.getAbsolutePath(), msg); } private void panic(String arg, String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(arg + " " + msg); } private void panic(String arg1, String arg2, String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(arg1 + " " + arg2 + " " + msg); } private void checkLabel(File dir) { File file = new File(dir, "Label"); if (!file.canRead()) { panic(file, "stat"); } } private BiendianDataInputStream openFile(File file, int bufferSize) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis, bufferSize); BiendianDataInputStream bdis = new BiendianDataInputStream(bis); bdis.setLittleEndian(littleEndian); return bdis; } public void checkForestLabel(File dir) { if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkForestLabel"); checkLabel(dir); if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkForestLabel"); } public void checkStandLabel(File dir) { if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkStandLabel"); checkLabel(dir); if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkStandLabel"); } private boolean isObsolete(File dir) { return new File(dir, "Obsolete").exists(); } public void checkFrequencies(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "Frequencies"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkFrequencies"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); long prevKey = -1; int position = 0; long key; long frequency; for (;; ++position) { try { key = in.readLong(); frequency = in.readLong(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (frequency > numFragments) { panic(file, "frequency out of range" + ", position=" + position + ", frequency=" + frequency + ", numFragments=" + numFragments); } if (prevKey != -1L && compareUnsignedLong(key, prevKey) <= 0) { panic(file, "key out of order" + ", position=" + position + ", key=0x" + String.format("%16x", key) + ", prevKey=0x" + String.format("%16x", prevKey)); } prevKey = key; } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkFrequencies [" + position + "]"); } public void checkLinkKeys(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "LinkKeys"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkLinkKeys"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; long key; try { for (;; ++position) { key = in.readLong(); if (key == 0) break; } } catch (EOFException e) { } if (numFragments == 0) numFragments = position; else if (position != numFragments) { panic(file, "bad count" + ", count=" + position + ", numFragments=" + numFragments); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkLinkKeys [" + position + "]"); } private int computeListChecksum(long key, DataInput in, int words) throws IOException { // System.out.println(String.format("key %08x", key)); int cksum = CHECKSUM_SEED; // System.out.println(String.format("seed %08x", cksum)); cksum = (cksum + (int) (key >> 32)) * CHECKSUM_STEP; // System.out.println(String.format("start 1 %08x", cksum)); cksum = (cksum + (int) (key)) * CHECKSUM_STEP; // System.out.println(String.format("start 2 %08x", cksum)); while (0 < words--) { cksum = (cksum + in.readInt()) * CHECKSUM_STEP; // System.out.println(String.format("step %08x", cksum)); } // System.out.println(String.format("final %08x", (cksum & // 0xfffffff0))); return cksum & 0xfffffff0; } public void checkListData(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "ListData"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkListData"); listDataSize = file.length(); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); long prevKey = -1; int position = 0; long key; int csword, checksum, datWords, hdrWords, fdatw; for (;; ++position) { try { key = ((long) in.readInt()) << 32 | (((long) in.readInt()) & 0xffffffffL); csword = in.readInt(); checksum = csword & 0xfffffff0; datWords = csword & 0x0000000f; hdrWords = 3; if (datWords == 0) { datWords = in.readInt(); hdrWords = 4; } in.getInputStream().mark(4); fdatw = in.readInt(); in.getInputStream().reset(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (key == -1L && csword == -1 && fdatw == -1) continue; if (prevKey != -1 && compareUnsignedLong(key, prevKey) <= 0) { panic(file, String.format("key out of order, position=%d, key=0x%016x, prevKey=0x%016x", position, key, prevKey)); } prevKey = key; if (datWords < 1 || datWords > maxWrd64 - 4) { panic(file, String.format( "bad word count, position=%d, key=0x%16x, hdrWords=%d, datWords=%d, checksum=0x%08x", position, key, hdrWords, datWords, checksum)); } int computed = computeListChecksum(key, in, datWords); if (checksum != computed) { panic(file, String.format( "bad checksum, position=%d, key=0x%016x, hdrWords=%d, datWords=%d, checksum=0x%08x, computed=0x%08x", position, key, hdrWords, datWords, checksum, computed)); } } numLists = position; if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkListData [" + position + "]"); } public void checkListIndex(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "ListIndex"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkListIndex"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); long prevKey = -1L; long prevOffset = -1L; long key, offset; int position = 0; for (;; ++position) { try { key = in.readLong(); offset = in.readLong(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (compareUnsignedLong(position, numLists) >= 0) { panic(file, String.format("position out of range, position=%d, key=0x%016x, numFragments=%d", position, key, numFragments)); } if (prevKey != -1L && compareUnsignedLong(key, prevKey) <= 0) { panic(file, String.format("key out of order, position=%d, key=0x%016x, prevKey=0x%016x", position, key, prevKey)); } prevKey = key; if (prevOffset != -1L && compareUnsignedLong(offset, prevOffset) <= 0) { panic(file, String.format("offset out of order, position=%d, offset=%d, prevOffset=%d", position, offset, prevOffset)); } prevOffset = offset; } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkListIndex [" + position + "]"); } public void checkOrdinals(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "Ordinals"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkOrdinals"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") long ordinal; try { for (;; ++position) { ordinal = in.readLong(); } } catch (EOFException e) { } if (compareUnsignedLong((long) position, numFragments) < 0) { panic(file, String.format("bad count, count=%d, numFragments=%d", position, numFragments)); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkOrdinals [" + position + "]"); } public void checkQualities(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "Qualities"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkQualities"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; @SuppressWarnings("unused") int quality; try { for (;; ++position) { quality = in.readInt(); } } catch (EOFException e) { } if ((long) position < numFragments) { panic(file, String.format("bad count, count=%d, numFragments=%d", position, numFragments)); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkQualities [" + position + "]"); } public void checkStopKeySet(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "StopKeySet"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkStopKeySet"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); long prevKey = -1; int position = 0; long key; try { for (;; ++position) { key = in.readLong(); if (key == 0) break; if (prevKey != -1 && key <= prevKey) { panic(file, String.format("key out of order, position=%d, key=0x%016x, prevKey=0x%016x", position, key, prevKey)); } prevKey = key; } } catch (EOFException e) { } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkStopKeySet [" + position + "]"); } public void checkTimestamps(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "Timestamps"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkTimestamps"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; long nascent; long deleted; try { for (;; ++position) { nascent = in.readLong(); deleted = in.readLong(); if (nascent == 0L && deleted == 0L) break; if (compareUnsignedLong(deleted, nascent) < 0 && nascent != -1) { panic(file, String.format("bad timestamp, position=%d, nascent=%d, deleted=%d", position, nascent, deleted)); } } } catch (EOFException e) { } if (numFragments == 0L) numFragments = position; else if (position != numFragments) { panic(file, String.format("bad count, count=%d, numFragments=%d", position, numFragments)); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkTimestamps [" + position + "]"); } private int computeTreeChecksum(int key, DataInput in, int words) throws IOException { // System.out.println(String.format("key:%08x", key)); int cksum = CHECKSUM_SEED; // System.out.println(String.format("seed:%08x", cksum)); cksum = ((cksum + key) * CHECKSUM_STEP) & 0xffffffff; // System.out.println(String.format("start:%08x", cksum)); while (0 < words--) { int w = in.readInt(); cksum = ((cksum + w) * CHECKSUM_STEP) & 0xffffffff; // System.out.println(String.format("%08x : %08x", cksum, w)); } return cksum & 0xfffffff0; } public void checkTreeData(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "TreeData"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkTreeData"); treeDataSize = file.length(); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int prevDocid = -1; int position = 0; int docid, csword, checksum, datWords, hdrWords, fdatw; for (;; ++position) { try { docid = in.readInt(); csword = in.readInt(); checksum = csword & 0xfffffff0; datWords = csword & 0x0000000f; hdrWords = 2; if (datWords == 0) { datWords = in.readInt(); hdrWords = 3; } in.getInputStream().mark(4); fdatw = in.readInt(); in.getInputStream().reset(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (docid == 0xffffffff && csword == 0xffffffff && fdatw == 0xffffffff) { continue; } if (debug) { System.out.println(String.format("TreeData p %08x d %08x c %016x", position, docid, checksum)); } if (prevDocid != -1 && (long) docid <= (long) prevDocid) { panic(file, "docid out of order" + ", position=" + position + ", docid=" + docid + ", prevDocid=" + prevDocid); } prevDocid = docid; if (datWords < 1 || datWords > maxWrd64 - 4) { panic(file, "bad word count" + ", position=" + position + ", docid=" + docid + ", hdrWords=" + hdrWords + ", datWords=" + datWords + ", checksum=0x" + Integer.toHexString(checksum)); } int computed = computeTreeChecksum(docid, in, datWords); if (checksum != computed) { panic(file, "bad checksum" + ", position=" + position + ", docid=" + docid + ", hdrWords=" + hdrWords + ", datWords=" + datWords + ", checksum=0x" + Integer.toHexString(checksum) + ", computed=0x" + Integer.toHexString(computed)); } } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkTreeData [" + position + "]"); } public void decodeTreeData(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "TreeData"); // LSSerializer writer; // LSOutput lsout; // try { //// DOMImplementationRegistry registry = DOMImplementationRegistry.newInstance(); //// DOMImplementationLS impl = (DOMImplementationLS)registry.getDOMImplementation("XML 3.0"); //// writer = impl.createLSSerializer(); // //writer.getDomConfig().setParameter("canonical-form", "true"); // lsout = impl.createLSOutput(); // lsout.setCharacterStream(new PrintWriter(System.out)); // lsout.setEncoding("UTF-8"); // } // catch (Exception e) { // throw new RuntimeException("Unable to initialize XML serialization.", e); // } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkTreeData"); treeDataSize = file.length(); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; int docid, csword, checksum, datWords, fdatw, hdrWords = 2, j; long prevDocid = -1; for (;; ++position) { try { docid = in.readInt(); csword = in.readInt(); fdatw = in.readInt(); checksum = csword & 0xfffffff0; datWords = csword & 0x0000000f; if (datWords == 0) { datWords = fdatw; hdrWords = 3; System.out.println("3 header words"); } if (docid == 0xffffffff && csword == 0xffffffff && fdatw == 0xffffffff) { System.out.println("Reached the end."); break; } if (prevDocid != -1 && docid <= prevDocid) { panic(file, "docid out of order, position=" + position + ", docid=" + docid + ", prevDocid=" + prevDocid); } prevDocid = docid; if (hdrWords == 2) { j = datWords - 1; } else { j = datWords; } j *= 4; } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (debug) { System.out.println(String.format("\n\nTreeData p %d d %d c %016x", position, docid, checksum)); } System.out.println("POSITION " + position); System.out.println("docid=" + docid + " datWords=" + datWords); try { // in.setLittleEndian(false); in.getInputStream().mark(j); // TODO: Is it better to read into a buffer or directly from the // stream then reset and skip? byte[] buf = new byte[j]; for (int read = 0; read < j;) { read +=, read, j - read); } ExpandedTree tree = new CompressedTreeDecoder().decode(buf, j); // TODO: count and verify bytes read // int computed = computeChecksum(docid, in, datWords); System.out.println(tree.getDocumentURI()); byte kind = tree.rootNodeKind(); if (kind == NodeKind.BINARY) { System.out.println("binary root"); } else if (kind == NodeKind.ELEM) { System.out.println("element root"); } else if (kind == NodeKind.TEXT) { System.out.println("text root"); } else { System.out.println("unexpected node kind: " + kind); } if (kind != NodeKind.BINARY) { Node root = tree.node(0); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); DomUtil.writeXml(root, bos); System.out.println(bos.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Fail at position " + position); e.printStackTrace(); } in.getInputStream().reset(); while (j > 0) { long actual = in.getInputStream().skip(j); if (actual < j) { j -= actual; } else if (actual > j) { panic(file, "Over-skipped: actual=" + actual + ",j=" + j); } else { break; } } } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkTreeData [" + position + "]"); } public void checkTreeIndex(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "TreeIndex"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkTreeIndex"); // BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); Path path = new Path(dir.getAbsolutePath()); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration()); FileStatus children[] = fs.listStatus(path); FileStatus treeIndexStatus = null, treeDataStatus = null; for (FileStatus child : children) { String fileName = child.getPath().getName(); if (fileName.equals("TreeData")) { // inside a stand treeDataStatus = child; } else if (fileName.equals("TreeIndex")) { treeIndexStatus = child; } if (treeDataStatus != null && treeIndexStatus != null) { break; } } if (treeDataStatus == null) { throw new RuntimeException("TreeData file not found."); } else if (treeIndexStatus == null) { throw new RuntimeException("TreeIndex file not found."); } long treeDataSize = treeDataStatus.getLen(); if (treeDataSize == 0) { // unexpected, give up this stand System.err.println("Found empty TreeData file. Skipping..."); return; } FSDataInputStream is =; BiendianDataInputStream in = new BiendianDataInputStream(is); in.setLittleEndian(littleEndian); int prevDocid = -1; long prevOffset = -1L; int position = 0; int docid; long offset; for (;; ++position) { try { docid = in.readInt(); in.readInt(); offset = in.readLong(); } catch (EOFException e) { break; } if (debug) { System.out.println(String.format("TreeIndex p %08x d %08x o %016x", position, docid, offset)); } if (compareUnsignedLong(offset, treeDataSize) >= 0) { panic(file, String.format("offset out of range, position=%d, offset=%d, treeDataSize=%d", position, offset, treeDataSize)); } if (prevDocid != -1 && (docid & 0xffffffffL) <= (prevDocid & 0xffffffffL)) { panic(file, String.format("docid out of order, position=%d, docid=%d, prevDocid=%d", position, docid, prevDocid)); } prevDocid = docid; if (prevOffset != -1L && compareUnsignedLong(offset, prevOffset) <= 0) { panic(file, String.format("offset out of order, position=%d, offset=%d, prevOffset=%d", position, offset, prevOffset)); } prevOffset = offset; } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkTreeIndex [" + position + "]"); } public void checkUniqKeys(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "UniqKeys"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkUniqKeys"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; long key; for (;; ++position) { try { key = in.readLong(); if (key == 0) break; } catch (EOFException e) { break; } } if (numFragments == 0L) numFragments = position; if ((long) position != numFragments) { panic(file, String.format("bad count, count=%d, numFragments=%d", position, numFragments)); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkUniqKeys [" + position + "]"); } public void checkURIKeys(File dir) throws IOException { File file = new File(dir, "URIKeys"); if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkURIKeys"); BiendianDataInputStream in = openFile(file, 1 << 18); int position = 0; long key; for (;; ++position) { try { key = in.readLong(); if (key == 0) break; } catch (EOFException e) { break; } } if (numFragments == 0L) numFragments = position; if ((long) position != numFragments) { panic(file, String.format("bad count, count=%d, numFragments=%d", position, numFragments)); } if (verbose) System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkURIKeys [" + position + "]"); } public void checkRangeIndexes(File dir) { } public void checkStand(File dir) throws IOException { if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkStand"); if (isObsolete(dir)) return; numFragments = 0; checkStandLabel(dir); checkListData(dir); checkLinkKeys(dir); checkFrequencies(dir); checkListIndex(dir); checkOrdinals(dir); checkQualities(dir); checkStopKeySet(dir); checkTimestamps(dir); checkTreeData(dir); checkTreeIndex(dir); checkUniqKeys(dir); checkURIKeys(dir); checkRangeIndexes(dir); decodeTreeData(dir); if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkStand"); } public void checkJournals(File dir) { // if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + // " -> checkJournals"); // if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + // " <- checkJournals"); } public void checkForest(File dir) throws IOException { if (verbose) System.out.println( dir.getAbsolutePath() + " -> checkForest (" + (littleEndian ? "Little" : "Big") + " Endian)"); checkForestLabel(dir); File files[] = dir.listFiles(); Arrays.sort(files); for (File file : files) { String filename = file.getName(); if (file.isDirectory()) { if (filename.equals("Journals")) { checkJournals(file); } else if (!filename.equals("Large") && !filename.equals(".svn")) { checkStand(file); } } else { if (!filename.equals("Label") && !filename.equals("Label_1")) { panic(file, "unexpected"); } } } if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- checkForest"); } public void fcheck(File dir) throws IOException { if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " -> fcheck "); littleEndian = !"Solaris".equals(System.getProperty("")); try { try { checkForest(dir); } catch (Exception e) { if ((e.getMessage() != null) && e.getMessage().indexOf("bad checksum") >= 0) { if (verbose) System.out.println(e.getMessage()); littleEndian = !littleEndian; checkForest(dir); } else { throw e; } } if (verbose) System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- fcheck OK"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(dir.getAbsolutePath() + " <- fcheck FAIL"); } } public static void main(String[] argv) throws IOException { if ((argv.length < 1) || (argv.length > 2) || ((argv.length == 2) && !argv[0].equals("-v"))) { System.err.println("usage: " + FCheck.class.getName() + " [-v] forestpath"); System.exit(1); } new FCheck(argv.length > 1).fcheck(new File(argv[argv.length - 1])); System.exit(0); } }